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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Biologia floral comparada do gênero Catasetum Rich. ex Kunth (Orchidaceae, Catasetinae) baseado em estudos filogenéticos / Compared floral biology of the genus Catasetum Rich. ex Kunth (Orchidaceae, Catasetinae) based in phylogenetic studies

Evelyn Pereira Franken 01 August 2017 (has links)
Catasetum é um gênero Neotropical com cerca de 130 espécies praticamente indistinguíveis quanto à morfologia vegetativa. Suas flores são primariamente unissexuais. As flores masculinas exibem uma excepcional variação morfológica e apresentam estaminódios modificados característicos deste gênero, que é tradicionalmente citado pela polinização exclusiva por abelhas euglossine. Este estudo avaliou a evolução dos principais atributos florais em Catasetum. Para isso, uma hipótese filogenética foi reconstruída utilizando matrizes individuais e combinadas de DNA nuclear e plastidial. Foram sequenciadas três regiões (ITS, rpS16 e trnL-F) para 80 espécies de Catasetum e 25 grupos externos. O gênero é monofilético e irmão de Clowesia em todas as análises. Alguns relacionamentos tiveram alto suporte. Nenhuma das classificações infragenéricas tradicionais pode ser reconhecida na filogenia. A partir deste resultado foi possível observar que a história evolutiva compreendeu várias reversões e convergências de caráter entre as espécies. O estado plesiomórfico e algumas tendências evolutivas são apresentados. As análises morfo-anatômicas e histoquímicas florais utilizaram flores frescas ou fixadas, cujo labelo foi seccionado e corado com Lugol 1% e Vermelho de Sudão III ou IV, sendo examinados através de microscopia de luz. Estas análises revelaram a tendência de aumento na complexidade do labelo apenas em flores masculinas. Também foi possível observar a relação direta entre a morfologia do labelo e a distribuição do tecido secretor. A análise de fragrâncias florais utilizou a técnica de coleta dinâmica combinada com análise via GC-MS. Essa análise confirmou o polimorfismo químico entre as espécies, embora a variabilidade interespecífica tenha sido baixa. Vários dos compostos identificados foram encontrados anteriormente na tíbia traseira de machos de euglossine ou têm sua atratividade conhecida através de estudos com iscas odoríferas. Nossos resultados revelaram ausência de padrão ou tendência evolutiva na composição das fragrâncias das espécies. A pressão seletiva causada pelos polinizadores, ao escolherem as espécies a serem visitadas, tem direcionado a evolução da biologia floral deste gênero. A morfologia, a distribuição do tecido secretor dos osmóforos e a fragrância emitida são complementares, atuando em conjunto para gerar respostas etológicas específicas dos polinizadores. A alta especificidade gerada por este mecanismo reduz o compartilhamento de polinizadores, levando ao transporte mais eficiente do pólen e diminuindo o fluxo gênico interespecífico. / Catasetum is a Netropical genus with ca. 130 species that are practically indistinguishable based on the vegetative morphology. The flowers are primarily unisexual. Male flowers have an exceptional morphological variation and possess modified staminodes as distinctive feature of this genus, which is traditionally cited as entirely pollinated by euglossine bees. The present study evaluated the evolution of the major floral features in Catasetum. To do that, one phylogenetical hypothesis was made using individual and combined matrices of nuclear and plastid DNA. Three regions where sequenced (ITS, rpS16 and trnL-F) for 80 species of Catasetum and 25 taxa of outgroups. The genus is monophyletic and sister to Clowesia in all analyses. Some relationships had high support, however the phylogenetical infrageneric signal was low. None of the traditional infrageneric classifications could be recognized in the phylogeny. From this result, it was possible to observe that the evolutionary history consists on several characters reversions and convergences between species. The plesiomorphic status and some evolutionary trends were recognized. The morpho-anatomy and histochemical analysis of flowers were made with fresh or fixed flowers, whose labellum was sectioned and stained with Lugol 1% and Sudan III or IV, and analyzed with light microscopy. Those analyses reveal a trend to increase labellum complexity in male flowers. It was also possible to observe a direct relation between labellum morphology and distribution of the secretory tissue. The floral scent analysis was made with the dynamic collection technic combined with GC-MS analysis. This analysis confirmed the chemical polymorphism between species, but the interspecific variability was low. Several compounds identified were previously founded in the hind tibiae of male euglossine or have its attractiveness know. Our results revealed an absence of evolution pattern or trend in the scent composition of the species. The selective pressure caused by pollinators, when choosing species to be visited, had guided the evolution of the floral biology of this genus. The morphology, the osmophore secretory tissue distribution and the floral scent are complimentary, acting together to generate specific ethological answers of the pollinators. The high specificity created by this mechanism decrease the sharing of pollinators, leading to a more efficient pollen transport and decreasing the interspecific gene flow.

