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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utformning och utprovning av ett fonologiskt baserat stavningstest

Andersson, Kristina, Prembäck, Maja January 2013 (has links)
The literature on spelling and spelling development suggests there is a strong relationship between spelling and phonology (Bruck & Treiman, 1990; Caravolas, Hulme & Snowling, 2001; Craig, 2006; Gindri, Keske-Soares & Mota, 2007). Spelling, however, is considerably less researched than reading (Caravolas, Humle & Snowling, 2001). Spelling difficulties are known to be more persistent in people with reading and writing disabilities, even when their reading has become acceptable (Høien & Lundberg, 1999) but more research is needed in this area. Assessment and detailed knowledge of the difficulties is of great importance in order to provide the appropriate help for children with reading and writing disabilities (Frisk, 2010; Magnusson, Nauclér, & Reuterskiöld, 2008). The purpose of the present study was to develop and try out a phonologically based spelling test for children, with focus on medial phonemes. The study contained 150 pupils in grade 1 and 2 as well as pupils in remedial teaching due to reading and spelling difficulties in the same grades. In addition to spelling, all pupils were tested for reading ability, phonological awareness, nonverbal intelligence and auditory discrimination. Misspellings were analysed with three quantitative and one qualitative classification methods. Results showed that the spelling test based on analyse of medial phonemes captured misspellings to the same extent as the other quantitative classification method.  Pupils in grade 2 received significant higher results in the spelling test than pupils in grade 1. The group of typically developed pupils had significantly better results than the pupils with reading and writing disabilities. Results also showed that real words were significantly easier to spell than non-words. Moreover, significant correlations between spelling and reading ability, and spelling and phonological awareness, were found. The strong correlation between spelling ability and phonological awareness, and the fact that children with reading and writing disabilities performed poorly on spelling of non-words, lead to the conclusion that spelling and phonology are closely related, which is supported by the literature (Bruck & Treiman, 1990; Caravolas, Hulme & Snowling, 2001; Craig, 2006; Gindri, Keske-Soares & Mota, 2007).

Pärlor mot kottar : barns finmotoriska träning mellan I ur och skur-förskolor och förskolor utan den inriktningen

Karlsson, Mathilda, Abrahamsson, Leila January 2012 (has links)
De finmotoriska förmågorna är oerhört viktiga vad det gäller den mänskliga läs- och skrivförmågan, då handen behöver vara tränad för att göra små rörelser och ögonen ska kunna följa dessa rörelser. Barn som har svårigheter med de finmotoriska förmågorna blir beroende av andra, då de kan få svårt att klara av vardagliga bestyr så som att klä på sig själva och använda bestick. Något som försvårar arbetet med de finmotoriska förmågorna utomhus är att barn använder vantar stora delar av året och att tillgång till materiel som utmanar handrörelser plockas fram mer sällan under vinterhalvåret på grund av kylan. Detta gör att barn inom I ur och skur-förskolor som oftast är ute får mindre träning av de finmotoriska förmågorna under kalla årstider. Vi har jämfört I ur och skur-förskolor med förskolor utan den inriktningen, vad det gäller arbetet med de finmotoriska förmågorna. För att få svar på vår frågeställning använde vi oss av telefonintervjuer till fyra I ur och skur-förskolor och fyra förskolor utan den inriktningen. I intervjuerna frågade vi om vilken materiel som fanns tillgänglig för barnen, hur de arbetar med de finmotoriska förmågorna i planerade aktiviteter samt hur ofta de hade planerade aktiviteter. Genom de här frågorna fick vi fram svar på hur medvetet de olika förskolorna arbetar med de finmotoriska förmågorna. Det visade sig att det inte skiljde sig något mellan de olika typerna av förskolor, något vi inte håller med om efter egna erfarenheter. Största delen av de olika förskolorna ansåg att de finmotoriska förmågorna tränas automatiskt i den fria leken och vardagen, något som tidigare studier säger emot då barn ofta väljer bort den typen av aktivitet vid fri lek. Våra intervjuer visar endast på vad pedagogerna anser och inte på vad som faktiskt sker, därför hade en observationsstudie varit bra att komplettera med. / The fine motor ability is extremely important when it comes to reading and writing skills, since the hand needs to be trained to do small movements and the eyes needs to be able to follow these movements. Children who have difficulties with the fine motor ability become dependence of others, since they have problems clothing themselves and using cutlery. The development of the fine motor ability becomes difficult when the children use mittens outdoors since they are in the way and material that challenges the fine motor skills isn´t as available during the cold seasons. This doesn´t allow children at I ur och skur preschools, which are all-time outdoor preschools, the same training of fine motor ability during cold seasons. The aim of this study is to compare I ur och skur preschools with preschools without that direction, regarding the development of fine motor ability. To answer our questions we used telephone interviews to four I ur och skur preschools and four preschools without that direction. In the interviews we asked about what material was available for the children, how they trained the fine motor ability in planned activities and how often they had planned activities. By means of these questions we got answers that showed how deliberately the different preschools worked with the fine motor ability. The study showed that there was not any difference between the preschools, something we do not agree on based on own experiences. Most preschools claimed that the fine motor ability automatically trained in free play and everyday experiences. Our interviews only showed what the preschool teachers claim and not what really happens in the preschool, thus an observation study would have been a good complement, considering this.

