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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att vara i frontlinjen : Chefskapets vardag för förstalinjens chefer inom vård och omsorg

Boyraz, Mona, Tibaduiza, Gelnis January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige beräknas det finnas närmare 54 000 vårdchefer, och behovet av nyrekryteringar förväntas öka markant. De flesta utav dessa är förstalinjechefer. Hur väl en förstalinjechef klarar av balansen mellan de olika kraven är avgörande för såväl organisationens verksamhetsutveckling, arbetsmiljön samt konkurrenskraften. Det är dock problematiskt att denna chef, som har ett så brett ansvar, med vanligtvis begränsade resurser, förväntas uppnå positiva resultat vid sidan av alla de krav som ställs på denne. Genom att undersöka förstalinjechefers egna upplevelser av sin arbetssituation så är vår önskan att få en ökad kunskap och medvetenhet om hur det förhåller sig i verkligheten. Syftet: Syftet med studien är att bland första linjens chefer inom vård och omsorg studera upplevelser av förutsättningarna för att utöva ett för dem hållbart chefskap. Metoden vi har använt oss av är empirisk studie baserad på en kvalitativ ansats. Totalt utfördes fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer med hjälp av en intervjuguide, formulerad utifrån Gulicks organisationsteori. Resultatet visade fem återkommande teman: tid, planering, tillgänglighet och kommunikation, styrning, samt ledighet och återhämtning. Slutsats: Tidspress och tidskonflikt mellan olika arbetsmoment var en gemensam nämnare i vardagen för förstalinjecheferna. Vidare fanns en känsla av att det fanns höga krav och förväntningar uppifrån. I planeringen av vardagen föredrog cheferna en grov, flexibel, men även långsiktig planering. Tillgänglighet framför allt gentemot medarbetarna eftersträvades kontinuerligt. Den hade högt värde, och förknippades som ett av de viktigaste uppdragen som en chef har. Kommunikation beskrevs ha betydelse genom tydliga budskap, i chefens synlighet, i dess delaktighet och i respekten till andra. Det var varierande uppfattningar av balansen mellan det privata och arbetet. Hur medvetna cheferna var kring att koppla av på sin fritid verkade ha samband med hur de fördelade sitt arbete, och i vilken grad de också tog jobbet med sig hem till det privata.

Availability and access to health care for irregular migrants in Greece: a study about changes between 2010 and 2020

Gusterman, Teona January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Continuous Finding Problems and Implementing Solutions in Health Care-Associated Infections : The Role of Infection Preventionists

Irgang dos Santos, Luís Fernando January 2020 (has links)
This licentiate thesis aims to understand how infection preventionists (IPs) continuously find problems and implement solutions related to health care-associated infections (HAIs) in hospital settings. HAIs are infections acquired by patients during the process of care and are among the main causes of deaths worldwide. Recently, practices for HAIs prevention and control have challenged IPs due to pandemics (e.g. COVID-19), antimicrobial resistance, population aging and limited resources in health care facilities. Such challenges demand actions to find, solve problems and implement solutions. However, IPs often fail to address these problems. The reasons stem from their inability to timely identify valuable problems and implement new solutions. Although the literature on infection prevention and control is well developed, previous studies have largely investigated how IPs implement preconceived practices to solve given problems as a single event, rather than on how to continuously find problems and implement solutions.  This licentiate thesis comprises two empirical papers. Paper I investigates how infection prevention and control teams find problems with HAIs, and is based on a multiple case study of three infection prevention and control teams from one Swedish and two Brazilian hospitals. Paper II investigates how IPs continuously implement changes in infection prevention and control practices during pandemics, and is based on a qualitative descriptive study. The data in both papers were collected from 44 semi-structured interviews with health care professionals enrolled as IPs in Brazilian and Swedish hospitals. The key theories and literatures covered include Problem-Finding and Problem-Solving Perspective and Implementation research. This licentiate thesis contains three main contributions. First, it advances the Problem-Finding and Problem-Solving Perspective literature by providing empirical evidence on how to create valuable knowledge from ill-structured and complex problems. Second, this licentiate thesis suggests a distinction between HAI prevention and HAI control based on two modes of decision-making for finding valuable problems with HAIs. Third, the licentiate thesis describes and categorizes sets of practices that allow to continuously implement changes of infection prevention and control practices during pandemics.

