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Erfarenheter av depressiva symptom efter strokePettersson-Lundin, Susanna, Michael Tekie, Haben January 2018 (has links)
Background: Many people become ill due to stroke every year in Sweden. Stroke survivors can suffer from depressive symptoms due to the consequences that come with a stroke. Depressive symptoms can lead to negative quality of life and can lead to an unsustainable life situation. Problem: Depressive symptoms in stroke patients contributes with many different consequences that can cause unhealth and impaired quality of life. In order for nurses to be able to perform their role and being there to support both patients and relatives, more knowledge is required in this area and it can increase the quality of life and health of the patients. Objective: The purpose is to describe patient’s experiences of depressive symptoms after stroke. Method: A general literature review. 10 articles where of 6 had a quantitative approach and 4 a qualitative approach. These then became the result. Result: In the result, three categories were summarized describing experiences of depressive symptoms after stroke. Losing oneself, Losing control and Experiences of vulnerability. Conclusion: It appeared that the experience of depressive symptoms was common after a stroke and could be related to consequences such as physical barriers, difficulty in managing emotions, loneliness and fatigue. This summarized experiences of depressive symptoms after stroke. / Bakgrund: Många människor insjuknar i stroke varje år i Sverige. Patienter som har överlevt en stroke kan lida av depressiva symtom på grund av konsekvenserna som medföljer efter en stroke. Depressiva symtom kan leda till att livskvalitén blir påverkad negativt och det kan medföra en ohållbar livssituation. Problem: Depressiva symptom hos patienter med stroke bidrar till många olika konsekvenser som kan orsaka ohälsa och försämrad livskvalité. För att sjuksköterskor ska kunna utföra sin roll och finnas där som stöd för både patienterna samt anhöriga behövs mer kunskap inom detta område. Bredare kunskap kan öka patienternas livskvalité och hälsa. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva patienters erfarenheter av depressiva symtom efter en stroke. Metod: En allmän litteraturöversikt. 10 artiklar varav 6 hade en kvantitativ ansats och 4 en kvalitativ ansats. Resultat: I resultatet sammanställdes tre kategorier som beskrev erfarenheter av depressiva symptom efter stroke. Att förlora sig själv, Förlorad kontroll och Erfarenheter av sårbarhet. Slutsats: Det framgick att erfarenheten av depressiva symptom var vanligt efter en stroke och att det kunde relateras till följder såsom fysiska hinder, svårigheter att hantera känslor, ensamhet och trötthet. Detta summerade erfarenheter av depressiva symptom efter stroke.
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Význam salsy v životě rekreačních tanečníků / The meaning of salsa in the life of recreational dancersŠafaříková, Klára January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to map the meanings of salsa in the life of recreational dancers. Pair salsa dance was intentionally chosen as a representative of the so-called social dance group, which is characterized by its unique improvisation and self-expression. The theoretical part will be devoted to key topics focused on salsa dance and improvisation, phenomenon of flow, self-transcendence, expression of emotions, dance movement therapy. In the theoretical part, we were interested in other professional research with similar topics. The empirical part of the diploma thesis deals with the research topic of the importance of salsa for recreational dancers. This research served as an exploratory study of salsa, which is not yet very psychologically explored. It is a qualitative research that uses analytical procedures with elements of grounded theory. Research data were obtained through an in-depth interview with 13 informants. We interpreted the resulting information to understand the mental states and processes on multiple levels in the context of salsa and its importance in the lives of recreational dancers. From the data analysis, we created a Bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model of salsa. At the same time, we received answers to research questions, what impulses lead informants and their...
