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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Den rättvisa bedömningen av en kandidat : En kvalitativ studie av rekryterares yrkeskunskap

Annerstedt Hamberg, Michaela, Eklund, Lina January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the professional knowledge of recruiters and how they balance formal assessment methods with intuition during recruitment processes. This will be examined through three questions; What characteristics do recruiters value as important within their profession, and how are they developed? What formal assessment methods do recruiters use, and how are they used to get an accurate image of the applicant? How do recruiters use intuition in the assessment of a candidate? The study is grounded in a qualitative methodology and the empirical data consist of eight interviews with recruiters. The analysis has been conducted through a thematic analysis based on the interviews, with the aim of finding patterns and reappering themes. The results of the thematic analysis have been further analyzed in terms of competence, qualification, and professional knowledge as well as a theory on experience based learning. The results of our study shows that recruitment processes are extensive and demands an amount of professional knowledge and competency, which is acquired largely through experience. In our interviews we learned that recruitment should mainly occur through formal assessment methods, and unbound by subjective emotions. Through the analysis we saw that intuition influences the way recruiters use formal assessment methods, rather than using intuition as an assessment method of its own.

Rekryterarens perspektiv : Hänsyn vid valet av kandidater

Fredriksson, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
Att använda magkänslan som bedömningsunderlag i rekryteringsprocesser anses förlegat och forskning indikerar på att det leder till diskriminering och felrekryteringar. Istället föreslås att rekryteringen ska vara kompetensbaserad och därmed generera ökad mångfald. Syftet med studien var att studera vad rekryterare anser är viktigast vid valet av nya medarbetare samt vad rekryterarens magkänsla har för inverkan vid valet av nya kandidater. Tolv rekryterares uppfattningar har analyserats med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar på att olika bedömningsunderlag används och det finns en skillnad mellan branscher. I vissa branscher utförs personlighets- och intelligenstester medan det i andra branscher föredras närvaro eller att passa in i arbetsgruppen. Magkänslan spelar in i alla rekryteringsprocesser och kan både leda till diskriminering och en god matchning mellan person och tjänst, mycket beroende på rekryterarens erfarenhet i yrket. Bedömningen blir dock mer objektiv ju fler bedömningsunderlag som används. / Using gut instinct as assessment base in recruitment processes are considered outdated and research indicates that it results in discrimination and recruiting the wrong candidates. Instead competency-based recruitment should be used, to increase diversity. The aim was to study what recruiters consider are most important when choosing employees as well as what impact their gut instinct has in the selection. The perception of twelve recruiters has been analysed with qualitative content analysis. Results shows that different assessment bases are used and there’s a difference between industries. In some industries, personality and intelligence tests are used while other industries prefer presence or a fit into the team. Gut instinct has an impact on all recruitment processes and can lead to both discrimination and a good match between the person and the service, highly dependent on the recruiter’s experience in the profession. The assessment is more objective the more assessment bases used.

"Vi lägger för denna befattning stor vikt vid personlig lämplighet" : Kandidatuppsats om användandet av begreppet personlig lämplighet vid rekrytering i offentlig sektor. / Your personal suitability is important for this position : Thesis about the use of the concept personal suitability in recruitment processes in the public sector

Eriksson, Linda January 2017 (has links)
The recruitment processes include evaluation of candidates’ qualifications where the employers got the opportunity to base their recruitment decisions on personal suitability. Although the personal suitability often is used in recruitment decisions there is a lack of legal definition of what is comprised within the term personal suitability. However, there are legal regulations such as the prohibition of discrimination and demands of objective reasons in the public sector that restricts employers’ disposal of the personal suitability. This study aims to define the extent to which the concept can be used without being in conflict with the legal regulations entries that restrict the free admission for employers in the public sector. This is followed by the goal of increasing awareness by trying to identify the risks that is associated with the term and how they can be understood from a perspective of diversity in the labour market. The method used for this study is legal dogmatic with its' purpose to examine how the restrictions stands in relation to the use of the personal suitability in court cases. The result demonstrates that employers must be able to set the personal suitability in relation to the qualifications required for the requested position to prove that there is no violation with neither the prohibition of discrimination or the public requirement of objective grounds. The court cases also showed that despite the guidelines evolved through practice is still not completely uniform because each unique situation affects the legal assessment. The risks identified is that the use of personal suitability could possibly mean that discrimination becomes invisible because of possible underlying factors that will determine conclusions the employers makes to found their recruitment decision. With that realization also the problems highlighted for further studies are to in a more comprehensive study examining norms closely based on either the gender or intersectional perspective to gain a deeper understanding of how the use of the personal suitability may lead to consequences for the working populations’ opportunities in the labour market.

