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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Évolution des profils d'état de santé et utilisation des services sociosanitaires chez les personnes âgées

Lafortune, Louise 04 1900 (has links)
La thèse a pour objectif d’étudier les rapports entre les besoins typiquement hétérogènes des personnes âgées vivant dans la communauté et l’utilisation conséquente des services médicaux et sociaux. Inspirée du concept de la fragilité, l’approche a d’abord consisté à modéliser l’hétérogénéité des besoins en classant les individus – par l’analyse de classes latentes (ACL) – dans des profils-types, chacun représentant une constellation particulière de problèmes de santé. Appliquée aux données recueillies dans le cadre du projet de démonstration du SIPA (Système de services intégrés pour personnes âgées en perte d’autonomie), l’ACL a révélé 4 profils qui se distinguent sur le plan qualitatif par les dimensions physique et cognitive, et sur le plan quantitatif par la gravité des incapacités que les individus manifestent (Article 1). L’analyse des transitions entre les profils sur 1 an et 22 mois montre des changements différenciés selon les profils et le sexe, et confirme la stabilité de la classification et sa sensibilité aux changements d’état de santé. En outre, les profils sont robustes aux effets de la mortalité et de l’attrition due aux sorties d’étude. Les rapports entre les profils, les variables sociodémographiques et les indicateurs de résultats tel l’hébergement et la mortalité appuient la validité de la classification. Les profils ont ensuite servi à modéliser les besoins dans des modèles économétriques ajustés pour étudier l’utilisation et les coûts par profil d’état de santé pour une gamme de services financés par le système public (Article 2). Ces analyses montrent que les profils permettent d’identifier des configurations distinctes d’utilisation et de coûts pour des sous-groupes représentatifs de la population âgée fragile. La sensibilité des profils aux différences d’accès et aux différences d’intensité d’utilisation révèle les choix de ces groupes cibles par les autorités locales dans la prestation des services institutionnels et des services de proximité. Enfin, une analyse fine de ces relations a été menée pour la couteuse période précédant le décès dans le but d’établir si l’intensification des coûts en fin de vie concerne les personnes âgées de manière homogène quelque soit la gravité de leur état de santé (Article 3). Les analyses comparatives des survivants et des décédés montrent une tendance inverse dans les coûts des services selon l’état de santé. Les personnes qui survivent dans des états de santé compromis coûtent significativement plus que leurs homologues relativement sains. En revanche, c’est chez les individus relativement sains, indépendamment de l’âge, qu’on retrouve les coûts de fin de vie les plus élevés – liés principalement aux hospitalisations de courte durée. Combiné aux résultats qui montrent que les coûts sont significativement moindres chez les sujets de plus de 85 ans, ce travail confirme l’hypothèse d’une compression des coûts attribuables à la morbidité chez les décédés les plus âgés. L’originalité de cette thèse tient au fait que très peu de travaux ont tenté de modéliser l’hétérogénéité de l’état de santé dans le but d’étudier ses conséquences sur l’accès, l’intensité et les coûts des services sociaux et médicaux pour notre population de référence. En outre, alors que la pertinence des soins de fin de vie et le maintien à domicile sont au cœur des préoccupations, ce travail est le premier à décrire les rapports entre l’état de santé et les coûts en fin de vie pour les personnes âgées fragiles vivant dans la communauté. / Abstract This thesis aims to study the relationship between the typically heterogeneous needs of community-living elderly and their consequent utilization of health and social services. Inspired by the concept of frailty, the approach consisted in modeling the heterogeneity – by latent class analysis (LCA) – to group individuals into homogenous categories of health status, each representing a constellation of health problems. Applied to the data collected for the demonstration project of the system of integrated services for frail elderly (SIPA), LCA revealed four health state profiles that distinguish the physical and cognitive dimensions of health and capture severity along the disability dimension (Article 1). Transition analyses over 1 year and 22 months showed differentiated and gender-specific patterns of transition probabilities, confirming the sensitivity of the profiles to change in health status. The profiles are stable over time and robust to mortality and lost to follow-up attrition. Relationships between the profiles, sociodemographic characteristics and distal outcomes, such as mortality and institutionalization, confirm the classification’s validity. These profiles were then used in two-part econometric models to study access and costs of several measures of publicly funded services (Article 2). Our results show the profiles are able to identify distinct configurations of service utilization and costs in substantially meaningful subgroups of the frail elderly population. What is important here is that the health state profiles are sensitive to differences, and changes, in available patterns of care in a specific milieu. These differences reveal choices of target groups by local authorities in delivering institutional and community-based services. Finally, a fine analysis of these differences was performed for the costly period preceding death to establish whether the high end-of-life costs affect all elderly homogenously irrespective of the severity of their health state (Article 3). A comparative analysis revealed that survivors’ and decedents’ costs of care trends according to health status go in opposite directions. Severely disabled survivors cost significantly more compared to their relatively healthy counterparts. In contrast, the highest end-of-life costs – driven by acute hospitalizations – belong to the relatively healthy, independent of age. Among survivors and among decedents, the oldest old (85+) cost significantly less compared to younger age groups. Combined, these results support the notion of a compression of costs due to morbidity in the oldest old decedents. The originality of this thesis rests on the fact that few very few studies attempted to model heterogeneity in health status with the goal of estimating its effect on patterns of service utilization. Moreover, in light of the shift towards community-based care as a response to economic pressures and population aging, our work is the first to describe the relationship between health status and end-of-life care in frail community-living elderly. / Réalisé en cotutelle avec l'Université de Paris-Sud

