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New or Novice Teacher Integration of Mobile Learning InstructionBeisel, Carolyn Anne 01 January 2017 (has links)
The substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition (SAMR) model is designed to help teachers integrate technology in the classroom. In a district with 1:1 mobile technology, teachers expressed frustration and inconsistency about the use the SAMR model for effective teaching and learning. In this project study, the SAMR model conceptually framed the exploration of teachers' integration of mobile learning and their perceptions about using technology in the classroom. Guiding research questions addressed teacher's integration of the SAMR model and elements that contributed to their instruction with mobile technology. A qualitative case study of a school district included purposeful sampling of 12 new or novice special education, mathematics, physical education and science teachers who had integrated technology in their instruction. Data sources included semistructured interviews, review of artifacts such as lesson plans or curriculum guides, and subsequent observations of their classroom instruction. Interviews were transcribed and coded to identify themes. Observations were documented by using a checklist and data were analyzed using the SAMR model to determine levels of technology integration. The content of artifacts was analyzed to explore congruence in the data. Teachers demonstrated low enhancement levels of the SAMR model for technology integration and described elements of productivity use or student engagement as contributions to their curricular modification. The findings were used to formulate a professional development plan for teachers to design effective technology-integrated curricula. This study may impact positive social change by providing a model to assist other districts with similar inconsistencies in the modification of instruction for mobile learning environments to enhance teaching and learning.
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Digitalisering i ämnet bild : En studie av högstadielärares vision och förutsättningar för integrering av digitala tekniker i bildundervisningen. / Art teachers’ visions and prerequisites for integrating digital technology in secondary school teaching.Davey, Joseph January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how secondary school art teachers wish to use Information Communication Technology (ICT) in their lessons, what their circumstances are, and finally, what is important for a successful integration of ICT in art teaching.This qualitative study is based on three semi-structured interviews with secondary schoolart teachers. The interviews are analysed in two ways. Firstly, with a theory-driven contentanalysis and secondly by using the TPACK (Technology, Pedagogical and ContentKnowledge) and SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition) models.The results of this study show that teachers’ attitudes towards digitalisation have a greateffect on how ICT is integrated into their teaching. It also shows that not all art teachers have access to the required equipment to meet their needs, or the technological knowledge necessary to properly integrate ICT into their teaching. Additionally, this study shows that the Swedish National Agency for Education’s intentions with digitalisation in art teaching are not consistently met by all art teachers. This study shows that while art teachers require both the equipment that meets their needsand the technological knowledge to use this equipment, the most important factor in asuccessful integration of ICT into art teaching is the teachers pedagogical and didactic skills.
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Integrating lecture recording to support flexible learning and responsive pedagogies in a dual mode undergraduate law degreePrinsloo, Heinrich 14 February 2020 (has links)
This study investigates the integration of lecture recordings to support flexible learning and responsive pedagogical approaches in an undergraduate LLB degree presented in a dual mode (face-to-face and online) by the University of the Free State’s Faculty of Law. In this faculty, lecture recording is observed by compulsory integration in all classes; the only options pertain to three basic software tools. According to literature, integrating lecture recording can bring about flexibility in student learning, and flexibility can have both positive and negative implications for student learning. This study uses Puentedura’s (2006) SAMR (Substitution, Augmentation, Modification and Redefinition) model as a theoretical lens to analyse different levels or types of integration of lecture recording by students and lecturers. The SAMR categories assisted the study to identify whether Substitution, Augmentation, Modification or Redefinition were present when students and lecturers integrated lecture recording in teaching and learning. The study implements a mixed-method research approach that included student and lecturer surveys, lecturer interviews, and telephonic interviews and focus group discussions with students. Findings indicate that students’ overall experience of lecture recording was that it enhanced their learning and gave them flexibility regarding how, where, when they could learn. Some lecturers claimed that lecture recording enhances their teaching methodology, and that it can have an impact on their students’ learning. Lecturers agreed that lecture recording can be applied and integrated to transform the way they teach. Lecturers also indicated that lecture recording, in the form of audio recordings of lectures, in