Primary health care and the challenges of identifying bipolar disorder : A regional comparative study in Sweden

Andersson, Fia January 2021 (has links)
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe psychiatric diagnosis that is difficult to identify. Diagnostic delays are 5-10 years and cause irreversible harm for the patient and burden health care systems. Health deterioration and societal costs may be avoided if BD were diagnosed and treated at an early stage in the disease progression. BD is supposed to be treated by specialised psychiatric health care, yet primary health care (PHC) is an important part of the process as it is often the first contact of care for patients. It would therefore be of interest to investigate the preconditions of PHC in relation to the process of early detection of BD. PHC is organised by regional administration and due to regional inequality in health care it would also be of interest to apply a geographic perspective, investigating potential geographic variation in preconditions. In this study, PHC professionals from two regions were interviewed using semi-structured interviews and data was thematically analysed. Results present mostly similarities but also some differing preconditions in the regional analysis. The study concludes that PHC has an important in the role of early detection of BD, but also for patients who already received a diagnosed.

Impact of ACA’s free screening policy on colorectal cancer outcomes and cost savings : Effect of removal of out-of-pocket cancer screening fee on screening, incidence, mortality, and cost savings

Togtokhjav, Oyun January 2023 (has links)
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide as of 2020. Early detection and diagnosis of colorectal cancer can greatly increase the chances of successful treatment and can also reduce the cost of care including treatment. It’s shown in recent years that the colorectal cancer screening rates have slowed nationwide which impacts the new diagnoses of colorectal cancer (CRC) and the ability to treat it at an early stage to avoid increase in mortality rate. The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of the Affordable Care Act 2010 ‘s policy to remove colorectal cancer screening fee for adults aged 50-75 on screening, incidence, and mortality rate of colorectal cancer using panel data model and employing sequential recursive system of equations method. Since a decision to get screened is an individual’s choice, this study explores methods to increase colorectal cancer screening rate with the help of behavioral economics theories. Results of the study show that Affordable Care Act’s policy to remove colorectal cancer screening fee has a significant impact on both colorectal cancer screening and incidence rates. The ACA’s policy is associated with an increase in colorectal cancer screening rate while associating with a decrease in cancer incidence rate. Relating to the colorectal cancer mortality rate, an effort was made to examine the effect of the Affordable Care Act's policy to remove colorectal cancer screening fee on the overall cost savings resulting from lives saved. However, since this study found no significant impact of the ACA's policy on the mortality rate of colorectal cancer, further exploration in this regard was not pursued. On the other hand, studies conducted to increase colorectal cancer screening rate by applying behavioral economics methods have shown that default method with an opt-out choice and financial incentive with a loss-framed messaging methods are proven effective. Therefore, these methods can be investigated to design and implement a nationwide initiative.

Paying the Piper : The Consequences of Including Generic Prices in Reimbursement Decisions for Prescription Pharmaceuticals

Klockhoff, Anton, Larsson, Wilmer January 2023 (has links)
Objectives: The Dental and Pharmaceutical Benefits Agency (TLV) is responsible for deciding which prescription pharmaceuticals should be subsidized in Sweden. Cost-effectiveness analyses are fundamental to its decision-making, but future price reductions following patent expiry are excluded from these analyses. The purpose of this study is to investigate and illustrate the economic and strategic aspects of including these future price changes in reimbursement decisions for prescription pharmaceuticals. Methods: We construct a Markov model in R to serve as a laboratory and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a completely fictional drug, Liunek, under eight sets of assumptions and study differences in incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. Results: Including future price changes in TLV's reimbursement decisions will lead to increased healthcare expenditures if producers respond by raising prices, but may strengthen incentives to develop new pharmaceuticals. Policy implications: Sweden needs to decide whether it is TLV's responsibility to incentivize the development of new pharmaceuticals, and to what extent this should be done.


