Spelling suggestions: "subject:"delative humidity"" "subject:"arelative humidity""
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Exploiting Sugar Feeding Behaviors For Mosquito ControlFryzlewicz, Lauren Hope 25 June 2021 (has links)
Mosquitoes are the deadliest animal on the planet killing about a million people a year. These insects are competent vectors of multiple pathogens (e.g., Plasmodium sp, filarial worms, and arboviruses). In most species, females are blood feeders, and must consume a blood meal to complete a gonotrophic cycle. Extensive research has been conducted on hematophagy and host-seeking behaviors, but relatively little is known about phytophagy. Sugar feeding is an essential aspect of mosquito biology. Both male and female mosquitoes must consume sugar as a primary fuel source. Mosquitoes use olfactory and visual cues among other cues to find suitable food sources. Abiotic factors, such as temperature and humidity, have been shown to impact mosquito behaviors, including sugar feeding. Recently, sugar feeding has been identified as a promising control target for multiple species of mosquitoes. Attractive toxic sugar baits (ATSBs) attract both male and females through the use of plant derived volatiles. In this work, we first examined the effects of temperature and humidity on the survival of sugar fed Aedes aegypti. We showed that sugar feeding greatly increases longevity in optimal conditions and that humidity impacted survival while temperature less so. Second, we aimed at developing an ATSB for controlling Aedes j. japonicus mosquitoes. Overall, this work sheds light on the importance of abiotic factors and sugar feeding on mosquito survival and lays the groundwork for controlling an invasive mosquito species. / Master of Science in Life Sciences / Mosquitoes are the deadliest organisms on the planet killing about a million people each year due to the multitude of pathogens they may transmit (e.g., malaria parasites, Zika virus, dengue virus). Female mosquitoes transmit pathogens by taking blood meals to obtain essential nutrients needed to develop eggs. If knowledge on host-seeking behavior and blood-feeding is extensive, comparatively less is known about sugar feeding. Sugar feeding is an important behavior displayed by both male and female mosquitoes to obtain energy for flying, reproduction, and survival. Mosquitoes feed on a variety of sugar sources including plant nectar and decaying fruits. They use multiple different cues in order to locate suitable meals including olfaction and vision. Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity affect mosquito activity, dehydration, and sugar feeding. In the present work, we first examined the effects of temperature and humidity on survival in the major disease vector species, Aedes aegypti. As the global temperatures are increasing, it is essential to better understand how mosquitoes adapt and deal with environmental stressors in a changing world. We then aimed at exploiting sugar feeding behavior by developing a novel method of control for another invasive mosquito species, Aedes j. japonicus. Together, these results help us have a better understanding of mosquito biology and ecology which is crucial for predicting future distribution of invasive species and designing new control strategies.
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Impact of process variables on the micromeritic and physicochemical properties of spray-dried microparticles, part II: physicochemical characterisation of spray-dried materialsPaluch, Krzysztof J., Tajber, L., Amaro, M.I., Corrigan, O.I., Healy, A.M. 24 May 2012 (has links)
Yes / Objectives In this work we investigated the residual organic solvent content and physicochemical properties of spray-dried chlorothiazide sodium (CTZNa) and potassium (CTZK) salts.
Methods The powders were characterised by thermal, X-ray diffraction, infrared and dynamic vapour sorption (DVS) analyses. Solvent levels were investigated by Karl–Fischer titration and gas chromatography.
Key findings Spray-drying from water, methanol (MeOH) and mixes of MeOH and butyl acetate (BA) resulted in amorphous microparticles. The glass transition temperatures of CTZNa and CTZK were ∼192 and ∼159°C, respectively. These materials retained their amorphous nature when stored at 25°C in dry conditions for at least 6 months with no chemical decomposition observed. DVS determined the critical relative humidity of recrystallisation of CTZNa and CTZK to be 57% RH and 58% RH, respectively. The inlet temperature dependant oxidation of MeOH to formaldehyde was observed; the formaldehyde was seen to deposit within the amorphous matrix of spray-dried product. Spray-drying in the open blowing mode coupled with secondary drying resulted in a three-fold reduction in residual BA (below pharmacopoeial permitted daily exposure limit) compared to spray-drying in the closed mode.
