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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Magic Formula Investing : Att systematiskt överavkasta marknaden? / The Magic Formula Investing

George Göranzon, Emil, Hellqvist, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Värdestrategier har historiskt sett ofta genererat överavkastning relativt index. Huruvida en värdestrategi lyckas eller ej återspeglas i dess förmåga att identifiera och utnyttja felprissättningar på aktiemarknaden. Å andra sidan menar den effektiva marknadshypotesen att investeringsstrategier inte kan överavkasta marknaden via strategin i sig, utan att eventuell överavkastning beror på slumpen. Av dessa anledningar blir det intressant att analysera huruvida Greenblatts (2010) The Magic Formula kan generera överavkastning gentemot marknaden. Dessutom blir det intressant att testa om en modifierad strategi har en högre sannolikhet att lyckas med detta.  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera huruvida The Magic Formula-strategin, och en modifierad The Magic Formula-strategi kan överavkasta den svenska aktiemarknaden över tid.  Metod: Studien har en kvantitativ strategi med en deduktiv ansats och en longitudinell design. Historiska aktiekurser har hämtats för att testa strategierna, där två fiktiva portföljer har skapats. Resultatet av dessa portföljers prestation har sedan analyserats samt testats statistiskt.  Slutsats: Resultatet visade att The Magic Formula mellan 2011–2022 inte lyckades överavkasta index. En modifierad variant av The Magic Formula lyckades dock överavkasta index avsevärt. Skillnaderna i medelavkastning gick dock inte att säkerställa statistiskt, vilket betyder att den genererade över- och underavkastningen mycket möjligt kan ha varit slumpmässig.  Nyckelord: The Magic Formula, EMH, Aktiv portföljförvaltning, Värdeinvestering, Overconfidence, Riskuppfattning, Flockbeteende / Background: Value investing has historically often generated excess returns relative to index. Whether a value strategy succeeds is reflected in its ability to identify and exploit mispricings in the stock market. On the other hand, the effective market hypothesis indicates that investment strategies cannot overperform the market via the strategy by itself, but that any excess return is random. For these reasons, it would be interesting to analyze whether Greenblatt's (2010) The Magic Formula can generate excess returns relative to the market. In addition, it would be interesting to test whether a modified strategy has a higher probability of succeeding.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze whether The Magic Formula strategy, and a modified The Magic Formula strategy can outperform the Swedish stock market over time.  Method: The study has a quantitative strategy with a deductive approach and a longitudinal design. Historical stock quotes have been obtained to test the strategies, where two fictitious portfolios have been created. The result of these portfolios' performance has then been analyzed and statistically tested.  Conclusion: The results showed that The Magic Formula between 2011–2022 failed in overperforming the market. However, a modified version of The Magic Formula managed to outperform the index considerably. Though, the differences in average returns could not be ensured statistically, which means that the generated over- and underperformance may very well have been random.  Keywords: The Magic Formula, EMH, Active portfolio management, Value investing, Overconfidence, Risk perception, Herd behaviour

