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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implementering av 802.1x i trådbundna datanätverk / Implementation of 802.1x in wired computer networks

Forsman, Gustaf, Hult, Daniel January 2008 (has links)
I dagsläget ligger oftast fokus för datasäkerhet hos de flesta företag och organisationer på att skydda gränsen mellan det egna interna datanätverket och det yttre publika. Detta kan leda till att skyddet på insidan försummas och öppna upp möjligheter för olika typer av obehörig användning. Företag X har ett stort datanätverk med behov av skydd på insidan. Detta beror på att fysisk tillgång till nätverket är svår att begränsa på grund av att det till största del är placerat i öppna miljöer. Detta examensarbete behandlar en implementation av standarden 802.1x hos detta företag. 802.1x gör det möjligt att begränsa användandet av datanätverket baserat på vilka premisser ändutrustningen verifierar sig med. Åtkomst till nätverket sätts redan på den fysiska porten i nätverket där utrustningen kopplas in. Kraven och önskemålen från företaget har varit att ta fram och genomföra test av en lösning som innehåller verifieringsmetoder för olika typer av ändutrustning. Kraven har inkluderat metoder för att verifiera ordinarie användare, besökare och övrig utrustning. Dessutom fanns krav på att lösningen inte skulle påverka nuvarande produktionssystem nämnvärt samt vara redundant för att garantera kontinuerlig tillgänglighet. För att ta fram denna lösning utfördes laborationer i en miljö som motsvarar företagets produktionsmiljö. Lösningen som togs fram bygger i månt och mycket på befintliga komponenter i företagets datasystem. En radiusserver tar emot inloggningsförfrågningar från ändutrustning och verifierar mot katalogtjänsten. För att passa in i nuvarande system har FreeRADIUS använts för detta ändamål då funktionalitet finns för samarbete gentemot företagets befintliga katalogtjänst som är Novell eDirectory. Olika sorters användare och ändutrustning får sedan tillgång till rätt resurser dynamiskt beroende på deras förutbestämda rättigheter. / In today’s computer networks, the companies and organisations concerns of security mostly are about protecting the border between the internal and external networks. This can lead to neglecting the inside protection which creates opportunities for unauthorized usage of the companies resources. The company that this thesis discusses have a large computer network with protection needed on the inside as physical access to the network is hard to limit due to open environments. This thesis focuses on an implementation of the 802.1x standard at the above mentioned company. 802.1x make it possible to limit usage of the computer network based on the credentials delivered from the connected devices. The devices get validated on the physical port that they connect to the network through. The company requested a solution which included methods for authentication of different kinds of users and equipment. This could be regular users, visitors and other devices. Part from that there were demands of a minimal influence on the existing environment and redundancy to guarantee highest possible availability. To reach the solution, a test setup was implemented in an environment corresponding to the company’s production system. The final solution was mainly built on components already existing at company’s site. Authentication requests made by users or devices are passed to a radius server which in turn asks the directory service for authentication validation. FreeRADIUS have been the solution of choice for this as it fits the requirements to cooperate with the company’s already existing Novell eDirectory. The end users and devices then dynamically get access to appropriate resources based on their assigned rights.

Webbplattform för statusrapportering på Sandvik IT

Homainik, Arian January 2009 (has links)
Denna rapport handlar om framtagandet av en webbaserad rapporteringsplattform för Sandvik IT. Uppsatsen bryter ner och illustrerar de delar i processen som krävs för konverteringen från en dokumentbaserad till en webbaserad rapporteringsmetod genom att utgå från Sandvik IT’s rapporteringsscenario. Den dokumentbaserade rapporteringsmetoden utgörs av Excel och den webbaserade av Reporting Services. Många implementeringstekniska delar som kan vara av intresse för utvecklare tas upp. Uppsatsen täcker in kostnadsfrågor för hela livcykeln av webbplattformen och en jämförelse görs av de båda rapporteringsscenariorna En stor tyngd läggs även på att visa de problem som kan uppstå på vägen från rapporteringsscenariot med Excel till Reporting Services. Metoden för arbetet är platsundersökning, litteraturstudie samt en systemutvecklingsmetod som kallas för Agile. I slutet av uppsatsen finns det bilagor som visar hur de slutgiltiga rapporterna kan se ut.

