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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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訴說的身體:內衣電視廣告的符號學研究 / Narrative of female body: semiological study of lingerie TV commercials

楊青婉, Yang, Qing Wan Unknown Date (has links)
本文對台灣2010-2015.6期間的女性內衣電視廣告進行符號學研究,探討其中的符號與敘事規則,女性及其身體的符號意義、以及符號結構如何建構內衣的消費迷思。研究認為,廣告多元地講述了女性在男女關係、公共關係、朋友關係和個人關係中所體驗的情緒和情感,呈現較為豐富的女性角色和個性,很多文本亦表現出對傳統陰柔特質和男性權威的挑戰,藉由女性個人風格和獨立意識的展現,內衣廣告積極透過文本的搭建闡釋女性自主。研究文本將身體謀劃運作為自我認同的過程,女性因為身體資本而獲得肯定和賦權, 但同時也不斷重複著女體標準的階級化霸權,符號擇用透露了新舊結構的拉扯中,父權體制、資本主義商業邏輯與女性消費者進行著女性主體性的協商。內衣之為符號,被塑造成與外界發生關連的媒介(medium),同時是許多正面積極意義的載體(vehicle),內衣電視廣告繼續深化內衣的性感迷思、美麗迷思,還敘述了自信自主的迷思、自我意識的迷思,個性化迷思,滿足女性對主體性的想像,對生活夢想的期望。 / This is a semiological study of lingerie TV commercials in Taiwan from 2010 to June 2015, which explores the symbolic structure and narrative rules, symbolic significance of women and their bodies, and how lingerie myth constructs. Research suggests that ads show the various emotions and feelings females experiencing in different relationship, including male-female relationship, friendship, public relations and self-relation, while females appearing in relatively rich characters and personalities. Many ads present the challenge to traditional femininity and masculine authority. Though demonstrating the personal style and sense of independence, lingerie ads attempt to bulid a positive interpretation of female autonomy. Self-identity is shaped during practising one`s body plan, as a result, women get recognition and empowerment because of the physical capital in these ads. However, we can see the repetition of the body standard, which constructs hegemony of body. Overall, the research finds the wrestling between the old and the new social and cultural structure, in other words, a negotiation of expressing subjectivity among patriarchy, capitalist business and women customers in lingerie TVC. In terms of its symbolic value, lingerie is portrayed as a medium to connect females with the external world, and a vehicle carrying lots of positive implication. Furthermore, these ads deepen sexuality myth and beauty myth of lingerie, at the same time, add the myth of self confidence, independency and personality to it, meeting women's imagination of subjectivity and expectations for life.


