Spelling suggestions: "subject:"scania"" "subject:"acania""
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Visualization of Vehicle Usage Based on Position Data for Root-Cause Analysis : A Case Study in Scania CV ABSagala, Ramadhan Kurniawan January 2018 (has links)
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a process in Scania carried out to understand the root cause of vehicle breakdowns. It is commonly done by studying vehicle warranty claims and failure reports, identifying patterns that are correlated to the breakdowns, and then analyzing the root cause based on those findings. Vehicle usage is believed to be one of the factors that may contribute towards the breakdowns, but the data on vehicle usage is not commonly utilized in RCA. This thesis investigates a way to help RCA process by introducing a dataset of vehicle usage based on position data gathered in project FUMA (Fleet telematics big data analytics for vehicle Usage Modeling and Analysis). A user-centered design process of a visualization tool which presents FUMA data for people working in RCA process was carried out. Interviews were conducted to gain insights about the RCA process and generate design ideas. PACT framework was used to organize the ideas, and Use Cases were developed to project a conceptual scenario. A low fidelity prototype was developed as design artifact for the visualization, and a formative test was done to validate the design and gather feedback for future prototyping iterations. In each design phase, more insights about how visualization of vehicle usage should be used in RCA were obtained. Based on this study, the prototype design showed a promising start in visualizing vehicle usage for RCA purpose. Improvement on data presentation, however, still needs to be addressed to reach the level of practicality required in RCA. / Root cause analysis (RCA) är en process på Scania som används för att förstå rotorsaken till fordons behov av reparation.Oftast studeras fordonets försäkringsrapporter och felrapporter, för att identifiera och analysera mönster som motsvarar de olika behoven för reparation. Fordonsanvändningen tros vara en av de faktorer som bidrar till reparationsbehoven, men data angående detta används sällan i RCA. Denna rapport undersöker hur RCA-processen kan dra nytta av positionsdata som samlats in i projekt FUMA (Fleet telematics big data analytics for vehicle Usage Modeling and Analysis). En användarcentrerad designmetodik har använts för att ta fram ett visualiseringsverktyg som presenterar FUMA-data för personer som deltar i RCA-processen. Intervjuer har genomförts för att samla insikter om RCA-processen och för att generera designidéer. PACT-ramverket användes sedan för att organisera idéerna, och användningssituationer togs fram för att skapa ett konceptuellt scenario. En low-fidelity prototyp togs fraför personer som deltar i RCA-processenm som en designartefakt för visualiseringen och ett utvecklande test genomfördes för att validera designen och samla in feedback för framtida iterationer av prototyping. Under varje design-fas, samlades mer insikter om hur visualiseringen av fordonsanvändning skulle kunna användas för RCA in. Baserat på detta, visade design-prototypen en lovande start för visualisering av fordonsanvändning i RCA. Förbättringar på hur data presenteras måste dock genomföras, så att rätt genomförbarhet för RCA uppnås.
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Effektiv informationshantering och påverkan på materialflödet / Effective information management and it’s impact on the flow of materialJohansson, Christian, Pettersson, Erik January 2018 (has links)
I Sverige påverkar industrin miljön och människor varje dag. I samhället idag finns det aktiviteter och händelser som påverkar varandra och alla människor. Kraven och förväntningar ökar på organisationer genom att de ska kunna bidra till ett hållbart samhälle med väl fungerande verksamheter och affärsmodeller. Kommunikation är en vital del av organisationen och den berör alla genom hela organisationen. Informationskvalitet och informationshantering ska uppfylla vissa krav då de ger förutsättningar till det bäst tänkbara beslutsfattande. Syftet med studien är att ta fram åtgärdsförslag om effektiv hantering av information kan leda till minskade störningar i materialflödet och minska nuvarande kostnader i form av omarbete.
