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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Säkerhet i smarta hem: användares agerande : En fallstudie i användares möjligheter att agera och deras agerande för att hålla smarta hemprodukter säkra. / Security in smart homes: user actions : A case study of users' opportunities to act and their actions to keep smart home products safe

Eriksson, Anton, Tjernström, Joel January 2020 (has links)
This study explores how smart home users act to keep their smart products safe. The sample was identified in the literature as early adopters. These were studied through a qualitative case study with semi-structured interviews. Data were then analysed with a thematic analysis, which resulted in four themes: Lack of concern, In the hands of the manufacturer, Safety outside the product and Safety measures. The informants had different reasons and motivations for their common lack of concern, their experience of being able to influence product security the measures they could evoke and the measures they actually took. The informants' lack of concern is linked to the theory of the impact of worryon actionand risk perception. The informants' problems in influencing security are supported by other literature. Their hypothetical measures are mainly outside the product. The actions they actually perform on the product are limited to basic security measures such as passwords, etc. Users find it difficult to influence the security of their products, unsafe products can easily fall victim to malicious individuals and influence others in their environment. / Denna studie undersöker hur användare av smarta hem kan agera för att hålla sina smarta produkter säkra.Urvalet identifierades i litteratur som early adopters. Dessa studerades genom en kvalitativ fallstudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data analyserades sedan med en tematisk analys, vilket resulterade i fyra teman: Avsaknad av oro, I händerna på tillverkaren, Säkerhet utanför produkten och Säkerhetsåtgärder. Informanterna hade olika anledningar och motivationer till sin gemensamma avsaknad av oro, deras upplevelse av att kunna påverka produkters säkerhet, de åtgärder som de kunde frammana och de åtgärder som de faktiskt gjorde. Informanternas avsaknad av oro länkas till teori om oros påverkan på agerande och upplevd risk. Informanternas problematik att påverka säkerheten stöds av annan litteratur. Deras hypotetiska åtgärder ligger i huvudsak utanför produkten. Det agerande de faktiskt utför på sina produkter är begränsat till grundläggande säkerhetsåtgärder som lösenord etc. Användarna har svårt att påverka säkerheten hos sina produkter, osäkra produkter kan enkelt falla offer för illvilliga individer och påverka andra i sin omgivning.

Password Security Assessment of IoT-Devices

Seyum Wolde, Mehir, Hussain, Adeel January 2022 (has links)
With the rapid development of the IoT (Internet of Things) and the integration of connected devices into our households, IoT security is becoming more important. This technology allows the user to accomplish tasks and store information in a more effective way. Due to this large development, various solutions are being established to make sure that only an authorised user gains access to these functions. Among these solutions, passwords have become the most prominent one today. Since passwords allow a user to protect sensitive data and authorise access to their devices, they have become the target of various cyberattacks. Different password policies have therefore been established to strengthen passwords and prevent unauthorised access. In response to this emerging problem, the study conducted in this report has evaluated authentication systems in four categories of smart home devices to assess if they meet security regulations according to best practices. A compilation of the password requirements in these devices has been made and they have been categorized in terms of password security from very weak to very strong. Multiple instances of weak policies were discovered in all of the examined categories and important password features are missing in a majority of them. / Med den hastiga utvecklingen av sakernas internet (IoT) och integrationen av anslutna enheter till hushållet blir IoT säkerhet alltmer viktigt. Denna teknologi tillåter användare att åstadkomma uppgifter och lagra information på ett mer effektivt sätt. På grund av denna stora utveckling har många lösningar skapats för att säkerställa att endast en auktoriserad användare erhålls tillgång. Bland dessa lösningar är lösenord den mest förekommande idag. Eftersom att lösenord tillåter användaren att skydda känslig information och auktorisera tillgång till deras enheter har dem blivit en lockande måltavla för diverse cyberattacker. Ett flertal lösenordspolicys har därför etablerats för att förstärka lösenord och förhindra obehörig tillgång. Som svar på detta framväxande problem, har undersökningen som utförts i denna rapport utvärderat autentiseringssystem i fyra kategorier av smarta hem enheter med mål att bedöma ifall de uppfyller säkerhetsföreskrifter i enighet med bästa praxis. En lista med lösenordskrav i enheterna har skapats och dessa enheter har blivit kategoriserade enligt lösenordssäkerhet från väldigt svag till väldigt stark. Flera olika instanser av svaga policys har upptäckts i alla undersökta kategorier och viktiga lösenordsfunktioner saknas i en majoritet av grupperna.

