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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies Abroad an Investment for the Future? : A Study of What is Valued in the Recruitment Process

Ågren, Maria, Bengtsson, Åsa, Lundquist, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Introduction Boarders are shrinking, the world becomes more internationalized and the globalization of society has resulted in increasing demands on universities to adjust their education to the labor market. A growing interest among Swedish students to study abroad and re-ceive an international experience has increased as well. The changes in the environment have affected organizations’ recruitment processes and how they manage their human resources. Problem Today an ordinary education is not enough, you need to have something unique, some-thing that makes you stand out in the crowd. As a student you are encouraged to study abroad, and many view this as a possibility to broaden their competence. However, it is not known how future employers value and compensate this experience. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to examine how university studies abroad are valued when recruiting white-collar workers. The ambition is to provide prospective and current stu-dents with an understanding of the employers’ view of the subject. Method The empirical data have been gathered by using a qualitative approach and face-to-face interviews have been conducted with the human resource manager at eleven medium- and large-sized organizations, located in Norrköping, Linköping, and Jönköping. Conclusions We have come to the conclusion that it is difficult to determine specific competences that are preferable in the selection of white-collar workers, however the candidate’s unique competences are somehow reflected in the personality. Organizations view the study abroad experience as rewarding for the candidates personal development and ma-turity. The university study abroad experience might not be valued higher in the future, but the more knowledge and information available, the larger are the benefits for both the organizations and the candidates.

Studies Abroad - An Investment for the Future? : A Study of What is Valued in the Recruitment Process

Ågren, Maria, Lundquist, Hanna, Bengtsson, Åsa January 2006 (has links)
Introduction Boarders are shrinking, the world becomes more internationalized and the globalization of society has resulted in increasing demands on universities to adjust their education to the labor market. A growing interest among Swedish students to study abroad and receive an international experience has increased as well. The changes in the environment have affected organizations’ recruitment processes and how they manage their human resources. Problem Today an ordinary education is not enough, you need to have something unique, something that makes you stand out in the crowd. As a student you are encouraged to study abroad, and many view this as a possibility to broaden their competence. However, it is not known how future employers value and compensate this experience. Purpose The purpose of this thesis is to examine how university studies abroad are valued when recruiting white-collar workers. The ambition is to provide prospective and current stu-dents with an understanding of the employers’ view of the subject. Method The empirical data have been gathered by using a qualitative approach and face-to-face interviews have been conducted with the human resource manager at eleven medium- and large-sized organizations, located in Norrköping, Linköping, and Jönköping. Conclusions We have come to the conclusion that it is difficult to determine specific competences that are preferable in the selection of white-collar workers, however the candidate’s unique competences are somehow reflected in the personality. Organizations view the study abroad experience as rewarding for the candidates personal development and ma-turity. The university study abroad experience might not be valued higher in the future, but the more knowledge and information available, the larger are the benefits for both the organizations and the candidates.