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Scanias framgång : Betydelsen av strategisk kongruens och integrerad styrningAnjou, Annette January 2008 (has links)
Att förstå orsaken till långsiktiga konkurrensfördelar har länge varit en intressant forskningsansats. Trots att tidigare forskning påvisat att såväl strategisk kongruens som integrerad styrning påverkar företags konkurrenskraft positivt finns det få studier som behandlar båda dessa områden tillsammans. I denna avhandling beskrivs och analyseras strategisk kongruens och integrerad styrning på Scania. Anledningen till att Scania valts som fallföretag är att det är ett framgångsrikt företag med en avancerad tillverkningsprocess. Inom dessa företag är ofta samordningen av verksamheten komplicerad, vilket innebär att högra krav ställs på såväl strategi som styrsystem. Studien har genomförts i form av en longitudinell fallstudie och täcker studieperioden 1992 till 2006. Information har inhämtats genom intervjuer, som har genomförts med ledande befattningshavare på såväl koncernsom funktionsnivå. Vidare har internt och externt material studerats. Den teoretiska ansatsen baseras på den av Nilsson och Rapp (2005) utvecklade tentativa modellen som beskriver hur företag kan skapa strategisk kongruens och integrerad styrning på ett framgångsrikt sätt. Studiens resultat visar att den tentativa modellen var väl lämpad som analysverktyg för att ta reda på huruvida Scania har uppnått strategisk kongruens och integrerad styrning. Scania bedriver en koncernstrategi som fokuserar på företagets kärnverksamhet - tillverkning av tunga lastbilar med hjälp av företagets modulsystem. Utifrån den väl utvecklade koncernstrategin har företaget lyckats skapa såväl en affärs- som produktionsstrategi som är anpassade till varandra samt till den omgivning som företaget är verksamt inom. Scania har dessutom genom en stark företagskultur, som karaktäriseras av att en stor del av planeringen och uppföljningen sker vid tvärfunktionella möten, lyckats skapa en integrerad styrning. Företags styrsystem hänger dessutom ihop mellan de olika organisatoriska nivåerna vilket stöder implementeringen av Scanias strategier. Företagets strategier och styrsystem har förändrats under studieperioden och anpassats till förändrade förutsättningar i omgivningen. Scania har lyckats genomföra dessa förändringar på ett sådant sätt att varken den strategiska kongruensen eller den integrerade styrningen äventyrats.
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Fully automated test environment for the Scania instrument clusterMolin, Linus, Mucchiano, Gabriel January 2011 (has links)
This thesis was carried out at Scania CV AB, at the cab software testing group, RCIV. One of RCIV’s responsibilities includes testing of the instrument cluster used in Scania’s heavy trucks and buses. Today, this is done semi-automated. The tests are executed automatically in Vector’s CANoe software but are verified manually by a tester who needs to observe the instrument cluster. We have investigated the possibility to automate this testing procedure with the use of a camera based vision system and have studied different solutions available on today’s market. We studied five company’s solutions for a complete, or partial, automated test environment solutions as well as the possibility to have Scania develop a system of their own. The pros and cons we have found along with the cost of the systems are listed in this report. We also built a prototype with one of the image processing software alternatives. Our investigation showed that an automated test environment with a camera based vision system could be very beneficial for RCIV and could support much of the current testing but the system must be fully verified before replacing today’s semi-automated tests.
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Modeling in MathWorks Simscapeby building a model of an automatic gearbox / Utveckla simuleringsmodell av automatväxellåda i Matlabs egenutvecklade modelleringsmiljö SimscapeEnocksson, Staffan January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis work has been to analyze the usability and the feasibility formodeling with MathWorks simulation tool Simscape by building a simplified model ofthe automatic gearbox ZF-ECOMAT 4 (HP 504 C / HP 594 C / HP 604 C). It hasbeen shown throughout the thesis how this model is build. First has systemknowledge been acquired by studying relevant literature and speaking with thepersons concerned. The second step was to get acquainted with Simscape and thephysical network approach. The physical network approach that is accessible throughthe Simscape language makes is easy to build custom made components with means ofphysical and mathematical relationships. With this background a stepwise approachbeen conducted which has led to the final model of the gearbox and the validationconcept. The results from this thesis work indicates that Simscape is a powerful tool formodeling physical systems and the results of the model validation gives a good signthat it is possible to build and simulate physical models with the Simscape software.However, during the modeling of the ZF-ECOMAT 4 some things have beendiscovered which could improve the usability of the tool and make the learning curvefor an inexperienced user of physical modeling tools less steep. In particular, a largermodel library should be included from the beginning, more examples of simple andmore complex models, the object-oriented related parts such as own MATLABfunctions should be expanded, and a better troubleshooting guidance.