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Entrepreneurial Intention: Role of personal values and materialismRai, Prerana 01 May 2022 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is a major economic force and a salient personal behavior through which individuals achieve personal goals. A better understanding of entrepreneurial intention is crucial to fostering entrepreneurial behavior since intention precedes behavior. Considering the importance of the concepts of social and commercial entrepreneurs, the study examined whether social and commercial entrepreneurial intentions are motivated by a similar set of attitudes and personal values. It provided an answer to why and how an individual intends to become either a social or a commercial entrepreneur.To understand motivational similarities and differences between social and commercial entrepreneurial intention, the conceptual framework relying on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) and Basic Human Values Theory was proposed. In the developed model, the value set of entrepreneurial intentions is differentiated and categorized through Schwartz’s personal values and materialism. And perceived behavioral control and attitude towards entrepreneurship, two constructs capturing attitudinal differences, were used as two main explanatory variables with subjective norms (SN) as a moderator to represent its motivating power on attitudes, values, and intentions. Analyses of survey data collected from 1029 participants demonstrated a significant direct effect of attitude towards entrepreneurship, perceived behavioral control, self-enhancement values, and materialism on both entrepreneurial intentions. Self-transcendence affects social entrepreneurial intention significantly. Further, in the presence of positive subjective norms, a positive change in perceived behavioral control led to the development of both entrepreneurial intentions. And in the presence of openness to change values, a positive change in attitude toward commercial entrepreneurship motivated the development of commercial entrepreneurial intention. The remaining personal values negatively moderated the relationship between attitudinal components and entrepreneurial intentions. In the presence of materialism, a positive change in attitudinal components led to a negative intention to pursue entrepreneurship as a career. The corroborating evidence of the effect of materialism on social entrepreneurial intention development supported the underlying economic motive of social entrepreneurs. SPSS hierarchical regression technique tested proposed hypotheses using data collected from student subjects and the MTurk sample.
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En ekokritisk analys av hur A Short Hike tränar spelaren i hållbara värderingarDahl, Manfred, Wallin, Felix January 2023 (has links)
The world is facing an ecological crisis, and it is essential that we transition to a sustainable culture and sustainable behavior. At the same time, the gaming industry produces games that largely contradict these principles. We see this as problematic and therefore advocate for a paradigm shift towards sustainable values in television and video games. The study is inspired by the Common Cause Foundation’s perspective on Schwartz’s theory of basic human values as a framework for universal values and how they are correlated with sustainable and unsustainable behavior. We also draw on literature that describes and problematizes the current widespread paradigm in games as unsustainable, while presenting alternatives, known as “ecocriticism”. With the aim of exploring how games can incorporate sustainable values as a form of ecocriticism, we examine the game A Short Hike as an example – a game that, at first glance, appears sustainable. We do this with the research question: “Which elements in the game A Short Hike train the player in sustainable and unsustainable values, and in what ways?” To investigate this, qualitative interviews were conducted with a number of individuals after they played the game for approximately 40 minutes. The interviews were designed to identify the elements in the game that motivated them from a values perspective. The results of the study indicate that A Short Hike incorporates certain sustainable values but also includes some unsustainable ones. Generally, we observed that many common game elements specifically motivate players through unsustainable values. It also became clear that different players have different play styles, which affect their experience and the extent to which they embrace sustainable or unsustainable values as motivation. Finally, we