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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Escala de autoconfiança para a realização do cateterismo urinário intermitente: construção e validação de instrumento / Selfconfidence scale for the realization of intermittent urinary catheterization: construction and tool validation

Cintia Fernandes Baccarin Biaziolo 31 August 2015 (has links)
Este estudo teve como objetivo validar instrumento de medida para a realização do cateterismo urinário intermitente entre pacientes e cuidadores. Estudo metodológico de construção e validação de instrumento, realizado no Centro de Reabilitação de um Hospital Universitário, com pacientes usuários do cateterismo urinário intermitente e com os seus cuidadores, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto - Parecer 146/2012. Os dados foram coletados por entrevista, realizada durante consulta de enfermagem através de instrumento de caracterização da amostra e de um questionário tipo Likert de 16 itens e cinco pontos por item, que vão de: \"nada confiante\"=1; \"pouco confiante\"=2; \"confiante\"=3; \"muito confiante\"=4 até \"completamente confiante\"=5. O questionário denominado Escala de Autoconfiança para realização do Cateterismo Urinário Intermitente Limpo (EACUIL) foi construído com base na literatura e validado em aparência e conteúdo em estudo anterior.Os dados da pesquisa foram codificados e digitados duplamente em planilhas do aplicativo Excel e após exportados e analisados no programa SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), versão 22.0. S. Para determinar a validade e a confiabilidade do construto, foi utilizada estatística descritiva, com medidas de tendência central e de dispersão (média, moda, mediana, percentis, variância, desvio padrão), e a inferência estatística (análise fatorial e estimativa da consistência interna). Para a avaliação dos resultados obtidos, foi assumido o valor de p<0,05 como estatisticamente significante. A amostra foi composta por 241 sujeitos, entre os quais 122 (50,6%) pacientes e 119 cuidadores (49,4%), a maioria provenientes da Divisão Regional de Ribeirão Preto (DRS XIII). A maior parte dos pacientes era de solteiros, do gênero masculino, possuíam o 1o. e 2o. grau completos e entre os cuidadores a maior parte era de casados, do gênero feminino e também possuía 1o. e 2o. graus completos. Entre pacientes e cuidadores a quase totalidade foi capacitada para o cateterismo no Hospital onde o diagnóstico primário foi realizado. A prática do cateterismo foi descrita pela maioria como realizada 4x/dia e há cerca de cinco anos. Com relação ao instrumento proposto foi encontrada uma elevada correlação de todos os itens com o total da escala, Alpha de Cronbach 0,944. Os itens da escala foram mantidos num único fator. Os mesmos resultados foram repetidos nas sub-amostras pacientes e cuidadores. Os valores descritivos da amostra no que diz respeito à autoconfiança indicam que entre pacientes e cuidadores os maiores valores encontrados foram os relacionados a \"higienização das mãos\" e os menores os relacionados a \"escolher o que fazer quando sai sangue na urina\". Entre os pacientes foram também altos os índices de autoconfiança na higienização dos genitais / This study aimed to validate measuring instrument for the realization of intermittent urinary catheterization among patients and caregivers. Methodological study of construction and instrument validation do neat the Rehabilitation Center of a University Hospital with patients using intermittent urinary catheterization and their carers, after approval by the Ethics Committee of the Nursing College of Ribeirão Preto - Opinion 146/2012. Data were collected by interview, conducted during nursing consultations through the sample characterization tool and a Likert questionnaire of 16 items and five points per item, ranging from \"no confidence\" = 1; \"somewhat confident\" = 2; \"confident\" = 3; \"very confident\" = 4 to \"completely confident\" = 5. The questionnaire named Self-confidence scale for carrying out the Clean Intermittent Catheterization Urinary (EACUIL) was built based on the literature and validated in appearance and content in a previous study. The survey data were coded and double entered in the Excel spreadsheet application and after exported and analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science) version 22.0.S.To determine the validity and reliability of the construct was used descriptive statistics, with measures of central tendency and dispersion (mean, mode, median, percentiles, variance, standard deviation), and the statistical inference (factor analysis and estimation of internal consistency). For the evaluation of the results, it was as summed the value of p <0.05 as statistically significant. The sample consisted of 241 subjects, including 122 (50.6%) patients and 119 caregivers (49.4%), most from the Regional Division of Ribeirão Preto (DRS XIII). Most patients were single, male, had between 51 and 60 years and the 1st and 2nd full degrees and among caregivers most were married, female and also had complete 1st and 2nd degrees. Between patients and caregivers almost all were trained for catheterization at the hospital where the primary diagnosis was made. The practice of catheterization was performed as described by Most 4x / day and about 5 years. Regarding the proposed instrument found a high correlation of all items with the total scale Cronbach\'s alpha 0.944. Scale items were kept in a single factor. The same results were repeated in patients and caregivers sub-samples. Descriptive sample values with regard to the confidence indicate that among patients and caregivers the highest values found were related to \"hand hygiene\" and smaller related to \"choose what to do when there is blood in the urine.\" Among the patients were also high the confidence indices in cleaning the genitals