Comparison of Medical and Forensic Profiling Potential of Volatile Biomarkers from Different Biological Specimens from Individuals and Across Populations

Kusano, Maiko 28 October 2010 (has links)
There is limited scientific knowledge on the composition of human odor from different biological specimens and the effect that physiological and psychological health conditions could have on them. There is currently no direct comparison of the volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emanating from different biological specimens collected from healthy individuals as well as individuals with certain diagnosed medical conditions. Therefore the question of matching VOCs present in human odor across various biological samples and across health statuses remains unanswered. The main purpose of this study was to use analytical instrumental methods to compare the VOCs from different biological specimens from the same individual and to compare the populations evaluated in this project. The goals of this study were to utilize headspace solid-phase microextraction gas chromatography mass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC/MS) to evaluate its potential for profiling VOCs from specimens collected using standard forensic and medical methods over three different populations: healthy group with no diagnosed medical or psychological condition, one group with diagnosed type 2 diabetes, and one group with diagnosed major depressive disorder. The pre-treatment methods of collection materials developed for the study allowed for the removal of targeted VOCs from the sampling kits prior to sampling, extraction and analysis. Optimized SPME-GC/MS conditions has been demonstrated to be capable of sampling, identifying and differentiating the VOCs present in the five biological specimens collected from different subjects and yielded excellent detection limits for the VOCs from buccal swab, breath, blood, and urine with average limits of detection of 8.3 ng. Visual, Spearman rank correlation, and PCA comparisons of the most abundant and frequent VOCs from each specimen demonstrated that each specimen has characteristic VOCs that allow them to be differentiated for both healthy and diseased individuals. Preliminary comparisons of VOC profiles of healthy individuals, patients with type 2 diabetes, and patients with major depressive disorder revealed compounds that could be used as potential biomarkers to differentiate between healthy and diseased individuals. Finally, a human biological specimen compound database has been created compiling the volatile compounds present in the emanations of human hand odor, oral fluids, breath, blood, and urine.

Bobcat Abundance and Habitat Selection on the Utah Test and Training Range

Muncey, Kyle David 01 December 2018 (has links)
Remote cameras have become a popular tool for monitoring wildlife. We used remote cameras to estimate bobcat (Lynx rufus) population abundance on the Utah Test and Training Range during two sample periods between 2015 and 2017. We used two statistical methods, closed capture mark-recapture (CMR) and mark-resight Poisson log-normal (PNE), to estimate bobcat abundance within the study area. We used the maximum mean distance moved method (MMDM) to calculate the effective sample area for estimating density. Additionally, we captured bobcats and estimated home range using minimum convex polygon (MCP) and kernel density estimation (KDE) methods. Bobcat abundance on the UTTR was 35-48 in 2017 and density was 11.95 bobcats/100 km2 using CMR and 16.69 bobcats/100 km2 using PNE. The North Range of the study area experienced a decline of 36-44 percent in density between sample periods. Density declines could be explained by natural predator prey cycles, by habituation to attractants or by an increase in home range area. We recommend that bobcat abundance and density be estimated regularly to establish population trends.To improve the management of bobcats on the Utah Test and Training Range (UTTR), we investigated bobcat (Lynx rufus) habitat use. We determined habitat use points by capturing bobcats in remote camera images. Use and random points were intersected with remotely sensed data in a geographic information system. Habitat variables were evaluated at the capture point scale and home range scale. Home range size was calculated using the mean maximum distance moved method. Scales and habitat variables were compared within generalized linear mixed-effects models. Our top model (AICc weight = 1) included a measure of terrain ruggedness, mean aspect, and land cover variables related to prey availability and human avoidance.