林純英, Lin, Chwen-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於探究鄉土教育中應具備的教育性思維,凸顯以學習者為主要關懷的教育精神所在。蓋民國七十六年解嚴之後,以重視台灣主體性為主要訴求的鄉土教育逐漸受到重視;甚至在民國八十年代形成討論的高峰,官方亦將「鄉土教學活動」與「認識台灣」正式納入國民教育課程中。然而,在政治意識型態的爭辯中,教育的焦點被模糊了;鄉土教育在政治角力中成為企圖主導學習者認同(identification)的手段。在此背景下,研究者源於對學習主體性的關心,首先探究台灣鄉土教育由被貶抑到普獲重視的過程中,前後影響自我認同(self-identity)的諸多背景因素(包括政治、經濟、教育、社會文化等)。並從相關教育思想(以自然主義、存在主義、批判教育學為主),深化正向「自我認同」在鄉土教育中的核心地位。進一步以米德(G. H. Mead)、哈伯瑪斯(J. Habermas)之社會學理論的探討,瞭解自我認同的基礎條件、歷程、危機、機制與影響,以建構對鄉土教育完整性的理解。希望在「過度政治化」與「忽視符號問題」的兩極論述外,補充兼具微觀基礎與鉅觀批判的、具理論完整性的論述。 本研究共分五章,第一章緒論外,第二章分析台灣鄉土教育的潮流。茲分四節,「大中國主義式教育的反動」不僅在內容上爭取台灣主體性的教育,更在制度上反對中央集權式的教育模式。「族群文化的追求」同樣以建立正面健康、具有尊嚴的的自我認同為目標。但除了政治、文化霸權的操控外,族群文化尚受到經濟結構轉變與流行文化的影響。「疏離生活世界的反省」指出了台灣人對於歷史意義斷裂、人際關係疏離與教育活動僵化的檢討;政、經批判之外,尤其展開功利主義的省思。欲重新在傳統精神中、人際互動裡及鄉野自然的懷抱下,拾回作為一個與鄉土緊密聯繫的、完整的「人」。「共同體的呼籲」則強調團結實踐、投入鄉土的重要,與多元鄉土間和平共處的理想。但在政治、經濟、社會等諸多問題牽扯的背後,四個面向應有其一致的教育關懷,即「自我認同」的議題。尤其在實際運作上,主體仍岌岌可危,顯見一般對鄉土教育真正的認識尚有不足。 第三章以「自然主義的關心」、「存在主義的關懷」與「批判教育學的關切」等教育哲學的角度,思考鄉土教育的有機性,使之更具意義與生產性。並以此基礎提出鄉土教育與自我認同的相關性,包括: 一、 危機中的主體 二、 鄉土教育應肯定每一個體 三、 鄉土教育是自我認同的基礎 四、 鄉土教育激發主體能動性 五、 鄉土教育強化自我與社會的聯繫 六、 鄉土教育培養個體對自我與鄉土的責任 七、 異質相處的共同體問題 本章並分析以米德與哈伯瑪斯學說做為自我認同理論探究的幾點後設認知。 第四章以米德的符號互動論為基礎,輔以哈伯瑪斯對於結構性問題的批判。第一節「自我的起源」:米德反對傳統的意識哲學,分析自我形成的社會性,其基礎在於人類可藉「姿勢互動」(gesture interaction)並「自我反省、參照」的能力,達成「主我」(I)與「客我」(Me)的對話。第二節「自我認同的發展」:米德以為自我認同的歷程在於「掌握更廣共同體的態度」。指出在互動經驗中,學習了「角色扮演」或「角色取替」(play a role or role-taking)的能力,並在遊戲的階段(game stage)掌握了「概化他人」(generalized others)的概念,因而瞭解自我在社會中的位置而完成了自我的觀念。米德認為自我認同是「主、客我統合」。哈伯瑪斯則強調自我的個別性,主張超越僵化「角色認同」(role identity)的「自我認同」(ego identity)。其實,米德的角色認同是活化而開放的概念,但其理論缺乏對結構性力量的批判,未分析「概化他人」中的宰制因素及其傷害自尊的深層意義。所以第三節「認同的危機與轉機」:先談米德對於「符號」此聯繫與創造媒介的主張。再以哈伯瑪斯對「生活世界的殖民化」分析,指出(一)自我認同相關趣向(interests)的萎縮,及(二)符號扭曲與無意義感等自我認同的危機。此危機與「合法化危機」(legitimation crisis)及「動機機制危機」(motivation crisis)息息相關。故要恢復健全而隨境互動的自我認同機制,除了個人層面的「自我反省」與實踐外,尚須在制度面上建立理想的溝通機制。第四節「溝通行動與共同體」:米德認為「理想的社會」有兩個條件,(一)是創造性個體的充分表達;(二)是被其他成員所理解。故米德認為溝通(communication)是人類的理想,能協助社會的進步與個人的成長。哈伯瑪斯的溝通行動理論不僅得力於米德對生活面的互動、活動的關注,更進一步以其「理想社會」的特徵,建構溝通行動與論辯的條件。其中,集體認同必須建立在「互為主體性」(intersubjectivity)的尊重,允許不同意見與立場在開放的溝通空間中彼此參與。米德認為,我們必須選擇讓人類「一體感」的凝聚力導向於「溝通互動」,而非內部團結卻對外暴力相向的非理性運作。至於溝通的結果與共識,米德反對教條式的宣稱,如同所言「We don’t know where we are going, but we know we are on the way.」 第五章「結論」,第一節以理論所得,從歷史的角度詮釋與反省台灣鄉土教育中自我認同議題。第二節則以理論的角度,試圖描繪鄉土教育中應有的思維與考量,使自我認同的教育更具周延性。研究結果如下: 一、 關於認同的基礎與界線:確切、獨特與無限的時空 二、 關於自我認同的機制:個別化「符號」與「互動」兼顧 三、 關於批判:兼及「系統」與「生活世界」的反省與重建 四、 關於他者與共同體:多元並存也力求溝通 五、 自我認同與鄉土認同的永恆辯證 六、 自我肯定、共創願景的鄉土教育 最後第三節以「歷史與理論的交會」,談鄉土教育問題和相關論述的發展脈絡,及與本研究的關係。並分析鄉土教育由熱烈討論到逐漸沈澱的過程。希望鄉土教育一詞的熱潮消退之後,教育對自我認同的基礎仍能持續關心與重視。讓鄉土教育最初的關懷:學習者主體性的追求,能夠落實。


