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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prisão preventiva: direito à razoável duração e necessidade de prazo legal máximo / Preventive detention: right to reasonable duration and necessity of legal maximum term

Nakaharada, Carlos Eduardo Mitsuo 20 March 2015 (has links)
O direito à razoável duração do processo, inserido expressamente no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro a partir do advento da Emenda Constitucional 45/2004, já poderia ser inferido desde a incorporação da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, bem como ser considerado um corolário da garantia do devido processo legal. Todo indivíduo tem o direito a um processo sem dilações indevidas, em especial aquele que se encontre submetido a uma prisão preventiva, medida cautelar pessoal de extrema gravosidade. Nesse contexto, exsurge o direito que o indivíduo preso preventivamente tem de que o seu processo seja julgado em um prazo razoável ou de que ele seja desencarcerado, caso preso além da necessidade fática contida no caso concreto. Entretanto, a interpretação da garantia não pode restar somente à livre vontade dos aplicadores do direito, sendo necessária uma regulamentação legal efetiva da duração da prisão preventiva, por meio de prazos concretos nos quais o sujeito deverá ser posto em liberdade, ante a desídia estatal. Incorporando experiências estrangeiras, deve o legislador pátrio adotar marcos temporais legais, em que a prisão preventiva deverá cessar, caso excessivamente prolongada. Muito embora no ano de 2011 tenha sido reformada a tutela das medidas cautelares pessoais no Código de Processo Penal, o legislador ordinário não aprovou a imposição de limites de duração da prisão preventiva, permanecendo ao livre arbítrio das autoridades judiciárias a interpretação da garantia em referência. Assim, o Projeto de Lei do Novo Código de Processo Penal, atualmente em trâmite no Congresso Nacional, ao prever limites máximos de duração da prisão preventiva, dá uma efetiva regulamentação à garantia da duração razoável do imputado preso, devendo ser, espera-se, mantido no eventual texto final aprovado. / The right to reasonable duration of process, inserted expressly into Brazilian law from the advent of the 45th Constitutional Amendment, of 2004, could already be inferred since the incorporation of the American Convention on Human Rights, as well as be considered a corollary of the due process of law clause. Each individual has the right to a process without undue delay, specially those submitted to preventive detention, personal precautionary measure of extreme severity. In this context, arises the right of the individual who is preventively arrested that his case is ruled within a reasonable time, or that he is set free, when remanded beyond factual necessity. However, the interpretation of such right cannot be left only to the free will of law enforcers, needing an effective legal regulation regarding the duration of preventive detentions, through concrete marks in which the individual must be set free, before the state negligence. Incorporating foreign experiences, Brazilian legislator must adopt temporal legal marks, in which preventive detention must cease, in case it is excessively delayed. Despite modification in 2011 of the legal regulation of personal precautionary measures contained in the Criminal Procedure Code, the ordinary legislator did not approve the imposition of limits of duration regarding preventive detention, remaining to the free will of judicial authorities the interpretation of the referred right. Thus, the Project of the New Criminal Procedure Code, currently in progress through the National Parliament, containing maximum limits of duration regarding preventive detention effectively regulates such guarantee thus must be, as expected, held in the final approved legal text.

Raymond Aron. De la philosophie critique de l'histoire à l'analyse politique / Raymond Aron. From the critical philosophy of history to the political analyses / 雷蒙•阿隆:从历史哲学批判到政治分析

