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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desempenho de um sistema de tratamento de efluentes de aquacultura : a recirculação como um alternativa sustentável

Porto, Cassiano Cauê Pôssas January 2010 (has links)
O intenso desenvolvimento da aquacultura tem sido acompanhado de um aumento nos impactos ambientais causados por esta atividade. As descargas de efluentes da aquacultura em ecossistemas aquáticos são uma fonte de deterioração da qualidade ambiental e podem causar eutrofização. O presente trabalho investigou e avaliou o desempenho de um sistema de tratamento e recirculação de efluentes de aquacultura em relação à sua eficiência em manter e restaurar os parâmetros de qualidade da água em níveis adequados ao ciclo produtivo, considerando as implicações desta técnica na conservação dos recursos hídricos. O experimento foi conduzido em dois sistemas funcionando paralelamente, simulando situações com e sem tratamento e recirculação de efluentes. Os sistemas aquícolas, em escala experimental, foram compostos pelos tanques e pelas unidades de tratamento e recirculação. Os tanques de cultivo foram povoados com juvenis de tilápia-do-Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). Os sistemas sem recirculação e com recirculação receberam, respectivamente, 65 indivíduos (biomassa total inicial = 477g) e 64 indivíduos (biomassa total inicial = 491g). O sistema de tratamento e recirculação de efluentes foi composto por um filtro biológico de leito flutuante granular (floating beads biofilter) e duas colunas de aeração, com diferentes meios de preenchimento. Ao longo dos seis meses de experimento foram medidos os principais parâmetros de qualidade da água para a aquacultura e para a estimativa do funcionamento e desempenho do sistema de tratamento e recirculação de efluentes. O desempenho zootécnico obtido nos tanques foi também avaliado e comparado. Análise de variância (ANOVA) foi utilizada para comparar os dados. Na comparação entre a água de cultivo dos tanques, os seguintes parâmetros apresentaram um valor mais elevado (p<0,05) para o sistema com recirculação: nitrato, carbono orgânico total, fosfato, cloreto, sulfato e condutividade. A água de cultivo do tanque sem recirculação apresentou maiores valores de nitrogênio amoniacal, sólidos suspensos e turbidez (p<0,05). As duas colunas de aeração usadas no experimento não apresentaram diferenças significativa entre si (p>0,05), apresentando uma eficiência de aeração de 67%. O sistema com recirculação foi caracterizado por um uso semanal de água significativamente menor (p<0,05), utilizando apenas 36% do volume de água que foi necessário para o tanque sem recirculação. Indícios de nitrificação foram identificados em ambos os sistemas, porém este processo apresentou uma importância maior sobre a qualidade da água no sistema com recirculação e filtro biológico. O sistema com recirculação produziu efluentes (através da retrolavagem do filtro) mais concentrados (p<0,05) em relação a nitrato, alcalinidade, carbono orgânico total, fosfato, sólidos suspensos e dissolvidos, cloreto, sulfato, condutividade. Em relação à carga de resíduos lançada ao ambiente, o sistema sem recirculação obteve valores maiores (p<0,05) de nitrogênio amoniacal, nitrato, carbono orgânico total, fosfato, sólidos suspensos, sólidos dissolvidos, fluoreto, cloreto e sulfato. Para os demais parâmetros, não houve diferenças significativas quanto à carga de resíduo do efluente produzido (p>0,05). Não houve diferenças significativas entre os dois sistemas comparados (p>0,05) quanto ao ganho de peso das tilápias durante o período de avaliação do desempenho zootécnico. A partir da biomassa total de peixes produzida nos dois tanques durante todo o período experimental calculou-se que o sistema sem recirculação fez uso de 4053 litros de água para cada kg (L/kg) de peixe produzido e o sistema com recirculação usou 1129 L/kg. O sistema de aquacultura com recirculação estudado, construído a partir de materiais nacionais e de baixo custo, obteve êxito como forma de criação de peixes, oferecendo uma significativa redução no volume de água usado e na carga de alguns resíduos em seus efluentes, quando