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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Values as multivariate consumer market segmentation discriminators : a subjective well-being approach

Ungerer, Leona M. 04 1900 (has links)
The Living Standards Measure (LSM), a South African marketing segmentation method, is a wealth measure based on standard of living. This research study investigates whether a rationale can be found for the inclusion of value-related variables in this type of multivariate segmentation approach. Schwartz’s (1992; 2006) values model was used to operationalise personal values and individual-level culture – focusing on two of its dimensions, ideocentrism and allocentrism. The current positive psychology research trend manifests in the inclusion of subjective wellbeing (SWB), as measured by satisfaction with life (SWL). The primary objective of this research was to investigate at individual (and not group or societal) level whether values and SWL can be used to discriminate among multivariate consumer segments. Data were collected by means of a survey from a nationally representative sample (n = 2566) of purchase decision-makers (PDMs). The measurement instruments used were the Portrait Values Questionnaire (PVQ) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). A multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) was used to assess the psychometric properties and test the equivalence of the scales across cultural groups. MGCFA was also used to test for differences across LSM groups on the PVQ and SWLS. Centred value scores were used to test for differences between LSM groups in terms of their values and SWL, using MANOVA. The findings supported Schwartz’s theory of basic human values, and small differences were found in the PVQ values between LSM groups using the MGCFA approach. MANOVA analyses showed stronger differences across LSM groups. PDMs in the higher LSM segments were more satisfied with their lives. No significant relationships between values and SWL were found, and the effect of individual-level culture, as a higher-order dimension of four values, showed a small but significant effect on SWL. / Psychology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Psychology))

Bonheur et politique : une étude comparée des provinces canadiennes

Richard, Alexis 02 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Kotona asuvien ikääntyvien itsestä huolenpito:hoitotieteen keskitason teorian ydinrakenteen testaaminen

Räsänen, P. (Päivi) 10 May 2016 (has links)
Abstract The aim of the study was to develop an instrument and to statistically test the main structure of the middle-range nursing theory for the self-care of home-dwelling elderly. Further, connections between the satisfaction with life, self-esteem, functional capacity and self-care behavior styles of older people living at home were studied. According to the theory in question, self-care is a partly conscious, partly subconscious way to function and live, including an emotional aspect. It evolves during a person’s life course. The theory consists of four main types of self-care, which are associated with older person’s past life and future: responsible, formally guided, independent and abandoned self-care. Also, the functional capacity, life satisfaction and self-esteem vary between persons having different self-care behaviour styles. Furthermore, individual factors – turning points of life, habitual ways to react, resources, meanings of the self-care and experiences of getting old – oriented self-care, either into the internal, unambiguous or external, ambiguous direction. The interview data to test the instrument (n = 200) and the theory (n = 179) were collected by structured interviews from home-dwelling older people aged 74 or older around Finland. The interview data of both phases of the study were analysed with descriptive and multivariate statistical methods. Face-validity was used to ensure the content validity of the instrument. The instrument appeared to be reliable and the main structure of the theory was predominantly supported by the data. The main types of self-care and their connections to the self-care orientations were especially confirmed. Also, the connections between self-care behaviour styles, orientations towards the future and experiences of ageing were fairly well confirmed. In addition, connections between different self-care behaviour styles, functional capacity, life satisfaction and self-esteem were found in the study. The study produces new knowledge of the experiences and self-care of older people as well as of the factors connected to it. The results can be used in clinical settings to improve the care of home-dwelling older people. The theory can also be used as a theoretical basis in the education of geriatric care. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli testata Backmanin (2001) kehittämän kotona asuvien ikääntyvien itsestä huolenpidon teorian ydinrakenne, kehittää mittari teorian testaamiseksi ja tutkia itsestä huolenpitoon yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Teorian mukaan ikääntyvien itsestä huolenpito on elämänkulun aikana kehittynyt, osittain tietoinen, osittain tiedostamaton tapa toimia ja elää, joka sisältää myös emotionaalisen ulottuvuuden. Teoria koostuu neljästä itsestä huolenpidon päätyypistä: omavastuinen, ulkoapäin ohjautuva, omapäinen ja luovutettu itsestä huolenpito. Jokaisella tyypillä on sille ominainen itsestä huolenpidon tapa, menneisyys ja tulevaisuuteen suuntautuminen. Myös toimintakyky, elämään tyytyväisyys ja itsearvostus vaihtelevat eri tavoin itsestään huolehtivilla ikääntyvillä. Itsestä huolenpitoa suuntaavat yksilölliset tekijät: elämän taitekohtien luonne, reagointitapa, voimavarat, itsestä huolenpidon merkitys ja vanhenemisen kokeminen. Näiden tekijöiden kautta muodostuu kaksi itsestä huolenpidon pääsuuntaa: sisäistetty, selkeä itsestä huolenpito ja ulkokohtainen, selkiytymätön itsestä huolenpito. Haastatteluaineistot mittarin (n = 200) ja teorian (n = 179) testaamiseksi kerättiin strukturoiduilla haastatteluilla 74 vuotta täyttäneiltä kotihoidon asiakkailta eri puolilta Suomea. Haastatteluaineistot analysoitiin tilastollisesti kuvailevilla ja monimuuttujamenetelmillä. Lisäksi mittarin sisältövaliditeettia arvioitiin face-validiteetilla. Mittari osoittautui luotettavaksi tutkittaessa suomalaisten 75 vuotta täyttäneiden kotihoidon asiakkaiden itsestä huolenpitoa ja siihen yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Teorian ydinrakenne sai tukea aineistosta erityisesti omavastuisen ja ulkoapäin ohjautuvan itsestä huolenpidon osalta. Myös itsestä huolenpidon eri tapojen yhteyksiä toimintakykyyn, elämään tyytyväisyyteen ja itsearvostukseen pystyttiin tunnistamaan muiden paitsi luovutetun itsestä huolenpidon tavan osalta. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta tietoa ikääntyvien kokemuksista, itsestä huolenpidosta ja siihen yhteydessä olevista tekijöistä. Tieto ja ymmärrys auttavat ikääntyvien kanssa työskenteleviä toteuttamaan yksilöllisempää, ikääntyvien asiakkaiden voimavaroja huomioivaa ja toimintakykyä tukevaa hoitoa. Testattua teoriaa voidaan käyttää myös teoreettisena lähtökohtana terveydenhuollon ammatillisessa koulutuksessa opetettaessa ikääntyvien hoito- ja huolenpitotyötä.