"Man måste vara driftig för att komma någonstans" : Elevers erfarenheter av IT-baserade lärverktyg i undervisningen

Norrman, Helene January 2013 (has links)
Mitt övergripande syfte med denna studie är att ur ett livsvärldsperspektiv undersöka hur tre elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter upplever användandet av IT - baserade lärverktyg. Studien vill även ta upp elevernas erfarenheter av att använda sig av IT -baserade lärverktyg i undervisningen som en del av deras lärande, ur dåtida, nutida och framtida perspektiv.   Ansatsen livsvärldsfenomenologi har legat till grund för denna studie. Den ger tillträde till att undersöka och beskriva elevers levda erfarenheter. I livsvärldsfenomenologisk ansats får jag tillträde till personers livsvärldar.   Som metod användes kvalitativ forskningsintervju. I studien visar sig detta genom att jag använde mig av en frågeguide. Mina frågor var få och mitt intresse för elevernas egna berättande var i fokus.     Eleverna beskriver att de IT -baserade lärverktygen har blivit en del av deras livsvärld. Att använda sig av dem i undervisningen ses som en naturlighet. De använder sig dagligen av någon form av IT -baserade lärverktyg. Dessa kan vara datorer, surfplattor eller smartphones. Lärarna har ökat sin kompetens vad det gäller att implementera dessa i undervisningen. I resultatet visar det sig att eleverna upplever ett behov av att använda sig av IT -baserade lärverktyg, för att utveckla sitt lärande i undervisningen. Eleverna ser nyttan med dem. / My purpose with this study is that, from a lifeworld perspective examine how three students with reading and writing difficulties experience the use of assistive technology. In this study you also learn about the students’ experience in the use of assistive technology in teaching as part of their learning from past time, present and future perspective. Lifeworld phenomenology has been the approach for this study. It provides access to investigate and describe the students’ lived experiences. The method that I used is a qualitative research interview. In the study I have used an interview guide. My questions were few and my interest in the students' own narrative was in focus.   Students describe that the assistive technology has become a part of their lifeworld. Making use of them in teaching is seen as an everyday activity. They daily use some form of assistive technology. These can be computers, tablets or smartphones. Teachers have increased their skills when it comes to implementing them in their teaching. The result shows that students feel a need to make use of assistive technology to develop their learning in teaching. They can see the profit in using them.

Dyslexi : en studie av en skolas arbete med dyslexi / Dyslexia : a Study of a School's Work with Dyslexia

