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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energy Performance Simulations of a Scania Truck Cabin

Axenholm Strömberg, Niklas, Verde, Leo January 2020 (has links)
The vast majority of trucks in the European Union are reliant on fossil fuels as their primary mode of propulsion. In efforts to decarbonise the truck transport sector manufacturers are developing electrified trucks. An electrification may serve to reduce the tailpipe emissions of trucks, but it introduces a new challenge to supply the cabin with energy. This energy is primarily used to maintain a comfortable cabin climate for the driver and passenger. In order to maximise the range of an electric truck the cabin energy requirement needs to be minimised. This thesis evaluates the current energy performance of a Scania S20H cabin through experimental testing as well as simulations using the simulation software GT-SUITE. Based on the results from the tests and the models, energy saving concepts were generated and their performance was evaluated. The experimental tests were performed on a truck in a climate chamber where the ambient temperatures, HVAC system fan speeds, air recirculation rate and inlet air temperatures were varied. The test data was used to build a one-dimensional simulation model in GT-ISE as well as a three-dimensional model in GT-TAITherm. The one-dimensional model was calibrated against 10 experimental tests and yielded an average relative error for the chosen temperature calibration parameters between 0.05% and 0.43%. The one-dimensional model showed that the largest energy loss was through air evacuation and air leakage, accounting for 70-90% of the input energy. The structural energy losses were primarily through the windshield and the side windows, accounting for 32% and 23% of the total structural losses respectively. Energy saving concepts in the form of low emissivity window glazing, double pane windows, xenon filled gas panel insulation and low levels of air recirculation were simulated. The best and most plausible combination of the aforementioned concepts yielded an average input energy decrease of 31.6%, air loss decrease of 32.9% and a structural loss decrease of 27.6% compared to the simulated base cases. The three-dimensional model was calibrated against one test case and yielded an average relative error of 0.15% for the chosen temperature calibration parameter. One energy saving concept in the form of double pane side windows in conjunction with low emissivity glazing on all windows was simulated. This concept had a slight impact in raising the average cabin air temperature and the interior surface temperatures of the windows. The surface temperature change resulted in a decrease of cold downdraught from the top roof window and the driver side window. In conclusion, the models work as intended providing a time efficient way of evaluating the energy performance of structural changes. In order to improve the performance, usefulness and accuracy of the models the initial values should be more exact. This can be achieved by standardised testing procedures as well as data collection with wind speed.

Energy Performance Simulations of a Scania Truck Cabin

Verde, Leo, Axenholm Strömberg, Niklas January 2020 (has links)
The vast majority of trucks in the European Union are reliant on fossil fuels as their primary mode of propulsion. In efforts to decarbonise the truck transport sector manufacturers are developing electrified trucks. An electrification may serve to reduce the tailpipe emissions of trucks, but it introduces a new challenge to supply the cabin with energy. This energy is primarily used to maintain a comfortable cabin climate for the driver and passenger. In order to maximise the range of an electric truck the cabin energy requirement needs to be minimised. This thesis evaluates the current energy performance of a Scania S20H cabin through experimental testing as well as simulations using the simulation software GT-SUITE. Based on the results from the tests and the models, energy saving concepts were generated and their performance was evaluated. The experimental tests were performed on a truck in a climate chamber where the ambient temperatures, HVAC system fan speeds, air recirculation rate and inlet air temperatures were varied. The test data was used to build a one-dimensional simulation model in GT-ISE as well as a three-dimensional model in GT-TAITherm. The one-dimensional model was calibrated against 10 experimental tests and yielded an average relative error for the chosen temperature calibration parameters between 0.05% and 0.43%. The one-dimensional model showed that the largest energy loss was through air evacuation and air leakage, accounting for 70-90% of the input energy. The structural energy losses were primarily through the windshield and the side windows, accounting for 32% and 23% of the total structural losses respectively. Energy saving concepts in the form of low emissivity window glazing, double pane windows, xenon filled gas panel insulation and low levels of air recirculation were simulated. The best and most plausible combination of the aforementioned concepts yielded an average input energy decrease of 31.6%, air loss decrease of 32.9% and a structural loss decrease of 27.6% compared to the simulated base cases. The three-dimensional model was calibrated against one test case and yielded an average relative error of 0.15% for the chosen temperature calibration parameter. One energy saving concept in the form of double pane side windows in conjunction with low emissivity glazing on all windows was simulated. This concept had a slight impact in raising the average cabin air temperature and the interior surface temperatures of the windows. The surface temperature change resulted in a decrease of cold downdraught from the top roof window and the driver side window. In conclusion, the models work as intended providing a time efficient way of evaluating the energy performance of structural changes. In order to improve the performance, usefulness and accuracy of the models the initial values should be more exact. This can be achieved by standardised testing procedures as well as data collection with wind speed.

