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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban church, re-developing space within Pretoria's Schubart Park complex

Swart, Johan 09 December 2010 (has links)
The study investigates the development of church infrastructure within the urban environment. A symbiotic interaction between church form and urban conditions is proposed and contextualised through analysis of existing church models and current spatial concerns within Pretoria’s inner-city. The potential of church as agent for urban renewal and community development is identified and the study generates a spatial and programmatic model aligned with the inner-city’s need for meaningful and integrated interventions. A systemic definition of church proposes a multi-layered programme based on partnership and interaction while alternative church positioning suggests the concept of re-claiming inner-city spaces, applied through the re-development of the Schubart Park housing complex. AFRIKAANS : Hierdie studie ondersoek die ontwikkeling van kerk infrastruktuur in die stedelike omgewing. ‘n Simbiotiese interaksie tussen kerkvorm en stedelike kondisies word voorgestel en gekontekstualiseer deur analise van bestaande kerk modelle en ruimtelike kwessies in die middestad van Pretoria. studie identifiseer die potensiaal van kerk as agent vir stedelike hernuwing en gemeenskapsontwikkeling en vervolgens word n ruimtelike en programmatiese model in lyn gestel met die middestad se tekort aan betekenisvolle en geintegreerde ingrypings. Sistemiese definisie van kerk stel n gelaagde program voor gebasseer op vennootskap en interaksie terwyl alternatiewe plasing van die hergebruik van stedelike ruimtes voorstel wat toegepas word deur die herontwikkeling van die Schubart Park behuisings kompleks. / Dissertation (MArch(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Architecture / unrestricted

Entwurfsmethodik für Funkempfänger: Architekturauswahl und Blockspezifikation unter schwerpunktmäßiger Betrachtung des Direct-Conversion- und des Superheterodynprinzipes

Rühle, Thomas 21 January 2002 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird der Entwurf von Funkempfängern für digitale Modulation betrachtet. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtungen beim Finden einer geeigneten Empfängerarchitektur, der Spezifikation der einzusetzenden Bausteine, der Auswahl einer geeigneten Arbeitsfrequenz und eines passenden Modulationsverfahrens sowie der Festlegung einer dem Einsatzzweck angepaßten Datenrate. Ein wesentlicher Punkt ist die der Empfangsaufgabe angepaßte gewichtete Bekämpfung der auftretenden Störbeiträge. Dafür werden zunächst Grundlagen, wie wichtige Modulationsverfahren, Empfängerarchitekturen sowie Bestimmungsgleichungen für Parameter eingeführt. Darauf aufbauend wird eine allgemeingültige Methode zum Entwurf von Funkempfängern für digitale Modulation entwickelt. Diese Methode kann stets angewendet werden, wenn ein Empfänger für digitale Modulation entworfen werden soll. Wesentliche zu berücksichtigende Einsatzparameter und Randbedingungen werden an passender Stelle in den Entwurf einbezogen und eine entsprechend angepaßte Lösung wird weiterverwendet. Die Entwurfsmethode eignet sich sowohl für den freien Empfängerentwurf als auch für Entwürfe, die sich an der Einhaltung von Standards orientieren müssen. Der Kerngedanke besteht darin, das alle Störeinflüsse einen gleichgroßen Beitrag zur Signalverfälschung liefern sollen. Um dies zu erreichen, werden potentielle Störeinflüsse analysiert und entsprechend ihres Einflusses gewichtet zur weiteren Bestimmung der notwendigen Eigenschaften der Empfängerbaugruppen herangezogen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird hauptsächlich der allgemeine Anwendungsfall des freien nicht standardbezogenen Empfängerentwurfes betrachtet. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie durch die Analyse und entsprechende Berücksichtigung einer variablen Anzahl von Störeinflüssen die Eigenschaften der einzelnen Empfängerkomponenten jeweils bestmöglich eingestellt werden können. Diese Methode wird anschließend anhand von verschiedenartigen Beispielen weiter illustriert und ihre erfolgreiche Anwendbarkeit veranschaulicht. Anhand einer Mischerschaltung wird beispielhaft auf grundlegende Ansätze zur Verbesserung der Linearitätseigenschaften eingegangen. Dabei werden spezifische Unterschiede zwischen einer Superhet- bzw. einer Direktmischarchitektur hervorgehoben. Weiterhin wird eine Methode zur Wiederverwendung (Re-Use) von analogen Schaltungen oder ähnlichen Objekten vorgeschlagen. Dabei werden die Schaltungen anhand einer Vorgabe bewertet, und es wird eine Rangfolge aufgestellt. Damit ist gewährleistet, daß die der Vorgabe am besten entsprechende Schaltung gefunden werden kann, auch wenn eine 100%ige Übereinstimmung nicht gegeben ist. Die hierfür notwendigen Bewertungsalgorithmen werden ausführlich dargestellt und ihr jeweiliger Einsatz wird erläutert. Abschließend erfolgt eine überblicksweise Darstellung von Simulationswerkzeugen und -verfahren, die für den Empfängerentwurf bedeutsam sind. Dabei wird hauptsächlich auf die Verbindung von System- und Schaltungsentwurf eingegangen, und es werden bestehende Probleme dargelegt sowie vorhandene Lösungsmöglichkeiten aufgezeigt. Einige im Zusammenhang mit der Simulation interessante Modellierungsgesichtspunkte werden ebenfalls dargestellt.

