Spelling suggestions: "subject:"verver"" "subject:"cerver""
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Uma Estratégia de Refletores Multimídia para Criptografia e Codificação em Tempo Real.Silva Filho, Elenilson Vieira da 22 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-22 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The Information and Communications Technology (ICT) field has changed due to both universalization of connectivity and popularization of devices. Such events have provided for the appearance of new networks which are able to send larges amounts of data and also on a faster way. The broadband networks support the development of new technologies and then more data can be generated and sent by these networks. When these technologies are applied to medical or military domains, for example, one of the main issues is the integrity and confidentiality of the data being transmitted over the network. This work presents a privacy and security strategy based on authentication, verification of users authenticity and distribution of encrypted streams. This paper is divided into two parts: the first one describes a strategy for multimedia reflectors which send AES-encrypted streams and are able to perform many types of media encoding. The second part describes a security server which authenticates, creates user groups and distributes group keys only to authenticated and permitted users. It uses Federated Authentications provided by the Federated Academic Community (CAFe). For the matter of comparison of the present strategy with previous studies, a systematic mapping was done to discuss the techniques for authentication and media transmission. In order to validate the work, the whole strategy was integrated to the Arthron - a tool for multimedia transmissions. The testing scheme used the 2k factorial designs and it analyzed the influence of the processing, encrypting and coding in the time transmission. / A área de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) tem sofrido uma notável transformação caracterizada pela universalização das formas de conectividade e popularização de dispositivos. Tais fatores propiciaram o surgimento
de novas redes de transmissão para lidar com grandes volumes de dados e com
grande poder de transmissão
, o q
ue leva
o rápido desenvolvimento de várias
tecnologias multimídia
cada vez mais dados são gerados e transmitidos pela
rede. Quando aplicadas a domínios médicos, comerciais e militares, por exemplo,
um dos principais pontos a serem considerados é a
e confidencialidades
esses dados
. Assim, este trabalho apresenta uma estratégia de segurança
ênfase em
, baseada na autenticação e verificação de
autenticidade de usuários, além da distri
buição de fluxos criptografados
tais objetivos, foi
dividido em duas partes
uma que descreve uma estratégia de
refletores para transmissão de fluxos com criptografia
e múltiplas codificações e
outra que demonstra
um servidor de segurança para fazer autenticação, criação de
e distribuição de chaves de
para usuários autenticados e com
permissão para acessar
, além da utilização de autenticação
federada através da Comunidade Acadêmica Federada (CAFe)
. Um Mapeamento
Sistemático foi feito o que permit
iu a
descoberta de diversas técnicas que puderam
ser aplicadas ou comparadas tanto nos refletores quanto no servidor de segurança,
além do destacamento
lacunas na literatura que permitem
dos resultados,
a estratégia
foi aplicada à Arthron 3.0
possibilitou realização de transmissões com diversos fluxos de vídeo em alta
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Qualidade de vida no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional no serviço público: Um estudo com os servidores técnico-administrativos do centro acadêmico do agreste da UFPEGÓES, Miguel Borba de Barros 07 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2017-03-27T18:36:49Z
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Qualidade de vida no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional no serviço público.pdf: 1986643 bytes, checksum: 107a3c0a621b3d1fee3edd792652601a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-27T18:36:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Qualidade de vida no trabalho e comprometimento organizacional no serviço público.pdf: 1986643 bytes, checksum: 107a3c0a621b3d1fee3edd792652601a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2016-07-07 / Um dos maiores desafios para o serviço público na atualidade é alinhar a inovação necessária ao crescimento e a manutenção das instituições, de forma legal e impessoal, às necessidades de uma sociedade cada vez mais exigente. Nesse âmbito, é indispensável considerar a figura do servidor público como ferramenta fundamental na construção de um corpo social participativo, democrático e centrado no bem comum. Dada a importância do agente público nesse processo construtivo, o propósito deste estudo foi caracterizar a qualidade de vida no trabalho (QVT) e o comprometimento organizacional, bem como sua associação na vivência dos servidores técnico-administrativos do Centro Acadêmico do Agreste da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco. Para isso, o modelo proposto por Walton (1973) foi escolhido com a finalidade de direcionar a caracterização da QVT e o modelo elaborado por Meyer e Allen (1991), para caracterizar o comprometimento organizacional. A abordagem metodológica utilizada baseou-se em um estudo de caso, de natureza quantitativa, em que 80 servidores expressaram a sua satisfação em um questionário composto por 42 variáveis. Utilizando-se da estatística descritiva, esta pesquisa apontou elevados índices de satisfação relacionados às variáveis de QVT que integram o fator constitucionalismo na organização, refletindo o respeito e o atendimento por parte da instituição às regras e aos direitos dos trabalhadores. Já no fator relevância social do trabalho na vida, destacaram-se positivamente o orgulho e a identificação do servidor com a instituição, além da imagem organizacional perante a sociedade. Sobressaem-se ainda, nos demais fatores, as variáveis que abordam a importância da função desenvolvida pelo servidor na instituição, o bom relacionamento entre os pares e a estabilidade no emprego. No que se refere à