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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontaktförbindningar på räls : Undersökning av hur pinnlödning och borrning påverkar materialet i järnvägsräls / Examination about How Pinbrazing and Drilling Affects the Material in Railways

Pålsson, Henrik, Ramström, Björn January 2006 (has links)
<p>Vid dragprovning av lödningar framkom att i många fall är kopparledningen svagare än själva lödningen och brottet sker i kopparledningen eller i kabelskon. Undersökning av mikrostrukturerna visade att det bildas martensit i grundmaterialet i ett område under pinnlödningarna. Medelvärdet på martensitlinsens storlek beräknades till 10,69 mm i diameter och 0,73 mm i djup. På grund av att grundmaterialet påverkas bör pinnlödningar sättas minst 10 mm från varandra. Lödningar gjorda i -5°C visade inga tecken på försämrad kvalitet med avseende på lägre hållfasthet eller ökad martensitbildning. Korrosion tränger in under kabelskor på pinnlödningar i områden där ingen lödfog finns. Undersökning av borrade prover visade att deformerad struktur uppkommer vid borrning samt att korrosion tränger in mellan kontaktförbindningens kopparhylsa och det borrade hålet. Vid en jämförelse mellan de båda förbindningsmetoderna framkom att lödningar är skonsammare för rälsmaterialet än borrade kontaktförbindningar men har däremot en tendens att lossna oftare. Vid val av borrade förbindningar som standard istället för pinnlödningar skulle det resultera i färre lossade anslutningar. Hållfastheten i räler skulle förmodligen påverkas och antalet sprickor från borrade hål öka.</p>

Empirical Essays on Railway Infrastructure Costs in Sweden

Andersson, Mats January 2007 (has links)
The subject of this thesis concerns pricing the use of transport infrastructure. We are empirically investigating the relationship between railway traffic volumes and infrastructure management costs. More specifically, we are interested in estimating the change in infrastructure management costs from marginal variations in traffic volumes, i.e. to estimate the marginal cost of railway infrastructure wear and tear. Both Europe and Sweden have moved towards a marginal cost based transport pricing policy, thus driving the need for more empirical work on rail infrastructure costs to underpin the level of a wear and tear charge. The thesis consists of five papers. In paper I, the data situation for planning railway maintenance and renewal is surveyed internationally. The survey indicates that most infrastructure managers are still in the data gathering phase, rather than ready to use modern computerised planning tools to make sound decisions in the field of maintenance and renewal. In paper II, we investigate the data situation for infrastructure cost analysis in Sweden. A panel data set that consists of cost, traffic and infrastructure information is created. The data covers 1999-2002 and contains almost 190 annual observations. Three main cost categories are identified; infrastructure operation, maintenance and renewal. This data is used for estimations of cost functions in paper II, III and V. Econometric techniques are applied for this purpose, with several different model specifications. In paper II, the method of pooled ordinary least squares (POLS) is applied. In paper III, we turn to unobserved effects models to exploit data heterogeneity. Finally in paper V, a dynamic generalised method of moments estimator is used to explore a potential dynamic cost dependency. The main findings are that the POLS approach, which has been used in similar studies in Europe recently, is rejected in favour of fixed effects estimation for this data. Furthermore, we also reject the idea of regression analysis to capture marginal rail renewal costs. In paper IV, we suggest an analytical expression combined with survival analysis of rail ages to estimate marginal renewal costs. We derive elasticities with respect to output as well as marginal costs for the different cost categories, and find that the current charge for wear and tear in Sweden is well below these new estimates. This opens up for increased, marginal cost based rail infrastructure wear and tear charges, which would reduce the financial burden on Swedish tax-payers. / QC 20100622

Análisis de la evolución de la interoperabilidad y de la seguridad ferroviaria en Europa en el periodo 1991-2011 y propuestas de mejora

