Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byelection canprocess"" "subject:"byelection 3.3vprocess""
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Bedömningen inför en inkubationsprocess : Hur företag bedöms i en inkubators urvalsprocess / The assessment for a business incubation process : How companies are assessed in a selection process of a business incubatorMidbratt, Alice, Johansson, Cassandra, Hansson, Timmie January 2018 (has links)
Den här studie syftar till att skapa en förståelse för hur företag bedöms i urvalsprocessen hos inkubatorer och identifiera de egenskaper som inkubatorerna ser till i bedömningen. En inkubator är ett företag som förser start-ups med lokal, rådgivning och olika typer av tjänster. Entreprenörer med affärsidéer söker sig till inkubatorer för att de behöver hjälp med att iterera och verkställa sina idéer samt utveckla sitt företag. Studiens empiri har samlats in genom sex kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med personer som har insyn i urvalsprocessen hos en inkubator. Empirin analyseras sedan med hjälp av den forskning och litteratur som finns gällande inkubatorer men även med hjälp av modellen Business Model Canvas. Med hjälp av empirin och teorin i denna studie har det skapats en förståelse för hur urvalsprocessen går till. Studien visar på att alla de som söker sig till inkubatorer är i olika faser och inkubatorerna har olika huvudkriterier. Det gäller därför för företaget att hitta rätt inkubator för just dem. Idén och entreprenören har lyfts som två självständiga delar då det har visat sig att inkubatorer bedömer dessa två delar var för sig. Vi har hittat ett mönster som visar på att det finns två olika urval i urvalsprocessen med en verifieringsfas däremellan. Urvalsprocessen ses även ur ett hållbarhetsperspektiv där det kan konstateras att det inte är en självklarhet att det vägs in i bedömningen av företagen. / This study aims to create an understanding of how companies are assessed in the selection process of business incubators and identifying the qualities that business incubators value in the assessment. A business incubator is a company that provides start-ups with local, consulting and different types of services. Entrepreneurs with business ideas are applying to incubators to get help develop their ideas and their business. The empirical material has been gathered through six qualitative semi-structured interviews with individuals who have an insight into the selection process of a business incubator. The empirical material is analyzed using the research and literature on business incubators, but also using the model Business Model Canvas. With the help of the empirical material and the theory of this study, an understanding has been created for the selection process. The study shows that all those applying to a business incubator are in different phases and business incubators have different main criteria. That’s why the company has to find the right business incubator for them. The idea and the entrepreneur have been raised as two independent parts as it has been found that business incubators assess these two parts separately. We have found a pattern that shows that there are two different selections in the selection process with a verification phase in between. The selection process is also seen from a sustainability perspective where it can be concluded that it is not a matter of course that it is weighted in the assessment of the companies.
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Talang sökes! : En studie av två distriktsfotbollsförbunds talangidentifierings- och urvalsprocess till distriktslagenGrundströmer, Niclas, Pettersson, Mikael January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor essay was to analyze two Swedish district football associations and how the responsible coaches of the elite youth development teams identify and select talent. Key questions in the thesis were how the coaches described their leadership and their own part in the team, how the coaches identify talent, how they work with the selection process and their opinions about the elite youth development team structure. The study was based on 7 semi-structured interviews. The interviews showed differences between the district football associations but also many similarities in how they selected the team during the talent identification process. All coaches were involved in the selection process but the way they talked about developing elite players varied. One interesting result in the study was that the coaches’ way of describing talent revolved a lot around non-football related attributes such as character and attitude. Nyckelord:
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Analýza efektívnosti metód výberu zamestnancov v organizácii / Analysis of the effectiveness of methods for selection process of employees in the organizationZelenková, Michala January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the efficiency of the methods of selection of employees in the company Tesco Stores ČR a.s. The main aim of this thesis was to analyse the methods of recruitment which were introduced to the company and evaluate if their impact on the selection process and the quality of the candidates is positive. Academic research provided a theoretical framework for solving recruitment problems and subsequently were determined performance indicators which were applied to the selection process of employees. Based on the data from internal documents, interviews and questionnaire was analysed the effectiveness of recruitment methods in the company. The obtained data allowed to identify strengths but also weaknesses in the method of selection and recruitment process. The results of the analysis led to recommendations which implementation shall lead to elimination of the identified weaknesses and to ensure full satisfaction of managers and candidates with recruitment.
