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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ubiquitous Computing: By the People, For the People

Ndiwalana, Ali 21 August 2003 (has links)
Computing is moving away from the desktop, permeating into many everyday objects and the environments in which we live. Many researchers in ubiquitous computing are excited about the potential to profoundly change the way we live by revolutionizing how we interact with information. Despite the excitement, few successful applications are making the transition from the laboratories to the mass market. While this could easily be attributed to the immaturity of the research area, it is also a manifestation of a larger problem—the lack of coherent methods, processes or tools that assist designers in thinking about issues pertinent to ubiquitous computing, as they explore potential ideas and develop some of these into working prototypes. To this end, this research presents an overview of the important characteristics of ubiquitous computing systems identified by many of the leading researchers in the field. Contrasting with conventional systems, we discuss the resulting issues and challenges, and their implications on the future directions of this emerging research area. In a case study, we use scenario-based design to walkthrough the design of a community computing application. At various stages of the design process, the need to focus on more issues relevant to ubiquitous computing design became apparent, resulting in the augmentation of scenario-based design. The augmented scenario-based design process is proposed as a tool for helping designers conceptualize user activities within given usage circumstances and at various stages of the design process. New questions help to identify the most common pitfalls, enabling designers to produce systems that are more socially acceptable and provide a higher likelihood for adoption by everyday users beyond the laboratory. In initial testing, the augmented process was shown to produce better designs. The ultimate ambition of ubiquitous computing technology is to be able to serve users anywhere, at anytime. However, taking into account the dynamic nature of user needs and usage situations, is a novel and non trivial undertaking. In essence, it is a fundamental change that requires designers to rethink many of the conventional answers and processes that help guide the creation of interactive systems. We provide a promising approach. / Master of Science

Compact Living as a Lifestyle : Scenario-based Interior Design for Chinese Urban Tenants

Rong, Hu January 2019 (has links)
This thesis proposes "compact living" as a sustainable lifestyle, enabling dwellers to fulfil theirliving requirements while considering ecological concerns. The idea of this project is derivedfrom a phenomenon that urban immigrants move to smaller houses because of the shortage ofaffordable rental house in dense Chinese urban areas, which causes an issue regarding lack ofwell-functioning small housings for urban tenants. In order to develop suitable compact livingsolutions, this scenario-based design project has developed. The compact living requirementsof Chinese urban tenants were studied through design research. Meanwhile, the studies ofexisting small-space solutions aim to come up with solutions by concluding strategies for thespatial-plan. As a result, the designer came up with a concept of "shared co-living community" second-landlord business model with three feasible interior design proposals.Keywords:interior design; sustainable lifestyle; compact living; small space;scenario-based

Prototyping Tools for the Early Stages of Web Design

Anggreeni, Irene January 2006 (has links)
There is a gap between low-fidelity prototyping using paper and high-fidelity prototyping using computers in web design. Both serve well in different stages of web design, but are not well integrated. Prior studies have examined the practice of web designers. The studies resulted in a number of alternative prototyping tools, which focus on informal representation and try to prolong sketching in the design process. The thesis proposes a design of a prototyping tool that makes use of existing paper sketches. In paper prototyping, a human who acts as the “computer” makes the sketches interactive. In the prototyping tool put forward in the thesis, the interactivity of the sketches is instead created on the computer. The novel prototyping tool needs to support the interactions and behaviours used in web design, and it must be easy to use so that the web designers do not have to invest too much time learning it. The prototype of the tool is a sketch-and-scan interface, thus allowing the use of paper the way it is. The functionality supports both documentation and computer interactivity. Usability tests and expert reviews were conducted, involving students, lecturers and researchers in human-computer interaction. The results elaborate previous research on prototyping practice, and a designers’ wish list was formulated. A prototyping tool is expected to support communication between users, designers and developers; as well as to reduce a designer’s need to change his work practice when using the tool.