Li, Lan 08 December 2012 (has links)
Notre idée principale est d’essayer de comprendre la pensée politique de Raymond Aron à partir de sa théorie sur l’histoire. Pour nous, derrière sa proclamation d’une politique raisonnable ou progressive existe un support épistémologique, à savoir la proposition d’un déterminisme de probabilité concernant la vérité historique, proposition qui ne peut se constituer que dans le cadre d’une critique de la philosophie spéculative de l’histoire. Dans l’Introduction à la philosophie de l’histoire, Aron tente de surmonter l’antinomie du devenir humain entre unité totale du modèle hégélien-marxiste et pluralité irréductible du modèle d’Oswald Spengler, mais sans tomber dans le piège du relativisme absolu. Plus précisément, sa propre critique de la philosophie de l’histoire se constitue à double niveau : au niveau méthodologique, il essaye de réinterpréter la relation entre la compréhension et l’explication pour établir l’objectivité historique. Et au niveau ontologique, pour éviter une conclusion relativiste, il réintroduit l’idée d’une société humanisée au sens kantien, mais d’une manière moins téléologique et plus régulatrice. Dans le domaine politique, corrélativement, il rejette tout type de messianisme garanti d’avance, car, à ses yeux, ce n’est que par choix et décision instantanée que l’homme fait son histoire, tout en gardant l’espoir de la liberté. Et son libéralisme se différencie du libéralisme purement économique et apparaît à la fois conservateur vis-à-vis de la tradition et essentiellement politique. Notre recherche consistera à montrer comment s’est élaboré, en surmontant les philosophies dogmatiques de l’histoire, ce déterminisme de probabilité ; comment il a su appliquer cette conviction historique à son analyse de la société, notamment en tant que libérale et quel rôle doit jouer, selon lui, un intellectuel face à la politique ; nous reprendrons ensuite sa critique vis-à-vis des intellectuels français, pour l’appliquer au débat entre les intellectuels chinois. / Our main intention is to present the philosophical background of Raymond Aron’s political point of view by way of his theory on historical philosophy. For us, behind his proclamation of a reasonable politics, exists an epistemological support, known as determinism of probability as far as the historical truth is concerned. And this determinism is only possible when it is based on a critique of the speculative philosophy of history. In the book named introduction to a philosophy of history, Aron tries to surpass the antinomy of historical becoming, between total unity of the hegelian-marxiste model and the irreducible plurality of the Oswald Spengler model, and meanwhile without falling into an absolute relativism. More precisely, the historical philosophy of Raymond Aron is dedicated to a two-dimensional constitution. On the epistemological level, he tries to reinterpret the relation between explication and comprehension, by way of circle between these two methods, and aim to, in the end, establish the limit of historical objectivity by introducing a certain determinism of probability; on the ontological level, in order to avoid the relativist conclusion, he keeps the Kantian notion of truth, but in a less teleological and more regulative sense. Correlatively, in the domain of politics, he declines all kind of Messianism who claims to possess in advance the historical truth, because for him, it is only via instant choice and decision based on the liberty that can man creates his history. His liberalism essentially political is different from the neoliberalism, and maintains a conservative attitude towards the tradition. Generally speaking, our research consists of presenting how this determinism of probability is possible, and how Aron applies this philosophical point of view to the political practice, and according to him, what should an intellectual do facing the politics. And we will also discuss his critiques to the idealism of the french intellectual, in order to analyze the debate among the chinese intellectual. / 本文旨在从雷蒙•阿隆的历史观入手来了解其政治观点形成的背景。我们认为,他在政治上主张的一种“合理的政治观”始终是基于他的历史哲学观,即“或然决定论”展开的,而后者,在其博士论文《历史哲学批判导论》一书中得到了很好的阐明。从破除历史理性的二律背反开始,即黑格尔-马克思传统的作为统一体的历史观和以斯宾格勒为代表的不可还原的多样性的历史观,阿隆构建起一种既超越实证主义,又不陷入相对主义(通过引入康德意义上的“真理”概念)的或然决定论。具体言之,他的历史哲学批判基于一种双层面的建构,一方面,在认识论层面,他试图重新阐释说明和理解的关系来维护历史的客观性;在形而上学层面,为了避免相对主义的结论,他引入了康德意义上的“人道主义社会”的概念,并将其视为一种更少目的性而更多调节性的概念。就政治领域而言,与此相对应的,他拒斥任何先定的救世福音说,并且坚信人类的历史只能由每个自由的个体的当下的选择和决定中被创造。他所主张的自由主义,不同于经济自由主义,一方面对传统秉持保守的态度,另一方面,本质上又是一种政治的自由主义。我们的研究将从阿隆对传统的教条的历史哲学的批判起步,揭示其“或然决定论”的观点的形成过程;及其历史观如何影响其政治观的过程,尤其反映于他作为一名知识分子,对历史的态度问题;我们也将讨论他对法国知识分子弊病的批判,并且将这一批判引入对中国知识分子的讨论当中。

