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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die rol van die vertaler as kulturele bemiddelaar : die Afrikaanse Harry Potter as gevallestudie

Zandberg, Anzette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series is the latest popular addition to translated Afrikaans children’s literature. Although these books have a double readership, the Afrikaans translations are primarily aimed at young Afrikaans children who either can’t speak English, or whose English is too poor to understand the original text on their own. Translating for children makes specific demands on the translator. One such demand involves the choices the translator is forced to make during the translation process by taking into account the child reader’s limited cultural experience and world knowledge. This implies that the translator cannot translate automatically by merely transferring synonyms from one language to another, but should take on the role of a cultural mediator who bridges the gaps between the source and the target cultures and takes responsibility for successful intercultural communication. This study investigates the culturally mediating role of the Afrikaans translators, Janie Oosthuysen and Kobus Geldenhuys, in a comparative study of the target texts, Harry Potter en die beker vol vuur and Harry Potter en die halfbloed prins. The proposed translation method is a functionalist approach with loyalty. According to this apporach, the translator should have a thorough background knowledge of both the source and target cultures and the functions these texts perform in their respective cultures, as well as the range of available translation strategies for a specific translation situation. Care should also be taken not to mislead the target reader. A descriptive methodology is followed, pointing out the absence of consistent translation norms and a well-planned translation strategy in both target texts, thus increasing the cultural divide between the source and the target cultures which could confuse the young Afrikaans reader.

ISO 9000 en la gestión de las instituciones educativas del Consorcio "Santo Domingo de Guzmán"

Tomateo Valencia, José Luis January 2011 (has links)
El presente Trabajo de investigación titulado “ISO 9000 en la Gestión de las Instituciones Educativas del Consorcio “Santo Domingo de Guzmán” . ISO 9000 es una serie de normas y lineamientos que definen los requerimientos mínimos, internacionalmente aceptados, para un sistema eficaz de calidad. Estas normas y lineamientos son el resultado del trabajo del Comité Técnico 176 de la Organización Internacional de Estandarización (ISO). A través de este trabajo de investigación evaluativa se han manejado conceptos de calidad y gestión educativa, enfatizando en el enfoque gerencial sirviendo como aporte a futuras investigaciones que permitan la mejora continua de la calidad total en el sistema educativo. La investigación se ha desarrollado mediante los siguientes capítulos: El capítulo I, denominado introducción considera la situación problemática, formulación del problema, la justificación teórica y practica, los objetivos de la investigación. El capítulo II, lo constituye el marco teórico, donde se plantea el marco epistemológico de la investigación, los antecedentes de la investigación y las bases teóricas que sustentan la investigación. El capítulo III, aborda la metodología de la investigación, el tipo y diseño de investigación, unidad de análisis, población de estudio, tamaño de muestra, selección de muestra, técnicas de recolección de datos, validez y confiabilidad, validez de los instrumentos, análisis e interpretación de la información. El capítulo IV, desarrolla el análisis, interpretación y discusión de los resultados, la prueba de hipótesis y la presentación de los resultados. Se finaliza con las conclusiones, recomendaciones referencias bibliográficas y anexos. / --- The present Work of titled investigation “ISO 9000 in the Management of the Educative Institutions of the Partnership “Santo Domingo of Guzman””. ISO 9000 is a series of norms that define the minimum requirements, internationally accepted, for an effective system of quality. These norms are the result of the work of Technical Committee 176 of the Organization the International of Standardization (ISO). Through this work of evaluative investigation to quality concepts of and educative management have been handled, emphasizing in the managemental approach serving as it contributes to future investigations that allow the continuous improvement of the total quality in the educative system. The investigation has been developed by means of the following chapters: Chapter I, denominated introduction considers the situation, formulation of the problem, the theoretical justification problematic and practices, the objectives of the investigation. Chapter II constitutes the theoretical frame, where it considers the epistemologic frame of the investigation, the theoretical antecedents of the investigation and bases that sustain the investigation. Chapter III approaches the methodology of the investigation, the type and design of investigation, unit of analysis, population of study, size of sample, selection of sample, techniques of data collection, validity and trustworthiness, validity of the instruments, analysis and interpretation of the information. Chapter IV develops the analysis, interpretation and discussion of the results, the test of hypothesis and the presentation of the results. It is finalized with the conclusions, recommendations bibliographical references and Annexes.

