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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bilder av Kungsmarken : En jämförelse av medias och lokala aktörers bilder

Nilsson, Helena January 2008 (has links)
<p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>Segregation is more and more common in the Swedish society, especially in those suburbs called “miljonprogramsförorter” which are characterized as grey and boring districts with low status. These suburbs are often mentioned in the media and the public associate them with immigrants, problems and crimes. Kungsmarken in Karlskrona is one of these suburbs and the purpose of this essay was to compare the media image with the images local participants had of Kungsmarken. The questions I brought up were how media was describing Kungsmarken, how this image has contributed to the low status of Kungsmarken, and if this image was reflecting the local participants’ images. To examine this I have done a study of the two local newspapers Sydöstran and BLT during 2005 to see how they represented Kungsmarken. I have done three interviews, with the administration of social services, the local housing authority, the police and the tenants’ association to see if they shared the same opinion as the media.  The theoretical approaches in the study were segregation and media in relation to the suburbs of “miljonprogrammet”. The conclusions were that media mostly represented Kungsmarken in a negative way and that the media images of Kungsmarken didn´t agree with the images the local participants had. Media represented Kungsmarken as a troubled district with a high criminality. They wrote a lot about the bad things that happened in the district but seldom about the good things that happened there. This study has shown that although there were some problems in Kungsmarken they were not as bad as the media described them. The conclusion of this was that media through its’ exaggerated representation of Kungsmarken did influence the image the public had of Kungsmarken, and by that they have contributed to the district’s low status.</p><p><strong> </strong></p>

The Silent Minority - An Examination Surrounding the Rejection of

Kolesar, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
<p>On March 28, 2007, at a national conference concerning Special Education in Norrköping Jan Björklund, School Minister for the Alliance Party of Sweden announced that the previous Government's proposal for changes to the existing Special Education System would be rejected. This proposal known as “Quality and Cooperation – Education for Children, Youths and Adults with Disabilities” (Kvalitet och samverkan – om utbildning för barn, unga och vuxna med utvecklingsstörning)was based upon a four year study done by the Carlbeck Committee aimed at a general overhaul of the Special Education System and focusing in particular on bringing Special Education into closer contact with the normal Education System.</p><p>This decision was met with shock and amazement from the conference members, and following the conference from members of the Swedish Downs Syndrome Association as well as FUB – "The Swedish National Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability", and researchers in the field of Disability Studies. The decision, according to them, moves in the opposite direction to the international movement towards a more inclusive perspective on education. This study examines “For Us Together”, the document upon which the rejected proposal was based upon, interviews from the individuals engaged in the Special Education field, and “More Knowledge - A Modern Educational Proposal” a proposal from the Alliance government regarding changes to the Educational System. This information is then filtered through the Pedagogical theories of Peder Haug, A Norwegian Researcher, found in Pedagogical Dilemma – Special Education.” The aim of the study is to shed light upon, and eventually speculate upon the reasons for this decision, as well it's possible consequences.</p><p>The conclusions reached involve issues such as: The Educational System's obligation to provide the tools necessary to live and succeed in Society; a raising of the national consciousness concerning Sweden's tendency towards Compensatory Special Educational solutions; the possibility of future advancements in Special Education towards a satisfactory treatment of all involved.</p>

Ungdom, utanförskap och bostadsområdet som reservat. En samtidsorienterad studie av stadsdelen Hovsjö i Södertälje stad

Gutestrand, Sammy, Strandberg, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>This study is an investigation of a sub community within the community of Hovsjö. The local government has financed a project in Hovsjö which is intended to bring about positive development. The prior object of this paper is to describe the project, it’s planning, it’s methods, it’s carrying through, and it’s goals. This study presents the district of Hovsjö in Södertälje. According to a government agency the district is classified as one of Sweden’s twelve most socioeconomicly exposed metropolitan sub-areas. Our goal is to tell about the prevailing condition there and to present the experiences of a group of residents. From a pedagogical and sociological point of view this commitment in Hovsjö can become a tool to break the alienation. Our study of the metropolitan sub-area and the Hovsjö investment project is empirical. However in our concluding discussion we suggest that the Hovsjö investment project will succeed in breaking alienation there.</p>

Estetiskt skapande främjar människan : En undersökning om några estetiska arbetmetoders effekter på kvinnor med invandrarbakgrund

