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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Medarbetarnas förståelse – avgörande för framgångsrika förändringar

Blom, Eva-Lisa, Hildesson, Victor January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning Titel: Medarbetarnas förståelse – avgörande för framgångsrika förändringar Nivå: Examensarbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen) i ämnet företagsekonomi Författare: Eva-Lisa Blom och Victor Hildesson Handledare: Emilia Kvarnström Datum: 2024 – januari Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur medarbetare upplever en förändringsprocess på arbetsplatsen. Med fokus på kommunikation, ledarskap och medarbetarnas möjlighet till att komma med feedback, förväntas studien ge svar på hur dessa faktorer påverkar medarbetarnas upplevelse av förändringen, och hur brister i dessa kan skapa motstånd. Metod: Resultatet av denna studie bygger på en kvalitativ metod där semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts för att samla in empirin. Det empiriska materialet innefattar totalt nio intervjuer med medarbetare på en arbetsplats som nyligen genomgått en större förändring. Medarbetarna har svarat på frågor relaterade till denna förändring för att återge deras egen uppfattning om hur den upplevts. Därefter har det empiriska materialet kodats och bearbetats för att hitta likheter och skillnader i hur medarbetarna har upplevt förändringen. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visar att det förekommer en skillnad i hur medarbetarna har upplevt förändringen. Resultatet visar också på att samtliga medarbetare i studien har sett förändringsprocessen som något positivt, men att kommunikationen och informationen mellan ledningen och medarbetarna var bristfällig. Medarbetarna hade önskat mer direkt kommunikation, mer information och många menade att de inte fått vara med och bestämma, trots att det är just medarbetarna som har bättre koll på hur arbetet utförs ”på golvet”. Vad gäller ledarskapet så upplever en majoritet av medarbetarna att det är bättre nu än tidigare, och att det utgörs av egenskaper som att lyssna, bry sig om, och att vara närvarande. Medarbetarna uppger också att många tidigare kollegor sagt upp sig i samband med förändringen, och att det beror på att de inte var nöjda med vad den skulle leda till och att de upplevde att de inte fick vara med. Dessa medarbetare har dessvärre inte haft möjlighet att delta i denna studie. Examensarbetets bidrag: Detta arbete har bidragit med både teoretiska och praktiska insikter för det företagsekonomiska ämnet. Studien styrker befintliga teorier kring att medarbetare värdesätter tydlig kommunikation och möjligheten till att vara delaktiga i en förändringsprocess. Studien visar också att brister i kommunikation och delaktighet inte spelar lika stor roll när medarbetarna själva ser behovet av en förändring, och därför inte uppvisar något större motstånd mot förändring. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För vidare forskning finns intresse för att inkludera de medarbetare som sagt upp sig på grund av missnöjda med förändringen. Samt intresse för att genomföra en komparativ studie för att se hur medarbetarnas åsikter skiljer sig från ledningens. Nyckelord: förändringsprocess, kommunikation, ledarskap, feedback, medarbetarperspektiv, motstånd till förändring / Abstract Title: Employees ́ understanding - crucial for successful changes Level: Bachelor's degree thesis in business administration Authors: Eva-Lisa Blom and Victor Hildesson Supervisor: Emilia Kvarnström Date: 2024 – January Aim: The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of how employees experience a change at the workplace. With focus on communication, leadership and the employees’ opportunity to provide feedback, it is expected to study how these factors affect the employees’ experience, and how deficiencies in these can create resistance. Method: The result of this study is based on a qualitative method where semi-structured interviews have been conducted to collect the empirical evidence. The empirical material includes a total of nine interviews with employees at a workplace that has recently undergone a major change. Employees have answered questions related to this change to reflect their own perception of how it was experienced. The empirical material has then been coded and processed to find similarities and differences in how the employees have experienced the change. Results and conclusions: The result shows that there is a difference in how the employees have experienced the change. The results also show that all employees in the study have seen the change as something positive, but that the communication and information between management and employees was insufficient. The employees had wanted more direct communication, more information and many believed that they were not allowed to participate in making decisions, even though it is the employees who have better control of how the work is carried out "on the floor". As for the leadership, most of the employees feel that it is better now than before, and that it consists of qualities such as listening, caring and being present.The employees also state that many former colleagues resigned at the beginning of the change, because they were not satisfied with what it would lead to and that they felt that they were not allowed to participate. Unfortunately, these employees have not had the opportunity to participate in this study. Contribution of the thesis: This work has contributed with both theoretical and practical insights for the business economics subject. The study confirms existing theories about employees valuing clear communication and the opportunity to be involved in a change process. The study also shows that deficiencies in communication and participation are offset by the fact that the employees themselves see the need for a change, and therefore do not show any major resistance to change. Suggestions for future research: For further research, there is interest in including the employees who resigned due to dissatisfaction with the change. As well as interest in conducting a comparative study to see how employees' opinions differ from managements. Key words: change process, communication, leadership, feedback, employee perspective, resistance to change