discuss the results from a broader perspective, including questioning whether games, by definition, are unsustainable. We also provide suggestions for patterns on how games can be designed with sustainable values as a foundation. / Världen står inför en ekologisk kris och det är essentiellt att vi ställer om till en hållbar kultur och hållbart beteende. Samtidigt producerar spelindustrin spel som i stor utsträckning hur A Short Hike tränar värderingar Felix Wallin EECS, Skolan för Elektroteknik och Datavetenskap, KTH Stockholm, Sverige felwal@kth.se bygger på motsatsen. Vi ser detta som problematiskt, och förespråkar därför ett paradigmskifte mot hållbara värderingar inom tv- och datorspel. Studien inspireras av Common Cause Foundations syn på Schwartz theory of basic human values som ramverk för universella värderingar och hur dessa är korrelerade med hållbart respektive ohållbart beteende. Vi använder oss även av litteratur som beskriver och problematiserar det nuvarande utbredda paradigmet inom spel som ohållbart samt presenterar alternativ, så kallad ”ekokritik”. Med syfte att se hur spel kan använda sig av hållbara värderingar som en form av ekokritik undersöker vi som exempel spelet A Short Hike – ett spel som vid första anblick ser hållbart ut. Vi gör detta med frågeställningen: ”Vilka element i spelet A Short Hike tränar spelaren i hållbara respektive ohållbara värderingar och på vilka sätt?” För att undersöka detta utfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med ett antal personer efter att de fått spela spelet i cirka 40 minuter. Intervjuerna utformades med syfte att ta reda på vilka element i spelet som motiverade dem utifrån ett värderingsperspektiv. Studiens resultat pekar på att A Short Hike använder sig av vissa hållbara värderingar men även en del ohållbara. Generellt såg vi att många vanliga spelelement specifikt motiverar spelaren via ohållbara värderingar. Det blev även tydligt att olika spelare har olika spelstilar, och att detta påverkar upplevelsen och till vilken grad de tar till sig hållbara respektive ohållbara värderingar som motivation. Slutligen diskuterar vi resultatet utifrån ett större perspektiv, där vi bland annat frågar oss om spel per definition är ohållbara. Vi kommer även med förslag på mönster för hur spel kan designas med hållbara värderingar som grund.
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No description available.
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The Effect of a Poetry Writing Intervention on Self-Transcendence, Resilience, Depressive Symptoms, and Subjective Burden in Family Caregivers of Older Adults with DementiaKidd, Lori I. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Ethics Beyond Finitude : Responsibility towards Future Generations and Nuclear Waste ManagementLöfquist, Lars January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation has three aims: 1. To evaluate several ethical theories about responsibility towards future generations. 2. To construct a theory about responsibility towards future generations. 3. To carry out an ethical evaluation of different nuclear waste management methods. Five theories are evaluated with the help of evaluative criteria, primarily: A theory must provide future generations with some independent moral status. A theory should acknowledge moral pluralism. A theory should provide some normative claims about real-world problems. Derek Parfit’s theory provides future generations with full moral status. But it is incompatible with moral pluralism, and does not provide reasonable normative claims about real-world problems. Brian Barry’s theory provides such claims and a useful idea about risk management, but it does not provide an argument why future generations ought to exist. Avner de-Shalit’s theory explains why they ought to exist; however, his theory can not easily explain why we ought to care for other people than those in our own community. Emmanuel Agius’ theory gives an ontological explanation for mankind’s unity, but reduces conflicts of interests to a common good. Finally, Hans Jonas’ theory shifts the focus from the situation of future generations to the preconditions of human life generally. However, his theory presupposes a specific ontology, which might be unable to motivate people to act. The concluding chapters describe a narrative theory of responsibility. It claims that we should comprehend ourselves as parts of the common story of mankind and that we ought to provide future generations with equal opportunities. This implies that we should avoid transferring risks and focus on reducing the long-term risks associated with the nuclear waste.