Conclusions Experiments showed that recirculation of recovered drying gas increases the risk of deposition of residual solvents in the spray-dried product. / The Irish Research Council for Science and Engineering Technology (IRCSET), the Solid State Pharmaceutical Cluster (SSPC), supported by Science Foundation Ireland under grant number (07/SRC/B1158) and the Irish Drug Delivery Research Network, a Strategic Research Cluster grant (07/SRC/B1154) under the National Development Plan co-funded by EU Structural Funds and Science Foundation Ireland.
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FUKTSKADOR I UTELUFTSVENTILERAD KRYPGRUND : Med avseende på klimatförändringar och installation av golvvärmeLouise, Breman, Andreas, Svensson January 2016 (has links)
Syfte: Idag riskerar cirka 300 000 hushåll med uteluftsventilerad krypgrund att bli angripna av fukt- och mögelskador. Klimatet i en uteluftsventilerad krypgrund påverkas i stor grad av temperaturen och den relativa luftfuktigheten. Det råder inga tvivel om att klimatet står inför förändringar, vilket innebär en höjd temperatur och en förändring av den relativa luftfuktigheten. Detta gör att den uteluftsventilerade krypgrunden inte har möjlighet att torka ut under vissa perioder på året och utsätts då för en förhöjd risk av fuktskador. Parallellt med klimatförändringen moderniseras även uppvärmningssystemen i småhusen, vilket ändrar förutsättningar för krypgrunderna. Målet med arbetet är att undersöka om klimatförändringarna och installation av golvvärme i träbjälklaget har bidragit till fuktskador i uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder och ge underlag till effektivare åtgärder av fuktskador. Metod: För att utreda om klimatförändringarna är ett problem för de uteluftsventilerade krypgrunderna har dokumentanalyser genomförts vilka sedan följdes av beräkningar av krypgrundens relativa luftfuktighet. På samma sätt gavs svar på om golvvärmen är en bidragande faktor till fuktskadorna. Båda frågeställningarna styrktes även av kvalitativa intervjuer med sakkunniga personer. Hur fuktskadorna effektivare kunde åtgärdas togs främst fram genom kvalitativa intervjuer men styrktes av dokumentanalyser. Resultat: Studien visar att klimatförändringarna kommer att påverka uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder i positiv bemärkelse då studien endast tog hänsyn till temperaturhöjningen. Installation av golvvärme har även visats vara positivt mot fuktskador i en uteluftsventilerad krypgrund om isolering i bjälklaget saknas eller är bristfällig. Branschen ser ingen vinst i att effektivisera åtgärdsmetoderna då dessa redan är välprövade och väl fungerande. Konsekvenser: Ett varmare klimat ger bättre förutsättningar för en uteluftsventilerad krypgrund. Medvetenheten om hur klimatförändringarna påverkar krypgrunderna ger byggbranschen ett försprång att förbereda sig inför kommande förändringar. Kunskapen om att golvvärme kan ge positiva effekter mot fuktskador i uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder ger nya förutsättningar för renoveringar och åtgärder mot fuktskador, dock måste energiförlusterna tas i hänsyn i dessa fall. Branschen ser ingen vinst i att effektivisera åtgärdsmetoderna, vilket gör att det inte finns någon anledning att gå djupare in i detta. Begränsningar: Arbetet behandlar endast uteluftsventilerade krypgrunder med träbjälklag som ligger inom Sveriges gränser. Denna studie är därför inte applicerbar på andra konstruktioner eller utanför Sveriges gränser. Endast klimatförändringarna det senaste seklet och fram till 2100 tas hänsyn till i rapporten. Studien tar heller inte hänsyn till fukttillskott från mark och dagvatten, likaså görs inga beräkningar på ventilation. / Purpose: Today are about 300 000 buildings with outdoor ventilated crawl space at risk to be contaminated by moisture and mold damage. An outdoor ventilated crawl space’s climate is greatly affected by the temperature and the relative humidity. There is no doubt that the climate is facing changes, which means an increased temperature and a change in the relative humidity. This prevents the outdoor ventilated crawl space from drying out during certain periods of the year and is then exposed to a heightened risk of moisture damage. Parallel to the climate change the heating systems are being modernized in houses, which changes the conditions for the crawl spaces. The objective of this essay is to do a research if climate change and the installation of underfloor heating in the greater part of the joist area has given rise to moisture damage in outdoor ventilated crawl spaces and provide good basis for more effective measures to moisture damage. Method: To investigate whether the climate change is a problem for outdoor ventilated crawl spaces have document analyzes been conducted, which was followed by calculations of the crawl spaces’ relative humidity. Calculations have been made to find out if the underfloor heating is a contributing problem to moisture damage. Both issues are also corroborated by interviews with qualified people. How the moisture damage more effective could be fixed was answered primarily through qualitative interviews, but corroborated by document analysis. Findings: The study shows that climate change will affect outdoor ventilated crawl spaces in a positive sense, only account to the temperature rise. Installing underfloor heating has also been shown to be positive against moisture damage in outdoor ventilated crawl spaces if insulation in the soffit is missing or deficient. The industry sees no gain in efficiency action methods as these are already proven and well- functioning. Implications: A warmer climate provides better conditions for outdoor ventilated crawl space. Being aware of the changes associated with climate change, and its effects on buildings give the construction industry a head start to prepare for future changes. Knowledge that underfloor heating can provide positive effects against moisture damage in crawl spaces creates new opportunities for renovations and actions against dampness but the energy losses in this case must be considered. Since the industry does not see profit in streamlining action methods is no need to go deeper into this. Limitations: The report deals only outdoor ventilated crawl spaces with wooden soffit that is located within the Swedish borders. This study is therefore not applicable to other constructions or other countries. Only climate change in the last century and up until 2100 are taken into account in the report. Further on the study does not take the excess moisture from the soil or the storm water into account; likewise there are no calculations for the ventilation.