caracterização do comprometimento organizacional dos pesquisados, foi enfatizado no componente afetivo o vínculo, a integração e o significado da organização para o servidor e, no componente instrumental, a possível desestruturação da sua vida, caso deixasse a organização. De acordo com os resultados obtidos através da análise fatorial, verificou-se como resposta para o terceiro objetivo desta pesquisa a possível associação dos indicadores de QVT, que respondem pelo orgulho e a identificação do servidor com a instituição, aos indicadores do comprometimento afetivo que tratam da vinculação emocional, significado pessoal do trabalho na vida do servidor e dedicação da sua carreira à instituição. / One of the biggest challenges for public service today is to align the innovation necessary for growth and maintenance of institutions, legally and impersonally, with the needs of an increasingly demanding society. Therefore, it is essential to consider the figure of the civil servant as a fundamental tool in building a democratic and participatory social body, focused on the common good. Given the importance of public official in this constructive process, the purpose of this study was to characterize the quality of working life (QWL) and organizational commitment as well as its membership in the experience of the technical and administrative staff of the Academic Center of Federal University of Pernambuco, Agreste campus. For this, the model proposed by Walton (1973) was chosen in order to direct the characterization of QLW and the model developed by Meyer and Allen (1991) to characterize the organizational commitment. The methodological approach was based on a quantitative case study, in which 80 servers expressed their satisfaction in a questionnaire consisting of 42 variables. Using descriptive statistics, this survey showed high satisfaction levels related to QWL variables that make the constitutionalism factor in the organization, reflecting the respect and care by the institution about the workers’ rules and rights. In the social relevance of labor in life, they stood out positively pride and server identification with the institution, in addition to the organizational image to society. You stand still, in other factors, the variables that address the important function carried out by the server at the institution, the good relationship between the couple and job stability. With regard to the characterization of the respondents’ organizational commitment, it was emphasized the affective component bonding, integration and the meaning of the organization to the server and, considering the instrumental aspect, the possible disruption of their life in the case of leaving the organization. According to the results obtained by the analysis, it was found in response to the third objective of this research the possible association of QWL indicators, which account for pride and server identification with the institution, to the affective commitment indicators dealing with emotional attachment, personal meaning of work in the server life and dedication of their career to the institution.
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A performance and installation research in web server solutions for small e-commerce systems. / En prestanda och installations forskning i webb server lösningar för mindre e-handel system.Shirazi, Erfan, Håkansson, Mattias, Abels, Christian January 2004 (has links)
This thesis investigates two different web server solutions. One is a commercial, proprietary solution known as the Windows solution that consists of Windows Server 2003, IIS and ASP. The other is a free, open source solution consisting of FreeBSD, Apache and PHP. The both solutions had the database MySQL as a common component. The hypothesis that was used in this investigation is as follows: IIS on Windows Server is not better than Apache on FreeBSD for e-commerce systems. To answer the hypothesis two empirical comparisons were conducted. One was a response time experiment testing two symmetrical web shops developed for the both solutions. For this response time test a stress test application was developed. The second comparison was a case study in the ease of installation of the two different solutions. The third empirical research method was a survey that was conducted among Swedish web hotel administrators. The survey identifies various factors that play a part when choosing one of the solutions. Open source users prefer performance, security and costs of software while Windows users prefer required knowledge, usability and compatibility. By analysing our result it is shown that the hypothesis is verified proving that an open source solution reports better performance because it has lower response times than the Windows solution. The results from the case study show that Windows is the easiest solution to install. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker två olika webbservrar lösningar. En är kommersiell patentskyddad lösning känd som Windows lösningen som består av Windows Server 2003, IIS och ASP. Den andra lösningen är en gratis open source lösning som består av FreeBSD, Apache och PHP. Båda lösningarna har databasen MySQL som en jämensam komponent. Hypotesen som användes i denna forskning är; IIS på Windows Server är inte bättre än Apache på FreeBSD för e-handel system. För att kunna besvara hypotesen gjordes två empirisk jämförelsen. En var respons tid experiment som testade två symmetriska webb shops som var utvecklad av oss för bägge lösningarna. För detta experiment utvecklades en stress test program. Den andra jämförelsen var en fallstudie i lätthet av installation av dessa två lösningar. Den tredje forsknings metoden är en undersökning bland svensk webb hotell administratörer. Undersökningen identifierar olika faktorer som spelar roll när man väljer en av lösningarna. Open source användare föredrar prestanda, säkerhet och kostnad av mjukvara medan Windows användare föredrar obligatorisk kunskap, användbarhet och jämförbarhet. Genom analys av våra resultat har vi visat att vår hypotes är verifierad och detta bevisar att open source lösningen har bättre prestanda genom att den har lägre respons tid än Windows lösningen. Resultatet av fallstudien visar att Windows är lättare att installera.
