Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cervices off health"" "subject:"cervices oof health""
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'Lady, is this civilisation?' : a case study of community participation in a health development programme in Aotearoa New Zealand : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandBatten, Lesley Susan January 2008 (has links)
Community participation is a key feature of major global health declarations and a fundamental principle of health strategies in Aotearoa New Zealand. However, the frequency with which it is espoused belies the complexities associated with its practical application. Engaging communities in primary health care programmes designed to improve their health has been identified as a major challenge. This study’s objective was to explore community members’ perspectives of participation within a health development programme. The programme chosen aimed to increase the fruit and vegetable intake of targeted population groups, including M ori, Pacific peoples, and low income earners. A qualitative instrumental case study approach was adopted to examine the programme and investigate what influenced, constrained, and sustained community participation. Data collection included fieldwork over an eighteen-month period. Two programme projects were selected as the study foci: a communityled project involving distributions of thousands of free heritage variety plants; and, instigated by health services, a project establishing community gardens. These projects provided markedly different pictures of participation occurring within the same programme. The plant distributions had widespread appeal, while the community garden faltered. Community participation fitted within a description of ‘focused social action’. Participation was motivated by needs, values, and interests. While some were personal and family based, the programme also became an imagined vehicle for addressing wider health, social justice, and environmental sustainability goals. Ongoing challenges related to defining targeted communities and groups, varying degrees and types of participation, and different perspectives of participation, especially as health sector staff worked from an equity mandate and community members spoke of equality. Programme groups established as mechanisms to foster community participation had contradictory effects, engaging some as advisors, while failing to reach communities targeted for the programme. The complexities of health sector bureaucracy both enabled and constrained the programme and community participation. This thesis provides an in-depth examination of the complexities of community participation in action, the contradictory effects of contexts enveloping programmes, and the resolve of community members. It increases our understandings of how community members perceive health programmes and community participation, which are critical factors in improving population health.
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The use of culturally related health practices and health care utilization among Hispanic women in farmworker communities.Longoria, Jicela. Fernandez, Maria E., Piller, Linda Beth. January 2007 (has links)
Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 46-05, page: 2668. Adviser: Maria E. Fernandez. Includes bibliographical references
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'Lady, is this civilisation?' : a case study of community participation in a health development programme in Aotearoa New Zealand : a thesis presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University, Palmerston North, New ZealandBatten, Lesley Susan January 2008 (has links)
Community participation is a key feature of major global health declarations and a fundamental principle of health strategies in Aotearoa New Zealand. However, the frequency with which it is espoused belies the complexities associated with its practical application. Engaging communities in primary health care programmes designed to improve their health has been identified as a major challenge. This study’s objective was to explore community members’ perspectives of participation within a health development programme. The programme chosen aimed to increase the fruit and vegetable intake of targeted population groups, including M ori, Pacific peoples, and low income earners. A qualitative instrumental case study approach was adopted to examine the programme and investigate what influenced, constrained, and sustained community participation. Data collection included fieldwork over an eighteen-month period. Two programme projects were selected as the study foci: a communityled project involving distributions of thousands of free heritage variety plants; and, instigated by health services, a project establishing community gardens. These projects provided markedly different pictures of participation occurring within the same programme. The plant distributions had widespread appeal, while the community garden faltered. Community participation fitted within a description of ‘focused social action’. Participation was motivated by needs, values, and interests. While some were personal and family based, the programme also became an imagined vehicle for addressing wider health, social justice, and environmental sustainability goals. Ongoing challenges related to defining targeted communities and groups, varying degrees and types of participation, and different perspectives of participation, especially as health sector staff worked from an equity mandate and community members spoke of equality. Programme groups established as mechanisms to foster community participation had contradictory effects, engaging some as advisors, while failing to reach communities targeted for the programme. The complexities of health sector bureaucracy both enabled and constrained the programme and community participation. This thesis provides an in-depth examination of the complexities of community participation in action, the contradictory effects of contexts enveloping programmes, and the resolve of community members. It increases our understandings of how community members perceive health programmes and community participation, which are critical factors in improving population health.