comparado a técnicas convencionais de aquacultura. Apesar de haver significativas necessidades de aprimoramento do protótipo usado e de estudos complementares em relação ao assunto tendo em vista a realidade brasileira, principalmente contemplando a sua viabilidade econômica em diferentes cenários, o experimento conduzido oferece subsídios para o desenvolvimento da tecnologia de aquacultura com recirculação em âmbito nacional. / The active aquaculture growth that has been observed over the last few decades has been accompanied by important environmental impacts. One main concern is the discharge of aquaculture effluents in aquatic systems. Since these effluents contain nutrients, their discharge can contribute to the eutrophication of the receiving water bodies. The present work describes an investigation in which the aquaculture effluent was treated and recycled back to the system. The treatment process was evaluated with respect to its capability to remove contaminants and restore water quality to levels that were adequate to the fishing productive cycle. Such a system can contribute to the conservation of water resources by saving water and discarding fewer pollutants. The experiment was conducted in two pilot systems working in parallel, simulating fish culture processes with and without effluent treatment and recycling. The culture tanks were populated with Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The systems with and without recirculation were populated with 65 (initial total biomass = 477g) and 64 (initial total biomass = 491g) individuals, respectively. The effluent treatment and recirculation system were composed by a floating bead biofilter and two natural aeration columns, each filled with different media. The experiment was conducted along six months, during which the systems were monitored for water quality parameters and zootechnical performance. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare data collected in the culture tanks. The following parameters presented a higher value (p<0.05) in the recirculation system: nitrate, total organic carbon, phosphate, chloride, sulfate and conductivity. Culture water without recirculation presented higher values for total ammonia nitrogen, suspended solids and turbidity (p<0.05). The two aeration columns used in the experiment had about 67% aeration efficiency. Water use in the recirculation system was significantly lower (p<0.05) than the system without recycling, using just 36% of the water needed by the latter. Nitrification occurred in both systems, but had greater importance in the process with recycling and biological filtration. Filter backwashing from the recirculating system produced effluent that was more concentrated (p<0.05) than the system without recycling with respect to nitrate, alkalinity, total organic carbon, phosphate, suspended and dissolved solids, chloride, sulfate and conductivity. On the contrary, the residue loads discharged from the system without recirculation were higher (p<0.05) for total ammonia nitrogen, nitrate, total organic carbon, phosphate, suspended and dissolved solids, fluoride, chloride and sulfate. For the remaining parameters, no significant difference in the residue loads of the two systems was observed (p>0.05). One important observation was that no significant difference occurred between the two systems (p>0.05) regarding tilapia weight gains in the experimental period. Based on the fish biomass growth and water use measured on both systems, it was calculated that the system without recirculation used 4053 liters of water per each kg of produced fish. On the other hand, the system with recirculation used 1129 liters per kg. Considering the outlined results, it was concluded that the recirculating aquaculture system, built with simple and low cost national material, was successful with respect to fish cultivation, water use reduction, and effluent residue load discharges when compared with the conventional aquaculture technique. Despite the required refinements of the tested prototype, especially regarding scale and economic viability in different scenarios, it offers subsidies to the advance of the recirculating aquaculture technology at the national level.