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O efeito da umidade relativa no desempenho cognitivo de idosos saudáveis submetidos a estresse térmico / The effect of relative humidity on cognitive performance in healthy older adults submitted to thermal stressGuedes, Mariana Rodrigues 12 April 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO. Mudanças de temperatura que afetam a zona de conforto térmico têm influência na saúde da população por diferentes mecanismos. Durante o processo de envelhecimento ocorrem mudanças no mecanismo de termorregulação deixando os idosos mais suscetíveis a essas mudanças ambientais. Em estudos prévios, foi observado uma tendência a ter uma piora no desempenho cognitivo em idosos quando submetidos à calor úmido. OBJETIVOS. Comparar os efeitos do calor úmido com o calor seco do ambiente, no desempenho cognitivo de idosos da comunidade. Avaliar o impacto das intervenções na temperatura corporal, pressão arterial e sensação subjetiva de desconforto térmico e verificar a interação de variáveis sócio-demográficas e exercício físico no desempenho cognitivo. MÉTODOS. Cinquenta e um idosos saudáveis advindos do Ambulatório de Geriatria do HCFMUSP participaram duas baterias de testes de cognição em duas condições ambientais, sendo uma com calor seco de 32.5ºC e 30% de umidade relativa (UR), e outra com o calor úmido de 32.5ºC e 70% de UR. Foram aplicados 5 testes da Bateria Neuropsicológica Automatizada de Testes de Cambridge (CANTAB) com objetivo de avaliar a memória, velocidade de processamento e a atenção. Para a avaliação dos resultados, foi criado um escore composto global utilizando a medida mais representativa de cada um dos 5 testes. Antes de cada sessão foi aferida a pressão, temperatura auricular e a frequência cardíaca. Para a análise de interação foi usada a ANOVA com objetivo de analisar se o efeito da umidade relativa no desempenho cognitivo foi modificado em cada uma das amostras estudadas. RESULTADOS. A média de idade dos participantes foi de 73,27 anos, 72,55 % do sexo feminino, escolaridade média de 11,58 anos. Um pequeno aumento na temperatura auricular foi observado em ambos os protocolos, mas não houve diferença significativa entre eles. A pressão arterial média e a frequência cardíaca não apresentaram alterações significativas. No calor úmido, houve uma sensação subjetiva de desconforto térmico em 3/4 da amostra. Por outro lado, em apenas 1/3 da amostra, foi relatada alguma dificuldade subjetiva na realização dos testes computadorizados. Nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada no escore cognitivo global entre calor seco e calor úmido (100,47 ± 8,91, 99,52 ± 7,57, p = 0,4). Além disso, nenhuma diferença significativa foi encontrada em cada um dos testes computadorizados individualizados. O efeito da alta umidade relativa no desempenho cognitivo não foi modificado pela idade (p=0,70), gênero (p=0,24), cor da pele (p=0,19), escolaridade (p=0,92), prática de exercícios físicos (p=0,82), percepção de conforto (p=0,81). CONCLUSÃO. Idosos saudáveis, ativos fisicamente, com boa funcionalidade e alta escolaridade não apresentaram diferenças significativas entre o desempenho cognitivo no calor seco e no calor úmido. Houve um pequeno aumento da temperatura auricular tanto no calor seco e no calor úmido, mas não houve um impacto significativo na pressão arterial e na frequência cardíaca. No estresse térmico úmido, a maioria dos idosos relataram algum grau de desconforto térmico. As variáveis sócio-demográficas e atividade física não tiveram influência na suscetibilidade ao calor úmido / INTRODUCTION. Changes in temperature affecting the thermal comfort range have an influence on the health of the population by different mechanisms. Aging leads to changes in temperature control mechanisms that make elderly people more susceptible to environmental changes. Previous studies have shown a tendency to worsen cognitive performance in the elderly when subjected to moist heat. OBJECTIVES. To compare the effects of moist heat and dry heat in controlled environment on the cognitive performance among community-dwelling older persons. To evaluate the impact of interventions on body temperature, blood pressure and subjective sensation of thermal discomfort and to