Barriärer för miljöcertifiering i fastighetsbranschen : En undersökande studie om barriärer på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden / Barriers for green certificates on the real-estate market : An explorative study about barriers on the Swedish real-estate market

von Gaffron, Björn, Watz Almquist, Ludwig January 2022 (has links)
En stor bidragande faktor till miljöproblem som global uppvärmning och icke förnybar resursförbrukning är aktiviteter inom fastighetsbranschen. Det beräknas att 40% av all världens koldioxidutsläpp produceras av byggnader samtidigt ses miljöcertifiering av fastigheter som en del av lösningen för att sänka mängden koldioxid och nå hållbar utveckling. Miljöcertifieringar för med sig en rad fördelar, bland annat en minskad användning av naturresurser och ett högre fastighetsvärde. Trots de fördelar som miljöcertifiering för med sig är knappt 1% av det svenska fastighetsbeståndet certifierat. Studiens syfte är att bidra till kunskap rörande vilka barriärer som föreligger samt hur de kan mildras på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Denna studie bidrar med unikt material eftersom tidigare forskning är bristfällig på den svensk fastighetsmarknaden. Studien är av mixad metod och använder sig av en kvantitativ online-enkätundersökning samt en intervjustudie om 3 respondenter från den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Enkätundersökningen utgick från tidigare internationell forskning och intervjustudien möjliggjorde en mer djupgående analys kring den svenska marknaden. De svenska aktörerna i studien ansåg att Brist på efterfrågan hos konsumenter, Höga Kostnader, Låg miljömedvetenhet hos konsumenter och Brist på statliga incitament var barriärer på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Brist på tid och extra administrativt arbete identifierades som nya barriärer som inte har blivit belysts i tidigare forskning. Studien visar även på att barriärer kan mitigeras genom företagsstrategier där svenska aktörer automatiserar och standardiserar sina arbetssätt utifrån de krav som miljöcertifikat ställer. / A major contributing factor to environmental problems such as global warming and non-renewable resource consumption are activities in the real estate industry. It is estimated that 40% of all the world's carbon dioxide emissions are produced by real estate and green certificates are seen as part of the solution to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and achieve sustainable development. Green certifications have several benefits, including a reduced use of natural resources and a higher property value. Despite the benefits that green certification brings, just under 1% of the Swedish property portfolio is certified. The purpose of the study is to contribute to knowledge regarding what barriers exist and how they can be mitigated in the Swedish real estate market. This study contributes unique material because previous research is deficient in the Swedish real estate market. The study is of a mixed method and uses a quantitative online survey and an interview study of 3 respondents from the Swedish real estate market. The questionnaire was based on previous international research and the interview study enabled a more in-depth analysis of the Swedish market. The Swedish actors in the study considered that Lack of consumer demand, High Costs, Low environmental awareness among consumers and Lack of government incentives were barriers in the Swedish real estate market. Lack of time and extra administrative work were identified as new barriers that have not been highlighted in previous research. The study also shows that barriers can be mitigated through company strategies where Swedish actors automate and standardize their ways of working based on the requirements set by green certificates.