Hardesköld, Thérèse January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka, belysa och exemplifiera hur en svensk grundskola arbetar med elever som har dyslexi, dels i generella termer, dels med inriktning mot engelskundervisningen, vad gäller stöttning, hjälpmedel, bedömning och betygssättning samt i vilken mån den undersökta skolans dyslexiarbete harmonierar med styrdokumentens föreskrifter.      För att kunna undersöka det valda området användes semi-strukturerade intervjuer med tre lärare och en specialpedagog på skolan. Intervjuerna sammanställdes och analyserades.      Resultaten på studien visade att skolan arbetar medvetet för att underlätta för elever med dyslexi genom hjälpmedel och nivågrupperingar, men att lärarna ändå till stor del står frågande när det gäller vilka metoder som fungerar bäst, hur de ska handla vid misstanke om dyslexi samt bedömning och betygssättning. Resultaten visade också att engelska är ett ämne som lärarna och specialpedagogen upplever som extra svårt för elever med dyslexi. Under engelskundervisningen arbetar lärarna dock inte annorlunda med elever som har dyslexi, trots att det ämnet anses som svårare. De anser sig inte ha verktygen. / The aim of this study was to examine, illustrate and exemplify both in general terms and in the teaching of English, how a Swedish compulsory school works with pupils who have dyslexia. The study focused on support, assistance, assessment and marking, and to what extension the school’s work with dyslexia corresponds to the regulations of the steering documents.      Semi-structured interviews were chosen as the method for examining the chosen subject. Three teachers and one special educational needs teacher were interviewed. The interviews were then put together and analysed.      The results of the study showed that the school works deliberately to make school easier for pupils with dyslexia by giving them assistance and ability grouping, however, the teachers still seem to have many questions regarding teaching methods, what to do if suspecting dyslexia, assessment and marking. The results also showed that English is a subject which is considered to be especially difficult for pupils with dyslexia, by the teachers and the special educational needs teacher. During the teaching of English, the teachers do not work differently with the pupils who have dyslexia, even though English is believed to be a difficult subject to learn. The teachers do not feel that they have the right tools to do so.

Om jag får välja mitt eget stöd : Ungdomars upplevelser av skolans stöd i läsning och skrivning / Choosing the support I want. : Students’ perceptions of special support in reading and writing.

Ahlmark, Jenny January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att få kunskap om hur elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter/dyslexi upplever skolans stöd i läsning och skrivning. Sex ungdomar mellan 12 och 20 år har intervjuats. Utsagorna har analyserats tematiskt med en fenomenologisk ansats. Resultatet visar att eleverna vill att lärarna ska lyssna och beakta deras åsikter gällande vilket stöd som de behöver, samt var, hur och när detta ska ges. Eleverna upplever skilda svårigheter i läsning och skrivning, vilket även kan resultera i problem gällande de teoretiska ämnena. Praktiska ämnen beskrivs däremot vara lätta och roliga. Att ha tillgång till läroböcker uppges vara viktig, eftersom dessa beskriver och konkretiserar ämnets innehåll. Vidare upplevs datorn kunna ge stöd för skrivandet. Att undervisningen anpassas inom den vanliga klassen föredras av eleverna, men samtidigt kan det även upplevas positivt att ha tillgång till stöd utanför klassrummet. Att ha kamrater, både bland de som befinner sig i liknande svårigheter och andra, beskrivs också vara viktigt. Sociala relationer och lärarnas kompetens bidrar till stor del gällande inställningen till skolan i allmänhet.  Om skolan anpassar organisationen och utvecklar undervisningen, ökar möjligheten till att kunna beakta varje elevs vilja. Det är också viktigt att olika etiska aspekter lyfts fram och diskuteras i skolan, exempelvis gällande lärarnas förhållningssätt gentemot eleverna. Elevernas röster kan ge oss viktig vägledning i arbetet mot en inkluderande skola, om vi bara tar oss tid att lyssna. / Delaktighet, socialt klimat och lärande (VR 2008-4733)

Klasslärarens och specialpedagogens arbete med elever som har läs- och skrivsvårigheter : Kompensatoriska hjälpmedel som redskap i undervisningen hos elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter / The class teachers and special teachers working methods with pupils with writing and reading disabilities : Compensatory tools as aid for pupils with writing and reading disabilities

Forsslund, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
The education in Swedish schools today should be for all children. This means that even if a pupil has reading and writing disabilities the education should be in the classroom with the rest of the pupils. The education should include every one. The aim of my study was to investigate the education with pupils that have reading and writing disabilities. I wanted to get a deeper knowledge about working methods that are used for pupils with these problems. In my study I have used qualitative research methods. I have used group interviews and observational studies. In addition to this I have also used informal interviews during the observational studies. One class teacher and one special teacher was interviewed and observed in the study. My results showed that pupils with reading and writing disabilities often were excluded from the classroom during a few lessons per week. The results also showed that the working methods that the class teacher and the special teacher use are different. The class teacher worked with the same working methods for all the children in the class while the special teacher was using the computer as a compensatory aid. For pupils with reading and writing disabilities the work with a computer as a compensatory aid is a motivating working method. The result also showed that cooperation between the class teacher and the special teacher is of great importance.

Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter och deras olika uppfattningar om användande av talsyntes / Students with reading and writing difficulties and their perceptions of the use of text-to-speech

Stengel, Marie January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheters skilda sätt att uppfatta användandet av talsyntes. Kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med nio elever i grundskolans årskurs tre till nio. Studien har utgått från en fenomenografisk ansats. I resultatet framkommer sex skilda uppfattningar om användandet av talsyntes. De sex kategorierna är: talsyntesen i användning, viktiga andra, autonomi och självständighet, lärande, delaktighet och förändring samt engagemang och attityd. Majoriteten av eleverna upplever användandet av talsyntes positivt. Studien pekar på att talsyntesen ökar elevernas lärande, motivation och delaktighet hos de allra flesta av eleverna. Elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter är en heterogen grupp med olika behov beroende av vad som orsakar deras svårigheter och talsyntesens betydelse och användningsområden kan därför variera.  Studien visar att det är viktigt att införandet av talsyntes sker i dialog med eleven och att hon eller han har stora möjligheter att själv bestämma över när, hur och var den ska användas. Resultatet visar också att det är viktigt att det finns en god stöttning i början av användandet. / The aim of the study is to examine students with reading and writing difficulties different ways of perceiving the use of text-to speech. Qualitative interviews were conducted with nine students in the primary grades three to nine. The study was based on a phenomenographic approach. The result shows six different views on the use of text-to-speech. The six description categories are: text-to-speech  in use, significant others, autonomy and independence,  learning, participation and change and commitment and attitude. The majority of students experience the use of text-to-speech positively. The study indicates that text-to-speech increases student learning, motivation and participation of the vast majority of students. Students with reading and writing difficulties are a heterogeneous group with different needs depending on what is causing their difficulties and the importance and use of text-to-speech may therefore vary. It is important that the introduction of text-to-speech through discussion with the student and that she or he has great opportunity to decide when, how and where to use it. The result also shows that it is important with scaffolding at the beginning of use.

Att skriva sig till läsning via datorn : Lärarens val? / Learning reading by writing on computers : Teachers choice?

Palm, Ann-Christine January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my study is to examine why five primary school teachers chose to start using the method ”Learning reading by writing on computer” in their teaching. How do they perceive that the method works in their classroom and do they perceive that the method affect the children’s literacy? The study consists of a qualitative method in form of interviews with five primary school teachers and also some observations made by me in the classrooms. I will use the findings I made during the interviews and observations and contrast these to relevant literature and research that I have collected. The result of my study shows that all of the interviewed teachers had a self-interest in working with the method ”Learning reading by writing on computers” and that they also worked closely with colleagues. The majority of the pupils could talk about their texts and the structure of the language already in grade one and many had learned to read faster than former pupils.

Efeitos da exposição combinada a programas informatizados de ensino de leitura, escrita e consciência fonológica a alunos com dificuldade de aprendizagem / Effects of combined exposure to computerized reading and writing and phonological awareness programs for students with learning difficulties