Skånskt Vatten 2120

Lysholm, Rebecka January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsen berör den komplexa frågan om hur vatten värderas i landskapets ekosystem förhållande som en resurs till människan. Uppsatsen syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som är betydande för att ändra attityden till sötvatten och vilka tekniska lösningar, med fokus på avsaltningsanläggningar, som kan vara svaret till framtidens sötvattenproblematik för kustnära städer i Skåne. Genom kvantitativa observationer skapas en giltig teori av ”Skånsk vattenhantering 2120” byggd på generaliseringar av empirin. Därav är uppsatsen av en kvalitativ, induktiv, forskningskaraktär.Genom användningen av scenariometodik presenteras de hot och risker det konventionella vattensystemet kommer utgör för de kustnära städernas ekosystemen och samhällen i Skåne till följd av klimatförändringarna. Vattensystemets karaktär vilket förhindrar vattnet att följa dess naturliga kretslopp i samband med dess otillräckliga kapacitet medför att varken den ekologiska eller sociala dimensionen av hållbar utveckling uppnås. Dem identifierade trenderna för scenariot var: klimatförändringar, befolkning, landskap och vattenanvändning. Den mest betydande trenden visades vara vattenanvändning eftersom den rymmer de mänskliga faktorerna så som konsumtion, attityder och politik. / This paper touch the the complex issue regarding the value of water as a recourse for the ecosystem or for the human. The purpose is to analyse which factors that are of importance for changing the attitude towards freshwater, and what technical solutions, focusing on desalination plants, that can solve the future fresh water issue in the costal cities of Scania, Sweden. Through quantitative observations, a valid theory of "Scania Water Management 2120" is created based on generalizations of empire. Hence the essay holds a qualitative, inductive, research character.By the use of scenario methodology, the climate change effects on the costal cities in Scania will present the threats and risks the conventional water system pose, both for the ecosystem and the society. The systems characteristics which prevent the water from following its natural cycle in combination with its limited capacity entails that neither the ecological nor the social dimension of a sustainable developments is fulfilled. The identified trends for the scenario was: Climate change, Population, the Landscape and Water use. The trend of highest importance was shown to be Water use since it holds the human factors, such as consumption, attitudes and politics.

Plasma sprayed cylinder lining coatings : Factors affecting the amount of ceramics in plasma sprayed cylinder lining coatings

Antonsson Nilsson, Hermina, Jarnerud, Tova January 2015 (has links)
Scania uses powder plasma spray technology to coat their cylinder linings. The powder used contains stainless steel and ceramics. In order for the properties of the coating to reach the quality demands, it has to have a certain amount of pores and ceramics in it. Despite the process being strictly controlled the coating has proven to exhibit differences in composition. Process parameters for each coated lining are logged and as part of Scania’s quality control, samples of the coating are frequently tested. For the purpose of this work, three process parameters were mapped in search for correlations to the composition of the coating – electric current, voltage and power output. To investigate the homogeneity of the powder it was analyzed using Scanning Electron Microscopy. The main findings were that there are no correlations found between the three process parameters and the composition of the coating. Moreover, in the powder analysis it was found that the composition of the powder itself varies to an extent that elements differ as much as twice the amount in between different batches and sites in the production. The results imply that it is difficult to prevent irregularities by managing process parameters. The variations in powder composition need to be further investigated in order to determine its impact on the quality of the coating.