Usage and Non-usage Behaviour of eHealth Services Among Chinese Canadians Caring for a Family Member with Dementia

Chiu, M. L. Teresa 30 July 2008 (has links)
Background: Information Communication Technologies (ICT)-mediated support can reduce family caregiver burden and may bridge service gaps caused by time constraints and language or cultural barriers. (Non)-usage behaviour can be explained using Andersen’s Behavioural Model of Health Service Utilization, Venkatesh’s Unified Theory of Use and Acceptance of Technology, Eysenbach’s Law of Attrition, and Wilson’s and Chatman’s Information Behaviour Theories. Purpose: This study aimed to describe and explain (non)-usage behaviour of ehealth services among Chinese caregivers. Method: This two-phase study used a mixed methods design involving 46 Chinese caregivers who cared for a family member with dementia. Usability of the ICT tools designed in the study was tested. Phase I participants (N=28) had access to a bilingual information site and personalized email support from professionals. Phase II participants (N=18) were randomized to use one of three enhanced features. Pre- and post-intervention data were collected, and qualitative interviews were conducted. Results: The Phase I ICT tools supported the core functions without major usability issues. Perceived efforts to use the ICT-mediated services influenced the consent decisions of Phase I caregivers (p=.036). Caregivers initiated service earlier if they had a higher acceptance of the service (p=0.017). Frequent users of email support experienced a decline of perceived burden compared with an escalation of perceived burden by non-users (p=0.023). An older age, greater caregiving competence, and lower English or computer proficiency explained non-usage behaviour. Requirements were identified to enhance the Phase I ICT tools. In Phase II, a test of three enhanced features showed there was no major usability issue. The intervention study found the enhanced features did not influence email use as hypothesized. Qualitative analysis showed usage patterns were explained by caregiver needs, caregiving beliefs, personal capacity, social support, ICT factors, and style of use. Non-users preferred Chinese to English compared with users (p=0.046). Integrating the theories and empirical findings, three concepts were developed to explain (non)-usage behaviour: usage in context, usage paths, and stages of use. Conclusion: Usage and non-usage behaviour can be explained by the service needs in the caregiving context, the use of non-ICT-mediated resources, and the access barriers to Internet use. Use of ICT-based support can be beneficial to caregivers if they do not drop out of the service.

Usage and Non-usage Behaviour of eHealth Services Among Chinese Canadians Caring for a Family Member with Dementia

Chiu, M. L. Teresa 30 July 2008 (has links)
Background: Information Communication Technologies (ICT)-mediated support can reduce family caregiver burden and may bridge service gaps caused by time constraints and language or cultural barriers. (Non)-usage behaviour can be explained using Andersen’s Behavioural Model of Health Service Utilization, Venkatesh’s Unified Theory of Use and Acceptance of Technology, Eysenbach’s Law of Attrition, and Wilson’s and Chatman’s Information Behaviour Theories. Purpose: This study aimed to describe and explain (non)-usage behaviour of ehealth services among Chinese caregivers. Method: This two-phase study used a mixed methods design involving 46 Chinese caregivers who cared for a family member with dementia. Usability of the ICT tools designed in the study was tested. Phase I participants (N=28) had access to a bilingual information site and personalized email support from professionals. Phase II participants (N=18) were randomized to use one of three enhanced features. Pre- and post-intervention data were collected, and qualitative interviews were conducted. Results: The Phase I ICT tools supported the core functions without major usability issues. Perceived efforts to use the ICT-mediated services influenced the consent decisions of Phase I caregivers (p=.036). Caregivers initiated service earlier if they had a higher acceptance of the service (p=0.017). Frequent users of email support experienced a decline of perceived burden compared with an escalation of perceived burden by non-users (p=0.023). An older age, greater caregiving competence, and lower English or computer proficiency explained non-usage behaviour. Requirements were identified to enhance the Phase I ICT tools. In Phase II, a test of three enhanced features showed there was no major usability issue. The intervention study found the enhanced features did not influence email use as hypothesized. Qualitative analysis showed usage patterns were explained by caregiver needs, caregiving beliefs, personal capacity, social support, ICT factors, and style of use. Non-users preferred Chinese to English compared with users (p=0.046). Integrating the theories and empirical findings, three concepts were developed to explain (non)-usage behaviour: usage in context, usage paths, and stages of use. Conclusion: Usage and non-usage behaviour can be explained by the service needs in the caregiving context, the use of non-ICT-mediated resources, and the access barriers to Internet use. Use of ICT-based support can be beneficial to caregivers if they do not drop out of the service.