陳建成 Unknown Date (has links)
自開放探親以來,兩岸交流日趨熱絡,截至民國九十四年底陸續來台團聚及申請居留、定居的大陸配偶已逾廿三萬人,成為新興移入人口的主流。「兩岸婚配」的盟合大多係由台灣男性主動認識大陸女子、或經由親友介紹、及婚姻仲介等方式而結婚,大陸配偶透過「跨海婚姻」的歷程來到台灣,在陌生的社會民情與生疏的家庭環境中試圖展開新生活,她們無不努力地學習並詮釋新的角色;然因兩岸的社經環境、風俗習慣,人民的成長背景及價值觀念等文化之差異與隔閡,建立自己的同儕生活上有所困難,加上在台灣取得社會資源的不易,使其與台灣社會網絡互動貧乏,只能依賴婚姻的狀況下更顯得被孤立,而成為社會的弱勢族群,且因人數眾多已形成嚴重的社會問題。 由於大陸配偶來台者日眾,在相關的社會新聞中,造成台灣民眾常抱持著偏執與異樣眼光看待她們,總將其視為外來者或麻煩製造者而產生了許多誤解,使她們在異鄉的生活適應上備感艱辛,諸如她們漂洋過海的婚姻動機為何?來台後對於兩岸的生活習慣與價值觀念之差異要如何適應?又將如何與台灣的社會相連結?對於國家與社群的認同為何?微視她們真正的心聲是值得我們作抽絲剝繭的探究。本文針對中國移民女性來台的社會適應問題進行研究,讓現實生活中的大陸配偶自己發聲,筆者實地去瞭解她們的生活底層,聆聽她們的心聲、感受與生活經驗,試從其自身的敘述中來勾勒出她們的「台灣經驗」,而非新聞媒體上所建構與杜撰的故事,或是三姑六婆們街頭巷尾的竊竊私語。 / Ever since Taiwan and PRC opened door for citizens to visit their relatives across Taiwan Straits, cross-border interactions from both sides are becoming more frequent. According to statistical data released by Taiwan government, more than 230 thousand PRC immigration requests to Taiwan have been granted by the end of 2005. In consequence, PRC residents are becoming the mainstream in Taiwan immigration population. Typically, cross-border marriage took place through matchmakers or relatives’ introduction or Taiwanese males actively create opportunities to know PRC female. Thereby female is the dominant gentile in PRC immigrant population. Due to different value systems, and vast cultural gap, it is not easy for PRC spouses to quickly adapt to the new environment and families. In addition, for lack of proper access to Taiwan social networks, PRC immigrants are usually isolated and speechless. And the issues become more severe as PRC immigrants increases in Taiwan. From time to time, social incidents caused by PRC immigrants are mistakenly reported or even exaggerated by public media that lead to biased misunderstanding from Taiwanese pollution. And there’s virtually no chance for PRC spouses to speak up. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the following issues: what are the motivations of PRC spouses to come to Taiwan, how they adapt themselves to make up the cultural gap and the new value system, as well as how can they link up with Taiwan societies. Rather than referencing to media reports that could possibly be distorted, we chose to collect first hand experiences by face to face interviews with PRC spouses. Let’s listen to their genuine voice about their “Taiwan experiences”.