Från strategi till handling : En fallstudie om översättning på Scania Oskarshamn / From Strategy to Action : A Case Study on Translation at Scania Oskarshamn

Larsson, Frida, Agrell Gustafsson, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: I dynamiska affärsmiljöer är strategin mer avgörande än någonsin eftersom en tydlig och genomtänkt strategi är ledningens instruktioner för att göra affärer och dess vägkarta till konkurrensfördelar. När strategier väl har formulerats måste de genomföras, annars skulle välformulerade strategier inte vara till någon nytta och organisationens mål förbli en teoretisk önskan snarare än en uppnåbar plan. Organisationer är således inte enbart beroende av en tydlig och genomtänkt strategi, av lika stor vikt är strategins genomförande. Det är vid genomförandet som den formulerade strategin översätts till de konkreta handlingar vilka resulterar i att strategin realiseras. Utan en länk mellan strategi och handling är det omöjligt för organisationer att säkerställa att medarbetarnas arbete bidrar till att organisationen genomför strategin och når de strategiska målen. Trots att detta område varit föremål för tidigare forskning är det fortfarande få organisationer som genomför sin strategi, de misslyckas således med att översätta strategi till handling. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva hur en organisation, Scania Oskarshamn, översätter sin övergripande strategi till handling. Syftet med studien är även att identifiera och analysera vilka faktorer som är kritiska för översättning av strategi till handling Metod: För att besvara studiens frågeställningar valdes en kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med en deduktiv ansats. Som forskningsdesign valdes en fallstudie med Scania Oskarshamn som fallföretag. Empiriska data samlades in från 14 semistrukturerade intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare samt kompletterades med interna dokument, deltagande observationer och mailkorrespondens. Sekundära data samlades in från Scanias hemsida, organisationens årsredovisning 2020 samt tidigare empiriska studier av Scania. Slutsats: Det finns tre huvudområden vilka stöttar Scania vid översättning av sin strategi till handling. Dessa är utformning och nedbrytning av strategisk plan, kontinuerlig uppföljning samt “Scania Production System” (SPS). Utifrån de faktorer som funnits kritiska för Scanias översättning av sin strategi till handling, i relation till de faktorer tidigare forskning har lyft som kritiska, har denna studie funnit 15 kritiska faktorer vilka är av betydelse för översättning av strategin. Dessa faktorer grupperas under kategorierna grundläggande förutsättningar, strategiarbete samt ledarens roll, och är kritiska för agerande i enlighet med strategin, ständiga förbättringar och engagemang, och i förlängning för att strategi ska översättas till handling. / Background: In dynamic business environments, strategy is more crucial than ever because a clear and well-thought-out strategy is the management's instructions for doing business and its roadmap to a competitive advantage. Once strategies have been formulated, they must be executed, otherwise wellformulated strategies would be of no use and the organization's goals would remain a theoretical desire rather than an achievable plan. Organizations are thus not only dependent on a clear and well-thoughtout strategy, execution of strategy is of equal importance. It is during execution that the formulated strategy is translated into the concrete actions that result in the strategy being realized. Without a link between strategy and action, it is impossible for organizations to ensure that the work of employees contributes to the organization executing the strategy and achieving strategic goals. Although this area has been the subject of previous research, there are still few organizations that execute their strategy, they thus fail to translate strategy into action. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe how an organization, Scania Oskarshamn, translates its overall strategy into action. The purpose of the study is also to identify and analyze which factors are critical for translating strategy into action. Method: In order to answer the study's research questions, a qualitative research strategy with a deductive approach was chosen. A case study with Scania Oskarshamn as the case company was chosen as the research design. The empirical data was collected from 14 semi-structured interviews with managers and employees, which were supplemented with internal documents, participatory observations, and email correspondence. Secondary data were collected from Scania's website, the organization's annual report 2020 and previous empirical studies of Scania. Conclusion: There are three main areas which support Scania when translating its strategy into action. These are the design and breakdown of strategic plans, continuous follow-up, and the Scania Production System (SPS). Based on the factors that have been found critical for Scania's translation of its strategy into action, in relation to the factors that previous research has highlighted as critical, this study has found 15 critical factors which are important for translating strategy into action. These factors are categorized under; basic conditions, strategy work and the role of the leader. They are critical for acting in accordance with the strategy, continuous improvement, and commitment, and in the long run for strategy to be translated into action.