Cynism gentemot förändringar på arbetsplatsen / Cynicism towards changes in the workplace

Strömqvist, Patrik January 2024 (has links)
Detta kandidatarbete i psykologi undersöker motstånd mot förändringar på arbetsplatsen med fokus på cynism gentemot förändringar genom en jämförande studie mellan svenska offentliga organisationer och en tidigare genomförd australiensisk studie. Studien använder begreppet cynism för att analysera medarbetarnas attityder gentemot förändringar och utforskar dess två underdimensioner: pessimism och dispositionell tillskrivning. Studien visar på att det finns en skillnad mellan det svenska och det australienska urvalet, där det svenska urvalet är mer cyniskt inställt gentemot förändringar än det australiensiska. Däremot identifierar studien inte att det finns en skillnad mellan personer med högre utbildningsnivå jämfört med lägre utbildningsnivå eller med personer med mer arbetlivserfarenhet jämfört med lägre arbetslivserfarenhet rörande hur cyniska de är gentemot förändringar på arbetsplatsen. / This undergraduate thesis in psychology explores resistance to changes in the workplace, focusing on cynicism towards changes through a comparative study between Swedish public organisations and a previously conducted Australian study. The study utilises the concept of cynicism to analyse employees' attitudes towards changes and explores its two sub-dimensions: pessimism and dispositional attribution. The study indicates that there is a difference between the Swedish and Australian samples, where the Swedish sample is more cynical towards changes than the Australian one. However, the study does not identify a difference between individuals with higher levels of education compared to those with lower levels of education, or among individuals with more working life experience compared to those with less working life experience in terms of how cynical they are towards workplace changes. Keywords:

The implementation of strategic decisions at the Social Security Commission in Namibia

Ndara, Daniel Sipopa 11 1900 (has links)
The study was conducted to determine the key obstacles to strategy implementation at the Social Security Commission. The objective was to establish various factors that inhibit successful strategy implementation and explore alternative approaches that could be adopted to facilitate effective implementation of strategic decisions. The data was collected through questionnaires distributed to the personnel of the institution. 34 respondents out of a population of 56 participated in the study. The results showed serious lack of change management practice which could be regarded as the reason why resistance to change from the majority of the personnel is being experienced. Indications are also prevalent from the results obtained that show lack of ownership of the implementation process. In addition, lack of commitment to achieve positive results, lack of control of the implementation plan, ineffective information sharing methods as well as negative organizational culture are influencing the outcome of the strategy implementation process. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

The influence of corporate culture on organisational change of First National Bank of Namibia

Simon, Justina 06 1900 (has links)
Change is invariable and continuous, and has become inevitable in almost every sphere of business. The FNB Namibia operates in a highly vibrant competitive environment that is influenced by external and internal change drivers, and has not been resistant to any forces of change. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between corporate culture and organisational change of FNB Namibia. In this study corporate culture is the independent variable while organisational change is the dependent variable under the investigation. The data were collected through the questionnaires distributed to the staff members of the bank. A total of 50 questionnaires were administered, 33 of the questionnaires were correctly completed and returned. The findings showed that there is a relationship between corporate culture and organisational change. The findings also showed that the dominant existing organisational culture at the bank is hierarchy culture. Even though hierarchy culture is found to be the dominant organisational culture of the bank, the findings however, further revealed that the bank has adopted all four types of organisational culture. The study also found that different types of organisational culture have different levels of perceptions towards organisational change. / Business Management / M. Tech. (Business Administration)

The impact of change management on role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction in a transport organisation