some instances caused students to hold lecturers accountable, not always fairly, for their utterances in class. Both staff and students indicated that they had concerns about class attendance when lecture recording was used, regardless of whether lectures were recorded when presented online or face-to-face. The study found that campus-based and online students integrated lecture recordings as part of their learning experiences in a variety of ways. The majority of campus-based students reported using lecture recordings to augment their learning experiences, especially in relation to how and whether they attended faceto-face lectures. Modification strategies for online students included making use of lecture recordings as a substitute for their presence at face-to-face lectures. Some online students reported that engaging with lecture recordings made them feel part of the course and its community of students. Lecturers’ specific approaches to teaching play a considerable role in the way they experience lecture recording and the way they integrate it in their courses. In addition to survey findings, the study also presents lecturer views, to illustrate some of these variations and interplays. While some lecturers reported that using lecture recordings has completely transformed the way they teach, others admitted that if they had a choice, they would not use lecture recordings in their teaching. The study offers a contextual account of lecture recording integration and contributes to global debates around lecture recording. Student and lecturer experiences with lecture recording, as observed through various SAMR levels of integration, depend on the type of lecture recording tool and software used, beliefs relating to the purpose of a lecture, regardless of its mode of delivery, and the reason for recording it in the first place. The study contributes to a local understanding of lecture recording integration and stimulates new dialogue that could guide future integration of lecture recording technologies, locally and internationally.
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Technology Use and Integration by Ohio's Community College ESL InstructorsDobransky, Kristine Ann 15 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Lärarna och Studi.se : En studie av lärares uppfattningar om användande av det digitala läromedlet Studi.se / The Teachers and Studi.seBodemyr, Sanna, Nilsson, Ulrika January 2014 (has links)
This study is a thesis project for the program Civilingenjör och Lärare at KTH. The study was conducted in spring 2014 in collaboration with Komplementskolan AB which has developed the educational material Studi.se, the focal point of this study. The overall aim of the study is to increase the knowledge of the participant teachers’ conception and use of the educational material Studi.se. The second purpose is to increase knowledge about the forms of use some of these teachers apply or claim to apply when using Studi.se. Theoretical framework used is constructivism and the notions of Piaget: adaptation, assimilation and accommodation. Roger’s Innovation-Decision process and Puentedura’s SAMR-model have been the analysis tools used. The method used is that of triangulation where action research has been supplemented by questionnaire, interviews and observations, as well as the analysis of logged data over schools' test periods. The results show that one of the main reasons for using Studi.se is that the educational material has a good basic level which to a great extent fit the needs of students with special needs. Additional reasons for using Studi.se are that the educational material is simple, time saving and suitable for reviewing and repetition. Reasons for not using Studi.se is an initial lack of time, the cost, lack of transparency at first glance and the perceived challenge given through the material. Studi.se is primarily used as a supplement to the regular curriculum where the material is mainly used individually in the form of repetition, variation and to cover things that the students have missed. / Denna studie utgör ett examensarbete på programmet Civilingenjör och Lärare, inom teknik och lärande på KTH. Studien har utförts under våren 2014 i samarbete med Komplementskolan AB som tagit fram läromedlet Studi.se kring vilket arbetet kretsat. Studiens övergripande syfte är att öka kunskapen om de skäl lärarna i studien ger uttryck för, för att använda eller inte använda läromedlet Studi.se. Det andra syftet är att öka kunskapen om de användningsformer några av lärarna tillämpar eller säger sig tillämpa vid användande av Studi.se. Studien utgår från ett konstruktivistiskt perspektiv med stöd i Piagets begrepp adaptation, assimilation och ackommodation. Rogers Innovation-Decision process och Puenteduras SAMR-modell utgör arbetets analysverktyg. Insamlingen av data har skett genom en metodtriangulering där aktionsforskning har kompletterats av enkätundersökning, intervjuer och observationer samt av analys av loggad data över skolors testperioder. Studiens resultat visar att ett av de främsta skälen för att använda Studi.se är att ämnesmaterialet håller en bra grundläggande nivå som i stor utsträckning passar elever med särskilda behov. Ytterligare skäl för användande är att läromedlet är enkelt, tidsbesparande och lämpar sig för repetition. Skäl till att inte använda Studi.se är en initial tidsbrist, kostnaden, brist på tydlighet i första mötet och upplevd avsaknad av utmaning i materialet. Studi.se används i huvudsak som ett komplement till den ordinarie undervisningen där materialet framförallt används individuellt i form av repetition, variation och för att täcka upp sådant som eleverna missat.