Professional Development and Self-Efficacy of Nurses Who Care for Patients Requiring Biocontainment

Occhiuzzo, Denise 01 January 2017 (has links)
Increasing global occurrences of highly infectious, easily transmissible diseases unfamiliar to nurses affect the learning environment and the required skill set for professional nurses. The global threat of Ebola Virus Disease and other high-risk diseases requiring biocontainment necessitates competency in the management of complex patient needs, while ensuring safety measures that prevent spread of the potentially fatal disease. Guided by Bandura's social cognitive theory, this quantitative correlational study addressed the relationships between nurses' professional characteristics and their perceived self-efficacy when providing care to highly infectious patients requiring biocontainment. A full census of 92 nurses was used to recruit participants from eligible nurses for this study. Participants anonymously completed a cross-sectional electronic survey consisting of the Nursing Care Self-Efficacy Scale (NCSES) and questions related to the nurses' professional practice characteristics. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, correlations, and multiple linear regression. Results showed that the number of biocontainment drills and a higher level of formal education were significantly correlated with a higher total NCSES score. Years of nursing significantly predicted a higher total NCSES score. Results support the establishment of prerequisites criteria for learner participation in biocontainment training and the inclusion of multiple drill within the education design. Findings from this study may inform positive social change through educational enhancements that support the development of professional self-efficacy and competency in skill performance for nurses who care for patients with highly contagious diseases requiring biocontainment.

Examining Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Webb, Shannon 13 October 2005 (has links)
Varying theories have been presented about the relationship of emotional intelligence to transformational leadership. The present study examines the extent to which a self report measure of emotional intelligence, based upon an ability model, can predict each of the four components of transformational leadership. This study further considers the extent to which the quality of a leader-follower dyad's Leader-Member Exchange relationship can moderate the relationship between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership. Study results demonstrate that emotional intelligence is related to several components of transformational leadership, and that both the quality of the Leader-Member Exchange relationship and the tenure of the follower can moderate the relationship between emotional intelligence and some of the components of transformational leadership.

Exploring the Relationship of Emotional Intelligence to Transformational Leadership Within Mentoring Relationships

Webb, Shannon 03 February 2004 (has links)
The present study examines the extent to which emotional intelligence is related to transformational leadership within mentoring relationships. One hundred and twelve faculty members responsible for mentoring doctoral students completed the Schutte Self Report Inventory of Emotional intelligence, as well as measures of empathy, self awareness, and self confidence. Transformational leadership ratings for each professor were provided by the doctoral student(s) who were advised by him or her. Study results indicate that emotional intelligence can predict several aspects of transformational leadership, including charisma and inspirational motivation. The predictive power of emotional intelligence was, in several cases, explained by the personality construct of empathy.

Priming av självrelevanta ord : Kan attributionsstil påverkas av omedvetna signaler?

Maechel, Gustaf January 2010 (has links)
<p>Människor tenderar att attribuera framgångar till sig själva och misslyckanden till externa källor, fenomenet kallas för Self-serving bias. Hur individer attribuerar kan enligt forskning påverkas av bland annat graden av självkontroll samt självkänsla. Enligt forskning kan intentioner eller beteendemål aktiveras automatiskt och omedvetet av en utlösande signal, så kallad priming, och därmed aktivt guida en persons självreglering. Denna studie har genom ett experiment, med 56 högskolestudenter, undersökt om priming av självkontroll och självförtroende kan påverka hur en individ attribuerar vid framgång och misslyckande. Resultatet visade ingen signifikant skillnad mellan priminggrupperna. Humör visade sig ha betydelse för hur deltagarna attribuerade. En ojämn gruppfördelning och en för bred variationsvidd på beroendemåttet diskuteras om det hade någon påverkan på resultatet.</p>


Moquist, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this narrative research was to explore the relationship between lifestyle and self-confidence within adolescent football players. The research questions were formulated as follow; (1) What sources let adolescent football players build self-confidence? (2) What issues characterize adolescent football player’s lifestyles? (3) How do adolescent football players perceive an association between lifestyle and self-confidence in sport? The results showed eight different sources for building self-confidence, where earlier performances and social support were considered as the strongest. Ten different lifestyle factors were observed. Football, social support, performance intent and good health were common factors for all the participants. The study showed three types of perceived associations between self-confidence and lifestyle. First of all, there is an overlap between the lifestyle issues and sources of self-confidence. Second lifestyle issues influence the degree to which sources of self-confidence work for the participant to build self-confidence. Third lifestyle pattern provides a balance (or misbalance) which influences particular sources of self-confidence and in the end self-confidence itself. The author discuss how the result can be interpreted in perspective of every single participant and in common for all the participants.</p>