Norgren, Therese January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trots att det är mycket fokus på kunskapsbaserad socialtjänst och evidensbaserad vård och omsorg, finns det indikationer på att arbetet med hälso- och välfärdsteknik (HVT) inte uppfyller dessa krav. Kommuner tycks dessutom ha svårigheter med strukturerade processer kring HVT. Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka hur evidens används när kommuner i Sverige upphandlar, implementerar och utvärderar HVT, samt vilket eventuellt stöd kommuner önskar med detta arbete. Metod: Förklarande sekventiell mixad metod-design användes i den här studien och tjänstemän i fem svenska kommuner deltog i enkät samt uppföljande intervju. Resultat: Kommuner arbetar inte systematiskt och strukturerat med evidens vid upphandling, implementering och utvärdering av HVT. Kommuner lade stor vikt vid underlag från andra kommuner inför upphandling. Två kommuner hade en beslutad process för implementering och tre hade en plan för systematisk uppföljning av HVT. Mer än hälften av kommunerna ansåg att de behövde stöd i arbetet med HVT, exempelvis med strukturerade utvärderingar, framför allt med kvalitativ uppföljning. Det fanns också ett behov av vägledningar och mallar, trots att det finns mycket stödmaterial inom området från flera olika myndigheter. Slutsats: Det finns ett behov av nationellt stöd i processerna och att tydliggöra hur kommuner kan bidra till att skapa evidens. Det finns ett behov av fortsatt forskning om hur bristen på en röd tråd med evidens genom processerna påverkar slutanvändarna/brukarna. / Background: Despite much focus on knowledge-based social services and evidence-based health and social care, there are indications that the work with health and welfare technology (HWT) does not meet the requirements to be considered evidence-based. Municipalities also seem to have difficulties in establishing processes regarding HWT. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how evidence is used when municipalities in Sweden procure, implement, and evaluate HWT, and to investigate what possible support municipalities would like regarding this. Method: Explanatory sequential mixed-methods design was used and officials in five different municipalities conducted surveys and subsequent interviews. Results: Municipalities do not consistently work with evidence in the procurement, implementation, and evaluation of HWT in a systematic and structured manner. Municipalities placed great emphasis on input from other. Two municipalities used an established process for the implementation of HWT and three had a plan for systematic follow-up. More than half of the municipalities felt that they needed support in their work with HWT, for example with structured evaluations, and especially qualitative follow-up. There was also a need for guidance and templates even though much support material from several different national authorities exists. Conclusion: There is a need for national support in establishing processes, and in clarifyinghow municipalities can contribute to evidence generation. Continued research on how the lack of an integrated use of evidence throughout municipal care processes affect the end users is necessary.

Evaluating the Implementation and Results of EU 2017/745 / Att utvärdera implementeringen och resultaten av EU 2017/745