Perceptions And Their Role In Consumer Decision-making

Khaddaria, Raman 01 January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is an empirical investigation into the roles that different quantifiable and measurable perceptions play in defining individual behavior across a variety of decision-making contexts. In particular, the focus lies on smokers and the choices they make with regard to smoking and beyond. Chapter 1 analyzes a nationally representative sample of adults (23 years and older) in the United States, pertaining to the Annenberg Perception of Tobacco Risk Survey II (1999-2000). It is observed that three dimensions to smoking behavior viz., risk, temporality and addiction, interact to determine the smoking status of an individual. Although previous studies mostly looked into each of these dimensions in isolation, in this chapter, we empirically illustrate how perceptions on risk, time dimensions and addiction, jointly influence the smoking behavior of adults. Chapter 2 casts the smoker in the role of a parent and explores parental behavior towards the general health-risks facing their children. Using the dataset from a survey (2009), conducted in Orlando, Florida, on parents, having at least one child aged between 1 and 16 years, the chapter arrives at two findings relevant for policy: i) In each of the ‗smoker‘ and ‗non-smoker‘ parent categories, parents exhibit equal concern for themselves and their children, and ii) the level of concern shown by smoker-parents, towards health-risks faced by their children, is the same as that shown by their non-smoking counterparts. The analysis in this chapter also affirms the need to incorporate subjective risk assessment in willingness-to-pay (WTP) exercises to facilitate a deeper behavioral analysis of health risk valuation. Lastly, in Chapter 3, we focus on the issue of quantitative assessment of the perception of health risks from smoking. Particular interest lies in understanding how variants of a metric - namely, a survey question - have been employed in academic studies and industry-surveys, in order to measure smoking-related risk-perceptions. In the process of reviewing select tobacco-industry survey iv records, we analyze the implications of different features of this metric, (e.g., use of a ‗probe‘, the ‗Don‘t Know‘ option), and various interview modes (e.g. telephonic, face-to-face), for the estimates of perceived risk arrived at in these studies. The review makes clear that two aspects of health risks from smoking – the risk of contracting a smoking-related disease, as against the risk of prematurely dying from it conditional upon getting affected – have not been jointly explored so far. The dataset obtained from the Family Heart Disease and Prevention Survey (November 2010-March 2011), provides a unique opportunity to explore these two kinds of probabilities, particularly with regard to the risks of lung-cancer from smoking. Chapter 3 concludes by illustrating how individuals evaluate both these aspects of health-risks. While the probability of getting lung-cancer is found to be overestimated in conjunction with previous studies, the conditional probability of premature death is severely underestimated. Additionally, it is found that individuals‘ subjective assessments of either of these risk aspects predict smoking behavior in an identical manner. This calls into question the so-called ‗rationality‘ of smoking decisions with implications for policies designed for the control of tobacco consumption.

Allmänhetens riskuppfattning för tjock- och ändtarmscancer kopplat till levnadsvanor : En kvalitativ studie för att utveckla riskkommunikationen

Wieslander, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tjock- och ändtarmscancer är en av de vanligaste cancerdiagnoserna i Sverige där mer än hälften av fallen skulle kunna förebyggas genom ändrade levnadsvanor. Att undersöka hur människor resonerar kring sin risk att drabbas av tjock- och ändtarmscancer är av betydelse för cancerprevention och utformandet av riskinformation. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka allmänhetens riskuppfattning för tjock- och ändtarmscancer kopplat till levnadsvanor för att öka förståelsen om hur riskkommunikation kan utvecklas. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ intervjustudie med strukturerade, öppna frågor. Deltagare rekryterades genom ett strategiskt urval kombinerat med snöbollsurval. Deltagarna (N=19) varierande i kön, ålder och utbildningsnivå. Data analyserades induktivt med innehållsanalys. Resultat: Kategorierna: Förkunskap och uppfattningar om tjock- och ändtarmscancer och dess riskfaktorer; Tankar om egen risk; Avvägningar och motivation till beteendeförändring; Samhällets ansvar för riskkommunikation och preventiva insatser. Deltagare upplevde generellt en låg risk att drabbas av tjock- och ändtarmscancer. Brist på kunskap, tidigare misslyckade försök och sociala aspekter identifierades som hinder för beteendeförändring. Mer kunskap efterfrågades samtidigt som majoriteten upplevde nuvarande riskkommunikationen som överflödig och förvirrande.  Slutsats: Studien indikerade att om kunskapen om tjock- och ändtarmscancer ökade skulle viljan för beteendeförändring kunna främjas eftersom kunskapsbrist upplevdes som ett av hindren. Deltagarna uttryckte även att sociala aspekter spelade roll för viljan och möjligheten till beteendeförändring. Noga övervägningar bör göras om när riskinformation ska kommuniceras. Vidare studier bör fokusera på vilka andra faktorer som kan påverka individers vilja och motivation till beteendeförändring och hur riskinformation kan spridas för att nå så många som möjligt. / Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most prevalent cancer diagnoses in Sweden. More than 50% of the cases could potentially be prevented through lifestyle changes. To improve the preventive work and develop risk information, it is of interest to understand how people perceive their risk.  Objective: The objective was to investigate people's risk perception for colorectal cancer linked to lifestyle factors to increase the understanding of how risk communication can be developed. Method: A qualitative interview study was performed. Through a strategic selection combined with snowball sampling, participants (N=19) were recruited varying in age, gender, and education level. The data were analyzed inductively with content analysis. Results: The categories: Prior knowledge and perception of colorectal cancer and its risk factors; Thoughts about personal risk; Consideration and motivation for behavior change; Society's responsibility for risk communication and preventive measures. Participants generally perceived low risk for colorectal cancer. Lack of knowledge, previous failed attempts, and social aspects were identified as barriers to behavior change. More knowledge was requested even though the majority experienced the current risk communication as redundant and confusing. Conclusion: The study indicates that if knowledge about colorectal cancer increased, the desire for behavioral change could increase too. Social aspects play a role in the willingness and possibility of behavioral change. Careful considerations should be made about when to communicate risk information. Future studies should focus on which other factors can influence individuals' willingness and motivation for behavior change and how risk information can reach broader.