Prisão preventiva: direito à razoável duração e necessidade de prazo legal máximo / Preventive detention: right to reasonable duration and necessity of legal maximum term

Carlos Eduardo Mitsuo Nakaharada 20 March 2015 (has links)
O direito à razoável duração do processo, inserido expressamente no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro a partir do advento da Emenda Constitucional 45/2004, já poderia ser inferido desde a incorporação da Convenção Americana de Direitos Humanos, bem como ser considerado um corolário da garantia do devido processo legal. Todo indivíduo tem o direito a um processo sem dilações indevidas, em especial aquele que se encontre submetido a uma prisão preventiva, medida cautelar pessoal de extrema gravosidade. Nesse contexto, exsurge o direito que o indivíduo preso preventivamente tem de que o seu processo seja julgado em um prazo razoável ou de que ele seja desencarcerado, caso preso além da necessidade fática contida no caso concreto. Entretanto, a interpretação da garantia não pode restar somente à livre vontade dos aplicadores do direito, sendo necessária uma regulamentação legal efetiva da duração da prisão preventiva, por meio de prazos concretos nos quais o sujeito deverá ser posto em liberdade, ante a desídia estatal. Incorporando experiências estrangeiras, deve o legislador pátrio adotar marcos temporais legais, em que a prisão preventiva deverá cessar, caso excessivamente prolongada. Muito embora no ano de 2011 tenha sido reformada a tutela das medidas cautelares pessoais no Código de Processo Penal, o legislador ordinário não aprovou a imposição de limites de duração da prisão preventiva, permanecendo ao livre arbítrio das autoridades judiciárias a interpretação da garantia em referência. Assim, o Projeto de Lei do Novo Código de Processo Penal, atualmente em trâmite no Congresso Nacional, ao prever limites máximos de duração da prisão preventiva, dá uma efetiva regulamentação à garantia da duração razoável do imputado preso, devendo ser, espera-se, mantido no eventual texto final aprovado. / The right to reasonable duration of process, inserted expressly into Brazilian law from the advent of the 45th Constitutional Amendment, of 2004, could already be inferred since the incorporation of the American Convention on Human Rights, as well as be considered a corollary of the due process of law clause. Each individual has the right to a process without undue delay, specially those submitted to preventive detention, personal precautionary measure of extreme severity. In this context, arises the right of the individual who is preventively arrested that his case is ruled within a reasonable time, or that he is set free, when remanded beyond factual necessity. However, the interpretation of such right cannot be left only to the free will of law enforcers, needing an effective legal regulation regarding the duration of preventive detentions, through concrete marks in which the individual must be set free, before the state negligence. Incorporating foreign experiences, Brazilian legislator must adopt temporal legal marks, in which preventive detention must cease, in case it is excessively delayed. Despite modification in 2011 of the legal regulation of personal precautionary measures contained in the Criminal Procedure Code, the ordinary legislator did not approve the imposition of limits of duration regarding preventive detention, remaining to the free will of judicial authorities the interpretation of the referred right. Thus, the Project of the New Criminal Procedure Code, currently in progress through the National Parliament, containing maximum limits of duration regarding preventive detention effectively regulates such guarantee thus must be, as expected, held in the final approved legal text.

