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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rendering the Sublime : A Reading of Marina Tsvetaeva's Fairy-Tale Poem The Swain

Lane, Tora January 2009 (has links)
The present study is a reading of the folkloric fairy-tale poem The Swain (Mólodets) (1924) by the Russian Modernist poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941). The poem represents a high point in Tsvetaeva’s experiments with Russian folk art, and it is thoroughly folkloric in its theme, forms of writing and poetic language. At the same time, the poem can be linked to the attraction to folk art as a locus of the Sublime in literary tradition, which originates in German Romanticism, and finds its echoes in Russian Modernism. This study seeks to show that Tsvetaeva’s exploration of folk art in the poem was inspired by a quandary linked to the Sublime; namely the paradoxical question how to present in art what is too great to be represented. The poem is read as an image and an illustration of the poet’s understanding of the means of presenting the unrepresentable. Tsvetaeva renders the tale as an uncanny story about a horrifying elemental force. She seeks to avoid representation by bringing out the story in a poetic performance, which has the character of a lyrical drama, where the voices of the characters speak and sing in a direct manner. Within the canvas of the folkloric performance, the poet explores poetic language to render the Sublime. She experiments with secondary meanings in order to bring out a language, which at the same time is “secret” and “literal”, and where the element can be made present in its sublimity.

Éros, corps, sexualité dans la littérature russe contemporaine / Eros, sexuality and the body in contemporary Russian literature

Shcherbakova, Anna 05 December 2016 (has links)
La littérature russe, connue entre autres pour son « caractère pudique » à l’égard des désirs charnels, vit un bouleversement au début de la dernière décennie du XXe siècle, lorsque la censure soviétique disparaît et le marché, tout comme le pays, s’ouvre au libéralisme et aux valeurs occidentales. L’érotisme fleurit, alors, triomphalement dans les pages de la littérature des circuits officiels. Plus d’un quart de siècle s’est écoulé depuis, et l’euphorie sexuelle semble s’être bien calmée. Quel est le regard porté par la littérature contemporaine russe sur la sexualité, sur les désirs et les droits de la chair, tel fut le point de départ de notre étude qui s’est constituée autour de quatre axes thématiques renvoyant à des concepts fondamentaux de toute la tradition érotique, mais qui se révèlent être fort particuliers dans le contexte de la culture russe dominé par l’approche orthodoxe du corps et de la sexualité : éros thanatique qui aborde le rapport entre le désir de le vie et celui de la mort, éros antiprocréatif qui aborde la relation conflictuelle entre sexualité et procréation, éros utopique qui s’intéresse à la sexualité dans le cadre d’un projet utopique et, enfin, éros hédoniste s’intéressant à la sexualité hors de tout paradigme utilitaire, sauf celui du plaisir des sens. Nous chercherons à évaluer dans quelle mesure la représentation de l’éros, du corps et de la sexualité chez les auteurs contemporains reste influencée par l’approche traditionnelle et dans quelle mesure ils arrivent à s’en affranchir. Par cette étude nous espérons contribuer à la réflexion scientifique sur le sujet qui reste encore peu développée sur le sol francophone. / Russian literature was known until the last decade of the twentieth century for its «chasteness» and the modest way with which it approached sexual desire. It however experienced a serious upheaval in the 1990s, when Soviet censorship disappeared, and the country opened itself to market and Western liberal values. Eroticism then blossomed even in mainstream literature. But a quarter of a century later, sexual euphoria seems to have cooled down. The starting point of this study was an interrogation about how does contemporary Russian literature view sex, desire, and the rights of the flesh. It was developed along four main themes, representing fundamental concepts of the erotic tradition, which, however, take very particular shapes in the context of Russian culture, dominated by Orthodox view of the body and sexuality : thanatic Eros, on the connection between desire for life and for death, anti-procreative Eros, on the troubled relationship between sex and procreation, utopian Eros, which explores the role of sex in utopic projects, and hedonistic Eros, interested in sex outside of any utilitarian paradigm, except pleasure of the senses. We will try to evaluate how much and in what ways contemporary Russian writers still retain the traditional picture of Eros, body, and sex, how they strive to free themselves from it, and with what success. We hope that this study will contribute to foster more scholarly research on this subject, which is still quite underdeveloped in French-speaking countries.