Uppåtpuffar och nedåtpuffar

Rinaird, Olof, Persson, Gustaf January 2007 (has links)
<p>Studiens övergripande syfte var att studera och jämföra hur två olika metoder för att förebygga konflikter införlivas i en svensk grundskola. För att finna svar på syftet har vi använt oss av följande frågeställningar: Hur arbetar lärarna på skolan i praktiken med metoderna Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund för att förebygga konflikter? Vilka likheter och skillnader finns i lärarnas arbete med de olika metoderna på skolan?</p><p>Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i den kvalitativa forskningstraditionen. Med avseende på studiens syfte och frågeställningar har intervjuer gjorts för att finna svar på frågeställningarna.</p><p>Fyra intervjuer gjordes med lärare på skolan, två lärare som arbetade med Projekt Charlie och två lärare som arbetar med Gruppen som grogrund. I både Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund arbetar lärarna på skolan med att införliva konfliktförebyggande arbetsmetoder. På båda gårdarna på skolan är samtliga lärare</p><p>införstådda med att en informell samstämmighet finns för vilken metod som valts att arbeta med. Arbetet med att förebygga konflikter löper som en röd tråd i undervisningen under hela skolgången på båda gårdarna. Båda metoderna utgår från färdigkonstruerade metodböcker.</p><p>Metodböckerna rymmer många övningar som bygger på att stärka elever och ge dem verktyg inför eventuella konflikter. Resultatet visar att lärarnas arbete med de två arbetsmetoderna har många likheter och få skillnader.</p><p>Vår uppfattning är att Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund är två arbetsmetoder som är i stort sätt väldigt lika i arbetet med att förebygga konflikter. Båda arbetsmetoderna har många lärorika och relevanta övningar som stärker varje elevs självförtroende. Arbetsmetoderna ger ett stort smörgårdsbord med övningar som ger eleverna de rätta verktyg som behövs i det sociala samspelet och i en eventuell konfliktsituation. Eleverna formas för att lättare förstå hur en god kamrat, aktiv lyssnare och en god kommunikatör bör vara. Den stora skillnaden som vi ser är arbetet med identitetsbildningen. Vi ser också en skillnad i gruppstorlek. Projekt Charlie vänder sig till färre elever medan Gruppen som grogrund vänder sig till större</p><p>grupper.</p> / <p>The main object of this thesis was to study in what way a Swedish school practice conflict resolution. At the school, two methods of this are practiced, one on each of the schools two</p><p>separate blocks. The two methods are, “Project Charlie” and “Gruppen som grogrund” (a Swedish method that derives from “Tribes”). The scope of the thesis is also to compare how the two methods are implemented at the school.</p><p>In order to achieve the object of the theses, a series of qualitative interviews were performed. Four teachers, two at each of the blocks, were interviewed.</p><p>Both methods cover strategies of conflict handling. On each of the two blocks the teachers have an informal agreement of which method that will be practiced. The education of conflict resolution starts at the first grade and continue throughout the school until the students graduate.</p><p>Both methods spring from written predefined instructions, which include a rich supply of workshops that aim at strengthen the students and giving them skills to handle conflicts. The result of our study shows that the way the two methods are practiced at the school have many similarities and few differences.</p><p>The two methods were also found to be quite similar in many ways when it comes to conflict resolution. Both methods include ways to strengthen the individual’s self-confidence. The wide range of workshops supplies the students with many useful skills that can be used in social interaction and conflict handling. The children come to understand the concept of good friendship, active listening and constructive communication. The difference that we found between the two methods lies in their respectively approach to identity development. Also the number of students in each group differs between the two methods.</p>

Medveten lärare? : Om självreflektion i undervisning / Conscious teacher : About self-reflection in teaching

Palm, Katarina January 2008 (has links)
<p>In this paper I have examined how aware teachers are of their influence on pupils development. The method I´ve used are interviews with three teachers and one pupil each about</p><p>Musicality - how do the teachers and pupils look at the concept musicality generally and personally?</p><p>Influence I- do the teachers believe that their thinking about musicality influence the pupils self-confidence and development?</p><p>Influence II- do the teachers think that other pedagogues have influenced them in their teaching and thinking?</p><p>My main results show that both the teachers and the pupils have similar apprehensions as their teachers, which points towards that influence can exist. The basis is however too limited to make any extensive generalizations.</p><p>The conclusion of the paper is that we have to be aware of how we influence our pupils. They carry this ”knowledge”, whether it is positive or negative, all their life.</p>