Effect of Aquafeed on Productivity of Red Amaranth and on Water Quality under Aquaponic Cultivation

Medina, Miles D 28 March 2014 (has links)
Aquaponics, the integrated production of fish and hydroponic crops in a recirculating system, is an intensive cultivation method in which metabolic fish wastes fertilize plants. This study compares the effects of two aquafeeds on Red amaranth (Amaranthus tricolor) productivity and on water quality under cultivation of Blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus), with three aquaponic units (n=3) per treatment over a 60-day trial. The fishmeal-based control feed contains higher crude protein (40%) and phosphorus (1.12%) than the plant-based alternative feed (32% and 0.40%). The alternative feed resulted in a significantly higher amaranth crop yield (p

WTP for RAS salmon by the US consumer

Wu, Isaac Ying-Nan 16 May 2024 (has links)
Marine omega-3s, EPA and DHA, have been strongly evidenced to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. One of the richest sources of EPA and DHA in the U.S. diet is farmed Atlantic salmon, which has shown a steady consumption growth in the past decade. The U.S. shows the most production potential for salmon produced with an emerging production method, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), which directly addresses the environmental challenges associated with the traditional farming method, open-net pens. Because of the higher costs associated with RAS, the salmon it produces requires a price premium, and little is known about whether U.S. consumers are willing to pay such a premium. We conduct a hypothetical choice experiment across all major regional markets of the U.S. (n = 2857) to estimate consumers' willingness-to-pay for RAS and other attributes valued by producers and consumers. Our results show that U.S. consumers are willing to pay a premium for RAS, but only after prioritizing freshness (fewer days since harvest) and U.S. production, all of which were significant to the p < .001 level. Higher omega-3 content also justified a significant premium, but byproduct recycling and stocking density did not have any real influence on purchases. We express these willingness-to-pay (WTP) estimates as percentages of a reference product priced with model estimates. These adjusted retail premiums should be paired with RAS salmon production costs to understand the economic viability of RAS and illuminate the path to EPA and DHA nutrient security in the U.S. / Master of Science / Two micronutrients found in cold-water fish, EPA and DHA, have been strongly evidenced to decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. One of the richest sources of EPA and DHA in the U.S. diet is farmed Atlantic salmon, which has shown a steady consumption growth in the past decade. The U.S. shows the most production potential for salmon produced with an emerging production method, recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS), which directly addresses the environmental challenges associated with the traditional farming method, open-net pens. Because of the higher costs associated with RAS, the salmon it produces requires a price premium, and little is known about whether U.S. consumers are willing to pay such a premium. We conducted an experiment with U.S. consumers (n = 2857) to estimate willingness-to-pay for RAS and other attributes valued by producers and consumers. Our results show that U.S. consumers are willing to pay a premium for RAS, but only after prioritizing freshness (fewer days since harvest) and U.S. production. Higher omega-3 content also justified a significant premium, but byproduct recycling and stocking density did not have any real influence on purchase

Impact of lighting conditions on the developmental physiology of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Clokie, Benjamin Gregory James January 2017 (has links)
The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) lifecycle is punctuated by distinct ontogenic stages which are routinely manipulated commercially by photoperiod regimes to enable year-round production. As such, light plays a critical role throughout the production cycle, however, it remains poorly characterised and light spectrum and intensity have not been defined optimally yet. This thesis was therefore set out to test the effects of narrow bandwidth light (Blue-&lambda;(max) 444 nm, Green-&lambda;(max) 523 nm, Red-&lambda;(max) 632 nm and White) and intensity in freshwater (FW). Fry-parr development, out-of-season smoltification and ocular and vertebral health were examined as was the long-term effects of FW light regimes on seawater (SW) growth and muscle structure. In addition, the impact of photoperiod regimes on out-of-season smolts following transfer to SW was investigated. &NewLine; Major findings from the trials conducted show that light spectrum and intensity influence parr development with lower intensities performing better than higher intensities. Both the initiation and duration of smoltification was impacted by spectrum. Importantly, this doctoral work showed that daily changes in light intensity, from low during the scotophase to high during the photophase applied for the duration of a standard out-of-season smoltification regime was capable of providing a sufficient cue for the induction of smoltification. Historic FW light exposure impacted SW performance and post-transfer SW photoperiod had significant impact upon growth and maturation development. Results based on changes to the gonadosomatic index provide important guidance for suitable post-transfer photoperiods for smolt transferred to SW around the winter solstice. Importantly, from the parameters tested, exposure to different spectrum or light intensities did not adversely affect vertebral or ocular health. &NewLine; This thesis did not only focus on the physiological effects of light but also aimed to characterise better the pathways involved in light perception and integration. To do so, the neural response to both broad spectrum white light, darkness and Red and Blue light was investigated through deep brain insitu-hybridisation and high throughput sequencing (NGS) of the pituitary gland. Results showed substantial spectral and light/dark changes in the both the deep brain and pituitary transcriptome. Overall, this research provides both scientifically interesting and commercially relevant guidance for the optimisation of lighting systems for use in captive salmon aquaculture. Major findings from the trials conducted show that light spectrum and intensity influence parr development with lower intensities performing better than higher intensities. Both the initiation and duration of smoltification was impacted by spectrum. Importantly, this doctoral work showed that daily changes in light intensity, from low during the scotophase to high during the photophase applied for the duration of a standard out-of-season smoltification regime was capable of providing a sufficient cue for the induction of smoltification. Historic FW light exposure impacted SW performance and post-transfer SW photoperiod had significant impact upon growth and maturation development. Results based on changes to the gonadosomatic index provide important guidance for suitable post-transfer photoperiods for smolt transferred to SW around the winter solstice. Importantly, from the parameters tested, exposure to different spectrum or light intensities did not adversely affect vertebral or ocular health. This thesis did not only focus on the physiological effects of light but also aimed to characterise better the pathways involved in light perception and integration. To do so, the neural response to both broad spectrum white light, darkness and Red and Blue light was investigated through deep brain insitu-hybridisation and high throughput sequencing (NGS) of the pituitary gland. Results showed substantial spectral and light/ dark changes in the both the deep brain and pituitary transcriptome. Overall, this research provides both scientifically interesting and commercially relevant guidance for the optimisation of lighting systems for use in captive salmon aquaculture.