Význam literárního salónu v Rusku epochy Alexandra I. / Siginificance of literary salons in Russia during the rule of Alexander I.

Melkonova, Anastasia January 2018 (has links)
The master's thesis is devoted to the theme of the literary salon in Russia during the rule of Alexander I and its role and significance for Russian society in general and for literature in particular. In the thesis is described the main reasons of formation of this phenomenon in Russia and also is made analysis of its history from formation to loss of significance, where special attention is paid to the literary salon of the rule of Alexander I. To reveal the specifics of the literary salon were analysed the difference between the salons and societies and other forms of organization of literary life, difference between the salons owned by ladies or gentlemen and also difference between the St. Petersburg and Moscow literary salons. Keywords: History of Russian culture, 19th century, literary salon, Russian literature

A poética dramática de Tchékhov: um olhar sobre os problemas de comunicação. / Chekhov\'s dramatic poetics: a view on the communication problems

Priscilla Herrerias 29 March 2011 (has links)
As lacunas nos processos de comunicação entre as personagens dramáticas de Anton Tchékhov (1860-1904) apresentam-se como um traço básico e definitivo de sua poética. A análise dos processos comunicativos entre as personagens das quatro principais peças do autor - A gaivota (1896), O tio Vânia (1897), As três irmãs (1900) e O jardim das cerejeiras (1904) - elucida a criação de um novo paradigma artístico em seu sistema dramático, cujas inovações marcaram profundamente todo o teatro do século XX e exercem enorme influência até os dias de hoje. O presente trabalho apresenta um recorte das obras selecionadas em relação ao contexto russo da época, evidenciando inquietações que anunciavam transformações profundas na sociedade. Neste intuito, retoma a teoria dos gêneros literários e suas principais críticas, que realçaram a importância da relação entre os gêneros e o momento histórico em que se consolidavam; assim, adquire relevo nas análises o conceito de \"romantização\" dos gêneros proposto pelo filósofo e teórico literário russo Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975), a partir da ideia de \"supremacia\" do único gênero em devir. Com a emersão de elementos épicos e líricos na dramaturgia tchekhoviana, observa-se como o diálogo, forma do gênero dramático por excelência, motor das ações que impulsionam o avanço do enredo no sistema dramático tradicional, tem sua unidade enfraquecida, fazendo com que o drama tchekhoviano necessite da encenação para realizar-se plenamente. O \"invisível\" e o \"indizível\", aquilo que subjaz às réplicas, que está latente justamente nas lacunas dos processos comunicativos entre as personagens, torna-se vital a este novo teatro, que acolhe e conta com a imaginação de leitores/espectadores. / The gaps in the communication processes between the dramatic characters of Anton Chekhov (1869-1904) consist on a basic and definite trait of the author\'s dramatic poetics. The analysis of the communication processes of four of Chekhov\'s major plays - The seagull (1896), Uncle Vanya (1897), Three sisters (1900) and The cherry orchard (1904) - elucidate the creation of a new artistic paradigm in the author\'s dramatic system, the innovations of which deeply affected the twentieth century theatre and have exerted a major influence until today. The study approaches the selected plays firstly considering the Russian context of the period, highlighting historical transformations that were already on course. Secondly, it examines the literary genres theory, as well as the most important criticism it suffered. The concepts developed by the Russian philosopher and literary critic Mikhail Bakhtin (1895-1975), which took into account the relationship between the literary genres and the historical moments when they were being shaped, acquire great importance in our analysis. Specially the notion of the novel as a contemporary genre, which embraces and affects all the other genres. After clarifying this influence by identifying the presence of epic and lyric elements in Chekhov\'s plays, we observe how the dialogue, the traditional form of the dramatic genre, motor of the actions that push the plot forward, has its unit weakened. As a consequence, chekhovian drama needs staging to be fully achieved: what is not visible and cannot be reduced to words, what is latent in the gaps of communication, underlying the characters\' speeches, become vital to this new theatre, which welcomes and counts on the imagination of its audience.

