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Rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo ypatumai įgyvendinant "Savęs pažinimo" programą / The peculiarities of the education of social skills of the children at risk in the implementation of the programme "Self-cognition"Motiejūnaitė, Jūratė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šalies statistika rodo, kad ne visos šeimos užtikrina vaikų gerovę ir tinkamai atlieka vaikų ugdymo ir socializacijos funkciją. Vaikai, augantys rizikos grupei priklausančiose šeimose, dažnai stokoja socialinių gebėjimų, kurie jiems leistų užmegzti ir palaikyti draugiškus santykius su bendraamžiais, konfliktus spręsti socialiai priimtinais būdais, dalyvauti įvairioje, socialiai prasmingoje veikloje. Neturėdami tinkamai išugdytų socialinių gebėjimų rizikos grupės vaikai dažnai linkę save nuvertinti, jie dažniau nei kiti vaikai patiria mokymosi, adaptacijos sunkumus, linkę užsiimti nusikalstama veikla.
Šiame magistriniame darbe bandoma atskleisti rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo ypatumus įgyvendinat „Savęs pažinimo“ programą. Tai svarbu vertinant šios grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų plėtotę juos įtraukus į socialines pratybas.
Tyrimo tikslas: išnagrinėti ugdymo programos „Savęs pažinimas“ taikymo ypatumus rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymui.
Rizikos grupės vaikų socialinių gebėjimų ugdymo ypatumams išnagrinėti buvo pasirinktas ugdymo projektas, kuriame dalyvavo septyni 9-12 metų vaikai, lankantys prevencinių programų studiją „Rafaelis“. Vieną mėnesį iki ugdymo projekto pradžios vaikai buvo stebimi įvairioje veikloje. Stebint buvo renkami duomenys apie vaiko psichosocialinius ypatumus. Remiantis surinkta informacija, vaikai suskirstyti į keturias grupes:
1 grupė - „tyleniai“ - tylūs, savimi nepasitikintys, nedrąsūs, neryžtingi vaikai;
2 grupė –... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The statistics of the country indicates that not every family guarantees the welfare of their children and carries out the function of children education and socialization in a proper way. The children being brought in families at risk very often lack social skills allowing them to establish and maintain friendly relations with their peers, to solve the arising conflicts in socially acceptable ways, to take part in various socially meaningful activities. Lacking properly educated social skills, the children at risk very often tend to devalue themselves, more often than other children they face learning difficulties or adaptation difficulties; tend to be involved in criminal acts.
This final Master’s thesis tries to reveal the peculiarities of the education of social skills of the children at risk in the implementation of the programme “Self-cognition”. This is very important for the evaluation of the development of social abilities of these particular children after their involvement into social trainings.
The aim of the research is to analyze the peculiarities of the application of the programme “Self-cognition” for the development of social skills of the children at risk.
To analyze the peculiarities of the education of social skills of the children at risk an educational project was chosen which involved seven children aged between 9-12 and attending the club of preventive programmes “Rafaelis”. One month prior to the beginning of the educational project the children... [to full text]
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Socialinių paslaugų, teikiamų socialinės rizikos šeimoms, vertinimas / Evaluation of social services that are provided to social risk familiesBalevičienė, Šarūnė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Mokslinės literatūros analizė rodo, kad Lietuvoje dar nėra pakankamai sukurtas ir išplėtotas tinkamas socialinių paslaugų teikimo tinklas, trūksta kokybiškų prevencinių, reabilitacinių paslaugų vaikams ir jų šeimoms. O tai lemia probleminių šeimų skaičiaus didėjimą. Dauguma savivaldybių iki šiol labiau linkusios teikti socialinės rizikos šeimoms materialinę paramą, o ne socialines paslaugas. Socialinės rizikos šeimoms svarbu suteikti ne tik materialinę paramą, bet ir socialines paslaugas, didinti jų prieinamumą. Teikiant socialines paslaugas socialinės rizikos šeimai, turi būti užtikrinamas ir socialinių paslaugų teikimas vaikams. Tik tokiu būdu galima tikėtis sėkmingos socialinės rizikos šeimų resocializacijos. Tyrimo objektas – socialinės paslaugos, teikiamos socialinės rizikos šeimoms. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti socialinės rizikos šeimoms teikiamas paslaugas ir jų prienamumą. Hipotezė - tikėtina, kad socialinės paslaugos soc.rizikos šeimoms yra iš dalies prieinamos.
Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad pasitvirtino iškelta hipotezė, jog socialinės paslaugos soc.rizikos šeimoms yra iš dalies prieinamos. Lyginant, ar skiriasi skirtingų amžiaus grupių asmenų, priklausančių rizikos šeimos grupei, pagalbos prieinamumas, gauti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai. Didžioji dalis tiriamųjų nežino, ar ta pagalba, kuri jiems reikalinga, yra prieinama. Prieinamiausia pagalba yra jaunų suaugusiųjų rizikos šeimos grupės asmenims. Didžiosios dalies asmenų, priklausančių rizikos šeimos grupei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The analysis of scientific literature shows that in Lithuania still there is not a sufficiently created and developed appropriate network to provide social services, there is a lack of good quality preventive and rehabilitation services for children and their families. And this influences the increase of problematic families. Many municipalities are inclined to provide material support for risk families than social services. It is important to provide not just material help for social risk families but also social services and increase their accessibility. When social services are provided to social risk families, social service provision to children has to be guaranteed. Just in such a case one can expect successful re-socialization of social risk families. Object of the research: social services that are provided to social risk families. Aim of the research: to evaluate provided services for social risk families and their accessibility. Hypothesis: it is likely that social services are partly accessible for social risk families.
The results of the research show that the hypothesis was proven to be true, because social services for social risk families are partly accessible. When comparing whether help accessibility for people of different age group that belong to the risk family groups differ, one received statistically important differences. The bigger part of the respondents does not know whether the help they need is accessible. The most accessible help is for young... [to full text]
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Socialinė pagalba deviantinio elgesio paaugliams iš socialinės rizikos šeimų / Social care for deviant behaviour teenagers from families of social riskŽukauskienė, Rasa 24 September 2008 (has links)
Socialinės rizikos šeimų problematika yra aktuali daugelyje pasaulio valstybių, o pastaruoju metu, tebeišgyvenant socialines permainas, tai būdinga ir Lietuvai. Socialinės rizikos šeimose pastebėtini dideli vaikų priežiūros, ugdymo ir elgesio kontrolės trūkumai, kurie neigiamai veikia paauglių elgseną. / Adolescence is a period of lifetime when personality is forming. In this period teenagers meet a lot of problems and they can`t solve them on their own. The main problems are named as delinquency, drunkenness, drug addiction, aggression and so on. If a teenager can`t solve those problems, after-effects have influence on people living with him and on all society. In this respect the social work becomes more and more urgent.
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Suaugusių žmonių sveikos gyvensenos ypatumai / Features of an adults healthy life styleBudraitytė, Indrė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Vis didėjantis žinių poreikis žmogų verčia daugiau laiko skirti protiniam darbui, todėl mažiau jo lieka fizinei veiklai. Moderniose šalyse paplitęs sėdimas darbas, buities technika ir automatizavimas, kompiuterizacija, ryšių pramonės naujovės sumažino poreikį judėti, išpopuliarėjo pasyvus gyvenimo būdas. Pasyvaus gyvenimo būdo paplitimas visuomenėje privertė domėtis, kaip fizinis aktyvumas veikia įvairaus amžiaus žmonių organizmą. Atsirado nepakankamo fizinio aktyvumo problema.
Temos aktualumas. Prioritetinis mūsų valstybės sveikatos politikos uždavinys, atitinkantis PSO strategiją „Sveikata visiems“,-įvertinti gyventojų sveikatą ir sudaryti sąlygas ją gerinti bei tausoti. Nekelia abejonių ir tas faktas, kad dažnai deklaruojama sveikatos stiprinimo idėja yra tiesiogiai susijusi su gyvensenos ypatumais, kuriuos lemia tiek atskiro individo požiūris į savo sveikatą, tiek įvairūs išoriniai veiksniai, visų pirma gyvenimo sąlygos. Norint sveikatos stiprinimo ir palaikymo idėją tinkamai valdyti, svarbu įvertinti suaugusiųjų sveikatą, jos rizikos veiksnius, bei sužinoti sveikos gyvensenos ypatumus.
Tyrimo objektas: Suaugusių žmonių požiūris į sveiką gyvenseną.
Darbo tikslas: Ištirti suaugusių žmonių sveikos gyvensenos ypatumus.
