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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An interpretive study of career development processes of adolescents attending a technical high school

Kaczynski, Michelle Lynn. January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--University of West Florida, 2002. / Title from title page of source document. Document formatted into pages; contains 247 pages. Includes bibliographical references.

The feasibility of school social work in Thohoyandou

Mathivha, Takalani Mukondeleli 17 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / This study was conducted within five high schools in the Thohoyandou district in the northern province. The study involved 20 teachers, 32 grade 10’s, 35 grade 11’s and 37 grade12’s. The aim of this study was to conduct a need assessment of high school pupils in the Thohoyandou district schools regarding their needs for school social work services in the school environment. The believes of pupils and teachers on the needs for school social work were explored. Questionnaires were used as a method for data collection. The exploratory-descriptive design was used. The findings of the study showed that both teachers and pupils agree that there is a significant occurrence of personal problems experienced by pupils, although teachers believe that some problems are not significant. Further there is a consensus from both teachers and pupils that most pupil’s problems are rooted in their families. They believe that there is a need for school social work in the schools, which will attend to pupil’s problems in relation to teachers, the home and the community. Recommendations were made, generally to introduce school social work in the high schools of the northern province with the aim of making maximum use of the learning process. / Dr.W. Roestenburg

A lifeskill programme for high school boys

Luck, Karin Elizabeth 17 October 2008 (has links)
M.A. / 1. Motivering vir die studie Die studie is ingelei met ‘n beskrywing van die historiese ontwikkeling van skool maatskaplike werk in onderwys. Daar was bevind dat die doelwitte en die karakter van skool maatskaplike groepwerk gerig is op terapie, en daarop gemik is om probleme te eliminieer wat skoliere moontlik kan kortwiek in hul skool werk. Groepwerk in die verband is ook daarop gerig om die individu in te sluit in ‘n groep sodat hy deel kan voel van die gemeenskap. In Suid Afrikaanse konteks is daar reeds geweldige vooruitgang gemaak in die geskiedenis van die Opvoedkunde, maar skool maatskaplike werk figureer steeds nie in die ontwikkelinge nie. Sommige privaat skole in Suid Afrika het hul eie residensiële maatskaplike werkers. Skole tans steun steeds meestal op die Voorligting onderwyser/es om leerlinge by te staan deur moeilike tye en om hulle toe te rus met die nodige vaardighede vir die toekoms. Tog blyk dit dat meeste van die onderwysers nie oor die nodige vaardighede beskik om leerlinge te help deur hulle toe te rus met die nodige vaardighede om moeilike tye te oorkom nie. Verder blyk dit dat programme wat tans aangebied word, nie in die behoeftes van die leerlinge voldoen nie. In die verlede was Voorligting geïgnoreer as skoolvak. Lewensvaardighede was selde aangebied in skole, en het nie deel gevorm van die skoolkurrikulum nie. Die aanleer van lewensvaardighede was oorgelaat aan toeval. Ervaringsleer is baie suksesvol in groepwerk konteks. Alle lewensvaardigheids klasse is gebaseer op die groepwerk metode. Leerlinge het ervaring daarvan om deel van ‘n groep te wees in een of ander vorm, en daarom is die maatskaplike werk metode iets waarmee leerlinge hulself kan vereenselwig. 2. Doel van die studie Voortvloeiend uit die motivering, is die navorsingsdoel van die studie die ontwikkeling en die evalueering van ‘n lewensvaardigheidsopleidingsprogram. Die opleidingsprogram is bedoel vir graad agt seuns, en die program behoort deel van die totale skool kurrikulum uit te maak. 3. Die geïntegreerde ontwikkelings- en evalueeringsmodel Om uitvoering aan die doelstellings van die studie te gee, is ‘n geïntegreerde teoretiese ontwikkelingsnavorsings- en evalueeringsmodel gekonseptualiseer (Nel en Nel 1993; Nel 1992). Die model bestaan in hoofsaak uit Thomas (1984) se vierfase model, waarin ‘n analise-, ontwerp-, ontwikkeling- en evalueeringsfase figureer. In elkeen van die fases word ‘n aantal materiële voorvereistes gestel, asook metodologieë deur middel waarvan daar aan die voorvereistes voldoen kan word. Aangesien ‘n program as deel van die totale skoolkurrikulum daargestel moes word, is daar in die ontwerpfase van Thomas (1984) se metodologieë afgewyk en hoofsaaklik op opleidingsmodelle in die Bedryfsielkunde asook kurrikuleringsnavorsing in die Opvoedkunde gesteun. De Vos (1991) se Geïntegreerde Model van Programevaluering is vir die evalueeringsfase geselekteer. 