Cultivo de surubim pintado (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans) e híbrido (P. reticulatum X P. corruscans) em sistema de recirculação de água

Miranda, Mário Olindo Tallarico de 31 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4560.pdf: 1880275 bytes, checksum: 259fd9d9b3aeb99130c54c0ee0f5af82 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-31 / This study aimed to test a pilot recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and to evaluate in this system the effects of the stocking density on the production of species of surubim pintado , Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, and its hybrid with P. reticulatum regarding the effect of stocking density and water renewal rate on the hybrid production. The study lasted for 84 days. The physical and chemical conditions in the RAS was evaluated by measuring water consumption (223,6 L/kg of fish produced), temperature (25,8±0,7ºC), dissolved oxygen (5,33±0,04 mg/L O2 in the water inlet to culture tanks), pH (6,75±0,25), total alkalinity (40,0±20,6 mg/L CaCO3), carbon dioxide (16,6±6,1 mg/L CO2), total suspended solids (8,0±4,2 mg/L TSS), total ammonia nitrogen (0,18±0,10 mg/L NH3-N), nitrite (0,163±0,090 mg/L NO2-) and nitrate (58,0±9,7 mg/L NO3-). To evaluate the fish performance, two experiments were conducted simultaneously. In experiment 1, densities of 40, 80 and 120 fish.m-3 (approximately 8.5, 17 and 25.5 kg.m-3) for the pure and the hybrid lineages were tested using a 3 x 2 factorial design (three densities and two lineages). In experiment 2, only the hybrid lineage was used, and three stocking densities were tested: 20, 40 and 60 fish.m-3 (approximately 9, 18 and 27 kg.m-3) and two water renewal rates (1 L/kg.min-1 and 0,5 L/kg.min-1), using a 3 x 2 factorial design (three densities and two water renewal rates). Fish were fed with extruded food (40% crude protein) at a rate of 2.5% of the body weight per day. For both experiments, daily specific growth rate (SGR), final weight, biomass gain, final density, food conversion, final weight and dissolved oxygen levels at the tank outlet are discussed. In experiment 1, both lineages showed to be adapted to the RAS, but the hybrid lineage had a better performance than the pure lineage. In experiment 2, the highest water renewal rate resulted in a better performance, and an increase in density improved the final production. / O objetivo deste trabalho foi testar um sistema piloto de recirculação de água (SRA) e avaliar neste sistema o efeito da densidade de estocagem no cultivo de surubins puros, Pseudoplatystoma corruscans, e do seu híbrido (P. reticulatum x P. corruscans) e o efeito da densidade de estocagem e da taxa de renovação de água no cultivo do híbrido. O trabalho teve duração de 84 dias. O SRA foi avaliado através das medições de consumo de água (223,6 L/kg de peixe produzido), temperatura (25,8±0,7ºC), oxigênio dissolvido (5,33±0,04 mg/L de O2 na água de abastecimento dos tanques de cultivo), pH (6,75±0,25), alcalinidade total (40,0±20,6 mg/L CaCO3), gás carbônico (16,6±6,1 mg/L CO2), sólidos suspensos totais (8,0±4,2 mg/L SST), nitrogênio amoniacal total (0,18±0,10 mg/L NH3-N), nitrito (0,163±0,090 mg/L NO2-) e nitrato (58,0±9,7 mg/L NO3-). Para avaliação do desempenho dos peixes, foram realizados dois experimentos simultaneamente. No experimento 1 foram testadas as densidades de 40, 80 e 120 peixes/m3 (aproximadamente 8,5, 17 e 25,5 Kg/m³) para as linhagens pura e híbrida, num delineamento em fatorial 3 × 2 (três densidades e duas linhagens). No experimento 2 foi utilizada somente a linhagem híbrida, tendo sido testadas 3 densidades de estocagem, 20, 40 e 60 peixes/m3 (aproximadamente 9, 18 e 27 Kg/m³) e duas taxas de renovação de água (1 L/kg.min-1 e 0,5 L/kg.min-1), num delineamento em fatorial 3 × 2 (três densidades de estocagem e duas taxas de renovação de água). A alimentação dos peixes nos dois experimentos foi realizada com ração extrusada (40% de proteína bruta) na proporção de 2,5% da biomassa, ministrada diariamente. Para os dois experimentos foram discutidos dados de taxa de crescimento específico diária, peso final, ganho de biomassa, densidade final produzida, conversão alimentar, peso final e níveis de oxigênio dissolvido na saída dos tanques. No experimento 1, foi observado que as duas linhagens se adaptaram ao SRA, porém a linhagem híbrida teve melhor desempenho que a linhagem pura. No experimento 2, a maior taxa de renovação de água proporcionou melhor desempenho e o aumento de densidade, incrementando a produção final.