Miljöfarlig verksamhet i översvämningshotade områden : En kvalitativ studie om hur risk för översvämning kopplat till miljöfarlig verksamhet uppfattas av ansvariga aktörer / Environmentally hazardous activities in flood-prone areas: : A qualitative study on how risk of floods related to environmentally hazardous acitivites are perceived by responsible actors

Elg, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Klimatförändringarna påverkar Sverige med intensifierade nederbörds- och översvämningshändelser. Sverige har de senare åren utsatts för fler översvämningar, bland annat i Vänern år 2000/2001. Baserat på tidigare studier har översvämningen inom området för Vänern och Klarälven påvisat drabbat miljöfarliga verksamheter.  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur översvämningsrisk uppfattas av representanter med ansvar kopplat till miljöfarlig verksamhet som befinner sig i riskzonen för Klarälvens och Vänerns höga flöden. Uppsatsen syftar även till att undersöka vilka omständigheter som påverkar representanternas riskuppfattning, om de uppfattar översvämning som en problematik i framtiden gentemot miljöfarliga verksamheter och hur de tre aktörerna samverkar med varandra. Uppsatsen baseras på grupp- och semistrukturerade intervjuer och kvalitativ innehållsanalys för att samla in och bearbeta data. Resultatet från metoderna diskuteras utifrån tidigare forskning inom området och ett teoretiskt ramverk baserat på riskuppfattning och Protection Motivation Theory [PMT].  Resultatet redovisar att uppfattningen av att en miljöfarlig verksamhet inom området ska drabbas av en översvämning är låg, vilket beror på att det krävs väldigt höga vattenflöden. Samverkan mellan parterna sker bland annat utifrån arbetet mot att minimera riskerna att drabbas av översvämningar. Risken kan dock inte uteslutas helt på grund av osäkerheten i klimatförändringarna. För att motverka översvämningsriskerna i framtiden arbetar aktörerna huvudsakligen med att reducera koldioxidutsläpp för att minska påverkan på klimatförändringarna. / Climate change is affecting Sweden with intensified rainfall and flooding events. In recent years, Sweden has been exposed to more floods, including in Lake Vänern in 2000/2001. Based on previous studies, the flooding in the Vänern and Klarälven area has affected environmentally hazardous activities.   The purpose of this essay is to investigate how flood risk is perceived by representatives with responsibilities linked to environmentally hazardous activities who are in the risk zone for the high flows of the Klarälven and Vänern rivers. The essay also aims to investigate which circumstances affect the representatives' perception of risk, if they perceive flooding as a problem in the future compared to environmentally hazardous activities and how the three actors cooperate with each other. The essay is based on group and semi-structured interviews and qualitative content analysis to collect and process data. The results from the methods are discussed based on previous research in the field and a theoretical framework based on risk perception and Protection Motivation Theory [PMT].   The results show that the perception that an environmentally hazardous activity in the area will be affected by a flood is low, which is due to the fact that very high water flows are required. Cooperation between the parties takes place, among other things, based on the work towards minimizing the risks of being affected by floods. However, the risk cannot be completely ruled out due to the uncertainty of climate change. In order to counteract the flood risks in the future, the actors mainly work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in order to reduce the impact on climate change.

What Makes States Comply with Their Environmental Treaty Commitments: A Comparative Case Analysis of Australia and Canada during the Kyoto Protocol

Weeber, Brandon Enric January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Physical Therapists' Perception of Risk of Violating Laws and Rules Governing the Practice of Physical Therapy and/or Their Personal Moral and Ethical Values When Failing to Provide Treatment for an Uninsured or Underinsured Patient

Carroll, Mark J. 02 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Communicating Environmental Risks

Zwickle, Adam K. 02 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

<i>Varroa</i> mite management among small-scale beekeepers: Characterizing factors that affect IPM adoption, and exploring drone brood removal as an IPM tool

Whitehead, Hannah R. 23 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.


Mayes, Ryan S. 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Weeds and Organic Weed Management: Investigating Farmer Decisions with a Mental Models Approach

Zwickle, Sarah Lynn 21 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

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