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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Мотивы профессиональной деятельности и стратегий поведения работников строительной отрасли при внедрениях BIM технологий : магистерская диссертация / Motivations of professional activity and behavior strategies of construction industry employees when implementing BIM technologies

Орлов, С. Л., Orlov, S. L. January 2020 (has links)
In conclusion, the main conclusions are presented –in case of innovative changes, it is necessary to form a pilot team consisting of younger engineers and managers with expressed motives for achieving coping strategies for solving problems in stressful situations and a dominant strategy of behavior in conflict of interest, this will be the main factor influencing the success of implementation. Due to the fact that for managers and specialists of older age categories, the dominant motive will be the motive of avoidance and compromise and cooperation as behavioral strategies, which may negatively affect the implementation results due to the concealment of information about the implementation progress. / В работе показано, что при инновационных изменениях необходимо формировать пилотажную команду состоящую из более молодых инженеров и руководителей с выраженными мотивами достижения придерживающихся копинг-стратегий разрешения проблем в стрессовой ситуаций и доминирующей стратегией поведения в конфликте сотрудничество, это и будет основной фактор влияния успешности внедрения. В связи с тем что у руководителей и специалистов более старшей возрастной категорий доминирующим мотивом будут выступать мотив избегания и в качестве стратегий поведения компромисс и сотрудничество, что может негативно повлиять на результаты внедрения в виду сокрытия информаций о ходе внедрения.

Male and Female Athletes’ Perceptions of their Coaches’ Communication

Hartsough, Leanna L., Hartsough January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Customer Loyalty and Employee Enthusiasm: An eclectic paradigm for strategic sales improvement at MB Silicon Systems

Botes, J.A. 31 January 2008 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine the role that customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm can play as a strategic objective to increase sales at MB Silicon Systems. In order to address these two factors from a strategic perspective, elements from various concepts have been used to gain a new understanding of customer loyalty, employee enthusiasm and strategy. The final goal of the study was to use the knowledge gained throughout the report to propose a management framework which can be implemented to give MB Silicon Systems a competitive advantage in its competitive industry.The literature review suggested that a strategy of customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm will result in above average financial performance. Customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm cannot be separated from each other and they are linked by leadership, the vision and core values of the organisation. It is not possible to achieve customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm without the proper formulation and execution of a strategy. Such a strategy needs to utilize core management tools like the Balanced Scorecard which will bridge the vision of the organisation with goal setting mechanisms of motivation. The Balanced Scorecard will ensure that strategic objectives of the organisation will be mapped into the Balanced Scorecard while employees will be rewarded according to achieved targets of these objectives.Surveys which were conducted with customers and employees have shown that MB Silicon Systems performs below international standards with respect to customer loyalty and that the organisation is failing with its existing strategy. The surveys have also shown that employees are demotivated. This state of demotivation results in a lack of teamwork and mistrust between employees. The lack of teamwork and mistrust is only the symptoms of organisational problems which need to be resolved by organisational redesign, implementation of management principles and healthy corporate governance. The low base of loyal customers and the demotivated state of employees is resulting in below average financial performance.A management framework was recommended that will transform a strategy of customer loyalty and employee enthusiasm by using proven management tools. Implementation of the framework will ensure a competitive advantage to MB Silicon Systems which will result in above average financial performance.

Ochrana práva na spravedlivý proces ve vztahu k řízení o předběžné otázce / Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling Proceedings

Němečková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce - English abstract Protection of Right to Fair Trial in Relation to Preliminary Ruling Proceedings Right to fair trial is one of fundamental human rights, which enables individuals to effectively invoke their rights and freedoms before a lawful, impartial and independent court. In Europe, the protection of this right is guaranteed at a multi-layer level, whose layers interact: first layer is formed by constitutional orders of individual States, second layer by institutions of European Union, in particular the Court of Justice of the European Union, and a third one, that of the European Court for Human Rights. In the European Union, the Treaties have introduced the mechanism of preliminary ruling with the aim of preserving unity within the Union and of ensuring coherent interpretation and application of European law by the courts of the Member States. Preliminary ruling proceedings ensure effective cooperation between national courts and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Art. 267 TFEU provides for an obligation to request a preliminary ruling for national courts of last instance (if none of the CILFIT case law conditions is met). Breach of this obligation may entail violation of right to fair trial at all three layers of human rights protection in Europe. Each European...