Machine learning based user activity prediction for smart homes

Goutham, Mithun January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Soul-Py: better sleep hygiene for students : A study of sleep hygiene among students and how to improve them through a smartphone application

Huynh, Stella January 2024 (has links)
This study is a bachelor thesis in the field of Information Design with a focus on Interaction Design. It aims to develop an interactive application to raise self-awareness on the matter of sleep hygiene for young adults, especially college students.  The study integrates both quantitative methods such as surveys, and qualitative methods including interviews and usability testing, to gather data. This report demonstrates the design thinking behind design solutions based on collected data and several iterative processes. The study involves various experts and the potential target group to create a User-Centered Design application. In total, seven experts in both health and user experience fields, and five college students were involved in the qualitative research. Various psychological theories such as Cognitive Load and Self-Determination were used in the study to create a user-friendly application.  The result of this study is a design proposal for the interactive application called Soul-Py, which combines a sleep tracker, gamification of sleep hygiene topics, a community that involves both experts and other users, and a controller for smart home devices. The application encourages users to self-reflect on their sleep hygiene and practice better sleep hygiene practices. / Denna studie är en kandidatuppsats inom området informationsdesign med fokus på interaktionsdesign. Den syftar till att utveckla en interaktiv applikation för att öka självmedvetenheten om sömnhygien för unga vuxna, särskilt universitetsstudenter.  Studien integrerar både kvantitativa metoder, såsom enkäter, och kvalitativa metoder, inklusive intervjuer och användbarhetstester, för att samla in data. Denna rapport visar designprocessen bakom design lösningarna baserade på insamlade data och flera iterativa processer. Studien involverar olika experter och potentiella målgrupp för att skapa en användarcentrerad designapplikation. Totalt var sju experter inom både hälso- och användarupplevelseområdena, samt fem universitetsstudenter, inblandade i den kvalitativa forskningen. Olika psykologiska teorier såsom kognitiv belastning och självbestämmandeteori användes i studien för att skapa en användarvänlig applikation.  Resultatet av studien är ett designförslag för den interaktiva applikationen, kallad Soul-Py, som kombinerar en sömnspårare, spelifiering för ämnen om sömnhygien, en gemenskap som involverar både experter och andra användare, samt en kontroller för smarta hem-enheter. Applikationen uppmuntrar användarna att reflektera över sin sömnhygien och att praktisera bättre sömnhygienvanor.

IoMT-Based Accurate Stress Monitoring for Smart Healthcare

Rachakonda, Laavanya 05 1900 (has links)
This research proposes Stress-Lysis, iLog and SaYoPillow to automatically detect and monitor the stress levels of a person. To self manage psychological stress in the framework of smart healthcare, a deep learning based novel system (Stress-Lysis) is proposed in this dissertation. The learning system is trained such that it monitors stress levels in a person through human body temperature, rate of motion and sweat during physical activity. The proposed deep learning system has been trained with a total of 26,000 samples per dataset and demonstrates accuracy as high as 99.7%. The collected data are transmitted and stored in the cloud, which can help in real time monitoring of a person's stress levels, thereby reducing the risk of death and expensive treatments. The proposed system has the ability to produce results with an overall accuracy of 98.3% to 99.7%, is simple to implement and its cost is moderate. Chronic stress, uncontrolled or unmonitored food consumption, and obesity are intricately connected, even involving certain neurological adaptations. In iLog we propose a system which can not only monitor but also create awareness for the user of how much food is too much. iLog provides information on the emotional state of a person along with the classification of eating behaviors to Normal-Eating or Stress-Eating. This research proposes a deep learning model for edge computing platforms which can automatically detect, classify and quantify the objects in the plate of the user. Three different paradigms where the idea of iLog can be performed are explored in this research. Two different edge platforms have been implemented in iLog. The platforms include mobile, as it is widely used, and a single board computer which can easily be a part of network for executing experiments, with iLog Glasses being the main wearable. The iLog model has produced an overall accuracy of 98% with an average precision of 85.8%. Smart-Yoga Pillow (SaYoPillow) is envisioned as a device that may help in recognizing the importance of a good quality sleep to alleviate stress while establishing a measurable relationship between stress and sleeping habits. A system that analyzes the sleeping habits by continuously monitoring the physiological changes that occur during rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages of sleep is proposed in the current work. In addition to the physiological parameter changes, factors such as sleep duration, snoring range, eye movement, and limb movements are also monitored. The SaYoPillow system is processed at the edge level with the storage being at the cloud. SaYoPillow has 96% accuracy which is close to other existing research works. This research can not only help in keeping an individual self-aware by providing immediate feedback to change the lifestyle of the person in order to lead a healthier life, but can also play a significant role in the state-of-the-art by allowing computing on the edge devices.