Van Niekerk, Elna 11 1900 (has links)
Organisations and job content will continually change irrespective of the employee or job context. The ability to understand, initiate and manage change is therefore, an essential skill for any change agent. The general aim of this research was to investigate the impact of change management on role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction. "Change management", "role conflict", "role ambiguity" and "job satisfaction" were conceptualised. This change process was described and the effect of change management on role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction was determined. Instruments for measuring these concepts were administered among 116 employees who have been subjected to extensive organisational change within a large transport organisation. It was found that change management has a significant impact on role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction. The change management process used in this research potentially enables Human Resources managers and change agents to reduce role conflict, role ambiguity and job satisfaction during large scale organisation change. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Comm. (Industrial Psychology)

Le changement organisationnel : la prédiction des comportements de soutien et de résistance par le biais des préoccupations

Meunier, Sophie 01 1900 (has links)
Depuis plus de 50 ans, les chercheurs s’intéressent à la résistance au changement. Or, malgré plusieurs années de recherche, on ne sait toujours pas exactement quelles variables peuvent prédire les comportements de résistance et encore moins ceux de soutien. La présente thèse vise à pallier cette lacune en identifiant des variables pouvant expliquer à la fois les comportements de soutien et de résistance lors d’un changement organisationnel majeur. Le modèle des phases de préoccupations (Bareil 2004a) s’avère intéressant à cet effet puisqu’il intègre bien les savoirs actuels et s’adapte à différents changements. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est donc de vérifier jusqu’à quel point les comportements de soutien et de résistance peuvent être prédits par les phases de préoccupations, en tenant compte de l’engagement affectif envers le changement comme variable médiatrice et du rôle des acteurs et de l’avancement de la mise en œuvre comme variables modératrices. Pour ce faire, une étude a été menée auprès d’enseignants, de professionnels et de directeurs d’une Commission scolaire québécoise ayant implanté une réforme majeure provoquant des préoccupations d’intensité variée et des comportements divers, allant de la résistance au soutien. Les analyses acheminatoires effectuées auprès de deux échantillons indépendants (n=464 et n=171) indiquent que les premières phases du modèle (centrées sur le destinataire, l’organisation et le changement) sont liées positivement aux comportements de résistance et négativement à ceux de soutien. À l’inverse, les dernières phases (centrées sur l’expérimentation, la collaboration et l’amélioration continue) sont liées négativement aux comportements de résistance et positivement à ceux de soutien. Ainsi, plus on avance dans la séquence des phases de préoccupations, plus les comportements de soutien augmentent et ceux de résistance diminuent. Également, l’engagement affectif envers le changement agit à titre de variable médiatrice et permet d’expliquer davantage de variance des comportements de soutien et de résistance. De plus, les analyses de régression indiquent que les phases de préoccupations expliquent davantage de variance des comportements de soutien des agents de changement, alors qu’elles expliquent plus de variance des comportements de résistance des destinataires. On constate aussi que c’est au début de la mise en œuvre que les phases de préoccupations expliquent le plus de variance des comportements de soutien et de résistance. Finalement, un troisième échantillon (n=143) permet de suivre l’évolution des participants ayant répondu deux fois au questionnaire. Les tests t ne rapportent aucune différence significative entre les deux temps de mesure et ce, autant pour les phases de préoccupations que pour les comportements de soutien et de résistance. On constate que lorsque les phases de préoccupations n’évoluent pas, les comportements de soutien ou de résistance demeurent les mêmes. En somme, ces résultats indiquent qu’il est possible de prédire à la fois les comportements de soutien et de résistance avec les phases de préoccupations. En outre, on sait maintenant à quel moment et avec quel type d’acteurs le modèle des phases de préoccupations s’avère le plus utile. Afin de généraliser ces résultats, il serait pertinent de reproduire cette recherche dans une autre organisation qui implante un changement majeur. / For over 50 years, researchers have been interested in resistance to change. However, despite several years of research, it remains unclear which variables can predict resistance and support behaviours. The aim of this thesis is to fill this gap by identifying variables that can explain both support and resistance behaviours during a major organizational change. The stages of concerns’ model (Bareil, 2004a, adapted from Hall & Hord, 2001) is an interesting option for this purpose since it includes many current knowledge and can be adapted to various changes. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to ascertain to what extent support and resistance behaviours can be predicted by stages of concerns, taking into account affective commitment to change as a mediator variable and the actor’s role and the progress of the implementation as moderator variables. To this end, a study was conducted with teachers, professionals and directors of a school board in Quebec, implementing a reform causing major concerns of different intensities and various behaviours, ranging from resistance to support. The path analysis performed with two independent samples (n = 464 and n = 171) indicates that the first stages (focused on the employee, on the organization and on the change) are positively related to resistance behaviours and negatively related to support behaviours. Conversely, the last stages (focused on experimentation, on collaboration and on continuous improvement) are negatively related to resistance behaviours and positively related to support behaviours. Thus, the further along the sequence of stages of concerns, the more supportive behaviours increase and resistance behaviours decreases. Also, affective commitment to change can act as a mediator variable in this relation. Moreover, regression analysis indicates that the stages of concerns explain more variance in supportive behaviours of change agents as they explain more variance in resistance behaviours of employees. We also note that it is in early implementation that the stages of concerns explain the most variance in support and resistance behaviours. Finally, a third sample (n = 143) follows the evolution of participants who completed the questionnaire twice. The t-tests report no significant difference between the two measurement time, and this for both preoccupations and support and resistance behaviours. We note that when the stages of concerns do not change, support or resistance behaviours remain the same. In sum, these results indicate that we can now predict both support and resistance behaviours with the stages of concerns. In addition, this study permitted to know when this model is the most appropriate and who benefits the most of it. To generalize these results, it would be appropriate to replicate this research in another organization implementing a different major change.