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Ambientes virtuales como estrategia de enseñanza - aprendizaje tecnológico en el nivel primario (enseñanza y aprendizaje con tecnología en el nivel primario) / Virtual environments as a teaching strategy - technological learning at the primary level (teaching and learning with technology at the primary level)Franco Baraybar, Luciana Karina, Huanca Gonzales, Dorcas Natividad 06 July 2020 (has links)
La razón por la que se cree conveniente investigar el tema “Los ambientes virtuales como estrategia de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el nivel primario” es con el fin que se conozca la relevancia de estos ambientes virtuales en la educación.
Actualmente, nos encontramos en un mundo que evoluciona digitalmente de manera continua y que brinda herramientas que permiten tanto a los docentes como a los estudiantes desarrollarse de manera integral. A partir de ello, se considera fundamental integrar los ambientes virtuales como un contexto que sirva de soporte para los maestros y, a su vez, facilite el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de cada estudiante. Asimismo, permiten que los estudiantes trabajen de manera colaborativa, con lo que se crean comunidades en las que se posibilita un aprendizaje constructivo. Además, se cuenta con el apoyo de diversos dispositivos, como es el caso de tablets, computadoras, etc. Estos van a ir funcionando como una extensión del aula. De esta manera, el acceso a la información de calidad se hace más factible, y se fomente la autonomía en los estudiantes a partir de la experimentación y exploración. Cabe mencionar; que los ambientes virtuales permiten el desarrollo y la progresión que trae consigo cambios significativos en la forma de enseñanza. Por ello, es necesario que, en las instituciones educativas, se mantengan actualizados constantemente a los docentes para que se encuentren preparados y empleen estas herramientas. A partir de ello, podrán integrar diversas estrategias y técnicas de enseñanza - aprendizaje. / The reason why it’s convenient to research the topic “Virtual environments as teaching strategy and lower school learning” is to know the relevance of these virtual environments in education. Nowadays, we find ourselves in a world that evolves digitally in a continuos way and provides the tools that allow teachers and students to develop comprehensively. Because of this, it is essential the integration of these virtual environments as background to support teachers, and at the same time to facilitate the process of teaching-learning of each student. Likewise, it enables students to work in a collaborative way, which creates communities that make possible constructive learning. There is also the help from different devices, like tablets, computers, etc. These will work as an extension of the classroom. In this manner, access to quality information is more reachable, and autonomy of the students is encouraged through experimentation and exploration. It should be noted that virtual environments allow the development and progression that meaningful changes in the way of teaching entails. That is why it is necessary that educational institutions have their teachers constantly updated so they can be prepared and exercise these tools. On that basis, they will be able to incorporate different teaching and learning strategies and techniques. / Trabajo de investigación
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Digitala Lärresurser I Fritidshemmet : Fritidshemslärares uppfattningar och användande i verksamheten / Digital learning resources in the after-school center : Perceptions of leisure educators and their use in the after-school centerHajredinaj, Kushtrim, Gustafsson, Adam January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att bidra med kunskap om fritidshemslärares uppfattningar kring användandet av digitala lärresurser i fritidshemmet och hur de använder digitala lärresurser för att motivera elevernas lärande. För att få svar på våra forskningsfrågor har vi intervjuat sex utbildade fritidshemslärare på två skolor belägna i södra Sverige. De berättade om sina uppfattningar av digitala lärresurser samt hur de används för att motivera elevernas lärande. Vi har använt oss av två fenomenologiskt inriktade begrepp, erfarenhet och riktadhet, samt SAMR-modellen för att analysera resultatet i vår undersökning. I resultatet framkommer det att fritidshemslärarna eftersträvar en vidare digital