A sátira de Saltykóv-Schedrin em História de uma Cidade / The satire of Saltykov-Schedrin in \"Histoty of a town\"

Denise Regina de Sales 18 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho inclui a tradução e análise do romance História de uma cidade (1869) do escritor russo Mikhail Evgráfovitch Saltykov-Schedrin (1826-1889). Trata-se de uma obra essencialmente satírica e paródica, que descreve os governantes e o povo de um local fantástico, onde o desvario e o despotismo daqueles conjugam-se com a ignorância e a passividade deste. Ao discutir questões de poder, Saltykov-Schedrin recorre a dados históricos sobre a Rússia e parodia, inclusive, o estilo dos livros de história. Apesar da ligação estreita com a versão histórica oficial, na qualidade de obra literária, o romance ganha um colorido cômico e irônico, mesclando fatos da época do surgimento da nação com acontecimentos pontuais da segunda metade do século XIX. Propõe-se aqui analisar os procedimentos estilísticos e linguísticos que distinguem o autor e a obra. / This work offers a direct translation from Russian into Portuguese of History of a town (1869) written by the Russian author Mikhail Evgrafovitch Saltykov-Schedrin (1826-1889) and analyses its satirical aspects. The author depicts in this novel a fantastic town, where despotic governors rule passive people. Discussing political and social problems of Russia in the 19th century, Saltykov-Schedrin also talks about power relation in every society. With irony and humor, the novel is closely related to the Russian history and in this sense parodies history books. Besides its close relation to history, the novel is a literary masterpiece, combining comic caricatures of Russian sovereigns and ministers and the foolish way in which people react to them. The first part of this work deals with the translation; the second presents some linguistic and stylistic aspects of the novel.

Ulisses em tempos de estagnação: tradução e estudo de Moskvá - Petuchki, de Venedíkt Eroféiev / Ulysses in times of stagnation: a translation and study of Venedíkt Eroféiev\'s Moskvá - Petuchki

Eduardo Soma 28 September 2016 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta o romance MoskváPetuchki, de Venedíkt Eroféiev, e propõe o seu estudo com base na investigação da sua composição temática. Através da tradução do texto integral e de considerações analíticas, a obra é confrontada ao contexto histórico e literário soviético. Desse modo, e por meio da utilização de recursos interpretativos apresentados por Mikhail Bakhtin, Boris Groys, Evgeny Dobrenko, Ann Komaromi e Aleksei Yurchak, entre outros, o romance é considerado enquanto uma parte fundamental da literatura dissidente soviética do período do Degelo e uma resposta à cultura hegemônica do período. / The present work introduces Venedikt Erofeyev`s novel, Moskva Petushki, and proposes a study by means of an investigation of its thematic composition. Based on its complete translation and analysis, the work is confronted with its soviet context, both historical and literary. Thus, and using concepts presented by Mikhail Bakhtin, Boris Groys, Evgeny Dobrenko, Ann Komaromi, Aleksei Yurchak, and others, the novel is thought of as a fundamental part of soviet dissident literature of the Thaw era, and as an answer to the hegemonic culture of the period.

\"Sentimento íntimo\" e \"sensibilidade universal\": identidade nacional em Machado de Assis e Dostoiévski / Intimate feeling and universal sensibility: national identity in Machado de Assis and Dostoevsky

Andréa Zeppini Menezes da Silva 03 June 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho apresenta as concepções de identidade nacional em Machado de Assis e Dostoiévski, a comparação entre elas e suas relações com a literatura. Esta pesquisa se fundamenta na análise de dois textos: Instinto de Nacionalidade, ensaio de crítica literária publicado em 1873, do autor brasileiro; e Discurso a Púchkin, proferido na Celebração de inauguração da estátua a Púchkin em 1880, pelo autor russo. Sentimento íntimo sintetiza, em Machado de Assis, a identidade nacional. Em Dostoiévski, a singularidade do povo russo é expressa pela sensibilidade universal. / This dissertation presents the conceptions of national identity in Machado de Assis and Dostoevsky, the comparison between them and their relations with literature. This research is based on analysis of two texts: The Instinct of Nationality, a brazilian author´s essay of literary criticism, 1873; and Pushkin Speech, pronounced by the russian author at the inauguration of Pushkins statue in 1880. Intimate feeling summarizes the national identity in Machado de Assis. In Dostoevsky, the uniqueness of the Russian people is expressed by the universal sensibility.

