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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Til Ære for queer : Netflix-serien She-Ra og repræsentationen af queer / For the Honor of Queer : Netflix series She-Ra and the representation of queer

Nielsen, Ida January 2021 (has links)
This paper will examine, how queer is represented in the animated tv-serie She-Ra and the princesses of powerfrom 2018-2020. To understand this work, the paper will define representation, gender and queer, and examine the visual and narrative elements in the tv-serie. Through a visual analysis, the paper can understand if the serie represent queer values. Then the paper will look at some characters from the serie, to see if their visual design and the narrative structure reflects queer characteristics. This means the paper will define what are queer values and how is it shown in the characters of the show. It will be supplied with theory about queer and gender, for examples Raewyn Connell and Stuart Hall. The theory will supply characteristics, which have defined the social norms about genders through history. This paper concludes that the tv-serie reflects queer values through it’s visual and narrative structure. The characters have queer personalities. I need this paper with a discussion of the effects of queer representation and other ways to look at the serie from a perspective of gender.


RICARDO SOUZA DIAS 17 January 2020 (has links)
[pt] Um data center normalmente possui grande quantidade de máquinas com diferentes configurações de hardware. Múltiplas aplicações são executadas e software e hardware são constantemente atualizados. Para evitar a interrupção de aplicações críticas, que podem causar grandes prejuízos financeiros, os administradores de sistemas devem identificar e corrigir as falhas o mais cedo possível. No entanto, a identificação de falhas em data centers de produção muitas vezes ocorre apenas quando as aplicações e serviços já estão indisponíveis. Entre as diferentes causas da detecção tardia de falhas estão o uso técnicas de monitoração baseadas apenas em thresholds. O aumento crescente na complexidade de aplicações que são constantemente atualizadas torna difícil a configuração de thresholds ótimos para cada métrica e servidor. Este trabalho propõe o uso de técnicas de detecção de anomalias no lugar de técnicas baseadas em thresholds. Uma anomalia é um comportamento do sistema que é incomum e significativamente diferente do comportamento normal anterior. Desenvolvemos um algoritmo para detecção de anomalias, chamado DASRS (Decreased Anomaly Score by Repeated Sequence) que analisa em tempo real as métricas coletadas de servidores de um data center de produção. O DASRS apresentou excelentes resultados de acurácia, compatível com os algoritmos do estado da arte, além de tempo de processamento e consumo de memória menores. Por esse motivo, o DASRS atende aos requisitos de processamento em tempo real de um grande volume de dados. / [en] A data center typically has a large number of machines with different hardware configurations. Multiple applications are executed and software and hardware are constantly updated. To avoid disruption of critical applications, which can cause significant financial loss, system administrators should identify and correct failures as early as possible. However, fault-detection in production data centers often occurs only when applications and services are already unavailable. Among the different causes of late fault-detection are the use of thresholds-only monitoring techniques. The increasing complexity of constantly updating applications makes it difficult to set optimal thresholds for each metric and server. This paper proposes the use of anomaly detection techniques in place of thresholds based techniques. An anomaly is a system behavior that is unusual and significantly different from the previous normal behavior. We have developed an anomaly detection algorithm called Decreased Anomaly Score by Repeated Sequence (DASRS) that analyzes real-time metrics collected from servers in a production data center. DASRS has showed excellent accuracy results, compatible with state-of-the-art algorithms, and reduced processing time and memory consumption. For this reason, DASRS meets the real-time processing requirements of a large volume of data.


