Spelling suggestions: "subject:"seizure."" "subject:"leizure.""
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Estudo das concentrações de proteína C-reativa sérica e liquórica em cães com epilepsia idiopática / Study of C-reactive protein concentrations in serum and cerebrospinal fluid in dogs with idiopathic epilepsyCalvo, Daniel Bernardes 31 July 2012 (has links)
A epilepsia compreende um grupo de alterações neurológicas frequentes em humanos e animais, caracterizada pela ocorrência periódica de crises convulsivas. A causa do processo pode ter várias origens sendo necessária a realização de exames complementares para o diagnóstico definitivo. A análise de biomarcadores, em especial as proteínas de fase aguda, como a proteína C-reativa (PCR), auxilia na identificação de doenças neurológicas inflamatórias e infecciosas, já que após serem produzidas pelo fígado conseguem atingir o tecido danificado e ter suas concentrações elevadas rapidamente na circulação. A concentração de PCR está diretamente relacionada à resposta de fase aguda, independentemente da origem ou natureza do estímulo, podendo ser um processo inflamatório, infeccioso ou até mesmo de origem neoplásica. Embora a PCR tenha sido estudada e monitorada em pacientes com as mais variadas doenças, até o momento não foi determinada a presença de PCR no soro e líquor de cães com epilepsia idiopática. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as concentrações de PCR no líquor e soro de cães apresentando epilepsia idiopática e verificar se essa protéina pode ser utilizada como biomarcador para auxiliar no diagnóstico da doença. Para tanto foram compostos três grupos. O primeiro, denominado A, com 23 animais clinicamente normais; o segundo denomindo B, composto por 17 cães manifestando convulsão em até 24 horas anteriores ao momento da coleta de mateiral; e o terceiro denominado C, com 16 cães apresentando convulsões de 24 horas até 120 horas antecedendo o momento da coleta do líquor e do soro. Foram mensuradas as proteínas totais séricas e realizadas as eletroforeses, além da análise do líquor e tomografia computadorizada. Animais com alterações estruturais detectadas na tomografia foram excluidos do estudo. As concentrações de PCR séricas foram avaliadas por meio da técnica ELISA utilizando-se kit comercial Tridelta Development Ltd, espécie específico. Além desta avaliação, os grupos B e C foram alivados quanto à concentração de PCR no liquor. Os resultados foram analisados pelo teste de Kruskal Wallis, seguido pelo teste de Dunn, enquanto para eletroforese e análise de PCR no líquor utilizou-se teste T não pareado. Não houve diferença significante em relação à eletroforese de proteínas séricas nos três grupos, assim como não se observaram alterações na análise do líquor nos grupos B e C. As concentrações séricas de PCR em cães normais variaram níveis não detectáveis a 6,36 µg/mL, com média de 0,98 µg/mL. As concentrações séricas nos animais do grupo B variaram de 1,04 µg/mL a 5,03 µg/mL, com média 2,14 µg/mL, enquanto no grupo C as concentrações foram de níveis não detectáveis a 1,9 µg/mL com média 0,51 µg/mL. A análise estatística demonstrou diferença significante entre os grupos sendo a média do grupo B superior aos demais (p= 0,0002). As concentrações liquóricas de PCR foram muito baixas quando comparadas àquelas observadas em cães com afecções inflamatórias e infecciosas e não foram em sua maioria detectáveis no líquor quando o período entre a convulsão e a coleta foi superior ao período de 24 horas. Concluiu-se que as convulsões associadas à epilepsia idiopática promovem uma resposta de fase aguda caracterizada pelo aumento de PCR sérica e liquórica nas primeiras 24 horas e que essas concentrações decaem após esse período, podendo estar associadas à liberação de mediadores inflamatórios no SNC e às contrações musculares. Assim sendo, a PCR sérica pode ser utilizada como um biomarcador para diferenciar a epilepsia idiopática de outras causas de convulsão. A técnica ELISA para análise de PCR no líquor, pode se somar às outras análises liquóricas, necessitando ainda de validação. / Epilepsy is a group of neurological disorders of humans and animals characterized by recurrent seizures. Epilepsy can have