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Effect of upstream turbulence on truck aerodynamicsNikolov, Zhivko January 2017 (has links)
The aerodynamic team at SCANIA has discovered the need to investigate the effect of the upstream turbulence conditions on the aerodynamics of the trucks. This need comes from the fact that there are differences between the drag coefficients obtained using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and the on-road measurements. This difference can lead to wrong predictions of fuel consumption and emissions, which can cause incorrect evaluation of design changes. In this study the problem of modeling upstream turbulence in CFD simulations is addressed together with its effect on the aerodynamics of the trucks. To achieve this, representative values of turbulence intensity and length scale were found from the work of different researchers, who performed on-road measurements for various conditions. These values were then used in a method by Jakob Mann to generate a synthetic turbulence field. This field was then used to generate time varying velocity components, added to the mean velocity at the inlet of a CFD simulation. After the implementation of the method it was discovered that the conditions at the test section of the virtual wind tunnel were representative of the on-road measurements. The results showed drag increase and wake length decrease, similar to previous studies performed on simple geometries. It also showed that the higher mixing of the flow increases the drag by surface pressure increase of forward facing surfaces and pressure decrease at the base. These conclusions may be extended to other bluff body geometries and it shows the importance of good design around gaps. The comparison between two truck geometries showed that a truck with better aerodynamics in a smooth flow shows less drag increase with introduction of upstream turbulence.
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Electrolux and Scania in Africa : A Qualitative Study of How Two Swedish Companies; Electrolux and Scania, Adapt Their Business Culture When Operating in African Markets.Drammeh, Aminata, Karlsson, Frida January 2017 (has links)
Businesses are seeking international market opportunities more than ever before. The growing activities of international business has given rise to the globalisation of markets which in turn creates more economic, political, social and cultural interconnectedness among countries. A few decades ago, most Swedish companies had limited trade with African countries due to the sluggish economic growth, low market size, political instability and redundant regulations. However, there have been recent developments in Africa and the continent is now home to growing economies. Today, Swedish companies trade with African countries such as Egypt, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa. Africa is the most heterogeneous continent; culturally, linguistically and ethnically. In order to successfully operate in African markets, foreign businesses need to develop an understanding of the African cultural value system. The purpose of this degree project is to explore how two multinational Swedish companies; Electrolux and Scania adapt their business culture when operating in African markets. We chose a qualitative research strategy with an inductive approach and conducted semi-structured interviews with Electrolux and Scania, which are currently active in Africa. The respondents hold various positions within these companies. A thematic analysis was used to analyse our data. Our empirical findings suggest that Electrolux and Scania are very similar in how they adapt their business cultures in African markets. Although there are some commonalities, business culture can vary widely from country to country in Africa and what is true in one country might not be true in another. African markets have a relationship-based business culture and Electrolux and Scania have been successful in Africa by building good and long lasting relationships with business entities. Building relations, coupled with strong company core values, help both companies tackle corruption related issues. Our findings also indicate that Electrolux and Scania have an understanding that Africans have different time perception and consequently, adapt by understanding, accommodating, and being flexible and patient towards their business counterparts. The only major difference about how the two companies adapt their business culture in African markets regard how local talents are used. Whereas Electrolux appoint local people to take leadership positions, Scania send expatriates to the countries they have business operations in. In conclusion, Africa has a unique business culture environment that requires foreign business people to have a sense of flexibility and freedom to respond to subtle or major difference in the various and diverse African countries.