VITOR HUGO PINHEIRO MARQUES 06 November 2023 (has links)
[pt] A produção de petróleo possui alta relevância em âmbito brasileiro e mundial. Por outro lado, a incerteza do setor presume alta variabilidade nas previsões de produção de óleo, e exerce um impacto significativo nas decisões. O estudo contempla analisar o cenário da bacia geográfica de Campos, em estudo de caso aplicado em empresa nacional de óleo e gás, com objetivo de aprimorar a previsão de produção de óleo. Para isso, são empregados métodos de simulação, clusterização e previsão, sendo integrados com julgamento humano. Busca-se inferir as incertezas inerentes às atividades, analisar os principais riscos envolvidos e subsidiar a definição das metas de produção. Com esse intuito, foi desenvolvida uma modelagem orientada a dados, por meio da criação de um simulador com linguagem de programação em R. Os dados compreendem os anos de 2017 a 2021, e a projeção é realizada para o ano de 2022. O modelo incorpora julgamento humano durante o processo, permitindo que os especialistas realizem modificações no resultado das previsões, agregando sua experiência e informações exclusivas. A análise de série temporal avalia oito métodos de previsão, seu resultado mostra que a entidade do potencial produtivo apresenta menor erro do que na eficiência, e o método TBATs obteve o menor erro na predição. A análise do planejamento das paradas e entrada dos novos poços é realizada por meio de análise gráfica, observando os principais riscos relacionados. Por fim, o simulador apresenta proposta para auxiliar na definição das metas de produção, ele verifica a probabilidade para alcançar a meta com base nos resultados das simulações. / [en] Oil production has Brazilian and World importance. However, the randomness of the sector results a high variability in oil production forecasts. This variability has a significant impact on decisions. The study analyzes the challenging scenario at geographic Campos basin, in a case applied in a national energy company. The objective is to improve the risk analysis associated with the achievement of oil production targets. Simulation, clustering, and time series forecasting methods are employed, integrating into human judgment. It tries to infer the uncertainties inherent of the activities to increase the accuracy of oil production forecasts, analyze the main risks involved, and subsidize the definition of production targets. A data-driven model is developed, creating a simulator with R language. The data used the years 2017 to 2021, and the projection is made for the year 2022. Human judgment is incorporated into the model during the process, specifying the input parameters to enable experts to make modifications based on the predictions, adding their unique experience and information. The time series analysis eight prediction methods, the results show that the oil potential presents less error than in the production efficiency, and TBATS was the prediction method that obtained the lowest prediction error. The main risks related to the maintenance planning and the entry of new wells are identified through graphical analysis. Finally, the simulator presents a possible solution to help define production goals, it verifies the probability of reaching the goal based on the simulation results.


CAMILO VELASCO RUEDA 18 June 2015 (has links)
[pt] A previsão de séries temporais é fundamental na tomada de decisões de curto, médio e longo prazo, em diversas áreas como o setor elétrico, a bolsa de valores, a meteorologia, entre outros. Tem-se na atualidade uma diversidade de técnicas e modelos para realizar essas previsões, mas as ferramentas estatísticas são as mais utilizadas principalmente por apresentarem um maior grau de interpretabilidade. No entanto, as técnicas de inteligência computacional têm sido cada vez mais aplicadas em previsão de séries temporais, destacando-se as Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA) e os Sistemas de Inferência Fuzzy (SIF). Recentemente foi criado um novo tipo de RNA, denominada Echo State Networks (ESN), as quais diferem das RNA clássicas por apresentarem uma camada escondida com conexões aleatórias, denominada de Reservoir (Reservatório). Este Reservoir é ativado pelas entradas da rede e pelos seus estados anteriores, gerando o efeito de Echo State (Eco), fornecendo assim um dinamismo e um desempenho melhor para tarefas de natureza temporal. Uma dificuldade dessas redes ESN é a presença de diversos parâmetros, tais como Raio Espectral, Tamanho do Reservoir e a Percentual de Conexão, que precisam ser calibrados para que a ESN forneça bons resultados. Portanto, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta computacional capaz de realizar previsões de séries temporais, baseada nas ESN, com ajuste automático de seus parâmetros por Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) e Algoritmos Genéticos (GA), facilitando a sua utilização pelo usuário. A ferramenta computacional desenvolvida oferece uma interface gráfica intuitiva e amigável, tanto em termos da modelagem da ESN, quanto em termos de realização de eventuais pré-processamentos na série a ser prevista. / [en] The time series forecasting is critical to decision making in the short, medium and long term in several areas such as electrical, stock market, weather and industry. Today exist different techniques to model this forecast, but statistics are more used, because they have a bigger interpretability, due by the mathematic models created. However, intelligent techniques are being more applied in time series forecasting, where the principal models are the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS). A new type of ANN called Echo State Networks (ESN) was created recently, which differs from the classic ANN in a randomly connected hidden layer called Reservoir. This Reservoir is activated by the network inputs, and the historic of the reservoir activations generating so, the Echo State and giving to the network more dynamism and a better performance in temporal nature tasks. One problem with these networks is the presence of some parameters as, Spectral Radius, Reservoir Size and Connection Percent, which require calibration to make the network provide positive results. Therefore the aim of this work is to develop a computational application capable to do time series forecasting, based on ESN, with automatic parameters adjustment by Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Genetic Algorithms (GA), facilitating its use by the user. The developed computational tool offers an intuitive and friendly interface, both in terms of modeling the ESN, and in terms of achievement of possible pre-process on the series to be forecasted.