a number of causes and some complementary tests can help with a precise diagnosis. Biomarkers analysis, in special acute protein phase such as C reactive protein (PCR) can help identify inflammatory and infection neurological disease. Acute phase proteins are produced by liver and reach damaged tissue increasing blood concentration. Today studies show that increases in the PCR blood concentration is related to acute inflammatory response independent of mint, whether it is inflammatory, neoplastic or infection. Although PCR has been studied in many diseases, in special neurological disorder followed or not by seizures, until now PCR has not been founded in blood or liquor of dogs with idiopathic epilepsy. The purpose of this study is to evaluate PCR concentration in blood and liquor of patients with idiopathic epilepsy and verify if the protein can be considered a biomarker to help its diagnose. The study has 3 groups. The first named control group A, with 23 healthy animals, the second named B with 17 dogs that have had seizures within 24h, and the third named C with 16 dog that have had seizures after 24 to 120 hours from blood or liquor collection. The investigation is based on analyzing total protein and electrophoretic protein profile, liquor analysis and tomography. Patients with structural brain damages detected by tomography were excluded from the study. In the control group PCR concentration were analyzed by ELISA method and kit Tridelta Development Ltd, species specific. In groups B and C were also procedure PCR analyses in liquor sample. The results were analyzed by the Kruskal Wallis test and the Dun test, while electrophorese and PCR of liquor where analyzed by the T test not parried. There was no significant difference in electrophorese in the three groups and there were not found alterations in the liquor analyzes of the groups B and C. PCR blood concentration in healthy dogs vary between not detectable values to 6,36mcg/ml, with an average of 0,98mcg/ml. Blood concentrations from animal of group B vary from 1,04 mcg/ml to 5,03, with and average of 2,14mcg/ml. Meanwhile in group C blood concentration values were from not detectable to 1,9 mcg/dl, with an average 0,50 mcg/ml. Statistic analyses show significant difference between groups. Group B average was higher (p=0,0002). PCR liquor concentration was lower to those found on dogs with inflammatory infection diseases and the majority were not detectable in the liquor when the sample has been collected after 24 hours from the seizures. It is able to conclude that seizures associated with idiopathic epilepsy promote an acute phase response characterized by an increase of blood and liquor PCR concentrations within 24 hours, and after this period PCR concentrations declined due to the liberation of inflammatory mediators by the CNS and muscle contractions. Therefore blood can be used as a biomarker to differentiate idiopathic epilepsy from other seizures causes. The ELISA technique for PCR liquor analysis still needs to be validated.
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Qualidade de vida e controle de crises epilepticas conforme definição da International League Against EpilepsyVarela, Juliana Santos January 2017 (has links)
Base teórica: A epilepsia é uma doença neurológica crônica, que causa grande impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes afetados. Isto se deve a fatores psicossociais e outros associados à própria epilepsia, além dos efeitos adversos das medicações utilizadas no tratamento. Estima-se que o controle satisfatório das crises seja alcançado em apenas uma parte dos pacientes e, muitas vezes, às custas de efeitos adversos significativos, principalmente nos pacientes com epilepsia refratária. Devido à falta de padronização na definição de epilepsia refratária, que dificulta a sua identificação e o cuidado dos pacientes, em 2010 a ILAE (International League Against Epilepsy) propôs uma classificação para identificar pacientes controlado e não controlados e às custas de efeitos adversos ou não. Objetivo: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo aplicar os critérios de epilepsia fármaco-resistente, propostos pela ILAE em 2010, em pacientes com epilepsia em