Gustafsson, Olivia January 2022 (has links)
The new regulation on medical devices, EU 2017/745, came into force in May 2021 meaning that all economic operators in the industry need to adhere to new, stricter requirements. As there is yet no common practice on how to implement and comply with the new requirements, many struggles with this.  In this thesis, the implementation of a distributor company operating in the medical device industry, currently in the middle of the implementation, is qualitatively evaluated to identify areas of improvement. This is done by conducting a case study where the company's implementation approach is mapped and evaluated with regard to good practice, and implemented organizational changes due to the regulation are identified and benchmarked against similar companies. Their interpretation and implementation appear to be rather strict and ambitious based on the overviewing benchmark with similar distributors. Their implementation moreover largely followed good practice, but several areas of improvement could nevertheless be identified.  Additionally, this thesis aimed to explore how the result of the final implementation of EU 2017/745 can be assessed. A literature review was conducted where general parameters to assess regulatory implementation were identified, followed by a literature review where it was investigated how these parameters can be adapted to assess the result of the implementation of EU 2017/745. Several parameters of interest to assess the result were identified together with examples of indicators that can be used. More research is however needed to be able to establish a complete, adequate method to assess the final implementation result. / Den nya förordningen för medicintekniska produkter, EU 2017/745, trädde i full kraft i maj 2021. Det betyder att alla ekonomiska aktörer verksamma i den medicintekniska industrin måste anpassa sig till nya, hårdare krav. Många upplever dock svårigheter eftersom det ännu inte finns någon praxis för hur kraven ska implementeras och efterlevas. I den här uppsatsen genomförs en kvalitativ utvärdering av implementeringen hos en medicinteknisk distributör som befinner sig mitt i implementeringsarbetet, för att identifiera förbättringsmöjligheter. Detta görs genom en case study, där företagets implementering kartläggs och utvärderas i relation till good practice. Vidare identifieras organisatoriska förändringar som genomförts som en följd av förordningen, och benchmarkas mot andra, liknande företag. Utvärderingen visade att företagets tolkning och implementeringen av kraven stod sig väl i relation till det övergripande benchmark som tillhandahölls. Vidare följde implementeringen i stora drag good practice, men ett antal förbättringsmöjligheter kunde ändå identifieras.  Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att utforska hur resultatet av implementeringen av EU 2017/745 kan bedömas när implementeringen är färdig. En literaturstudie på allmän regulatorisk utvärdering samt organisatorisk förändringsutvärdering genomfördes, där områden relevanta för att utvärdera regulatorisk implementering identifierades. Detta följdes av en vidare literaturstudie för att undersöka hur dessa områden kan anpassas för bedöma resultatet av EU 2017/745. Ett antal intressanta områden tillsammans med exempel på indikatorer som kan användas för en sådan bedömning identifierades. Vidare arbete behövs dock för att fastställa en heltäckande, ändamålsenlig metod för att bedöma implementeringsresultatet.

Digitalization of Healthcare for Heart Failure Patients: An Analysis ofthe Opportunities and Restrictions in the Implementation of Self-Monitoring Systems for Heart Failure Patients in Sweden / Digitalisering av sjukvård för hjärtsviktspatienter: En analys av möjligheter och begränsningar i implementeringen av egenmonitoreringsystem för hjärtsviktspatienter i Sverige

Wessén, Clara January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish government and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions, cametogether on a vision that Sweden will be the most advanced country in offering opportunities fordigitalization and e-health by the year of 2025. Self-monitoring is one aspect that can digitizeworkflow in healthcare. This master thesis sought to investigate the opportunities and restrictions when implementingself-monitoring for heart failure patients in Swedish healthcare. Starting from the holisticperspective as an analysis of the clinician’s interest and the need for self-monitoring systemsby conducting a mixed method approach. Surveys were sent out to different county councilsin Sweden working with heart failure patients, and interviews were conducted withrepresentatives from primary care, specialist care, and advanced home health care. Secondly,interviews were conducted with stakeholders from the field of implementation in order togather qualitative results on the organizational, legal, and technical influencing factors,challenges, and requirements in Swedish healthcare. The qualitative data were processedthrough thematic analysis and the quantitative data was processed through descriptive analysis. The results gathered from clinicians consisted of three areas regarding functionality demandsin self-monitoring systems. The results gathered in the aspect of implementation consisted ofthree main organizational influencing aspects, three solution models from a legal perspective,as well as three aspects related in the field of technology and IT. / Sveriges regering och SKR gick samman om en vision om att Sverige ska vara det land somhar kommit längst med att erbjuda möjligheter till digitalisering av vård till år 2025. Egenmon-itorering är en aspekt som kan digitalisera arbetsflöden i vården. Detta masterarbete ämnade att undersöka möjligheter och begränsningar vid implementeringav egenmonitorering för hjärtsviktspatienter i svensk sjukvård. En mixad metodinriktninggenomfördes, som delades upp i två huvudsakliga delar. Första delen ämnade sig till kliniker,där enkäter skickades ut till olika landsting i Sverige som arbetar med hjärtsviktspatienter,samt intervjuer som genomfördes med representanter från primärvård, specialistvård ochavancerad hemsjukvård. Den första delen ämnade till att undersöka klinikers intresse ochbehov av egenmonitorering. Den andra delen bestod av intervjuer med ämnesexperter inomimplementation och digitalisera system för svensk sjukvård. Intervjuerna medimplementationsexperterna genererade kvalitativa resultat utifrån ett organisatoriskt, juridisktoch tekniskt perspektiv. Den kvalitativa datan bearbetades genom en tematisk analys och den kvantitativa datanbearbetades genom en deskriptiv analys. Resultaten som samlats in från kliniker bestod av treområden avseende funktionalitetskrav i egenmonitoreringssystem. Resultaten som samladesin gällande implementationen i svensk sjukvård bestod av tre huvudsakliga organisatoriskapåverkande aspekter, tre lösningsmodeller ur ett juridiskt perspektiv, samt tre aspekterrelaterade till teknik och IT.