Actitud hacia la compra y satisfacción con la vida en colaboradores financieros / Attitude toward purchase and satisfaction with life in employees of financial entities

Alva Sifuentes, Natalia Patricia, Dongo Ramó, Daniela Elisa 30 April 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo relacionar la actitud hacia la compra y la satisfacción con la vida. Participaron 113 trabajadores de entidades financieras de Lima Metropolitana (50 mujeres y 63 varones), de 20 a 35 años de edad (M=26.25). Se aplicaron la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida y la Escala de Estilos Actitudinales hacia la Compra. Los resultados comprobaron parcialmente la hipótesis principal referida a que, una mayor satisfacción con la vida se relaciona con una menor impulsividad, menor compulsividad y mayor racionalidad ante las compras. En el grupo de colaboradores de entre 26 a 30 años, una mayor satisfacción con la vida se relacionó con una mayor racionalidad. En los niveles socioeconómicos A y C, una mayor satisfacción con la vida se relacionó con menor compulsividad. Además, se comprobó que las mujeres se encuentran más satisfechas con la vida y tienen un mayor nivel de compulsividad e impulsividad que los hombres. / The main purpose of this study was to correlate the attitude toward purchase and satisfaction with life in 113 employees of financial entities between 20 and 35 years of age (M=26.25) in Metropolitan Lima (50 women and 63 men). The Life Satisfaction Scale and the Scale of Attitudinal Styles towards Purchase were applied. The results partially verified the main hypothesis that greater satisfaction with life is related to less impulsivity, less compulsiveness and greater rationality in the attitude of purchases. In the group of workers who are between 26 and 30 years old, greater satisfaction with life was related to greater rationality. In socioeconomic levels A and C, greater satisfaction with life was associated with less compulsiveness. However, women score higher in life satisfaction and have a higher level of compulsiveness and impulsivity than men. / Tesis

Estrategias cognitivas de regulación emocional, estilos de vida y satisfacción con la vida en universitarios de Lima / Cognitive strategies of emotional regulation, lifestyles and satisfaction with life in university students from Lima

