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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fuktåterföring i roterande värmeväxlare / Moisture feedback in rotating heat exchanger

Malm, Diana January 2012 (has links)
För att ha en chans att ändra trenden med ökande utsläpp av växthusgaser är internationella samarbeten nödvändiga. Därför har EU genom miljökvalitetsmålet Begränsad Miljöpåverkan satt krav på högsta tillåtna utsläpp av växthusgaser. Att sänka energianvändningen för upp- värmning är ett steg i att även sänka utsläpp av koldioxid, som är en av växthusgaserna. Sänkning av energianvändning kan göras på flera sätt, bl.a. genom att öka tjockleken på isoleringen eller återvinna värmen i frånluften. Men dessa åtgärder ska inte helt okritiskt göras.  Att använda roterande värmeväxlare är ett sätt att återvinna värmen i frånluften. Luften passerar då en rotor med öppna kanaler som roterar kring sin egen axel över till tilluftssidan. Detta möjliggör fuktöverföring oberoende om rotorn är hygroskopisk eller ej. Dvs. möjligheten för kanalväggen att ta upp vattenmolekyler eller inte.  Mätningar av relativ fuktighet, temperatur och daggpunkt har gjorts på tre objekt. Därefter har ånghalter och verkningsgrader beräknats. Med objekt menas småhus där roterande värmeväxlare installerats i ventilationssystemet. Objekten är belägna i Linköping, Stockholm och Norge. Ett beräkningsexempel har ställts upp som visar hur fuktverkningsgraden påverkas av olika fukttillskott. I verkligheten råder dock inte stationära förhållanden för fukttillskottet som är en förutsättning för resultaten på dessa beräkningsexempel.  I denna rapport kommer den skrivande således fram till att fuktåterföring sker även för icke hygroskopiska värmeväxlare. Även att fuktverkningsgraden svarar med en viss tröghet vid återhämtning av ett tillfälligt förhöjt fukttillskott. Fuktverkningsgraden är dock betydande för fukttillskott över ca 1-2 g/m3. / To have a chance to change the trend of increased greenhouse gases are international collaborations necessary. Therefore, the EU through the environmental quality objective of Reduced Environmental Impact sat requirements for maximum allowable emissions of greenhouse gases. Reducing energy use for heating is a step that also reduces emissions of carbon dioxide; which is one of the greenhouse gases. Reducing energy use can be done in several ways, including by increasing the thickness of the insulation or heat recovery from exhaust air. However, these measures should not be uncritically made. The use of a rotating heat exchanger is a means to recover heat from exhaust air. The air then passes a rotor with open channels that rotates around its own axis over to the supply air side. This allows moisture transfer regardless of whether or not the rotor is hygroscopic. That is, the ability of the channel wall to take up water molecules or not.  Measurements of relative humidity, temperature and dew point has been made on three objects. Thereafter steam content and efficiencies was calculated. In other words, the objects are referred to single- ore two-family homes where a rotary heat exchanger is installed in the ventilation system. The objects are located in Linköping, Stockholm and Norway. An example calculation is set up that shows how moisture efficiency is affected by different moisture addition. In reality in which the conditions is not stationary the moisture supplement that is a prerequisite for the results of these calculation examples.  In this report, the writer thus concluded that moisture reversal will occur even for non- hygroscopic heat exchangers. Although the moisture efficiency corresponds with a certain slowness in the recovery of a temporarily elevated moisture addition. Moisture efficiency is significant for moisture supplement of about 1-2 g/m3.

A NUMERICAL MODEL OF HEAT- AND MASS TRANSFER IN POLYMER ELECTROLYTE FUEL CELLS : A two-dimensional 1+1D approach to solve the steady-state temperature- and mass- distributions

Skoglund, Emil January 2021 (has links)
Methods of solving the steady state characteristics of a node matrix equation system over a polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC) were evaluated. The most suitable method, referred to as the semi-implicit method, was set up in a MATLAB program. The model covers heat transfer due to thermal diffusion throughout the layers and due to thermal advection+diffusion in the gas channels. Included mass transport processes cover only transport of water vapor and consist of the same diffusion/advection schematics as the heat transfer processes. The mass transport processes are hence Fickian diffusion throughout all the layers and diffusion+advection in the gas channels. Data regarding all the relevant properties of the layer materials were gathered to simulate these heat- and mass transfer processes.Comparing the simulated temperature profiles obtained with the model to the temperature profiles of a previous work’s model, showed that the characteristics and behavior of the temperature profile are realistic. There were however differences between the results, but due to the number of unknown parameters in the previous work’s model it was not possible to draw conclusions regarding the accuracy of the model by comparing the results.Comparing the simulated water concentration profiles of the model and measured values, showed that the model produced concentration characteristics that for the most part alignedwell with the measurement data. The part of the fuel cell where the concentration profile did not match the measured data was the cathode side gas diffusion layer (GDL). This comparison was however performed with the assumption that relative humidity corresponds to liquid water concentration, and that this liquid water concentration is in the same range as the measured data. Because of this assumption it was not possible to determine the accuracy of the model.