Inter-device authentication protocol for the Internet of Things

Wilson, Preethy 18 May 2017 (has links)
The Internet of things (IoT) recently blossomed remarkably and has been transforming the everyday physical entities around us into an ecosystem of information that will enrich our lives in unimaginable ways. Authentication is one of the primary goals of security in the IoT and acts as the main gateway to a secure system which transmits confidential and/or private data.This thesis focuses on a Device-to-Device Mutual Authentication Protocol, designed for the smart home network, which is an essential component of communication in the Internet of Things(IoT). The protocol has been developed based on asymmetric cryptography to authenticate the devices in the network and for the devices to agree on a shared secret session key. In order to ensure the security of a communications session between the devices, the session keys are changed frequently - ideally after every communication session. The proposed scheme has been programmed in HLPSL, simulated and its efficiency verified using the SPAN/ AVISPA tool. When SPAN substantiates the protocol simulation and the attacker simulation, the back-ends of the AVISPA tool verifies the safety and security of the proposed authentication protocol. The thesis also evaluates the protocol's security against the attacks successful against protocols proposed by other researchers. / Graduate / 0544 / 0984 / 0537 / pwilson1@uvic.ca

Händelsekonstruktion genom säkrande och analys av data från ett hemautomationssystem / Event Reconstruction by Securing and Analyzing Data from a Home Automation System

Baghyari, Roza, Nykvist, Carolina January 2019 (has links)
I detta examensarbete har tidsstämplar extraherats ur ett forensiskt perspektiv från ett hemautomationssystem med styrenheten Homey från Athom. Först konstruerades ett fiktivt händelsescenario gällande ett inbrott i en lägenhet med ett hemautomationssystem. Hemautomationssystemet bestod av flera perifera enheter som använde olika trådlösa nätverksprotokoll. Enheterna triggades under händelsescenariot. Därefter testades olika metoder för att få ut data i form av tidsstämplar. De metoder som testades var rest-API, UART och chip-off på flashminnet medan JTAG inte hanns med på grund av tidsbrist. Den metod som gav bäst resultat var rest-API:t som möjliggjorde extrahering av alla tidsstämplar samt information om alla enheter. I flashminnet hittades alla tidsstämplar, men det var inte möjligt att koppla ihop dessa tidsstämplar med en specifik enhet utan att använda information från rest-API:t. Trots att rest-API:t gav bäst resultat så var det den metod som krävde en mängd förutsättningar i form av bland annat inloggningsuppgifter eller en rootad mobil. Med hjälp av de extraherade tidsstämplarna rekonstruerades sedan händelsescenariot för inbrottet. / The purpose of this bachelor thesis was to extract timestamps from a home automation system with a control unit named Homey in a forensic perspective. The first step was to create a course of event regarding a burglar breaking into an apartment with home automation. The home automation system consisted of some peripheral units using different types of wireless network protocols. All these units were triggered during the break in. Thereafter different types of methods were tested in an attempt to extract the timestamps for each unit. These methods included rest-API, UART and chip-off on a flash memory. The method using JTAG were not tested due to lack of time. Rest-API was the method that provided most information about the units and time stamps. The flash memory also contained every timestamp, however it did not provide any information about which timestamp belonged to which unit. Even though the rest-API was the best method to extract data, it was also the method with most requirements such as credentials or a rooted smartphone. With the extracted timestamps it was possible to reconstruct the course of events of the break-in.