Vård-och omsorgspersonalens upplevelse av arbetsmiljö och ledarskap under covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Health and social care staff's experience of work environment and leadership during the covid-19 pandemic : A qualitative interview study

Klenze, Paula, Lesic, Mariana January 2022 (has links)
Coronapandemins effekter har påverkat hälso-och sjukvården runt om i världen. Det har i sin tur utmanat den svenska sjukvården generellt och personalen som jobbar inom vård-och omsorg, specifikt äldreomsorg och inom Lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, LSS (SFS 1993:387). Ökade hygienkrav och besöksförbud inom vård-och omsorg är några exempel på hur coronapandemin förändrat vård-och omsorgspersonalens sätt att arbeta. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur vård- och omsorgspersonal inom äldreomsorgen och LSS upplevde den psykosociala arbetsmiljön, och hur ledarskapet har fungerat under covid-19-pandemin. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ metod där empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem respondenter från olika kommuner i Sverige. Ett bekvämlighetsurval gjordes med totalt fem yrkesverksamma respondenter inom hemtjänst och LSS. Resultatet visar att vård-och omsorgspersonal upplever att covid-19-pandemin har påverkat och belastat deras arbetsmiljö. Faktorer som kan kopplas till den försämrade arbetsmiljön är smittspridning och hög personalfrånvaro. Det har inneburit en överbelastad arbetsmiljö i det dagliga arbetet för vård-och omsorgspersonal. Resultatet visar även att arbetsgivare har följt Folkhälsomyndighetens riktlinjer för att minska risken av covid-19 genom att informera om rådande situation, uppmana att arbetstagare stannar hemma om de är sjuka med symptom. Vård-och omsorgspersonal betonar vikten av närvarande chefer och att arbetsgivaren arbetar med riskfaktorer och förebyggande insatser för att minska smittspridningen. Det framgår även att arbetsgivare har hanterat arbetstagarnas oro för smitta och vidtagit åtgärder genom tillfällig omplacering. / The effects of the Corona pandemic have affected health services around the world. This in turn has challenged the Swedish health care system in general and health care workers in particular. Increased hygiene requirements and visiting bans in health and social care are some examples of how the corona pandemic has changed the way health and social care work. The aim of this study is to investigate how care workers in elderly care and the Act on Support and Services for the Disabled, LSS (SFS 1993:387) experienced the psychosocial work environment, and how leadership has functioned during the covid-19 pandemic. The study is based on a qualitative method where the empirical data has been collected through semi-structured interviews with five respondents from different municipalities in Sweden. A convenience sample was used with a total of five professional respondents in home care and LSS. The results show that care workers feel that the covid-19 pandemic has affected and burdened their work environment. Factors that can be linked to the deterioration of the working environment are the spread of infection and high staff absenteeism. This has resulted in an overloaded work environment in the daily work of health care workers. The results also show that employers have followed the Public Health Agency's guidelines to reduce the risk of covid-19 by providing information about the current situation, encouraging workers to stay at home if they are ill with symptoms. Health care workers emphasize the importance of present managers and that the employer works on risk factors and preventive measures to reduce the spread of infection. It also appears that employers have addressed workers' concerns about infection and taken action through temporary reassignment.

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