Understanding of Salmonella-phytopathogen-environment-plant interactions and development of novel antimicrobial to reduce the Salmonella burden in fresh tomato production

Deblais, Loic January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Influence of Humidity Over the Properties of Wood Fiber-based Biocomposites / Fuktighetens Inverkan på Egenskaperna hos Träfiberbaserade Biokompositer

Hedin, Arvid, Kudinova, Anna, Masso, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
The project aims to develop a methodology to study the variation in properties of wood polymer composites (WPC’s) with/without surface treatment at different humidity conditions. The project aims to investigate the behavior of biocomposites at 50%, 80%and 100% relative humidity (RH). Also to clarify if the hydrophilization effect helps to preserve the structural integrity of the materials for longer periods at these conditions. The comparison between biocomposites comprising polypropylene (PP) with both untreated wood fibers (WF) or FibraQ (hydrophobic surface-treated wood fibers from Biofiber Tech) was made. The focus was on the mechanical properties, water absorption, macro- and microstructures. The results show that PP comprising FibraQ exhibits lower moisture uptake than the PP comprising untreated WF at high relative humidity conditions. The mechanical properties did not seem significantly affected by the surface treatment at high relative humidity conditions. It is also concluded that since the study only ran for four weeks, there was not enough time to fully understand the influence of moisture uptake over the materials’ properties.

An Analog and Investigation of Type I-II Snow Bands to the Lee of Lake Erie

Wawrin, Gabriel Vincent January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Environmental and Alloying Effects on Corrosion of Metals and Alloys

Liang, Dong 08 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Biological control of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae): spatial and temporal distribution of natural enemies, parasitism levels and climate effects

Sorribas Mellado, Juan José 24 February 2012 (has links)
En muchas áreas citrícolas del mundo el piojo rojo de California (PRC), Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), está considerado una plaga clave. En el Este de España se ha extendido durante las últimas décadas hasta cubrir una amplia extensión de cítricos. El control químico es difícil y frecuentemente es seguido de infestaciones recurrentes en poco tiempo, de la aparición de resistencias a diferentes productos usados para su control y de la eliminación de enemigos naturales en el campo. La mejora del manejo integrado y las técnicas de control biológico del PRC requieren conocer la composición de los enemigos naturales en cada zona climática, la fluctuación en su abundancia estacional, los niveles de parasitismo y depredación, como se distribuyen en la planta y como son afectados por el clima y el cambio climático. Aunque mucho se ha estudiado en laboratorio sobre los parasitoides Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), los principales agentes de control del PRC, todavía no se conoce qué combinación de enemigos naturales consigue el mejor nivel de control en el campo, cómo varían los niveles de parasitismo a lo largo del año o cómo los parasitoides se distribuyen y compiten en el campo en relación con el clima. La acción de los Aphytis, ectoparasitoides, es complementada en muchas zonas citrícolas por los endoparasitoides Comperiella bifasciata y Encarsia perniciosi (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), los cuales pueden parasitar estadíos diferentes a Aphytis. Muy poco se sabe sobre el comportamiento y las respuestas biológicas bajo diferentes condiciones climáticas de estos endoparasitoides. Del mismo modo, el efecto de los depredadores sobre la población del piojo ha sido raramente estudiado. Actualmente, A. melinus, una especie introducida en el Este de España y el competidor superior, ha desplazado al parasitoide nativo A. chrysomphali de las zonas cálidas y secas ya que puede tolerar mejor las temperaturas cálidas del verano. / Sorribas Mellado, JJ. (2011). Biological control of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Hemiptera: Diaspididae): spatial and temporal distribution of natural enemies, parasitism levels and climate effects [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/14794

Klimatförhållanden och energianvändning på Gränby ishall : Hur Uppsala kommun Arenor och fastigheter AB kan förbättra klimatförhållandena och sänka energianvändningen i Gränby ishall