With a Little Help from my Networks : Connecting Graduates to Jobs in Kenya

Wagner, Meike January 2021 (has links)
After school, Kenyan graduates struggle in a labour market that does not offer enough employment opportunities. Some graduates search for years, get disillusioned, and give up ever finding formal employment. Some find jobs, but not necessarily in the field of their profession, and possibly below their qualification. Kenya invests in and accumulates human capital that is untapped or even lost. One way to improve one’s job search is the use of personal social networks. By applying social network and social distance theories, this study explores the conditions under which networks can become helpful to a jobseeker. Personal experiences of young Kenyan graduates were used to find out about their job search strategies and their social networks. Insights from recruiters’ perspectives about recruitment processes offered a wholesome view on how jobseekers get connected to jobs. The main data sources were online interviews and an online survey. The findings suggest that a network’s willingness to help might depend on level of reciprocity, that many jobseekers do not have access to helpful networks, and that the ability of a network to help might be restricted due to level of influence or applicability. The study concludes that a combination of various job search strategies offers the best chances to connect a jobseeker to a job, but also that companies need to adapt their recruitment processes in include people who are less connected.

Mångfald i arbetsmarknaden : Ett osynligt tak för människor med utländsk härkomst / Diversity in the labor market : An Invisible ceiling for immigrants

Samuel Asfaha, Johan Joel, Uludag, Can Ahmet January 2022 (has links)
Diskriminering är ett globalt fenomen som i dagens samhälle är oacceptabelt i många länder och kulturer. Det är något som drabbar många människor runt om i världen och många gånger är det av skäl man som person inte kan ändra på. Med den ökande globaliseringen och medvetenheten om vad som kan betraktas som acceptabelt och oacceptabelt har diskrimineringen hamnat högre upp på agendan. Detta har medfört att diskriminering inte bara prioriteras utav stater men också inom den privata sektorn. I denna kvalitativa studie undersöks hur diskriminering mot minoritetsgrupper påverkar de i arbetslivet. De delar som berörs under undersökningen är anställningsprocessen, arbetet och grupperingar i arbetet men även karriärmöjligheter. Undersökningsmetoden bestod utav kvalitativa intervjuer där respondenterna fick svara på frågor hur de uppfattade de olika sakerna baserat på deras arbetslivserfarenheter. Undersökningen omfattade sju personer där alla hade en kandidatexamen inom ekonomi, de olika respondenterna arbetade på olika arbetsplatser och olika arbetsuppgifter. Den teorier som använts är teorier som behandlar rekryteringsprocesser, diskriminering, stigmatisering och organisationsteori. Efter att ha analyserat det empiriska data och teorierna så visar forskningen på att det finns en viss del diskriminering på arbetsmarknaden. Dock är den väldigt beroende på faktorer som vart man arbetar och vilken typ av medarbetare man har på arbetsplatsen. / Discrimination is a global phenomenon today and is unacceptable in various countries and cultures. It is something that affect people around the world and often it’s for reasons that cannot change. With the increasing globalization and awareness of what can be acceptable and unacceptable discrimination has ended up higher in the agenda. This means that discrimination is not only prioritized by states but also in the private sector. This qualitative study examines how discrimination against minority groups affects them in working life. The parts that are affected during the survey are the hiring process, the work and groupings at work, but also career opportunities. The survey method consisted of qualitative interviews where the respondents had to answer questions about how they perceived the different things based on their work experiences. The theories used are theories that deal with recruitment processes, discrimination, stigma and organizational theory. After analyzing the empirical data and theories, the research shows that there is a certain amount of discrimination in the labor market. However, it is very dependent on factors such as where you work and what type of employee you have in the workplace.