Evaluation Of Biosorption Activated Media Under Roadside Swales For Stormwater Quality Improvement And Harvesting

Hood, Andrew Charles 01 January 2012 (has links)
Stormwater runoff from highways is a source of pollution to surface water bodies and groundwater. This project develops a bio-detention treatment and harvesting system that is incorporated into roadside swales. The bio-detention system uses Bold & Gold™, a type of biosorption activated media (BAM), to remove nutrients from simulated highway runoff and then store the water in underground vaults for infiltration, controlled discharge, and/or irrigation and other non-potable applications. In order to design a bio-detention system, media characteristics and media/water quality relationships are required. Media characteristics determined through testing include: specific gravity, permeability, infiltration, maximum dry density, moisture content of maximum dry density, and particle-size distribution. One of the goals of this experiment is to compare the nitrogen and phosphorous species concentrations in the effluent of BAM to sandy soil for simulated highway runoff. Field scale experiments are done on an elevated test bed that simulates a typical roadway with a swale. The swale portion of the test bed is split into halves using BAM and sandy soil. The simulated stormwater flows over a concrete section, which simulates a roadway, and then over either sod covered sandy soil or BAM. One, one and a half, and three inch storms are each simulated three times with a duration of 30 minutes each. During the simulated storm event, initial samples of the runoff (influent) are taken. The test bed is allowed to drain for two hours after the rainfall event and then samples of each of the net effluents are taken. In addition to the field scale water quality testing, column tests are also preformed on the sandy soil and Bold & Gold™ without sod present. Sod farms typically use fertilizer to increase production, thus it is reasonable to assume that the sod will leach nutrients into the soils on the iv test bed, especially during the initial test runs. The purpose of the column tests is to obtain a general idea of what percentage removals of total phosphorus and total nitrogen are obtained by the sandy soil and Bold & Gold™. It is shown that the Bold & Gold™ media effluent has significantly lower concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus compared to the effluent of the sandy soil based on an 80% confidence level. The Bold & Gold™ has a 41% lower average effluent concentration of total nitrogen than the sandy soil. The Bold & Gold™ media has a 78% lower average effluent concentration of total phosphorus than the sandy soil. Using both the column test data in combination with the field scale data, it is determined that the Bold & Gold™ BAM system has a total phosphorus removal efficiency of 71%. The removal efficiency is increased when stormwater harvesting is considered. A total phosphorus reduction of 94% is achieved in the bio-detention & harvesting swale system sample design problem

Upphandlingar och affärsmodeller för ökad textilåtervinning : En studie om svenska regioner / Procurement and business models for increased textile recycling : A study of Swedish regions

