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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Τα δικαιώματα πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας στην ψηφιακή εποχή: ζητήματα προστασίας και διαχείρισης. Ένα πρότυπο σύστημα ψηφιακής διαχείρισης των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων. / Intellectual property rights in the digital age: protection and management. an innovative digital rights management system.

Μεϊδάνης, Δημήτριος 17 September 2007 (has links)
Καθώς η Κοινωνία της Πληροφορίας αναπτύσσεται με ταχύτατους ρυθμούς, οι τεχνολογικές κατακτήσεις από το χώρο της επιστήμης των υπολογιστών και τηλεπικοινωνιών, αποτελούν σημαντικό κεφάλαιο σε αρκετούς επιμέρους τομείς του κοινωνικού βίου, ανάμεσα στους οποίους είναι και ο Πολιτισμός. Η πολιτισμική ποικιλομορφία του υπάρχοντος υλικού και η διάθεση για αξιοποίηση της επιπρόσθετης εκπαιδευτικής του αξίας, σε συνδυασμό με την απαίτηση για διάσωση των πρωτότυπων έργων, συνθέτει ένα πολύπλοκο τεχνολογικό πρόβλημα με νομικές και κοινωνικές προεκτάσεις. Η διαδικασία της ψηφιοποίησης και η δημιουργία μιας νέας άυλης ηλεκτρονικής υπόστασης για τα έργα πολιτισμού, γεννά νέες δυνατότητες αλλά παράλληλα θέτει νέους περιορισμούς. Η έμπνευση και η δημιουργικότητα των καλλιτεχνών εκφράζεται με τα πνευματικά δικαιώματα, η προστασία και η διαχείριση των οποίων αποτελεί το αντικείμενο της διπλωματικής εργασίας. Το σύνολο των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων και ο τρόπος που αυτά ορίζονται, δεσμεύονται, εγείρονται και μεταβιβάζονται, μεταβάλλεται ριζικά καθώς περνάμε από την πραγματική αναλογική μορφή στην άυλη ψηφιακή απεικόνιση. Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία, ορίζονται οι διάφοροι τύποι δικαιωμάτων πνευματικής ιδιοκτησίας και αποσαφηνίζονται οι δεσμεύσεις και οι περιορισμοί που προκύπτουν από αυτά συναρτήσει της Διεθνούς,της Ευρωπαϊκής και της Ελληνικής Νομοθεσίας. Επίσης, καθορίζεται η ενδεικτική διαδικασία που πρέπει να ακολουθηθεί από μια οντότητα (πολύ συχνά από έναν πολιτιστικό οργανισμό) για την εκκαθάριση των δικαιωμάτων των έργων που κατέχει, κατά τη διαδικασία της Ψηφιοποίησης με σκοπό την προβολή τους στο Διαδίκτυο. Σε δεύτερη φάση, μελετάται το ευρύ φάσμα των τεχνολογικών μέσων, τα οποία μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν για την προστασία των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων που δεσμεύουν τους ψηφιακούς πόρους, παράλληλα με κάποιο κατάλληλα επιλεγμένο σύνολο μεταδεδομένων. Ιδιαίτερο τμήμα της εργασίας, αποτελούν τα συστήματα ψηφιακής διαχείρισης των πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων (DRMs). Πραγματοποιείται αναλυτική παρουσίαση των προτεινόμενων προτύπων που πρέπει να ακολουθούν τα συστήματα αυτά, όσον αφορά την αναπαράσταση και μοναδική αναγνώριση των δεδομένων, αλλά και την αναπαράσταση των δικαιωμάτων μέσων των γλωσσών περιγραφής πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων. Τέλος, παρουσιάζονται, η αρχιτεκτονική, οι βασικές λειτουργίες και η υλοποίηση ενός πρότυπου συστήματος διαχείρισης πνευματικών δικαιωμάτων για ψηφιακές εικόνες. / As Information Society is rapidly developing, technological conquests in computer science and telecommunications are becoming a very important part in many areas of social life, including Culture. The diversity of the cultural material and the intention of utilizing the added educational value, combined with the demand for preservation of the original works, compose a complex technological problem with legal and social extensions. The inspiration and creativity of the artists are expressed by Intellectual Property Rights – IPR, the protection and management of which is the subject of this thesis. The set of rights as well as the way they are specified, rised, binded and assigned changes while we pass from the analog to the materialess digital display. In this thesis we define the several types of Intellectual Property Rights and clarify the engagements and restrictions that result from them in connection with the International, European and National legislation. We also define the process that an entity (usually a cultural organization) must follow in order to clear the rights of the works it owns, during a digitization process which will lead to publication on the Internet. In the second part we study the technological solutions that can be used for the protection of IPR in parallel with a suitable metadata set. A special part of the thesis is the study of Digital Rights Management Systems – DRMs. We analytically present the standards on which modern DRMs must be based on in terms of identification and declaration of digital resources, as well as the representation of rights through rights expression languages. Finally we present the architecture, basic functionality and realization of a new Digital Rights Management System for digital images.