Artificial Intelligence in Recruitment : Opportunities and Challenges of Implementing Artificial Intelligence in today’s Recruitment Processes

Lundvall, Helena January 2022 (has links)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most spoken-of technologies of today. The future of AI, how it will affect every aspect of our lives, and its potential associated to various sectors are intensively debated. The technology has in recent years started to emerge in the recruitment field, leading to an intensified discussion of its advantages and disadvantages in this context. This master thesis aims to examine and analyze where in recruitment processes it is favorable for organizations to use artificial intelligence, why that might be the case, and how it can be done. To answer the research objective, this thesis contains a literature review focusing on the recruitment process, AI in general, and AI in recruitment, as well as an interview study with key people in different job positions connected to recruitment. Following the results of this study, the main challenges in recruitment today, how AI can help overcome these challenges, and potential barriers preventing AI from doing so, are identified. The main challenges are identified as candidate shortage, distribution of resources, limitations in organizations’ ways of working, and keeping recruitments objective. AI has the potential of helping organizations with all of these challenges, mainly due to its superiority over humans regarding the processing of large volumes of information. The potential barriers identified are mainly connected to recruiters' technological knowledge, their trust in AI, and their view of AI as a threat towards their profession. The thesis concludes that the candidate shortage limiting the labor market today is driving the development of a more efficient and secure recruitment process where AI plays an increasingly important role. To enable the implementation of AI, organizations need to actively encourage the acquisition of knowledge about the technology among their HRM professionals, because, without their understanding of the technology and how it benefits them, its prominent advantages can not be achieved by the organization.

Projektledare sökes! : En kvalitativ studie kring rekryterarens reflektioner angående projektledarens kompetens i rekryteringsprocessen

Söderberg, Micaela, Stjärnfeldt, Filippa January 2016 (has links)
Rollen som projektledare kräver att denne ska ha flera kompletterande kompetenser inom många olika områden för att driva projekt och att hitta rätt person till projektledartjänsten kan därför ses som en stor utmaning ur rekryterarens perspektiv. Projektledaren bör ha en kombination av både hård och mjuk kompetens, samt förståelse för organisationsmiljön som denne ska vara verksam i. Syftet med studien är att beskriva och skapa djupare förståelse kring hur ett fåtal rekryterare utvärderar, fastställer befattningskraven och värderar projektledarens kompetens i en rekryteringsprocess samt hur urvalet av de mest intressanta ansökande till tjänsten görs. Forskarna till studien har valt en kvalitativ metod med semi-strukturerade intervjuer för att samla in resultat från fyra rekryterare. Forskarna har använt fallstudie som undersökningsdesign för att få djupare förståelse kring rekryterares perspektiv och hur de arbetar i de olika stegen i rekryteringsprocessen. De hårda kompetenserna är projektledarens grundförutsättningar för att kunna driva ett projekt och kliva in i projektrollen. Resultatet visar att projektledarens hårda kompetens fastställs och utreds tidigt i rekryteringsprocessen. Projektledarens mjuka kompetens anses vara svårare att definiera, mäta och utvärdera, ur ett subjektivt synsätt och därmed är det bra att använda flera bedömningsmetoder för att utvärdera dessa. Oftast sker detta i ett senare skede i rekryteringsprocessen, efter granskning av CV och personligt brev. Rekryterarna anser att det är viktigt att projektledaren har förståelse och insikt i den organisation som projektledare ska vara verksam i. Denna kunskap och förståelse ställs inte alltid som ett krav utan det ses mer som en fördel om projektledaren besitter viss branscherfarenhet till visa typer av projekt. Projektledarens fokus ska ligga på att driva projektet framåt och fungera som en samordnare. / The role as the project manager requires several complementary skills in many different areas to pursue projects and finding the right person for the project management position can therefore be seen as a major challenge from the recruiters perspective. The project manager should have a combination of both hard and soft skills,and an understanding of organizational environment which the person will be working in. The purpose of the study is to describe and create a deeper understanding of how a few recruiters evaluate establish job requirements and evaluate the project manager's competence in the recruitment process and how the selection is made for the most interesting candidate for the post. The writers of the study have chosen to use a qualitative method of semi-structured interviews to collect results from four recruiters. The writers of the study used a case study research design in order to get deeper understanding of recruiters’generalperspective and how they work in the various stages of the recruitment process. The hard skills can be seen as the project manager’s prerequisites to run a project and stepping into the project role. The results show that the project manager's hard skills are set and investigated early in the recruitment process. The soft skills are considered more difficult to define, measure and evaluate, from a subjective approach and therefore it is good to use multiple methods to evaluate these. Usually this is done at a later stage in the recruitment process, after reviewing the resume and personal letter. Recruiters believe it is important that the project manager has earned anunderstanding and insight into the organization that the project manager will be working in. This knowledge and understanding is not always a requirement, but can be seenmore as an advantage if the project is set in a specific industry which requirea specific knowledge. The project manager's focus will be to drive the project forward and act as a coordinator

