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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Tio bilbränder på ett dygn" : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys om hur Aftonbladet gestaltar Rosengård / "Ten car fires in one day" : A quantitative and qualitative content analysis of how Aftonbladet frames Rosengård

Grönlund, William, Andersson, Alinia January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how one of the most influential Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet,reports about the suburb Rosengård. Rosengård is located in Malmö and have become asymbol of Sweden’s suburbs and immigration policy. Both national and internationalmedia have reported about organized crime, shootings and different social problems inRosengård. The area is considered to be a particularly vulnerable area. At the sametime, many researchers believe that the media reporting regarding suburbs does notnecessarily correspond to the reality. The methods used in this study are a quantitativeand qualitative content analysis. The material studied are news articles concerningRosengård that were published in Aftonbladet in the last five years. The purpose was to,based on Goffman’s framing theory, investigate how Aftonbladet frames Rosengård andthe people who lives there. The purpose was also to investigate whether Aftonbladet,based on Hall’s and Said’s theories of representation and orientalism, creates an “us andthem”-perspective. The results show that Rosengård is portrayed as a criminal andproblematic area. As in previous research about media and suburbs, the results of thisstudy show that Rosengård is presented as a different and deviant area in comparison tothe “ordinary society”. It is rarely people living in the area who are quoted, referencedor described in the articles. Instead, it is often the police or government officials whogets to describe the situation in Rosengård. In cases where the residents in the area areallowed to speak, or are described, it is often based on their role as immigrants. The factthat these articles emphasize that the residents are immigrants but have made a careerand are against crime, we believe that Aftonbladet creates an us-and-them-perspective.This is based on that Aftonbladet portrays the residents as exceptional cases to “theordinary immigrant”. The consequences of Aftonbladet frames could be that the societygets an idea of the area that does not have to agree with the reality and that Rosengårdbecomes even more segregated.

Kameraövervakningen i Rosengård, Malmö : En kvalitativ studie av kameraövervakningens makt och självreglerande effekt i Rosengård / The camera surveillance in Rosengård, Malmö : A qualitative study of the power and self-regulating effects of camera surveillance in Rosengård

Sinani, Ermal January 2021 (has links)
In the last couple of years there has been an increase in camera surveillance in Malmö, Rosengård. The purpose of this study is to examine what effect the increase of camera surveillance has on the behaviour of the inhabitants of Rosengård. When talking about camera surveillance this includes every aspect of cameras. There are settled cameras as well as body cameras on police and lastly drones used to monitor. In an earlier study made by me, the aim was to interview police in Malmö to understand the underlying causes for the increase of camera surveillance and to understand in what way the cameras affect human behaviour. Unlike the previous study this one focuses on the inhabitants of Rosengård. The main focus is to see how these people perceive the increase in camera surveillance and to understand what effect they consider the camera surveillance has on mainly the criminal behaviour but also the residents daily behaviour.  The reasoning and thoughts that the residents of Rosengård share with us about camera surveillance in their area will all be analyzed through Michel Foucault's based theories: governmentality and panopticism. These theories are essential since they both concern power relations and the government's effect on self-discipline. Besides these two theories the study will also be supported by Mark Andrejevics theory lateral surveillance as the third theory. The main focus of the third theory is to analyze whether the residents in Rosengård feel like they are obligated to report crime in their area and in what way they monitor their area. The presentation of the theories is followed by an analysis section where the theoretical starting points are applied to the informants' reasoning about the effect of camera surveillance. Finally, the analysis leads on to a conclusion where what is written in the analysis is summarized and reflected upon.

contradictions of Transit Oriented Development (TOD) in low-income Neighborhoods: the case study of Rosengard, Malmo

Laleh, derakhti January 2019 (has links)
Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) is known as a mixed-use development near and oriented to public transport facilities. While TOD has become a predominant model of urban planning based on the idea that there will be both social and economic benefits of implementation, the recent popularity of TOD in many cities has provided a new focus for the gentrification–displacement debate as well as affordability paradox. Furthermore, whereas transportation access is often seen as a pivotal strategy to mitigate neighborhood segregation, equity advocates argue that TOD is a place-based strategy which often neglects low-income resident’s need and thus fails to reduce socio-economic segregation. In this study, the author tries to shed light on these issues by bringing together previously disparate literature on mentioned contradictions and discuss the critic’s concern regarding the newly started TOD project in Rosengård, a low-income neighborhood in Malmö, Sweden, using mixed-method research. The research illustrates how the area has gradually entered into the gentrification process due to the establishment of the new train station, the transformation of the public housing system to the market-led housing stock, and using the ‘Starchitecture’ strategy in designing a spectacular signature architecture. More importantly, in contrast to the media acclamation and vast technical adherence of the planned TOD, the study demonstrates that there is a growing concern of gentrification-induced displacement and shows even at this early stage, how living condition in the area is more inconvenient for original dwellers due to the gradually cutting off parts of necessities.