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Evaluation of the CSF Firewall / Utvärdering av CSF brandväggenMudhar, Ahmad January 2013 (has links)
The subject of web server security is vast, and it is becoming bigger as time passes by. Every year, researches, both private and public, are adding to the number of possible threats to the security of web servers, and coming up with possible solutions to them. A number of these solutions are considered to be expensive, complex, and incredibly time-consuming, while not able to create the perfect web to challenge any breach to the server security. In the study that follows, an attempt will be made to check whether a particular firewall can ensure a strong security measure and deal with some security breaches or severe threat to an existing web server. The research conducted has been done with the CSF Firewall, which provides a suit of scripts that ensure a portal’s security through a number of channels. The experiments conducted under the research provided extremely valuable insights about the application in hand, and the number of ways the CSF Firewall can help in safety of a portal against Secured Shell (SSH) attacks, dedicated to break the security of it, in its initial stages. It further goes to show how simple it is to actually detect the prospective attacks, and subsequently stop the Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, as well as the port scans made to the server, with the intent of breaching the security, by finding out an open port. By blocking the IP Addresses of the attackers dedicated to such an act, preventing them from creating nuisance, the CSF Firewall has been able to keep alien intrusions away from the server. It also aids in creating a secure zone for the server, to continue smoothly, while alerting the server administrators of the same, and gives them an opportunity to check those threatening IPs, and the time of attack, makes sure that the server administrators stay alert in the future, and is able to keep an eye on such attacks. In doing this, the experiment adds valuable data in the effective nature of the CSF Firewall.
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Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2001Anders,, Clauß,, Hübner,, Junghänel,, Kempe,, Petersen,, Richter,, Riedel,, Schier,, Sontag, 14 August 2001 (has links)
10 Jahre Universitätsrechenzentrum
Angebot zur zentralen PC-Beschaffung an der TU Chemnitz
Neue Computerpools für die Ausbildung
Lehrmaterialien in modernen Medien
Benutzbarkeit von Webseiten
JAVA3D am Beispiel eines Getriebemodells
Filter für E-Mail
Das E-Mail-System der TU Chemnitz
Neue WWW-Server
Campusnetz am G-WiN
Neuigkeiten zu Campuslizenzen
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Mitteilungen des URZ 4/2001Becher,, Ehrig,, Fritsche,, Hübner,, Meyer,, Müller,, Pester,, Richter,, Riedel,, Ziegler, 06 December 2001 (has links)
Neue Aufgaben im URZ - Änderungen im Kursprogramm;
Ein Jahr CLiC - ein Überblick;
Wissenschaftliche Rechnungen auf CLiC;
"camo - campus mobil" - das neue Funknetz im Campus;
Mailfilter - Teil 2;
HBFG-Projekt: Kommunikations- und Applikationsserver-Infrastruktur;
MONARCH-Dokumente in nichtlokalen Recherchesystemen;
SPARC III CPU-Server gulliver;
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Free Software For Web Development / Fri mjukvara för webbutvecklingLinder, Anders, Olsson, Johan January 2003 (has links)
This thesis will look into what kind of solutions a company or a private person can use if they want to create a dynamic website using only free software. To do this we divided our work in two parts. In the first part, we developed a dynamic website for a Swedish company. On the server side we used exclusively free software with open source code. There are different meanings in how the term “free” should be used when referring to software, which we will explain in the thesis. We have also chosen to work with the XMLtechnology to see if it lives up to its expectations and to see if we could benefit from the technology. Alongside with the development of our site, another company developed a site for the same company as us, by using non-free software. We have described both implementations and compared them to see if it is possible to do the same thing with both free and non-free software. The investigating part of our work consisted of getting information about what other people think about the free software phenomenon. To do so we created an online questionnaire where we randomly picked 100 Swedish web agencies and asked them to answer 8 questions about what kind of software they used in their company, and what they thought about free software. To get some more opinions we also interviewed two persons involved in these kinds of topics. Jan Sandred, who is a well known expert advisor in topics concerning the Information Technology area and Richard Stallman, the founder of GNU and the Free Software Movement. The reason for dividing the thesis in two parts was to get an overall picture on the subject. We did not only want to base our results on other people’s thoughts. We wanted to make our own conclusions based on the implementation we did. This approach showed out to be very good. We got to try working with free software ourselves to see its pros and cons and build our own opinions about it. We could then proceed to compare our impressions to other people’s impressions about free software.