4. Die analisefase In die eerste fase is ‘n ontleding van die opleidingsprobleem onderneem, die stand van bestaande programme is ondersoek en ‘n uitvoerbaarheidstudie is onderneem en op grond waarvan daarna besluit is om met die ontwerpfase voort te gaan. 5. Die Ontwerpfase In hierdie fase is daar aan die volgende materiële voorvereistes voldoen, te wete doelstellings en doelwitte is vir die program geformuleer, ‘n praktykmodel is opgestel, ‘n tentatiewe voorstelling van die innovasie is gemaak, en die innovasieprosedures is bepaal. Wat die praktykmodel betref, is ‘n geïntegreerde praktykmodel gekonseptualiseer wat as verklaringsmodel gedien het waarbinne die inhoude van die laboratotiumprogram verantwoord kon word. Uit die praktykmodel is kritieke rolbeskrywings afgelei, asook ‘n vaardigheidsrepertoire is opgestel wat in die program aangespreek work. Gedurende die ontwerpfase was dit ook nodig om die bepaling van programinhoude, die spesifisering van onderigstrategieë en onderigbronne te doen. 6. Die ontwikkelingsfase Nadat ‘n ontwikkelingsplan geformuleer is, het daar ‘n operasionele voorbereiding ten opsigte van die beplande loodsgebruik en ontwikkelingstoetsing plaasgevind. Met implementering van die program het dit geblyk dat sekere verstellings nodig is. Insluitend in die ontwikkelingsfase is daar hoofsaaklik gekonsentreer op programmoniteringevalueering (kwalitatiewe ondersoek) en impakevalueering (kwantitatiewe ondersoek). Vir hierdie doeleindes is ‘n kwasi-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp benut, waarin voorsiening gemaak is vir ‘n voor- en nameting. Die kontrolegroep het bestaan uit graad agt seuns van King Edward VII School. Die evalueringsinstrument waarvan gebruik gemaak was gedurende die impakevalueringsfase het die Psigo-sosiale Funksionerings Inventaris ingesluit, wat bestaan uit ‘n pen en papier selfevalueringsmetode wat gebruik work om sosiale funksionering te meet. Toepaslike hipoteses is geformuleer en die parametriese hipotese vir twee steekproewe gemiddelde toets: onafhanklike steekproewe is gebruik. 7. Hoofbevinding Daar is in hoofsaak bevind dat ‘n lewensvaardigheidsopleidingsprogram daargestel kon word wat in die navorsingsdoel beantwood het. Wat die programdoelstellings en –doelwitte betref, is bevind dat die program oor die algemeen aan die programdoelstellings en doelwitte beantwoord het / Prof. J.B.S Nel

Best practice guideline for the transition of final year nursing students to professional nurses in the military health service in South Africa

Caka, Ernestina Masebina January 2014 (has links)
The transition period from student nurses to professional nurses has been acknowledged as being very stressful, particularly in the military health service due to the dual transition. The phase is marked as final year nursing students try to consolidate the experience and knowledge gained during their four year training period with clinical decision making and problem solving skills being applied in the work environment. The students require support and guidance to effect a successful transition from being a student to being a professional nurse. The transition of students in the military health setting might be experienced differently due to the context that is vastly different from the other health care settings (Moore, 2006:541). The aim of the research was to explore the experiences of role transition of final year nursing students, particularly their preparedness to take up the role of a professional nurse in the military health setting in order to assist managers and educators to support and facilitate this professional adjustment appropriately. A qualitative, descriptive, contextual design was employed for the study and followed a three-phase approach. Phase one comprised a qualitative approach, where semi-structured and focus group interviews were conducted to gather the data. Nurse managers, nurse educators, final year nursing students and novice professional nurses formed part of the population for the study. Creswell’s method of data analysis was employed in analysing the data. The second phase dealt with the integrative review of literature on the transition of final year nursing students into professional nurses. Data extracted from the guidelines formed themes that were triangulated to form phase three of the study. Lastly, a best practice guideline was developed to facilitate the transition period of final year nursing students to professional nurses. Principles of trustworthiness were adhered to, participants were treated in a fair manner and confidential information was not divulged without the consent of the participants. Participants were asked to take part voluntarily and without coercion. Ethical approval was requested to give consent for the study to be undertaken and ethical principles were adhered to throughout the study. Findings were then disseminated after the conclusion of the study.