Un système de télésanté contextuel avec support de qualité de service pour le maintien à domicile / A context-aware and QoS-aware telehomecare system

Nourizadeh, Shahram 06 July 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse est une thèse CIFRE entre le LORIA et la société MEDETIC et porte sur la conception des systèmes de télésurveillance pour le maintien à domicile des personnes âgées.Le système est conçu aux personnes âgées qui veulent passer leur vieillesse dans leur propre maison, à cause de son potentiel pour augmenter l'indépendance et la qualité de la vie. Cela profiterait non seulement aux personnes âgées qui veulent vivre dans leur propre maison, mais aussi le système de santé publique en coupant des prix de façon significative.Mis à part la conception d'une architecture de télésurveillance « Vill’Âge® »basée sur des réseaux de capteurs hétérogènes (Domotique, IEEE802.15.4/Zigbee, Wifi, Bluetooth), la thèse a contribué essentiellement sur la proposition d'un protocole de clustering et de routage dans le réseau de capteurs sans fil avec une approche de la logique floue, et d'un middleware pour la collecte et le traitement des données des capteurs avec la gestion de la qualité de service comme particularité.Une première plateforme de test à été développée à Colmar (MEDETIC) et une seconde, plus complète et fait suite de cette thèse, est en cours de développement au LORIA (http://infositu.loria.fr/).Nous avons participé dans le concours de ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur et de la recherche avec un projet intitulé MPIGate: « Multi Protocol Interface and Gateway for telecare, environment Monitoring and Control » et nous avons gagné le prix de ce concours au niveau d’émergence. / This thesis is a thesis CIFRE between LORIA and the MEDETIC Company and focuses on the design of telehomecare system for the elderly.In addition to the design of a remote surveillance architecture “Vill’Âge ®” based on networks of heterogeneous sensor (home automation, IEEE802.15.4/Zigbee, Wifi, Bluetooth), thesis has contributed essentially on the proposal of a clustering and routing protocol in the network of wireless sensors with an approach to fuzzy logic, and of a middleware for the collection and processing of data from sensors with the management of the quality of service as a special feature.A first platform was developed at Colmar (MEDETIC) and a second who is more complete is under development at LORIA (http://infositu.loria.fr/).By using this system, MEDeTIC, offers a new concept of smart homes for the senior citizens, named in French “Maisons Vill’Âge”. The first housing schemes are being built in 2 departments of France. A flat is entirely equipped to act as a demonstrator and as laboratory of research and development.The system is designed for the elderly who wish to spend their old age in their own home, because of its potential to increase independence and quality of life. This would not only benefit the elderly who want to live in their own home, but also the national health care system by cutting costs significantly. Based on this PhD thesis, MPIGate, a “Multiprotocol Interface and Gateway for for telecare, environment”, has been developed. MPIGate was awarded in the competition of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research and OSEO 2010

Smartcom: uma arquitetura inteligente de gerenciamento de consumo de energia para smart home

OLIVEIRA, Edvar da Luz 25 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Carmen Torres (carmensct@globo.com) on 2018-02-05T16:59:06Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_SmartcomArquiteturaInteligente.pdf: 6115605 bytes, checksum: e7635deb3e7a4d4e713eb377b019ecb4 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2018-02-16T12:43:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_SmartcomArquiteturaInteligente.pdf: 6115605 bytes, checksum: e7635deb3e7a4d4e713eb377b019ecb4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-16T12:43:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_SmartcomArquiteturaInteligente.pdf: 6115605 bytes, checksum: e7635deb3e7a4d4e713eb377b019ecb4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-25 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Com os avanços na tecnologia da informação para diversas áreas, como saúe bem-estar, as soluções baseadas em Smart Home que usam as tecnologidaes Internet of Things (IoT) vem ganhando maior repercussão, inclusive como alternativas de economia de energia com base em Sistemas de Gerenciamento de Energia Domiciliar (SGED). Esta tese define uma arquitetura inovadora, denominada de SmartCoM, que é implementada para monitorar e gerenciar habitações residenciais usando tecnologias IoT. Tal estratégia envolve a definição dos parâmetros que podem efetivar a interoperabilidade entre medição, gerenciamento e as camadas de comunicação de dados, que são os recursos necessários para que os dispositivos de hardware possam realizar o monitoramento e medição pretendidos. Além disso, uma interface é definida por uma camada de middleware para integrar o gerenciamento de instalações externas e a visualização de dados por meio de um serviço em nuvem. A arquitetura SmartCoM é definida de maneira fim-a-fim, em detalhes do ponto de vista do consumidor e as estratégias de otimização s.o empregadas tanto para o cliente final quanto para a concessionária de energia. A fim de avaliar a arquitetura proposta, foi elaborado um estudo de caso, a partir do qual, observa-se a viabilidade do desenvolvimento de soluções para Smart Home de acordo com os requisitos descritos na SmartCoM. / With advances in information technology for a variety of areas, such as health and wellness, Smart Home based solutions using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies are gaining in popularity, including energy-saving alternatives based on Home Energy Management Systems (HEMS). This thesis defines an innovative architecture, called SmartCoM, which is implemented to monitor and manage residences using IoT technologies. Such a strategy involves defining the parameters that can affect the interoperability between measurement, management and the layers of data communication, which are the resources necessary for the hardware devices to perform the intended monitoring and measurement. In addition, an interface is defined by a middleware layer to integrate the management of external installations and the visualization of data through cloud services. The SmartCoM architecture is defined end-to-end in detail from the consumer's point of view and optimization strategies are employed for both the end customer and the utility. In order to evaluate the proposed architecture, a case study was elaborated, from which the viability of developing solutions for Smart Home according to the requirements described in SmartCoM is observed.