Convergence, interpolation, échantillonnage et bases de Riesz dans les espaces de Fock / Convergence, interpolation, sampling and Riesz bases in the Fock spaces

Dumont, Andre 08 November 2013 (has links)
Nous étudions le problème d'unicité, de l'interpolation faible et de la convergence de la série d'interpolation de Lagrange dans les espaces de Fock pondérés par des poids radiaux. Nous étudions aussi les suites d'échatillonnage, d'interpolation et les bases de Riesz dans les petit espaces de Fock. / We study the uniqueness sets, the weak interpolation sets, and convergence of the Lagrange interpolation series in radial weighted Fock spaces. We study also sampling, interpolation and Riesz bases in small radial weighted Fock spaces

Lineamento regional no norte do Pantanal separando áreas de vegetação fenológica e floristicamente distintas: evidências de diversidade ambiental originada por neotectônica / not available

Ribeiro, Eduardo Francisco 27 April 2017 (has links)
O Pantanal é uma bacia sedimentar quaternária ativa de baixa declividade que vem sendo preenchida principalmente por megaleques fluviais. Apesar de possuir um relevo plano e uma geologia à primeira vista monótona, o Pantanal é um mosaico de ambientes distintos. A presença, intensidade e duração das inundações é considerada a mais importante causa da variabilidade ambiental, implicando que pequenas variações no relevo tenham drástica influência florística e fenológica. Estas variações espacialmente expressivas geram lineamentos de vegetação e captura de drenagens e estão associadas à neotectônica, também responsável pela sismicidade desta bacia. Para analisar este lineamento de vegetação, foram utilizadas diversas fontes de dados, incluindo imagens de sensoriamento remoto, dados de aeromagnetometria e dados florísticos obtidos em campo. A principal ferramenta foi uma série de 15 anos de imagens NDVI do sensor MODIS (345 imagens compostas de 16 dias). Com estas imagens foi abordada a fenologia da superfície terrestre (FSP) na área do lineamento, a qual apresenta uma notável variabilidade. Foram obtidos perfis temporais tanto contínuos como de um ano médio e uma série de métricas fenológicas, as quais foram analisadas com o auxílio de perfis de varredura e dados estatísticos. Os resultados da FSP demostraram a importante senescência associada ao período de seca ocorrendo apenas na porção a SE do lineamento, com a vegetação a NW permanecendo verde mesmo nos meses sem chuvas expressivas. Dados TRMM (2001-2015) mostram não haver grande diferença na pluviosidade da área do lineamento, e, quando comparados aos dados de NDVI, permitiram demonstrar maior relação entre verdor da vegetação e pluviosidade a SE do lineamento e independência do verdor às chuvas locais a NW. Apesar da indicação de que a área NW está mais baixa do que a área SE, isto não pode ser comprovado pelo modelo digital de elevação SRTM. Os dados florísticos obtidos em 17 parcelas de cobertura florestal em avançado estágio de reflorestação foram tratados em três abordagens: ordenação dos índices de similaridade de Jaccard (J), agrupamento hierárquico destes índices e obtenção do J considerando as parcelas feitas de cada lado do lineamento como amostras de uma mesma área (NW e SE). Os dados de geofísica sugerem que este lineamento seja a continuidade de uma zona de falhas a nordeste do Pantanal associada ao Lineamento Transbrasiliano. O conjunto dos dados caracteriza o lineamento estudado como um limite ambiental entre áreas que inundam com diferentes frequências e durações. Em função da extensão, linearidade e contexto tectônico, considera-se que o lineamento seja a expressão na vegetação de falha com componente vertical de rejeito, mostrando a importância da neotectônica na diversidade ambiental do Pantanal. / The Pantanal is an active quaternary sedimentary basin of low slope that is being filled mainly by fluvial megafans. Despite having a flat relief and a geology at first glance monotonous, the Pantanal is a mosaic of different environments. The presence, intensity, and duration of floods are considered the most important cause of environmental variability, implying that small variations in the relief have a drastic floristic and phenological influence. These spatially expressive variations generate vegetation lineaments and stream captures and are associated to neotectonics, responsible for the seismicity of this basin. In order to analyze this vegetation lineament, several data sources were used, including remote sensing images, aeromagnetometry data and floristic data obtained in the field. The main tool was a series of 15 years of MODIS sensor NDVI images (345 composite images of 16 days). With these images, the land surface phenology (LSP) was approached in the region of the lineament, which presents a remarkable variability. Both continuous and one-year average temporal profiles and a series of phenological metrics were obtained, which were analyzed with the aid of swath profiles and statistical data. The LSP results demonstrated the important senescence associated with the drought period occurring only in the SE portion of the lineament, while the NW vegetation remaining green even in the months without expressive rains. TRMM data (2001-2015) showed that there is not a great difference in the rainfall of the region of the lineament, and when compared to the NDVI data, allowed to demonstrate a greater relation between greenness of the vegetation and rainfall to the SE of the lineament and independence of the greenness to the local rainfall to NW. Despite the indication that the NW region is lower than the SE region, this cannot prove by the SRTM digital elevation model. The floristic data obtained in 17 forest plots at an advanced regeneration stage were treated in three approaches: ordering the Jaccard (J) similarity indices, hierarchical clustering of these indices and obtaining the J considering the plots made on each side of the lineament as samples from the same region (NW and SE). The geophysical data suggest that this lineament is the continuity of a fault zone northeast of the Pantanal associated with the TransBrasilian Lineament. The data set characterizes the studied lineament as an environmental boundary between areas that flood with different frequencies and durations. Due to the extension, linearity and tectonic context, it is considered that the lineament is the expression in the vegetation of a fault with vertical displacement component, showing the importance of neotectonics in the environmental diversity of the Pantanal.

