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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Seksualumo disekcija / Dissection of sexuality

Kondrotaitė, Deimantė 12 January 2007 (has links)
The dissection of sexuality (Lat. dissectio – dissection) – the collection of twelve graphics works, in which are depicted two different plastic interpretations of destructivized people‘s bodies on sheet graphics. The attention is focused towards the man‘s inner, spiritual, sexual spaces, which in the contemporary world are killed, the first place is taken by the factor of outer sexuality. The inner person’s sexuality – the desire to belong to somebody, to merge with somebody, to experience the relationship. This is the desire to create and to be seminiferous. The longing for intimacy and tenderness, sensitivity and sympathy, perfection – everything is depicted in the collection of serigraphy works. The main aim is to make the boundary by means of art works between the moral and pornographic sexuality, as we live in the society which encourages the sexual function. The theoretical works on person’s loves by Antanas Poškus, Kama Sutra compiled by Lans Dein, in which the erotic love is investigated, the works by Zdzislaw Bekinski are the basics of the present work. The graphical collection is created by traditional stencil technique – serigraphy. For the sketching not only the pencil is used, but also two graphical editors – CorelDROW and Adobe Photoshop are used. In the present Master’s work the sexuality is investigated not only by historical and psychological aspect, but also by the plastic expression. The image of visual sexuality and inner sexuality is shaped.

PAAUGLIŲ REKLAMOS SPECIFIKA / Features of Advertising for Adolescens

Gudėnaitė-Špokauskienė, Rita 02 September 2010 (has links)
Reklama yra reikšminga masinės kultūros dalis, kuri ne tik atspindi šiuolaikinio pasaulio ypatumus, bet ir formuoja vartotojo nuomonę, įteigdama reklaminio pasaulio stereotipus ir įvaizdžius. Bakalauro darbo tyrimo objektas – reklama, skirta paaugliams: aptariamos žurnalų „Čili cukrus“, „Ekstra panelė“, „Justė“, „Panelė“ reklamos, Lietuvos ir užsienio televizijos kanaluose skelbti reklaminiai vaizdo įrašai. Svarbiausias šio darbo tikslas – įvardyti, ką teigia paaugliams skirta reklama, kokias idėjas ir vertybes puoselėja reklaminis pasaulis. Iškeliami uždaviniai: teoriniu lygmeniu išanalizuoti komunikacijos, žiniasklaidos tradicijas, poveikio priemones ir reikšmę visuomenėje; pabrėžti paauglio vidinį trapumą sąveikaujant su informacine aplinka; išskirti paaugliams skirtos reklamos bendrus bei išskirtinius bruožus, reklamuotojų taikomas strategijas, jas pagrįsti pavyzdžiais; pateikti išvadas. Darbo metodai: taikomi deskriptyvinis bei interpretacinis metodai, pasitelkiama tarpdisciplininių tyrimų prieiga: paauglių reklamos problematikai atskleisti aktuali reklamos tyrėjų bei psichologų nuomonė. Tema analizuojama teoriniu, semantiniu ir istoriografiniu aspektais; interpretuojami problemų dėsningumai ir priežastys. Bakalauro darbe atskleidžiami paauglių reklamos ypatumai – jaunuoliams skirtose reklamose vyrauja laisvės ir nepriklausomybės metaforos, nuotraukose ar vaizdo įrašuose – jauni ir madingi tikslinės auditorijos bendraamžiai. Keliama mintis, jog reklamuotojui nesvarbu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Advertising plays a significant part in the culture of mass media that reflects not only the features of the present world, but also forms an opinion of a customer implying stereotypes and images of the advertising world. The object of the Bachelor’s thesis is advertising for adolescents: the advertisements of “Čili cukrus”, “Ekstra panelė”, “Justė”, “Panelė” and video advertisements shown in Lithuanian and foreign TV channels are discussed. The major aim of the thesis is to find out what the advertising for adolescents suggests and what ideas and values the advertising world pursues. The tasks of the thesis are as follows: on the theoretical basis to examine the traditions of communications and media, influence measures and the significance in the society; to emphasize the fragility of an adolescents internal world in information environment, to distinguish general and specific features of advertising for adolescents, the applied strategy of advertisers provided with examples; and to make conclusions. Methodology: descriptive and interpretation methods are applied and interdisciplinary studies are referred to: the opinion of advertising researches and psychologists on advertisement issues. The topic is analyzed on the basis of theoretical, semantic, and historiographical aspects; the patterns and causes of the problems are interpreted. The Bachelor’s paper provides the following features of advertising for adolescents: the advertisements convey freedom and independence... [to full text]

Michel Foucault seksualumo genealogija kaip politinis projektas / Michel Foucault’s genealogy of sexuality as a political project