Understanding Long-Standing Belief Systems in Business: A Qualitative Study of the Equine Industry

Lord, Robyn 29 October 2018 (has links)
Change management is a highly researched topic. With industry changing at record speed, it is inevitable that corporations will engage in a change management endeavor. As humans innately resist change at first exposure, corporations strive to acquire knowledge in adoption. It may not be enough to understand status quo proponents, but rather their underlying long-standing belief systems which may be affecting how they view change. What makes an employee resist corporate change? Most studies conclude that humans will resist innately. This research dives into the unique environment of the equine industry to uncover how long-standing belief systems contribute to adoption or resistance. The motivation for this research began with a fascination with long-standing belief systems within the equine industry. The unique environment of the equine industry is steeped in centuries of tradition, and while housing long-standing belief systems that are time-tested and passed down from generation to generation, in most cases, without awareness. The industry is currently experiencing a phenomenon that has never taken place: a change is occurring that is positioning two equine factions, natural and traditional, against each other in opposing viewpoints. Some view this change as the start of a paradigm shift; others view it as a fad. The nature of natural horsemanship is now up for debate. The study was conducted by using qualitative data collection in a semi-structured format. Forty-one (41) equine leaders in natural and traditional hoof care and horsemanship were recorded in over 30 hours of data. The interview model included not only the industry leaders proposing or resisting change but also the professionals in the industry working in the field, experiencing the conflict first hand. The research presented revealed an interesting finding. Although 61 codes were identified, a specific area within the study revealed a “hybrid” group of codes amongst the traditional horsemen in hoof care and horsemanship. Leaders who are advocating for the status quo showed levels of natural adoption that was unexpected. The research pivoted to the areas of traditional resistors and traditional adopters. The main objective is to decipher why some members of the industry are adopting while others are resisting. As adoption is the main objective for change management, uncovering the reasons for resisting seemed to dictate the data more prevalently. From this research, it can be deduced that there is significant evidence to support the findings that people who resist change may have these characteristics or traits in their belief system: Strong traditional beliefs such as culture and history, honor-driven, strong religious ties, defensive by nature, communicate well, believe safe, minimal adaptation (innovation), and consider themselves to be trustworthy and responsible, are people-oriented and outgoing. According to this research, people with those traits and characteristics are more apt to resist change and may be a potential problem when instituting change in an organization. This research points towards the significant evidence to support the findings that people who resist change may have these characteristics or traits in their belief system: Frustration in industry or a sense of apathy, open-mindedness or flexibility, vulnerability, communicate well, family ties, controlling and shows hero tendencies. Not many other industries can report that it has remained unchanged over time, even in the face of industrial revolution, war, and domestication. However, in the past 20 years, the equine industry has been divided through a new belief system that is challenging these time-tested traditions and beliefs regarding hoof care and horsemanship. The natural horse viewpoint has created an opposing faction to the traditional belief system that governed horse care and welfare since the dawn of time. The qualitative data that was gathered for this research allows for the synthesis of the proposed paradigm shift and opposing force analysis. Although not a true paradigm shift to date, these two factions, natural and traditional, are dividing the industry in two. Not a more perfect scenario could be present to study long-standing belief systems in relation to adoption and resistance to change. The Hybrid Adaptation Model was formed from the qualitative data provided by 41 industry experts through the grounded theory method. This model can be used to navigate through the change management process. This research revealed a theory that adaptation must occur prior to adoption and partial adoption may cause a “hybrid” sector.