verify the interaction of socio-demographic variables and physical exercise on cognitive performance. MÉTODOS. Fifty-one healthy older adults from outpatient geriatrics clinic participated in two sets of cognition tests in two environmental conditions, one with dry heat of 32.5ºC and 30% relative humidity (RH), and one with a humid heat of 32.5ºC and 70% RH. Five tests of the Automated Neuropsychological Test Battery of Cambridge (CANTAB) were applied in order to evaluate executive function, processing speed and attention. For the evaluation of the results, a global composite score was created using the most representative measure of each of the 5 tests. Before each session the pressure, atrial temperature and heart rate were measured. For the interaction analysis, ANOVA was used to analyze if the effect of relative humidity on cognitive performance was modified in both samples studied. RESULTS. The mean age was 73.27 years, 72.55 % were female, with a mean educational level of 11.58 years. A small increase in tympanic temperature was observed in both protocols but no significant difference between them. Mean blood pressure and heart rate did not show significant changes. In the moist, there was a subjective sensation of thermal discomfort in 3/4 of the sample; on the other hand, in only 1/3 of the sample, some subjective difficulty in performing the computerized tests was reported. No significant difference was found in the global cognitive score between dry heat and moist heat (100.47 ± 8.91, 99.52 ± 7.57, p = 0.4). Also, no significant difference was found in each of the individualized computerized tests. The effect of high relative humidity on cognitive performance was not modified by age (p = 0.70), gender (p = 0.24), race (p = 0.19), education (p = 0.92), physical exercises (p = 0.82), comfort perception (p = 0.81). CONCLUSIONS. Physically active healthy older adults with preserved functionality and high education did not show significant differences between cognitive performance in dry heat and in moist heat. There was a small increase in tympanic temperature in both dry heat and moist heat, but there was no significant impact on blood pressure and heart rate. In moist heat, most of the elderly reported some degree of thermal discomfort. Socio-demographic variables and physical activity had no influence on susceptibility to moist heat
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En undersökning av möjliga tillväxtmiljöer vid den tidiga sågverkshanteringen av ek / An investigation of posible growth environments for mould in the early sawmill handling of oakHerdinius, Andreas January 2019 (has links)
Trä är ett biologiskt och organiskt material vars egenskaper möjliggör att det vid rätt förhållanden kan växa mögel på det. Mögeltillväxt på trä som människor hanterar och har i sin närhet kan skapa hälsoproblem då vissa mögelarter kan orsaka respiratoriska problem samt allergisk alveolit.En undersökning av vilken mögelsvamp som växer på brädor vid ett sågverk i södra Sverige har utförts. Utöver detta har möjliga tillväxtmiljöer för mögel undersökts under brädgårdstorkning samt en torkprocess. De undersökta parametrarna var temperatur och relativ luftfuktighet.Mögelsvampen Paecilomyces hittades samt Aspergillus niger och jäst. Klimatet under brädgårdstorkning samt torkprocessen visade att de under stor del av den tidiga hanteringen av virket fanns ett klimat gynnsamt för mögeltillväxt. / Wood is a biological and organic material whose properties makes it possible for mold to grow on it under the right conditions. Mold growth on wood that humans handle and get in contact with can create health problems as some mold species can cause respiratory problems and allergic alveolitis.An investigation of which mold that grows on boards at a sawmill in southern Sweden has ben carried out. In addition to this, possible growth environments for mold have been investigated during lumber yard drying and a kiln drying process. The parameters examined were temperature and relative humidity.Mold of Paecilomyces, Aspergillus niger and yeast was found on boards. The climate during lumber yard drying and the kiln drying process showed that a large part of the early handling of the wood had a favourable climate to mold growth.