Ribes Ardanuy, Josep Maria 03 October 2012 (has links)
The object of this thesis is to analyze the evolution of railway interoperability and safety in Europe in the period 1991-2011. This pretends to assess what has been the legislative process at EU level in the last 20 years. This analysis looks for to determine whether it has been established the strong enough bases to achieve fully interoperable Trans-European Railway Network in a reasonable time, with uniform security features. The second aspect is to determine those points that should be corrected and improved, or simply addressed, to accelerate the integration process. A common feature of the rail networks in the European countries is their strong national focus in regard to Railway traffic rules and technical standards. This leads to specific products often developed and implemented by the national industry. This has raised a strong dependence of the rail networks on the local suppliers. Furthermore in most cases this carry out an incompatibility of these networks with the networks of neighbouring countries. To illustrate this situation it is only necessary to remember the different gauges in national networks (1,668 mm in the Iberian Peninsula, 1,520 in Russia, Finland, Baltic republics, 1,435 mm in the other European countries) to which must be added the numerous narrow gauges regional and urban networks. Another good example is the different supply voltages: 1,500 V dc, 3,000 V dc, 25 kV 50 Hz, 15 kV 16 2/3 Hz, which should add the 625 V dc, 750 V dc, 1,200 V cc, used in trams and regional rail systems. In the field of railway signalling, more than six different and incompatible systems exit. As we show in this document there are hundreds of other parameters that are different from one network to another: the height of the overhead line, the height of the platforms, the gauges an so on and so forth. The lack of interoperability, affects decisively to the creation of a European single market in rail transport for both: goods and passengers, which prevents private (or public) rail undertakings to give trans-national services and create a single market. The thesis focuses on the study of the directives relate to the interoperability and railway safety, and the technical specifications for interoperability (TSI). It leaves for future analysis the detailed studies European standards being developed for the technical harmonization of each subsystem parts. According to the author when the concept of interoperability was lunched in 1996, probably it was thought that the technical harmonization would be much easier. However, when it was analyzed in depth it was found a large number of discrepancies between the technical characteristics of each network raised. These parameters such as width and height of the pantographs, the stresses of the overhead contact wires, the length of the neutral zones, the height of platforms, the different kinematic and dynamic gauges and a long list of different parameters, made it impossible, in practice, the movement of trains across borders in a generalized manner in a short term. Finally it was recognized the fact that, for achieving real harmonized lines, it would be necessary to invest a huge amount of money not justify by the cost-benefit analyzes. The Thesis concludes that is necessary to put in force more strong Technical Specifications of Interoperability that leave less degree of freedom to the Member states: determining a single objective parameter value, trying to reduce the permanent specific cases and solving and reducing the list of open points. / El propósito de esta tesis es analizar el desarrollo de la interoperabilidad y seguridad ferroviaria en Europa en el periodo comprendido entre 1991-2011. La intención es evaluar cuál ha sido el proceso legislativo a nivel de la UE durante los últimos 20 años. Este análisis tratará de determinar si ha sido establecido desde una base suficientemente sólida para obtener una Red Ferroviaria Trans-Europea dentro de un periodo razonable, con uniformidad de instalaciones de seguridad. El segundo aspecto sería determinar aquellos puntos que deben ser corregidos o mejorados, o sencillamente re-examinados para acelerar el proceso de integración. Un aspecto común a las redes ferroviarias de los países europeos es su fuerte énfasis nacional en lo que respecta a normas de circulación ferroviaria y reglamentación técnica. Esta realidad conduce a la creación e implementación de productos específicos por parte de la industrial nacional. Esto ha llevado a una fuerte dependencia de las redes ferroviarias de suministradores locales. Asimismo, en la mayoría de los casos, esto lleva a la incompatibilidad de estas redes con las redes de países vecinos. Para ilustrar esta situación, solamente es necesario recordar los distintos anchos de vía en redes nacionales (1.668 mm en la península ibérica, 1.520 en Rusia, Finlandia y las repúblicas del Báltico, 1.435 mm en otros países europeos) al que habría que añadir las numerosas redes de vías de ancho estrecho regionales y urbanas. Otro buen ejemplo serían los distintos suministros de tensión: 1.500 V dc, 3.000 V dc, 25 kV 50 Hz, 15 kV 2/3 Hz, al que habría que añadir las de 625 V dc, 750 V dc, 1.200 V cc, utilizados en tranvías y redes de trenes regionales. En el ámbito de la señalización ferroviaria, existen más de seis sistemas distintos e incompatibles. Tal y como demostramos en este documento, hay cientos de parámetros distintos que difieren de una red a otra: la altura de la línea suspendida, la altura de andenes, los anchos, etc, etc. La falta de interoperabilidad afecta decisivamente a la creación de un mercado común europeo de transporte ferroviario para tanto mercancías como pasajeros, lo cual impide que empresas privadas (o públicas) ferroviarias puedan ofrecer servicios transnacionales y crear un solo mercado. Esta tesis se enfoca en el estudio de la reglamentación relacionada con la interoperabilidad y seguridad ferroviaria, y las especificaciones técnicas para la interoperabilidad (TSI). Deja para análisis futuros el estudio detallado de los estándares europeos bajo desarrollo para la armonización técnica de cada parte de subsistema. Según el autor, cuando el concepto de la interoperabilidad fue lanzada en 1996, probablemente se pensara que la armonización técnica sería mucho más sencilla. Sin embargo, al analizarlo en detalle se descubrió que aparecían un amplio número de discrepancias entras las características de cada red. Estos parámetros, como el ancho y alto de los pantógrafos, las tensiones de los hilos de contacto suspendidos, la longitud de zonas neutras, el alto de andenes, las diferentes propiedades cinemáticas y el ancho dinámico y una amplia lista de distintos parámetros hacían imposible en la práctica la circulación de trenes más allá de sus fronteras de forma generalizada a corto plazo. Por fin se reconoció el hecho de que para conseguir líneas verdaderamente armonizadas sería necesario invertir una enorme cantidad de dinero que no era justificable en los análisis de coste-beneficio. La tesis concluye que es necesario poner en vigencia especificaciones técnicas de interoperabilidad más fuertes que dejen menos libertad a los países miembros: determinar un solo valor de parámetro objetivo, y tratar de reducir los casos específicos permanentes y resolver y reducir el número de puntos abiertos.