Att arbeta med förebyggande förändring på producerande företag / Working with preventive development at production companies

Klang, Johanna, Jönsson, Susanne January 2013 (has links)
En förändring är ett tillstånd som vi upplever under hela vår livstid, både privat och i arbetslivet. Företag måste förändras för att kunna bevara sin konkurrens-kraft. Motstånd till förändring kan anses som det största enskilda hotet mot ett framgångsrikt införande av en strategi på ett företag. Ett sätt att hantera detta motstånd är att använda sig av den delaktiga förändringsmodellen samt stävja rädslor och osäkerhet.   Syftet med detta examensarbete var att vi ville få en ökad förståelse för hur företag arbetar med produktionsförbättringar och om de känner av något motstånd vid dessa förändringar. De intervjuade företagen anger som sin absolut största förändring deras införande av ett eget produktionssystem med stort fokus på Kaizen – Ständiga förbättringar.   Under arbetets gång stötte vi på en psykologisk och vetenskaplig teori om Förändringens fyra rum som anses vara ett kraftfullt hjälpmedel vid alla förändringar. / A change is a state that everyone experiences during their whole life, both privately as well as at work. Companies must change in order to keep their competitiveness. Resistance to change can be considered as the largest single threat against a successful implementation of a strategy in a company. One way to deal with the resistance is to apply the participation change model as well as suppressing fears and insecurity.    The purpose of this thesis was to achieve a higher understanding for how companies work with productivity improvements and if they experience any resistance when making these changes. The interviewed companies state as their absolute largest change to be the implementation of their own production system with big focus on Kaizen – Continuous improvements.   During our work we encountered a psychological and scientific theory about Four rooms of change which is considered to be a powerful aid of assistance during all changes.

Le changement organisationnel : la prédiction des comportements de soutien et de résistance par le biais des préoccupations