acompanhamento em um centro de referência e avaliar os efeitos adversos de medicações sobre a qualidade de vida, através da aplicação de questionários padronizados.Métodos: Foram incluídos 81 pacientes com diagnostico definido de epilepsia em acompanhamento em um centro terciário. Todos os pacientes tinham mais de 18 anos, estavam em uso de droga antiepiléptica em dose estável por pelo menos 3 meses, não foram diagnosticados com outras comorbidades clinicas ou psiquiátricas e não estavam em uso regular de nenhuma outra medicação que não o DAE. Os pacientes foram classificados em quatro grupos seguindo as orientações da ILAE: 1A (crises controladas, sem efeitos adversos); 2A (crises não controladas, sem efeitos adversos); 1B (crises controladas, com efeitos adversos), 2B (crises não controladas, com efeitos adversos). Na avaliação da qualidade de vida foi utilizado o questionário QOLIE-31 (Quality of life in epilepsy-31) e para auxiliar na avaliação da presença de efeitos adversos foi utilizada a escala LAEP (Liverpool adverse effects profile). Conclusão: Os pacientes dos grupos com pior controle de crises (2A e 2B) mostraram piores escores de qualidade de vida, enquanto que os grupos com controle de crises (1A e 1B) mostraram melhor qualidade de vida, independente da presença de efeitos adversos. A escala LAEP foi útil na avaliação de efeitos adversos por ajudar a diminuir a subjetividade desta avaliação. É conhecido da literatura que o controle de crises e a presença de efeitos adversos podem impactar negativamente na qualidade de vida dos pacientes com epilepsia. No nosso trabalho, a presença de efeitos adversos não foi um fator que influenciou na qualidade de vida, o que pode estar associado ao número das amostras. / Background: Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease that causes a great impact in the quality of life of the patients. This is related not only due to psychosocial factors but also due to factors associated with the disease itself, as well as to the antiepileptic drugs adverse effects. It is estimated that the good seizure control will be achieved for only some patients and many times with significant adverse effects, mainly in patients with drug resistant epilepsy. Since there was no defined criteria for refractory epilepsy, making the identification and care of these patients more difficult, in 2010 the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) suggested a classification to identify patients with good seizure control or uncontrolled seizures, with or without adverse effects. Objectives: Our work aims to use the ILAE 2010 criteria to identify patients with drug resistant epilepsy in patients of a referral center and to evaluate their quality of life and the presence of antiepileptic drugs adverse effects. Methods: It was included 81 patients with a defined diagnosis of epilepsy, all patients were 18 years old or older, were using an antiepileptic drug in a stable dose for at least 3 months, did not have other clinical or psychiatric diagnosis and were not using any other medication than the antiepileptic drug. Patients were classified in four groups, according to ILAE guidelines: 1A (good seizure control, no adverse effects); 2A (no seizure control, no adverse effects); 1B (good seizure control, with adverse effects), 2B (no seizure control, with adverse effects). For the evaluation of quality of life it was used the QOLIE-31 (Quality of life in epilepsy-31) questionnaire and for the evaluation of adverse effects it was used the LAEP (Liverpool adverse effects profile) questionnaire. Conclusion: Patients from groups with poor seizure control (2A and 2B) showed worse scores for quality of life while patients from groups with good seizure control (1A and 2A) showed better scores, regardless the presence of adverse effects. The LAEP scale was useful for the evaluation of adverse effects, since it helped to decrease the subjectivity in the evaluation. It is known from literature that seizure control and adverse effects have a negative impact the quality of life in patients with epilepsy. In our study, we were not able to show that the presence of adverse effects influenced the quality of life, this may be associated with the sample size.