Kylhed, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
This report intends to investigate climate conditions and energy consumption in Gränby Ice rink in Uppsala.Today, Gränbyhallen faces a potential renovation project to modernize and improve what was initially intended as a temporary hall that was inaugurated in 1974.In 2021, the property was taken over by the Uppsala municipality Arenor och Fastigheter AB from having previously been owned by the municipality. Since then, Arenor och Fastigheter has worked to modernize its facilities and in this way also work to improve the energy consumption required by the operation of the Gränby ice rink and also examine the indoor climate conditions in the building.The idea is to make the climate more pleasant for the visitors, and therefore making it less cold and barren temperaturevise by separating the ventilation from the ice and bleachers so that these can be controlled individually. The hope is to be able to reduce energy consumption with such a solution by seeing if the facility has heat leakage from the outside and how moisture can be managed in the facility to be kept at a more even level throughout the year and during the day.For the report, weather data was obtained from SMHI and then compiled and compared with temperatures and energy consumption from sorption dehumidifiers and the plant total to locate current deficiencies but also how to potentially address these to lower energy consumption.Analysis of the data was also done for the outdoor temperature which was set against the indoor temperature and then also the difference between the two to see the difference anddemonstrate how well insulated the facility is. On average over the entire time investigated, there was only +1°C difference between outside and inside, which gives an indication that the insulation in the facility needs to be reviewed and improved both outside and inside as there are large leaks in the facility with open surfaces and only metal doors that separate warm surfaces from cold.The analysis also suggests that the dehumidifier should be changed to regulate according to the dew point temperature from regulating according to the relative humidity as the dew point changes less over time and is less affected by the amount of water in the air which changes from hour to hour and is also affected by the outdoor climate when doors are opened and closed to the facility. / Denna rapport avser att undersöka klimatförhållanden och energiförbrukningen i Gränby ishall i Uppsala. Idag står Gränbyhallen inför ett potentiellt renoveringsarbete för att modernisera och förbättra till en som till en början var tänkt som en provisorisk hall från 1974. 2021 togs fastigheten över av Uppsala kommun Arenor och Fastigheter AB från att tidigare varit kommunägt. Arenor och Fastigheter har sedan dess arbetat med att modernisera sina fastigheter och på så sätt även arbeta med att förbättra energiförbrukningen som driften i Gränby ishall kräver och även undersöka klimatförhållandena inomhus. Tanken är att göra klimatet för åskådarna mer behagligt att vistas i från dagens kalla och karga temperaturer genom att separera läktarens ventilation och avfuktning från isens, så att dessa kan styras enskilt och därmed ha olika klimat. Förhoppningen är att med en sådan lösning kunna minska energiförbrukningen genom att se ifall anläggningen har värmeläckage från utsidan samt hur fukt kan hanteras i anläggningen för att hållas på en mer jämn nivå över året och under dagen. Till rapporten har väderdata hämtats från SMHI och sedan sammanställts och jämförts med temperaturer och energiförbrukning från sorptionsavfuktare och anläggningens total för att lokalisera nuvarande brister, men även hur man kan potentiellt åtgärda dessa för att sänka energiförbrukningen. Analys av data gjordes även för temperaturen utomhus mot temperaturen inomhus och då differensen av de två för att se skillnaden och påvisa även hur väl isolerad anläggningen är. I genomsnitt över hela tiden som undersöktes skildes det bara +1°C mellan ute och inne, vilket ger indikation på att isoleringen i anläggningen behöver ses över och förbättras både ute och inne då det finns stora läckage i anläggningen med öppna ytor och endast plåtdörrar som separerar varma ytor från kalla. Analysen tyder även på att avfuktaren bör ändras till att reglera efter daggpunktstemperaturen i stället för som nu efter relativa luftfuktigheten. Daggpunkten ändras mindre över tid och påverkas mindre av luftens vattenmängd, som ändras från timme till timme och som påverkas även av utomhusklimatet när dörrar öppnas och stängs till anläggningen.

Evaluation of Ethiopian nigerseed (Guizotia abyssinica Cass) production, seed storage and virgin oil expression