Kvinnliga monster och abjekt femininitet : En semiotisk och psykoanalytisk studie av femininitet, feminism och monsterkroppen i tv-serien Penny Dreadful

Rydqvist Ryan, Ebba January 2016 (has links)
Studien undersöker hur kvinnliga karaktärer representeras i relation till skräcktematiken i tv-serien Penny Dreadful (2014-). Syftet har varit att studera huruvida det som är typiska kännetecken för skräck kan kopplas till kvinnlighet, femininitet och feminism (det senare då man kan uppfatta ett genuskritiskt samtal i serien). Med hjälp av psykoanalytiska teorier kring abjektion visar analysen hur det som är skrämmande med kvinnor, är skrämmande på andra sätt än vad som är skrämmande med män. Det som är abjekt med kvinnan definieras ofta utifrån hennes sexualitet och biologiska egenskaper, och skapar därmed en feminin monstrositet och således är helt olik den manliga. Detta har till stor del växt fram genom historiska myter, religioner och konst, som har bidragit till könsspecifika monster utifrån stereotyp femininitet, så som häxor, sirener eller Medusa. Genom att utforska tv-seriens karaktärer med hjälp av semiotiska och psykoanalytiska verktyg avslöjas möjliga tolkningar som visar hur nämnda feminina monster tycks grunda sig i manlig rädsla och kvinnan som hot. Kastrationskomplexet som bidragande faktor och den manliga blicken tycks därför kväsa uttryck för kvinnlig frigörelse i serien, genom att sexualisera, plåga och göra kvinnan abjekt och monstruös i direkt genmäle till dessa. Serien tycks därför trots sin genuskritiska diskurs kontrolleras av en manlig blick och ett skoptofiliskt seende, något som möjligtvis bidrar till att kvinnlighet och femininitet kodas som abjekt, och i värsta fall stigmatiserar den feministiska kvinnan. / <p>Reviderad upplaga</p>

"All men must die... But we are not men" : En studie av kvinnor i George RR Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire och i adaptionen Game of Thrones

Mattsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
This study examines four women in George RR Martin’s A song of Ice and Fire and the TV-series Game of Thrones that is based on Martin’s novels. The women who are discussed are: Sansa Stark, Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen and Brienne of Tarth. The portraying of the women is examined through close-reading and studying of key scenes in the novels and in the adaptation.                The main goal of the study is to examine how women are portrayed in the novels and in the TV-series, and to see what differences that can be found. It is also interesting to further analyze why these differences have occurred and how they impact the way the women are perceived. The analysis is based on adaptation theory. Since women are the focus of the study gender theory is also central for the essay. There are several differences between the medias. A lot of the differences occur due to the nature of the media, for example the fact that it is not possible to convey thoughts in the visual media. These types of changes mostly effect the way the woman in question is perceived in that particular scene or situation. However, there are also some significant differences that are more radical, both in the way they are made, and in the effects they have on how the audience views the woman. Those kinds of changes mostly affect Daenerys and Brienne, the two women who more radically challenge gender roles in the novels, and who are, through the changes that have been made, forced into more stereotypical roles in the TV-production, which is aiming at a bigger and broader audience than the novels.