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Kolfiberförstärkning av limträbalkar : Fuktens inverkan på förstärkningenBergström, Viktor, Tölli, Emil January 2019 (has links)
The point with this exam-essay is to study how the strength in glulam beams reinforced with carbon fiber will differentiate with an increased relative humidity (RH). The literature study brings up older work and science in the field that focuses on different reinforcement that can improve the strength in glulam beams.Glulam has higher strength than regular wood, this is due to how glulam is being constructed. When the usage limit condition is being determined the length of the beam will be a factor in deciding highest allowed bending on the beam. Carbon fiber, that has a greater strength than glulam can be used as a reinforcement on the glulam to give it higher strength. When the relative humidity is increased the glulam’s strength will decrease, the goal was to study how great the strength of the reinforced glulam beams would be when the relative humidity in the beams was being increased.In this essay a total of 26 glulam-samples was bent until they reached breaking point, out of these 26 samples half of them will be reinforced with carbon fiber underneath the beam. Half of the samples will be submerged in water, both reinforced and regular beams, where they will stay in two weeks until they are brought up again for bending-tests.The reinforced beams did not show an increase in torque capacity when compared to the non-reinforced beams when analyzing the average force. When analyzing the calculated 95 % -fractile the reinforced beams did show an increase in torque capacity. The dry reinforced glulam-beams showed an increase with 4,8 % and the wet reinforced glulam-beams showed an increase with 13,3 %.
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Aflatoxinas: ocorrência, distribuição e estimativa de ingestão através de produtos de amendoim na cidade de Piracicaba - São Paulo / Aflatoxins: occurence, distribution and estimate of ingestion through processed peanut products in Piracicaba city state of São PauloCarvalho, Ana Paula Pereira 12 May 2006 (has links)
A contaminação do amendoim com aflatoxinas é objeto de estudo de vários trabalhos de pesquisa. Entretanto, não consta em trabalhos publicados no país, o estudo da distribuição da contaminação com aflatoxinas entre embalagens de produtos processados que apresentam grãos inteiros e grãos triturados, assim como a estimativa da ingestão de aflatoxinas oriundas do consumo de produtos de amendoim. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a ocorrência e a distribuição da contaminação com aflatoxinas entre embalagens de produtos de amendoim comercializados em estabelecimentos da cidade de Piracicaba - SP, além de caracterizar as amostras quanto a dados qualitativos e quantitativos e condições do ambiente no local da amostragem, assim como estimar a ingestão de aflatoxinas através de produtos de amendoim. A análise qualitativa visual das embalagens não constata esta como fonte de favorecimento da contaminação por aflatoxinas. Quantitativamente, a análise das faixas dos pesos líquidos dos produtos corresponderam aos pesos declarados nas embalagens dos produtos. A atividade de água, mostraram valores normalmente não altos o suficiente para permitirem crescimento fúngico e somente em alguns produtos específicos, os valores poderiam proporcionar o crescimento fúngico. Quanto aos parâmetros temperatura e umidade relativa, observou-se que a temperatura em vários locais amostrados poderia favorecer o crescimento fúngico, enquanto que a umidade relativa não demonstrou valores favoráveis. Os dados de contaminação com aflatoxina mostraram que os produtos comercializados, em alguns casos, ainda apresentam contaminação acima do permitido pela legislação brasileira e que estabelecimentos de diferentes portes apresentaram mesma freqüência e nível de contaminação. O estudo da distribuição da contaminação mostrou que pode ocorrer uma distribuição bastante diferente entre embalagens do mesmo lote, também no produto processado a partir de amendoim triturado, e a detecção da contaminação com aflatoxinas nesses produtos, mostra ser de mais fácil detecção, do que em produtos processados que utilizam amendoim inteiro ou parcialmente inteiro. A avaliação do consumo de produtos de amendoim mostrou níveis de consumo diferentes dos obtidos através de dados de literatura, ressaltando a importância de se trabalhar com dados realísticos de consumo para estimar a ingestão diária provável de aflatoxina AFB1. A estimativa da ingestão diária provável (IDP) de aflatoxina AFB1, mostrou ser inferior a ingestão diária aceitável (IDA) proposta na literatura, ressaltando que as (IDP) relatadas neste estudo foram somente devido ao consumo de produtos de amendoim e não em relação a dieta completa da população. / The peanut contamination with aflatoxins has already been objective of several researches. However there is no published article dealing with the aflatoxin contamination distribution among packages of processed peanut products, containing hole or smashed grains of peanut, neither with the estimate of ingestion of aflatoxins related to peanut products. The objective of this research study was to investigate the occurrence and the widespread-distribution of contamination with aflatoxins in packages of processed peanut products available on the market in Piracicaba city - state of São Paulo and to characterize the samples in terms of: the aspect of the package by visual inspection, the actual weight in comparison to the weight printed on the labels, the water activity of