Technical Feasibility Study for Implementing and Visualizing Diving Tracks in 3D in a Web Platform

Heinemann, Jakob January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes how positional data gathered from a diving device can be visualized in a regular browser on mobile as well as stationary devices utilizing built-in connections to the GPU with OpenGL. In this work a platform and a visualization prototype are designed, implemented and evaluated. The results show that WebGL is available to most platforms but notably not on devices running iOS. The web browser can be used for implementing advanced functionality but the performance on the handheld devices needs to be improved. The thesis discusses and proposes a design for getting more enjoyment out of diving based on the observations of the implementation and suggests an entertaining social platform for adventures. / Detta examensarbete visar hur positionsdata inhämtade med ett dykredskap kan visualiseras i en webbläsare på såväl mobila enheter som på stationära datorer med hjälp av nyttjande av inbyggd koppling till GPU med OpenGL. I detta arbete designas, implementeras och utvärderas en plattform och en visualiseringsprototyp. Resultatet visar att WebGL finns tillgängligt på de flesta plattformarna, men värt att notera inte på enheter som kör iOS. Webläsaren kan användas för att implementera avancerad funktionalitet men prestandan behöver förbättras. Arbetet diskuterar och föreslår en design för att få ut mer glädje av dykupplevelser genom observationer av en implementerad prototyp och föreslår ett engagerande system för socialt samarbete kring äventyrsupplevelser.

Exploring the Design of Nudging in Persuasive Technologies - Improving Sleep Hygiene

Chen, Hung-Chiao January 2021 (has links)
Research on persuasive technologies for promoting healthy behaviours has been surging in recent years, but these technologies have the risk of being perceived as undesirable meddling. The current study puts forward a non-coercive and libertarian paternalistic alternative - the nudge theory. The foundation of the nudge theory is informed by the dual processing theory and can be categorized in two types - Type 1 nudging and Type 2 nudging. As design tools, two Type 1 nudging methods: default setting and manipulation of accessibility; and four Type 2 nudging methods: reminders, prompts, framing and precommitment strategies were selected to be featured. Sleep was chosen as the use case for this study, for it is associated with a number of non-communicable diseases yet considerably few studies of persuasive technology are about sleep. Better sleep hygiene is a significant means to improve sleep, therefore used as the design goal. The current study explores possible solutions for persuasive technologies for improving sleep hygiene, and better understand the design potentials and the persuasive characteristics of different types and methods of nudging. The research methodology is informed by scenario-based design. Five (four male and one female) academic professionals with backgrounds in interaction design, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and robotics took part in the study. Seven scenarios and thirteen prototypes were created to illustrate the situations and present the possible solutions. Results also showed that Type 1 nudging is considered more convenient and effective. However, the sense of control is better preserved in Type 2 nudging. In regard to nudging methods, default setting is considered as the most eective method under the condition of goal-alignment, but prone to error. Manipulation of accessibility should be designed so that the navigation is intuitive and the integrity of availability should not be damaged. Timing is the most prominent factor for reminders, and the influence of reminders could be reinforced by prioritizing and cross-platform availability. The presence of prompts could be emphasized by purposeful placement, and appropriateness should be considered. The perception of framing is highly subjective, therefore it should be user-tailored and context-aware. The effects of precommitment strategies are able to access higher-level motivation, but should be reinforced with other methods. To summarize the design principles, when designing nudges in persuasive technologies, the following factors should be considered: goal alignment, intuitiveness, context awareness, availability and accessing motivation. / Forskning inom temat persuasive teknologi för hälsoinriktade beteenden har ökat under den senaste tiden. Dock kan sådana teknologier oftast uppfattas som en oönskad inblandning i människors privata liv. Denna studie föreslår ett otvingade och libertarianskt paternalistiskt alternativ för att påverka val och beteenden – nudge teorin. Flera tidigare beprövade designverktyg betonas i denna teori. Nudge teorin har en dual process teoretisk bakgrund och kan delas in i två typer av nudging –- Typ 1 nudging och Typ 2 nudging. Bland Typ 1 verktyg väljs default setting och manipulation of accessibility, och bland Typ 2 metoder väljs reminders, prompts, framing och pre-commitment strategies. I syfte att illustrera detta användes sömn som exempel, då det har länkats till flera icke-smittsamma sjukdomar och få studier har försökt att undersöka motiverande design i relation till sömn. Bättre sömnhygien är ett betydelsefullt verktyg för att förbättra sömn och användes därför som målsättning. Denna studie undersöker möjliga alternativ för persuasive teknologi i syfte att förbättra sömn. Dessutom undersöktes potentialen av olika typer av persuasive teknologi och metoder för nudging. Den valda metodologi är en informerad scenariobaserad design. Fem akademiskt anställda, fyra män och en kvinna, med bakgrund inom interaction design, human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence och robotics, deltog i denna studie. Sju scenarion och tretton prototyper utarbetades för att illustrera en situation och presentera en möjlig lösning där sömnhygien kunde förbättras igenom persuasive teknologi. Resultaten visade att Typ 1 nudging ansågs vara mer lämpligt och effektiv. Emellertid bibehålls känslan av kontroll mer inom Typ 2 nudging. Default setting ansågs som mest effektiv inom betingelsen goal alignment, men med risk för bakslag. Manipulation of accessibility bör designas så att navigering är intuitiv och att integriteten av tillgänglighet inte störs. Tajming är den mest framträdande faktorn för reminders och deras påverkan skulle kunna framhävas igenom prioritering och cross-platform availability. Prompts skulle kunna framhävas mer igenom igenomtänkt placering där lämplighet är en drivande faktor. Uppfattningen av framing är mycket subjektiv och bör vara anpassad till användaren. Pre-commitment strategier har tillgång till högre motivation men bör förstärkas med andra medel.