Atliekant šį tyrimą buvo apklausta 110 atsitiktinai pasirinktų vilniečių, besilankančių pirmo ir antro lygio medicinos paslaugas teikiančioje gydymo įstaigoje, esančioje viename Vilniaus mikrorajonų. Iš viso buvo apklausta 22% 18 – 25 m. asmenų, 29% 26 – 35... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Increasing requirements for knowledge makes people spend more time on mental work. This is why there is less time left for physical activities. Passive lifestyle became more and more popular because of automation, computerization, communication novelties and office jobs in modern countries. The spread of passive lifestyle in society caused interest in physical activities impact on human body.
THEME IMPORTANCE: The main task of our healthcare system is to valuate the health of the public and ensure conditions for people and see how they could improve their health and take care of it. There is no doubt that the way of living is influenced by individual’s attitude to health, different influences and of course living conditions. It is important to evaluate health, risks and to find out what has the biggest impact on healthy lifestyle.
OBJECT: Adults lifestyle.
THE AIM: To explore features of an adults healthy lifestyle.
There were 110 people questioned during research. All of them were from 1st and 2nd level healthcare clinic, based in one of microregions in Vilnius. On the whole there were questioned:
22% of 18-25 year old people
29% of 26-35 year old people
25% of 36- 45 year old people
24% of 46 year old people
This means equal parts of different age groups were questioned. The research allows to make objective interpretations and conclusions. Meanwhile, the results according to job type will reflect the opinion of people who are involved in mental jobs. Even 71% of... [to full text]
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Socialinės rizikos šeimų gaunamos paramos subjektyvi suvoktis / Subjectiv conception of support for families under social riskPilypaitienė, Neringa 13 January 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe siekiama atskleisti socialinės rizikos šeimų požiūrį į gaunamą paramą, kaip ji vertinama, ar realiai prieinama ir reikalinga; kiek šeimos pačios įgalinamos pamatyti ir spręsti savo problemas, rinktis tinkamus pagalbos būdus; ką reiškia ir kokius jausmus sukelia socialinės rizikos šeimos statusas, ar turi įtakos didesnei paramai gauti. / This work tries to unfold the attitude of families under social risk to the support, how it is valued, if it is affordable and needful; how the families are able to notice and to solve their problems, to select appropriate ways of the support; what does it mean for them to be as a family under social risk, and if it is a way to get major support.
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Efektyviojo investicinio portfelio valdymas rizikos vertės metodu / An Effective Investment Portfolio Management Using Value-at-RiskLukšys, Kęstutis 07 June 2006 (has links)
One of risk measurements – Value-at-Risk (VaR) was analyzed in this work. Complete definition of VaR is presented and three classical calculation methods of it are examined: parametric, historical simulations, and Monte-Carlo generations. The main advantages and disadvantages of the application of VaR are reviewed. Correlation effect for two assets risk diversification is examined and Markowitz method for calculation of efficient frontier is presented. Analyzed methods were implemented in the program, which calculates the first moments of portfolio’s returns, correlations between different assets and for a given return adjust weights in a manner to minimize dispersion of portfolio’s returns. For every efficient portfolio VaR can be calculated at any confidence level. Created program was used to analyze three investment portfolios: one of generated data with normal distribution, one of LITIN-10 index stocks and one of OMX Vilnius index stocks. Efficient frontier for these portfolios and VaR for whole efficient frontier were calculated. We noticed difference between minimal VaR and minimal standard deviation portfolios, consequently three investment strategies were implemented. The best results for analyzed portfolios there achieved with minimized VaR strategy.
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Rizikos grupės vaikų, lankančių dienos centrus, požiūris į nusikalstamumą / Attitude of children at risk to the criminalityKiseliova, Tatjana 05 July 2006 (has links)
The pedagogical, psychological scientific literature about the problems of children at risk are analyzed, the results of children’s at risk attitude to the criminality and recommendations for the crime prevention programs are presented in this study. The study aimed to investigate the attitude of children at risk to the criminality. There were 98 subjects - children’s at risk (60 perc. – Female; 40 perc. – Male). The method of investigation is questionnaire. The results of study: children at risk understand the concept of crime as single crimes (theft, snatch, murder and etc.) or evaluate the concept as „bad“ or „very bad“. The children at risk have an opinion that the numbers of crimes are higher in the society neither among their peers. 30 perc. of children at risk have made a crime, 51 perc. of children have friends who have made crimes. 62 perc. of children at risk who have made crimes have never been punished for it. The opinion of children at risk to the criminality depends on the category of crime. The children at risk have more positive opinion to the theft, snatch, larceny, having illegal guns, fraud, hooliganism, breaking of traffic rules, neither to the crimes like mayhem, sexual violence, murder, crimes connected to the drugs or racket. The differences are statistically significant.