Acculturation and health outcomes among Vietnamese immigrant women in Taiwan

Yang, Yung-Mei January 2008 (has links)
Background Recently, Taiwan has been faced with the migration of numbers of women from Southeast Asian (SEA) countries. It was estimated that the aggregate number of SEA wives in Taiwan was more than 131,000 in 2007 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2006).These women are often colloquially called, “foreign brides” or “alien brides”; most of them are seen as commodities of the marriage trade, whose marriages are arranged by marriage brokers. Some women can be regarded as being sold for profit by their families. These young Vietnamese immigrant women come to Taiwan alone, often with a single suitcase, and are culturally and geographically distinct from Taiwanese peoples; the changes in culture, interpersonal relationships, personal roles, language, value systems and attitudes exert many negative impacts on their health, so greater levels of acculturation stress can be expected. This particular group of immigrant women are highly susceptible and vulnerable to health problems, due to language barriers, cultural conflicts, social and interpersonal isolation, and lack of support systems. The aims of this study were to examine the relationships between acculturation and immigrantspecific distress and health outcomes among Vietnamese transnational married women in Taiwan. This study focuses on Vietnamese intermarriage immigrants, the largest immigrant group in the period from1994 through to 2007. Methodology The quantitative study was divided into two phases: the first was a pilot study and the second the main study. This study was conducted in a communitybased health centre in the south of Taiwan, targeting Taiwanese households with Vietnamese wives, including the Tanam, Kaohsiung, and Pentong areas. This involved convenience sampling with participants drawn from registration records at the Public Health Centre of Kaohsiung and used the snowball technique to recruit 213 participants. The instruments included the following measures: (1) Socio-demographic information (2) Acculturation Scale (3) Acculturative Distress Scale, and (4) HRQOL. Questions related to immigrant women’s acculturation level and health status were modified. Quantitative data was coded and entered into the SPSS and SAS program for statistical analysis. The data analysis process involved descriptive, bivariate, multivariate multiple regression, and classification and regression trees (CART). Results Six hypotheses of this study were validated. Demographic data was presented and it revealed that there are statically significant differences between levels of acculturation and years of residency in Taiwan, number of children, marital status, education, religion of spouse, employment status of spouse and Chinese ethnic background by Pearson correlation and Kendall’s Tau-b or Spearman test. The correlations of daily activity, language usage, social interaction, ethnic identity, and total of acculturation score with DI tend to be negatively significant. In addition, the result of the one-way ANOVA supported the hypothesis that the different types of acculturation had a differential effect on immigrant distress. The marginalized group showed a greater immigrant distresses in comparison with the integrated group. Furthermore, the comparison t-test revealed that the Vietnamese immigrant women showed a lower score than Taiwanese women in HRQOL. The result showed higher acculturative stress associated with lower score of HRQOL on bodily pain, vitality, social functioning, mental health, and mental component summary. The CART procedure to the conclusion that the predictive variables for the physical component of the SF-36 (PCS) were: alienation, occupation, loss, language, and discrimination (predicted 28.8% of the total variance explained). The predictive variables for the mental component of the SF-36 (MCS) were: alienation, occupation, loss, language, and novelty (predicted 28.4% of the total variance explained). Conclusion As these Vietnamese immigrant women become part of Taiwanese communities and society, the need becomes apparent to understand how they acculturate to Taiwan and to the health status they acquire. The findings have implications for nursing practice, research, and will assist the Taiwanese government to formulate appropriate immigrant health policies for these SEA immigrant women. Finally, the application of this research will positively contribute to the health and well being of thousands of immigrant women and their families.