限制原大陸地區人民出任公務人員合憲性之研究-以平等權為中心的觀察 / On the Constitutionality of Restriction on Former Mainland Chinese People Serving as Civil Servants from the Perspectives of Right of Equality

陳靜慧, Chen, Ching Hui Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的,是要探討兩岸人民關係條例第二十一條限制設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民不得出任公務人員規定之合憲性,並擇定以平等權觀點作為切入論述的角度。全文共分為六大部分:第一部分確認大陸地區人民與設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民在我國之法律地位為得享有平等服公職權之主體。第二部分確立平等權審查之基準,包括事務本質、憲法整體價值、體系正義及比例原則,是為檢證系爭條文合憲性及貫穿本文之核心價值標準。第三部分分析各國及我國公務員法制中,以忠誠度為考量來設定之審核申請出任公務員者「適任性」之法定任用條件之立法目的及法則,以找出與申請者適任公務人員與否重要相關之本質要素為何。第四部分則是分析設籍台灣地區未滿十年之原大陸地區人民之本質屬性,是否具有不適出任公務人員之重要本質要素。第五部分檢討系爭條文所採差別待遇之手段及內容,是否符合比例原則。最後,本文就系爭條文是否符合憲法平等保障人民基本權利之意旨作一綜合評析,並嘗試提出修正系爭條文之具體建議。 / The Mainland Chinese people have become Taiwan people since they settled down in Taiwan area. However, Article 21 of the Statute Governing the Relations between People in Taiwan Area and People in Mainland Area stipulates that the former Mainland Chinese people registered residences in Taiwan area within 10 years (hereafter “former Mainland Chinese people” ) couldn’t serve as civil servants. It is debatable whether said stipulation constituting a discriminatory treatment to part of nationals serving in public service violates Article 7 of the Constitution guaranteeing the right of equality. To begin with, this paper defines the legal status of Mainland Chinese people as nationals from Constitution point of view. Then, the paper looks into the subject from several points of view, including the nature of the addressed subject, the value system of the Constitution, and the purpose of enactment. It is find that the preclusion of the former Mainland Chinese people serving as civil servants is in harmony with amendment to the Constitution. It is furthermore not in conflict with the equal protection of law provided in Article 7 of the Constitution. However, part of the measure of the above said statute not in accord with the principle of Proportion should be amended in order to concur with preservation of state security and the adequate exercise of rights to serve in public service of the people. The Germany’s civil service law, which provides conditions of reappointment of former civil servants under German Democratic Republic after German unification serves as a most valuable reference model.

Etude du comportement mécanique à l’arrachement de fils multi-filamentaires enrobés dans une matrice cimentaire et influence de l’imprégnation / Study of the mechanical pull-out behaviour of multi-filament yarns embedded in a cementitious matrix and influence of the impregnation

Aljewifi, Hana 12 December 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche porte sur les fils multifilamentaires de verre utilisés pour renforcer les matériaux à base de ciment. Elle est focalisée sur les interactions mécaniques de ce type de fils, constitués d'un assemblage de milliers de filaments micrométriques, avec un micro-béton et sur le rôle spécifique de l'imprégnation du fil par cette matrice cimentaire. Trois pré-conditionnements des fils ont été employés lors de la fabrication des éprouvettes afin de moduler les conditions d'imprégnation par la matrice cimentaire. L'imprégnation de 5 fils multi-filamentaires par la matrice cimentaire a été caractérisée et les paramètres d'imprégnation ont été définis en s'appuyant sur des observations MEB, ainsi que des essais de porosimétrie au mercure et des essais spécifiques d'écoulement le long du fil enrobé. Des essais classiques d'arrachement de type pull-out ont été utilisés pour la caractérisation mécanique. L'analyse des liens entre les propriétés mécaniques et les paramètres d'imprégnation ont permis de mieux comprendre les micro-mécanismes d'interaction filaments / matrice cimentaire et d'expliquer le comportement macroscopique à l'arrachement. / This research deals with multi-filaments glass yarns used as reinforcement of cement based materials. It focuses on the mechanical interactions of these yarns, made of thousands of micrometric filaments, with a micro-concrete and on the specific part of the impregnation of the yarn by the cementitious matrix. Modulated impregnation conditions of the yarns were obtained by using three different manufacturing processes for the samples preparation. The impregnation of 5 multi-filament yarns by the cementitious matrix has been characterized and physical parameters of impregnation were determined using SEM investigations, mercury intrusion porosity measurements and specific tests of flow all along the embedded yarn. Classical pull-out tests have been used for the mechanical characterisation. The study of the links between the mechanical properties and the physical parameters of impregnation allowed accessing a better understanding of the filaments / cementitious matrix interaction micro-mechanisms, and explaining the macroscopic pull-out behaviour.