Um diagnóstico sobre a influência que os diferentes modelos de seleção exercem sobre a diferenciação de candidatos em concursos públicos

Raunheitti, Vivian Távora 22 December 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Vivian Raunheitti (vivian.raunheitti@fgv.br) on 2017-01-31T17:58:27Z No. of bitstreams: 1 UM DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE A INFLUÊNCIA QUE OS DIFERENTES MODELOS DE SELEÇÃO EXERCEM SOBRE A DIFERENCIAÇÃO DE CANDIDATOS EM CONCURSOS PÚBLICOS.pdf: 1346833 bytes, checksum: a283cd7c9a2d3fb605223fa443cadee7 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2017-02-02T17:44:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 UM DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE A INFLUÊNCIA QUE OS DIFERENTES MODELOS DE SELEÇÃO EXERCEM SOBRE A DIFERENCIAÇÃO DE CANDIDATOS EM CONCURSOS PÚBLICOS.pdf: 1346833 bytes, checksum: a283cd7c9a2d3fb605223fa443cadee7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-09T13:59:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 UM DIAGNÓSTICO SOBRE A INFLUÊNCIA QUE OS DIFERENTES MODELOS DE SELEÇÃO EXERCEM SOBRE A DIFERENCIAÇÃO DE CANDIDATOS EM CONCURSOS PÚBLICOS.pdf: 1346833 bytes, checksum: a283cd7c9a2d3fb605223fa443cadee7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-12-22 / The present work aims to evaluate the influence that different methods of selection exert over the differentiation of candidates in public examinations organized by FGV Projetos. Three stages were considered for this study: the objective written test, the discursive written test and the evaluation of titles. In the attempt towards deepening of public selection process, FGV Projetos has been formulating, in its exams, questions that require the necessary skills to perform a specific public function. In this sense, based on the obtained results, an individual and joint diagnosis of selection models currently applied were achieved The study also intends to be a guideline for the recruitment processes, establishing as a criterion of influence the weighted average of the grades of each stage of selection, the performance of one stage in relation to the other and the classification of the candidates on the final results. In order to achieve this, the candidates should undergo judicious evaluations, with different stages pertinent to the specifics of the position. The present work had a quali-quantitative nature, used a non-random sampling of the public examinations, realized by FGV Projects for the Administration area and adopted, as a data collection instrument, the documentary investigation of the opening announcements and the collection of secondary data of the results of 20 (twenty) selective processes executed and homologated between the years of 2013 and 2016. Finally, the socioeconomic and -demographic aspects of the candidates in comparison with their final position in the process were associated. The subjects of this study were those enrolled in the process who were present on the objective written test and / or the discursive written test, applying for Public Examinations for administrative areas, all of higher education level, segmented by the same field of knowledge. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a influência que os diferentes métodos de seleção exercem sobre a diferenciação dos candidatos nos concursos públicos organizados pela FGV Projetos. Foram consideradas para este estudo três etapas: a prova escrita objetiva, a prova escrita discursiva e a avaliação de títulos. A FGV Projetos, com o objetivo de contribuir na seleção de quadros públicos de qualidade, tem formulado, nos concursos por ela realizados, questões que exijam o conhecimento necessário acerca das competências para o exercício de determinada função pública. Nesse sentido, com base nos resultados obtidos, procurou-se realizar um diagnóstico isolado e conjugado dos modelos de seleção já aplicados. Esse estudo tem como intuito o aprofundamento do processo de seleção pública, estabelecendo como critério de influência a média ponderada das notas das etapas, do rendimento de uma etapa em relação à outra e da classificação dos candidatos sobre os resultados finais. Para atingir tal objetivo, os candidatos devem ser submetidos a avaliações criteriosas com etapas que possuam pertinência com as especificidades do cargo. O trabalho teve natureza quali-quantitativa, utilizou uma amostragem não-aleatória de concursos na área de Administração e adotou, como instrumento de coleta de dados, a investigação documental dos editais de abertura, e o levantamento de dados secundários dos resultados de 20 (vinte) processos seletivos executados e homologados entre os anos de 2013 e 2016. Por fim, foi avaliada a associação do perfil socioeconômico e demográfico dos candidatos sobre o processo de seleção. Os sujeitos desse estudo foram os inscritos que estavam presentes às provas escritas objetiva e/ou discursiva para os cargos da área de administração, todos de nível superior, segmentados pelos mesmos campos de conhecimento.