The Development and Consolidation of Atlanta’s Street Railways, 1866-1891

Williams, David Langlois 05 December 2007 (has links)
This is a map from a dissertation that was completed in 1975, which has been scanned to ensure greater access. Please search the GIL Online Catalog for more information about this thesis, or to locate the hard copy within the Georgia State University Library. A Note on Maps (from the Appendix): Two main sources were used in the mapping of streetcar routes: franchises and deeds of conveyance. Neither of these alone or combined were completely satisfactory in fixing the exact route, at any given time, of the lines which were built. While the franchise theoretically laid out the route to be followed, the wording of such legislation was often vague or incomplete, and the franchise was no guarantee that the line would eventually be constructed with no modifications. The deeds, on the other hand, represented the routes existing at the time of the conveyance of the property, often many years after initial construction. This leaves open the possibility that routes may have been slightly changed from time to time as traction companies constructed turn-outs, spur lines, parallel tracks, etc. These maps were drawn up under official auspices and therefore represent an additional primary source of information on this question. This does not, however, render them totally free from error or omission. In the case of the West End and Atlanta and the Atlanta Street Railroad companies, for example, the evidence overwhelmingly indicates that they occupied Broad Street between Marietta and Alabama Streets, which is not indicated on the 1886 official map. When one turns to the general problem of tracing downtown tracks, which were altered quite frequently, the problem of accuracy becomes almost insurmountable. Except in these notable instances, in drawing these lines the author has tried to closely follow the routes as already plotted by the map-makers for the year concerned, even though this has entailed minor deviations from the routes as indicated by primary sources. Such discrepancies pertain primarily to the short-lived Taylor Hill Line of the Atlanta Street Railroad Company and the Park Avenue line of the Metropolitan Street Railroad Company. The lines of the companies are drawn in the following color keys: the Atlanta Street Railroad Company, red (with the Taylor Hill Line in orange); the West End and Atlanta Street Railroad Company, brown; the Metropolitan Street Railroad Company, dark blue; the Gate City Street Railroad Company, light blue; the Edgewood and Atlanta Street Railroad Company, black; and the Fulton County Street Railroad Company, green; the Atlanta, West End and McPherson Barracks and Grant Park Electric Railway companies, pink. Prospective routes of other companies are not indicated. Also not included on the 1894 map are the lines which were built by the Chattahoochee River Railway Company (later the Collins Park and Belt Railroad Company), the Atlanta City Street Railway Company, and the Atlanta Consolidated Street Railway Company. These lines can be seen plotted on the map but are not included in the color key.