Behavioral and economic aspects of caries control

Hietasalo, P. (Pauliina) 09 November 2010 (has links)
Abstract The aim was to determine the association between baseline factors, such as oral health-related behavior, attitudes, knowledge and beliefs in relation to caries increment during a randomized clinical trial (RCT). A further aim was to evaluate treatment costs and health outcomes during and after the RCT. In Pori Finland, 11- to 12-year-old children with active initial caries lesion(s) participated in the RCT in 2001–05. The experimental group (n=250) received multiple measures for controlling caries. The control group (n=247) received standard dental care. In 2005–08, all received standard dental care. Regression analyses were used to study the associations between behavioral factors and caries increment. Cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted (trial period), and costs and health outcomes as well as dental service utilization were evaluated (post-trial period). In the experimental group, brushing teeth twice a day was indicative of developing no new caries lesions, whereas eating candy at least once a day, predicted new lesions. In the experimental and control groups, lack of concern about cavities and lack of knowledge about mother’s dental health predicted new caries lesions. The average incremental cost for averting one DMF surface was €34. The experimental regimen was more effective and more costly than the standard dental care. The total costs decreased year after year. The mean total cost per adolescent was lower and the clinical outcome was better among the former participants in the experimental group. The utilization of dental services was significantly more regular among the former participants in this group. It may be feasible to control caries more effectively by affecting toothbrushing, candy eating and oral health-related attitudes, as preventive procedures may be ineffective if those factors are not in order. It is important to discuss oral health-related topics in families, because this may improve the oral health-related behavior of children. Cost-effectiveness of regimen used for the experimental group may be improved by division of work or by selective reduction of preventive procedures. Well-timed caries control can decrease treatment cost and yield long-term improvement of dental health. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää satunnaistetun kliinisen kokeen alussa rekisteröityjen suunterveyteen liittyvien tapojen, tietojen, asenteiden, uskomusten ja karieskertymän välisiä yhteyksiä. Lisäksi arvioitiin hoitokustannuksia ja hoidollisia tuloksia sekä kokeen ajalta että kokeen jälkeiseltä ajalta. Ne 11–12-vuotiaat lapset, joilla oli ainakin yksi alkava aktiivinen kariesvaurio, osallistuivat kokeeseen Porissa vuosina 2001–05. Koeryhmän lapset (n=250) saivat tehostettua ehkäisevää hoitoa ja kontrolliryhmän lapset (n=247) tavanomaista hammashoitoa. Kaikki saivat tavanomaista hammashoitoa vuosina 2005–08. Käyttäytymisellisten tekijöiden ja karieskertymän välisiä yhteyksiä tutkittiin regressioanalyysien avulla. Kustannusvaikuttavuusanalyysi tehtiin kokeen ajalta. Hoitokustannuksia ja hoidollisia tuloksia sekä palveluiden käyttöä arvioitiin kokeen jälkeiseltä ajalta. Lapsilla, jotka harjasivat vähintään kaksi kertaa päivässä, oli yleensä ehjät hampaat, kun taas lapsilla, jotka söivät päivittäin makeisia, oli useasti reikiä. Huolettomuus reikiintymistä kohtaan ja tietämättömyys äidin hampaiden kunnosta näkyi lasten hampaiden reikiintymisenä. Yhden hammaspinnan säästyminen paikkaukselta maksoi keskimäärin 34 €. Koeryhmän saama hoito oli vaikuttavampaa, mutta kalliimpaa kuin kontrolliryhmän saama hoito. Kokonaiskustannukset laskivat vuosi vuodelta. Keskimääräiset hoitokustannukset olivat pienemmät ja hammasterveys parempi entisen koeryhmän jäsenillä kuin kontrolliryhmäläisillä. Myös palveluiden käyttö oli säännöllisempää koeryhmässä. Karieksen hallintaa voidaan todennäköisesti tehostaa vaikuttamalla hampaiden harjaukseen, makeisten syöntiin ja suunterveyteen liittyviin asenteisiin. On tärkeää varmistaa, että nämä asiat ovat kunnossa, koska ehkäisevät toimenpiteet saattavat muuten jäädä tehottomiksi. Suunterveyteen liittyvistä asioista olisi hyvä keskustella perheissä, koska asioiden esillä pitäminen voi vaikuttaa suotuisasti lasten terveystapoihin. Koeryhmän saaman hoito-ohjelman kustannusvaikuttavuutta voisi todennäköisesti parantaa muuttamalla suunterveydenhuollon henkilöstön työnjakoa tai karsimalla valikoiden ehkäisevien toimenpiteiden määrää. Oikea-aikainen karieksen hallinta voi vähentää hoitokustannuksia ja lisätä hammasterveyttä pitkällä aikavälillä.