Data-driven decision support for product change management : Making explainable classifications of product change requests at Scania using machine learning methods

Lindström, Herman, Wallmark, Lina January 2021 (has links)
Decision making is a big part of our day-to-day lives, both personal and professional. A good decision support can provide a decision process with high quality, efficiency and consistency. In recent years, machine learning has shown outstanding capacity for making complex processes understandable and provide decision support. But what good is this decision support if it is not trusted? Our work tries to improve the usage of machine learning models by making their results more understandable and trustworthy. In this thesis, we investigate the decisions in the Product Development (PD) process at Scania. Two important steps in the PD process is to prioritize a Product Change Request (PCR) and decide if it should be realized or not. Our main objective is to build machine learning models that can be incorporated in this process and help with the decision making. In order to choose the most suitable model, different machine learning models are trained on historical data. The model with the best performance is chosen and can be used to make predictions on new PCRs. The model that performed best when deciding the priority of a given PCR was Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB), which achieved a F1 score of 46.6% and an accuracy of 48.0%. However, we found that the data was not suitable for making classifications regarding the priorities. The model that performed the best when deciding if a PCR should be realized or not was the random forest, which achieved a F1 score of 67.4% and an accuracy of 79.4%. We found that better classifications could be made regarding if a PCR should be realized or not when additional data was added to the model, and we therefore recommend changes to the collection and storage of data. The random forest achieved a F1 score of 73.5% and an accuracy of 83.8% with the additional data from attachments. We also explain and visualize how the random forest makes its classification and how each feature from the PCRs affect the classification. This is important in order to improve the trust in the decision support provided by the model. / Att ta beslut är en stor del av våra dagliga liv, både personligt och professionellt. Ett bra beslutsstöd kan skapa en beslutsprocess med hög kvalitet, effektivitet och stabilitet. Under de senaste åren har maskininlärning blivit ett viktigt verktyg för att förstå komplexa processer och skapa beslutsstöd. Men vilken nytta gör detta beslutsstöd om människor inte litar på det? Vårt arbete försöker att hantera detta problem och göra resultaten från maskininlärningsmodeller mer förståeliga och tillförlitliga. I den här rapporten undersöker vi besluten som tas i processen för produktutveckling hos Scania. Två viktiga steg i denna process är att prioritera föreslagna produktförändringar och att bestämma ifall dessa ska genomföras eller inte. Vårt huvudmål är att bygga maskininlärningsmodeller som kan användas i denna process och hjälpa till vid beslutstagandet. För att kunna välja den lämpligaste modellen så tränas olika maskininlärningsmodeller på historiska data. Modellen som presterar bäst väljs och kan användas för att förutsäga besluten för nya föreslagna produktförändringar. Den modell som lyckades bäst med att förutsäga vilken prioritet som en föreslagen produktförändring ska ha var Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB) som uppnådde ett F1-score på 46,6% och en träffsäkerhet på 48,0%. Vi såg däremot att den data som fanns inte var lämplig för att göra klassificeringar gällande prioriteringen. Den modell som lyckades bäst med att bestämma ifall en föreslagen produktförändring borde genomföras eller inte var random forest, som uppnådde ett F1-score på 67,4% och en träffsäkerhet på 79,4%. Vi visar att bättre klassificeringar kan göras gällande om en föreslagen produktförändring ska genomföras eller inte när mer data läggs till i modellen, och vi kan därmed föreslå förändringar av insamlingen och lagringen av data. Random forest uppnådde ett F1-score på 73,5% och en träffsäkerhet på 83,8% med data insamlat från bilagor. Vi förklarar och visar även hur random forest gör sin klassificering och hur varje faktor från den föreslagna produktförändringen påverkar klassificeringen. Detta är viktigt för att kunna öka förtroendet för det beslutsstöd som modellen ger.

Etableringsprocessen på en tillväxtmarknad : En fallstudie om Scanias etableringsprocess på den indiska marknaden.