FERNANDO ZEGARRA SANCHEZ 22 May 2012 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação apresenta-se a avaliação da eficiência energética do Veículo Elétrico Híbrido em Série mediante o desenvolvimento teórico de dois protótipos de sistemas de propulsão elétrica e o estudo experimental do consumo de combustível do veículo original. A análise experimental foi feita mediante o desenvolvimento de uma bancada de teste, composta principalmente por um dinamômetro de chassis, um piloto automático e um medidor de vazão de combustível, acompanhado de toda a eletrônica que fez possível a aquisição de dados em cada teste. Neste estudo desenvolvem- se dois modelos teóricos de arquitetura para o sistema de propulsão do VEH, o primeiro composto de quatro motores, cada um embutido nas rodas do veículo, e o segundo composto por dois motores, cada um embutido nas rodas do eixo traseiro do veículo. Existem diversos procedimentos para poder embutir um motor na roda do veículo, o que se deve ter em conta é o peso, a potência e a eficiência na transmissão de potência. No desenvolvimento teórico do sistema de propulsão em cada roda, faz-se necessário o uso do redutor cicloidal, o qual permite uma redução de 3:1 até 119:1 em um só estágio com uma eficiência de transmissão de 93 por cento, conjuntamente com um motor de corrente contínua sem escovas, o qual tem uma alta densidade de potência. Os resultados da avaliação do sistema de propulsão elétrica dos protótipos mostram que o modelo de quatro motores nas rodas é mais eficiente em comparação com o modelo de dois motores embutidos nas rodas. Isto se deve ao fato do segundo modelo ser mais pesado, já que precisa uma maior quantidade de baterias e além disso de motores mais robustos. Na avaliação do consumo energético do VEH em comparação com o modelo original a gasolina, obtiveram-se resultados interessantes referentes à economia na utilização do recurso energético. O VEH teve um comportamento melhor em ciclos urbanos que em ciclos de estrada e a economia do recurso energético alcança 57,6 por cento quando se testa com ciclos urbanos e 11,4 por cento em ciclos de estrada. / [en] This dissertation presents the evaluation of the energy efficiency of a series hybrid electric vehicle through the theoretical development of two electric propulsion systems and an experimental study of fuel consumption of the original vehicle. The experimental analysis was done by a test setting, consisting mainly by a chassis dynamometer, an autopilot system and a fuel flowmeter, all connected to the data acquisition system. In this study it was developed two theoretical models of propulsion systems for HEV. The first one consists of four in-wheel motors and the second one consists of two in-wheel motors on the rear axle. There are various methods for embedding a motor in the wheel. It is necessary to consider the weight, power and transmission efficiency. In the theoretical model it was considered a cycloidal reducer, which allows a reduction of 3:1 to 119:1 in one stage with an efficiency of 93 percent, together with a brushless DC motor, which has a high power density. The results of the evaluation of the electric propulsion systems show that the model with four in-wheel motors is more efficient than the model with two in-wheel motors. This is a consequence of the fact that the second model is heavier, because it needs a bigger amount of batteries and more robust motors. In the evaluation of the HEV energy consumption in comparison with the original gasoline model, it was observed interesting results regarding the energy savings. The HEV presents better performance in urban cycles that in road cycles, saving 57,6 per cent of the consumed energy in urban cycles and 11,4 per cent in road cycles.

Commentaires et rapports d’interdépendance dans le dispositif des web-séries créées en autoproduction. L’appropriation par l’interaction / Commentaries and relationship of interdependence in the self-produced created web-series’s device. Appropriation throught interaction