Nasionalisme en die demokrasie : 'n ondersoek na 'n verband tussen die kragte van nasionalisme en die tegnieke van demokrasie / Nationalism and democracy : an investigation into the relationship between the forces of nationalism and the techniques of democracy

Botha, Susan Muller 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die doel met hierdie studie is om te bepaal of daar 'n verband is tussen die aktivering van die middelpuntsoekende en middelpuntvliedende kragte van nasionalisme enersyds en andersyds die tegnieke van demokrasie in die hedendaagse staat. In die ondersoek na so 'n verband, is die nasie beskou as 'n versameling individue wat in terme van 'n bepaalde identiteit assosieer ten einde 'n stel belange te realiseer. Belange wat uitgesonder word is: selfidentiteit, die noodsaaklikheid om met ander mense te kan assosieer, selfdeterminasie as 'n motiverende krag in menslike gedrag, en die persepsie dat die vermoe bestaan om belange te kan realiseer. Die spanning tussen die selfdeterminerende aard van die menslike natuur enersyds, en andersyds die onvermydelike groepkonteks van die mens, word in hierdie studie beklemtoon. Ten einde hierdie spanning te minimiseer, sal die individu die eise van die groep (in hierdie konteks die nasie), as sy eie internaliseer. Ten einde 'n selfdeterminerende individu midde in die nasie te bly, word die selfdeterminasie van die nasie belangrik. Selfdeterminasie word verder beskou, as 'n belangrike kenmerk van liberale demokrasie. Ongelukkig is die groepkonteks en die spanning tussen die belange van die individu enersyds en andersyds die eise van die samelewing weer eens onvermydelik. Verskeie tegnieke van demokrasie word evalueer in terme van hul sukses om die selfdeterminasie van die individu en die realisering van sy belange te verseker. Daar is bevind dat geen tegniek 'n waarborg in hierdie verband kan bied nie. In die studie is bevind dat negatiewe persepsies oor selfdeterminasie en belangerealisering in die algemeen, die middelpuntvliedende kragte in die staat kan aktiveer. Die verskillende tegnieke van demokrasie kan inderdaad die bron van negatiewe persepsies wees. Verder is bevind dat indien hierdie negatiewe persepsies saamval met etniese en/of regionale subidentiteite in die staat, hulle aanleiding kan gee tot rebelse nasionalisme. Die verskillende tegnieke van demokrasie verleen dikwels die meganismes waardeur hierdie subidentiteite georganiseer en gemobiliseer kan word. / The purpose of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between the activation of the centripetal and the centrifugal powers of nationalism, on the one hand and on the other hand, the techniques of democracy in the contemporary state. In researching this relationship, the nation is regarded as a collection of individuals who associate in terms of a particular identity in order to realise a set of interests. Interests that are singled out in this study are: self-identity, the need to associate with fellow human beings, self-determination as a motivational force in human behaviour, and the perception of being able to realise particular interests. The tension between the self-determining nature of human beings, on the one hand and the inevitable group context of human beings, on the other hand, is stressed in this study. In order to minimize this tension, the individual will internalize the demands of the group (in this context the nation) as his own. Thus for the individual to remain a self-determining human being within the nation, the self-determination ofthe nation becomes important. It is further pointed out that self-determination of the individual is an important feature of liberal democracy. Unfortunately the group context and the tension between the interests of the individual on the one hand and the demands of society on the other hand, are also inevitable. Various techniques of democracy are evaluated in order to determine their success in safe-guarding the selfdetermination of the individual and the realization of his interests in general. It is pointed out that no technique can in fact provide a guarantee in this regard. In the study it was found that negative perceptions regarding self-determination and the realization of interests in general, may activate the centrifugal powers within the state. The various techniques of democracy may indeed be the source of these negative perceptions. It was furthermore found that when these negative perceptions coincide with ethnic and regional subidentities, they may give rise to rebellious nationalisms. The various techniques of democracy often provide the mechanisms through which these subidentities could be organized and mobilized. / Political Sciences / D.Litt. et Phil. (Staatsleer)

「壯遊」的建構、挑戰與現實-以台灣赴澳打工旅遊青年為例 / The construction, challenge and reality of a grand tour : taking Taiwanese working-holiday makers for example