Lineamento regional no norte do Pantanal separando áreas de vegetação fenológica e floristicamente distintas: evidências de diversidade ambiental originada por neotectônica / not available

Eduardo Francisco Ribeiro 27 April 2017 (has links)
O Pantanal é uma bacia sedimentar quaternária ativa de baixa declividade que vem sendo preenchida principalmente por megaleques fluviais. Apesar de possuir um relevo plano e uma geologia à primeira vista monótona, o Pantanal é um mosaico de ambientes distintos. A presença, intensidade e duração das inundações é considerada a mais importante causa da variabilidade ambiental, implicando que pequenas variações no relevo tenham drástica influência florística e fenológica. Estas variações espacialmente expressivas geram lineamentos de vegetação e captura de drenagens e estão associadas à neotectônica, também responsável pela sismicidade desta bacia. Para analisar este lineamento de vegetação, foram utilizadas diversas fontes de dados, incluindo imagens de sensoriamento remoto, dados de aeromagnetometria e dados florísticos obtidos em campo. A principal ferramenta foi uma série de 15 anos de imagens NDVI do sensor MODIS (345 imagens compostas de 16 dias). Com estas imagens foi abordada a fenologia da superfície terrestre (FSP) na área do lineamento, a qual apresenta uma notável variabilidade. Foram obtidos perfis temporais tanto contínuos como de um ano médio e uma série de métricas fenológicas, as quais foram analisadas com o auxílio de perfis de varredura e dados estatísticos. Os resultados da FSP demostraram a importante senescência associada ao período de seca ocorrendo apenas na porção a SE do lineamento, com a vegetação a NW permanecendo verde mesmo nos meses sem chuvas expressivas. Dados TRMM (2001-2015) mostram não haver grande diferença na pluviosidade da área do lineamento, e, quando comparados aos dados de NDVI, permitiram demonstrar maior relação entre verdor da vegetação e pluviosidade a SE do lineamento e independência do verdor às chuvas locais a NW. Apesar da indicação de que a área NW está mais baixa do que a área SE, isto não pode ser comprovado pelo modelo digital de elevação SRTM. Os dados florísticos obtidos em 17 parcelas de cobertura florestal em avançado estágio de reflorestação foram tratados em três abordagens: ordenação dos índices de similaridade de Jaccard (J), agrupamento hierárquico destes índices e obtenção do J considerando as parcelas feitas de cada lado do lineamento como amostras de uma mesma área (NW e SE). Os dados de geofísica sugerem que este lineamento seja a continuidade de uma zona de falhas a nordeste do Pantanal associada ao Lineamento Transbrasiliano. O conjunto dos dados caracteriza o lineamento estudado como um limite ambiental entre áreas que inundam com diferentes frequências e durações. Em função da extensão, linearidade e contexto tectônico, considera-se que o lineamento seja a expressão na vegetação de falha com componente vertical de rejeito, mostrando a importância da neotectônica na diversidade ambiental do Pantanal. / The Pantanal is an active quaternary sedimentary basin of low slope that is being filled mainly by fluvial megafans. Despite having a flat relief and a geology at first glance monotonous, the Pantanal is a mosaic of different environments. The presence, intensity, and duration of floods are considered the most important cause of environmental variability, implying that small variations in the relief have a drastic floristic and phenological influence. These spatially expressive variations generate vegetation lineaments and stream captures and are associated to neotectonics, responsible for the seismicity of this basin. In order to analyze this vegetation lineament, several data sources were used, including remote sensing images, aeromagnetometry data and floristic data obtained in the field. The main tool was a series of 15 years of MODIS sensor NDVI images (345 composite images of 16 days). With these images, the land surface phenology (LSP) was approached in the region of the lineament, which presents a remarkable variability. Both continuous and one-year average temporal profiles and a series of phenological metrics were obtained, which were analyzed with the aid of swath profiles and statistical data. The LSP results demonstrated the important senescence associated with the drought period occurring only in the SE portion of the lineament, while the NW vegetation remaining green even in the months without expressive rains. TRMM data (2001-2015) showed that there is not a great difference in the rainfall of the region of the lineament, and when compared to the NDVI data, allowed to demonstrate a greater relation between greenness of the vegetation and rainfall to the SE of the lineament and independence of the greenness to the local rainfall to NW. Despite the indication that the NW region is lower than the SE region, this cannot prove by the SRTM digital elevation model. The floristic data obtained in 17 forest plots at an advanced regeneration stage were treated in three approaches: ordering the Jaccard (J) similarity indices, hierarchical clustering of these indices and obtaining the J considering the plots made on each side of the lineament as samples from the same region (NW and SE). The geophysical data suggest that this lineament is the continuity of a fault zone northeast of the Pantanal associated with the TransBrasilian Lineament. The data set characterizes the studied lineament as an environmental boundary between areas that flood with different frequencies and durations. Due to the extension, linearity and tectonic context, it is considered that the lineament is the expression in the vegetation of a fault with vertical displacement component, showing the importance of neotectonics in the environmental diversity of the Pantanal.