Sociala medier i rekryteringsprocessen

Hebib, Dzenita, Lindstedt, Rebecca January 2013 (has links)
Introduktion - Vid rekrytering, tycker arbetsgivare att de traditionella metoderna är en kostsam process som tar tid och bidrar med för lite information för att göra en lyckad rekrytering. Sociala mediers framväxt, har bidragit med en annan form av information som har fått arbetsgivare att vilja använda sociala medier i rekryteringsprocessen. Det finns många fördelar med att använda sociala medier, dock finns det minst lika många nackdelar. Syfte - Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka medvetenheten hos arbetsgivare om användandet av sociala medier vid granskning av profiler i rekryteringsprocessen. Problemformulering - För att besvara vårt syfte valde vi att utgå från två problemformuleringar; hur använder arbetsgivare sociala medier vid granskning av profiler i rekryteringsprocessen samt vilka fördelar respektive nackdelar finns det med användandet av sociala medier för arbetsgivare när de granskar kandidaters profiler i rekryteringsprocessen? Metod - Vi utgick från en deduktiv ansats och kvantitativ metod. Vi började med att skapa en teoretisk modell som sedan låg till grund för vår empiriska insamling. Vi genomförde en tvärsnittsstudie då vi ville få ett generaliserat svar. Utifrån den kvantitativa metoden skapade vi en muntlig enkät och intervjuade 300 företag i Kalmar stad. Svaren vi fick under intervjuerna har analyserats med en deskriptiv analys. Resultat - Arbetsgivare som använder sociala medier i rekryteringsprocessen, ansåg att det var för att de fick tillgång till bättre, säkrare, mer sann och en större mängd information och att det var en enklare, billigare och snabbare urvalsmetod. Anledningen som dominerade bland de arbetsgivare som använder sociala medier, var att de ansåg sig kunna utläsa personligheten bättre via sociala medier och att det gjorde rekryteringen mycket mer rolig än de traditionella metoderna. Det var en mycket större andel av företagen vi intervjuade som inte använder sociala medier än de som använde det. Anledningarna varierade till att inte använda sociala medier, för att det var för osäkert, kändes oprofessionellt, var för avancerat, det fanns inga tydliga riktlinjer, det var intrång på privatlivet samt att informationen uppfattades som otrovärdig. Arbetsgivare var generellt nöjda med de traditionella metoderna. Slutsats - Det finns många fler nackdelar än fördelar med att använda sociala medier, enligt både teorin och de arbetsgivare vi intervjuade. De fördelar som finns med att använda sociala medier är dock mycket fördelaktiga men på grund av att det inte finns riktlinjer och lagar kring sociala medier, så väljer många arbetsgivare bort sociala medier och använder sig istället av de traditionella metoderna. I dagsläget verkar det som att sociala medier har en negativ klang i samhället då det anses sudda ut gränsen mellan privatliv och arbetsliv. Vi tror dock att det kommer ske en skiftning och att sociala medier kommer att utvecklas och användas mer i rekryteringsprocessen. Sociala medier kommer enligt oss, att bli en vanlig och accepterad urvalsmetod i framtiden, då fler arbetsgivare blir medvetna om sociala mediers fördelar och hur de undviker dess nackdelar. / Introduction - When recruiting, employers think that the traditional methods is an expensive process that takes time and contributes too little information to make a successful recruitment. Social media's emergence, has contributed to another form of information that has made employers wanting to use social media in the recruitment process. The benefits of using social media are many, but there are just as many disadvantages. Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to raise awareness among employers about the use of social media in the examination of profiles in the recruitment process. Problem formulation - To answer our purpose, we chose to start from the two problem formulations; how are employers using social media in the examination of profiles in the recruitment process and what advantages and disadvantages are there with the use of social media for employers, when they review the candidates' profiles in the recruitment process? Method - We used a quantitative method and we had a deductive approach. We began by creating a theoretical model that was the basis for our empirical collection. We conducted a cross-sectional study because we wanted to get a generalized answer and with an oral survey, we interviewed 300 companies in Kalmar town. The responses we received during the interviews have been approached through a descriptive analysis. Results - Employers using social media in the recruitment process, felt that it was because they had access to better, safer, truer, and a greater amount of information and that it was a simpler, cheaper and faster method of selection. The reason that dominated among the employers using social media was because they felt able to deduce personality better through social media and it made recruitment much more fun than the traditional methods. It was a much larger proportion of the companies we interviewed who are not using social media than those who used it. The reasons for not using social media was that it was too unsafe, felt unprofessional, was too advanced, there were no clear guidelines, it was infringing on privacy, and information was perceived as not true. The employers were generally satisfied with the traditional methods. Conclusion - There are many more disadvantages than advantages to using social media, according to both the theory and the employers we interviewed. The benefits of using social media are very advantageous but that is because of that there are no guidelines and laws around social media, many employers choose not to use social media and use the traditional methods instead. In this current moment, it seems that social media has a negative connotation in the society, because it is considered to blur the line between private and professional life. However, we believe that there will be a shift and that social media will be developed and used more in the recruitment process, in the future. Social media will, in our opinion, become a common and accepted method of selection in the future, as more employers becomes aware of social media's benefits and how to avoid its disadvantages.