Relations entre le programme de promotion des habiletés d’adaptation pour les enfants de 6-7 ans "Les amis de Zippy" et le climat de classe

Gosselin, Sabrina 06 1900 (has links)
Le programme d’enseignement des habiletés d’adaptation Les amis de Zippy vise la promotion de la santé mentale des élèves du premier cycle du primaire. La présente étude est une analyse secondaire réalisée à partir des données d’évaluation des effets du programme. L’objectif général vérifie si l’appartenance au groupe d’intervention est associée à une meilleure qualité du climat relationnel de classe à la fin de l’année scolaire, tel que perçu par les enseignants, tout en contrôlant pour la qualité du climat avant la réalisation du programme. La qualité du climat correspond aux relations entre les élèves et aux relations entre les élèves et l’enseignant. L’effet modérateur de la gestion de comportements et les pratiques pédagogiques est aussi analysé. L’échantillon est constitué de 35 enseignants auto-sélectionnés, répartis entre deux groupes non aléatoires. Les échelles suivantes du QES pour le primaire, version enseignant, sont utilisées : relations entre les élèves, relations entre les élèves et les enseignants, gestion des comportements et pratiques pédagogiques. Les résultats, obtenus grâce à des régressions linéaires multiples, montrent que généralement, l’appartenance au groupe n’explique pas significativement la qualité du climat de classe. Cependant, un effet d’interaction entre le climat de classe et la gestion de comportements est identifié. Lorsque les enseignants gèrent plus difficilement leur classe, le programme Les amis de Zippy est associé à un climat relationnel entre les élèves et l’enseignant moins favorable que dans le groupe témoin. Puisque ces résultats préliminaires peuvent être attribuables à des variables externes non contrôlées, ils devront être approfondis par des études subséquentes. / Les amis de Zippy teaching program for coping skills aims to promote mental health in junior elementary students. This study is a secondary analysis done with data derived from the program evaluation. The general goal is to verify if belongingness to the intervention group is linked to a better class relational climate at the end of the school year, as perceived by the teachers, while controlling for the class relational climate before the implantation of the program. The class relational climate refers to the relationships between the students and the relationship between the students and the teacher. The moderating effects of behaviors management and educational practices are analyzed as well. The sample is composed of 35 self-selected teachers no randomly separated into two groups. The following scales from the elementary school QES, teacher’s version, were used: relationships between the students, relationship between the students and the teacher, behaviors management and educational practices. Multiple linear regressions revealed that, generally, group belongingness does not significantly explain the quality of the class relational climate. However, an interaction effect with behaviors management is identified. When teachers have a hard time managing their class, the Les amis de Zippy program is associated with a less favorable relational climate between the students and the teacher then in the comparison group. However, these preliminary results need to be studied more thoroughly because they may be due to uncontrolled external variables.

Spolupráce školy a rodiny jako základ fungujícího partnerství / Cooperation between school and family as the foundation of efektive partnership

Slivoňová, Alena January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the theoretical part to highlight the importance of cooperation between schools and families in terms of children, from the perspective of families and teachers and schools. Furthermore, the work deals with a survey to improve relations between the school and parents in our elementary school. Determines whether the five years that we establish a closer cooperation with parents to improve the perception of the school community and neighborhood residents. The work focuses on empirical research of events for parents, cooperation, but also obstacles that may arise. KEYWORDS: Cooperation and partnership schools and the child's family, trust between the two sides, the benefits of cooperation, forms of cooperation, the relationship between parents and school teachers, in collaboration barriers, parents welcome the involvement of parents in the joint actions.

Le cadre et ses aménagements en Thérapie Familiale Psychanalytique : dynamique et incidences de l'écart théorico-pratique dans la clinique familiale contemporaine / The setting and its adjustments in Psychoanalytic Family Therapy : dynamics and incidences of the theoretico-practical gap in the contemporary clinical family practice