Women's Empowerment a Determinant for Contraceptive use among women in Ethiopia : A secondary analysis of Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey from 2016

Dini, Samira January 2020 (has links)
Ethiopia has one of the largest populations in the world, an estimate of 114 million inhabitants. With more than 40% of the population below the age of 15 the country has to make further progress in meeting its family planning needs. The fertility rate has slowly declined, but the population continues to grow. Efforts to reduce gender disparities and empower women have fallen short in many parts of the world. Evidence suggesting a link between women’s empowerment, health outcomes and health care service utilization. A secondary analysis of the 2016 Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey was conducted. The aim of this study was to determine the association between women’s empowerment, sociodemographic and reproductive factors and contraceptive use among married women and women living with partner aged 15-49 in Ethiopia. Logistic regression, bivariate, and descriptive analysis was conducted. Decision-making role in regard to husband’s money was a strong predictor for contraceptive use. Women who alone or jointly made decision were more likely to use contraceptives. The state of wealth of women was a significant determinant for contraceptive use. Those with lower education were more likely to use contraceptives compared to those with higher education. Women who did not intend to have more children were more likely to use contraceptives. This study showed that contraceptive use is associated with women’s economic decision-making age, and several sociodemographic and reproductive factors. Improving women’s empowerment, through decision making power can improve contraceptive use and therefore achieve better maternal health.

L’utilisation des urgences en santé mentale : déterminants, profils et innovations associés