Klart vi ska ha det jämställt! : En kvalitativ studie om jämställd rekrytering på ett universitet / Gender equality – of course! : A qualitative study on gender equal recruitment at a university

Öhlund, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
Abstract Title: Gender equality – of course! A qualitative study on gender equal recruitment at a university Author: Ingrid Öhlund Several studies show that the division of gender in Swedish universities is uneven. Since universities are important organizations where our future citizens get their education and become socialized, I found it interesting to investigate how a Swedish university handles the gender equality issue in the process of recruitment. The aim of this study was to contribute with a higher level of knowledge and understanding about the recruitment process out of a gender equality perspective. The aim was also to identify which stages of the recruitment process that was vulnerable out of a gender equality perspective. To examine this, these following questions were put: Which struc-tures may seem prohibitive when it comes to recruit gender equal? and Which stages in the pro-cess is vulnerable out of a gender equal perspective?. Weber's bureaucracy model and also institutional theory with concepts such as legitimacy were used to explore the subject. To carry out the study, a qualitative method with interviews was used and seven persons with different experiences of the recruitment process participated. The result shows that there are several vulnerable stages in the recruitment process and that there are structures that may seem prohibitive from a gender equality perspective. There is a discrepancy between how the documents present the work with gender equality and the actual behavior in the organization. Another vulnerability that emerges from the study is that knowledge and information were not communicated and spread out in the organization. There are ambiguities in the routines and uncertainties on how you can, or cannot, write the employment profile to attract candidates. The commitment to gender equal recruitment is often a matter of personal interest. However, the results show that nobody opposes the issue of equality as an important matter. The results were further analyzed by using the concepts professional bureaucracy, meritocracy, inertia, legitimacy and decoupling. Keywords: Gender equality, University, Bureaucracy, Recruitment process, Meritocracy

När känslor inte får vara avgörande : - en kvalitativ studie om ett svenskt företags rekryteringsstrategier

Hjärling, Tone, Yngström, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of the recruitment process and its complexity. The study also aims to examine whether there are any problem areas with a recruitment process which is emotionally based and if so, how these can be resolved. Four issues have been presented, in regard to solving the study’s purpose and problem definition. Theoretical framework: The chapter begins by briefly illustrate the concept of employee turnover and the economic aspects a staff turnover can bring. Thereafter, the importance of a formal preparatory work for recruitment is presented. The chapter concludes by explaining the concepts of competence, corporate culture and introduces some common sources of error. Method: This study follows a qualitative method and the research approach is interactive induction. Conclusion: The earlier research presented in the study is adaptable to the investigated company. Through analysis, the authors have been able to draw conclusions that the investigated company has a lack of structure in both the preparation of recruitment and selection of candidates. The result also shows that there is inadequate knowledge of the consequences of miscalculation. Furthermore, the authors have found that the emotionally-based recruitment process involves several pitfalls, which can be pre-built with a more formal recruitment process. Finally, the authors present a proposal for improvements in the recruitment process for the investigated company, in the form of a model. / Syfte: Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för rekryteringsprocessen och dess komplexitet. Studien avser även att besvara problemformuleringen kring vilka problem som finns med en känslomässigt baserad rekryteringsprocess och hur dessa kan lösas. Fyra frågeställningar har även utarbetats i avseende att besvara studiens syfte och problemformulering.Teoretiskt perspektiv: Avsnittet inleds med att kort belysa begreppet personalomsättning och vilka ekonomiska aspekter personalomsättningen kan medföra. Därefter poängteras vikten av ett formellt förarbete inför en rekrytering. Kapitlet avslutas med att förklara begreppen kompetens, företagskultur samt presentera några vanliga felkällor. Metod: Studiens undersökning går efter en kvalitativ metodteori och studiens forskningsansats är interaktiv induktion. Slutsats: Studien visar på att presenterad tidigare forskning kring problematik gällande rekrytering även är applicerbart på det undersökta företaget. Genom analysen har författarna kunnat dra slutsatser att studiens företag har bristande struktur vid både förberedelserna av rekryteringen och urvalet av kandidater. Studien påvisar även att det finns bristfällig kunskap om konsekvensen av felbedömningar. Vidare har författarna funnit att känslomässigt baserade rekryteringsprocesser innebär flera fallgropar, vilka kan förbyggas med en formell rekryteringsprocess. Slutligen har författarna presenterat ett förbättringsförslag till studiens företags rekryteringsprocess, i form av en modell

Skapa ditt digitala skyltfönster : En studie om skapandet och betydelsen av dendigitala identiteten i mediebranschen / Create your digital shop window : A study of the creation and importance ofdigital identity in the media industry