Vyhodnocení účinnosti mechanického a nitrifikačního biologického filtru při provozu recirkulačního systému s intenzivním chovem ryb / Evaluation of Efect Mechanicle a Nitrifying Biological Filters in Recirculating Aquacultere Systeme with Intensive Fish Farming.

OLBERT, Karel January 2008 (has links)
Aim of my work is influence of high level breeding of Euroasian perch on quality of water and operation of mechanicle drum filter and fluized bed biofilter. Euroasian perch is reared in recirculating aquaculture systeme. Fish were devide into six groups in dependence on their body weight. Groups of fish with avarage start weight (g) {$\pm$} SD; biomass (kg) 232,9 {$\pm$} 10,0; 15,14 (I), 196,4 {$\pm$} 8,1; 15,32 (II), 139,8 {$\pm$} 6,1; 15,10 (III), 102,4 {$\pm$} 5,5; 15,06 (IV), 59,4 {$\pm$} 5,5; 15,04 (V), 37,7 {$\pm$} 7,5; 15,00 (VI) were put into plastic tank (600l). Three measurement was with fed fish and three measurement with food-deprived fish. Fed day was organised like feeding period (light phase) 12 hours and 12 hours non-feeding period (dark phase). First part of my project was about impact mechanicle filtration to remove solids from water. Mechanical filter can keep the water quality on perfect level for fish farming. Second part was about evaluation of nitrifying biologickle filters. Biologicle filtration was did her function well, because levels of amonia, nitrite and nitrate were keep on optimum values. Third part of my project was about measurement of oxygen consumption and amonia excretion. Was observed significant diurnal changes of oxygen consumption and amonia excretion for fed fish. For food-deprived fish was observed significant diurnal changes of oxygen consuption. Changes of amonia excretion were not significant.

Effect of low frequency ultrasound and ultraviolet-C light for water disinfection in recirculating aquaculture systems