Jasaitytė, Kristina 05 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuotas Michel Foucault politinis projektas, bei siekta per Foucault įvardintus galios santykius ir subjektų problematikos diskursus paaiškinti viešojo politinio diskurso atsiradimą. Darbas grynai teorinis, tik vietomis persipinantis su praktinio pritaikymo ar praktinių problemų panaudojimo aspektais. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje apibrėžiama kaip Foucault naudoja genealoginį istorijos tyrimo metodą, aiškinama su kokiais kitais metodais jis gali būti naudojamas. Taip pat per interpretacijas yra aiškinama Foucault politikos samprata. Antrojoje darbo dalyje apžvelgiami istoriniai ir socialiniai reiškiniai, kurie tapo prielaidomis atsirasti moteriškąjį seksualinį konstruktą analizuojančiai feministinei politinei teorijai, bei seksualumo dispozityvo forma veikiantčiam feministiniam politiniam judėjimui. Trečioje dalyje konsentruojamasi į normalizavimo procesus, kurių veikiamas seksualumo diskursas skaidosi. Čia mėginama atsakyti į tokius klausimus, kaip pavyzdžiui, kodėl seksualumas kaip socialiai sukonstruotas reiškinys nėra visiškai politinis ir negali tokiu būti. Taip pat mėginama pažvelgti iš globalinės perspektyvos, ir numatyti, kokiais būdais bet kokie privatūs subjektai ir jų problematika patenka į viešąjį diskursą ir yra įvelkami į institucionalizacijos rėmus. / This master’s thesis comprises ofthe analysis of Michel Foucault’s political project, and attempts to explain the emergence of some public political discourses through the power relations, defined by Foucault, and the subject problematization discourses. Given that the thesis is in itself purely theoretical, acknowledgement of the practical use of the theories is rather narrow. In the first part of the thesis the use of genealogy as a method to purify history, largely used by Foucault, is defined, and the methods, that work well with the latter method are elaborated. Furthermore, through those interpretations of genealogy, Foucauldian notion of political is explained. The second part reviews historical and social events, that could have become presumptions for the emergence of the feminist theory, defined by the analysis of the feminine social construct, and political feminist movement, driven by the form of the dispositif of sexuality. The third part concentrates on the processes of normalization, which when applied on the discourses of sex makes it deconstruct. Herefore the questions, such as why sexuality, as a socially constructed event, is not and can not be totally political?, can be asked. Further, the global perspective is taken into account while trying to foresee the methods, which move any private subject and their problematization towards the public discourse and dresses them in the institutional uniform.

Aukštesniųjų klasių moksleivių seksualinė patirtis ir savęs vertinimas / Sexual experience and self-esteem of senior pupils

Sabinienė, Natalija 29 June 2006 (has links)
The problem of the youth’s sexual behaviour is one of the most serious problems. The following juvenile problems have lately become especially urgent: early sexual relationships, pregnancy, abortion, diseases that are spread through sexual intercourse. Thus it is not surprising that the problem of juvenile sexual behaviour receives so much attention in pedagogy. In most cases love is understood as physical satisfaction. It is compared to sex. The true secret of sexual life is not realized properly. The problems of irresponsible sexual behaviour cause a number of other problems that have a negative impact on the future of adolescents. On the basis of the research results it is possible to draw the conclusion that the problem of early sexual experience in Lithuania is becoming more and more urgent. The number of teenagers who have had early sexual experience is increasing. It has been noticed that over a half of pupils who took part in the survey have had sexual relationships. According to the research data, the majority of sexually active adolescents acquired their first sexual experience at the age of 16-17. Most male adolescents have begun their sexual life at the age of 16 and the majority of female adolescents – at the age of 17. Thus, the hypothesis of the research that male adolescents start their sexual life earlier than female ones has been confirmed.

Mergaičių seksualumo patyrimas viduriniojoje paauglystėje / The experience of sexuality in mid-adolescent girls

Kajokienė, Ilona 24 January 2014 (has links)
Subjektyvių seksualumo išgyvenimų paauglystėje analizė nėra dažna tema psichologinių tyrimų lauke. Tačiau tai nereiškia, kad turėtume sutikti su paplitusia, tačiau mokslinę žiūrą ribojančia perspektyva, seksualumą tapatinančia tik su seksualine elgsena. Šioje disertacijoje atsisakoma išankstinių nuostatų paauglių seksualumą vertinti tik kaip problematišką ir rizikingą reiškinį. Kaip heteroseksualios mergaitės išgyvena savo seksualumą viduriniosios paauglystės laikotarpiu (14-17m.)? Kaip jų seksualumas atsiskleidžia kasdienybėje? Atsakymams atrasti šiame tyrime pasitelkta kokybinio tęstinio tyrimo strategija ir interpretacinės fenomenologinės analizės metodas. 9 tyrimo dalyvių interviu medžiaga atskleidė, jog 14 -15 m. amžiuje seksualumo patirtis galima struktūruoti kaip keturias metatemas: fizinio seksualumo atpažinimą; seksualios Aš fragmentiškumą; seksualumo patyrimą kaip santykio Aš-priešingos lyties KITAS, dalį; buvimo seksualia, bet ne „pasileidusia“: naujo tapatumo paieškas. Disertacijoje formuluojama žvilgsnio situacijos koncepcija, aiškinanti seksualios Aš įsisąmoninimą. Pristatomas nuoseklus buvimą ir tapsmą seksualia paaugle iliustruojantis atvejis. / The experience of sexuality in adolescence is not a frequent research object in the field of psychological inquiry. However, it does not mean that we must accept the narrow identification of sexuality with the sexual behavior. The discourse of this thesis denies the prejudices to see adolescent sexuality as the problematic and risky phenomenon only. How the girls undergo their experience of sexuality in mid-adolescence (age 14-17)? The novel strategy of the developmental longitudinal qualitative research and the method of interpretative phenomenological analysis were selected to answer this question. The findings of nine girls (age of 14-15) interview revealed that sexual experience can be structured as four meta-themes: a) recognition of physical sexuality; b) a fragmented sexual Self; c) sexual experience as a part of intersubjective relation between SELF and the opposite sex OTHER; d) a dilemma of being sexual, but not „promiscuous“: search for a new identity. The material provides new data on the first conscious sexual experiences, conceptualized as a gaze situation. The processes of being and becoming a sexual person are uncovered through the coherent case study.

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