Neuvillers, Marie-Caroline 13 March 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche vise à comprendre de quelle manière le dispositif de la web-série autoproduite crée une interdépendance entre créateurs et communautés de spectateurs. Elle se fonde sur l’analyse des commentaires et des interactions relevés sur les plateformes de diffusion d’un corpus de web-séries françaises, relevant de la science-fiction, du fantastique ou de l’heroic fantasy. Les web-séries font partie intégrante d’un champ de création sur le web qui ne cesse de s’élargir. Depuis plus de dix ans, elles ont bâti des univers fictionnels qui ont su fédérer des communautés de spectateurs. Pourtant, leur réalisation est encore loin d’être évidente et leur parcours de production souvent jalonné de difficultés, principalement financières. Nombreuses sont les équipes qui choisissent, volontairement ou à défaut, le circuit de l’autoproduction, que leurs membres soient des professionnels de l’audiovisuel ou des amateurs. Les communautés que parviennent à former et à mobiliser certaines web-séries deviennent alors les rouages indispensables d’un dispositif qui repose sur la visibilité et l’interaction pour exister. Elles possèdent une valeur aussi symbolique que matérielle, et leur engagement est déterminant dans la viabilité de l’objet. Les échanges des communautés sur les différentes plateformes où existent les web-séries, témoignent d’une véritable appropriation de celles-ci et sont marqués par un rapport de proximité avec leurs créateurs. Ainsi, les actions produites par ces communautés tendent à façonner l’image et l’identité de l’objet autour duquel elles se mobilisent dans une perspective collaborative, autant que le dispositif de la web-série conditionne leurs activités. / This research aims to understand how the device of the self-produced web-series is generating interdependence between creators and communities of spectators. It is based on the analysis of the comments and the interactions recorded on the platforms of diffusion of a corpus of French web-series, all belonging to sci-fi, fantastic or heroic fantaisy fields. Web-series are part of a web creative field, which constantly grows. For more than a decade, they have built fictionnal universes that were able to federate communities of spectators and lived beyond the web. Yet, their making is still far from easy and their production path is often marked with difficulties, mainly financial. A lot of crews choose, volontarily or not, a self-produced system, wether their members are audiovisual professionals or amateurs. The communities that managed to form and to mobilize certain web-series then become the essential cogs of a device that relies on visibility and interaction to exist. These communities possess a value as symbolic as material, and their commitment is decisive in the viability of the object. The exchanges of communities on the different platforms where the web-series exist show a real appropriation of these and are marked by a relation of closeness with their creators. Thus, the actions produced by these communities tend to shape the image and the identity of the object around which they unite, in a collaborative perspective, as much as the device of the web-series conditions their activities.

Variabilité spatio-temporelle de la composition des fluides hydrothermaux (observatoire fond de mer EMSO-Açores, Lucky Strike) : traçage de la circulation hydrothermale et quantification des flux chimiques associés / Spatial and temporal variability of the composition of hydrothermal fluids (Deep sea observatory EMSO-Azores, Lucky Strike) : tracing the hydrothermal pathway and quantification of the associated chemical fluxes