Teisinių ir techninių intelektinės nuosavybės apsaugos formų suderinimas / The compatibility of legal and technical protection measures of intelectual property

Meizeraitis, Mantas 06 February 2008 (has links)
Darbe detaliai apžvelgiamos intelektinės nuosavybės techninės apsaugos formos, įvairios jų klasifikacijos, iš kurių šiame kontekste svarbiausias yra skirstymas į aktyvias ir pasyvias techninės apsaugos priemones. Darbe išsamiai analizuoti apsaugos mechanizmai, skirti intelektinę nuosavybę saugančių techninių apsaugos priemonių teisinei apsaugai, pradedant 1996 m. PINO autorių teisių, fonogramų gamintojų ir transliuotojų sutartimis, 2001 m. ES direktyva dėl autorių teisių ir gretutinių teisių informacinėje visuomenėje tam tikrų aspektų suderinimo, baigiant įvairių valstybių (įskaitant ir Lietuvos) nacionaliniu teisiniu reguliavimu. Atliktos teisinės informacijos analizės pagrindu atskleidžiamos intelektinės nuosavybės teisinių ir techninių apsaugos priemonių suderintos ir nesuderintos sritys ir daroma išvada, jog teisinės apsaugos mechanizmas, pasirinktas sureguliuoti techninių apsaugos priemonių naudojimą ir kitus susijusius veiksmus, buvo netikslus ir nepasiteisino, kadangi daugelis valstybių nacionaliniu lygiu skirtingai ir neatsižvelgiant į pirminius tikslus interpretavo ir įgyvendino techninių apsaugos priemonių teisinės apsaugos nuostatas. Praktinis situacijos tyrimas atskleidžia neigiamą visuomenės ir teisių gynimo institucijų požiūrį į pasirinktą teisinės apsaugos modelį ir į techninių apsaugos priemonių naudojimą apskritai, kadangi techninės apsaugos priemonės sukelia daug problemų teisėtiems intelektinės nuosavybės objektų naudotojams ir nedaro poveikio asmenims... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master Paperwork thoroughly overviews technical protection measures of intellectual property and various classifications of them and determines the main differentiation in this work context – i.e. classification to active and passive technical protection measures. This paperwork also deeply analyses legal protection mechanisms of technical protection measures, starting WIPO Copyright, Phonogram producers and broadcasters treaties of year 1996, continuing to European Union directive on the harmonization of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society of year 2001 and finishing the analysis of the national legal regulations of different world countries, including Lithuania. Under the basis of the analysis of the legal information, the author reveals harmonized and incompatible areas between legal protection of intellectual property and technological protection measures and concludes that the legal protection mechanism, which was chosen to regulate the usage and other related actions of technological protection measures, was not correct and did not serve the purpose, because many countries diversely and without seeking primary goals of WIPO treaties interpreted and implemented the provisions of the legal protection of technological protection measures. The practical survey of the situation reveals negative opinion of society, scholars and justice institutions concerning the chosen legal protection model and concerning the usage of technological... [to full text]

Administration of Access Rights in Web Applications

Worm, Stefan 28 October 2005 (has links)
This work deals with the problem to find and rate a solution how to administrate access rights in web based applications that are flexible and offer a fine-grained allocation of rights. In particular the program phpGACL is analyzed and integrated into an example application to prove the feasibility of this system in principle. / Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Lösungsfindung und -bewertung des Problems, Zugriffsrechte webbasierter Anwendungen flexibel zu administrieren und eine möglichst feinkörnige Rechtevergabe zu erlauben. Insbesondere das Programm phpGACL wird analysiert und in eine Beispielanwendung integriert um die prinzipielle Realisierbarkeit des System zu überprüfen.