the peanut products and the ambient conditions (temperature and relative humidity) in the sampled stores, as well as to estimate the ingestion of aflatoxin AFB1 through peanut products. In general, based on the visual inspection of the aspect of the peanut products sampled in this study, the packages were not considered a potential source of contamination with aflatoxins. Also, the check of the actual net weight of the products in comparison to the declared weight on the product labels didn t show harmfull weight variations to the consumers. The analytical results for water activity showed that in general the values of aw of the products were not high enough to allow the fungic growth-development and the values of water activity could allow the fungic growth. With respect to the temperature and relative humidity it was observed that the temperature of many stores could favor the fungic growth while that relative humidity wasnt show values favorable to the fungic growth. The results of contamination with aflatoxins showed that there were some cases which showed contamination with aflatoxin above accepted levels by the Brazilian legislation and that establishment of different size showed one same frequency and level of contamination by aflatoxin. The research of the distribuition of contamination showed that can occur on distribuition enough different among packages of the same lot, also in processed product from peanut products that presented grains crushed, and detection of contamination with aflatoxin in these products, showed to be the more easy detection that in processed products that used grains not crushed or entire grains. The evaluation the consumption the peanut products showed levels differents the levels obtained across the literature datas, to stand up an importance the if to work with real datas of consumption for estimated the probable diary ingestion the aflatoxin AFB1. The estimated of probable diary ingestion (IDP) the aflatoxin AFB1, showed be lower than acceptable diary ingestion (IDA) to proposal by literature, to stand up that as (IDP) reported in this reasearch were only due the consumption the peanut products and not in the statement the completed diet of population.
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Estudo microclimático do ambiente de cavernas, Parque Estadual Intervales, SP / Microclimate study of caves enviroment, Parque Estadual Intervales, SPRocha, Bárbara Nazaré 31 August 2010 (has links)
A proteção ambiental dos recursos geológicos é uma questão com crescente interesse. A exploração de cavernas é uma das formas de turismo associada a recursos geológicos mais difundida. Por isso, deve-se conhecer suas características ambientais, tais como os climáticas, para definir estratégias de gestão e conservação ambiental associadas a seu uso turístico. Assim, o objetivo geral da pesquisa é detectar as principais alterações microclimáticas ocorridas no ambiente cavernícola em decorrência das visitas turísticas no interior das grutas do PEI, SP. Como objetivos específicos, definiu-se: caracterizar o microclima do ambiente de caverna em condições naturais e elencar características físicas da cavidade que influenciem em seu microclima. A metodologia consistiu na coleta de dados de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar de nove cavidades com registradores autônomos. Também foram registrados os valores de CO2. A variação dos atributos do clima foi analisada em situação natural e na presença de visitantes. Os resultados mostram que o microclima das cavernas tende à estabilidade dos valores de temperatura do ar e apresentam umidade relativa do ar e concentração de gás carbônico elevada. Cavernas com rios caudalosos e claraboias não apresentam impacto em sua atmosfera decorrente do turismo, pois as trocas gasosas com o meio externo são facilitadas. Nas grutas secas e afóticas, com entradas e corredores estreitos, o microclima tende à estabilidade, estando mais sujeito a impactos, especialmente elevações na temperatura do ar. O uso de carbureteira também gera acréscimos significativos nas concentrações de gás carbônico. / The ambient protection of the geologic resources is a question with increasing interest. The caves exploration is one of the geological tourism forms more spread out. Therefore, the characteristics of its ambient must be known, such as the climatic ones, to define strategies of management and ambient conservation associates with its tourist use. Thus, the general objective of this research is to detect the main microclimatic alterations in the cave environment in result of the tourist visits in the interior of grottos of PEI, SP. As specific objective, it was purposed to characterize the cave microclimate in natural conditions and to detect the physics characteristics of the caves that influence in its microclimate. The methodology consisted in collect data of temperature and relative humidity of the air of nine caves with automatic sensors. Also the values of carbonic gas had been registered. The variation of the climatic attributes was analyzed in natural situation and in presence of visitors. The results show that the caves microclimate tends to have stability values of air temperature and present high values of air relative humidity and carbonic gas concentration. Caves with rivers of great volume and skylights do not present impact in its atmosphere, even in the presence or tourists, because the gaseous exchanges with the external way are facilitated. In dry and dark grottos, with narrow entrances and corridors, the microclimate tends to stability, being subject to impacts, especially rises in the air temperature.