Kanwal, Bushra, Flores Frias, Sandino January 2013 (has links)
Objective: The objective of this thesis is to investigate how Scania has attained success to establish on the Indian market and to inquire into the establishment process of Scania and their entrance in the Indian market. The thesis describes different factors such as the product, mode of entry, time of entry and choice of market that play a role when a company establishes and invest in a foreign market. Method: This thesis is limited to the process of establishing Scania on the Indian truck market. A qualitative approach has being utilized in this study, consisting of interviews with Staffan Sjöström, development manager at the R&D department, Koen Knoops, vice president at Financial Services and Henrik Fagrenius, former managing director for Scania in India. Data collection from various journals and articles have been conducted for the presentation of the number of sold newly registered trucks in comparison to the number of sold newly registered trucks in India by Volvo, Tata Motors and Ashok Leyland during 2010, 2011, 2012 and the first three quarters of 2013. Theory: With a starting-point in empirism, we have used a theoretical frame of reference to describe Scania´s establishment process. Scania makes use of an internationalization strategy, namely Market Selection, Time of Entry and Entry mode and the network model, which describes the process of establishing on a foreign market as a business association with various players on the market. Scania has made the choice to establish on the Indian growth market, which is still economically unexploited in many aspects since it is a young and growing market and has positive opportunities for profitability. Conclusions: The concept that Scania follows as it establishes on a growth market, be it an industrialized country or a newly industrialized country, is that supreme quality always should be the primary choice. Customers are interested in lower overall costs and not in low prices. Scania believes that entrepreneurs worldwide have the same need for high quality and that psychological distance, meaning cultural differences should not be an obstacle on the path of establishment. A cheap work force, improving infrastructure and political reforms have carved the path for Scania’s establishment on the Indian growth market. According to Fagrenius Scania has wasted no time on excessive observation although they have taken precautions in forming partnerships and creating a broad network before entering the Indian market.

Planering och styrning – med fokus på daglig styrning / Planning and management with focus on daily management

Lindelöf, Sara, Opseth, Mathilda January 2018 (has links)
Examensarbetet har inneburit iterationer för att ta reda på hur sektionen Research & Development, Truck layout (RTL) på Scania kan förbättra planering och styrning för att säkra hög leveransprecision. RTL består av sju grupper som arbetar med chassiutveckling. Fler av grupperna på sektionen har börjat resan mot ett agilt arbetssätt för att öka sin flexibilitet och säkra sina leveranser. Det agila arbetssättet visar sig ha en positiv inverkan på leveranssäkerheten hos de grupper som lyckats med implementeringen. Inledningsvis observerades den dagliga styrningen, en gång hos varje grupp. För att ta reda på mer om gruppernas olika förutsättningar intervjuades respektive gruppchef. Fler av grupperna besöktes igen för att komplettera data om nuläget. En enkät skickades ut till medarbetarna på sektionen, svarsfrekvensen blev drygt 70 % och det konstateras att majoriteten svarade positivt i frågor om hur det är att arbeta i sin grupp. Däremot var de inte lika positiva kring hur stor nytta den dagliga styrningen bidrar med. En sprintplanering följdes hos den grupp som kommit längst med att arbeta agilt för att se hur planering av en fyra veckors sprint går till. Intervjuer hölls med sakkunniga för att få reda på mer om agilt arbete samt daglig styrning. Daglig styrning är ett av de forum som finns för planering och styrning, efter att ha studerat daglig styrning, sprintplanering samt teorier om agilt arbetssätt valde vi att fokusera examensarbetet på att optimera den dagliga styrningen. Utifrån observationer, intervjuer och teori kring agilt arbete samt daglig styrning användes kvalitetsverktyg. Utifrån två områden som kvalitetsverktygen resulterade i upptäcktes förbättringspotential för den dagliga styrningen. Syftet med daglig styrning måste klargöras samt regelbundet diskuteras hos samtliga grupper på RTL. De behöver även arbeta med fokus och hålla sig till sådant som är relevant för den dagliga styrningen / In order to find out how the Scania section RTL can improve planning and management to ensure high delivery precision this thesis work has consisted of iterations. The section Research Truck Layout (RTL) consists of seven groups that are working with chassis development. In order to increase their flexibility and secure their deliveries some of the groups have begun working towards agile methodologies. The agile methodologies has proven to have a positive impact on the delivery precision in the groups that succeeded with implementation. Initially, once in every group, the groups daily meetings was observed. In order to find out more about the groups different pre-requisite interviews were conducted with the group managers. Several of the groups were visited again to complete data about their current state. A survey was sent to the employees on the section, the response rate was over 70% and it showed that most employees had positive feeling towards working in their group. However, they were not as positive in regards to the benefits of daily management meetings. A followup was made on the group that was furthest along in working agile, the follow-up was made by observing the planning of a sprint. Interviews was held with experts to find out more about agile work as well as daily meetings. Daily management is a forum for planning and management, after studying daily management, sprint planning and theories of agile working methods, we chose to focus this thesis work on optimizing daily management. Based on observations, interviews, theories about agile methodologies and with the support of quality tools, two areas emerged which both have an improvement potential for a day-to-day management. The first area is the purpose of daily management, it has to be clarified and regularly discussed within all groups. The other area is focus, it needs to be worked on so that the meetings only contain topics that is relevant.