Hougaard Hansen, Anne, Khaytan, Sara January 2006 (has links)
<p>Vi har i denna studie undersökt om estetiska arbetsmetoder fungerar som ett sätt att främja socialisation och integration samt stärka självkänsla och identitet. Som en teoretisk bakgrund har vi skrivit om vad olika forskare och lärare samt läroplanerna anser om estetiska arbetsmetoder och vilka effekter dessa har för människor. Vi har därefter tagit upp ämnena socialisation och identitet ur olika synvinklar. I resultatdelen har vi beskrivit några olika projekt som arbetar med estetiska arbetsmetoder för människor med rötter i andra länder och kulturer. Förutom att studera litteratur har vi genomfört observationer och intervjuer på några olika projekt och föreningar som arbetar med integration på olika sätt. Gemensamt för dem är att de använder sig av någon form av estetiska arbetsmetoder.</p><p>Vi har kommit fram till att estetiska arbetsmetoder kan vara ett sätt att arbeta med identitet och självkänsla, eftersom man genom att använda dem samtidigt som elev arbetar med sig själv. Genom olika projekt vi har studerat har vi också sett att estetiska arbetsmetoder kan vara en hjälp vid integrering av människor, tillsammans med andra arbetssätt. Dessutom har vi på ett mer indirekt sätt tyckt oss finna stöd för att estetiska arbetsmetoder kan främja socialisationen av människor. Vi har också i diskussionsdelen kommit med en del frågeställningar och förslag på förbättringar, både för projekt vi läst om eller på annat sätt tagit del av och vår egen studiecirkel.</p>

Rätt man på rätt plats? : En studie av de sociala nätverkens effekt på matchningen mellan utbildningsnivå och yrke för svenska invandrare

Bångman, Helena January 2007 (has links)
<p>I vår undersökning studerar vi sambandet mellan de sociala nätverken och invandrares situation på arbetsmarknaden. Vi undersöker vilken effekt de sociala nätverken har för en matchning mellan utbildnings- och yrkesnivå för svenska invandrare. Vår uppfattning är att det inte bara är viktigt att individerna är i arbetskraften utan att det även är av stor vikt att de har yrken efter deras kompetens. Av denna anledning bygger vi vår studie på en modell som har matchningen mellan utbildningsnivå och yrkesnivå som beroende variabel. Denna direkta koppling mellan utbildning och yrke har inte tidigare varit i fokus när det kommer till studier kring integration och betydelsen av sociala nätverk. Intresset för nätverkseffekter och dess anknytning till ekonomiska frågor har vuxit sig allt starkare men fortfarande är området relativt outforskat. Vi anser att vi med denna matchning bidrar med en ny aspekt på de sociala nätverkens betydelse för invandrare. Analysen av vår modell resulterar i ett konstaterande att de etniska sociala nätverken har en negativ effekt på invandrares yrkesförhållanden om man enbart ser till andelen av ens egen etnicitet i sin hemkommun. När vi inkluderar andelen högutbildade i etniciteten i vår modell blir dock nätverkseffekten positiv. Detta säger oss att nettoeffekten beror på nätverkets utseende. Underlaget till uppsatsen kommer från den statistiska databasen LINDA som är en sammanställning av individdata gjord av SCB.</p>

The historical geography of racial and ethnic access within Baltimore's Carroll Park, 1870-1954

Wells, James E. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Ohio University, June, 2006. / Title from PDF t.p. Includes bibliographical references (p. 85-96)

Molecular Dynamic Simulations of Biological Membranes

Waheed, Qaiser January 2012 (has links)
Biological membranes mainly constituent lipid molecules along with some proteins and steroles. The properties of the pure lipid bilayers as well as in the presence of other constituents (in case of two or three component systems) are very important to be studied carefully to model these systems and compare them with the realistic systems. Molecular dynamic simulations provide a good opportunity to model such systems and to study them at microscopic level where experiments fail to do. In this thesis we study the structural and dynamic properties of the pure phospholipid bilayers and the phase behavior of phospholipid bilayers when other constituents are present in them. Material and structural properties like area per lipid and area compressibility of the phospholipids show a big scatter in experiments. These properties are studied for different system sizes and it was found that the increasing undulations in large systems effect these properties. A correction was applied to area per lipid and area compressibility using the Helfrich theory in Fourier space. Other structural properties like order of the lipid chains, electron density and radial distribution functions are calculated which give the structure of the lipid bilayer along the normal and in the lateral direction. These properties are compared to the X-ray and neutron scattering experiments after Fourier transform. Thermodynamic properties like heat capacity and heat of melting are also calculated from derivatives of energies available in molecular dynamics. Heat capacity on the other hand include quantum effect and are corrected for that by applying quantum correction using normal mode analysis for a simple as well as ambiguous system like water. Here it is done for SPC/E water model. The purpose of this study is to further apply the quantum corrections on macromolecules like lipids by using this technique. Furthermore the phase behavior of two component systems (phospholipids/cholesterol) is also studied. Phase transition in these systems is observed at different cholesterol concentrations as a function of temperature by looking at different quantities (as an order parameter) like the order of chains, area per molecule and partial specific area. Radial distribution functions are used to look at the in plane structure for different phases having a different lateral or positional order. Adding more cholesterol orders the lipid chains changing a liquid disordered system into a liquid ordered one and turning a solid ordered system into a liquid ordered one. Further more the free energy of domain formation is calculated to investigate the two phasecoexistence in binary systems. Free energy contains two terms. One is bulk freeenergy which was calculated by the chemical potential of cholesterol moleculein a homogeneous system which is favorable for segregation. Second is thefree energy of having an interface which is calculated from the line tension of the interface of two systems with different cholesterol concentration which in unfavorable for domain formation. The size of the domains calculated from these two contributions to the free energy gives the domains of a few nm in size. Though we could not find any such domains by directly looking at our simulations. / <p>QC 20120913</p>