Desperate Housewives, miroir tendu au(x) féminisme(s) américain(s) ? / Desperate Housewives, a mirror held up to american feminism(s) ?

Marcucci, Virginie 27 November 2010 (has links)
Ce travail s’attache à étudier les éventuels féminismes de Desperate Housewives. La peinture que la série propose de femmes et mères au foyer américaines désespérées est a priori le lieu d’une dénonciation de leur vie et de leur condition qui n’est pas sans rappeler celle de Betty Friedan dans The Feminine Mystique au début des années soixante. De plus, de nombreuses contradictions du féminisme américain (en fait constitué de nombreuses sous-catégories et sensibilités) y trouvent un écho. Cette multiplicité des interprétations possibles de Desperate Housewives, ainsi que sa composante postmoderne et camp, en font le lieu privilégié d’un féminisme queer propre à la série. / This study investigates the feminist messages conveyed by Desperate Housewives. The depiction of desperate American housewives and stay-at-home mothers seems at first to be a scathing indictment of their plight, not unlike that of Betty Friedan in The Feminine Mystique.Furthermore many inner dissensions of American feminism (a term far more pluralistic than one might think) are voiced in the television series. The different ways Desperate Housewives can be interpreted, along with its postmodern and camp components, make it possible for an idiosyncratic brand of queer feminism to emerge.

"Strong like a woman" : En kritisk diskursanalys av Netflix kategori "Serier med en stark kvinnlig huvudkaraktär" utifrån ett feministiskt medieteoretiskt ramverk

Hellman, Tilda January 2018 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera och problematisera Netflix kategori ”Serier med en stark kvinnlig huvudkaraktär” utifrån valda begrepp inom feministisk medieteori. Det valda teoretiska ramverket och tidigare forskningen låg som grund för hur problemformulering skapats. Den valda metoden var kritisk diskursanalys baserat på den formulerad av Norman Fairclough och genomfördes med hjälp av dennes verktyg den tredimensionella modellen, som undersöker diskursiv praktik och text i relation till den sociala praktiken. Detta kombinerades även med en innehållsanalys för att ge en bredare förståelse för materialet, samt verktyg för att kunna nå en mer övergripande konklusion över kategorins struktur och dess innebörd. Resultatet visade både på en historisk utveckling, men även på en komplex reproduktion av maktförhållanden inom medieproduktion.