“Ett kvarter, inte ett köpcentrum” : En fallstudie om könsskillnader inom sinnesmarknadsföring på Giraffen i Kalmar / "A block, not a shoppingmall : A case study on gender differences regarding sensory marketing at Giraffen in Kalmar

Gustavsson, Robin, Jacobsen, Emil, Thomasson, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Sinnesmarknadsföring är en viktigt aspekt för organisationer och påverkar alla människor medvetet eller undermedvetet. Studien fokuserar på tre sinnen, syn, doft och hörsel kopplat till den traditionella könsuppdelningen. Syftet är att kartlägga sinnesmarknadsföring på ett köpcentrum i Kalmar med namn Kvarteret Giraffen. Det är möjligt att segmentera efter könen för att på så sätt omfamna i stort sätt alla människor. Fallstudien undersöker hur Kvarteret Giraffen arbetar med sinnesmarknadsföring och om det är den rätta vägen att gå. Detta genomförs med kvalitativa intervjuer med både experter inom ämnet och personer med direkt koppling till Giraffen. Bör Giraffen använda sinnesmarknadsföring i förhållande till könen eller fortsätta med nuvarande strategi. Resultatet visar att Kvarteret Giraffen bör marknadsföra sig könsneutralt, men frågor och funderingar kring fenomenet uppmärksammas hos respondenter. / Sensory marketing is something every organization should take into consideration as it affects all people either consciously or subconsciously. The study focuses on three crucial senses, vision, scent, and hearing, in connection to the traditional gender divide. The purpose is to map sensory marketing on a shopping mall in Kalmar called Kvarteret Giraffen. It is possible to segment by gender, thus embracing virtually all people. The case study examines how Kvarteret Giraffen is working with sensory marketing and whether it is the right way to go or not. This is done with qualitative interviews with both experts in the subject and people with direct connection to Giraffen. Should Kvarteret Giraffen use sensory marketing relative to gender or continue with its current strategy. The result shows that Kvarteret Giraffen in question should use a gender-neutral marketing approach, however, questions and reflections about the phenomenon are noticeable among the respondents.

Die Nutzung von Ressourcen durch den Elbebiber Castor fiber albicus Matschie 1907 an einem Fließgewässer in Nordwestdeutschland - Die Bedeutung naturnaher und anthropogener Strukturen von Ufer und Böschung für das Verhalten eines semiaquatischen Säugetieres / Use of riverbank-structures and resources by Castor fiber albicus Matschie 1907 in northwest Germany: The significance of near-natural and anthropogenic structures of riverbank and slope for the behaviour of a semiaquatic mammal

Klenner-Fringes, Brigitte 16 April 2002 (has links)
The semiaquatic mammals - amongst them the beaver Castor fiber - are inhabitants of the land-water-ecotone, which is characterized by length and low depth.Due to specific adaptations to their habitats, semiaquatic mammals are highly dependent on the specific structures and resources of the ecotone riverbank. Anthropogenic influences on the ecotone riverbank often cause destruction of the resources that leads to a decrease of structural diversity.Being a primary consumer, the beaver mainly uses the water as a medium for locomotion and escape. The equipment of the riverbank, mainly the bankside vegetation, is of great importance concerning foraging. The presence and the quantity of certain biofacts like feeding or cutting places and scent mounds give a hint on the value of different structures and resources of the bankside with regard to certain modes of behaviour. They also give information on different qualities of the used and unused parts of the bankside.Biofacts of beaver-activity were recorded along 20 km of riverbank during a five-year-period. The results of the statistical analysis show that beavers - concerning species-specific mode of behaviour - prefer certain riverbank structures. Biofacts and near-natural structures such as steep bank, riparian forest and willows correlate significantly positive whereas biofacts and anthropogenic structures as slope, farmland or absence of woody plants show significantly negative correlation. There is a strong connection between the number of biofacts - that is use of the riverbank or slope - and structural diversity. Based on these results, an eco-ethological model has been developed which makes it possible to predict behaviour in dependence on the specific structures and resources of the banks and slopes of anthropogenic influenced streams.

Puzzle Solving Through Smell : Designing Smell-Based Interactions for Escape Rooms

Guerrero, Agustin January 2022 (has links)
This project aims to find how, why and by which means the sense of smell can create meaningful interactions in the field of escape rooms, by taking a main role in the interactions that occur in said games, by adding an additional layer of complexity and embodiment. The project finished with the finding that it is not only possible to create meaningful interactions and expand on the possibilities of smell interaction, but also by encouraging future exploration and discussion of the sense of smell as an interactive medium and material.

Doftar saltad mat mer än osaltad? : En sensorisk undersökning om tillsatt salt ökar upplevelsen av doft imat. / Does adding salt increase the aroma in the food? : A sensory investigation into whether added salt increases the experience of aroma in food.