kompetens. Det framkommer också att majoriteten förespråkar att digitala lärresurser ska användas mer på fritidshemmet. Resultatet visar även att det skiljer sig i både utförande och planering hur digitala lärresurser används för att bidra till elevers motivation att lära vidare. Diskussionen belyser i linje med tidigare forskning att användningen av digitala lärresurser kan begränsas utifrån fritidshemslärarnas digitala kompetenser. Studien visar att digitala lärresurser sällan används i ett pedagogiskt syfte och därför kan ett kritiskt förhållningssätt bli svårt att utveckla hos eleverna. / The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about after-school teachers 'perceptions about the use of digital learning resources in the after-school center and how they use digital learning resources to motivate students' learning. To get answers to our research questions, we interviewed six trained after-school teachers at two schools located in southern Sweden. They talked about their perceptions of digital learning resources and how they are used to motivate students' learning. We have used two phenomenologically oriented concepts, experience and focus, as well as the SAMR model to analyze the results of our study. The results show that after-school center teachers strive for further digital competence. It also appears that the majority advocates that digital learning resources should be used more in the after-school center. The results also show that it differs in both design and planning how digital learning resources are used to contribute to students' motivation to learn further. The discussion highlights in line with previous research that the use of digital learning resources can be limited based on the digital skills of after-school teachers. The study shows that digital learning resources are rarely used for a pedagogical purpose and therefore a critical approach can be difficult to develop in students.
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Digitala verktyg på fritidshemmet : En kvalitativ studie om möjligheter och utmaningar med digitala verktyg för språkutveckling på fritidshemmet / Digital tools at the after-school center : A qualitative study of opportunities and challenges with digital tools for language development at the after-school centerErlandsson, Johannes, Shehu, Ismet January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att få svar på hur digitala verktyg används på fritidshemmet, hur fritidshemslärare ser på digitaliseringen inom fritidshemmet samt vilka utmaningar och möjligheter de ser med digitala verktyg för språkutveckling. Vi har använt en kvalitativ studie och som analysverktyg har vi använt Puenteduras (2013) SAMR-modell. I studien har vi intervjuat nio behöriga fritidshemslärare på två olika fritidshem i sydöstra Sverige. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns både fördelar och nackdelar med användning av digitala verktyg för elevers språkutveckling. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att det finns behov av kompetensutveckling hos fritidshemslärare angående digitala verktyg och hur de kan användas på fritidshem för språkutveckling. Fritidshemmen i undersökningen arbetar olika och i olika utsträckning med digitala verktyg beroende på vilka som arbetar där. Fritidshemslärare ser både för och nackdelar med digitala verktyg på fritidshemmen. / The purpose of this study is to get answers to how digital tools are used in the after-school center, how after-school center teachers view digitalisation within the after-school center and what challenges and opportunities they see with digital tools for language development. We have used a qualitative study and as an analysis tool we have used Puentedura's (2013) SAMR model. In the study, we interviewed nine qualified after-school teachers at two different after-school centers in south-eastern Sweden. Previous research shows that there are both advantages and disadvantages to using digital tools for students' language development. The results of the survey show that there is a need for competence development among after-school center teachers regarding digital tools and how they can be used at after-school centers for language development. The leisure centers in the survey work differently and to different extents with digital tools depending on who works there. Leisure home teachers see both the pros and cons of digital tools in after-school centers.
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