The children at risk make proposals for the youth crime prevention. In their opinions the most useful methods for the crime prevention are leisure time occupations and discussions... [to full text]
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Mokyklos nelankančių rizikos grupės vaikų interesų ypatumai / Pecularities of risk group children not atending schoolBenkienė, Gidita 07 June 2005 (has links)
Non attendance of school is a worldwide problem. It existed for ages. However it got to be comprehensive when we began to realize the policy (the law of education of Lithuania claims that all children and teenagers under 16 must attend school) of compulsory education. Many teachers and parents encounter unwillingness of children to learn and attend school and face the problem of nonattendance.
While taking care of nonattendance of pupils, it is important to characterize them. These pupils usually have no wish to attend or attend not properly, commit crimes or stay in the street. At school they irritate teachers, prevent from giving lessons, have problems in learning. Such children feel repudiated by their friends, avoid showing their feelings and joking, they are unable to concentrate and are impulsive. Very often such children are either super responsible or having no responsibility at all. They are very difficult to communicate, don’t think about possible consequences, difficult to achieve aims.
Not full and discordant families, use of drugs and alcohol in families, constant rows and conflicts between parents, lack of emotional relationship between parents and children, various mistakes of upbringing and other possible factors negatively influence child’s personality and forming of his interests.
Organizing the activity of children we have to stimulate their interests, excite their curiosity and purposefully direct this activity. Intending to change the attitude of risk... [to full text]
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Rizikos grupės ugdytiniai globos namuose / Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster homeMazuronienė, Dalia 08 June 2005 (has links)
Research: Behaviour of risk group pupils'in foster home.
Purpose of research: To revel chilgren' risk group pupils' pecularities of activity and behavieour their types.
Task of research:
1.To give a scientific and pedagogical literature analysis about risk group children;
2.To give choldren' survey(including foster home pupils');
3.To formulate a typology of risk groupe infoster home;
Hypothesis: The characterization of children foster home risk group pupils according, their behaviour helps to solve their education problems.
Pupil of risk group in foster home are relevant today's theme. Firs of all, speakingof it,we should consider children'care and social work tendencies, the of risk group children, features of their behaviour and reasons of such behaviour.
While decreasihg children' busyness more and more children don't attend school and offend. Children who are tending to offend are called children of risk group. Homeless, children who live in asocial, unharmonious families or broken home, who suffer psychical, corporal violence or sex abuse also aggressive and cotemporaries castaway children who already one some small delinquencies are referred to risk group.(R. Žukauskienė, S. Ignotavičienė,1993:3).
Lately, the number of minors losing parental care is increasing. One part of the children is taken in charge by public care institutions and another part by social orginazitions and families.
More and more children who are ascribable to risk group come into foster home.Each... [to full text]
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Vaikų, gyvenančių globos institucijose ir globėjų šeimose, bendravimas su biologiniais tėvais / Communication of the children living in the guardianship institutions and in the guardians' families with their biologic parentsEinorienė, Marija 08 June 2005 (has links)
In Lithuania the problem of left and unkept children (with damaged primary parents-children social ties) guardianship is very acute.
During the recent years forming the policy of the social protection of the children left without parents‘ guardianship the main attention is allotted to stimulation of guardianship in the family and of integration to the biological family.
But the family policy in Lithuania is not organized on the regular basis and is not sufficiently supported financially. Every year the number of the children‘s guardianship institutions is growing. During the recent years the number of such children is around 13 thousand. Even more poor states have no such number of the children‘s guardianship institutions as Lithuania. This problem is not that acute both in Latvia and Estonia. It is not that easy to create the conditions not only for smooth but even for necessary development of the children‘s cognitive and emotional- social health.
As many as 80 percent of children in the guardianship institutions have their biological families but they spend the whole period of their early and further development till they finish secondary school in the guardianship institutions.
One of the main reasons why children lost the parents‘ guardianship was that they lived in the families of social risk. The children in the guardianship institutions face multiple separations, loses, their main primary and the most important parents‘ – children social ties are damaged... [to full text]
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