Melaku, Eneyew Tadesse 29 January 2015 (has links)
Das Ziel der experimentellen Arbeit war die Untersuchung der Einflussfaktoren auf den Ertrag, die Saatgutqualität unter verschiedenen Lagerungsbedingungen sowie die Effizienz der Expression vonRamtillkraut (Guizotia abbysinica Cass.). In Feldversuchen wurden folgende Varianten untersucht, Sorten ‚Fogera‘ und ‚Kuyu‘, Saatgutaufwand von 5, 10, 15 kg ha-1, ein Stickstoffaufwand von 13, 23 und 33 kg ha-1, sowie eine differenzierte Wasserversorgung an zwei Standorten (Adet und Koga). In Adet wurde der höchste Saatgut Ertrag mit 1.384,60 kg ha-1 ermittelt, Erträgen in Koga (ohne Bewässerung) mit 1.064,72 kg ha-1 und 967,00 kg ha-1 (mit Bewässerung). Der höchste Ölgehalt wurde im Saatgut aus Koga (ohne Bewässerung) mit 41,54% ermittelt, gefolgt von Koga (mit Bewässerung) 39,59% und Adet mit 38,67%. Signifikante Unterschiede wurden zwischen den N-Aufwandmengen in Koga mit Bewässerung und Saatgutmengen in Adet ermittelt. Die Unterschiede bei den Fettsäuregehalten in Adet waren nicht signifikant. Der Alpha-Tocopherol Gehalt betrug 80 mg pro 100 g bei hoher Saatdichte und hoher N-Düngung. Hinsichtlich des Verfahrens des Ölpressens, wurde ein signifikanter Unterschied zwischen Effizienz und Temperatur ermittelt. Die Dauer der Konditionierung und die Vorschubgeschwindigkeit sind negative korreliert gleichfalls mit der Effizienz der Expression. Die Temperaturen von 70°C und 80°C zeigten keinen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Ölausbeute, dagegen war der der Einfluss von 90°C statistisch signifikant. / The aim of this study was to investigate factors influencing seed yield, postharvest handling, and the oil expression efficiency for nigerseed (Guizotia abbysinica Cass.). Based on field study on two varieties, two locations, three seed rates and three fertilizer rates the highest mean nigerseed yield was 1384.6 kg ha-1 at Adet location (rain fed) followed by location Koga (rain) with 1064.7 kg ha-1 and Koga (irrigation) with 967.0 kg ha-1 showing significant difference. The oil content by location was 41.54% for Koga (rain) followed by 39.59 and 38.67% for Koga (irrigation) and Adet (rain) respectively showing significant difference whereas the Ash content showed a reverse trend of oil content. Fatty acid composition did not show significant difference in any treatment. Significant mean alpha-tocopherol of 80 mg/100 g (70 to 89 mg/100 g) was attained for increasing seed and nitrogen rates. Based on two temperatures and seven relative humidities model evaluation and monolayer moisture content estimation, Guggenheim-Anderson-de Boer (GAB) models was found to best suit both varieties as compared to Brunauer-Emmet-Teller (BET), and modified Chung &Pfost. For oil expression efficiency, 90ºC seed conditioning showed significant effect compared to 80 and 70ºC however conditioning times and feed rates did not differ significantly.

Oxidation of terpenes in indoor environments : A study of influencing factors

Pommer, Linda January 2003 (has links)
In this thesis the oxidation of monoterpenes by O3 and NO2 and factors that influenced the oxidation were studied. In the environment both ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) are present as oxidising gases, which causes sampling artefacts when using Tenax TA as an adsorbent to sample organic compounds in the air. A scrubber was developed to remove O3 and NO2 prior to the sampling tube, and artefacts during sampling were minimised when using the scrubber. The main organic compounds sampled in this thesis were two monoterpenes, alfa-pinene and delta-3-carene, due to their presence in both indoor and outdoor air. The recovery of the monoterpenes through the scrubber varied between 75-97% at relative humidities of 15-75%. The reactions of alfa-pinene and delta-3-carene with O 3, NO2 and nitric oxide (NO) at different relative humidities (RHs) and reaction times were studied in a dark reaction chamber. The experiments were planned and performed according to an experimental design were the factors influencing the reaction (O3, NO2, NO, RH and reaction times) were varied between high and low levels. In the experiments up to 13% of the monoterpenes reacted when O3, NO2, and reaction time were at high levels, and NO, and RH were at low levels. In the evaluation eight and seven factors (including both single and interaction factors) were found to influence the amount of alfa-pinene and delta-3-carene reacted, respectively. The three most influencing factors for both of the monoterpenes were the O 3 level, the reaction time, and the RH. Increased O3 level and reaction time increased the amount of monoterpene reacted, and increased RH decreased the amount reacted. A theoretical model of the reactions occurring in the reaction chamber was created. The amount of monoterpene reacted at different initial settings of O3, NO2, and NO were calculated, as well as the influence of different reaction pathways, and the concentrations of O3 and NO2, and NO at specific reaction times. The results of the theoretical model were that the reactivity of the gas mixture towards alfa-pinene and delta-3-carene was underestimated. But, the calculated concentrations of O3, NO2, and NO in the theoretical model were found to correspond to a high degree with experimental results performed under similar conditions. The possible associations between organic compounds in indoor air, building variables and the presence of sick building syndrome were studied using principal component analysis. The most complex model was able to separate 71% of the “sick” buildings from the “healthy” buildings. The most important variables that separated the “sick” buildings from the “healthy” buildings were a more frequent occurrence or a higher concentration of compounds with shorter retention times in the “sick” buildings. The outcome of this thesis could be summarised as follows; - - - -

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