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Project: Salty Bastard : WHAT IF AMPHIBIOUS MOBILITY WASN'T JUST A CURIOSITY, BUT THE NORM? / SNEKKJAWalderhaug, Oliver January 2019 (has links)
Planet Earth is moving rapidly towards a point of no return in the climate crisis currently experienced, and while the debate is still raging on wether it is naturally occurring or not the temperature steadily increases - causing melting icecaps, expanding seas and rising oceans. It is the author's view however, that wether the change is man-made or not is irrelevant; as there is no other planet to conduct an experiment on. Therefor it needs to be treated as a problem generated by our species to best ward for the future generations. With rising seas come new problems, many problems that have accidentally been solved by developments in other fields. Take the development of artificial islands on the coast of Norway leading to the creation of entire floating civilisations in South East Asia. It easy to believe the coast lines among the nations of Earth will expand to take advantage of the additional space and comforts of newly created islands - and from this a new lifestyle will be born. A type of life where water plays a bigger role than ever before, and the need for mobility is greater than ever calls for urgent development in the nautical vehicle department. For what kind of vehicle would best be utilised for a life between the land and the sea in the future year of 2050? Throughout the often messy creative process many twists and turns have led the project forwards and backwards. Artistic exploration through sketching has been coupled with critical analysis of brand aesthetics and target markets. Conceptual evaluation and finalisation in 3D software and many, many loops back and forth generated visual material in both 2D and 3D to effectively communicate proposed solutions and artistic expression. The support from Scania and working out of the studio provided valuable insight for the brands future targets, but also the possibilities to collaborate and evaluate concepts along the process with engineers and modellers to ensure a believable final result. The feedback from the design team has strengthened the visual appeal of the vehicle, while the project in turn has helped the brand push its marque into the future in a visual sense. The final result is the Scania SNEKKJA, an amphibious vehicle capable of both land and aquatic travel in one single package adapted for most weather conditions. Pushing Scania further into the field of public transport, this vehicle retains the quality touch of the trucks currently delivered by the brand. It presents a new form language that stays true to the core values and roots of the manufacturer with a modern touch and offers a service provided by the brand as a personal mobility solution for people that want a more premium on demand service. A system that is always available and where convenience is the name of the game.
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Negotiating cultural identity through eating habits: Second-generation immigrants talk about memories, values and cultural heritage attached to foodTatti, Rossella January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores eating habits among seven second-generation immigrants born, raised and living in Scania, southern Sweden. It does so by using a thematic analysis of data gathered through semi-structured interviews. The theoretical framework combines Douglas’ symbolism, Bandura’s social learning theory and acculturation models. The results show that interviewees maintain memories from childhood and emotions attached to eating habits; parents play an important role in shaping the individuals’ habits as well as their successful assimilation of the majority traditions. Moreover, there is a general preference for social eating rather than eating alone, and a strong connection between traditional food and cultural belonging. Differences in eating habits were recognized as reasons of discrimination and feelings of alienation. However, thanks to their parent’s influence, interviewees negotiate the different cultural realities they live in. The findings contribute to research in the sociology of food and eating and can be employed in policy development.
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Unidad de negocio -cobranza judicial e incautaciones legal shared servicesOrtega, Manuel, López, Paulina 11 1900 (has links)
López, Paulina, [Parte II] / Scania, una empresa líder en la industria del transporte, ofrece camiones y buses con
sus respectivos servicios. Dentro de los resultados de la financiera en Chile se
evidencian altos niveles de incobrabilidad y provisiones de malas deudas en los últimos
2 años; que no está en línea con los buenos resultados del grupo en el extranjero,
debiendo entonces crear una estrategia para atacar esta situación, utilizando de la
mejor forma posible los recursos con los que cuenta el grupo.
Se observó que la estrategia de cobranza está siendo modificada para estar más
alineada con la estrategia de Scania Finance Chile, sin embargo, las actividades
asociadas como cobranza judicial e incautaciones, que hoy se encuentran
externalizadas, no logran abarcar el volumen que requiere incautar la financiera,
teniendo casi 100 vehículos en proceso todavía sin resultados. Los honorarios por
incautación podrían reducirse si el propósito de la cobranza judicial fuese llegar a un
acuerdo, en vez de una incautación del vehículo.
Se propone como objetivo del proyecto mejorar, transparentar e internalizar los
procesos de Cobranza judicial e incautación, mediante la creación de una unidad de
negocios que permita poseer mayor control sobre estos procesos y dar más valor a la
financiera utilizando los recursos con los que ya cuenta el grupo para reducir tiempos y
aumentar la probabilidad de recuperación voluntaria. Para lograr estos objetivos se
utilizará como fianza la propiedad de la casa central Scania para facilitar los procesos
legales. Por su monto, permitirá conducir un mayor número de juicios dado su alto
valor. También se utilizará la tecnología con la que cuenta Scania para ubicar los
vehículos (FMS) y la información de su red de sucursales para identificar los
movimientos del vehículo, apoyando a los incautadores construyendo así la ventaja
competitiva de la empresa.
La compañía espera resultados positivos a partir del segundo año, alcanzando al año 6
su estabilidad con resultados operativos sobre el 23% de sus ingresos. El proyecto
entonces se predice rentable con una tasa de un 16.8% que genera un VAN de
$117.895.247 a 10 años y una TIR de 29%. El payback estimado se recupera en 4.5
años y su valor terminal resulta en $842.575.464.
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