Leleu, Thomas 27 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une étude détaillée de la composition des fluides de haute température du champ hydrothermal de Lucky Strike (37°N, dorsale médio atlantique) s'appuyant sur 3 campagnes d'échantillonnage réalisées dans le cadre de l'observatoire fond de mer EMSO-Açores. Ce champ hydrothermal s'est développé autour d'un lac de lave fossile bordé au Nord-Ouest, Nord Est et Sud Est par des cônes volcaniques plus anciens. En 2013, la découverte du site hydrothermal de Capelinhos à l'Est, et présentant des compositions de fluides inédites à Lucky Strike (concentration faible en Cl et forte en Fe et Mn), nous permet de proposer un nouveau modèle de circulation hydrothermale basé sur l'application de géothermobaromètres (Si ; Si-Cl ; Fe-Mn) chimiques sur 13 évents hydrothermaux. Nous avons défini 5 groupes de sites selon leur chlorinité et leur position par rapport au lac de lave. Les fluides de Capelinhos, dominés par la phase vapeur, sont rapidement extraits de la zone de séparation de phase (estimée à 2600 m sous le plancher océanique). Les fluides à proximité du lac de lave, avec des chlorinités variables, suggèrent un rééquilibrage à des pressions et températures plus faibles qu'à Capelinhos, cohérent avec des processus de refroidissement conductif et/ou d'entrainement de saumures prenant place lors de la remontée des fluides jusqu'à la base de la couche 2A. La fluctuation de la chlorinité témoigne de la variabilité du temps de résidence du fluide dans la zone de remontée, et ses relations avec les caractéristiques physiques de la croûte océanique. Nous avons évalué la variabilité temporelle de la composition des fluides collectés au cours des campagnes effectuées entre 2009 et 2015. Deux échelles de temps sont mises en évidence. (1) l'échelle de l'échantillonnage, i.e. de l'heure, répond à des phénomènes de subsurface, et révèle qu'un fluide hydrothermal refroidi conductivement (T<150°C) est stocké dans la roche poreuse entourant le site de décharge. (2) l'échelle de temps pluri-annuelle montre une fluctuation des conditions de P et T apparentes de la zone de séparation de phase et du degré d'altération du substratum dans la zone de réaction. Les variations intersites du rapport Ca/Na (indicateur du degré d'albitisation) sont dues à la séparation de phase, à l'exception des sites du Sud-Est du lac de lave qui indiquent un degré d'altération plus élevé. La concentration en Li et sa composition isotopique indiquent que le basalte du substratum est relativement frais avec des rapports W/R proches de 1 pour tous les groupes, avec des d7Li du fluide identiques au substratum. Pour le Sr nous calculons des rapports W/R plus élevés, autour de 7-8, qui sont dus au Sr de l'eau de mer initiale qui est partiellement stocké et à la formation de minéraux secondaires(l'albite et l'anhydrite) lors des interactions eau-roche dans le faciès schiste vert. La faible teneur en métaux des fluides situés autour du lac de lave est probablement due à un piégeage en subsurface, équivalent à ~65% du Fe mobilisé dans la zone de réaction (basé sur les teneurs des fluides de Capelinhos). La variabilité de chlorinité des fluides de Lucky Strike offre l'opportunité d'étudier le comportement des terres rares à l'échelle d'un site hydrothermal. Ainsi, nous montrons l'effet de la séparation de phase sur les terres rares légères et lourdes ainsi que le lien entre l'Eu et le cycle géochimique du Sr. Les terres rares dissoutes dans le panache hydrothermal montrent une perte au cours du mélange ainsi que des phénomènes de redissolution visible via la signature isotopique en Nd. Cette modification des compositions isotopiques en Nd de l'eau de mer profonde est similaire au " boundary exchange " observé aux interfaces océan-plateforme continentale. Au vue de la répartition des champs hydrothermaux sur les dorsales océaniques, ce phénomène pourrait avoir un impact sur le bilan océanique du Nd et donner lieu à un phénomène de " ridge exchange ". / This thesis present a detailed study of the composition of high temperature fluid from the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (37°N, Mid Ocean Ridge) collected during three sampling campaigns within the framework of the deep sea observatory EMSO-Azores. The hydrothermal field has developped around a fossil lava lake framed by three ancient volcanic cones. In 2013, the discovery of a new active site to the East of the system, and presenting an unprecedented fluid composition at Lucky Strike (low Cl concentration and high Fe and Mn concentration), lead to a new model of hydrothermal circulation based on chemical geothermobarometer (Si; Si-Cl) and geothermometer (Fe-Mn) applied to 13 venting sites. We defined 5 groups of sites based on their chlorinity and location around the lava lake. It appears that vapor-dominated Capelinhos fluids were extracted relatively fast from the phase separation zone (estimated at ~2600mbsf). Nevertheless, fluids in the vicinity of the lava lake, both vapor and brine dominated, display P and T conditions of equilibration lower than for Capelinhos fluids. This highlights on-going equilibration process through conductive cooling and/or brine entrainment in the upflow zone up to the layer 2A of the oceanic crust. Chlorinity variations highlight the varying residence time in the upflow of the fluids between vents which depends on physical characteristics of the crust. We studied the temporal variability of fluid composition collected between 2009 and 2015. Two time scales have been evidenced. The first is the sampling scale, i.e. ~1h, and corresponds to subsurface processes indicating that a hydrothermal fluid, conductively cooled (T<150°C), was stored in the porous substratum close to the discharge. The second is at the scale of the year. It shows fluctuations of P and T conditions in the phase separation and different degree of alteration of the substratum in the reaction zone. Intersites variations of Ca/Na ratios (proxies for albitisation) are related to phase separation expected the South Eastern sites that display a more altered substratum. To avoid this issue, we use Li and Sr isotopes which are not affected phase separation. Li concentration and isotopic composition indicates that basalt substratum is relatively fresh with W/R ratio close to 1 calculated for all groups with d7Li of fluid equivalent to substratum. Sr concentration and isotopic composition suggest higher W/R ratio (~7-8) because of seawater Sr partially removed in the recharge. Moreover, other parameters are at play such as secondary mineral formation (albite, anhydrite) during water rock interaction in the greenschist facies. Because the basalt is relatively fresh, the low metal content in the fluid around the lava lake is due to storage, in the subsurface, of approximately ~60-70% of Fe that is mobilized in the reaction zone compared to Fe-Mn rich Capelinhos fluids. Furthermore, the Cl variability from the fluids at Lucky Strike brings a unique opportunity to study the REE distribution from the reaction zone to the discharge into the deep ocean. We show that the LREE are preferentially concentrated into the brine phase. Furthermore, the Eu is linked to the Sr geochemical cycle. Dissolved REE from buoyant plume fluids highlight a scavenging effect. The Nd isotopic compositions indicate redissolution process. This Nd isotopes modification of the deep seawater is similar to the process of "boundary exchange" that occurs at the ocean/continents interface. Considering the global distribution of submarine hydrothermalism, the Nd modification at the ridge could have an impact on the global Nd cycle in the oceans and act as a "ridge exchange".