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Efeitos neurocomportamentais da exposição prolongada de ratos ao fibronil / Neurobehavioral effects of fipronil long term exposure in ratsSilva, Andréa de Souza 13 March 2009 (has links)
Fipronil é um inseticida fenilpirazol de amplo espectro, desenvolvido para inibir seletivamente receptores GABA associados a canais de cloreto de insetos; tanto em Medicina Veterinária, como em Agricultura tem sido utilizado para o controle de pragas. Embora vários estudos procurem compreender os mecanismos da toxicidade neuronal dos praguicidas em mamíferos, há poucos relacionados aos efeitos neurocomportamentais. Assim, o presente estudo investigou os efeitos da exposição prolongada de ratos ao fipronil, observando-se alguns comportamentos ligados ao sistema GABAérgico, como atividade no campo aberto, no labirinto em cruz elevado (LCE), bem como na convulsão induzida por picrotoxina e pentilenotetrazol; avaliou-se ainda os níveis cerebrais de alguns neurotransmissores, como GABA, dopamina, noradrenalina, serotonina e seus respectivos metabólitos. Além disso, foram realizadas análises anátomo-histopatológicas em fígado, cérebro e rins dos animais. Ratos Wistar receberam, por via intragástrica (gavage), durante 28 dias um dos seguintes tratamentos: fipronil (0,1; 1,0 ou 10,0 mg/Kg/dia) ou água destilada 1 mL/Kg/dia. Após uma hora da última administração do fipronil ou água destilada, os ratos tiveram seu comportamento avaliado no campo aberto e no LCE com auxílio do sistema computadorizado EthoVision®. Observou-se no campo aberto apenas redução significante do nº de levantamentos nos animais tratados com 10,0 mg/Kg de fipronil, quando comparados com os ratos do grupo controle. No LCE, a exposição prolongada de ratos ao fipronil nas doses de 1,0 e 10,0 mg/Kg provocou redução na distância percorrida pelos animais e o tempo de permanência dos animais nos braços abertos, além de aumentar o tempo de permanência nos braços fechados. Para o cálculo da dose convulsivante mínima, seguiu-se o mesmo protocolo de tratamento, sendo observada diminuição significante na dose de picrotoxina e de pentilenotetrazol necessária para a indução da convulsão em animais tratados com 10,0 mg/Kg fipronil. A determinação dos níveis de neurotransmissores e seus respectivos metabólitos mostrou aumento dos níveis de dopamina no córtex frontal de ratos tratados com 10,0 mg/Kg de fipronil, redução nos níveis de GABA no striatum de ratos tratados com 1,0 mg/Kg de fipronil. Em relação à serotonina houve aumento de seus níveis no córtex frontal de ratos tratados com 1,0 mg/Kg e seu metabólito, ácido 5 (5HIAA), foi observado redução de seus níveis no córtex frontal de ratos tratados com 0,1 e 1,0 mg/kg p.c. de fipronil. No striatum também houve redução de seus níveis em ratos tratados com 0,1 e 1,0 mg/Kg de fipronil. O estudo anátomo-histopatológico revelou que a exposição prolongada ao fipronil pode causar hepatotoxicidade, caracterizada por aumento dos pesos absoluto e relativo do fígado e tumefação celular de hepatócitos. Em conclusão, os resultados mostraram que a exposição de ratos por 28 dias, via gavage, ao fipronil pode causar efeitos comportamentais relacionados a alterações em sistemas centrais de neurotransmissão e também hepatotoxicidade. / Fipronil is a phenylpyrazole insecticide with broad spectrum, developed to selectively inhibit insect GABA-gated chloride channels; both in Veterinary Medicine, and in Agriculture it has been used for the control of nuisances. Although several studies try to understand the mechanism of neuronal toxicity of pesticide in mammalian, there are few studies related to neurobehavioral effects. Thus, the present study investigated the effects of fipronil long term exposure in rats, being observed some behaviors connected to GABAergic system, as activity in open field, in elevated plus maze (EPM), as well as in the seizures induced by picrotoxinin and pentylenotetrazole. In addition, this study determinated the brain levels of some neurotransmitter as GABA, dopamine, noradrenaline, serotonin and metabolic levels and investigated liver, brain and kidney damage. Wistar rats received by intragastric (gavage) way during 28 days one of this treatment: fipronil (0,1, 1,0 or 10,0 mg/Kg) or distilled water; the rats behavior were evaluated in open field and elevated plus maze apparatus with system computer EthoVision®. There was a significant reduction of rearing in open field in rats treated with 10,0 mg/Kg of fipronil when compared with control rats. In the EPM, there was a decrease of distance moved in open arms and increase of time spent in closed arms to rats treated with 1,0 and 10,0 mg/Kg of fipronil when compared to control. It was still noticed the reduction in the time spent in open arms EPM in rats treated with 1,0 and 10,0 mg/Kg of fipronil when compared to control group. To calculate the minimum convulsant dose, was used the same treatment protocol and it was observed a significant reduction in picrotoxinin and pentylenotetrazole necessary dose to induction of seizure in animals treated with fipronil 10,0 mg/Kg. The level determination of neurotransmitters and their metabolites, it was observed the dopamine increasing in forebrain from fipronil treated rats by 10,0 mg/Kg. GABA levels decreased in fipronil treated rats striatum by 1,0 mg/Kg. Serotonin neurotransmitter was increased in fipronil treated rats forebrain by 1,0 mg/Kg to and its metabolite, 5HIAA, it was observed a levels decrease in fipronil forebrain treated rats by 0,1 e 1,0 mg/kg. There was decrease of 5HIAA levels in fipronil treated rats striatum by 0,1 e 1,0 mg/Kg. According to organ analyses, it was observed dose-response liver damage such as swelling liver cells. In conclusion, the data showed that fipronil administered in rats by 28 days caused behavioral effects related to central neurotransmitter alterations and hepatotoxicity.