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Match JobCáceres Tupayachi, Valeria Andrea, Flores Rodríguez, André Alexander, Saavedra Valverde, Claudia Fátima Myriam, Urbina Pareja, Jeremy Caleb, Valverde Caldas, Benjamin 16 December 2021 (has links)
Web page / El presente proyecto, al cual denominamos “Match Job”, nace a partir de la problemática que se da en la búsqueda de oportunidades laborales. En este caso, identificamos que estos problemas se desarrollan en las etapas de procesos de selección, en donde no existe comunicación oportuna por parte de las empresas reclutadoras y los portales de empleo. Para el desarrollo de este proyecto, nos enfocamos a jóvenes estudiantes los cuales buscan oportunidades de trabajo a partir de sus últimos ciclos, los cuales desean informarse y adaptarse a un mercado tan competitivo como el de hoy en día.
Para proceder con el avance efectivo de este proyecto académico, realizamos diversos experimentos para identificar y validar la problemática relacionada a la búsqueda de empleo en estudiantes y la insatisfacción de estos al momento de participar en un proceso de selección. Asimismo, creamos un prototipo de página web (prototipo de alta fidelidad) y redes sociales para solucionar dicho problema, creando contenido audiovisual de valor y campañas pagadas para generar tráfico y clientes potenciales. / This project, which we call "Match Job", was born from the problems that arise in the search for job opportunities. In this case, we identify that these problems develop in the selection process stages, where there is no timely communication from recruitment companies and job portals. For the development of this project, we focus on young students who are looking for job opportunities from their last cycles, who want to learn and adapt to a market as competitive as today.
To proceed with the effective advancement of this academic project, we carried out various experiments to identify and validate the problems related to the search for employment in students and their dissatisfaction at the time of participating in a selection process. Likewise, we created a website prototype (high fidelity prototype) and social networks to solve this problem, creating valuable audiovisual content and paid campaigns to generate traffic and potential customers. / Trabajo de investigación
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THE MAKE-OR-BUY DECISIONS IN ITALCEMENTI PACKING SOLUTIONS : A quantitative approach in the global purchasing strategy contextFernandez Martinez, Pablo Enrique January 2012 (has links)
Many multinational corporations find themselves frequently in the dichotomous question of whether to make or buy a given component; but when those companies are operating with a global purchasing strategy, oriented to high levels of centralization and dealing simultaneously with the implications of purchasing and producing the same item, the approach to take the decision becomes difficult to find, even with the current literature and practitioners knowledge This master thesis addresses in a comprehensive proposal the way to undertake this kind of make-or-buy decisions. Through the literature review done, regarding global purchasing strategy, purchasing models, supplier selection methods and make-or-buy frameworks; it was found a convenient model to merge those concepts with the empirical experiences of a single case study in the Italcementi Group, one of the largest Cement producers in the world. The model proposed considers both strategic and economic elements and is designed as an iterative algorithm that evaluates several alternatives in order to arrive to the best make-or-buy approach. The methodologies selected and combined to solve the problem are mostly quantitative, but keeping the importance of qualitative elements within the analysis. The outcome of the thesis is a contribution to academicians and practitioners aiming to turn the existing knowledge about make-or-buy decisions into practical solutions for business management.
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Database Selection Process in Very Small Enterprises in Software Development : A Case Study examining Factors, Methods, and PropertiesAdolfsson, Teodor, Sundin, Axel January 2023 (has links)
This thesis investigates the database model selection process in VSEs, looking into how priorities and needs differ compared to what is proposed by existing theory in the area. The study was conducted as a case study of a two-person company engaged in developing various applications and performing consulting tasks. Data was collected through two semi-structured interviews. The first interview aimed to understand the company's process for selecting a database model, while the second interview focused on obtaining their perspective on any differences in their selection process compared to the theoretical recommendations and suggested methodology. The purpose was to investigate the important factors involved in the process and explore why and how they deviated from what the theory proposes. The study concludes that VSEs have different priorities compared to larger enterprises. Factors like transaction amount does not have to be considered much at the scale of a VSE. It is more important to look into the total cost of the database solution, including making sure that the selected technology is sufficiently efficient to use in development and relatively easy to maintain. Regarding selection methodology it was concluded that the time investment required to decide what is the best available database solution can be better spent elsewhere in the enterprise, and finding a good enough solution to get the wheels of the ground is likely a more profitable aim.