Avaliação de estimativas de evapotranspiração dos métodos baseados na flutuação diária do nível piezométrico comparando com o método de balanço de energia - Razão de Bowen em zona ripária / Evaluation of evapotranspiration estimates of the methods based on the daily fluctuation of the piezometric level comparing with the energy balance method - Bowen ratio in riparian zone

Carvajalino, Jean Carlos Duarte 04 June 2019 (has links)
No ciclo hidrológico, o processo de evapotranspiração (ET) representa a maior percentagem do total de precipitação. As maiores percentagens de ET são encontradas nas zonas ripárias visto a alta disponibilidade hídrica. Embora existam métodos acessíveis para estimativa da ET em zona ripária, como os baseados na flutuação diária do nível piezométrico, poucos estudos têm sido desenvolvidos devido à complexidade teórica da variável, ao elevado custo de equipamentos, e à reduzida largura dessas áreas. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar 10 métodos baseados na flutuação diária do nível piezométrico usando o método de balanço de energia &#8211; Razão de Bowen. Para tal fim, foram construídos cinco poços e uma torre de monitoramento em uma área de zona ripária da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão da Onça (Brotas, São Paulo). Os dados dos poços e da torre de monitoramento foram coletados, a cada 15 minutos, no período de, respectivamente, abril de 2018 e junho de 2018, a janeiro de 2019. Para o processamento dos dados, foi feito um programa em linguagem Python. Nos dados do método de balanço de energia Razão de Bowen foram utilizados o critério de propagação de erros para a rejeição de estimativas, e o método de amostragem direta para a posterior reconstrução da série temporal. No período seco e chuvoso, as taxas médias de ET obtidas pelo método de balanço de energia &#8211; Razão de Bowen foram, respectivamente, de 3,62 &#177; 0,93 mm/dia e 5,09 &#177; 2,34 mm/dia. Entre os métodos baseados na flutuação diária do nível piezométrico, o método de Gribovski apresentou as melhores métricas na avaliação (<font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> &#961; = 0.69, <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> &#964;s = 0.55, <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> MAE = 1.77 mm/dia, <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> RMSE = 2.07 mm/dia e <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> MBE = 1.63 mm/dia), o qual mostra o potencial desse tipo de métodos para estimar a ET em zonas ripárias. / Evapotranspiration rate (ET) represents a significant percentage of precipitation in the water balance. At the riparian zones, ET slightly increases due to high water availability. Although there are available methods to ET estimation, such as the based on groundwater level variation, few studies have developed because of theorical complexity, high equipment cost and narrow band of the riparian zones. Thus, this work aims to evaluate 10 groundwater level variation methods using the energy balance &#8211; Bowen ratio method. For that, five wells and one monitoring tower were installed in a riparian zone of the Onça Creek basin (Brotas, São Paulo, Brazil). Data from wells and monitoring tower were collected at each 15 minutes from, respectively, April/2018 and June/2018 to January/2019. For data processing, a Python languague programme was developed. Error propagation method was applied to reject unreliable estimation of ET. Also, direct sampling was used to temporal serie rebuilding. The ET estimations from Bowen ration method range from 3,62 &#177; 0,93 mm/day and 5,09 &#177; 2,34 mm/day (dry and wet period, respectively). Among the groundwater level variation methods, the Gribovski method reached the smallest error (<font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> &#961; = 0.69, <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> &#964; s = 0.55, <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> MAE = 1.77 mm/day, <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> RMSE = 2.07 mm/day e <font style=\"text-decoration: overline;\"> MBE = 1.63 mm/day). Then, the Griboski method may be used to ET estimation in riparian zones.

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