User Interface Design of Head-Up Display Using Scenarios : An Early Stage Innovation Project at Bombardier / Användargränssnittsdesign av head-up-display : - En tidig fas i ett innovationsprojekt vid Bombardier Transportation

Agarwal, Rohit January 2018 (has links)
Head-up display (HUD) är en beprövad teknik inom flyg och bil, vilken gör det möjligt för piloter och förare att få tillgång till information utan att uppmärksamheten avleds från omvärlden. Liknande fördelar kan uppnås genom installation av HUD i tåg. Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla ett användargränssnitt för HUD baserat på European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS). HUD kommer att vara en extra säkerhetsfunktion för tågen för att förhindra förare från att skifta fokus mellan instrumentpanelen och omgivningen, vilket leder till minskad förareutmattning och bättre observation av spåren framåt. Scenario Based Design-metoden har använts för att genomföra projektarbetet och i rapporten diskuteras metodens  fördelar och begränsningar. Användningen av scenarier har gjort det möjligt för designteamet att på djupet förstå de situationer som förarna står inför samt  har hjälpt till att under workshops få en bättre förståelse för drivrutinerna. Dessutom har rekommendationer för hårdvara, installation och framtida arbete beskrivits för fortsatt genomförande av projektet. / Head-up display (HUD) has a proven track record in the aviation and automobile sectors, allowing pilots and drivers to access information without diverting attention from the outside world. Similar benefits may be realized by the installation of HUD in locomotive cabs. The objective of this thesis work is to develop the user interface for HUD based on the ERTMS system. The HUD will be an added safety feature to the trains to prevent drivers from refocusing between the instrument panel and the outside view thus leading to reduced driver fatigue and better observation of the tracks ahead. Scenario Based Design method has been used to implement the project work with discussions regarding its advantages and limitations. The use of scenarios has allowed the design team to understand the scenarios that the drivers face in depth and has aided during the workshops to understand the drivers’ routine better. Additionally, recommendations for the hardware, installation and future work have been provided to support further implementation of the project.

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