Automatic Form-Factor Transformations of Web Pages and Web Services UIs

Lubiński, Piotr January 2009 (has links)
Browsing the Web on a distant screen may very often become user’s unpleasant experience. Such a situation may happen in a living room environment, where the user attempts to browse the Web on TV sitting at 10-foot distance from the screen. In a vast number of web sites that the user is able to request, many may contain, for instance, tiny text characters, which would become unreadable when watched from the distance. On the other hand, also navigation through the Web offerings can become troublesome. Especially, when the user is only equipped with the commonly used remote controller, interaction with the displayed content may prove inefficient. Therefore, methods to overcome content visibility and navigation problems become challenging. In this thesis we perceive living room environment as a good scenario, in which web-enabled handheld devices could further be utilized to interact with Consumer Electronics products, such as TVs. This sort of interaction should make an advantage of publically available Web resources to have them displayed on TV and controlled from the distance by the user who is equipped with, for instance, a web-enabled mobile phone. We think that such an interaction approach would become beneficial in several ways, making the Web browsing routine an interactive, possibly a group activity. Discussed in this thesis solutions are the first step of automatic transformations of web content into a form that can be rendered on Web4CE (Web for Consumer Electronics) products. A particularly important aspect of the proposed system is the concept of request/response HTTP message processing and HTML modification. According to this approach, living room browsing activity should be achievable without the need to re-author already existing web sites.

Investigating and Implementing a DNS Administration System

Brännström, Anders, Nilsson, Rickard January 2007 (has links)
NinetechGruppen AB is an IT service providing company with about 30 employees, primarily based in Karlstad, Sweden. The company began to have problems with their DNS administration because the number of administrated domains had grown too large. A single employee was responsible for all the administration, and text editors were used for modifying the DNS configuration files directly on the name servers. This was an error prone process which also easily led to inconsistencies between the documentation and the real world. NinetechGruppen AB decided to solve the administrative problems by incorporating a DNS administration system, either by using an existing product or by developing a new sys-tem internally. This thesis describes the process of simplifying the DNS administration procedures of NinetechGruppen AB. Initially, an investigation was conducted where existing DNS administration tools were sought for, and evaluated against the requirements the company had on the new system. The system was going to have a web administration interface, which was to be developed in ASP.NET 2.0 with C# as programming language. The administration interface had to run on Windows, use SQL Server 2005 as backend database server, and base access control on Active Directory. Further, the system had to be able of integrating customer handling with the domain administration, and any changes to the system information had to follow the Informa-tion Technology Infrastructure Library change management process. The name servers were running the popular name server software BIND and ran on two different Linux distributions – Red Hat Linux 9 and SUSE Linux 10.0. The investigation concluded that no existing system satisfied the requirements; hence a new system was to be developed, streamlined for the use at NinetechGruppen AB. A requirement specification and a functional description was created and used as the basis for the development. The finalized system satisfies all necessary requirements to some extent, and most of them are fully satisfied.

Comparison between C# and Java : in implementation of a university desktop app

Sabet, Shahrooz January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is about comparison between C# and Java in implementation of a university desktop application. In .Net world the prominent IDE is MS Visual studio and DB is MS SQL server. In Java domain we have several IDEs and techniques to approach the problem. The knowledge to choose between these techniques to use is as much as important if a programmer can gain it, he can apply it in many other software engineering domains like a personal management system, library system, etc.     Therefore the importance of a descriptive and applied experience is showing itself up. This thesis has started with a discussion to choose NetBeans IDE and application definition, and use case modeling then it goes through comparison and implementation part. The comparison will go in depth for each use case in this project in its implementation in C# and Java and see which techniques are used. This includes comparison between these two apps in Software quality factors.

Apple OS X i AD-Miljö : möjligheter och begränsningar

Kristoffersson, Henrik, Månsson, Victor January 2015 (has links)
Apples datorer med operativsystemet OS X blir allt vanligare på arbetsplatserna. För att företagets IT-avdelning ska kunna upprätthålla en stabil och säker miljö strävar man efter att standardisera system och hårdvara. Verkligheten stämmer inte alltid överens med IT-avdelningens strävan och anställda vill i ökande grad använda sig av produkter de valt själva. Arbetet har undersökt möjligheterna och begränsningarna med att integrera Apple OS X i Microsofts Active Directory. För att kunna besvara de frågor som använts som avgränsning inleddes arbetet med att metodiskt studera litteratur och på internet publicerade artiklar. Därefter har laborationer med och utan tredjepartsmjukvarorna ADmitMac och Centrify genomförts med inriktning på arbetets avgränsningar. Parallellt med detta har intervjuer av organisationer med olika bakgrund genomförts. Intervjuer och laborationer gav ett resultat som sedan diskuterades i rapportens avslutande del. I analysen gjordes en jämförelse av resultaten från intervjuer samt laborationer. Från detta kunde bland annat följande slutsats dras; För att integrera en dator med Apple OS X i Active Directory fungerar det inbyggda stödet men med begränsad funktionalitet. Med hjälp av tredjepartsmjukvaror utökas stödet och fler funktioner i Active Directory kan användas.