Stereoselektive Synthese von lipophilen Inositolen und Ceramiden

Munick, Michael 22 January 2007 (has links)
Die Arbeit umfasst die Synthese von lipophilen Inositolen und Glycerollipiden, welche auf ihre Raftophilie getestet wurden. Des weiteren wurden eine Reihe neuer Ceramide synthetisiert und diese in Bioassays auf ihre Wirksamkeit gegenüber diversen Krankheiten wie Influenza getestet.

數位權利管理(DRM)系統可行性研究-從技術、法律和管理三面向剖析 / A Study on the Feasibility of Digital Rights Management (DRM) Systems-From Technological, Legal and Management Aspects

郭祝熒, Kuo,Melody C.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
在數位內容下載市場蓬勃發展的同時,非法傳輸的流量亦不惶多讓,是以DRM機制成為了著作權利人進入網路世界的絕佳後盾,以DRM提高複製的門檻,並據以實施其商業模式,故於各數位內容核心產業皆可見DRM應用之蹤跡,卻同時引發了究竟DRM是Digital “Rights” Management 亦或Digital “Restriction” Management的爭議。是天使?或是惡魔?便形成了人們對於DRM的不同觀感。 本研究係從技術、法律以及管理三個面向分別切入,由技術面看DRM保護著作物之極限何在,由法律面看相關科技保護措施之立法造成何種影響,合理使用的空間是否因DRM之實施而造成限縮,接著由管理面向看DRM在數位內容產業價值鏈中所扮演之角色及其與價值鏈上各端權力角力衝突之關係,最後由標準面看目前DRM相關標準的運作以及互通性標準的發展趨勢。並從個案研究觀察DRM在不同產業情境中的應用。 本研究認為,DRM技術本身是中性的,其關鍵在於商業設計運用。而在盜版問題無法完全根絕之情況下,以DRM作為因應之道將使得受限內容之經濟價值不若自由流通之內容,因為內容產業的發展關鍵在於「人氣」,而盜版永遠無法取代創意與使用者對於內容之需求。因此,既然無法防堵非法傳輸之現象,則不妨與之直接面對面進行作戰,權利人既掌握了關鍵的內容,則可以針對盜版的弱點提供更優質的服務。就我國目前數位內容產業發展之情境來看,現階段或許有採取DRM進行保護的必要性,以便在推動合法消費市場之際,平衡兼顧保護著作權人以及著作利用人之權益。然而,在虛擬世界中欲全面防堵非法散佈有其技術上之侷限性,消費者亦多半養成了免費取得之使用模式與心態,因此長期而言,或許應設法從創新的商業模式來扭轉此態勢。 / Though the use of digital rights management (DRM) has been controversial, it is still widely used in the digital world. Advocates think of DRM as an indispensable way to prevent unauthorized duplication and dissemination of copyrighted works while opponents often suggest that the term “rights” should be replaced by “restriction” to best describe how DRM works. This thesis aims to analyze the issues of DRM from three perspectives. First starting with the technical point of view to see how DRM works and found out that DRM technology does have its limitation for copyright protection. That’s the reason why treaties and legislations such as the WCT, WPPT, and DMCA are needed to build the last ditch in the war with piracy. However, the attempt backfired as companies other than rights holders used it as a way to prevent market competition. As the rights holders can effectively control the access of their work with DRM, there comes another dispute about the “Paracopyright” effect. Most important of all, the use of DRM divests the users of the rights they had in the analog world, such as simply lending a book to a friend. From the perspective of management, a cost benefit analysis indicates that the benefit of using DRM to prevent unauthorized duplication obviously overwhelms by its cost and risk. In the context where the content providers, service providers, and device manufacturers all attempt to dominate the whole value chain, DRM also became one of the most powerful instruments for that purpose. Closed ecosystems are built one after another especially in the online music industry in order to bundle the consumers with specific players and music services and thus caused the antitrust issue. The online music industry and the e-book industry were chosen as case studies in the fourth chapter of the thesis. Based on different industry context, DRM strategy and its impact would differ and therefore results in a variety of business models. For example, the consumers in the US are relatively more aware of the use of DRM and are more willing to pay for authorized content. In contrast, the awareness of DRM of consumers in Taiwan is much lower and the price they are willing to pay is also far lower than what the music labels can accept. As a result, the streaming model prevails over pay-per-download model in the online music market of Taiwan. And the feasibility and necessity of DRM also varies in different industries. Before the digitalization of books, authors already had libraries providing free copies as piracy do today, and the prevalence of scanning machines and copy machines makes it even harder to prevent illegal file sharing. Accordingly, there is far less reason to use DRM in the e-book industry than in the online music industry. DRM technology is neutral in itself, and the key point is how it is designed based on different business models. The defect of DRM is neither a technical nor a legal issue, but rather a business issue. As piracy can never be eradicated, coping it with DRM would only make the value of restricted contents much less than freely distributed contents. Popularity is what really matters in the content industry. DRM has its technical limit and causes so many legal issues accompanied with the cost and risk of maintaining such fragile systems. What rights holders have in hand are the creativity and the market’s need for new content, which could never be replaced by piracy. So why not fight it face to face? Digital content industry is considered one of the most promising industries in Taiwan. However, local consumers have entrenched mindset of “free” contents. In present context, DRM is somehow needed while promoting the growth of legal market, in order to provide sufficient incentive to enrich the society with more and more creativity, and fairly protect both the rights of content providers and content users. But in the long run, a more creative or even subversive business model should be the solution to meet the trend of digital convergence.