Localisation de valeurs propres et calcul de sous-espaces invariants

Lemordant, Jacques 13 November 1980 (has links) (PDF)

Det hemsökta vardagsrummet : Gestaltning och förmedling av ockulta fenomen i TV-serien 'Most Haunted' / The Haunted Living Room : Shaping and Conveying Occult Phenomena in the Television Series 'Most Haunted'

Gustafsson, Tereze January 2006 (has links)
<p>In the 19th century, photography was often employed in attempts to objectively capture evidence of paranormal phenomena. With the advent of television, this tradition came to be coupled with the apparent mystery of distant communication through electromagnetic waves. The television set has often been depicted as intrinsically occult or even haunted.</p><p>It is therefore natural that television has proven to be an ideal medium to present beliefs, tales, and investigations about paranormal phenomena. Most such presentations have been openly ficticious, but in television the distinction between fact and fiction is often blurred, and the emergence of shows where the crew claims to pursue a serious investigation was inevitable. One of the most successful such shows is the British Most Haunted, airing since 2001. In this thesis, the presentation of occult phenomena in three episodes of Most Haunted is analyzed and discussed in light of this framework of traditions.</p><p>One main result is that the distinction between fact and fiction is indeed often blurred in Most Haunted. Reconstructions and purported evidence are similar to each other as well as to the historical ghost pictures, and sometimes the crew's reactions or lack of reactions is the only means to tell them apart. Elements aiming at creating a "ghost feeling" are abundant throughout both investigative and other parts of the show, and include monochrome (and sometimes inverted) imagery, blue or green light tones, modified motion speed, and perspectives that let the spectator "be the ghost". Black and white imagery is also a part of the usage of analogue or pseudo-analogue technology to convey connotations of authenticity. Filming the crew's reactions is the most common means of broadcasting a sense of hauntedness, as is often the case in traditional horror motion pictures.</p>

Är dunderhonung dopning? : En undersökning av de budskap som förmedlas i samband med idrott i serietidningen <em>Bamse</em>

Cunelius, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<h2>Sammanfattning</h2><p>Syfte och frågeställningar</p><p>Syftet med uppsatsen var att studera och analysera de budskap som förmedlas i samband med idrott i serietidningen <em>Bamse</em>. Frågeställningarna i arbetet var på vilket sätt förmedlingen sker respektive vilka budskap det är som förmedlas.</p><p> </p><p>Metod</p><p>Datainsamlingen skedde genom textundersökning och bildanalys. Antalet årgångar av tidningen som studerades var sju (mellan år 2001 och 2007). Utöver detta studerades två nummer av <em>Bamse-extra</em>. Samtliga episoder i de angivna utgåvorna lästes igenom, men endast de delar analyserades där något idrottsinslag på ett eller annat sätt var bärande av budskap. En analysmodell användes för att lättare kunna uttolka seriernas fulla innebörder. Modellen har reviderats något men är ursprungligen utformad av Lars Peterson.</p><p> </p><p>Resultat</p><p>Förmedlingen av budskap sker ibland genom att de tydligt uttalas i episodernas slutskeden. Den kan också ske genom att det görs en klar tudelning mellan goda karaktärer som handlar gott och onda dito som handlar skurkaktigt. På så vis förmedlas vad som är ett handlingsmönster att eftersträva och vad som inte är det. Ett ytterligare sätt som förmedlingen sker på är genom att låta läsaren förstå huruvida olika sätt att handla får önskvärda eller icke önskvärda konsekvenser.</p><p> </p><p>De budskap som förmedlas är att det goda övervinner det onda, att alla ska få vara med, att det (i normalfall) är fel att fuska, att en handling måste alltid ses i ljuset av omständigheterna och de bakomliggande motiven, att tankeförmåga och teknik bringar idrottslig framgång, att personer av kvinnligt kön mycket väl kan vara dugliga idrottare (liksom män kan), att man skall ställa upp för varandra, vara hjälpsam och generös, att den som försöker utsätta någon annan för något elakt eller obehagligt ofta faller offer för gärningen själv, att man skall våga stå för vad man har gjort, att allt inte bör handla om att vinna, att man skall våga delta och inte ge upp, att det oväntade kan vinna samt att man inte skall döma någon på förhand.</p><p> </p><p>Slutsats</p><p>Budskapen följer en tydlig linje om att man skall handla gott. För att kunna göra det bör man vara öppensinnad, rättrogen, ödmjuk, fördomsfri, eftertänksam, solidarisk, hjälpsam, vänlig, generös, ärlig, trägen och framåt samt ha en känsla för alla individers lika värde. Ett gott handlande leder enligt <em>Bamse</em> till en mer trivsam tillvaro för samtliga. Idrottslig framgång bringas av tankeförmåga och teknik.</p>

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