« Accommodements raisonnables » pour motif religieux : étude d’un débat public

Quérin, Joëlle 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire porte sur la polémique qui a eu lieu au Québec entre mars 2006 et décembre 2007 autour des pratiques d’« accommodements raisonnables » pour motif religieux. À partir d’une approche compréhensive et d’un cadre théorique propre à la sociologie des relations ethniques, il propose une analyse qualitative de lettres d’opinion publiées dans des quotidiens québécois. Une première analyse, thématique, a permis de constituer des registres argumentaires dans lesquels ont puisé les participants au débat public sur les « accommodements raisonnables » par le biais de lettres d’opinion. Une seconde analyse, comparative, a permis de construire des figures d’intervenants du débat public qui témoignent non seulement des forces idéologiques qui se sont affrontées dans le débat public, mais également de leur positionnement au croisement des axes saillants de la différenciation sociale dans cette polémique Les résultats de ces analyses suggèrent d’abord que la polémique résulte d’un conflit entre marqueurs identitaires devant servir au positionnement des frontières ethniques, et ensuite que la polémique des « accommodements raisonnables » a donné lieu à une reconfiguration des rapports ethniques au Québec, attribuable à la dissociation entre le conflit entre deux nations et celui sur les critères d’inclusion à la nation. / This master’s thesis addresses the polemic that took place in Québec between March 2006 and December 2007 on the “reasonable accommodation” of religious minorities. Starting from a comprehensive perspective and a theoretical framework peculiar to the sociology of ethnic relations, it offers a two-pronged qualitative analysis of the open letters published in Québec newspapers. First, the various arguments made by participants in the debate are identified and categorized by means of thematic analysis. Second, a comparative approach is used to identify the various types of participants in this debate, taking into account both the nature of the ideological forces at work and their position on the most salient social-differentiation axes that structured the debate. The results suggest that the polemic arose from a conflict between the various “identity markers” used to place ethnic boundaries. Moreover, it suggests that the polemic also gave rise to a reconfiguration of ethnic relations in Québec, due to the distinction between the debate on the nation-to-nation conflict and that on the criteria for inclusion in the nation.

Barnfattigdom i Sverige : En studie om hur socialsekreterare uppfattar barnfattigdom samt hur de kan arbeta förebyggande. / Child Poverty in Sweden : A study about how social workers understand child poverty and how they can work preventative

Eriksson, Sanna, Paulsson, Emelie January 2013 (has links)
The aim with this study is to understand how social workers at the individual- and family sector think about child poverty and how they work with and reason about the preventive and facilitate work they do for financial vulnerable families. We have in our study used qualitative method through semi-structured interviews with social workers at the individual- and family sector to answer our purpose. The results showed that child poverty is a concept hard to define and not well established. The social workers have divided views on child poverty but still at the same time mean that it exists amongst the families they meet. There is also a big difference between municipalities and their reasoning on what a reasonable standard of living is for a financial vulnerable family and how they work with preventing child poverty. The social workers shows different ways on how to work with prevention but there is lack of understanding if their work really benefits the child.

L'emploi des personnes handicapées entre discrimination et égalité / Disabled person’s employment discrimination and equality

Joly, Laurène 13 December 2013 (has links)
Centrée sur l’intégration professionnelle, cette thèse emprunte un itinéraire de recherche qui, à partir de l’analyse des politiques sociales en faveur des personnes handicapées, se tourne vers l’étude de la réalisation de l’action publique repensée par le prisme de la non-discrimination. Deux axes structurent ce travail de recherche. Le premier axe porte sur l’évolution de la notion de handicap et son incidence sur la conception de l’action publique en direction des personnes handicapées. Le second axe s’articule autour de la mise en acte de l’exigence de non-discrimination à l’égard des personnes handicapées. / Focused on professional integration, this thesis follows a search path that from the analysis of social policies for people with disabilities, turned to the study of the implementation of public policy through the prism of redesigned non-discrimination. Two axes structure this research. The first area focuses on the evolution of the concept of disability and its impact on the design of public policy towards people with disabilities. The second theme focuses on the enactment of the requirement of non-discrimination against people with disabilities.