Modeling Of Ground-borne Vibration From Underground Railway Systems

Sarigol, Melih 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ground-borne vibration from underground rail vehicles is studied analytically. A previously developed model by J.A.Forrest and H.E.M.Hunt is modified to account for different track and vehicle models. The tunnel is modeled as infinite cylindrical shell surrounded by viscoelastic soil. The track is coupled to the tunnel with supports of complex stiffness. The rails, which are modeled as infinite Euler beams, are supported by discrete sleepers with regular spacing, and railpads with complex stiffness. A modified hysteretic damping model for moving loads is applied to soil. Linearized Hertzian contact spring is included between the wheel and the rail. The solution is obtained in frequency domain using random process theory. Effects of improvements in the model are graphically presented to enable comparison with the previously developed model and measurements from literature.

Multi-criteria Feasibility Assessment Of The Monorail Transportation System In Metu Campus

Tarighi, Amin 01 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The overall objective of this thesis is to assess the financial, technical and social feasibility of investing in modern Automated People Movers (APM) transportation systems, generally known as monorails, in METU campus which presents a unique opportunity to fulfill the modern-day transportation needs of METU campus. This study complements the Presidency Office&rsquo / s long term goal to integrate environmental, social and economic sustainability into the policies, practices and culture of the university and ultimately reduce the consumption of all resources on campus and traffic congestion and accidents. In this context, the consequent cost-benefit effects of the proposed monorail system on campus life were quantified in monetary expressions and the corresponding multi-criteria feasibility assessment including: Break-even Analysis, Cost Effectiveness Assessments and Cost Benefit Analysis have been done successfully. According to these analyses the overall capital cost of system is $46.5 million which covers the 24 months project construction period, and an additional annual operating and maintenance cost of $2 million will span the 30 year project life time. Three different scenarios were proposed for financing the project and relevant break-even points were determined for each of the scenarios. Eventually, it appears that based on the evaluations, constructing such a transit system in METU campus will be cost effective and will certainly enhance the transportation, and will contribute to the institutional improvements and environmental preservation schemes of METU campus.

Architecture, Expertise and the German Construction of the Ottoman Railway Network, 1868-1919

Christensen, Peter Hewitt 06 June 2014 (has links)
The dissertation examines the production of knowledge and architecture through the German-sponsored construction of the Ottoman railway network, comprising four discrete projects: the railways of European Turkey, the Anatolian railways, the Baghdad railway and the Hejaz railway and its Palestinian tributaries. The German construction of the Ottoman railway network is an historic event that proffers the opportunity to critically reconsider the epistemological tenets of expertise in broader political, economic and cultural structures distinct from the normative creative processes that dominate the historiography of empires. The dissertation capitalizes on the ambiguous colonial nature of the German role in the architecture, engineering, and urbanism of the late Ottoman empire and situates it as a variegated and occasionally dialogic model of European cultural expansionism by way of a process identified here as ambiguous transmutation.