Lakeh, Amir Abbas Bazyar 26 February 2015 (has links)
In der Aquakultur sind Kreislaufanlagen ein umweltfreundliches und wassersparendes Produktionsverfahren. Hohe Besatzdichten und das Prinzip der Wasserführung im Kreislauf führen jedoch auch zu einem erhöhten Risiko von Infektionskrankheiten. In dem hier beschriebenen Projekt wurde untersucht, wie sich niederfrequenter Ultraschall (nf-US) in Kombination mit der in der Aquakultur bewährten UV-C Bestrahlung zur Kontrolle von Pathogenen einsetzen lässt. Es wurden vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Effizienz von nf-US, UV-C und deren Kombination gegen prokaryotische und eukaryotische Modellorganismen durchgeführt. Während sich UV-C als sehr effektiv gegen Bakterien erwies, konnte die Gesamtkeimzahl mit nf-US nicht reduziert werden. Eine Vorbehandlung des Wassers mit nf-US verringerte jedoch die mittlere Größe der im Wasser suspendierten Partikel und konnte so die Effektivität von UV-C zur Inaktivierung von Bakterien verbessern. Zur Abtötung eukaryotioscher Organismen wird eine deutlich höhere UV-Dosis als zur Kontrolle von Bakterien benötigt. Eine starke Erhöhung der UV-C Dosis ist jedoch durch die dann mögliche photo-induzierte Bildung von Nitrit aus Nitrat limitiert. Alternativ könnte nf-US zur Abtötung eukariotischer Parasiten verwendet werden. Unterschiedlichen Organismen unterscheiden sich stark in ihrer Empfindlichkeit gegenüber nf-US, wobei sich die dosisabhängige Abtötung sehr gut mit Funktionen einer exponentiellen Abnahme beschreiben lässt. Die toxikologische Untersuchung des mit UV-C und/oder nf-US behandelten Wassers mit dem Fischeitest und dem Leuchtbakterientest ergab keinen Hinweis auf die Bildung toxischer Nebenprodukte. Diese Studie zeigt, dass nf-US mit Dosen, die gegen eine Vielzahl an Parasiten wie Ciliaten, Nematoden und Crustaceen wirksam sind, sicher eingesetzt werden kann. Die Kombination von nf-US und UV-C könnte ein geeignetes Verfahren sein, um alle relevanten Pathogene in Kreislaufanlagen zu kontrollieren. / Recirculating aquaculture systems are well-known as environmentally friendly and high water-efficient production systems. The high stocking densities and low water exchange leads to an increased risk of infectious diseases. In this project the combination of low frequency ultrasound (LFUS) with ultraviolet-C (UV-C) light for the control of pathogens was studied. A comparative study about the efficiency of LFUS, UV-C and their combination against prokaryotic and eukaryotic model organisms was performed. Against bacteria, the application of UV-C was very effective, while the application of LFUS was not effective. However, a pretreatment of the water with LFUS decreased the average size of the suspended particles and improved the bactericidal effect of UV-C light. Compared to the low bactericidal dose of UV-C, a much higher UV-C dose was required for inactivation of eukaryotic model organisms. A significant increase of UV-C dose, however, can be limited by the possible photo-induced formation of nitrite from nitrate. Alternatively, LFUS can be used to kill eukaryotic parasites. However, the efficiency of LFUS differed greatly between species and can be well described by functions of an exponential decay. The evaluation of whole effluent toxicity by using the fish egg test and luminescent bacteria test revealed no evidence of toxic disinfection by-products formation during UV-C irradiation and/or LFUS sonication. This study shows that LFUS can be applied safely at energy densities that are effective against a wide range of eukaryotic parasites like ciliates, nematodes and crustaceans. The combination of LFUS and UV-C could provide an appropriate water treatment with respect to all relevant pathogens in recirculating aquaculture systems.

Potentiell koppling mellan elektrolys och landbaseradfiskodling : En analys av behov och tillgång på syrgas och värme

Hansen, Per January 2021 (has links)
Det kommer ske en stor utbyggnad av elektrolys för produktion av vätgas i Sverigeoch övriga världen. För att sänka produktionskostnaden och därmed göra vätgasenbilligare analyserar denna rapport vilket behov av syrgas och värme som en landbaserad fiskodling har, samt hur mycket syrgas och värme fiskodlingen skulle behövaköpa från en elektrolysör. Analysen visar att de arter som används i studien - tilapia(Oreochromis, Oreochromis,. Alcolapia), regnbåge (Oncorhynchus mykiss) och lax(Salmo salar) - i en odling som producerar 40 ton fisk om året skulle förbruka cirka1,16 procent av syrgasen och cirka 0,35 procent av värmen från en 3 MW PEMelektrolysör. Försäljningsvärdet av syrgasen och värmen från en 3 MW elektrolysörberäknas till cirka 695 000 SEK/år för syrgasen och cirka 1 830 000 SEK/år för värmen. Den genomsnittliga kostnaden för syrgas och värme för arterna i studien i enodling på 40 ton/år beräknas till 8900 SEK/år för syrgasen och 6400 SEK/år förvärmen i en landbaserad fiskodling. / There will be a major expansion of electrolysis for production of hydrogen in Sweden and the rest of the world. To reduce production costs and thus make hydrogencheaper, this report analyzes how much oxygen and heat a fish farm consumes andtherefore would need to buy from an electrolyser. The analysis shows that the species used in the study - tilapia (Oreochromis, Oreochromis, Alcolapia), rainbow(Oncorhynchus mykiss) and salmon (Salmo salar) - in a farm that produces 40 tonsof fish per year would consume 1.16 percent of the oxygen and 0,35 percent of theheat produced from a 3 MW PEM electrolyzer. The value of the oxygen and theheat from a 3 MW electrolyser is calculated at SEK 694,939/year for the oxygenand SEK 1,829,813/year for the heat. The average cost for the species in the studyin a 40 tonne/year fish farm is calculated at SEK 8,900/year for the oxygen and SEK6,400/year for the heat in a land-based fish farm.