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Understanding influential factors in the choice of the selection process : A neglected aspect of the research literature on business incubators / Vad påverkar valet av selektionsprocess? : En försummad aspekt i forskningslitteraturen om företagsinkubatorerNilsson, Frida, Sundbeck, Karin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to enhance the understanding of what factors influence the choice of the selection process in government-funded business incubators. The study was conducted as an abductive multiple case-study of selection processes in Swedish government-funded business incubators. Our findings are summarized in a framework illustrating that owners and financiers stipulate important pre-conditions for the opportunities business incubators have in designing and implementing a certain selection process through their impact on the incubator goal and target group, and subsequently the choice of criteria. The regional context (local economics, level of entrepreneurial activity, collaborations and brand awareness) also stipulate a precondition for the incubator’s choice of the selection process by affecting the inflow of business ideas and therefore the pool of potential candidates available to the incubator. The amount and quality of the inflow mainly reflects in the rigorousness or flexibility in the application criteria. The design of the process, and thus the practices included, is highly influenced by the orientation of managers and operative staff in the incubator, conditioned upon available resources (organizational capabilities and constraints), and influenced by best practices, investor objectives, and macro trends. The study provides implications for research on selection processes in business incubators by highlighting that prior research has had a limited perspective of selection by primarily focusing on criteria and the flexibility and rigorousness in applying these, thus disregarding other practices and prevailing selection as an event rather than a process. Furthermore, we pinpoint several factors affecting the choice of the selection process, not previously discussed in the research literature. The emerging framework may also be used by stakeholders in order to understand how different factors impact the selection process and identify areas that are weak and need to be improved. / Syftet med denna studie är att förbättra förståelsen för vilka faktorer som påverkar valet av urvalsprocess i offentligt finansierade företagsinkubatorer. Studien har en abduktiv ansats och genomfördes som en multipel fallstudie av urvalsprocesser i svenska företagsinkubatorer. Resultaten från studien presenteras i ett teoretiskt ramverk som betonar att ägare och finansiärer utgör viktiga förutsättningar för inkubatorns möjligheter att utforma processen genom deras inverkan på mål och målgrupp. Mål och målgrupp återspeglas främst i valet av kriterier, men kan ha en indirekt påverkan även på det sätt som inkubatorerna arbetar för att uppfylla målen. Den regionala kontexten utgör också en viktig förutsättning för inkubatorers möjligheter genom dess påverkan på inflödet av affärsidéer och därmed poolen av potentiella kandidater som är tillgängliga för inkubatorn. Mängden och kvaliteten på inflödet påverkar i huvudsak huruvida tillämpningen av kriterier är rigorös eller flexibel. Utformningen av processen påverkas i stor utsträckning av den operativa personalens erfarenheter och gemensamma organisatoriska lärande i inkubatorn. Sådant inflytande kan dock till viss del vara begränsat av de resurser i form av medel, tid och personal som finns i inkubatorn. Vi finner även att rådande trender inom jämställdhet och hållbarhet, samt best practices och investerar-objektiv har inflytande på hur inkubatorer väljer att utforma urvalsprocessen. Studien bidrar till forskningen om urvalsprocesser i företagsinkubatorer genom att belysa att tidigare forskning har haft ett begränsat perspektiv på urval genom att enbart fokusera på kriterier samt flexibilitet och rigiditet vid tillämpningen av dessa och därmed bortse från övriga selektionspraxis. För att kunna förstå och förbättra urvalsprocessen bör ett bredare perspektiv på urval inkorporeras i forskningslitteraturen, där urval förstås som en process snarare än ett isolerat skeende. Vidare identifierar vi flera faktorer som påverkar valet av urvalsprocessen, men som inte tidigare diskuterats i forskningslitteraturen. Vårt ramverk kan också stödja olika intressenter att identifiera styrkor och svagheter i det ekosystem de verkar inom såväl som deras egen inverkan på urvalsprocessen.