Reduktion av energiförbrukning Åtgärdsförslag hos verkstadsindustrin Cummins-Scania XPI Manufacturing / Reduction of Energy Consumption Proposed actions at Cummins-Scania XPI Manufacturing

Kaur, Kirandip, Soltaniha, Tina January 2022 (has links)
År 2020 formulerade lastbilsproducenten Scania CV AB ett mål kring att minska sin energi-förbrukning med 25% till år 2025, med energiförbrukningen för år 2020 som baslinje. Effektiviseringen är nödvändig för att lastbilsproducenten ska kunna fortsätta bedriva ett hållbart och ansvarsfullt företagande. Denna studie utförs hos produktionsenheten DI (drivline-injektor), enheten tillverkar bränsleinsprutningssystem för verksamheten Cummins-Scania XPI Manufacturing. Syftet med arbetet är att identifiera energibesparingsaktiviteter samt föreslå eventuella energibesparingsåtgärder för att kunna stödja produktionsenheten DI med att nå energireduceringsmålet på 25%. En implementationsplan formuleras i syfte att presentera tidslinjen för åtgärdsförslagen. Metoden som tillämpas för att identifiera aktiviteterna är främst litteraturstudier. Dessa kompletteras med empiriska studier som utförs i syfte att tillhandahålla information om produktionsanläggningen. Energikonsumtionen i ursprungsläget samt energikonsumtion efter implementerad åtgärd beräknas för samtliga åtgärdsförslag. Åtgärderna som föreslås för att produktionsenheten ska reducera sin energiförbrukning är följande: • Införa helg- och kvällsavstängningar på maskiner• Införa helg- och kvällsänkningar (viloläge) på maskiner• Byta belysning till LED• Sänka temperatur till följd av implementation av LED-lysrör• Byta till filter med lägre tryckfall• Åtgärda tryckluftsläckage med förebyggande underhåll Implementeringen av följande åtgärder resulterar till en total energibesparing på 228,8 MWh per år. / The year 2020 the truck manufacturer Scania CV AB established a goal of reducing its energy consumption by 25% by 2025, with the year 2020 as its starting point. Reduction of energy consumption is necessary for the truck manufacturer in order to continue to conduct both sustainable as well as responsible business. This study is performed at the production unit DI (driveline-injector), the unit manufactures fuel injection systems for the company Cummins-Scania XPI Manufacturing. The purpose of the report is to identify energy saving activities, and additionally propose energy saving actions to be able to support the production unit DI in achieving the energy reduction target of 25%. A supplementary implementation plan is formulated in order to display the timeline for the presented activities. The method applied to formulate the activities is mainly literature studies from digital scientific publishing systems. Furthermore, are empirical studies performed in order to provide information from the facility. Calculations are performed to identify and present the results of the current energy consumption as well as the energy calculations after the proposed activities. The measures the field study presents for the production unit to reduce its energy consumption result in the following: • Introduce weekend and evening shutdowns on machines• Introduce standby mode on machines• Replace lighting with LEDs• Lower the temperature as a result of implemented LEDs• Switch to filters with lower pressure drop• Implement preventative maintenance in order to reduce compressed air leakage The implementation of the following measures results in a total energy saving of 228.8 MWh per year.

Pre-study on Marine-completion at Scania Engine / Assembly Förstudie på marinkompletteringen i Scanias motormontering