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Dluhy občanů a jejich důsledky / Debts of citizens and their consequencesKristejnová, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is concerned how people can handle with their finances with a focus on the use of credit products, debts and the potential impact of debts. Consequences of default are efforts of creditors to get money back, whether through specialized companies or judicial executor. The thesis deals with enforcement proceedings and then with insolvency proceedings. So what are possible solutions of debtor's situation if debtor is unable to pay his obligations. Bankruptcy and debt relief is described. There is also a survey that examines people's attitudes to manage their money, to advertisement for credits, whether people borrow money and have repayment problems. In conclusion there is recommendation how to repay your debts, how to deal with debt responsibility, and there is also a very discussed topic about financial literacy.
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Apreensão de livros tidos como subversivos: o que os processos judiciais da Ditadura Militar revelam / -Castro, Ana Caroline Silva de 20 March 2017 (has links)
Descreve e analisa os dados sobre repressão a livros considerados subversivos entre abril de 1964 a março de 1979, no Brasil. Os dados estudados são os autos de busca e apreensão cumpridos pela polícia política e exército para confiscar obras durante a Ditadura Militar e que fizeram parte de processos judiciais que chegaram ao Superior Tribunal Militar. Cerca de 707 processos foram resgatados e reunidos pelo Projeto Brasil Nunca Mais durante a Ditadura e estão disponíveis integralmente na internet desde 2013. A pesquisa abrange todos os resultados da busca de autos de apreensão de livros confiscados contra suspeitos. Ao todo foram encontrados 323 autos de busca e apreensão em 145 processos jurídicos, representando 20% (vinte por cento) da totalidade. A pesquisa tem dois momentos. O primeiro é uma análise descritiva dos dados presentes nos autos, em que é possível saber quantos livros foram apreendidos por ano, por organizações, pelo perfil dos atingidos e por quem executou as ordens. Os autos foram analisados como um conjunto desmembrado dos processos. O segundo é a análise do auto de busca e apreensão como parte do processo jurídico. A escolha do processo analisado foi feita porque os livros apreendidos constaram como prova para condenação do réu. As constatações finais da pesquisa foram três. A primeira é que ao se analisar os dados dos autos percebeu-se que eles revelam uma fotografia da ditadura militar, sendo possível fazer uma correlação da repressão sofrida pelas diferentes organizações de resistência e o confisco dos livros. A segunda constatação é que os agentes repressivos buscavam especificamente livros que pudessem incriminar os suspeitos, sendo instruídos para identificar quais livros poderiam ser tidos como subversivos. Por fim, a terceira observação é que os livros apreendidos tinham peso relativo dentro de cada processo. Às vezes figurando apenas como anexo e em outros casos sendo usados como prova para condenação do réu. Além das contribuições apresentadas acima, a pesquisa lista os títulos dos livros apreendidos para servir de consulta e referência para próximas pesquisas sobre o tema. / It describes and analyzes data on repression of books considered subversive between April 1964 and March 1979 in Brazil. The data studied are the seizure cases carried out by the political police and the army to confiscate books during the Military Dictatorship and which were part of legal proceedings that reached the Superior Military Tribunal. Almost 707 cases have been rescued and assembled by the Brazil Never Again Project during the dictatorship and is available on the internet since 2013. The search covers all the results for the warrants against suspects in which books were confiscated. In all, 323 search and seizure cases were found in 145 legal proceedings, representing twenty percent (20%) of the totality. The research has two moments. The first is a descriptive analysis of the data present in the records, in which it is possible to know how many books were seized per year, by organizations, by the profile of those affected and by those who executed the orders. The records were analyzed as a set dismembered of the processes. The