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A busca de sentido e os buscadores de Deus no Evangelho de Lucas: um desafio aos cristão de classe médiaPaulo Couto Teixeira 01 January 2011 (has links)
Este é um estudo sobre a busca de Deus e a procura de sentido para a existência, com ênfase nos
buscadores que se dirigiram a Jesus, estimulados por um imperativo de seu âmago, tal como é
narrado no Evangelho de Lucas. O objetivo é identificar motivações, resultados e exigências
para a conversão pessoal, o seguimento e o discipulado de Jesus, que possam orientar as
pastorais de grupos ligados às classes médias tradicionais. O primeiro capítulo trata da
inquietude da alma e a procura humana - as motivações da procura, das necessidades básicas à
busca de sentido, considerando correntes filosóficas e a autotranscendência. O segundo capítulo
dedica-se à busca de Deus, o encontro como dádiva, e a perspectiva de Deus como
Incondicionado (Tillich); apresenta Deus como buscador do ser humano (Heschel), e termina
analisando a busca de Deus em outras vertentes espirituais. O terceiro capítulo estuda Jesus de
Nazaré como buscador de Deus, partindo do contexto palestino e das opções tomadas por Jesus
em seu ministério. No quarto capítulo os buscadores e Jesus são mostrados os critérios para
escolha do Evangelho (Lucas) e seleção das perícopes: a pecadora de Betânia (Lc 7.36-49); o
homem rico (Lc 18.18-29); Zaqueu (Lc 19.1-10), e Arimateia (Lc 24.50-55). Complementou-se
a análise estudando os magos (Mt 2.1-12) e o endemoninhado de Gerasa (Lc 8.26-39). O quinto
capítulo articula autotranscendência e seguimento de Jesus. Entre as conclusões, destaca-se que
a conversão e a metanoia vêm acompanhadas da repartição das riquezas e o despojamento em
favor dos pobres. Notou-se também que a busca de Deus está sempre relacionada à busca de
sentido. O ponto de articulação é a misericórdia para com os pobres e a descoberta de Deus
como Incondicionado. Conclui-se ainda que o seguimento, o discipulado, a conversão e a
autotranscendência estão relacionados, e que o seguimento e o discipulado se manifestam
através de níveis e de momentos sucessivos. Outra conclusão é que Jesus também viveu sua
autotranscendência como buscador de Deus; e o diálogo entre as religiões e o ecumenismo pode
ser facilitado pela especial relevância da misericórdia para com os pobres como imperativo da
metanoia. / This is a study about the search for God and finding meaning in existence, with emphasis on
seekers who went to Jesus, stimulated by an imperative of its core, as narrated in the Gospel of
Luke. The goal is to identify motivations, results and demands for personal conversion, tracking
and following of Jesus, that can guide the pastoral groups linked to the traditional middle
classes. The first chapter treats with the restlessness of the human soul - the reasons for the
demand of basic needs to the search for meaning, considering philosophical thoughts and self-
transcendence. The second chapter is devoted to the Search for God: the encounter as a gift, and
the perspective of God as the Unconditioned (Tillich), presents God as a seeker by human
being (Heschel) and ends by analyzing the search for God in other spiritual dimensions. The
third chapter considers Jesus of Nazareth as a seeker of God, starting from the Palestinian
context and the choices made by Jesus in his ministry. In the fourth chapter - seekers and Jesus -
are shown the criteria for choosing the Gospel (Luke) and selection of pericopes: the Bethany
sinner (Luke 7, 36-49), the rich man (Lk. 18.18-29); Zacchaeus (Luke 19.1-10), and Joseph of
Arimathea (Luke 24.50-55). the analysis was finished with one study the Magi (Matthew 2.1-
12) and owned from Gerasa (Luke 8.26-39). The fifth chapter articulates self-transcendence and
follow Jesus. Among the findings highlight that the conversion and metanoia comes
accompanied by the distribution of wealth and stripping in favor of the poor. It was also noted
that the search for God is always related to the search for meaning. The pivot point is the mercy
for the poor and the discovery of God as "Unconditioned." It also concludes that the follow-up,
discipleship, conversion and self-transcendence are related, and that follow-up and
discipleship are manifested through successive levels and times. Another conclusion is that
Jesus also lived his self-transcendence, as a seeker of God, and interfaith dialogue and
ecumenism can be facilitated by the special relevance of mercy to the poor as the imperative of
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Den narcissistiska yogakulturen : Och dess potentiella väg utFredrik, Bogaeus January 2023 (has links)