‘In a Way, We Live in a Bubble, and the Outside World is Watching Us.’ : - A Qualitative Case Study on Young Adults’ Views on Communication and (Social) Investment Processes in the Area of Rosengård.

Stegermaier, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
The residential area of Rosengård in Malmö – Sweden, is one of the many areas included in the ‘million programme’, a program that in the 1960s focused on building a million new homes over ten years in Sweden, meant to provide cheap housing options for the rapidly growing population. Today, areas like Rosengård and the program are often associated with immigrant-dense segregated residential areas with high crime and socio-economic problems. It is also a scrutinized area where many investigations and studies have been conducted in different contexts. However, the focus usually lies on explanatory models examining topics about the area or the people. This research study builds upon a qualitative research method, semi-structured interviews, that shifts the focus on giving the group in question a platform, thus, listening to the residents' voices of Rosengård, their experiences, individual perceptions, and meaning-making. The research study aims to gain a broader understanding of Rosengård, the residents' involvement in social investment processes meant to solve the problems within the area, and the communication practices that different actors pursue. A combination of Hall’s (2013) work on representation, Spivak’s (1988) essay on the subaltern, and Said’s (1978) understanding of ‘othering’ will be used to analyze the themes of representation and its natural link to communication, while Tufte’s (2017) work on participatory communication will serve as the foundation for analyzing the (social) investment, - and communication practices in Rosengård. The thesis’ results show that the representation of Rosengård and its residents is primarily negative due to constructed and pre-existing stereotypes and frequent negative media coverage, contradicting the residents' perceptions of Rosengård. The results also show that the residents’ experiences of investments in the area are generally characterized by tokenistic participation and concerns about privatization and gentrification.

Medborgardialogens makt och vanmakt : Fallstudie av Rosens röda matta sex år efter invigning / The power and powerlessness of citizen participation : A case study of Rosens röda matta six years after the grand opening

Al Dewany, Nora January 2019 (has links)
Trots att levnadsförhållandena generellt sett ökar i hela världen växer skillnaderna i Sverige snabbare än i något annat OECD land. Världshälsoorganisationen WHO skriver i sin rapport Closing the gap in one generation att detta inte minst yttrar sig i ojämlikheten i hälsa. Hållbarhetsaspekterna har därför sedan länge kommit att inkludera sociala, ekonomiska och ekologiska värden, där alla tre är förutsättningar för varandra. WHO menar att ett relevant mått på social hållbarhet är ojämlikheten i hälsa. För att minska denna krävs därför förändringar inom samhällets alla sektorer. Inom stadsplanering är arbetet med medborgardeltagande ett verktyg för att öka den sociala hållbarheten. Detta har Malmö stad arbetat med i projektet Fokus Rosengård och i synnerhet dess delprojekt Rosens röda matta som är en aktivitetsyta i Rosengård. Denna yta har utformats av 13 unga kvinnor i samarbete med landskapsarkitekten på gatukontoret. Anledningen till att endast unga kvinnor involverades var för att projektledarna tidigt lärde sig att spontanidrottsplatserna i Sverige till 80% domineras av killar. Dialogerna som hållits har inkluderat olika nivåer av delaktighet och makt. De allra första dialogerna och workshops som involverade många invånare fungerade konsulterande. När platsen designades var det dock högre nivåer av makt som identifierades hos de 13 unga kvinnorna eftersom de hade stort inflytande över den fysiska utformningen. Från intervjuer av de olika projektledarna för Fokus Rosengård framgår en nöjdhet över resultatet eftersom syftet att öka attraktiviteten uppnåtts då det genererat ökade investeringar i området. Den största framgångsfaktorn som lyfts i samtliga intervjuer är dock de 13 unga kvinnorna vars engagemang för påverkan fortsatt även efter projektets slut. Endast en av de intervjuade vet hur platsen används idag och i hur stor utsträckning, men nöjdheten över projektet och stoltheten över de unga kvinnorna är stor ändå. Av intervjuer med huvudansvariga för Fokus Rosengård och slutrapporter där projektet utvärderats framgår att medborgardeltagande varit en viktig del för det sociala hållbarhetsarbetet, framförallt för hur det utvecklat de delaktiga unga kvinnorna. Därför diskuteras det i slutet på uppsatsen om inte dialoger hållits för dialogens skull och huruvida problematiskt eller inte det är med medborgardeltagande oavsett vilken nivå av makt och inflytande som ges. Det har inte varit möjligt att dra större slutsatser om den sociala hållbarheten ökat eller minskat av projektet Rosens röda matta. Däremot görs det tydligt av insamlat material att projektet varit en del av större förändringsarbeten i Rosengård som syftar till att förtäta och bygga om. En fråga kan vara om medborgardialoger hållits för att ge stort inflytande i mindre viktiga frågor och därmed hålla invånarna nöjda inför framtida större förändringar, där en av konsekvenserna kan vara gentrifiering av Rosengård