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-21 / Soccer is a sport characterized by the alternation of short duration and intense
motor actions, indicating the importance of physical preparation for the game's
performance. The physical training is associated with the control of the variation of
fat percentage, which can affect the athlete's performance. Several studies
demonstrate the incompatibility between the competitive excellence and high
levels of subcutaneous fat. Another important point is the practice of soccer in hot
and humid environments, because is needed a systematic care with the liquids
intake, which should be observed like a strategy to minimize heat-related
problems. The general objective of this study were to determine the variations of
the fat percentage of soccer players in a certain team during a championship. Also
the specific objectives are: a) compare the fat percentage found in the different
positions of the players; b) verify if there are other studies about this subject and
compare the fat percentage; c) examine whether and climatic conditions such as
heat and high humidity can affect the range of the results during the tournament;
compared to other data collections and other published studies related of fat
percentage in different conditions of heat and humidity. Four data collection were
made to evaluate the fat percentage by Jackson and Pollock 7 skinfold protocol. It
was analyzed Twenty-five professional soccer players from Marabá s Eagle Team
(Brazil), who competed in the 2011 C Series Brazilian Soccer Championship. In
the average, participant athletes were 27.53 ± 4.96 years old, 1.76 ± 0.07 of height
and initial weight of 73.81 ± 8.35. Analyzing the data collection for months, there
was no significant statistical difference in body mass and body fat percentage
between assessments. A significant difference was detected only in body mass
and body fat percentage among goalies and wide midfielders during all researched
months. In September there was also a difference in body mass between
defenders and wide midfielders. Thus, this study observed that the weather
conditions had no significant influence in the variation in the fat percentage in this
studied group of soccer athletes. / O futebol é um desporto caracterizado pela alternância de ações motoras intensas
e de curta duração, evidenciando a importância da preparação física para o
desempenho do jogo. Aliado à preparação física está o controle da variável
percentual de gordura, variável esta que pode afetar no desempenho do atleta.
Vários estudos demonstram a incompatibilidade entre a excelência competitiva e
altos índices de adiposidade subcutânea. Outro ponto que deve ser observado é a
prática do futebol em ambientes considerados quentes e úmidos, pois cuidados
com a ingestão sistemática de líquidos devem ser observados com vistas a
minimizar problemas relacionados ao calor. Os objetivos deste estudo foram
verificar a variação do percentual de gordura de jogadores de futebol de uma
determinada equipe durante um campeonato; comparar o percentual de gordura
nas diferentes posições dos jogadores; verificar se existem outros estudos nesse
âmbito e comparar o percentual de gordura; analisar se existe influência das
condições climáticas de calor e umidade elevados, na variação do percentual de
gordura encontrados durante o campeonato, comparado a outras coletas de
dados e outros estudos existentes relacionados à percentual de gordura em
jogadores de futebol em diferentes condições de calor e umidade. Foram feitas
quatro coletas de dados para avaliar o percentual de gordura que foi determinado
através do protocolo de Jackson e Pollock (7 dobras).Foram avaliados vinte e
cinco jogadores de futebol profissional da equipe do Águia de Marabá que
disputaram o campeonato brasileiro da série C de 2011. Os atletas apresentaram
média de idade de 27,53 ± 4,96; média de estatura de 1,76 ± 0,07 e média de
massa corporal inicial de 73,81 ± 8,35. Analisando as quatro coletas de dados por
meses, não houve diferença estatisticamente significante de massa corporal e
percentual de gordura entre as avaliações. Detectou-se diferença significativa
apenas na massa corporal e percentual de gordura entre goleiros e laterais em
todos os meses avaliados e na massa corporal entre zagueiros e laterais na
coleta do mês de setembro. Dessa forma, observou-se nesse estudo que as
condições climáticas a que foram submetidos, não influenciou significativamente
na variação do percentual de gordura desse grupo de atletas.