Öbrink, Lovisa January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

An Olfactory Enrichment Study at the Ashland Cat Shelter

Myatt, Alicia Elaine 03 December 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Scent-marking : investigating chemosensory signals in wolf urine

Wolfram, Wendi K. January 2013 (has links)
Identifying the best control method for problematic wildlife is an ever present issue in wildlife management. Popular control methods have ranged from lethal techniques, extirpating the animal, to multiple non-lethal methods focused on deterring undesired behavior. In the past, lethal methods were the preferred choice. However, with increased awareness of the need for biodiversity conservation, new management methods focus on non-lethal control, with emphasis on exploiting aspects of naturally occurring organismal behaviors and ecology. Over the past decade, technological advances in extraction method’s and equipment have also developed new techniques providing a broader range of information about species biology for management use. One of the most well documented conflicts between wildlife and humans is that of the wolf. Using advanced technology and new techniques, we investigated the implication of using chemosensory signals in canid urine to modify behavior as a possible non-lethal alternative in large predator management. Here we used the SBSE method coupled with improved GC/MS equipment to analyze the volatile organic compounds in the urine of four canid species, gray wolf (Canis lupus), red wolf (Canis rufus), wolf-dog hybrids (Canis familiaris) and the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) in order to create working urinary profiles. The extraction method identified several compounds also seen in the urinary profiles of other large predators. In addition, similarities and differences were also noted between taxa and the sexes, and these can be further explored in future studies. Two identified urinary compounds, acetophenone and methyl propyl sulfide, were selected for further behavioral evaluation. We focused on these compounds and their influence as chemosensory signals triggering urine marking events in both the gray wolf and red wolf. Behavioral observations of the effects of these two chemicals indicated they elicited responses from captive wolves. At each of the three study sites, the combination of these chemicals produced urine-marking events along the territory boundary by dominant animals. As a result, the investigation focused on what triggered the urine-marking events, the chemicals themselves, their combination, or the breakdown of the chemicals producing other odorants. It was found that there was no significant degradation of the chemicals over time and environmental conditions produced no significant breakdown of the acetophenone prior to the addition of methyl propyl sulfide. This posed a number of new questions and illustrated the need for additional behavioral studies. The results of this study analyzing chemosensory signals in canid urine, provides biologists with new information to aid in the development of new non-lethal management strategies for handling problematic wildlife as well as providing useful information for future research involving reproduction, predator/prey dynamics, territory maintenance, and a host of other studies focusing on animal ecology in association with chemosensory signaling.

As espécies da tribo Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) em diferentes cotas altimétricas em áreas de Mata Atlântica na região norte de Santa Catarina / The species of tribe Euglossini (Hymenoptera: Apidae) at different altitudes in areas of Atlantic Forest in northern Santa Catarina