Förtätningsstrategier i utsatta områden : En fallstudie av projektet “Amiralsstaden” / Densification strategies in vulnerable areas : A case study of the "Amiralsstaden" project

Stanekzai, Najib, Seferi, Shkelzen January 2023 (has links)
Urbanization and population growth have posed intricate challenges in urban planning. Two of the most impactful issues are social segregation and gentrification. This study aims to investigate the effects of densification strategies on these phenomena, with a focus on the Amiralsstaden-project in Rosengård, Malmö. Through qualitative methodology, the study explores how densification strategies can influence the housing market, population structure, and social relationships. The findings can contribute to guiding urban planning and strategic decisions regarding these challenges in the future. We have found that the proposals and strategies outlined in the policy document (Amiralsstaden - Mål & Värden) and the planning program (Planprogram, 6051) have the potential to lead to gentrification, but also that Malmö city's primary aspirations are to develop and enhance the area. / Urbanisering och befolkningstillväxt har skapat komplexa utmaningar inom stadsplanering. Två av de mest påverkande problemen är social segregation och gentrifiering. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka effekterna av förtätningsstrategier på dessa fenomen, med fokus på Amiralsstaden-projektet i Rosengård, Malmö. Genom kvalitativ metodik utforskar studien hur förtätningsstrategier kan påverka bostadsmarknaden, befolkningsstrukturen och sociala relationer. Resultatet kan bidra till att vägleda stadsplanering och strategiska beslut kring dessa utmaningar i framtiden. Vi har funnit att de förslag och strategier som föreslås i styrdokumentet (Amiralsstaden - Mål & Värden) och planprogrammet (Planprogram, 6051) kan potentiellt leda till gentrifiering, men även att Malmö stads främsta förhoppningar är att utveckla och förbättra området.

Segregationen inom Rosengård : En ideologikritisk analys av tre bostadsförvaltares agerande och icke agerande i segregationsproblematiken inom Rosengård

Persson, Angélica January 2008 (has links)
<p>Between 1965-1974 one million new flats were produced in Sweden and the project is called the millionprogramme. One of the areas that was build during this period of time is Rosengård in Malmoe. Today Rosengård is a very segregated area, not just in relation to the city of Malmoe, but within itself. I´ve chosen to study the ideologies behind one of the actors acting and non acting regarding the segregation complex of problems in Rosengård, the housemanagers. I´ve studied one public housecompany and two houseassociations who all owns and manages houses in Rosengård.</p><p>The ideologies that I´ve studied in this study is what the informers think of the people that live in Rosengård, the society in general, Rosengård and the diffrent smaller areas within Rosengård. The conclusion that I draw from my analysis is that the informers discussions often base upon a discussion of those who have and those who don´t have.</p>

Segregationen inom Rosengård : En ideologikritisk analys av tre bostadsförvaltares agerande och icke agerande i segregationsproblematiken inom Rosengård

Persson, Angélica January 2008 (has links)
Between 1965-1974 one million new flats were produced in Sweden and the project is called the millionprogramme. One of the areas that was build during this period of time is Rosengård in Malmoe. Today Rosengård is a very segregated area, not just in relation to the city of Malmoe, but within itself. I´ve chosen to study the ideologies behind one of the actors acting and non acting regarding the segregation complex of problems in Rosengård, the housemanagers. I´ve studied one public housecompany and two houseassociations who all owns and manages houses in Rosengård. The ideologies that I´ve studied in this study is what the informers think of the people that live in Rosengård, the society in general, Rosengård and the diffrent smaller areas within Rosengård. The conclusion that I draw from my analysis is that the informers discussions often base upon a discussion of those who have and those who don´t have.