MyMusic – e-shop för musik i Flash / MyMusic – e-shop for music files in Flash

Wejsflog, Mikael January 2006 (has links)
This is the end report of my final exam at Medieteknik. It covers the planning, work process and review of a Flash based web application that I set out to do. The goal was to create a user friendly, interactive e-shop with embedded functionality for playing music, displaying rich media content and researching possible payment solutions, to enable buying music files online. The project involved creating the user interface, the programmatic functionality of a Flash client (an SWF file). Also, setting up an Apache HTTP Server and establishing a working “bridge” between the Flash client and the web server with Flash Remoting components and AMFPHP. Furthermore, a web interface for adding music files and data to the server was created, built in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. The project consisted of researching and implementing the technologies and techniques involved by iteratively collecting information, reading, testing, programming and evaluating the end results. Also, object oriented design and programming principles was applied in the development process. The software development methodologies – Agile development and extreme programming was practiced. The purpose was to gain experience in developing large scale client/server web applications dealing with creative processes, project planning, project management and problem solving. And in the longer perspective make use of the experience and knowledge in future projects. / Jag hade en idé om att skapa en e-shop med fokus på användarvänlighet och interaktivitet. Detta ledde till en klient/server-applikation med funktioner för att lyssna på musik och söka efter- och ta del av musikinformation. Syftet var att ge användare möjlighet att köpa musik i form av nedladdningsbara MP3-filer. Applikationen är huvudsakligen indelad i tre sektioner, en meny överst; en musikspelare placerad på vänster sida; och en s.k. content-del, ett slags fönster där all text och bildbaserat innehåll presenteras. Gränssnittets utformning är rent och enkelt med tydliga knappar och menyer för enkel navigation. Musik kan förhandslyssnas, och spelas upp med hjälp av en inbyggd musikspelare. Tanken är att ljudet ska kunna spelas upp i realtid från servern, dvs. strömmas. Detta medför att data inte lagras hos klienten och syftet är alltså att användaren ska kunna förhandslyssna på den musik han eller hon är intresserad av att köpa, men till sämre ljudkvalitet än den köpta MP3-filen. En display visar artistens eller gruppens namn, låtnamn, spelad tid, och total tid. Vidare finns knappar för att spela upp, stoppa, pausa och spela nästa respektive föregående låt. Slutligen finns ett reglage för att kunna styra spelposition. Som ett led i att förenkla köp av musik kan en spellista fyllas med valda låtar. Låtarna i denna lista kan man sedan köpa i ett svep eller var för sig. Detta innebär att användaren slipper leta upp en låt i taget, och lyssna på dem vart efter varandra. Ett webbformulär byggdes för att kunna tillhandahålla uppladdning och lagring av musikfiler och musikinformation. Webbformuläret är byggt i teknikerna HTML, CSS, PHP och JavaScript. Den innehåller en dynamiskt genererad tabell för att underlätta insättning av låtar. Webbformuläret kan med fördel utnyttjas av godkända parter (skivbolag, artister…), för att ladda upp och lagra musikfiler på servern. Detta resulterar i en arbetsbesparande process eftersom arbetsbördan fördelas till extern part. All musikinformation, så som artistnamn, låtnamn, utgivningsdatum, etc. lagras och hämtas från en MySQL-databas. Musikfiler lagras och spelas upp från filsystemet i en Apache HTTP Server. Applikationen utgörs av flera skikt. Det innebär att den är uppdelad i flera separata delar. En del består av gränssnittet, en SWF-fil som användaren kommer åt genom sin webbläsare. Gränssnittet opererar gentemot data som ligger lagrat på en webbserver. Vidare finns speciell programkod på servern för att ta emot-, skicka respektive manipulera data. Två typer av datalager används för att möjliggöra kommunikation av data mellan Flashklient (gränssnitt) och server – Flash Remoting och AMFPHP. Flash Remoting är ett slags kommunikationsprotokoll som Flashklienten använder för att kommunicera med server. AMFPHP används för att ”tolka” Flashkod som sänds via HTTP till server. AMFPHP omvandlar denna till, för servern, läsbar server-sidekod – PHP, som i sin tur kan manipulera data på servern, t.ex. lagra data i databasen. När data skickas till Flashklienten, omvandlar AMFPHP data till, för Flashfilen, läsbar kod. En stor del av projektet har varit av undersökande natur. Målet var att erhålla tekniska kunskaper i Flashmiljön för att kunna utveckla interaktiva webbapplikationer. Kunskap har inhämtats via litteratur i bokform, det inbyggda hjälpbiblioteket i Adobe Flash 8 Professional mjukvara, samt från internet, bland en mängd olika forum och webbsidor. Utvecklingsarbetet har bestått av en kombination av rörlig utveckling och extrem programmering. / +46 (0)708 38 08 03 guild2000@hotmail.com