Moquist, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this narrative research was to explore the relationship between lifestyle and self-confidence within adolescent football players. The research questions were formulated as follow; (1) What sources let adolescent football players build self-confidence? (2) What issues characterize adolescent football player’s lifestyles? (3) How do adolescent football players perceive an association between lifestyle and self-confidence in sport? The results showed eight different sources for building self-confidence, where earlier performances and social support were considered as the strongest. Ten different lifestyle factors were observed. Football, social support, performance intent and good health were common factors for all the participants. The study showed three types of perceived associations between self-confidence and lifestyle. First of all, there is an overlap between the lifestyle issues and sources of self-confidence. Second lifestyle issues influence the degree to which sources of self-confidence work for the participant to build self-confidence. Third lifestyle pattern provides a balance (or misbalance) which influences particular sources of self-confidence and in the end self-confidence itself. The author discuss how the result can be interpreted in perspective of every single participant and in common for all the participants.

Uppåtpuffar och nedåtpuffar

Rinaird, Olof, Persson, Gustaf January 2007 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte var att studera och jämföra hur två olika metoder för att förebygga konflikter införlivas i en svensk grundskola. För att finna svar på syftet har vi använt oss av följande frågeställningar: Hur arbetar lärarna på skolan i praktiken med metoderna Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund för att förebygga konflikter? Vilka likheter och skillnader finns i lärarnas arbete med de olika metoderna på skolan? Studien tar sin utgångspunkt i den kvalitativa forskningstraditionen. Med avseende på studiens syfte och frågeställningar har intervjuer gjorts för att finna svar på frågeställningarna. Fyra intervjuer gjordes med lärare på skolan, två lärare som arbetade med Projekt Charlie och två lärare som arbetar med Gruppen som grogrund. I både Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund arbetar lärarna på skolan med att införliva konfliktförebyggande arbetsmetoder. På båda gårdarna på skolan är samtliga lärare införstådda med att en informell samstämmighet finns för vilken metod som valts att arbeta med. Arbetet med att förebygga konflikter löper som en röd tråd i undervisningen under hela skolgången på båda gårdarna. Båda metoderna utgår från färdigkonstruerade metodböcker. Metodböckerna rymmer många övningar som bygger på att stärka elever och ge dem verktyg inför eventuella konflikter. Resultatet visar att lärarnas arbete med de två arbetsmetoderna har många likheter och få skillnader. Vår uppfattning är att Projekt Charlie och Gruppen som grogrund är två arbetsmetoder som är i stort sätt väldigt lika i arbetet med att förebygga konflikter. Båda arbetsmetoderna har många lärorika och relevanta övningar som stärker varje elevs självförtroende. Arbetsmetoderna ger ett stort smörgårdsbord med övningar som ger eleverna de rätta verktyg som behövs i det sociala samspelet och i en eventuell konfliktsituation. Eleverna formas för att lättare förstå hur en god kamrat, aktiv lyssnare och en god kommunikatör bör vara. Den stora skillnaden som vi ser är arbetet med identitetsbildningen. Vi ser också en skillnad i gruppstorlek. Projekt Charlie vänder sig till färre elever medan Gruppen som grogrund vänder sig till större grupper. / The main object of this thesis was to study in what way a Swedish school practice conflict resolution. At the school, two methods of this are practiced, one on each of the schools two separate blocks. The two methods are, “Project Charlie” and “Gruppen som grogrund” (a Swedish method that derives from “Tribes”). The scope of the thesis is also to compare how the two methods are implemented at the school. In order to achieve the object of the theses, a series of qualitative interviews were performed. Four teachers, two at each of the blocks, were interviewed. Both methods cover strategies of conflict handling. On each of the two blocks the teachers have an informal agreement of which method that will be practiced. The education of conflict resolution starts at the first grade and continue throughout the school until the students graduate. Both methods spring from written predefined instructions, which include a rich supply of workshops that aim at strengthen the students and giving them skills to handle conflicts. The result of our study shows that the way the two methods are practiced at the school have many similarities and few differences. The two methods were also found to be quite similar in many ways when it comes to conflict resolution. Both methods include ways to strengthen the individual’s self-confidence. The wide range of workshops supplies the students with many useful skills that can be used in social interaction and conflict handling. The children come to understand the concept of good friendship, active listening and constructive communication. The difference that we found between the two methods lies in their respectively approach to identity development. Also the number of students in each group differs between the two methods.

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