Estratégias de planejamento para otimização do consumo residencial de energia elétrica: uma abordagem baseada em smart home e sistemas fuzzy

ANDRADE, Sérgio Henrique Monte Santo 04 August 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Carmen Torres (carmensct@globo.com) on 2018-02-06T17:40:24Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_EstrategiasPlanejamentoOtimizacao.pdf: 6363892 bytes, checksum: 54af44d2043efdd661b641b9c67e1d29 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2018-02-16T13:09:13Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_EstrategiasPlanejamentoOtimizacao.pdf: 6363892 bytes, checksum: 54af44d2043efdd661b641b9c67e1d29 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-16T13:09:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_EstrategiasPlanejamentoOtimizacao.pdf: 6363892 bytes, checksum: 54af44d2043efdd661b641b9c67e1d29 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-08-04 / O consumo energético residencial vem crescendo de forma contínua ao longo das últimas décadas, em contrapartida, o fornecimento de energia elétrica não acompanha a mesma taxa de crescimento, tornando-se uma dificuldade a ser tratada pelas empresas do setor elétrico, aos consumidores e ao próprio meio ambiente. Os sistemas de distribuição existentes não são suficientes e possuem limitações no fornecimento de informação adequada, em tempo real, sobre o consumo e outras variáveis elétricas. Também não estão preparados para lidar com custos da energia variáveis, num contexto de um mercado que tende a estabelecer preços dinâmicos, que dependem de um conjunto de fatores endógenos e exógenos ao setor elétrico. Nesse contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo a proposição, implementação e teste de um sistema de monitoramento inteligente, via smartphone, para controle de energia, utilizando-se formas inteligentes de tomada de decisão, com o intuito de fornecer ao usuário formas de manter seu consumo energético, a partir de perfis de consumo, dentro dos padrões de consumo pré-definidos e desejados pelo usuário. Como consequências positivas, ter-se-á a redução da demanda energética, por meio dos perfis de consumo que levam em consideração o grau de dependência do indivíduo em relação aos equipamentos elétricos presente na residência, apresentando um menor impacto no bem-estar e no dia a dia do usuário final do sistema. / Residential energy consumption has grown steadily over the last decades, becoming a problem for companies in the electricity sector, for consumers and for the environment. The traditional measurement systems are not sufficient and have limitations in providing adequate real-time information about consumption. As also, they are not prepared to deal with variable energy costs in the context of a market with dynamic prices that depend on the energy mix. The future of electric grid, called Smart Grid, will not only be designed with measurements based on the residences, but also on the individualized equipment consumption level. From the residential side, consumers generally suffer from a lack of information on the specific equipment energy consumption impact and, consequently, on the required behavior to reduce its consumption. In this context, this work aims on a smartphone monitoring system concept, to control energy using fuzzy logic, in order to provide to the user ways to maintain his energy consumption, through consumption profiles, within the user-defined consumption patterns. The energy reduction demand through the consumption profiles working with habitant dependence degree on the electrical equipment present in the residence, promote a smaller impact on inhabitant well-being and the daily life.

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