Motivação e comprometimento organizacional dos servidores técnicos administrativos do centro de ciências da saúde UFSM / Motivation and organizational commitment of administrative technical center servers the sciences of health UFSM

Lucca, Ieda Maria Rissetti 31 October 2014 (has links)
The choice of topic "motivation and commitment" resulted from the fact that there is a lack of empirical studies linking motivation and organizational commitment. Based on the model of multidimensional conceptualization of motivation of Gagné et al. (2010), postulated the theory of self-determination of Deci and Ryan (1985, 2000) and the model of Meyer and Allen (1991) for organizational commitment, adapted and validated in Brazil to the public service context by Grohmann, Cunha e Silinski (2013), this study aims to identify the relationship between motivational levels and the commitment of administrative technical Center Servers the Sciences of Health - UFSM. It was chosen by performing a descriptive research was chosen using the lifting of the survey type, with quantitative variables as described by Malhotra (2006). The population studied consisted of 168 technical administrative servers belonging to the three levels. The questionnaire had its structure based on two models proposed in the research. The results indicated that there is a statistically significant moderate relationship between motivation and commitment of the servers, being that it was possible to develop the profile of the respondents, where it was found that the variable sex was the most impacted in the motivation variables of education and position were the most impacted in commitment servers respondents the commitment of servers. The motivation had the lowest average (x = 3.10), almost neutral what needs to be improved urgently, since the commitment showed moderate average (x = 3.62) and also needs to be improved in a second time. To establish relations among the dimensions of the constructs, can be assert that the results demonstrated exist correlations very low, and affective commitment is not correlated with any of the dimensions of or the motivation and commitment. The results showed moderate correlations among the other dimensions of research. Through regression analysis it was found that the motivation for the work of servers administrative technical Center Servers the Sciences of Health the UFSM is an antecedent of organizational commitment with a moderate degree of dependence. It is hoped that this study may be useful for research correlated area of management of public institutions, since it works with this approach are scarce. / A escolha do tema motivação e comprometimento decorreu do fato de que existe uma lacuna de estudos empíricos que relacionem a motivação e o comprometimento organizacional. Com base no modelo de conceituação multidimensional de motivação de Gagné et al. (2010), postulado na teoria de autodeterminação de Deci e Ryan, (1985; 2000) e no modelo de Meyer e Allen (1991) para comprometimento organizacional, adaptado e validado no Brasil para o contexto do serviço público por Grohmann, Cunha e Silinski (2013), este estudo teve como objetivo identificar a relação entre os níveis motivacionais e o comprometimento dos servidores técnicos administrativos do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da UFSM. Optou-se por realizar uma pesquisa de natureza descritiva, utilizando o levantamento do tipo survey, com variáveis quantitativas conforme descrito por Malhotra (2006). A população pesquisada constituiu-se de 168 servidores técnicos administrativos pertencentes aos três níveis. Aplicou-se um questionário estruturado a partir dos dois modelos propostos na pesquisa. Os resultados encontrados apontaram que há uma relação estatisticamente significativa moderada entre a motivação e o comprometimento dos servidores, sendo que foi possível elaborar o perfil dos respondentes, onde constatou-se que a variável sexo, foi a que mais impactou na motivação e as variáveis escolaridade e cargo foram as que mais impactaram no comprometimento dos servidores respondentes. A motivação apresentou a menor média (x=3,10), quase neutra, sendo que a mesma precisa ser melhorada com urgência, já o comprometimento apresentou média moderada (x=3,62) e também precisa ser melhorado em um segundo momento. Ao estabelecer relações entre as dimensões dos construtos, pode-se afirmar que os resultados demonstraram existir correlações muito baixas, sendo que o comprometimento afetivo não se correlacionou com nenhuma das dimensões da motivação e nem do comprometimento. Os resultados evidenciaram correlações moderadas entre as demais dimensões da pesquisa. Por meio da Análise de regressão constatou-se, que a motivação para o trabalho dos servidores do Centro de Ciências da Saúde da UFSM é um antecedente do comprometimento organizacional com um grau de dependência moderado. Espera-se que este estudo possa ser útil para pesquisas correlacionadas à área de gestão de instituições públicas, uma vez que trabalhos com este enfoque são escassos.