Kontaktförbindningar på räls : Undersökning av hur pinnlödning och borrning påverkar materialet i järnvägsräls / Examination about How Pinbrazing and Drilling Affects the Material in Railways

Pålsson, Henrik, Ramström, Björn January 2006 (has links)
Vid dragprovning av lödningar framkom att i många fall är kopparledningen svagare än själva lödningen och brottet sker i kopparledningen eller i kabelskon. Undersökning av mikrostrukturerna visade att det bildas martensit i grundmaterialet i ett område under pinnlödningarna. Medelvärdet på martensitlinsens storlek beräknades till 10,69 mm i diameter och 0,73 mm i djup. På grund av att grundmaterialet påverkas bör pinnlödningar sättas minst 10 mm från varandra. Lödningar gjorda i -5°C visade inga tecken på försämrad kvalitet med avseende på lägre hållfasthet eller ökad martensitbildning. Korrosion tränger in under kabelskor på pinnlödningar i områden där ingen lödfog finns. Undersökning av borrade prover visade att deformerad struktur uppkommer vid borrning samt att korrosion tränger in mellan kontaktförbindningens kopparhylsa och det borrade hålet. Vid en jämförelse mellan de båda förbindningsmetoderna framkom att lödningar är skonsammare för rälsmaterialet än borrade kontaktförbindningar men har däremot en tendens att lossna oftare. Vid val av borrade förbindningar som standard istället för pinnlödningar skulle det resultera i färre lossade anslutningar. Hållfastheten i räler skulle förmodligen påverkas och antalet sprickor från borrade hål öka.

Organizacinė kultūra AB „Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ / Organisational Culture SC “Lithuanian Railways”

Povilauskienė, Vilma 01 August 2013 (has links)
Šio magistro darbo tikslas – išsiaiškinti organizacinės kultūros esmę, lygius ir tipologiją teoriniu aspektu ir ištirti AB ,,Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ Radviliškio prekinių vagonų ir lokomotyvų depų kultūros tipą bei jos vystymosi kryptis. Darbe suformuluoti keturi uždaviniai. Tyrimo metu naudoti ir pritaikyti šie tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros sisteminė analizė, dokumentų analizė, interviu bei anketinė apklausa, statistinė duomenų analizė. Teorinėje dalyje išanalizuoti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių darbai organizacinės kultūros, jos esmės, lygių ir tipologijos temomis. Apžvelgti įmonės kultūrą įtakojantys veiksniai bei vadovo vaidmuo jos formavimo procese. Siekiant įgyvendinti tikslą, empirinėje dalyje išanalizuoti organizacijų dokumentai ir atliktas tyrimas Radviliškio prekinių vagonų ir Radviliškio lokomotyvų depuose: apklausti vadovai ir specialistai. Atlikta gautų duomenų lyginamoji analizė. Tai pat organizuotas kokybinis ekspertų tyrimas, kurio metu interviu metodu apklausti AB ,,Lietuvos geležinkeliai“ vadybos ekspertai. Apklausus Radviliškio prekinių vagonų depo ir Radviliškio lokomotyvų depo vadovus ir darbuotojus, nustatyta kad abiejose įmonėse šiuo metu dominuoja hierarchinės kultūros tipas, nes darbo vietos yra formalizuotos ir struktūrizuotos, o pagrindinis organizacijų rūpestis – išlaikyti ilgalaikį stabilumą ir sklandžią veiklą. Šiam kultūros tipui nenusileidžia rinka, nes, kaip matyti iš vadovų atsakymų, kad depai, įmonės, kurios orientuotos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this Master's thesis is to analyze the essence of the organizational culture, the levels and typology of theoretical terms and to explore SC “Lithuanian Railways” Radviliskis Freight Wagon and Locomotive depots, culture and the type of development. Thesis focuses on four challenges. Throughout the analysis these methods were used: a systematic literature analysis, document analysis, interviews and a survey, statistical analysis of data. In the theoretical part are analyzed various Lithuanian and foreign authors works of organizational culture , its essence, equal and the typology topics. An overview of the factors was done influencing the corporate culture and the role of leader in the making. In order to achieve the objective, in empirical part analysis was made of organizations documents and survey of Radviliskis Freight Wagon and Locomotive depots: interviewed managers and professionals. Performed a comparative analysis of the data. It also organized a qualitative study of experts, during which were interviewed SC „Lithuanian Railways“ management experts. Survey of Radviliskis Freight Wagon Depot and Locomotive depot managers and employees found that both companies currently dominate the hierarchical type of culture, because jobs are formalized and structured, while the main concern of organizations - to maintain long-term stability and smooth operations. This type of culture does not yield market, since it is apparent from the management responses to... [to full text]