second is the analysis of the search and seizure self as part of the legal process. The choice of the process analyzed was made because the books seized were evidence for the defendant\'s conviction. The final findings of the survey were three. The first is that when analyzing the data of the records it was noticed that they reveal a photograph of the military dictatorship, being possible to make a correlation of the repression suffered by the different organizations of resistance and the confiscation of the books. The second finding is that repressive agents specifically searched for books that could incriminate suspects and were instructed to identify which books might be considered subversive. Finally, the third observation is that the seized books had relative weight within each process. Sometimes appearing only as an attachment and in other cases being used as evidence for the conviction of the defendant. In addition to the contributions presented above, the research presents the list of the books seized to serve as a reference for future research on the subject.
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Potential Toxicity of Caffeine when Used as a Dietary Supplement for Weight LossPendleton, Morgan, Brown, Stacy D., Thomas, Christan M., Odle, Brian 08 February 2013 (has links)
Background: Caffeine is added to dietary supplements to increase energy and suppress appetite. Many people take dietary supplements for weight loss. Patients may be unaware that supplements can contain caffeine, even if caffeine is not listed as an ingredient. Commonly used herbal dietary supplement ingredients, such as guarana, are natural sources of caffeine. Objective: To describe a case of possible caffeine-induced seizure in a patient taking an over-the-counter weight loss supplement. Case Report: A previously healthy 38-year-old female experienced blurring of vision and a new onset grand mal seizure. The patient had a two-month history of taking the dietary supplement, Zantrex - 3™. Zantrex - 3™ is advertised as a weight loss supplement which may provide rapid weight loss and extreme energy in one “power packed pill.” Conclusions/Summary: After discontinuation of Zantrex - 3™, the patient experienced no further seizure activity. Outpatient follow up at 2 and 6 weeks was noncontributory with follow up MRI and EEG both within normal limits.
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Impact of Seizure-Related Variables and Psychopathology on Health-Related Quality of Life in Pediatric EpilepsyMeyer, Aja M 03 November 2008 (has links)
Psychopathology typically is a lasting condition that is persistent from childhood to adulthood. Therefore, it is imperative that children with health conditions and comorbid psychiatric disorders are treated for both conditions as they are likely to have a significant negative impact on children's overall health-related quality of life (HRQL). More specifically, it is important to identify the variables that affect HRQL in children with epilepsy. Research has shown that biomedical variables such as seizure severity and frequency have only moderate relationships with HRQL; therefore, additional factors, such as depression and anxiety, must be identified so that they also may be a focus of treatment.
The purpose of this study was to ascertain the relationship among seizure-related variables, health-related quality of life, and psychopathology (i.e., anxiety and depression) in children with epilepsy (n = 51). The seizure-related variables examined in this study include type of seizure, seizure frequency, and seizure treatment with anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs). Canonical correlation analyses indicated that self-report and parent report of anxiety and depression were most strongly correlated with HRQL. Additionally, seizure frequency and number of anti-epileptic drugs also were correlated with HRQL. It is hoped that results from this study will inform both the medical and psychosocial treatment children with epilepsy receive. This comprehensive care needs to go beyond simply attempting to control seizures with minimal adverse drug reactions. Results from this study will contribute to the literature underscoring the importance of identifying, diagnosing, and treating children with epilepsy who have comorbid psychopathology so that they have the best possible psychosocial outcomes.