Meunier, Sophie 01 1900 (has links)
Depuis plus de 50 ans, les chercheurs s’intéressent à la résistance au changement. Or, malgré plusieurs années de recherche, on ne sait toujours pas exactement quelles variables peuvent prédire les comportements de résistance et encore moins ceux de soutien. La présente thèse vise à pallier cette lacune en identifiant des variables pouvant expliquer à la fois les comportements de soutien et de résistance lors d’un changement organisationnel majeur. Le modèle des phases de préoccupations (Bareil 2004a) s’avère intéressant à cet effet puisqu’il intègre bien les savoirs actuels et s’adapte à différents changements. L’objectif principal de cette thèse est donc de vérifier jusqu’à quel point les comportements de soutien et de résistance peuvent être prédits par les phases de préoccupations, en tenant compte de l’engagement affectif envers le changement comme variable médiatrice et du rôle des acteurs et de l’avancement de la mise en œuvre comme variables modératrices. Pour ce faire, une étude a été menée auprès d’enseignants, de professionnels et de directeurs d’une Commission scolaire québécoise ayant implanté une réforme majeure provoquant des préoccupations d’intensité variée et des comportements divers, allant de la résistance au soutien. Les analyses acheminatoires effectuées auprès de deux échantillons indépendants (n=464 et n=171) indiquent que les premières phases du modèle (centrées sur le destinataire, l’organisation et le changement) sont liées positivement aux comportements de résistance et négativement à ceux de soutien. À l’inverse, les dernières phases (centrées sur l’expérimentation, la collaboration et l’amélioration continue) sont liées négativement aux comportements de résistance et positivement à ceux de soutien. Ainsi, plus on avance dans la séquence des phases de préoccupations, plus les comportements de soutien augmentent et ceux de résistance diminuent. Également, l’engagement affectif envers le changement agit à titre de variable médiatrice et permet d’expliquer davantage de variance des comportements de soutien et de résistance. De plus, les analyses de régression indiquent que les phases de préoccupations expliquent davantage de variance des comportements de soutien des agents de changement, alors qu’elles expliquent plus de variance des comportements de résistance des destinataires. On constate aussi que c’est au début de la mise en œuvre que les phases de préoccupations expliquent le plus de variance des comportements de soutien et de résistance. Finalement, un troisième échantillon (n=143) permet de suivre l’évolution des participants ayant répondu deux fois au questionnaire. Les tests t ne rapportent aucune différence significative entre les deux temps de mesure et ce, autant pour les phases de préoccupations que pour les comportements de soutien et de résistance. On constate que lorsque les phases de préoccupations n’évoluent pas, les comportements de soutien ou de résistance demeurent les mêmes. En somme, ces résultats indiquent qu’il est possible de prédire à la fois les comportements de soutien et de résistance avec les phases de préoccupations. En outre, on sait maintenant à quel moment et avec quel type d’acteurs le modèle des phases de préoccupations s’avère le plus utile. Afin de généraliser ces résultats, il serait pertinent de reproduire cette recherche dans une autre organisation qui implante un changement majeur. / For over 50 years, researchers have been interested in resistance to change. However, despite several years of research, it remains unclear which variables can predict resistance and support behaviours. The aim of this thesis is to fill this gap by identifying variables that can explain both support and resistance behaviours during a major organizational change. The stages of concerns’ model (Bareil, 2004a, adapted from Hall & Hord, 2001) is an interesting option for this purpose since it includes many current knowledge and can be adapted to various changes. Thus, the main objective of this thesis is to ascertain to what extent support and resistance behaviours can be predicted by stages of concerns, taking into account affective commitment to change as a mediator variable and the actor’s role and the progress of the implementation as moderator variables. To this end, a study was conducted with teachers, professionals and directors of a school board in Quebec, implementing a reform causing major concerns of different intensities and various behaviours, ranging from resistance to support. The path analysis performed with two independent samples (n = 464 and n = 171) indicates that the first stages (focused on the employee, on the organization and on the change) are positively related to resistance behaviours and negatively related to support behaviours. Conversely, the last stages (focused on experimentation, on collaboration and on continuous improvement) are negatively related to resistance behaviours and positively related to support behaviours. Thus, the further along the sequence of stages of concerns, the more supportive behaviours increase and resistance behaviours decreases. Also, affective commitment to change can act as a mediator variable in this relation. Moreover, regression analysis indicates that the stages of concerns explain more variance in supportive behaviours of change agents as they explain more variance in resistance behaviours of employees. We also note that it is in early implementation that the stages of concerns explain the most variance in support and resistance behaviours. Finally, a third sample (n = 143) follows the evolution of participants who completed the questionnaire twice. The t-tests report no significant difference between the two measurement time, and this for both preoccupations and support and resistance behaviours. We note that when the stages of concerns do not change, support or resistance behaviours remain the same. In sum, these results indicate that we can now predict both support and resistance behaviours with the stages of concerns. In addition, this study permitted to know when this model is the most appropriate and who benefits the most of it. To generalize these results, it would be appropriate to replicate this research in another organization implementing a different major change.

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