On improving the understanding of software requirements by clients

Wing, Jeanette Wendy January 2017 (has links)
Submitted in fulfillment of the academic requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Technology, Durban University of Technology, Durban, South Africa, 2016. / Motivated by the literature regarding the need for further research on client participation in software development, a systemic framework for the understanding of client requirements in Information System development projects is developed. This systemic framework is particularly relevant for project contexts characterized by diversity of stakeholder values and complexity. To address this complexity, research led to the selection of methods from three systems methodologies and the conclusion for the need to mix them in the process of requirements understanding by clients. The mixing of methods from various methodologies is justified through the principles of Critical Systems Practice, and the process of their use is guided by Action Design Research. In spite of the strong research tradition associated with Soft Systems Methodology and the growing interest in the Work System Method, the level of use of these by practitioners is not high because complex project situations require harnessing of the strengths of more than one methodology. The proposed framework also includes a third system methodology Critical Systems Heuristics. This study demonstrated how the meta-methodology Critical Systems Practice is applied in justifying the selection and the mix of methods from the above three methodologies in the proposed framework. The principles of design science were applied, where the framework is the design artifact that is developed. Action Research was used to guide evaluation of the framework in the pilot study. The framework was applied in a pilot study to the understanding of the management of a Wellness Centre which operates within the Kenneth Gardens Housing Estate, through action research. As a result of the pilot study some modifications were made to the framework and the process of its implementation. The modified framework was applied in a further main study concerning the management of the Kenneth Gardens Housing Estate which has a broader context than the pilot study. The contribution of this research to the field of Information Systems is both theoretical and practical. One theoretical contribution is provision of a framework for clearer understanding of software requirements by clients. The second theoretical contribution is that Action Design Research is enhanced by adding proper justification for the methods included in the framework through the application of Critical Systems Thinking and Critical Systems Practice. The practical contribution is through the demonstration of Action Design Research being applied to a real-world problem in both the pilot and the main study. / D

Design of a generic client-server messaging interface using XML

Rimer, Suvendi Chinnappen 21 September 2005 (has links)
Applications that use directory services or relational databases operate in client-server mode where a client requests information from a server, and the server returns a response to the client. Communication between each client-server application is achieved by using separate custom built front-ends with non-portable data formats. A need exists to access information from different heterogeneous client-server systems in a standard message request-response format. This research proposes a generic XML document that presents a common request-response interface to the client from which they can access network protocol or database information. The XML component is easily adaptable to accessing any new client-server type protocol or database data that may be added to a server. The approach in determining the XML elements is, firstly review each systems command and data structure separately, and then determine if there are any commonalities within each protocol that would allow for a common representation of both the data and command structure. For the purposes of this project, three different data sources that are typically used in an Internet application were analysed, namely: -- a TCP based server program; -- a relational type database; and -- a directory service. The solution was implemented using Linux as the operating system, Java as the programming language, MySQL as the relational database, openLDAP as the directory server and a proprietary TCP based server application. Initially the complete system was developed for the proprietary TCP-based application. The other systems were added with minimum additional work. The result of the implementation was that it is relatively easy to add new protocols (for e.g. LDAP) on an as needed basis with minimal changes required on the server side. A client will receive XML responses that the client can either adapt (typically using a separate style-sheet) to their specific needs or use the existing front-ends if they are suitable. After the design was implemented and tested, the performance of XML and non-XML messages was evaluated. As expected the increased verbosity of XML results in a larger footprint that requires more processing time and resources. This means that any implementation using XML has to carefully weight the benefits of flexibility, extensibility and standard message formats against reduced performance. After evaluating XML type messages in an Internet type environment that involved human-computer interaction, it was concluded that the slower response times is not that significant to negate the benefits of a common message interface provided by using XML. / Dissertation (M Eng (Computer Engineering))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted

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