A Bioeconomic Model of Indoor Pacific Whiteleg Shrimp (<i>Litopenaeus Vannamei</i>) Farms With Low-Cost Salt Mixtures

Patrick N Maier (8800949) 08 May 2020 (has links)
Using a bioeconomic model and stochastic simulation to assess the economic viability of small-scale, recirculating shrimp farms in the Midwestern U.S. A series of stress tests were implemented on key input variables including survival rate, selling price, electricity usage, discount rate and the cost of added salt. The key output variable is the Net Present Value of the operation. <div><br></div><div><br></div>

Potential of purpose-specific fish feeds for aquaponics and circular multitrophic food production systems

Shaw, Christopher 27 May 2024 (has links)
Durch die Nutzung des fischfutterbedingten Nährstoffeintrags für die kombinierte Produktion von Fischen und Pflanzen können Aquaponiksysteme eine nachhaltige Erweiterung von Kreislaufanlagen der Aquakultur (RAS) darstellen. Herkömmliche Aquakulturfutter zielen jedoch auf Fischproduktion mit geringer Umweltbelastung ab und sind somit nicht für die Aquaponik optimiert. Daher weist RAS-Wasser häufig Mängel im Profil gelöster anorganischer Pflanzennährstoffe auf. So war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher Proteinquellen auf die Nährstoffdynamik in RAS durch Fütterungsversuche mit Afrikanischem Raubwels und Nil-Tilapia zu untersuchen, bei denen Wachstum, gelöste anorganische Nährstoffkonzentrationen im RAS-Wasser und die Ausscheidung von Nährstoffen über den Kot verfolgt wurden. Der Fokus lag auf nachhaltigen alternativen Proteinquellen zu marinem Fischmehl und terrestrischen Pflanzenproteinen: Larvenmehl der Schwarzen Soldatenfliege (BSFM), Welsschlachtabfallmehl (CM), Geflügelschlachtabfallmehl (PM) und Geflügelblutmehl (PBM). Experimentalfutter, die phosphorreiches PM und CM enthielten, förderten erhöhte Ausscheidung von löslichem reaktivem Phosphor, erzeugten die besten gelösten N:P-Verhältnisse im RAS-Wasser verglichen mit einer Hydroponik-Nährlösung und ermöglichten in Kombination mit PBM besseres Wachstum beim Wels als ein vergleichbares kommerzielles Futter. In Futtern basierend auf einer einzigen Proteinquelle führte PM bei Wels und insbesondere bei Tilapia zu ähnlichem Wachstum verglichen mit marinem Fischmehl, wohingegen BSFM und PBM bei beiden Arten Wachstumsleistung beeinträchtigte. Meta-Analysen aller Versuche legen nahe, dass höherer Phosphor-, Kalium- und Magnesiumgehalt im Futter erhöhte Ausscheidung dieser Elemente in gelöster Form bedingt, was sie zu Zielnährstoffen in Aquaponikfuttern macht, während die Optimierung des Protein zu Energie-Verhältnisses im Futter die gelösten N:P- und N:K-Verhältnisse im RAS-Wasser verbessern kann. / By using the nutrient input from fish feeds for the combined production of fish and plants, aquaponic systems can be a sustainable extension of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS). However, conventional aquaculture feeds are optimized for fish production and reduced environmental impact rather than aquaponics. Hence, RAS water is often characterized by deficiencies regarding its dissolved inorganic plant nutrient profile. Therefore, this thesis aimed to explore the effect of purposeful dietary protein choice on nutrient dynamics in RAS through four systematic feeding trials involving African catfish and Nile tilapia in which growth performance, dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations in RAS water and solid fecal nutrient excretion were tracked. Focus was on sustainable alternative protein sources to marine fish meal and terrestrial plant proteins: black soldier fly larvae meal (BSFM), catfish by-product meal (CM), poultry by-product meal (PM) and poultry blood meal (PBM). Experimental diets including phosphorus-rich PM and CM supported increased excretion of soluble reactive phosphorus, produced the most favorable dissolved N:P ratios in RAS water when compared to a renowned hydroponic nutrient solution, and, combined with PBM, enabled better growth performance in African catfish than a comparable commercial diet. In single protein source diets, PM produced similar growth performance in African catfish and particularly Nile tilapia versus marine fish meal, whereas BSFM and PBM impaired growth performance in both species. Meta-analyses covering all trials suggest that higher dietary phosphorus, potassium and magnesium content leads to their increased excretion in dissolved form, making them target nutrients for aquaponic feed formulation, while the optimization of the dietary protein to energy ratio can further improve dissolved N:P and N:K ratios in RAS water.

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