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PHP Framework Performance for Web Development / PHP Ramverk Prestanda för WebbutvecklingNylén, Håkan January 2012 (has links)
[Context] PHP Frameworks, such as CakePHP and Codei- gniter, have become popular among developers, since they offer ease of development save time and provide already made libraries to use. Considering that more and more websites are built using these frameworks it is important to know how they impact the performance of the website. Comparing the two top frameworks with each other can shed some light on what the performance looks like today on the web with PHP as its base. [Problem] Visitors nowadays have less patience to wait for a website to load. Meanwhile, PHP Framework has become known among developers, but the part of the performance that reduces the load time even more so visitors can surf without any problems, is missing. Therefore, it is a good idea to try to discover how the performance of the PHP Framework can change and improve the visitor experience. [Con- tribution] In this paper is a description of one of the first performance experiments on PHP Frameworks. It can help people make the right de- cision regarding PHP Framework in the future. The lack of data in this area is also one of the decisions to make this paper as well.
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Design of Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence System : A case study of Retail IndustryOketunji, Temitope, Omodara, Olalekan January 2011 (has links)
Business Intelligence (BI) concept has continued to play a vital role in its ability for managers to make quality business decision to resolve the business needs of the organization. BI applications comes handy which allows managers to query, comprehend, and evaluate existing data within their organizations in order to obtain functional knowledge which then assist them in making improved and informed decisions. Data warehouse (DW) is pivotal and central to BI applications in that it integrates several diverse data sources, mainly structured transactional databases. However, current researches in the area of BI suggest that, data is no longer always presented in only to structured databases or format, but they also can be pulled from unstructured sources to make more power the managers’ analysis. Consequently, the ability to manage this existing information is critical for the success of the decision making process. The operational data needs of an organization are addressed by the online transaction processing (OLTP) systems which is important to the day-to-day running of its business. Nevertheless, they are not perfectly suitable for sustaining decision-support queries or business questions that managers normally needs to address. Such questions involve analytics including aggregation, drilldown, and slicing/dicing of data, which are best supported by online analytical processing (OLAP) systems. Data warehouses support OLAP applications by storing and maintaining data in multidimensional format. Data in an OLAP warehouse is extracted and loaded from multiple OLTP data sources (including DB2, Oracle, SQL Server and flat files) using Extract, Transfer, and Load (ETL) tools. This thesis seeks to develop DW and BI system to support the decision makers and business strategist at Crystal Entertainment in making better decision using historical structured or unstructured data.
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DK:s kommunikation, informations- och dokumenthantering med hjälp av Microsofts produkterKurtulus, Filiz, Holstensson, Alexandra January 2007 (has links)
Idag leds företag av tre hörnstenar: kommunikation, informations- och dokumenthantering. Dessa begrepp hör ihop och förutspår framtiden för företaget. Detta är även ämnet som denna rapport berör. Rapporten beskriver 10 poängs examensarbete, som utförts som en del i vår utbildning. Kommunikation är alltså en mänsklig handling, något som vi gör och information är det vi utbyter genom att kommunicera med varandra. Information är något som finns överallt idag och berör oss alla på olika sätt och vis. Den har olika påverkan på oss alla och vi tolkar det olika. Genom dokumenthantering kan man effektivisera processer, rutiner och arbetsflöden, samtidigt som man ökar omfattningen och effektiviteten för företagsinformationen. En undersökning är en form av primär data där man samlar ihop data från antingen en hel grupp eller en del av en grupp. Det finns en del olika sätt att utföra en undersökning, via till exempel telefon eller elektronisk. Vi valde att skicka ut en undersökning elektronisk som vår målgrupp fick fylla i. Undersökningen, även kallad effektivitetstest, är kvalitativ vilket syftar till att svaren skall ha en djupare dimension än bara siffror. Efter att ha fått klart för oss över de problem som fanns har vi även tittat på olika funktioner som kan lösa dessa problem. De flesta av funktionerna fanns i SharePoint (Server och Services). Som stöd kan man även använda funktioner i OneNote och InfoPath.
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