Enderlei Dec 13 October 2015 (has links)
Reconhecida pela sua megadiversidade, mas também pelo alto nível de desmatamento e perda de espécies que vem ocorrendo nas últimas décadas, a Mata Atlântica é um dos biomas mais ameaçados do planeta, recebendo a denominação de hotspot mundial. As abelhas exercem papel fundamental para a manutenção da vegetação por meio da polinização e o conhecimento sobre a composição do táxon contribui para ações de conservação. Abelhas da tribo Euglossini podem atuar como bioindicadoras da qualidade ambiental e exercem uma estreita relação com determinadas plantas, principalmente da família Orchidaceae, sendo fundamentais para a perpetuação de muitas espécies desta família. A tribo Euglossini apresenta riqueza de espécies nas florestas tropicais decaindo em direção às latitudes altas. Este estudo propôs investigar e reconhecer a fauna de Euglossini presente na região norte do estado de Santa Catarina, no sul do Brasil, a partir de coletas mensais em seis localidades, distribuídas ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal entre o nível do mar e 800 metros, nos municípios de Joinville e São Francisco do Sul. Duas localidades são constituídas por morros remanescentes de Mata Atlântica, inseridos na malha urbana de Joinville, com extensões de aproximadamente 390 e 525 hectares. As demais localidades compõem áreas contínuas de floresta na costa litorânea e Serra do Mar. Em cada local houve um dia de coleta por mês nos períodos de setembro/2013 até abril/2014 e de setembro/2014 até abril/2015. As iscas odoríferas disponibilizadas foram: benzoato de benzila, cineol, eugenol e vanilina. Nos últimos seis meses do estudo foi testada uma nova fragrância à base de menta: o mentol. O estudo registrou 794 machos de Euglossini dos gêneros Eufriesea, Euglossa e Eulaema, distribuídos em dez espécies válidas e uma potencialmente nova. As localidades com maiores riquezas foram os remanescentes no Morro do Finder e Morro do Boa Vista, e as maiores diversidades ocorreram na Vila da Glória e Mutucas. As espécies Eufriesea violacea Blanchard 1840, Euglossa annectans Dressler 1982 e Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 foram registradas nas seis localidades estudadas. Ef. violacea, Eg. annectans Eg. stellfeldi representaram 91,56% da comunidade amostrada, sendo 66,87% somente da primeira espécie. O cineol atraiu 299 abelhas, o eugenol 190 e vanilina 165, mas em relação à riqueza, os mais atrativos foram o benzoato de benzila, cineol e vanilina, com seis espécies cada. O mentol mostrou eficácia, atraindo 75 abelhas de quatro espécies. A distribuição das abelhas em relação a variação altitudinal demonstrou que as maiores riqueza e abundância ocorreram entre o nível do mar e 200 metros de altitude com diminuição do número de indivíduos e espécies acima desta cota. Interações entre as abelhas e oito espécies de orquídeas foram registradas a partir de polinários aderidos às abelhas. Apesar da ocupação humana no entorno dos fragmentos da área urbana, os Morros do Finder e do Boa Vista apresentaram bom estado de conservação para a comunidade de Euglossini. Novos esforços e utilização de outras metodologias podem enriquecer os dados obtidos contribuindo para uma melhor caracterização ambiental da região. A partir dos dados existentes na literatura sobre a tribo Euglossini em Santa Catarina, nota-se uma riqueza significativa nos municípios de Joinville e São Francisco do Sul. / Recognized for its megadiversity, but also the high level of deforestation and species loss that has occurred in recent decades, the Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened biomes on the planet, getting the global name hotspot. Bees play a crucial role in the maintenance of vegetation through pollination and knowledge about the taxon composition contributes to conservation actions. The tribe Euglossini can act as bioindicators of environmental quality and exert a close relationship with certain plants, particularly the orchid family, being fundamental to the perpetuation of many species of this family. The tribe Euglossini has a species richness in tropical forests which decreases in the higher latitudes. This study aimed to investigate and identify the Euglossini fauna present in the northern state of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil, from monthly collections in six locations distributed along an altitudinal gradient between sea level and 800 meters, in the cities of Joinville and São Francisco do Sul. Two locations are composed of remnants of Atlantic Forest hills, situated in the urban area of Joinville, with extensions of approximately 390 and 525 hectares. Other locations comprise continuous areas of forest on the coastline and Serra do Mar. At each site there was one collection day per month in the period from September / 2013 to April / 2014 and September / 2014 to April / 2015. The available scent baits were: benzyl benzoate, cineol, eugenol and vanillin. In the last six months of the study a new mint-based fragrance was tested : menthol. The study recorded 794 Euglossini males of the genera Eufriesea, Euglossa and Eulaema, distributed in ten valid species and one potentially new species. The localities with the greatest richness were in Morro do Finder and Morro do Boa Vista, and the largest diversity occurred in the Vila da Glória and Mutucas. The species Eufriesea violacea Blanchard 1840, Euglossa annectans Dressler 1982 e Eulaema nigrita Lepeletier, 1841 were recorded in the six studied locations. Ef. violacea, Eg. annectans and Eg. stellfeldi represented 91.56% of the sampled community, with the first species making up 66.87% of that figure. The cineole attracted 299 bees, eugenol 190 and vanillin 165, but in relation to richness, the most attractive were the benzyl benzoate, cineole and vanillin, with six species each. The menthol was effective, attracting 75 bees from four species. The distribution of bees in relation to altitudinal variation showed that the greatest richness and abundance occured between sea level and an altitude of 200 metres, with a decrease in the number of individuals and species above this altimetry quota. Interactions between bees and eight species of orchids were recorded from pollinaria adhered to the bees. Despite the surrounding human occupation of urban fragments, Morros Finder and Boa Vista showed good conditions for the community of Euglossini. New efforts and using other methodologies can enrich the data, contributing to a better environmental characterization of the area. From the literature data on the tribe Euglossini in Santa Catarina, there is a significant richness in the cities of Joinville and São Francisco do Sul.

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