Utbildning inför användning av digitala verktyg i rekrytering : Rekryteringspersonal, utbildning och digitala verktyg / Training for the use of digital tools in recruitment : Recruitment personnel, education and digital tools

Ali, Hiba, Taherikashani, Paria January 2023 (has links)
Companies have undergone a process of digitalization and automation of their work processes across various levels. Consequently, this transformation has had a significant impact on the HR departments functions and way of working, where certain parts have been automated and is not outcarried manually anymore. However, the adequacy of the training provided to recruiting personnel in utilizing these digital tools can be questioned. Enterprises did provide different training options to their personnel, and conclusions can be drawn on different trainingmethods, where some were more suitable for specific contexts. The present study has collected empirical research through interviews with companies, showing that companies did consider factors at various levels before implementing digital tools. The findings revealed that organizations with larger HR departments did devote greater resources to training personnel to effectively utilize new digital tools, in contrast to smaller HR departments. / Företag har digitaliserat och automatiserat arbetsprocesser till olika nivåer. Följaktligen har denna omvandling haft en betydande inverkan även på HR-avdelningarnas funktioner och arbetssätt, där vissa delar har automatiserats och utförs därmed inte längre manuellt. Det kan dock ifrågasättas om den utbildning som ges till rekryteringspersonal för att använda digitala verktyg är tillräcklig. Intervjuade företagen tillhandahöll olika utbildningsalternativ till sin personal och slutsatser kan dras gällande olika utbildningsmetoder, där vissa var mer lämpade för specifika företagskontexter. Den presenterade studien har samlat in empirisk forskning genom intervjuer med företag, som visar att företag beaktade essentiella faktorer på olika nivåer inför implementering av digitala verktyg. Resultaten visade att organisationer med större HR-avdelningar tillägnade större resurser till att utbilda personal för att effektivt använda nya digitala verktyg, i kontrast mot vad mindre HR-avdelningar gjorde.

Risk in the Private Military Industry : Risk-Transfer Dynamics in Globalized Private Military and Security Companies’ Recruitment Processes

Ådén, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Private military and security companies (PMSCs) are established actors in the global militaryindustry. The adaptation to utilize PMSCs as a complement to national militaries has increased their importance significantly. PMSCs have gained attention due to similarities with outlawed mercenary activity, causing legal implications and difficulties regulating them. However, the risks that PMSC recruits experience are not addressed sufficiently. Thus, this study aims to scrutinize and analyze how PMSCs recruitment relates to risk, which risks exist for the recruits, and how the recruits’ origin affects risks. By developing the idea of Risk-Transfer War with the Global South and Global North concept, the study gains insight into how Risk-Transfer can beextended to the private military industry. The study shows that economic, physical, and political risks are present for PMSC recruits, and the recruits from the Global South are the most affectedby them. The globalized private military industry enables countries that utilize PMSCs which recruit from the Global South, to get a cheaper, more flexible workforce with fewer politicalimplications. However, the Global South recruits are paid less than their Northern colleagues, they are getting little to no recognition for their sacrifices while risking their lives for the secompanies in hopes of a better livelihood. By understanding PMSCs and their recruitmentprocesses better, we can adjust issues in current regulations.

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