Quiroz Benavides, Yessi Deyanira, Ramos-Flores, Monica Alexandra 20 January 2022 (has links)
El presente estudio relaciona las estrategias cognitivas de regulación emocional, estilos de vida y satisfacción con la vida en una muestra de 191 estudiantes universitarios de Lima, de sexo femenino y masculino, entre 18 y 26 años de edad. Se utilizaron la Cognitive Emotional Regulation Questionarie (CERQ-18), el Cuestionario de Estilos de Vida en Jóvenes universitarios (CEVJU-R) y la Escala de Satisfacción con la vida (SWLS). Lo resultados reportaron que existe una correlación significativa entre la Satisfacción con la vida con el uso de las estrategias cognitivas de regulación emocional de Culpar a otros (r=-.120), Catastrofización (r=-.247), Focalización Positiva (r=.242), Reinterpretación Positiva (r=.417) y Refocalización en los planes (r=.333). Asimismo, existe una correlación significativa con los estilos de vida de alimentación (r=-.247), Sueño (r=-.128), Relaciones interpersonales (r=-.258), Afrontamiento (r=-.256), y Estado emocional (r=-.418). Por otra parte, las Estrategias Cognitivas de Regulación Emocional correlacionaron significativamente con los Estilos de Vida. Al comparar la SWLS, las ECRE y el CEVJU-R según género, se reportó que hay una diferencia significativa (p < .05) en la Actividad Física y Consumo de Alcohol, Cigarrillo y Drogas entre hombres y mujeres. Además, existe una diferencia significativa en la dimensión de Catastrofización (p < .05) entre hombres y mujeres. / The present study relates the cognitive strategies of emotional regulation, lifestyles and satisfaction with life in a sample of 191 university students from Lima, female and male, between 18 and 26 years of age. The Emotional Cognitive Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ-18), the University Youth Lifestyle Questionnaire (CEVJU-R) and the Life Satisfaction Scale (SWLS) were used. The results reported that there is a significant correlation between Satisfaction With Life with the use of cognitive strategies of other emotional regulation of Blaming (r = -. 120), Catastrophizing (r = -. 247), Positive Focusing (r = .242), Positive Reinterpretation (r = .417) and Refocusing on the planes (r = .333). And a significant correlation with Eating Lifestyles (r = -. 247), Sleep (r = -. 128), Interpersonal relationships (r = -. 258), Coping (r = -. 256), and Emotional State (r = -. 418). On the other hand, Cognitive Emotional Regulation Strategies have a significant correlation with Lifestyles. When comparing SWLS, ECRE and CEVJU-R according to gender, it was reported that there is a significant difference (p <.05) between Physical Activity and Consumption of Alcohol, Cigarettes and Drugs between men and women. And a significant difference in the Catastrophization dimension (p <.05) between men and women. / Tesis

Satisfacción de vida y ansiedad ante la muerte en adultos mayores nikkei / Satisfaction of life and death anxiety in nikkei elderly adults

Ishii Taira, Diego Mitsuo 13 December 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo identifica la relación entre la satisfacción de vida y la ansiedad ante la muerte en adultos mayores nikkei. La metodología de investigación es tipo correlacional inversa no experimental. La muestra fue de 200 adultos mayores de 68 a 96 años con ascendencia japonesa de un centro cultural de la ciudad de Lima (M= 81.9 años; DE= 6.1 años). Se utilizaron la Escala de Satisfacción de vida de Diener (SWLS) y la Escala de Ansiedad ante la muerte de Templer (EAM). Los resultados reportaron una baja correlación negativa entre la satisfacción con la vida y el miedo a la muerte (r= -.211; Sig = .003), miedo a la agonía y enfermedad (r= -1.80; Sig= .011) y miedo a que la vida llegue a su fin (r= -.121; Sig= .088). La primera y segunda dimensión, miedo a la muerte y miedo a la agonía y enfermedad, mostraron significancia, pero la dimensión restante no reportó significancia. / This study aims to find the relationship between the satisfaction of life and death anxiety in nikkei elderly adults. The methodology of research is type correlational non experimental. The sample was 200 elderly adults with japanese ascendency with 68 to 96 years old of a cultural center. (M=81 years old). There were used the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) and Templer’s death anxiety scale (EAM). The results report a low negative correlation between satisfaction with life and fear of death (r= -.211; Sig = .003), fear of agony and disease (r= -1.80; Sig= .011) and fear of life will come to an end (r= -.121; Sig= .088). The first and second dimension, fear to death and fer of agony and disease, show significance, but the remaining one did not report significance. / Tesis

A Psychometric Exploration of the Suicide Opinion Questionnaire

Anderson, Amy L. 02 October 2007 (has links)
No description available.