Hjärne, Jessika, Bergh, Elin January 2012 (has links)
Googling their employees and job seekers are becoming more common andin that we live our lives more and more on the internet it becomes moreimportant how we act and to think about what you publish on the internet.Each time you press a key, will leave a digital footprint behind and thereforeit’s important to know how to deal with this. The purpose was to describehow a person strategically can proceed to build an identity on the internet toget benefits in the job seeking process in the media industry and to describethe importance of the digital identity in the recruitment process in a smallertown. We’ve used a qualitative approach and made eight interviews withrecruiters from the media and also people who have built a digital identity.We’ve used Bauman’s theory about consumer society, Montoya’s eight lawsof personal branding and also theories about profiling, and communicationsplanning to analyze the material. We’ve found that a digital identity plays animportant role in the professional context in the media industry and cansometimes be crucial if a person gets a job or not. The first thing to do whenbuilding a digital identity is to find your core value, set goals and define thetarget audience in order to adapt to this when you convey your message. It’salso important to choose the right channel to carry the message through. Thedigital identity also needs to be updated and maintained regularly.

Studies Abroad an Investment for the Future? : A Study of What is Valued in the Recruitment Process

Ågren, Maria, Bengtsson, Åsa, Lundquist, Hanna January 2006 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Introduction</p><p>Boarders are shrinking, the world becomes more internationalized and the globalization of society has resulted in increasing demands on universities to adjust their education to the labor market. A growing interest among Swedish students to study abroad and re-ceive an international experience has increased as well. The changes in the environment have affected organizations’ recruitment processes and how they manage their human resources.</p><p>Problem</p><p>Today an ordinary education is not enough, you need to have something unique, some-thing that makes you stand out in the crowd. As a student you are encouraged to study abroad, and many view this as a possibility to broaden their competence. However, it is not known how future employers value and compensate this experience.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine how university studies abroad are valued when recruiting white-collar workers. The ambition is to provide prospective and current stu-dents with an understanding of the employers’ view of the subject.</p><p>Method</p><p>The empirical data have been gathered by using a qualitative approach and face-to-face interviews have been conducted with the human resource manager at eleven medium- and large-sized organizations, located in Norrköping, Linköping, and Jönköping.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>We have come to the conclusion that it is difficult to determine specific competences that are preferable in the selection of white-collar workers, however the candidate’s unique competences are somehow reflected in the personality. Organizations view the study abroad experience as rewarding for the candidates personal development and ma-turity. The university study abroad experience might not be valued higher in the future, but the more knowledge and information available, the larger are the benefits for both the organizations and the candidates.</p>

Studies Abroad - An Investment for the Future? : A Study of What is Valued in the Recruitment Process

Ågren, Maria, Lundquist, Hanna, Bengtsson, Åsa January 2006 (has links)
<p>Introduction</p><p>Boarders are shrinking, the world becomes more internationalized and the globalization of society has resulted in increasing demands on universities to adjust their education to the labor market. A growing interest among Swedish students to study abroad and receive an international experience has increased as well. The changes in the environment have affected organizations’ recruitment processes and how they manage their human resources.</p><p>Problem</p><p>Today an ordinary education is not enough, you need to have something unique, something that makes you stand out in the crowd. As a student you are encouraged to study abroad, and many view this as a possibility to broaden their competence. However, it is not known how future employers value and compensate this experience.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine how university studies abroad are valued when recruiting white-collar workers. The ambition is to provide prospective and current stu-dents with an understanding of the employers’ view of the subject.</p><p>Method</p><p>The empirical data have been gathered by using a qualitative approach and face-to-face interviews have been conducted with the human resource manager at eleven medium- and large-sized organizations, located in Norrköping, Linköping, and Jönköping.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>We have come to the conclusion that it is difficult to determine specific competences that are preferable in the selection of white-collar workers, however the candidate’s unique competences are somehow reflected in the personality. Organizations view the study abroad experience as rewarding for the candidates personal development and ma-turity. The university study abroad experience might not be valued higher in the future, but the more knowledge and information available, the larger are the benefits for both the organizations and the candidates.</p>