A phenomenological study of students with hidden disabilities in higher education : a cross sectional study of learning support needs in a university in the UK

Shepherd, Rosemary January 2018 (has links)
This phenomenological study was designed and conducted in a Post 1992 ‘new university’ situated in the UK. The aims of the study were a) to investigate inclusive practice amongst disabled students in higher education, b) to explore students’ perceptions on their lived experiences of the support provided c) to explore disabled students’ experiences of the process in gaining support d) to identify the kind of practices disabled students used to support their own effective learning in HE. A sample of 14 students, aged 19 to 56 volunteered to participate in the study. The study was underpinned by inclusive theory and equality policy provided for higher education institutions. Rich data from phenomenological interviews was analysed using thematic and narrative analysis. Analysis of the data uncovered new knowledge for lecturers and support staff in understanding disabled students’ lived experiences as they approached support systems and classrooms in higher education. The key findings involved a) barriers to communication and collaboration between students and lecturers, b) attitudes of staff and the asymmetries of power experienced by students in accessing support, c) issues around student anxiety, dependence and independence and ownership of learning, d) the idea that a reasonable adjustment could be unreasonable and embarrassing and evidence of tokenism in supporting students. The recommendations included a) the need for more in-depth training for all staff in equality and inclusive practice and inclusive course design, b) more support for students in negotiating their Study Needs Assessment, c) bridging the communication gap between Student Wellbeing, lecturers and students. The changes in funding to the Disabled Students’ Allowance came into force during 2016 which has consequently reduced or removed support for students who have disclosed a disability. Due to such changes, it will be even more important for universities to support the training of students, lecturers and support staff in creating and maintaining more inclusive environments in the future.

Wanting is not (always) doing so: Some laboral problems of disabled people in the peruvian order / Querer no (siempre) es poder: Algunos problemas laborales de las personas con discapacidad en el ordenamiento peruano

Bregaglio Lazarte, Renata Anahí, Constantino Caycho, Renato Antonio, Lengua Parra, Adrián Rodolfo 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article has the objective of analysing the provisions that the peruvian State has been adopting for the implementation of the persons labour law with disabilities. In concrete, the article examines the provisions of the employment rate, the obligation to adopt reasonable settings and the bonification for the access to public employment. Additionally, it will develop some problems originated from this implementation and it will explain the remaining normative problems that still exist in the protection of other dimensions about labour colective law and people with disabilities. / El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las medidas que el Estado peruano viene adoptando para la implementación del Derecho al Trabajo de las personas con discapacidad. En concreto, el artículo examina las medidas de cuota de empleo, deber de adoptar ajustes razonables y la bonificación para el acceso al empleo público. Asimismo, se desarrollarán algunos problemas derivados de esta implementación y se explicarán los vacíos normativos que aún existen en la protección de otras dimensiones del Derecho al Trabajo del colectivo de personas con discapacidad en nuestro país.

Julgamento liminar de mérito em caso de demandas repetitivas.