Rodrigues, Pauliana do Nascimento 30 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T17:22:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T17:22:39Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-08-23T17:22:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-08-23T17:22:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissPNR.pdf: 2186685 bytes, checksum: 3eb85dc836dd2d72dc08286d77f33430 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The present study aimed to verify the development of phonological awareness and the acquisition of reading and writing in children with learning difficulties using a reading and writing and a phonological awareness computerized programs. Seven students with learning disabilities enrolled in the second year of elementary school participated in the study. They were divided into two experimental conditions. On Condition 1, participants were exposed to Module 1 of a computerized reading and writing program, and on Condition 2, participants were exposed to the same computerized program concomitant with the phonological awareness program. Before (pre-test), during (intermediate test) and after the experimental training phase (post-test) the following tests were administered with participants of both conditions: Phonological Consciousness Test (by oral production - PCF), Phonological Awareness with Figures and Reading and Writing Diagnostics (DLE). Results show that four participants in Condition 1 completed the program within 21 to 23 sessions and the three participants in Condition 2 completed the teaching phases within 19 to 29 sessions. Concerning the phonological awareness program, participants on Condition 2 required more repetition of rhyme and alliteration activities than syllabic and phonemic activities. Results obtained from the evaluations indicate that participants of both conditions showed intermediate performance in rhyme and alliteration skills, high marks in syllabic skills and null performance in phonemic skills. In the post-test, improvement was observed for rhyme and alliteration, and syllabic skills. Participants did not consistently present improvement in phonemic skills in probes and post-tests. Regarding the reading and writing repertoire, results indicate that the participants of both conditions presented improvement in the relations evaluated at final test. The results suggest the need to improve teaching procedures for the development of phonological awareness skills. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo verificar o desenvolvimento de habilidades de consciência fonológica e aquisição de leitura e de escrita em crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem empregando programas informatizados de consciência fonológica e de ensino de leitura e de escrita. Participaram da pesquisa sete alunos com dificuldades de aprendizagem matriculados no segundo ano do Ensino Fundamental. Os participantes foram divididos em duas condições experimentais. Os participantes da Condição 1 foram expostos ao Módulo 1 de um programa informatizado de ensino de leitura e de escrita; e da Condição 2 foram expostos ao mesmo Módulo 1 de um programa informatizado de ensino de leitura e de escrita concomitantemente ao programa informatizado de consciência fonológica. Antes (pré-teste), na metade (teste intermediário) e após (pós-teste) a fase de ensino, foram aplicadas avaliações: Prova de Consciência Fonológica (por produção oral - PCF), a Prova de Consciência Fonológica com Figuras (PCFF) e o Diagnóstico de Leitura e Escrita (DLE) com os participantes das duas condições. Os resultados mostraram que quatro participantes da Condição 1 completaram o programa de ensino de leitura e de escrita realizando entre 21 e 23 sessões e os três participantes da Condição 2 finalizaram o ensino realizando entre 19 e 29 sessões. Em relação ao programa de consciência fonológica, verificou-se que os participantes da Condição 2 necessitaram de mais repetições das atividades de rima e aliteração do das atividades silábicas e fonêmicas. Nas avaliações realizadas, verificou-se que os participantes de ambas as condições obtiveram resultados inicias intermediários nas habilidades de rima e aliteração na Prova de Consciência Fonológica, altas porcentagens de acertos nas habilidades silábicas e desempenho nulo nas habilidades fonêmicas. No pós-teste, observou-se melhora no desempenho nas habilidades de rima e aliteração e silábicas; e nas habilidades fonêmicas, os participantes não apresentaram melhora de forma consistente nas duas condições nas sondas e pós-testes. Em relação ao repertório de leitura e de escrita, os resultados indicaram que os participantes das duas condições apresentaram melhora nos desempenhos nas relações avaliadas após o programa de leitura. Os resultados sugerem a necessidade do aprimoramento de procedimentos de ensino para o desenvolvimento de habilidades de consciência fonológica.