Spelar personligheten någon roll? : En studie om personlighetstesters betydelse och funktionen de fyller i en rekryteringsprocess

Jirges, Bashar January 2015 (has links)
Det är idag väldigt vanligt att en rekryteringsprocess inkluderar ett personlighetstest som hjälpmedel för att hitta den rätta personen för jobbet. Av denna anledning är det intressant att studera vad för funktion personlighetstester har. Därför har denna studie genomförts i syfte att undersöka vilken betydelse personlighetstester har som verktyg i en rekryteringsprocess, och hur man kan bedöma yrkeskompetensen hos en person med hjälp av ett personlighetstest. För att ta reda på detta har jag använt mig av en kvalitativ metod där sex personer har intervjuats. Samtliga jobbar på samma företag som rekryterare av något slag och använder personlighetstest i deras vardagliga arbete. Resultaten av dessa intervjupersoners utsagor har sedan analyserats utifrån Keens och Ellströms teorier om kompetens. Studiens resultat visar att personlighetstest används olika från rekryterare till rekryterare och att det ibland kan ge väldigt värdefull information om kandidaten som söker jobbet, och ibland kan det även vara helt oanvändbart. Vissa rekryterare använder testet som ett självskattningstest och även för att bekräfta att tidigare information stämmer överrens med den information de får på testet. Dessutom används det som ett underlag för att bedöma hur bra kandidaten passar in i jämförelse med tjänstens krav. De flesta av mina intervjupersoner påpekade att en diskussion efter testet är väldigt viktigt för att testet ska ge användbar information. Det är alltså genom återkopplingen rekryteraren får ut information om kandidaten. Ett personlighetstest utan återkoppling är oanvändbart enligt resultatet. Dessutom visar studien att ett personlighetstest kan fälla det direkta avgörandet för vem av kandidaterna som blir vald för tjänsten. Resultatet visade att det kan hända att det står mellan kandidater i slutändan som har samma egenskaper och färdigheter, och att man då som rekryterare tack vare ett personlighetstest kan avgöra vem av dessa som passar bäst för jobbet och organisationen.

En rekryterares bedömningsproblematik i vardagen : En fallstudie om objektiv- och subjektiv bedömning i rekryteringsprocessen

Englund, Sofia, Karlerö, Sophie January 2015 (has links)
I följande uppsats undersöker vi rekryterarens bedömningsproblematik i vardagen. Ämnet är relevant eftersom arbetsmarknaden ständigt utvecklas vilket innebär att rekryterarens objektiva bedömning har försvårats. Rekryteraren måste hitta en balansgång mellan den subjektiva och objektiva bedömningen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka rekryterarens perspektiv på och upplevelser om rekryteringsprocessen. För att få en djupare förståelse kring rekryterarnas bedömningsproblematik vid en rekrytering. Våra frågeställningar är följande: Vilken bedömningsproblematik möter rekryterare i vardagen? Hur kan rekryteraren hitta en balansgång mellan objektiv och subjektiv bedömning i rekryteringsprocessen? Utifrån vårt syfte och våra frågeställningar har vi genomfört en kvalitativ studie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Vi har genomfört sex intervjuer med rekryterare på en offentlig verksamhet och två privata rekryteringsföretag. I denna studie utgår vi ifrån våra intervjupersoners åsikter, upplevelser och erfarenhet inom vårt ämnesområde. Empirin har transkriberats och analyserats med hjälp av en fenomenografisk analysmetod. Studiens resultat presenteras efter följande kategorier: Kravprofilen betydelse i en rekrytering, Att utföra en rättvis bedömning, Vikten av ett ärligt informationsutbyte, Bedömning av tillförlitligheten hos referenspersonerna och Hjälpmedel för objektiv bedömning. Sammanfattningsvis tyder resultatet på att rekryteraren har svårt att finna en balansgång mellan den subjektiva och objektiva bedömningen. Rekryterarna är medvetna om vilka problem som kan uppstå och kan med hjälp av deras erfarenhet finna lösningar på problemen. Problemen som uppstår vid en rekrytering skiljer sig inte emellan den offentliga verksamheten och rekryteringsföretagen. Avslutningsvis har vi diskuterat undersökningens resultat och analys utifrån våra teorier och modeller om rekrytering och bedömning.

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