Andrade, Sabrina Dourado França January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Edileide Reis (leyde-landy@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-17T17:05:10Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Sabrina Dourado Andrade.pdf: 804408 bytes, checksum: f72e1fcbab7a88347da2658ae1fa9c39 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-09T17:36:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Sabrina Dourado Andrade.pdf: 804408 bytes, checksum: f72e1fcbab7a88347da2658ae1fa9c39 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-09T17:36:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sabrina Dourado Andrade.pdf: 804408 bytes, checksum: f72e1fcbab7a88347da2658ae1fa9c39 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / A morosidade processual desde há muito se constitui numa preocupação dos operadores do direito. A fim de pôr fim a tal problemática, o constituinte brasileiro, através da emenda 45/04, elevou (expressamente) o princípio da Brevidade Processual a status constitucional. A partir dessa emenda foi iniciada a denominada Reforma do Judiciário, a qual foi responsável por impulsionar a implementação de muitas alterações no Código de Processo Civil brasileiro, visando imprimir maior celeridade e efetividade à tramitação processual. Dentre essas modificações, em âmbito infraconstitucional, verificou-se a aprovação da lei 11.277/2006, que acrescentou o artigo 285-A do Código de Processo Civil, trazendo para o ordenamento brasileiro o denominado julgamento liminar de mérito em caso de demandas repetitivas. Tal instituto surgiu como uma possível solução ao problema da lentidão processual, uma vez que autoriza o juiz a proferir sentença de mérito quando a matéria controvertida for unicamente de direito e no juízo já houver sido proferida sentença de total improcedência em outros casos idênticos. Constatou-se se a nova técnica de agilização da prestação jurisdicional está de acordo com as garantias constitucionais do contraditório, da ampla defesa e do devido processo legal, tendo inclusive analisado os argumentos deduzidos pela ADIN 3695, ajuizada pelo Conselho Federal da OAB, que pede a declaração de inconstitucionalidade do dispositivo. Após discutir e rebater os argumentos contrários, sugere-se uma forma de interpretar o art. 285-A do CPC de acordo com a Constituição Federal, de modo a não prejudicar o demandado e de promover a concretização do direito fundamental à duração razoável do processo. / Salvador

Direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo judicial: limites e possibilidades de concretiza??o no ordenamento jur?dico p?trio

Nascimento, Carlos Francisco do 29 October 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:27:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CarlosFN_DISSERT.pdf: 1117429 bytes, checksum: fd5c9f1fb5bd475f5333136bbafa92c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-10-29 / This dissertation aims to address the limits and possibilities of realizing the fundamental right to reasonable time of the Brazilian legal system process. From this perspective, we analyze a reasonable time concept for the process, consistent with the civil homeland process; the relationship between efficiency, effectiveness, legal security and reasonable time of adjudication; a formal recognition of the fundamental right to reasonable time of the procedure in the Constitution of 1988; and the immediate applicability of this fundamental right. As indicated, the crisis of the Judiciary and procedural delay are problems directly related to the limits and possibilities of realization of the fundamental right under study. Moreover, we also present some mechanisms that can be used to overcome these problems. The subject was developed based on constitutional interpretation of fundamental rights, an approach that will always have this concern to be based on a methodology which includes the normative and empirical-dogmatic fields, realizing the fundamental right to reasonable time of the process. We adopted as methodological approach the study of this issue in judicial aspect, more specifically in the field of civil procedure. Finally, we weave through a critical and analytical view, our conclusions, which demonstrate the possibilities of overcoming the limits imposed to immediate implementation of the fundamental right to reasonable time of the process in our legal system / A presente disserta??o tem por objetivo abordar os limites e possibilidades de concretiza??o do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo no ordenamento jur?dico brasileiro. Nessa perspectiva, analisamos uma concep??o de tempo razo?vel do processo adequada ao processo civil p?trio; a rela??o entre efic?cia, efetividade, seguran?a jur?dica e o tempo razo?vel da presta??o jurisdicional; a positiva??o formal do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo na Constitui??o Federal de 1988; e a aplicabilidade imediata desse direito fundamental. S?o indicadas a crise do Judici?rio e a demora processual como problemas relacionados diretamente aos limites e possibilidades de concretiza??o do direito fundamental em estudo. Apresentamos, ainda, alguns mecanismos que podem ser utilizados na supera??o desses problemas. O tema foi desenvolvido com base no vi?s constitucional de interpreta??o de direitos fundamentais, abordagem que ter? sempre presente a preocupa??o de pautar-se numa metodologia que contemple os campos normativo, emp?rico-dogm?tico e de concretiza??o do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo. Adotamos como corte metodol?gico o estudo dessa problem?tica no ?mbito judicial, mais especificamente, no campo do processo civil. Por fim, tecemos, numa vis?o anal?tica e cr?tica, nossas conclus?es, as quais demonstram as possibilidades de supera??o aos limites impostos ? concretiza??o imediata do direito fundamental ao tempo razo?vel do processo em nosso ordenamento jur?dico

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