X para o trabalho : généalogie d'une évidence / X para o trabalho : genealogy of an evidence

Caliendo Marchesan, Eduardo 20 February 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche présente la description d’une formule discursive, x para o trabalho, dans différents genres textuels liés à l’institution éducative brésilienne entre les années 1950 et 1980. Il s’agit de la description de l’émergence d’un objet discursif, de sa contestation et, finalement, de son acceptation comme une évidence. Selon notre hypothèse, x para o trabalho apparaît au début des années 1950 comme un objet discursif spécifique, non plus limité à l’éducation professionnelle, et entre, ensuite, dans l’institution éducative comme une tentative d’intégrer deux types d’enseignement : le technique et l’académique. L’emploie récurrent du signifiant et les transformations formelles qu’il soufre au fil des années (educação para o trabalho ; qualificação para o trabalho ; preparação para o trabalho ; formação para o trabalho ; capacitação para o trabalho) ont un rapport étroit avec la modification du système éducatif brésilien et font de la question du travail le noyau central de l’éducation à partir des années 1960. / This research presents the description of a formula, x para o trabalho, in its path through the Brazilian educational institution between 1950 and 1982. It is the description of a discursive objet: its emergence, the debates around it and, finally, its acceptance as an evidence. Our hypothesis proposes x para o trabalho as a new kind of object that emerges in the 1950’s and enters the national educational institution as an attempt to merge two kinds of school: the academic and the professional. The uses of this signifier and the changes it goes through are related to the educational institution’s transformations in this period and are central to its reconfiguration.

Helhetssyn i skolan En kvalitativ studie av skolkuratorers upplevelse av sin yrkesroll och professionella kompetens

Backlund, Martina, Väderklint, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka skolkuratorns roll och hur skolkuratorns professionella kompetens synliggörs i samverkan med andra yrkesgrupper inom skolor med endast en anställd kurator. Studien fokuserar särskilt på vad skolkuratorerna själva ser som utmärkande för sin kompetens och möjlighet till kom2petensutveckling, samt hur skolkuratorns roll uppfattas på skolan. En skolkurator är vanligen ensam om sin profession på en eller flera skolor och det finns inte någon omfattande forskning kring det sociala arbetet inom skolan. I studien genomförs fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer inom svenska grundskolan. Intervjuerna analyseras utifrån professionsteori, rollteori och ett samverkansperspektiv. Studiens resultat visar att skolkuratorns kompetens utmärker sig genom deras kunskaper om det psykosociala perspektivet. I studien dras slutsatsen att skolkuratorerna inte får tillräcklig möjlighet till fortbildning i den omfattning som respondenterna själva skulle vilja ha. Resultatet visar också på att arbetsgivare inte har någon långsiktig planering för fortbildningen för skolkuratorn. Studien visar också på att samverkan med andra professioner på skolan fungerar bra men det framgår också att skolkuratorernas roll på skolorna upplevs otydlig och varierande.

Individualization and school-to-work transition : a study of university graduates in Hong Kong

Kwan, Chi Kit 01 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the School- and Student-level Predictors of Decent Work Attainment in the United States:

Newton, Avery Danforth January 2019 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Laura M. O'Dwyer / As the nature of work continues to evolve and diversify in the 21st century, issues related to the attainment of high-quality work are paramount. Initially defined by the International Labour Organisation [ILO], Decent Work exists as a standard for the expected quality of work to which all should have access in modern society. Central to the definition of Decent Work is the guarantee that “women and men enjoy working experiences that are safe, allow adequate free time and rest, take into account family and social values, provide for adequate compensation in case of lost or reduced income, and permit access to adequate healthcare” (ILO, n.d.). While issues of work quality are relevant to all members of the workforce, young adults are at heightened risk of not securing work that is Decent, if they are able to secure work at all. Using nationally representative data from the Educational Longitudinal Study of 2002 [ELS:02], this study investigates Decent Work attainment among young adults through the lens of their experiences as high school students ten years prior. The Psychology of Working Theory (Duffy et al., 2016) guides this investigation, explicitly accounting for both individual (student-level) and contextual (school-level) characteristics in the prediction of future Decent Work attainment and overall employment status. Results from a series of multilevel analyses indicate that most of the variability in Decent Work attainment and employment status exists at the individual level, as opposed to the high school level. Structurally, this suggests that schools are not the primary drivers of students’ contextual influences when it comes to their work outcomes. Furthermore, the collection of school- and student-level predictors found to be significantly associated with the various facets of Decent Work and employment status varies widely from model to model. This suggests that the Psychology of Working Theory is far from a one-size-fits-all theory, and that the predictors of work attainment are highly complex. Implications for education policy and future research are discussed in Chapter 5. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2019. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation.

Vad händer efter musikhögskolan? En studie om karriärövergång mellan musikhögskolan och musikeryrket

Barani, Amanda, Foschi, Alexandra January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur nuvarande och tidigare musikerstudenter på svenska musikhögskolor får ta del av arbetsmarknadsrelaterade kunskaper inom sin utbildning och genom till yrkesverksamma musiker. Vi har utifrån våra frågeställningar fokuserat på vilka kompetenser som informanterna fått ta del av och hur de upplevt att skolan mött dessa kunskaper. Undersökningen är baserad på 6 kvalitativa intervjuer med musikstudenter som nyligen har examinerats eller är under utbildning. Alla har utifrån ett studentperspektiv fått besvara frågor och reflektera själva kring vad de ansett som viktiga kompetenser och tillvägagångssätt för att kunna försörja sig som musiker. Resultatet har visat att samtliga informanter upplever att det inte fått det stöd eller kunskap de anses ha behövt under sin studietid för att möta arbetsmarknadens krav. Det blir tydligt att det finns brister i undervisningens arbetsmarknadsfrågor och bristande stöd i karriärövergången till att bli yrkesverksam musiker. En studerande kan få erfarenhet av arbetsmarknaden som frilansande under studietiden. Ansvaret ligger på individen att göra sig attraktiv och synlig på arbetsmarknaden. Alla 6 informanter menar att ett stort kontaktnät är fördelaktigt för att konkurrera med andra musiker. Resultatet har analyserats utifrån Savickas Career construction theory, CCT, en metateori som baseras på att jobbet ska matchas till individen och nå självförverkligande. Begreppet school-to-work har i studien stått i centrum för att analysera övergången mellan skola till arbetsmarknad för musikstudenterna, där fokuset har legat på att se om de högre utbildningarna möter Savickas kriterier för en lyckad övergång till arbete. / This study concerns Swedish music students' experiences on how the music academies prepare them for a career as professional musicians. The 6 participants were either current or former students at the academies and data was drawn from semi-structured interviews. They were interviewed about their experiences of support and counselling from the schools and its employees. During the interview they were asked to reflect and discuss their experiences as students and individuals on their way to becoming working musicians. Questions were asked about competencies and skills required of the students to become a part of the labour market. The answers showed an imbalance between the knowledge they received and what they actually needed to become professional musicians, both according to the interviewees themselves as well as according to previous studies summarized. The music academy's teaching did not depict the reality as a musician according to its students. The interviewees could identify the major competences needed on the labour market, and identified the same ones missing from their curriculum. Through M. Savickas Career Construction Theory and his concept school-to-work transitions the interviewees answers were analyzed to find what was lacking for the students in aid to make a successful transition from higher musical education to work as professional musicians. Light was also shed on what competences and resources the education has given them. Our major finding concluded that there is a lack of occupational information in higher musical education, as well as a lack of real-life experiences that reflect the true labour market according to the students. The students do not get to evolve the skills they need to, but are able to build a network during these years in school that can aid them in these areas all through their careers.

An Attitudinal Study of Secondary School Teachers Toward School Social Workers

Merritt, Raymond, McNannay, Dwayne 01 January 1974 (has links)
This thesis examines the attitudes of secondary teachers toward school social workers.

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