Gabet, Morgane 04 1900 (has links)
Contexte. Un nombre important de patients souffrant de troubles mentaux reçoivent des soins ambulatoires insuffisants ou inadéquats, les conduisant à visiter régulièrement les urgences. L’accès aux soins et la continuité du suivi offert à ces patients après une visite aux urgences, régulièrement rapportés comme étant faibles, sont des indicateurs clés de la qualité des soins de santé dans une optique de rétablissement. Il semble donc nécessaire d’évaluer l’accès et la continuité du suivi après une visite aux urgences pour ces patients, d’en cerner les déterminants ainsi que les profils de patients les plus susceptibles d’en bénéficier. De plus, pour renforcer l’amélioration de l’organisation des services en santé mentale à partir des urgences pour ces patients, il serait pertinent de développer des interventions innovantes à la lumière d’une meilleure connaissance des conditions qui en facilitent ou limitent l’implantation et l’efficacité. Objectifs et méthodes. Cette étude a, dans un premier temps, utilisé des données extraites de bases de données administratives de patients ayant visité les urgences au Québec (Canada) en 2014-2015 (visite index) et ayant un trouble mental. Les caractéristiques cliniques et sociodémographiques des patients de 2012-2013 à 2014-2015 ainsi que l’utilisation des services 12 mois avant la visite index ont été étudiées en tant que déterminants pour les patients avec ou sans suivi rapide, et ce, à l’aide d’une régression logistique hiérarchique. Une analyse de classes latentes a également été réalisée pour identifier les profils des patients en fonction du suivi ambulatoire qu’ils ont reçu après leur visite à l’urgence. Des analyses bivariées ont examiné les associations entre les variables sociodémographiques et cliniques, les profils des patients ainsi que le suivi ambulatoire que ceux-ci ont reçu après la visite à l’urgence. Plus spécifiquement, notre premier article portait sur l’identification des caractéristiques cliniques, sociodémographiques et d’utilisation des services des patients associées à l’accès à un suivi rapide (≤ 30 jours) pour les patients ayant visité les urgences et ayant un trouble mental. Dans le deuxième article, il s’agissait d’identifier : les profils des patients ayant un trouble mental incident selon un suivi ambulatoire accessible et continu après une visite aux urgences sur une période de 12 mois (à 30, 90 et 365 jours) ; les variables sociodémographiques et cliniques associées ; et les résultats de santé de ces patients à long terme (24 mois). Par la suite, deux recensions de la littérature ont été menées. Dans le troisième article, une recension narrative des innovations organisationnelles destinées à améliorer la qualité des soins offerts aux patients ayant des troubles de santé mentale et visitant les urgences, en particulier à partir de leurs conditions d’implantation, a été menée. Enfin, pour le quatrième article, nous avons réalisé une recension systématique sur l’efficacité des innovations aux urgences étant destinées à améliorer la qualité des soins offerts aux grands utilisateurs en santé mentale. Résultats. Moins d’un tiers des patients ayant des troubles mentaux ont expérimenté un accès et une continuité de suivi adéquats après leur visite aux urgences. Globalement, ce sont les patients peu connus du système de santé, ceux avec des troubles liés à l’usage de substances qui connaissent une faible priorité au triage lors de la visite aux urgences, mais aussi les patients plus jeunes, résidant en milieux ruraux et les hommes qui ont été identifiés comme ayant bénéficié d’un accès et d’une continuité du suivi moindres après leur visite aux urgences. L’accès et la continuité du suivi restent donc à être grandement améliorés pour les patients ayant des TM, une population aux besoins importants qui fréquente régulièrement les urgences du Québec. Conclusions. Malgré de nombreuses réformes, trop peu d’efforts semblent avoir été investis dans les services en santé mentale en regard des besoins des patients et du fait que les urgences restent une porte d’entrée aux soins peu adaptée et très coûteuse pour les patients ayant des TM. De plus, l’organisation actuelle du système répond mieux aux patients déjà desservis par le système, ce qui démontre une capacité réactive ; en revanche, peu d’activités ou d’interventions proactives ont été relevées malgré l’importance du dépistage et de l’intervention précoce. Ce constat est en cohérence avec les dernières priorités ministérielles (PQPTM, 2020 et PAISM, 2022) qui visent à renforcer la prévention-promotion ainsi que certaines interventions, notamment à l’urgence, comme celles liées aux plans de soins et à la gestion de cas. Néanmoins, il sera important de considérer les nombreux défis limitant l’implantation de ces innovations, sans quoi leur efficacité pourrait être limitée. / Context. Some patients with mental disorders receive insufficient or inadequate outpatient care, leading to frequent visits to emergencies. Access to and continuity of follow-up care for these patients after an emergency department visit, regularly reported as poor, is a key indicator of the quality of care they received and ultimately their recovery. It therefore seems necessary to evaluate access and continuity of follow-up care after an emergency department visit for these patients, and to better identify determinants of these quality-of-care indicators and patient profiles most likely to benefit from better care. In addition, to improve the organization of mental health services for these patients in the emergency departments, it would be relevant to develop innovative interventions with a better understanding of the conditions that facilitate or limit their implementation and effectiveness. Objectives and methods. This study initially used data extracted from administrative databases of patients who visited emergency departments in Quebec (Canada) in 2014-2015 (index visit) and had a mental health disorder. Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of patients from 2012-2013 to 2014-2015, as well as service utilization 12 months before the index visit, were studied as determinants for patients with and without prompt follow-up care, using hierarchical logistic regression. Latent class analysis was also performed to identify patient profiles based on an outpatient follow-up received after their ED visit. Bivariate analyses examined associations between sociodemographic and clinical variables and each of the patient profiles, as well as the ambulatory follow-up received after the ED visit. Specifically, our first article focused on identifying patient characteristics (clinical, sociodemographic, service utilization) associated with access to prompt follow-up care (≤30 days) for patients after they visited the ED for mental health reasons. The second article aimed to identify profiles of patients with incident mental disorder based on accessible and continuous ambulatory follow-up care after an ED visit over a 12-month period (at 30, 90, and 365 days), associated sociodemographic and clinical variables, and long-term (24 months) health outcomes for these patients. Subsequently, two literature reviews were conducted. The third article, based on a narrative review, identified organizational innovations designed to improve quality of care for patients visiting emergency departments for mental health reasons, particularly in terms of their implementation. For the fourth article, a systematic review of the effectiveness of innovations in emergency departments to improve quality of care for high users of mental healthcare was conducted. Results. Less than one third of patients with mental health issues experienced adequate access and continuous follow-up care after their emergency department visit. Overall, patients with little knowledge of the healthcare system, with substance use disorder, experiencing low triage priority at their emergency department visit, but also younger patients, residing in rural areas, and men, were found to experience the least access and continuity of follow-up care after their emergency department visit. Access and continuity of follow-up care therefore remain to be improved for patients with MD, a high-need population that regularly visits Quebec emergency departments. Conclusions. Despite numerous reforms, insufficient effort seems to have been invested in mental health services compared to the needs of patients and the fact that emergency departments remain an ill-adapted and very costly gateway to care for patients with MD. In addition, the current organization of the system is more responsive to patients already served by the system, demonstrating a reactive capacity. In contrast, few proactive activities or interventions were identified, despite the importance of early detected and deployed interventions in this area. These findings are consistent with the latest Quebec policy orientations (PQPTM, 2020 and PAISM, 2022), which aimed to strengthen prevention and deploy new interventions including in the ED, such as those related to care plans and case management. Nevertheless, it will be important to consider the many persistent implementation challenges, that may limit efficiency of those innovations.

"Caracterização da demanda do Serviço de Emergências Clínicas de um hospital terciário do município de São Paulo" / Characterization of the population searching the Clinical Emergency Department of a tertiary Hospital in São Paulo