A interação tutor-alunos em EAD: protagonistas de ações de leitura e escrita

Soares, Inaldo Firmino 19 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-14T12:43:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 963486 bytes, checksum: db131ea31f26077410de303bcf57985b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-19 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Set on the foundations of Applied Linguistics which focusses on language activities from different theretical focus, this paper is the outcome of a research on the language actions of postgraduate students (Specialization Courses),observed in the interaction with their tutors and peers, by means of digital hypertext, in a Learning Virtual Environment a Hiper Digital Context. It also studies the way these actions reflect the development and improvement of students verbal language. The topic was studied by means of differentiated authors within Sociodiscursive Interactionism such as: (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006a, 2006b, 2008; DOLZ, PASQUIER E BRONCKART, 1993; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 1998; MACHADO, 2005; MATENCIO, 2007; PEREIRA, 2006, 2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010). This theory presents as its main theoreticians, Vygostsky (1998, 1987) in the development field, and Bakhtin (2003, 1986), in the language field. To these two authors all thought architecture is supported by social interaction mediated by language. As it is a qualitative research, besides revising the literature we had to observe the students in their interaction with their tutors/teachers and their peers, by means of written messages that circulated in the virtual learning environment. The observed situations offered us subsides to analyse questions related to the way they read, wrote; how their ideas were organized and their knowledge was constructed. The tutor-student language interactions constituted meaningful contributions for the activities of reading and writing by the subjects involved, and if it had occurred in a more conscious form, being clear the role language activities exert over the construction of the conscious thought, the contribution would be more expressive. The reading and writing activities, that have always existed together, have been centered on the thematic content, reflecting a view of reading as decoding activity, to the detriment of a discursive conception that considers not only the skills and competences related to the content, but also the linguistic materiality of the text and its enunciation situation. Starting from a broader notion of reading and writing, considered as social practices, and observing the language interactions of the subjects of this research, especially the tutors with their guidance and interventions on the written activities of the students, some gaps were found. Not all the parameters of social and individual order, being them external, linked to the conditions of text production, or internal, related to the cognitive processing activated during the writing production, have been contemplated. Regarding to the processing of ideas, both the activities proposed by the tutors/teachers and the students' interactions on the e-foruns as well as their text productions showed that actions such as searching, creation, evaluation, decision and selection of ideas were relatively contemplated. What was not present in a more expressive form, especially from the tutors, were the actions of ranking, ordering, concatenating and articulating, that assures the textualization mechanisms and contribute for the thematic coherence of the text, fundamental guidances when written activities were asked, because, independently of their levels and the teaching manner - face or distance education - in which they find themselves, the difficulties are the same. Another action revealed by the results of this study, a wider one, is the massive and systematic investment in the basic and continuing formation of teachers of Portuguese, particularly, but also from other disciplines, as the work with reading and writing are interrelated to the fields of History, Geography, Philosophy, etc. Teachers' training, thus, must start from the comprehension of the complexity of the written language practices, a type of comprehension that imposes a pedagogy of literacy, including digital, that comes to overlap to the pedagogy of the theme or to a genre teaching program that does not contemplate their pragmatic and sociocommunicative aspects. In this sense, this study leaves its contribution for the possible effectiveness of an interface between Applied Linguistics, that focuses in language activities from different theoretical perspectives, and the Distance Education (EaD), both undergraduation and post-graduation courses, with their organizers, webdesigns, tutors, content teachers and students. It is also our intention, by having done this research, to contribute for the spread of the Sociodiscursive Interactionism in Brazil, interdisciplinary theoretical perspective whose studies originate and radicalize in the conception that every thought architecture is sustained in relation to the other, through social interaction, mediated by language. The research points to the need of an adviser/counsellor, a professional from the Applied Linguistics Area, in conceiving, structruing and building up (LVEs) (Learning Virtual Environment) courses where interaction acts effectively: tutor students / students-students reading and writing may constitute the middle and the end of knowledge construction helping in the development and improvement