The Happy Boomer: Baby Boomer Life Satisfaction Through Affect and Feeling of Belonging

Massey, Brooke Christina-Marie 19 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Zusammenspiel von Wohlbefinden und Lebenssinn in der Entwicklung zum Alter : eine praktish-theologische Studie / The interplay of wellbeing and meaning of life in the development to old age : a practical-theological study

Marti, Peter (Theologian) 02 1900 (has links)
German text / Gutes Altern gelingt selbst bei den zumeist günstigen äusseren Voraussetzungen in der Schweiz nicht allen Menschen. Die Frage stellt sich, unter welchen Bedingungen sowohl echtes Wohlbefinden im Alltag als auch Lebenssinn und -perspektive erreicht und erhalten werden können. Gelingt dies bekennenden Christen besser als nicht religiösen Menschen? Im Hinblick auf diese Fragestellung untersuchte die vorliegende Arbeit die bisherige gerontologische Forschung hauptsächlich in der Schweiz. Es wurde versucht, die Begriffe Wohlbefinden, Lebenssinn in Verbindung mit Religionsgerontologie anhand einzelner Exponenten zu definieren und das Zusammenspiel der Faktoren aufzuzeigen. In einer qualitativen empirischen Studie wurden gemäss der Grounded Theory zwölf Personen zwischen 50 und 80 Jahren (drittes Alter) mit zehn verschiedenen religiös/spirituellen Hintergründen mit Hilfe eines halbstrukturierten Leitfadens interviewt. Die Hauptthemen waren Wohlbefinden, Lebenssinn, Glaube/Spiritualität und Sterben/Tod. Der Zusammenhang zwischen alltäglichem Wohlbefinden und Lebenssinn bzw. -perspektive erwies sich als stark. Menschen mit einer persönlichen Gottesbeziehung schienen über mehr Ressourcen zu verfügen, nicht nur, um die eigene Endlichkeit zu akzeptieren oder schwierige Ereignisse im Leben zu meistern, sondern auch, um ihren letzten Lebenssinn in Gott zu erkennen, also ausserhalb von sich selbst. So waren sie besser befähigt, in ihrem Lebenslauf Erreichtes wieder abzugeben. Dieser Lebensstil benötigt Einübung, er kann jedoch auch gezielt gefördert werden. Aufgrund der Erkenntnisse konnten eine Reihe von Aufgaben formuliert werden, die den älteren Menschen Anweisung geben, wie sie diesen Lebensstil konkret in ihrem Alltag umsetzen könnten. Zudem scheint christliche Gemeinde ein geeigneter Rahmen darzustellen, wenn sie für das dritte Alter interdisziplinäre Lernangebote aus den Bereichen Medizin, Psychologie, Soziologie und Theologie wie auch die Möglichkeit persönlicher Seelsorge bereitstellt. Der ältere Mensch wird dadurch frei, sich generativ für andere einzusetzen und für sie da zu sein, innerhalb der christlichen Gemeinde oder auch ausserhalb als Teil der Gesellschaft. Somit wird dem neutestamentlichen Gebot der Nächstenliebe nachgekommen, Solidarität anderen gegenüber wird gelebt. Stärkeres Sinnempfinden und höheres Wohlbefinden sind geschenkte Nebenprodukte, die zu einem erfüllten Leben beitragen. / In Switzerland ageing is not necessarily unproblematic, even in the most favorable conditions. The question to answer is on what conditions in everday life a high level of wellbeing as well as meaning and perspective of life can be attained and preserved. Do professing Christians succeed better than non-religious people? The present study examined the results of current gerontological resarch in this respect, primarily in Switzerland. It attempted to define the terms of wellbeing, meaning of life in connection with religious gerontology with specific criteria and to show up the interaction of their several components. In a qualitative empirical study, according to the Grounded Theory, twelve persons between fifty and eighty years of age with ten different religious/spiritual backgrounds were interviewed with the aid of a semistructured interview guide. The main topics were wellbeing, meaning of life, faith/spirituality and dying/death. The relationship between everyday wellbeing and meaning of life and life perspective proved to be strong. People with a personal relationship with God seemed to have more resources to accept not only their own mortality or to cope with negative events in life, but to recognize their ultimate meaning of life to be in God, which is outside themselves. In consequence they were better able to let go any of their own achievements. This lifestyle requires practise and promotion. On account of the results a number of tasks were formulated to guide the older people in their daily life in practicing this lifestyle. The Christian community seems to be a suitable framework to provide interdisciplinary learning opportunities for the third age in the fields of medicine, psychology, sociology and theology as well as the opportunity of personal counseling. In this way, the never-ending process of maturation of individual elderly people should be encouraged. They are free, according to their talents, to get themselves involved with other people, to have time for them, that is within the Christian community or outside, in society. Thus, the New Testament commandment to love one another can be complied with, and solidarity with others will truly be fact. A stronger sense of meaning and a higher grade of wellbeing will be welcome by-products, which will contribute to a fulfilled life. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Life skills development through youth sport : antecedents, consequences, and measurement