Virgin, Alexander January 2022 (has links)
Givet det ohållbara resursuttag som idag krävs för att tillgodose samhällets konsumtion, föreligger ett stort behov att övergå till en mer cirkulär ekonomi. En nyckelkomponent i denna övergång är att utifrån avfallshierarkin förbättra vår avfallshantering, exempelvis genom att se till att öka andelen som går till materialåtervinning och minska den som går till energiåtervinning. En strategi som föreslagits för detta är Product Service Systems (PSS), som till stor del går ut på att övergå till affärsmodeller med en högre grad av tjänstefiering, vilket innebär att en större del av värdeskapandet utgår från tjänster iställer för produkter.  Med hänseende på behovet av cirkularitet är detta synnerligen aktuellt för textilier. Till skillnad från många andra material som glas och papper, återvinns textilier nästan inte alls i Sverige. Däremot har vissa pilotprojekt etablerats på senare år, framförallt för att ta hand om svenska regioners sjukvårdstextilier då dessa flöden har en högre grad av homogenitet än konsumenttextilier. Med offentliga upphandlingsprocessens potential till förändring som utgångspunkt, genomfördes intervjuer med relevanta aktörer inom värdekedjan för textilåtervinning i tre regioner. Dessa intervjuer utgjorde ett underlag för att utreda huruvida en högre grad av tjänstefiering bör influera regionerna i deras upphandlingsprocess samt vilken roll övriga aktörer kan spela i skiftet mot en högre grad av textilåtervinning.  Trots en varierande grad av tjänstefiering i de tre regionerna fanns ett stort överlapp i vilka hinder och möjligheter till en ökad grad av textilåtervinning som identifierades, inte bara av representanterna för regionen utan även övriga aktörer. Ett brett konsensus fanns om att en informationsasymmetri mellan region och leverantör existerade, även om de föreslagna lösningarna på detta varierade. Många av de lösningar som föreslogs som svar på de identifierade hindren hade kommunikation som ett centralt tema. Trots att PSS ofta lyfts som ett sätt att facilitera kommunikation mellan aktörerna, tycks de varierande graderna av tjänstefiering i fallstudierna inte vara den avgörande faktorn för huruvida värdekedjan präglas av bättre förutsättningar för ökad textilåtervinning. Den kommunikation som värdekedjans aktörer efterfrågar, föreslås istället faciliteras av horisontell kommunikation mellan regionerna, där erfarenheter och insikter från innovativa upphandlingsprocesser kan dissemineras till andra regioner, samt genom vertikala kommunikationsplattformar där värdekedjans aktörer kan erbjudas insikt i varandras problemformuleringar och behov.  Vidare valde många aktörer att belysa värdet av långsiktighet i relationerna, något som Lagen om Offentlig Upphandling (LOU) i viss mån tycks utgöra ett hinder för, delvis på grund av de tidsmässiga avtalsbegränsningar som finns idag. Relaterat till detta ansågs även avfallstaxonomin utgöra ett hinder för etablerandet av cirkulära textillösningar. Dessa slutsatser påkallar behovet av att se över dessa lagar, framförallt utifrån ett cirkulärt perspektiv, till skillnad från det linjära perspektiv som präglade tiden då dessa utformades. / Given the unsustainable extraction of resources required today to meet society's current  levels of consumption, the urgency to move towards a more circular economy is acute. A key component in this transition is to improve our waste management in accordance with the waste hierarchy, for example by ensuring an increase in the share of material recycling. One strategy that has been proposed for this is Product Service Systems (PSS), which largely involves moving to business models with a higher degree of servicification, meaning that a larger part of the value creation is based on services instead of products.  With regards to this need for circularity, textiles are a particularly relevant topic. As opposed to other materials such as glass and paper, textile recycling is practically non-existent in Sweden today. However, some pilot projects have been established in recent years, primarily to handle the waste streams of healthcare textiles stemming from Swedish regions, as these flows have a higher degree of homogeneity than consumer textiles. With the capacity for change inherent in the public procurement framework used as a starting point, interviews were conducted with relevant actors in the textile recycling value chain for three regions. These interviews formed a basis for investigating whether a higher degree of servicification should influence the regions in their procurement process and what role other actors can play in the transition towards a value chain with a higher degree of textile recycling.  Despite a varying degree of servicification in the three regions, there was a considerable overlap in the obstacles and opportunities identified by the actors as important in the work towards an increased degree of textile recycling, not only by representatives of the regions themselves but also by other actors. There was a broad consensus that an information asymmetry between region and supplier existed, although the solutions proposed to this end varied. Many of the solutions that surfaced in response to the identified obstacles had communication as a central theme. Although PSS is often highlighted as a way of facilitating communication between actors, the varying degree of servicification in the case studies do not seem to be the decisive factor as to whether the value chain is conducive to an increased textile recycling or not. Rather, the type of communication that the actors in the value chain favored, were suggested to be facilitated by both horizontal communication between regions, where insights gained through the deployment of innovative procurement processes could be disseminated to other regions, as well as through vertical communication platforms where the actors in the value chain can acquire insight into each other's respective view of what difficulties and needs exist in the value chain.  Furthermore, many actors chose to highlight the value of long-term relationships in the value chain, which the Public Procurement Act (LOU) to a certain extent seems to discourage today, partly because of the constraints on the duration of the contracts between the supplier and the region. Additionally, the waste taxonomy was also considered to be an obstacle to the establishment of circular textile solutions. These conclusions call for a review of these laws, primarily from a circular perspective, as opposed to the linear perspective that characterized the time when they were drafted.