Sófia Petrovna e a memória proibida do cotidiano soviético / Sófia Petrovna and the forbidden memory of the Soviet every day life

Maria Camargo-Sipionato 23 April 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um ensaio e a tradução comentada do romance Sofia Petróvna, da autora russa Lídia Tchukóvskaia, feita diretamente para o português, levando em conta as singularidades de cada idioma. A tradução manteve a máxima proximidade com o texto original, mantendo siglas e nomenclaturas criadas no período soviético, de modo a aproximar o leitor brasileiro do universo da narrativa. O ensaio sobre a obra contempla o contexto histórico, partindo do cotidiano do homem soviético durante os anos do Grande Terror, revelando os aspectos que tornam a narrativa uma importante forma de preservação da memória. Para tanto, foram usados como apoio os estudos de Paul Ricouer (2010) sobre memória e esquecimento. O suporte teórico usado para aproximar a realidade do período histórico, por sua vez, compreende documentos oficiais, testemunhos, diários e algumas obras de pesquisadores ocidentais (FIGES, 2010; LEWIN, 2007; MONTEFIORE, 2006; ROLF,2009). Com este trabalho, o leitor brasileiro terá acesso a uma obra nunca antes traduzida para o português, de uma autora ainda pouco conhecida no Brasil. Ademais, entrará em contato com o universo soviético tal como representado por Tchukóvskaia, a partir do qual poderá refletir sobre a literatura e a preservação da memória / The present work offers an essay and the commented translation of the novella Sofia Petrovna, by the Russian author Lydia Chukovskaya, done directly to Portuguese and taking into account the singularities of both languages. The translation kept the highest proximity to the original, maintaining acronyms and terms created during do Soviet Era, as a way to bring the Brazilian reader closer to the universe of the narrative. The essay considers the historical context, starting with the everyday life of Soviet men and women during the years of the Great Terror, revealing aspects that make this narrative an important way to preserve memory. For such, studies made by Paul Ricouer (2010) about memory and forgetting were used in this essay. The theoretical basis used to approximate the reality of this historical period, in turn, comprises official documents, testimonies, diaries and works by western scholars (FIGES, 2010; LEWIN, 2007; MONTEFIORE, 2006; ROLF,2009). With this work, the Brazilian reader will have access to a book that was never before translated into Portuguese, by an author still little known in Brazil. Furthermore, the reader will contact the Soviet universe as represented by Chukovskaya, from which it will be possible to reflect on literature and the preservation of memory

Diário de um homem supérfluo, de Turguêniev: caracterização de um tipo / Diary of a superfluos man, of Turgenev: characterization of a kind

Samuel Junqueira Antoniasse 31 March 2016 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo realizar uma tradução do original em russo da novela Diário de um homem supérfluo, de Ivan Turguêniev, e analisar o modo como o escritor procurou retratar a primeira personagem da literatura russa a ser denominada homem supérfluo. Procurar-se-á demonstrar que o autor não se limitou a reproduzir no narrador as características clássicas desse tipo literário, mas inovou ao adicionar outras e retirar algumas tidas como essenciais, criando uma figura que viria a dar um novo significado ao termo homem supérfluo. / This research aims to carry out a direct translation from the Russian novella Diary of a superfluous man, by Ivan Turgenev, and examine how the writer sought to portray the first character of the Russian literature to be termed a \"superfluous man\". It is intended to demonstrate that the author not only was able to reproduce in the narrator the classic features of this literary subject, but also to innovate, by adding other characteristics and even removing those considered essential ones, creating thus a figure that would give a new meaning to the term \"superfluous man\".

Die aanwending van patriotisme in die Russiese letterkunde as instrument om aktiewe steun vir die oorlogspoging te werf, 1941-1946

Scott, Lynette 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. / The aim of this study is to determine the utilisation and effect of literature as instrument of patriotism in order to get the active support of the Soviet population for the war effort of the Soviet Union between 1941 and 1946. In the Soviet Union literature was well able to fulfil this role due to the fact that the Soviet leadership identified the propaganda value of literature, with the result that literature became the official expression of the government's policy. By making use of the different literary genres the inherent patriotism could be awakened and inspired. Literature was therefore mainly responsible for the change in the attitude of the Soviet population from indifference and uninterestedness to one of active support. It is, however, not possible to award to literature solely the responsibility for this change of attitude because other instruments were also used between 1941 and 1946. There is enough evidence that the reaction of the population was to a great extent influenced and determined by literature. Through literature the Soviet population wanted to act as the heroes of the literary works and save their Russian fatherland from the German onslaught.

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