Barakat, Soraia Fatima Coelho 06 December 2004 (has links)
A superlotação de serviços de emergência é problema sério e de grande relevância do sistema de saúde, não sendo restrito ao nosso meio. Os estudos que enfocam esse tema vêm tomando proporções na literatura internacional. O que se vem vivenciando há mais de uma década são prontos socorros lotados devido a um deslocamento da população em direção a estes serviços, configurando-os como prestadores de atenção primária de assistência à saúde e, não de fato, destinados ao atendimento de emergências. O principal objetivo do estudo foi recompor a trajetória do usuário do serviço de saúde até a chegada à unidade de emergência de um hospital terciário do município, qualificando-o segundo as razões de escolha de atendimento e caracterizando seu perfil socioeconômico e demográfico. Este estudo de corte transversal se restringiu à análise da demanda espontânea do Pronto Socorro de Emergências Clínicas do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram entrevistados todos os usuários que procuraram este serviço durante uma semana típica. Dos pacientes entrevistados, foram incluídos no estudo 881 pacientes, o que representou 93,1% do total. Realizada a análise estatística univariada, seguida pela construção de um modelo de regressão logística, para estudo das variáveis associadas à vinda direta ao pronto socorro. Os resultados demonstraram que a demanda era constituída predominantemente de mulheres, brancas, com idade média de 44 anos, baixo grau de instrução, com rendimento per capita mensal de até uns salários mínimos e residentes no município de São Paulo (81,3%). Cinco por cento tinham direito à assistência médica privada. Quanto ao acesso a serviços de saúde, 72,5% residiam próximo a serviços de saúde de atenção primária e 53,4% a hospitais e/ou prontos socorros. Quanto à trajetória percorrida antes da chegada ao pronto socorro, 56,2% procuraram diretamente o pronto socorro. Dos pacientes que procuraram outros serviços previamente, 26,4% passaram por unidades básicas de saúde e 73,6% por outros hospitais/prontos socorros. Dos 881 pacientes entrevistados, 771 foram dispensados após consulta médica. As características associadas à vinda direta ao pronto socorro foram: nível superior de escolaridade, não ser casado, não ter diagnóstico médico, possuir cartão do Hospital das Clínicas, ter idade entre 25 e 39 anos e contribuir para a Previdência Social. Por outro lado, quanto maior a duração da queixa e quanto mais distante o local de residência, menor a probabilidade de procurar este serviço diretamente. As razões do uso dos serviços de emergência envolvem mecanismos complexos, além da credibilidade e confiança na instituição, facilidade de acesso e baixa resolutividade dos outros serviços da rede pública de saúde. Contrariamente ao senso comum e a visão corrente de vários gestores do sistema de saúde, a problemática de superlotação dos serviços de emergência não reside apenas na atenção primária, mas sim no baixo poder de resolução da rede hospitalar. / Overcrowding in Emergency Department is a Public Health problem not only in Brazil. However, information about the population that search for emergency medical care at tertiary hospitals in Brazil is incomplete. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to reconstruct the pathway of these patients until their arrival to the Clinical Emergency Department of a tertiary Hospital. During a typical week, 1121 patients were attended at the Hospital das Clínicas Clinical Emergency Department, São Paulo, Brazil. From this total, 946 were interviewed and 881 (93,1%) were selected to the study. The selected patients were questioned by health care professionals before the medical consult, regarding their demographic characterization, as well as questions about the reasons why they choose this specific health service. Variables associated to the patients coming to the hospital were studied by univariate analysis followed by construction of a logistic regression model. The emergency service demand is composed predominantly by white women, 44 years old (mean age), living in São Paulo City (81,3%), low instruction grade, monthly income around US$ 80. Only 5% of them have private health care plan. Usually they have a primary medical service (72,5%) or a hospital/emergency service (53,4%)in their home neighborhoods. More than half of the patients (56,2%) came directly to the Clinical Emergency Department, without searching for a less complex service. The most frequent diagnosis was upper airways infections. More than 92% of the patients attended were discharged after a simple medical consultation, suggesting that they could have been seen in a less complex health care facility. Patients not married, aged between 25 and 39 years old, with higher level of instruction, without clinical disease and that had been attended at Hospital das Clínicas any time were more likely to search this emergency service before to go to other health services. In other hand, patients living far from the service and with symptoms during several days were less likely to search this service directly. Asked the reasons they search this specific Emergency Service, patients cited credibility and trust are major factors, along with lack of confidence and solving ability of the others services. Factors priming the patients to have this specific service as a first choice were living close to the Hospital, higher education level, symptoms lasting less than one day and fever as a presenting symptom. From the patients attended in other services, prior to their arrival at this Emergency Department, 26,4% were seen at primary care facilities and 73,6% at other hospitals. In this study we have shown that the reasons why patients search for a Clinical Emergency Department in a tertiary Hospital is very complex, including easy access, credibility and lack of trust in other services. These results are contrary to the common sense, and the current view of Health Care directors. Overcrowding in Emergency Departments is due not only to inefficiency Primary Care services, but also to low solving ability of hospital services.