Civil liability of rail carriers under CIM and SMGS international conventions: a comparative analysis / Vežėjo geležinkelių transportu civilinės teisinės atsakomybės, reglamentuojamos CIM ir SMGS tarptautiniais susitarimais, lyginamoji analizė

Nikitinas, Vilius 30 October 2013 (has links)
The subject of study covers the institute of carriers’ liability governed by two international legal acts, namely, SMGS and CIM. The work analyses the four main civil liability clauses established in each of them and identifies the commonalities and differences of legal regulation. Relying on the experience in the international regulation of carriers’ liability in other modes of transport as well as on the analysis of SMGS, CIM and SMGS/CIM, the need for developing a new uniform system of rail carriers’ liability is investigated and a draft new legal act governing international carriage by rail is proposed. This research relies on the regulation of carriers’ liability in air, sea or road transport only to the extent to which this helps in finding more advanced models of carriers’ liability, in comparing such models, and in adapting them to carriage by rail. A detailed analysis of other modes of transport could be the subject of another research, therefore, this study does not dwell on such analysis. / Šios disertacijos tyrimo objektas – vežėjo civilinės atsakomybės institutas, reglamentuojamas dviejų skirtingų tarptautinės teisės aktų – 1951 metų Tarptautinio krovinių vežimo geležinkeliais susitarimo (SMGS) ir 1999 metų Vienodųjų tarptautinio krovinių vežimo geležinkeliais sutarties taisyklių (CIM). Pirmoje dalyje analizuojamos SMGS sukurtos vežėjo geležinkeliais civilinės atsakomybės sąlygos. Antroje dalyje nagrinėjamos vežėjo civilinės atsakomybės pagal CIM nuostatas sąlygos. Atskirai išanalizavus CIM bei SMGS aktų turinį, trečioje disertacijos dalyje vertinama šių tarptautinių dokumentų esminiai panašumai bei skirtumai atsakomybės reguliavimo srityje. Disertacijoje koncentruotai pateiktas minėtų aktų palyginimas laikantis darbe naudojamos struktūros, t.y. atskirai palyginamos vežėjo civilinės atsakomybės sąlygos. Ketvirtojoje dalyje aptariami CIM/SMGS bendrojo važtaraščio bruožai, jo taikymo praktika, teisinės prezumpcijos, galimybė naudotis elektronine važtaraščio forma bei galimų pretenzijų nagrinėjimas. Penktojoje dalyje nagrinėjama galimybė sukurti bendrą CIM/SMGS teisinę sistemą, kuri ne tik suderintų šias konvencijas tarpusavyje, tačiau ir įtvirtintų naujas teisės normas, atsižvelgiant į kitų vežimo būdų (oru, jūra, keliais) tarptautinį reglamentavimą. Šioje dalyje koncentruojamasi į pasiūlymus dėl būsimo vieningo akto tarptautiniuose pervežimuose geležinkeliais, akcentuojant teisinės civilinės atsakomybės reglamentavimą.

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