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Characteristics of Successful Classroom Behavior Therapists of Individuals with Autism: A Qualitative Case StudyArtiste, Francine Maria 10 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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[pt] Lutas identitárias ganharam relevância nos últimos anos no Brasil e no mundo, o que vem motivando as corporações a responderem, de diversas formas, a esta demanda social. Dentre as respostas mais relevantes, contar com maior diversidade em sua força de trabalho passa a ser uma preocupação crescente das empresas, o que vem obrigando-as a repensarem seus processos seletivos para atrair e contratar, cada vez mais, indivíduos identificados como integrantes de grupos minoritários. A presente dissertação buscou entender como as práticas de recrutamento e seleção de empresas atentas a esta demanda vêm sendo estruturadas e conduzidas. Para alcançar este objetivo optou-se pela realização de estudos de casos múltiplos. Foram realizadas entrevistas com lideranças de empresas que possuem práticas de diversidade e inclusão maduras. Adicionalmente, foram analisados documentos internos, peças de divulgação de vagas em redes sociais, matérias na imprensa entre outros materiais produzidos pelas empresas. Os resultados da pesquisa indicam que os eixos de diversidade mais explorados pelas empresas são os de gênero, raça, pessoas com deficiência e grupo LGBTQIA+. A ações afirmativas nos processos seletivos são focadas para as posições de entrada com estágio e trainee. Educação da liderança e patrocínio da alta gestão são cruciais para o avanço do tema. Finalmente, identificou-se que para a perenidade do progresso em direção à maior diversidade da força de trabalho são fundamentais atualizações na legislação e ações práticas para aumentar a confiança dos públicos em relação a autodeclaração de pertencimento aos grupos minoritários. / [en] Identity struggles have been gaining relevance in recent years in Brazil and worldwide, which has motivated corporations to respond, in various ways, to this social demand. Among the most relevant responses, having more diversity in their workforce becomes a growing concern for companies, which has forced them to rethink their selection processes in order to attract and hire more and more individuals identified as members of groups. monitored. This dissertation sought to understand how the recruitment and selection practices of companies attentive to this demand have been structured and conducted. To achieve this goal, multiple case studies were chosen. Interviews were conducted with leaders of companies that have mature diversity and inclusion practices. In addition, internal documents, disclosure of vacancies on social networks, articles in the press and other materials produced by the companies were analyzed. The survey results indicate that the diversity axes most explored by companies are those of gender, race, people with disabilities and the LGBTQIA + group. Affirmative actions in the selection processes are focused on the positions of entry with internship and trainee. Leadership education and sponsorship from top management are crucial for advancing the theme. Finally, it was identified that for the continuity of progress towards greater diversity of the workforce, updates to legislation and practical actions are essential to increase public confidence in the self-declaration of belonging to the monitored groups.
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Die terapeutiese rol van fiksie in die hantering van sekere lewenskrisisse en ontwikkelingsprobleme van kindersMerts, Hilda Wilhelmina 30 June 2004 (has links)
Children experience life crisis and normal developmental problems. This study is aimed at highlighting the role fiction can play in assisting children in coping with certain normal life crisis and developmental problems. A discussion on the nature of the bibliotherapeutic process indicated that fiction plays a major role in the success thereof.
A model was designed for the selection process of fiction for the bibliotherapeutic process. Selection criteria were established for both the reader and the reading matter. Tables were designed consisting of selection criteria for both the reader and the reading matter. Stories about life crisis relating to death and divorce, as well as normal developmental problems about fear of peer group rejection and fear of the acquirement of skills, were evaluated against these criteria. This indicates that it is possible to select the right book for the bibliotherapeutic process with children. / Information Science / M.Inf.
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