A population-based comparative study of health and health care utilization of Manitoba children in care with and without developmental disabilities

Heinrichs, Dustin 02 September 2015 (has links)
Population-based administrative data (2009-2012) from several sources were used to compare the health status and access to health services between a cohort of children in care with developmental disabilities (DD) (n=1,212) and a matched comparison group of children in care without DD (n=2,424). The two study groups were compared on a number of measures, including total respiratory morbidity, prevalence of diabetes, mood and anxiety disorders, continuity of care, injury-related hospitalizations, hospital-based dental care, and total number of ambulatory physician visits. Children in care with DD were significantly more likely to have a history of mood and anxiety disorders, respiratory illnesses, diabetes, hospital-based dental care, and injury-related hospitalizations compared to the matched comparison group. Children in care with DD also had significantly higher number of physician visits than children in the matched comparison group. No significant difference between the two study groups was found for continuity of care. / October 2015

Saúde bucal no Brasil: correção e complementação do desenho amostral da pesquisa SB Brasil 2003 e sua aplicação no estudo sobre uso dos serviços odontológicos / Oral health in Brazil: correction and completion of the survey sample design SB Brazil in 2003 and its application in the study on use of dental services

Queiroz, Rejane Christine de Sousa January 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2011-05-04T12:42:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / Dados nacionais sobre perfil de doenças e utilização de serviços odontológicos são raros no Brasil. O levantamento epidemiológico SB Brasil (Saúde bucal da população brasileira), realizada entre 2002 e 2003 foi a mais abrangente pesquisa sobre as condições de saúde bucal realizada até hoje, contemplando tanto aspectos relativos às doenças bucais quanto ao uso dos serviços odontológicos. O objetivo desta tese de doutorado foi identificar fatores associados às desigualdades na utilização dos serviços odontológicos no Brasil nas faixas etárias entre 15 a 19,35 a 44 e 65 a 74 anos, à partir do banco de dados do SB Brasil 2003. No entanto, para a realização deste objetivo, foi necessário incorporar ao banco de dados deste inquérito, as informações estruturais do desenho de sua amostra, uma vez que o processo de amostragem probabilística não foi concluído. Esta tese está dividida em três artigos: O primeiro que identifica e detalha os problemas encontrados no banco de dados do inquérito SB Brasil 2003, destacando a importância do cálculo dos pesos amostrais como fundamentais para a produção de dados não enviesados em uma amostra complexa e propõe formas de correção. O segundo que descreve as atividades de recuperação das informações necessárias ao cálculo dos pesos amostrais, o método utilizado para o cálculo dos referidos pesos e a técnica de calibração dos pesos. E, um terceiro artigo que investiga os fatores associados às desigualdades na utilização dos serviços odontológicos nasfaixas etárias de 15 a 19, 35 a 44 e 65 a 74 anos, por meio de análise multivariada. Os pesos amostrais e as demais variáveis estruturais do desenho da amostra da pesquisa SB Brasil 2003 foram determinados considerando as informações disponíveis sobre a seleçãodas unidades nos municípios incluídos, e uma nova versão do banco de dados foi produzida. Análises sobre o uso dos serviços odontológicos no Brasil foram então conduzidas, com modelos explicativos da sua variação apontando desigualdades entre adultos e idosos,sobretudo. Adicionalmente, diferenças encontradas nas análises realizadas com o banco de dados original e o banco corrigido ratificam a importância do uso dos pesos amostrais para a obtenção de estimativas confiáveis, provendo informação com maior qualidade dos dados nacionais sobre a saúde bucal da população brasileira. / National data about oral health problems and use of oral health services are rare in Brazil. The epidemiological survey SB Brazil (Oral Health Conditions of the brasilian population) was held between 2002 and 2003. This survey was the most comprehensive research on oral health conditions conduced until today, contemplating aspects about oral illnesses and dental services. The aim of this thesis was to identify factors associates to the inequalities in the use of the oral health services in Brazil in three age’s groups (adolescents, adults and elderly) from the data base of research SB Brazil 2003. However, for the accomplishment of this objective, it was necessary to incorporate the data base of this research, the structural information of the drawing of its sample, a time that the process of probabilistic sampling was not concluded. This thesis is divided in three articles: The first one that it identifies and it details the problems found in the data base of SB Brazil 2003 research, detaching the importance of the calculation of the weights sampling as basic for the production of data without bias in a complex sample and to consider correction forms. The second one describes the activities of recovery of the necessary information to calculate the sampling weights, the method used for the calculation of the weights and the technique of calibration of the weights. And, one third article that investigates the factors associates to the inaqualities in the use of the dental services in the age’s groups (15-19, 35-44 and 65-74 years old) by means of a multivaried analysis. The sample weights and others structural variables of the drawing of its sample were determined considering the available information on the selection of units in the municipalities included, and a new version of data base was produced. After, analysis on the use of dental services in Brazil were then conducted, with explanatory models of its variation pointing inequalities between adults and the elderly, especially. In addition, differences found in tests carried out with the original database and the bank fixed confirm the importance of using the sample weights to obtain reliable estimates, providing information with higher quality of national data on oral health of the population.