Två kommunala rum : Ledningsarbete i genusmärkta tekniska respektive omsorgs- och utbildningsverksamheter

Forsberg Kankkunen, Tina January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe and partially explain how management is shaped in female-dominated social care and education services and male-dominated technical services, and how this contributes to creating and reproducing a gender system in municipal organizations. This was achieved by interviewing male and female operative managers in social care and education services and technical services. The managerial work of operative managers was also problematized in relation to activities at other organizational levels – the operational versus the strategic. The theoretical fields used in the study are primarily those having to do with organization and gender. I describe how power structures like sex and gender influence the construction of management; for example, genderized environments generate managerial action patterns, resources, and organizational prerequisites. The analytical results show that managerial work in social care and education services differs in practice from managerial work in technical services. Social care and education services have poorer organizational prerequisites for social interaction among organization levels than do technical services. The discrete prerequisites for managerial work make it more difficult for operative managers in social care and education services to support and interact with staff at the operative level than it is for operative managers in technical services. Operative managers in social care and education services also find it more difficult to actively influence the decision processes than do operative managers in technical services. When operative managers in social care and education services are cut off from strategic decisions and prevented from showing and explaining their needs and activities, the gender system in municipal organizations can be reproduced in the shadows.

Ungdomar med lindrig utvecklingsstörning och deras syn på sin identitet och framtid

Hammarström, Annica January 2004 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöks vilken betydelse faktorer som familj, skola och vänner har för identitetsuppfattningen hos ungdomar med lindrig utvecklingsstörning, från deras eget perspektiv. Genom tematiska intervjuer med fem ungdomar som går i gymnasiesärskola har undersöks hur de såg på sin barndom, uppväxt, familjerelationer, kamrater och den egna självbilden. Resultatet har huvudsakligen analyserats utifrån E.H. Eriksons teori om identitetsutveckling. Resultatet visade att alla intervjupersoner upplevde att de under sin barndom hade kamrater och nästan alla hade en bra relation till sina föräldrar. Under tonåren förändrades detta och idag upplevde mer än hälften av de intervjuade att de inte hade några kamrater som de umgås med på fritiden och alla utom en ansåg att relationen till föräldrarna hade försämrats betydligt. Barndomsberättelserna vittnade om mobbing och många skolbyten hos en del av intervjupersonerna. Nästan alla ungdomar i studien förmedlade en bild av sig själva som osäkra på hur de ska bete sig vissa sammanhang. Analysen tyder på att ungdomar med en lindrig utvecklingsstörning kan ha svårigheter att förlika sig med att gå i särskola och att de inte vill förknippas med särskolans övriga elever. I min studie berättade mer än hälften av ungdomarna om sorg över att inte vara som alla andra ungdomar.

Segregation mellan två folk : En sociologisk undersökning om segregation mellan bosnier och kroater i Stolac (Bosnien och Hercegovina)

Ovcina, Sanela January 2010 (has links)
I Bosnien och Hercegovina har det i 15 år pågått en segregering mellan tre nationer, bosnier, kroater och serber. I detta arbete har jag valt att närmare studera segregation mellan bosniska och kroatiska ungdomar i Stolac. Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på varför denna etniska segregation fortfarande är så djup och hur ungdomarna ser på denna segregation, men även att ta reda på hur man kan motarbeta denna uppdelning. Genom att göra sex personliga intervjuer, fyra med ungdomar och två med lärare på skolorna i Stolac, enkätundersökningen och deltagande observation fick jag större inblick i segregationen i Stolac. Men även anledningar till segregations bevaring, vad ungdomarna tycker om den här uppdelningen och vad de tycker hur man borde motarbeta detta. De teorier och sociologiska begrepp som jag använde mig av är etnicitet, segregation och Gemeinschaft och Gesellschaft.

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