阮靖權, Juan, Ching Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
自從2004年台澳簽署「打工度假」(Working Holiday)協定以來,每年台灣青年赴澳人數不斷增加,在國內掀起一股「壯遊」的熱潮。然而相關新聞報導與國內的研究卻發現,到澳洲打工旅遊的台灣年輕人,因為語言能力比不上當地人,所以多從事耗費體力的工作,而且工作穩定度低、危險性高、容易遭遇黑工問題等等,使台灣打工旅遊者的勞動環境越形惡劣。但在筆者的研究中,發現打工旅遊者卻輕忽勞資問題,必且拒絕承認自己為「台勞」。因此,本文的焦點在於探討台灣打工旅遊青年如何從自身「主體」性的眼光,去看待自己同時打工、又同時旅遊的行為?他們對自己抱持著怎麼樣的「想像」來理解打工旅遊的經驗?這樣的「想像」又是如何被塑造出來? 本研究採質性研究方法,包括深入訪談、參與觀察、線上民族誌與非侵入性研究,並使用這些不同來源的資料進行交叉分析,以確認資料之信度與效度。在分析架構上,從「結構」和「個體」這兩者的互動展開,首先討論澳洲與台灣政府在塑造「打工旅遊」上扮演的角色,再來探討台灣青年在打工旅遊的過程中,對於自我身分的認同如何演變的過程。最後,本研究使用Giddens (1991)所提出的「現代性的反思性」來理解台灣青年如何將打工旅遊理解為自我敘事的一部份:逃離台灣變成一種自我實現的追尋,與既有的生命歷程斷裂。本文以此研究結果,來回應既往文獻研究的不足之處,並提醒台灣打工旅遊者對於「壯遊」的想像,可能會掩蓋澳洲惡劣的工作環境與勞動剝削的事實。 / Since Australia’s “Working Holiday Maker Visa Agreement” was signed with Taiwan in 2004, the number of Taiwanese working-holiday makers in Australia has grown rapidly every year. “Grand Tour” became a popular concept in Taiwan. According to the related literature, most Taiwanese working-holiday makers had no choice but to participate in the primary labor market in Australia due to the lack of English ability. They usually encountered highly risky, unstable, and even illegal working environment. However, the study found that Taiwanese working holiday makers ignored the nature of their employment and refused to call themselves “Tai Lau” (Taiwanese laborers). As a result, the study analyzed how Taiwanese working holiday makers think of themselves when they worked and traveled at the same time? What imagination did they have on their working holiday experience? In what ways was the “imagination” structured? The study was conducted by using qualitative research methods, which included in-depth interviewing technique, participant observation, unobtrusive methods, and online ethnography. Data collected through different channels and methods were triangulated to check the reliability and validity of data. The analytical framework focused on the interaction between “social structure” and “individual.” First, the study examined how Australian and Taiwanese governments both played the important roles in shaping and enforcing the working holiday policy. Second, this study explored the process in which Taiwanese working-holiday makers’ self-identities were changed when they were in Australia. Glidden’s (1991) concepts of modernity and self-identity were found to be particularly relevant in understanding Taiwanese working holiday makers’ self-narratives. They escaped from Taiwan to seek self-fulfillment, and their lives and identities in Australia were separated from their original life trajectories. The findings of this study can contribute to current tourism research by pointing out that the imagination of a “Grand Tour” may cover up the difficult working environments and exploitation faced by working-holiday makers.


Shealey, Wanda Marie 17 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

A Material Sign of Self: The Book as Metaphor and Representation in Fifteenth-Century Northern European Art

Sandoval, Elizabeth Marie 08 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Woo, Victoria Choi Yue 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

An educational psychological perspective on the use of filial therapy in mother-child relationships

Arnott, Amanda Margaret 11 1900 (has links)
The different reactions of parents to the discovery that their children had ADD/ADHD has an effect on the primary relationship established between mother and child. This is essential in the later involvement, experience and meaning attribution of the child with respect to all subsequent relationship formation on the child's journey towards his ultimate target, namely self-actualisation. It was felt that psychological intervention could help parents to bond, communicate with and relate to their children without experiencing negative feelings which would enhance parental acceptance. In this study, ten mothers were used to participate in an adapted group Filial Therapy programme. This unique therapy involves parents as the primary agents to resolve child-related problems and to encourage children's healthy psycho-social development. Results were positive. The mothers felt that they had formed better relationship with their children. They were empowered with knowledge and coping mechanisms, such as reflective listening, setting limits and providing choices. For the first time they were enjoying their ADD/ADHD children. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

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