Standardisation of the Protection and Governance of Multimedia Content

Rodríguez Luna, Eva 02 February 2007 (has links)
Els sistemes de gestió de drets digitals controlen l'ús del contingut multimèdia a través de tota la cadena de valor digital. Aquesta tesis contribueix als diferents aspectes de la gestió dels drets digitals i de la protecció de la propietat intel·lectual.La contribució d'aquest tesi és la definició de formats i mecanismes estàndards que permetin la gestió del contingut a través de la cadena de valor digital. Els formats i els mecanismes seran estàndards, de forma que permetran la interoperabilitat entre sistemes de DRM que segueixin l'estàndard MPEG-21.També s'han dissenyat mecanismes estàndards per governar continguts digitals, protegir la propietat intel·lectual i per a la gestió i protecció de les notificacions d'esdeveniments dins dels sistemes de gestió de drets digitals. / Los sistemas de gestión de derechos digitales controlan el uso del contenido multimedia a través de toda la cadena de valor digital. Esta tesis contribuye a diferentes aspectos de la gestión de los derechos digitales y de la protección de la propiedad intelectual.La contribución de esta tesis es la definición formatos y mecanismos estándares que permitan la gestión del contenido a través de la cadena de valor digital. Los formatos y mecanismos serán estándares, de forma que permitirán la interoperabilidad entre sistemas de DRM que sigan el estándar MPEG-21. También se han diseñado mecanismos estándares para gobernar contenidos digitales, proteger la propiedad intelectual y para la gestión y protección de las notificaciones de eventos dentro de los sistemas de gestión de derechos digitales. / Digital rights management systems control the use of multimedia content through the complete digital value chain. This thesis contributes in different aspects of the digital rights management and of the protection of the intellectual property.Main contribution of this thesis is the definition of standardised formats and mechanisms that enable the management of governed multimedia content through the digital value chain. The formats and mechanisms will be standard in order to enable interoperability between DRM systems compliant to the MPEG-21 standard.Different mechanisms have also been defined to govern digital content, protect the intellectual property and for the management and protection of the event reports within digital rights management systems.