Ruffiot, Marine 28 November 2016 (has links)
Confrontés à de nouvelles réalités cliniques, institutionnelles et sociétales, les thérapeutes familiaux sont de plus en plus souvent amenés à aménager leurs « cadres », inaugurant de nouvelles configurations de Thérapie Familiale Psychanalytique qui interpellent les fondements épistémologiques du modèle de référence. L’auteure propose d’aborder cette problématique dans une double perspective de « travail auto-méta » (R. ROUSSILLON, 2001), recouvrant d’une part une réflexion sur les invariants fonctionnels fondamentaux de l’action analytique familiale ; d’autre part l’élaboration de quelques vertex à partir desquels appréhender de façon intégrative ses divers modes d’actualisation clinique contemporains. Sur la base de l’analyse différentielle des logiques processuelles à l’œuvre dans deux TFP « aménagées », cette recherche propose ainsi d’en dégager quelques axes de lecture transversale, en lien avec les modalités spécifiques de remise en transitionnalité et au travail de transitionnalité du fonctionnement psychique familial mobilisées dans des situations où les opérateurs thérapeutiques classiques ne sont pas accessibles, opérants ou exploitables par les familles. Sont plus particulièrement mises en réflexion les conditions auxquelles différentes formes d’expériences interactionnelles concrètes peuvent alors tenir fonction de suppléance au partage onirique familial, à la faveur d’un processus de co-construction, en trouvé/créé dans l’actualité du néo-groupe, des ressources transitionnalisantes du cadre thérapeutique. Suggérant de concevoir le « travail du préconscient familial » comme repère métapsychologique transversal aux différentes pratiques de TFP, l’auteur esquisse sur cette base quelques pistes de modélisation relatives à l’« effet d’outsight » (P. DUBOR, 1996) qui en organise le déploiement dans ces conditions où la dynamique interfantasmatique se soutient d’un détour par le réel extérieur d’étayages matérialisés (méta-cadre institutionnel, supports de médiations). Cet angle d’approche invite à réenvisager les préceptes de la « cure-type familiale », édifiés sur le modèle du rêve, à la lumière de voies et formes d’expression processuelle empruntant davantage au modèle du jeu mais relevant d’une même essence profonde. / Faced with new clinical, institutional and societal realities, family therapists are increasingly called upon to adjust their “settings”, introducing new configurations of Psychoanalytic Family Therapy which challenge the epistemological foundations of the reference model. The author proposes to approach this issue in an auto-meta twofold perspective, covering on one hand a reflection on the fundamental invariants of the psychoanalytic family action; on the other the development of some vertices from which to grasp in an integrative approach her contemporary patterns of clinical actualization. Based on the differential analysis of the processual logic at work in two “adjusted” PFT, this research proposes to identify axes for a transversal reading in connection with the specific terms of the family work of transitionality mobilized in situations where the classical therapeutic operators are not accessible, operative or usable by the families. Specifically set for thinking are the conditions for which various forms of concrete interactional experiences can then play the role of substitute for the family oniric sharing, through a co-constructive process, in a found/created mode within the neo-group, of the setting’s transitional resources. Suggesting to conceive the “family preconscious work” as a metapsychological reference transversal to the different PFT practices, the author sketches some modelling perspectives relating to the “outsight effect” that organizes its deployment in these conditions where the interfantasmatic dynamics support itself with a detour passing by the external reality of materialized shorings (institutional meta-setting, therapeutic mediums).This angle of approach invites to reconsider the “classical psychoanalytic family cure” precepts, built on the dream model, in the light of processual expression’s ways and forms taking more from the play model but belonging to the same profound essence.

Formação e atuação profissional: Uma relação indissociável

Menezes, Vanessa Bega 23 November 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T14:16:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SSO - Vanessa Bega Menezes.pdf: 359507 bytes, checksum: f61ae628523d754890572c3ad0668c8e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-23 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present thesis focuses on two basic dimensions of the profession of Social Work: educational formation and professional practice, from the perspective of the guidelines established by the ethical and political project developed by this professional category during the decades of 1980 and 1990. In terms of formation, it considers the need for continued education, while political, civic and professional participation is viewed in the context of professional practice. Both are regarded as potentially contributing to a professional practice embedded in that project. The discussion is guided by Critical Theory for the analysis of social reality and, therefore, its fundamental arguments deal with the challenges faced by the profession to articulate both dimensions in the present conjuncture. Thus, the thesis aims to contribute to the appropriation of such a professional, ethical and political project by reflecting on the need to materialize its principles / A presente dissertação trata da profissão de Serviço Social na articulação de duas dimensões fundamentais: atuação e formação profissional, tendo como referência a incorporação do projeto ético-político construído pela categoria profissional no decorrer das décadas de 80 e 90. Uma relação estabelecida é com a capacitação continuada; a outra é com a participação política, cívica e profissional, ambas potenciais catalisadoras de uma atuação profissional comprometida com esse projeto. Tal discussão está inserida no campo da teoria crítica de análise da realidade social e, assim, tem como reflexões fundamentais os desafios postos à profissão na atual conjuntura e os desafios para a categoria profissional na articulação dessas dimensões. Pretende-se contribuir com a discussão sobre a apropriação desse projeto profissional, ético-político, e refletir sobre as necessidades de dar materialidade a ele e aos seus princípios

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