Yousef, Andreas, Hanna, Ivan Nazar January 2021 (has links)
This study has been conducted at Scania Engine Assembly, in particular in an production area that produces Marine Engines. Scania always strives for continuous improvement and the purpose of this study has been to create an overview of the production area Marine-completion, where the marine components are assembled. The goals were to create a current state analysis, propose a future state analysis and propose suggestions of solutions for improvement of Marine-completion. The research question was: How can the strategies for the current state analysis be chosen, used and analyzed in order to accomplish a successful current state analysis?. The research methodology in this study was conducted using qualitative and quantitative research strategies, where both primary and secondary data were collected. The theoretical framework was divided into four subsections: Production systems, project management, technical solutions of today and supporting literature for solutions. The main method of this study was collecting data. The data included layout of the production, assembly times, quality deviations, engine variant classifications, Value Stream Mapping, Safety, Health and Environment related deviations and costs. Based on the current state, a future state was developed. The results of the current state analysis was that there are a total of 20 main variants of marine engines which have different assembly times. The assembly time can vary from approximately 45 minutes to 3 hours and 35 minutes for straight engines and approximately 4 hours to 8 hours for V8 engines. The mean results from Value Stream Mapping concluded a distribution of 40 percentage Value Adding and 60 percentage Non-Value Adding, where the largest waste from Non-Value Adding activities was bringing parts. Most of the quality deviations were caused by the method, where the biggest problem was regarding "tool insufficiency". Safety, Health and Environment related deviations were identified, where the largest problems were "risk". The future state analysis ended up in three cases, which explains the possible savings and future states. The Failure Mode and Effects Analysis resulted in 7 failure modes, where "Engine-card missing tasks/parts" had the largest rating. The suggestion of solutions resulted in a new layout, new routines with the engine-cards with digital screens and some other smaller suggestions. This study concluded in three main suggestions of solutions about "Newlayout at Marine-completion ", "Digital screens at each station" and "Continuous update of enginecards", which resulted in three assignment directives that Scania can further work with in the future. / Detta arbete har utförts på ett produktionsområde i Scanias motormontering i Södertälje, Stockholm. Scania strävar alltid mot ständiga förbättringar och detta arbete uppfyller det genom syftet att skapa en kartläggning över produktionsområdet med fokus i förbättringar. Målen med detta arbete var att kartlägga nuläget i Marinkompletteringen samt skapa ett framtidsläge tillsammans med föreslagna förbättringsförslag. Den forskningsrelaterade frågeställningen för detta arbete var: Hur kan strategierna för nulägesanalysen väljas, användas och analyseras för att uppnå en lyckad nulägesanalys? Metoden för litteraturstudien som utförts för detta arbete använde kvalititativa och kvantitiva forskningsmetoder där både primär och sekundärdata samlades. Det teoretiska ramverket var uppdelat i fyra delkapitel: Produktionssystem, projektledning, tekniska lösningar idag och stödjande litteratur för lösningar. Huvudmetoden för detta arbete var datainsamlingen som inkluderade aspekter som layout på området, monteringstider, kvalitetsavvikelser, motorvarianternas klassificering, värdeflödesanalys, avvikelser kopplat till säkerhet, hälsa, miljö och kostnader. Utifrån nulägesanalysen utvecklades framtidsläget fram. Resultaten från nulägesanalysen påvisade en total mängd av 20 olika huvudvarianter på marinmotorerna som monteras i marinkompletteringen med olika monteringstider. Monteringstiderna kunde sträcka sig mellan 45 minuter till tre timmar och 35 minuter för raka motorer och ungefär fyra till åtta timmar när det gäller V8 motorer. Medelvärdet på resultatet av värdeflödesanalysen resulterade i en fördelning av 40 procent värdeskapande tid och 60 procent icke-värdeskapande tid där det största slöseriet tillkom vid upphämtning av artikel. De flesta kvalitetsbristerna orsakades av metodiska fel där det mest förekommande metodiska felet var framkomlighet för verktyg. Bristerna kring säkerhet, hälsa och miljö identifierades och den mest förekommande bristen var gällande risker på arbetsplatsen. Analysen av framtidsläget resulterade i tre scenarion som vardera förklarar möjliga kostnadsbesparingar vid utfasning av olika icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter. Failure Mode and Effects Analysis som utfördes resulterade i sju feltyper varav "brist på information i motorkort" hade högst risktal. Rekommenderade åtgärder för Failure Mode and Effects Analysis resulterade i förslag om ny layout, nya rutiner gällande motorkort med digitala lösningar samt ett flertal mindre lösningar. De föreslagna lösningar som gavs till Scania i detta arbete var tre konkreta huvudförslag angående "ny layout på marinkompletteringen", "digitala skärmar på vardera station" och "kontinuerlig uppdatering av motorkort" vilket i sin tur resulterade i tre uppdragsdirektiv som Scania fortsatt kan jobba med i framtiden.

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