of verbal language. / Sob os alicerces da Linguística Aplicada, que vem focalizando as atividades linguageiras a partir de diferentes enfoques teóricos, este trabalho resulta de uma pesquisa sobre as ações de linguagem nas interações realizadas por alunos e tutores de um curso de Especialização em Ensino a Distância, a partir da plataforma Moodle, e os reflexos dessas ações no desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da linguagem verbal desses sujeitos. O tema foi abordado à luz do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (BRONCKART, 1999, 2006a, 2006b, 2008; DOLZ, PASQUIER E BRONCKART, 1993; DOLZ e SCHNEUWLY, 1998; MACHADO, 2005; MATENCIO, 2007; PEREIRA, 2006, 2007, 2009a, 2009b, 2010), que tem como principais referências teóricas, no campo do desenvolvimento, Vigostsky (1998, 1987) e, no campo da linguagem, Bakhtin (2003, 1986), pensadores cujas perspectivas de estudo se originam e radicalizam-se na concepção de que toda a arquitetura do pensamento se sustenta na relação com a alteridade, através da interação social, mediada pela linguagem. Para atender ao caráter descritivo e exploratório da pesquisa, optou-se pela abordagem qualitativa, o que demandou, além de uma revisão vertical da literatura, a observação dos alunos nas interações com os tutores/professores e seus iguais, por meio das mensagens escritas que faziam circular nas interfaces do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem. As situações observadas ofereceram subsídios para a análise das questões levantadas a respeito de como leem e escrevem esses sujeitos, como organizam suas ideias e como constroem conhecimentos. Dessa análise, alguns resultados podem ser assinalados. As interações linguageiras tutor-alunos constituíram contribuições significativas para as atividades de leitura e escrita por estes sujeitos, e se isso tivesse se dado de forma mais consciente, estando claro o papel que as atividades de linguagem exercem na construção do pensamento consciente, as contribuições seriam ainda mais expressivas. As atividades de leitura e escrita, que sempre estiveram juntas no curso, centralizavam-se no conteúdo temático, refletindo uma concepção de leitura como atividade de decodificação, em detrimento de uma concepção discursiva, que considera não só as habilidades e competências relacionadas ao conteúdo, mas também a materialidade linguística dos textos e a sua situação de enunciação. Partindo de uma noção mais ampla de leitura e escrita, consideradas como práticas sociais, e observando as interações linguageiras dos sujeitos desta pesquisa, sobretudo os tutores com suas orientações e intervenções nas atividades escritas dos alunos, constatamos algumas lacunas. Nem todos os parâmetros de ordem social e individual, sejam os externos, ligados às condições de produção dos textos, sejam os internos, referentes ao processamento cognitivo ativado no momento da produção escrita, foram contemplados. No tocante ao processamento de ideias, tanto as atividades propostas pelos tutores/professores quanto as interações dos alunos nos fóruns e suas produções textuais mostraram que ações de busca, criação, avaliação, decisão e seleção de ideias foram razoavelmente contempladas. O que não se fez presente de forma mais expressiva, sobretudo da parte dostutores, foram ações da ordem do hierarquizar, ordenar, concatenar e articular, que garantem os mecanismos de textualização e contribuem para a coerência temática do texto, orientações essas fundamentais quando solicitamos atividades escritas aos alunos, pois, independentemente do nível deles e da modalidade de ensino presencial ou a distância em que se encontram, as dificuldades são as mesmas. Outra medida apontada pelos resultados deste estudo, esta de caráter mais abrangente, é o investimento maciço e sistemático na formação inicial e continuada de professores de português, sobretudo, mas também de outras disciplinas, afinal de contas o trabalho com leitura e escrita perpassa os domínios da História, Geografia, Filosofia etc. A formação de professores, portanto, deve partir da compreensão da complexidade das práticas de linguagem escrita, compreensão essa que impõe uma pedagogia do letramento, inclusive digital, que venha se sobrepor a pedagogia da temática ou a um ensino de gêneros que não contemple seus aspectos sociocomunicativos e pragmáticos. Nesse sentido, este estudo deixa sua contribuição para a possível efetivação de uma interface entre a Linguística Aplicada, que vem focalizando as atividades linguageiras a partir de diferentes enfoques teóricos, e os cursos de EaD, tanto os de graduação como os de pósgraduação, com seus organizadores, webdesigns, tutores, professores conteudistas e alunos. É nossa intenção também, com a realização desta pesquisa, contribuir para a ampliação do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo no Brasil, corrente teórica interdisciplinar cujas perspectivas de estudo se originam e radicalizam na concepção de que toda a arquitetura do pensamento se sustenta na relação com a alteridade, através da interação social, mediada pela linguagem. A pesquisa aponta, portanto, para a necessidade de uma assessoria/consultoria de um profissional da área de Linguística Aplicada na concepção, estruturação e desenvolvimento de cursos de EaD, para que, na ponta desses cursos, o ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, em que se dão efetivamente as interações tutor-alunos / alunos-alunos, a leitura e a escrita se constituam no meio e no fim da construção do conhecimento e do desenvolvimento e aprimoramento da linguagem verbal.

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