"Caracterização da demanda do Serviço de Emergências Clínicas de um hospital terciário do município de São Paulo" / Characterization of the population searching the Clinical Emergency Department of a tertiary Hospital in São Paulo

Soraia Fatima Coelho Barakat 06 December 2004 (has links)
A superlotação de serviços de emergência é problema sério e de grande relevância do sistema de saúde, não sendo restrito ao nosso meio. Os estudos que enfocam esse tema vêm tomando proporções na literatura internacional. O que se vem vivenciando há mais de uma década são prontos socorros lotados devido a um deslocamento da população em direção a estes serviços, configurando-os como prestadores de atenção primária de assistência à saúde e, não de fato, destinados ao atendimento de emergências. O principal objetivo do estudo foi recompor a trajetória do usuário do serviço de saúde até a chegada à unidade de emergência de um hospital terciário do município, qualificando-o segundo as razões de escolha de atendimento e caracterizando seu perfil socioeconômico e demográfico. Este estudo de corte transversal se restringiu à análise da demanda espontânea do Pronto Socorro de Emergências Clínicas do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram entrevistados todos os usuários que procuraram este serviço durante uma semana típica. Dos pacientes entrevistados, foram incluídos no estudo 881 pacientes, o que representou 93,1% do total. Realizada a análise estatística univariada, seguida pela construção de um modelo de regressão logística, para estudo das variáveis associadas à vinda direta ao pronto socorro. Os resultados demonstraram que a demanda era constituída predominantemente de mulheres, brancas, com idade média de 44 anos, baixo grau de instrução, com rendimento per capita mensal de até uns salários mínimos e residentes no município de São Paulo (81,3%). Cinco por cento tinham direito à assistência médica privada. Quanto ao acesso a serviços de saúde, 72,5% residiam próximo a serviços de saúde de atenção primária e 53,4% a hospitais e/ou prontos socorros. Quanto à trajetória percorrida antes da chegada ao pronto socorro, 56,2% procuraram diretamente o pronto socorro. Dos pacientes que procuraram outros serviços previamente, 26,4% passaram por unidades básicas de saúde e 73,6% por outros hospitais/prontos socorros. Dos 881 pacientes entrevistados, 771 foram dispensados após consulta médica. As características associadas à vinda direta ao pronto socorro foram: nível superior de escolaridade, não ser casado, não ter diagnóstico médico, possuir cartão do Hospital das Clínicas, ter idade entre 25 e 39 anos e contribuir para a Previdência Social. Por outro lado, quanto maior a duração da queixa e quanto mais distante o local de residência, menor a probabilidade de procurar este serviço diretamente. As razões do uso dos serviços de emergência envolvem mecanismos complexos, além da credibilidade e confiança na instituição, facilidade de acesso e baixa resolutividade dos outros serviços da rede pública de saúde. Contrariamente ao senso comum e a visão corrente de vários gestores do sistema de saúde, a problemática de superlotação dos serviços de emergência não reside apenas na atenção primária, mas sim no baixo poder de resolução da rede hospitalar. / Overcrowding in Emergency Department is a Public Health problem not only in Brazil. However, information about the population that search for emergency medical care at tertiary hospitals in Brazil is incomplete. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to reconstruct the pathway of these patients until their arrival to the Clinical Emergency Department of a tertiary Hospital. During a typical week, 1121 patients were attended at the Hospital das Clínicas Clinical Emergency Department, São Paulo, Brazil. From this total, 946 were interviewed and 881 (93,1%) were selected to the study. The selected patients were questioned by health care professionals before the medical consult, regarding their demographic characterization, as well as questions about the reasons why they choose this specific health service. Variables associated to the patients coming to the hospital were studied by univariate analysis followed by construction of a logistic regression model. The emergency service demand is composed predominantly by white women, 44 years old (mean age), living in São Paulo City (81,3%), low instruction grade, monthly income around US$ 80. Only 5% of them have private health care plan. Usually they have a primary medical service (72,5%) or a hospital/emergency service (53,4%)in their home neighborhoods. More than half of the patients (56,2%) came directly to the Clinical Emergency Department, without searching for a less complex service. The most frequent diagnosis was upper airways infections. More than 92% of the patients attended were discharged after a simple medical consultation, suggesting that they could have been seen in a less complex health care facility. Patients not married, aged between 25 and 39 years old, with higher level of instruction, without clinical disease and that had been attended at Hospital das Clínicas any time were more likely to search this emergency service before to go to other health services. In other hand, patients living far from the service and with symptoms during several days were less likely to search this service directly. Asked the reasons they search this specific Emergency Service, patients cited credibility and trust are major factors, along with lack of confidence and solving ability of the others services. Factors priming the patients to have this specific service as a first choice were living close to the Hospital, higher education level, symptoms lasting less than one day and fever as a presenting symptom. From the patients attended in other services, prior to their arrival at this Emergency Department, 26,4% were seen at primary care facilities and 73,6% at other hospitals. In this study we have shown that the reasons why patients search for a Clinical Emergency Department in a tertiary Hospital is very complex, including easy access, credibility and lack of trust in other services. These results are contrary to the common sense, and the current view of Health Care directors. Overcrowding in Emergency Departments is due not only to inefficiency Primary Care services, but also to low solving ability of hospital services.

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