Denna essä ämnar fördjupa förståelsen av yogalärarens profession genom att undersöka dess vardagliga praktik i ljuset av filosofiska och historiska grunder. I synnerhet undersöks villkoren för dagens moderna yoga i en narcissistisk kultur och hur den moderna yogaläraren kan förhålla sig till dessa villkor utifrån en filosofisk förståelse om yoga som självtranscendens. Modern yoga har blivit ett exempel på sakraliserad självdisciplin och möjligen en form av ritualiserad narcissism. En narcissistisk kultur som sådan med den upanishadiska självtranscendensens språkbruk, tillsammans med en kommersiell nyandlighet uppmanar oss att perfektionistiskt söka uppnå känslan: jag är gudomlig. Essän undersöker dock potentiella vägar och praktiska kunskaper hos yogaläraren som inte leder undervisningen i en narcissistisk riktning utan snarare söker vända blicken mot en värld vi gemensamt delar offentligt med andra människor. / This essay aims to deepen the understanding of the yoga teacher's profession by examining its everyday practice from philosophical and historical foundations. In particular, the conditions of today's modern yoga in a narcissistic culture are examined, and how the modern yoga teacher can relate to these conditions of yoga from the perspective of self-transcendence. Modern yoga has become an example of sacralized self-discipline and possibly a form of ritualized narcissism. A narcissistic culture as such with the language of Upanishadic self-transcendence, together with commercial spirituality, urges us to achieve the feeling: I am divine. However, the essay explores potential paths and practical knowledge of the yoga teacher who does not want to lead the teaching in a narcissistic direction but instead seeks a common world publicly shared with other people.
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Психологические особенности прогностических способностей у студентов с разным уровнем самотрансценденции : магистерская диссертация / Psychological features of prognostic abilities of students with different level of self-transcendenceТатаринова, А. Д., Tatarinova, A. D. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования явились прогностические способности студентов. Предметом исследования стали психологические особенности прогностической прогностической компетентности (антиципационной состоятельности) и интуиции у студентов с разным уровнем самотрансценденции и экзистенциальной исполненности (как операциональной составляющей самотрансценденции). Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (72 источника) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 89 страниц, на которых размещены 4 рисунка и 6 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме феномена самотрансценденции. Представлены разделы, посвященные исследованию структурных составляющих самотрансценденции и их взаимосвязей студентов. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: опроснику «Шкала экзистенции» (А. Лэнгле, К. Орглер) – шкала самотрансценденции; «Тесту экзистенциальных мотиваций» (В. Б. Шумский, Е. М. Уколовa, Е. Н. Осин, Я. Д. Лупандина) – шкала экзистенциальной исполненности; тесту антиципационной состоятельности (прогностической компетентности) (В. Д. Менделевич); опроснику интуитивного стиля С. Эпстайна (адаптация Т. В. Корниловой, С. А. Корнилова). Также в главе представлен сравнительный и корреляционный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. / The object matter of the study are prognostic abilities of students. The subject of the study are the psychological characteristics of predictive competence (anticipatory consistency) and intuition among students with different levels of self-transcendence and existential fulfillment (as an operational component of self-transcendence). The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of literature (111 sources) and an appendix, which includes the forms of the applied methodologies. The volume of the master's thesis is 121 pages, on which are placed 12 figures and 7 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problem, sets the goal and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, indicates the methods and empirical base, as well as the stages of the study, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of the phenomenon of self-transcendence. Sections devoted to the study of the structural components of self-transcendence and their interrelations of students are presented. The conclusions on the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It presents a description of the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods used: the questionnaire "Scale of Existence" (A. Lenglet, K. Orgler) - the scale of self-transcendence; "Test of existential motivations" (V. B. Shumsky, E. M. Ukolova, E. N. Osin, Y. D. Lupandina) - the scale of existential fulfillment; test of anticipatory consistency (prognostic competence) (V. D. Mendelevich); S. Epstein's intuitive style questionnaire (adapted by T. V. Kornilova, S. A. Kornilov). The chapter also presents a comparative and correlation analysis of the results of the study. The conclusion of the second chapter include the main findings of the empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, are summarized, the practical significance of the study is substantiated, and possible prospects for further development of this issue are described.
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