Cronin, Lorcan January 2015 (has links)
Youth sport is acknowledged as an ideal setting for promoting positive youth development. In particular, youth sport participation has been linked to life skills development and psychological well-being. The coaching climate has been proposed to play a role in facilitating such positive outcomes. Nonetheless, few measures exist to examine life skills development through sport and it is unclear how positive youth development may be facilitated by the coach. Using existing and newly developed measures, this thesis examined how the coaching climate is related to life skills development and psychological well-being in youth sport participants. Phase 1 of this programme of research investigated Benson and Saito’s (2001) conceptual framework for youth development theory and research within sport. Study 1 examined a model whereby the coaching climate is related to life skills development (personal and social skills, cognitive skills, goal setting, and initiative); which, in turn, is related to participants’ psychological well-being (self-esteem, positive affect, and satisfaction with life). Data from 202 youth sport participants suggested that an autonomy supportive coaching climate was positively related to all four life skills. Further analysis revealed that the development of personal and social skills mediated the relationships between coach autonomy support and all three indices of psychological well-being. However, the validity of the scale used to measure life skills was brought into question during this study. Therefore, the studies which follow developed and validated a new scale which could accurately assess eight key life skills young people learn through sport. Phase 2 of this programme of research involved developing and validating a scale which measures life skills development through sport. Study 2 outlines the initial development of a scale which would assess whether young people learn the following life skills through sport: teamwork, goal setting, time management, emotional skills, interpersonal communication, social skills, leadership, and problem solving and decision making. This study involved defining each of the eight life skills, deciding what components made up each life skill and developing items which could assess each life skill. The initial item pool was reviewed by 39 academics, with between two and seven experts assessing the items for each of the eight life skills. Using the ratings and comments provided by experts, the first version of the Life Skills Scale for Sport (LSSS) was developed. Study 3 reduced the number of items contained within the LSSS from 144 to 47 items using both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and descriptive statistics. For this task, 338 youth sport participants completed the LSSS. EFA results supported the unidimensional factor structure of each of the eight subscales. Each subscale also displayed adequate internal consistency reliability. Study 4 examined the factor structure of the LSSS using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with an independent sample of 223 youth sport participants. After the removal of four emotional skills items, seven of the eight subscales and the revised 43-item scale displayed adequate model fit. Results supported both the convergent and discriminant validity of the LSSS and each of the eight subscales displayed adequate internal consistency reliability. Study 5 assessed the test-retest reliability of the LSSS with an independent sample of 37 youth sport participants. Each participant completed the scale on two occasions which were two weeks apart. Results revealed that time 1 and time 2 scores were relatively unchanged over this two-week period, providing evidence of test-retest reliability. Phase 3 of this programme of research involved re-testing Benson and Saito’s (2001) framework. Study 6 retested the coaching climate – life skills development – psychological well-being model from Study 1 using the LSSS. Data from 326 youth sport participants suggested that an autonomy supportive coaching climate was positively related to young people learning teamwork, goal setting, time management, emotional skills, interpersonal communication, social skills, leadership, and problem solving and decision making. The total amount of life skills a young person developed through sport was positively related to their self-esteem, positive affect and satisfaction with life. Again, the factor structure and reliability of the scale was supported. The findings from this PhD research suggest that the coaching climate plays an important role in young peoples’ development through sport. Specifically, an autonomy supportive coaching climate was positively related to life skills development and psychological well-being in youth sport participants. This thesis also provides researchers with a valid and reliable measure of life skills development through sport. Future research using the LSSS should examine other factors (e.g., peer relationships) which may promote positive youth development through sport. Additionally, future studies can use the LSSS to examine the efficacy of existing programmes (e.g., the SUPER programme) which teach life skills through sport. Such research will help guide coaches and sports programmes efforts to promote positive youth development through sport.

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