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Interrelationships among Magnesium Deficiency, Ketogenic Diet, and Fasting on Seizure SusceptibilityAI-Hamdani, Hamdia Mohammed Shahwan 01 May 1990 (has links)
Fasting and ketogenic diet prevent seizures in epileptic children, magnesium-deficient rats and other animal models of seizure disorders. This effect has been attributed to increased levels of circulating ketone bodies. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of serum ketone bodies, measured as beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), in preventing audiogenically-induced seizures in weanling rats fed a magnesium-deficient diet for 17 days.
The effect on seizure susceptibility was investigated by feeding a magnesium-deficient diet to weanling rats for 17 days. Fasting and ketogenic diet (dietary medium chain triglycerides, MCT) markedly decreased seizure incidence that was associated with increased serum BHB level. Also, rats fasted for 24h or fed 28 percent dietary MCT had decreased seizure incidence as compared with rats fed 3 percent dietary MCT or rats fasted for 6h. These effects were not caused by differences in caloric density or percentage of calories from fat in the diets.
Gavaging 2 mmoles of BHB resulted in lower seizure incidence; as compared with rats gavaged with 0.5 mmoles BHB when measured 30 min after dosing. In contrast, gavaging 5.6 mmoles of glucose resulted in increased seizure incidence in 24-h-fasted rats.
Gavaging 5.6 mmoles of glucose with 0.5 mmole of BHB simultaneously resulted in higher seizure incidence than gavaging with 2.0 mmole BHB and 1.4 mmole glucose simultaneuosly. In addition, gavaging 5.6 mmoles of glucose with 2 mmoles of BHB resulted in higher seizure incidence than gavaging 2 mmoles of BHB alone, which markedly reduced seizure incidence in fasted animals.
Fasting, ketogenic diet (MCT) and gavaging BHB increase serum BHB and decrease serum glucose concentrations . Gavaging glucose reduced serum BHB and increased serum glucose concentration. There was an inverse relationship between serum BHB and glucose in all treatments of this study. Although some treatments affected serum minerals, these effects were not consistent among experiments. Therefore, fasting, ketogenic diet (MCT) and gavaging BHB or glucose does not affect serum minerals markedly or consistently; and modifications in serum minerals caused by these treatments do not account for this effect on seizure incidence and severity. Finally, increases in serum BHB and decreases in serum glucose were consistently associated with dose-dependent reductions in seizure susceptibility of rats fed a magnesium-deficient diet for 17 days.
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Pantsättning utan besittning / Pledge without seizureBengtsson, Ola January 2000 (has links)
<p>Den som lånar ut ett belopp mot säkerhet i panträtt har ett förhållandevis gott skydd mot kreditförluster. Den som inte själv innehar pantegendomen med besittningsrätt, utan måste lita på att den som innehar egendomen inte lämnar ut den till gäldenären eller någon annan eller på annat sätt avhänder sig egendomen, löper eventuellt större risk att lida rättsförluster. Uttryckt på ett annorlunda vis kan man säga att en denuntiationspanthavare löper större risk än en besittningspanthavare. Mitt syfte är att identifiera och analysera de risker en denuntiationspanthavare utsätter sig för jämfört med de risker en panthavare med besittning till pantegendomen utsätter sig för.</p> / <p>Creditors are generally interested in getting the money back. In this thesis I have analyzed the variation in risk of loss, for creditors.</p>
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Pantsättning utan besittning / Pledge without seizureBengtsson, Ola January 2000 (has links)
Den som lånar ut ett belopp mot säkerhet i panträtt har ett förhållandevis gott skydd mot kreditförluster. Den som inte själv innehar pantegendomen med besittningsrätt, utan måste lita på att den som innehar egendomen inte lämnar ut den till gäldenären eller någon annan eller på annat sätt avhänder sig egendomen, löper eventuellt större risk att lida rättsförluster. Uttryckt på ett annorlunda vis kan man säga att en denuntiationspanthavare löper större risk än en besittningspanthavare. Mitt syfte är att identifiera och analysera de risker en denuntiationspanthavare utsätter sig för jämfört med de risker en panthavare med besittning till pantegendomen utsätter sig för. / Creditors are generally interested in getting the money back. In this thesis I have analyzed the variation in risk of loss, for creditors.
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