Autorské právo v informační společnosti a na vnitřním trhu Evropské unie / An Author's Right in the Information Society and Across the Internal European Union Market

Mikita, Peter January 2018 (has links)
Copyright law is a special category of civil law which, with the upswing of the Internet, has become important for different types of stakeholders in the global information society. The 'participative web' operates with content generated by users. This user-generated content has often disputable origins in terms of copyright clearance. The Internet has opened the possibility for developing new forms of communication between anonymous or individual users who are not easily identifiable. Especially peer-to-peer file sharing and recently the information services offered and operated by the so-called 'cyberlockers' are the reason of questioning the role of copyright protection online which needs a beneficial solution. Copyright infringement in the era of information society is a complex phenomenon with a multiplicity of contributing factors like the importance of information data with big business potential, personal attitudes shown by internet users towards the value and scarcity of intellectual property, or legal responsibility of internet service providers (ISP) who paradoxically act from the safety of the so-called safe harbours as intermediaries of information exchange, representing a new element in the communication chain between rights holders and users. Commercial and business models operating...

Support consumers' rights in DRM : a secure and fair solution to digital license reselling over the Internet

Gaber, Tarek January 2012 (has links)
Consumers of digital contents are empowered with numerous technologies allowing them to produce perfect copies of these contents and distribute them around the world with little or no cost. To prevent illegal copying and distribution, a technology called Digital Rights Management (DRM) is developed. With this technology, consumers are allowed to access digital contents only if they have purchased the corresponding licenses from license issuers. The problem, however, is that those consumers are not allowed to resell their own licenses- a restriction that goes against the first-sale doctrine. Enabling a consumer to buy a digital license directly from another consumer and allowing the two consumers to fairly exchange the license for a payment are still an open issue in DRM research area. This thesis investigates existing security solutions for achieving digital license reselling and analyses their strengths and weaknesses. The thesis then proposes a novel Reselling Deal Signing (RDS) protocol to achieve fairness in a license reselling. The idea of the protocol is to integrate the features of the concurrent signature scheme with functionalities of a License Issuer (LI). The security properties of this protocol is informally analysed and then formally verified using ATL logic and the model checker MOCHA. To assess its performance, a prototype of the RDS protocol has been developed and a comparison with related protocols has been conducted. The thesis also introduces two novel digital tokens a Reselling Permission (RP) token and a Multiple Reselling Permission (MRP) token. The RP and MRP tokens are used to show whether a given license is single and multiple resalable, respectively. Moreover, the thesis proposes two novel methods supporting fair and secure digital license reselling. The first method is the Reselling Deal (RD) method which allows a license to be resold once. This method makes use of the existing distribution infrastructure, RP, License Revocation List (LRL), and three protocols: RDS protocol RD Activation (RDA) protocol, and RD Completion (RDC) protocol. The second method is a Multiple License Reselling (MLR) method enabling one license to be resold N times by N consumers. The thesis presents two variants of the MLR method: RRP-MR (Repeated RP-based Multi-Reselling) and HC-MR (Hash Chain-based Multi-Reselling). The RRP-MR method is designed such that a buyer can choose to either continue or stop a multi-reselling of a license. Like the RD method, the RRP-MR method makes use of RP, LI, LRL, and the RDS, RDA, and RDC protocols to achieve fair and secure reselling. The HC-MR method allows multiple resellings while keeping the overhead on LI at a minimum level and enable a buyer to check how many times a license can be further resold. To do so, the HC-MR utilises MRP and the hash chain cryptographic primitive along with LRL, LI and the RDS, RDA and RDC protocols. The analysis and the evaluation of these three methods have been conducted. While supporting the license reselling, the two methods are designed to prevent a reseller from (1) continuing using a resold license, (2) reselling a non-resalable license, and (3) reselling one license a unauthorised number of times. In addition, they enable content owners of resold contents to trace a buyer who has violated any of the usage rights of a license bought from a reseller. Moreover, the methods enable a buyer to verify whether a license he is about to buy is legitimate for re-sale. Furthermore, the two methods support market power where a reseller can maximise his profit and a buyer can minimise his cost in a reselling process. In comparison with related works, our solution does not make use of any trusted hardware device, thus it is more cost-effective, while satisfying the interests of both resellers and buyers, and protecting the content owner's rights.

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