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Avaliação da qualidade ambiental: mercado municipal de São Carlos/SP / Evaluation of environmental quality: municipal market of São Carlos/SPSilva, Lênin de Matos 30 November 2012 (has links)
O Mercado Municipal de São Carlos é um centro comercial bastante importante, reunindo diversos tipos de lojas e serviços. Um grande número de pessoas frequenta o local diariamente, além de ser o ambiente de trabalho de vários comerciantes. Foi realizado diagnóstico da qualidade do ambiente interno do Mercado Municipal da cidade de São Carlos/SP, através do monitoramento dos seguintes parâmetros: MP10; MP2,5; \'CO IND.2\'; CO; COV; temperatura; umidade relativa e ruído. As coletas de dados foram realizadas durante o ano de 2011. Para todos os parâmetros analisados foram escolhidos 12 pontos amostrais internos e um ponto amostral externo, com exceção do ruído, que teve 9 pontos internos. Os dados amostrais internos de MP10 e de MP2,5 revelaram concentrações médias de 44,55 \'mü\'g/m³ e 31,96 \'mü\'g/m³, respectivamente. As concentrações externas médias foram de 35,60 \'mü\'g/m³ para MP10 e de 25,91 \'mü\'g/m³ para MP2,5. As concentrações médias observadas de material particulado estiveram abaixo dos valores recomendados pela OMS. A razão MP2,5/MP10 esteve acima de 70% indicando predominância de particulado superfino na fração MP10 do material particulado em suspensão. Análises químicas por fluorescência de raios-X foram realizadas no material particulado coletado e os elementos químicos identificados foram: Si, Al, S, Ca, Fe, Ti, Cu, Zn e V. Observou-se que os dados de \'CO IND.2\' ficaram abaixo do limite recomendado pela Resolução ANVISA 09, que é de 800 ppm, os dados internos também foram maiores que os externos. Para o CO e COV, os pontos com maiores concentrações foram os próximos dos acessos ao Mercado pela Rua Episcopal, sendo também maiores os dados internos que o externos. Os dados de temperatura e umidade relativa se mostraram, em geral, fora das faixas de recomendações da Resolução ANVISA 09, o que indica que o ambiente interno do Mercado pode ser desconfortável em relação a esses dois parâmetros. Os níveis internos de ruído observados estiveram acima daqueles recomendados pela Norma Técnica L11.032 (CETESB), que é de 50 dBA. Obteve-se pontos com médias acima de 70 dBA, evidenciando que o local é ruidoso, o que pode acarretar problemas à saúde de seus frequentadores. / The Municipal Market of São Carlos city is a very important commercial center, bringing together different types of shops and services. A large number of people attends the local daily, and it is the work environment of several merchants. A diagnostic of the quality of the indoor environment of the Municipal Market of Sao Carlos/SP was conduct, by monitoring the following parameters: PM10, PM2,5; \'CO IND.2\', CO, VOCs, temperature, humidity and noise. The data collections were performed during the year 2011. For all analyzed parameters were chosen 12 sampling indoor points and an outdoor point, with the exception of noise, which had 9 indoor points. The indoor data of PM10 and PM2,5 showed average concentrations of 44.55 \'mü\'g/m³ and 31.96 \'mü\'g/m³, respectively. The outdoor medium concentrations were 35.60 \'mü\'g/m³ for PM10 and 25.91 \'mü\'g/m³ for PM2,5. The average concentrations of particulate matter observed were below the values recommended by WHO. The reason MP2,5/MP10 was above 70%, indicating the predominance of fine particulate matter at the PM10 fraction. Chemical analysis by X-rays fluorescence was performed in the particulate matter collected and the chemicals identified were: Si, Al, S, Ca, Fe, Ti, Cu, Zn and V. It was observed that the \'CO IND.2\' data were below the limit recommended by ANVISA Resolution 09 which is 800 ppm, the indoor data were also higher than outdoor data. For CO and VOCs, the points with the highest concentrations were the ones near the accesses to the Market by the Episcopal Street, and also higher indoor data that the outdoor. The data of temperature and relative humidity proved generally outside the ranges of the recommendations ANVISA Resolution 09, which indicates that the indoor environment of the market may be uncomfortable considering these two parameters. The indoor noise levels were observed above those recommended by the Technical Standard L11.032 (CETESB), which is 50 dBA. There were some points with averages above 70 dBA, showing that the Market can be a noisy environment, which can cause health problems for their users.
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