SINGERMAN, HEATHER DIANE 02 July 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Re-Use as a Means of Preservation

Farley, Jennifer Lyne 18 August 2011 (has links)
People are often attracted to an image painted for them by history, fiction, and romantic novels. Artists have tried to construct these images for centuries, often exaggerating the past in order to make a more attractive narrative. I propose an architecture that works in the same way. The architect controls the narrative through the preservation and curation of tectonic details. She can create, destroy, or restore an existing building, and by altering the brick pattern, window style or ornament, can create his own version of history. This thesis addresses the image of a post-Civil War industrial site, the Appomattox Iron Works & Supply Co., building, in Petersburg Virginia. By taking advantage of one existing structure, the architect can reinvent the city as a modern destination. By juxtaposing the old, with a new set of residential apartments, the area becomes attractive to those young professionals who want to submerge themselves in the locale of an artistic urban community. / Master of Architecture

The role of environmental education in reducing water wastage in primary schools in Empangeni district

Mbokazi, Msawenkosi Sandile 11 March 2010 (has links)
South Africa is a water-scarce country and receives less rainfall than the average rainfall of the World. As population increases, and development calls for increased allocation of ground water and surface water for the domestic, agriculture and industrial sectors, the pressure on water resources intensifies. This is exacerbated by the wastages that occur in schools and homes. Conservation of water by all consumers is essential. The study attempts to identify practices that lead to wastage of water and indicate strategies for the reduction of water wastage and conservation strategy. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Environmental Education)

Att brodera är ett verb : Betraktelser ur ett nålsöga / To embroider is a verb : Reflections from a needles eye

Skafvenstedt, Ellen January 2016 (has links)
Under projektet ”Att brodera är ett verb –Betraktelser ur ett nålsöga” har jag använt applikationsbroderi som teknik för att transformera och bearbeta material från min omgivning. Jag har sorterat alla material efter färgcirkeln och skapat rutor som jag satt ihop till ett abstraherat lapptäcke. Arbetet har syftat till att undersöka processbaserat görande och jag har därför tagit hjälp av verben i konstnären Richard Serras ”Verb list”. Jag har satt upp fyra regler för mig själv att förhålla mig till under arbetets gång. Med reglerna har jag velat eliminera alla val och processer som inte handlar om själva görandet i sig. Lapptäcket har tagit sin slutliga form utifrån det ramverk som reglerna utgjort. Under min opponering diskuterade jag och opponenten Karin Lundgren-Tallinger främst hur jag har förhållit mig till mina regler under arbetets gång och hur de hade kunnat vara tydligare. Till Konstfacks Vårutställning hängde jag upp lapptäcket på en ställning av skrot i ett hörn och spred ut vissa rutor och andra obearbetade material så som skräp och garner i flera delar av rummet. Installationen av verket gjorde jag för att skapa en känsla av att arbetet med rutorna när som helst skulle kunna återupptas och görandet forsätta.

Typical problems with reusing mineral springs buildings and how they are overcome

Mace, Shonda Ranee 04 December 2013 (has links)
Mineral springs were a popular aspect of American culture prior to World War II. In conjunction with the rest of the United States, Texas offered visitors numerous locations for people to “take the waters.” Unfortunately, for various reasons, the springs fell out of favor and the buildings associated with them were largely abandoned. I briefly discuss the history of the springs through the ages and then move onto a discussion of the different styles of architecture associated with the springs in the United States and how these styles differed in Texas. Due to the loss of architecture associated with the mineral springs in Texas, this paper uses Heath, Oc, and Tiesdell’s five forms of obsolescence to analyze the reasons for failures in adaptive reuse, discusses the successes, and presents some extant buildings where futures are undetermined. In order to answer these questions, I gathered a collection of case studies, focusing on locations in Texas, but including several from the United States and Europe. I analyzed these case studies and gathered information from the result of the studies to deduce why the forms of obsolescence could not be overcome, and how some sites differed and successfully surmounted these difficulties. / text

The role of environmental education in reducing water wastage in primary schools in Empangeni district

Mbokazi, Msawenkosi Sandile 11 March 2010 (has links)
South Africa is a water-scarce country and receives less rainfall than the average rainfall of the World. As population increases, and development calls for increased allocation of ground water and surface water for the domestic, agriculture and industrial sectors, the pressure on water resources intensifies. This is exacerbated by the wastages that occur in schools and homes. Conservation of water by all consumers is essential. The study attempts to identify practices that lead to wastage of water and indicate strategies for the reduction of water wastage and conservation strategy. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (Environmental Education)

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