Football for Life, så mycket mer än bara fotboll

Johansson, Agnes, Sandgren, Eric January 2019 (has links)
FC Rosengård bedriver flertalet sociala projekt. Ett av dessa projekt är Football for Life som i Sydafrika har som målsättning att stärka unga kvinnors självbild och rättigheter. Studien “Football for Life, så mycket mer än bara fotboll” ämnar att utvärdera denna verksamhet med hjälp av Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility modellen. Detta för att visualisera i vilken mån deltagarna i verksamheten erhåller ett ökat personligt- och socialt ansvarstagande. Studiens slutgiltiga målsättning är att stärka argumentet för att en liknande verksamhet ska initieras i Sverige genom att påvisa vilken inverkan Football for Life har haft för de deltagande tjejerna i Sydafrika. Tvärsnittsstudien är av kvantitativ karaktär där enkäter har varit den primära källan till empiri. Vidare har även relevant litteratur på ämnet Positive Youth Development bidragit till den slutgiltiga produkten. De huvudsakliga aspekter som undersökts i studien är deltagarnas upplevda effort, caring/helping, respect och self-direction kopplat till hur Football for Life har/har haft en inverkan på individen inom dessa områden. Enkäten distribuerades av personalen på plats i Sydafrika där en grupp individer som inte har deltagit i verksamheten agerade som kontrollgrupp. Dessa deltog i studien tillsammans med deltagare som i olika utsträckning varit en del av Football for Life’s verksamhet i olika utsträckning. På förhand förväntades de som haft ett djupare engagemang i Football for Life uppvisa större upplevt personligt- och socialt ansvarstagande jämfört med de som inte deltagit i verksamheten. Resultaten påvisar i viss mån att så inte var fallet, den största skillnaden mellan deltagarnas upplevda personliga- och sociala ansvarstagande återfanns mellan de som inte deltagit vid något tillfälle och de som deltagit ett fåtal gånger. Det återfanns dock skillnader mellan de som inte deltagit och de som haft en stor involvering i verksamheten, men inte i den utsträckning som kunnat tänkas på förhand. Vidare förs en diskussion som resonerar kring de resultat som framkom för att besvara bad resultatet kan bero på. Utöver detta behandlas även Teaching and Personal Responsibility modellens lämplighet vid utvärdering av ett program med anknytning till Positive Youth Development. / Football for Life in South Africa is one of many social project that is managed by the football club FC Rosengård. Football for Life is a Positive Youth Development program which aims to strengthen the young female participants regarding their confidence as well as to educate them regarding their personal rights in the South African society. The sex roles in South Africa is in many regards skew, especially seeing that women are barely allowed to participate in physical activities, which is one of FC Rosengård’s major driving forces for managing Football for Life. In order to ensure the quality of the activities, as well as to examine the possibilities of initiating a project of similar characteristics in Sweden, this essay was set of on the behalf of FC Rosengård. By studying the participants at scene in South Africa by utilising a questionnaire, their perceived personal- and social responsibility was investigated. The participants in the study was categorized depending on their involvement in Football for Life in order to visualise whether the project has a positive effect regarding the development of personal- and social responsibility.

Exploring the Impact of Negative Media Representation on University Students Residing in Segregated Areas : A Case Study of Malmo's Rosengård Student Housing

Yohannes Alemayohu, Feven January 2022 (has links)
This research aims to explore the effects of negative media representation on the experiencesof university students residing in Rosengård, Malmö, Sweden. Drawing upon media and masscommunication theories such as Media Shadow theory, Agenda Setting theory, andincorporating elements of Social Identity theory, the study investigates the influence of mediaportrayals on community perception and individual experiences. Through qualitative semistructuredinterviews conducted with fifteen students living in Rosengård, their accounts weretranscribed and analyzed to gain a comprehensive understanding of their experiences. Thefindings indicate that media representation holds significant power in shaping communityperception and profoundly impacts the experiences of residents. This research underscores theimportance of balanced media representation in mitigating negative influences and emphasizesthe need to consider social identity dynamics when examining the impact of media portrayalson individuals' perceived reality and experiences within a specific community.

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