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Fysisk aktivitets påverkan på stress och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön inom vård och omsorgssektorn. : En kvantitativ studieSkantz, Nina, Östenson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
I vård och omsorgssektorn är sjukfrånvaron hög. Det finns många orsaker till ohälsa och i många fall är det arbetsrelaterat och de anställda har en ökad risk att drabbas av psykisk ohälsa och främst stress. Finns det en obalans i arbetslivet och kraven överstiger resurserna kan det få negativa effekter. En god arbetsmiljö kan inspirera medarbetaren till att behålla sina egna resurser och bidra till en ökad medvetenhet relaterat till välbefinnande. Fysisk aktivitet har positiva effekter på hälsan och kan skydda individer från att utveckla psykiska ohälsa orsakad av stress. Måttlig intensitet av träning, 150 minuter per vecka är tillräckligt för att uppleva mindre stress och ett ökat välbefinnande. Arbetsmiljölagen ställer krav på arbetsgivaren att arbetet ska anpassas till den enskilda arbetstagarens psykiska och fysiska förutsättningar. I det ingår att undvika stress genom att anpassa arbetet till arbetstagaren. Syftet med studien är att belysa om det finns ett samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och upplevelsen av stress och den psykosociala arbetsmiljön hos medarbetare inom vård och omsorg. En kvantitativ metod har använts och olika professioner i vård och omsorgssektorn har svarat på en enkät. Resultatet visar att det inte finns signifikant skillnad i upplevelsen av stress mellan de som inte är fysiskt aktiva och de som är fysiskt aktiva. Däremot finns det ett samband mellan fysiskt aktiva individer kopplat till att de har lättare att hantera arbetskrav i form av arbetsmängd. De fysiskt aktiva upplever att de har stöd från arbetskamrater vänner och familj i större utsträckning än de fysiskt inaktiva. / In the healthcare and care sector sick leave is high. There are many causes of ill health and in many cases it is work-related and employees have an increased risk of mental illness and, above all, stress. If there is an imbalance in working life and the requirements exceed the resources, it can have negative effects. A good working environment can inspire the employee to maintain his own resources and contribute to increased awareness of well-being. Physical activity has positive effects on health and can protect individuals from developing mental health caused by stress. Moderate intensity of exercise, 150 minutes per week is enough to experience less stress and increased well-being. The Work Environment Act requires employers to adapt the work to the individual employee. The purpose of the study is to highlight whether there is a connection between physical activity and the experience of stress and the psychosocial work environment of the employee in healthcare and care. A quantitative method has been used and various professions in the healthcare and care sector have responded to a questionnaire. The result shows that there is no significant difference in the experience of stress between those who are not physically active and those who are physically active. On the other hand, there is a connection between physically active individuals linked to the fact that they are easier to handle work demands in terms of workload. The physical activists experience that they have support from workmates, friends and family to a greater extent than the physically inactive ones.
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Organisatoriskt lärande för att öka vårdkvalitet : Lärdomar av att utveckla processledning vid en operations- och intensivvårdsklinik / Organisational learning to improve quality of care : Lessons learnt from developing process management at an operation and intensive care unitAronsson, Frida, Johansson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Komplexa verksamheter måste fokusera på processerna, ett organisatoriskt helhetsperspektiv och lärande samt ha patienten i centrum för att säkra vårdkvaliteten. På Operations- och intensivvårdskliniken, Ryhov, har processarbete påbörjats men utvecklingspotential finns samt utrymme för tydligare rutiner gällande patientdelaktighet. Syfte: Förbättringsarbetets syfte var att identifiera och minska kvalitetsgap i verksamheten som påverkar patienten, genom att utveckla klinikens processledning och det organisatoriska lärandet. Studiens syfte var att beskriva medarbetarens uppfattning om processledningens koppling till vårdkvalitet, samt beskriva deras erfarenheter från processledningsutvecklingsarbetet. Metod: Förbättringsarbetet har i projektgruppsformat och med Nolans förbättringsmodell utvecklat det organisatoriska lärandet kring två pilotprocesser. Studien av förbättringsarbetet är kvalitativ och baseras på sex fokusgruppsintervjuer. Intervjumaterialet analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Resultat: Processledning kräver tillgång till förbättrings- och yrkeskompetens. Organisationen måste ge förutsättningar för en varaktighet där nyttan är tydlig och resurser är tillräckliga. Vårdkvaliteten ökar när organisationen arbetar strukturerat, personcentrerat och med patientsäkerhet som fokus. Slutsatser: Processledning kan ge organisationen förutsättningar att skapa kontinuerlig förbättring med fokus på organisatoriskt lärande och ökad vårdkvalitet för patienten. Organisationen måste arbeta aktivt för att göra detta till en integrerad och levande del av verksamheten. / Background: Complex organizations need to be patient centred, focus on processes, have holistic view and promote organizational learning to secure quality. Operation and intensive care unit, Ryhov, has potential to develop its Process Management (PM) and there is room for improved patient participation. Purpose: The purpose of the quality improvement project (QIP) was to identify and reduce quality gaps affecting patients, by develop PM and organizational learning. The purpose of the study was to describe co-workers’ understanding of the connection between PM and quality of care and describe their experiences from QIP. Methods: The QIP has developed organizational learning concerning two pilot processes by using Nolan’s model for improvement. The study of the QIP is qualitative, based on six focus group interviews. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the interviews. Results: PM demands access to improvement and professional knowledge. The organization need to create conditions for sustainability, make benefits obvious and ensure enough resources. Quality of care increases when the organization works structured and patient centred. Conclusions: PM creates conditions for continual improvements with focus on organizational learning and increased quality of care. The organization need to actively make PM an integral and living part.
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Samverkan för trygg hemgång : Ett förbättringsarbete om övergången mellan geriatrik, ASIH och primärvård för den multisjuka patienten / Cooperation for safe transition homeStröm, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Introduktion: Multisjuka patienter är individer med många sjukdomar och komplexa vårdbehov. För denna grupp är vikten av kontinuitet för att öka känslan av trygghet stor. Syfte med förbättringsarbetet: : Att skapa en trygg och möjlig ASIH-vård för multisjuka äldre genom att utveckla arbetssätt som möjliggör anslutning och en trygg utskrivning för multisjuka äldre. Syftet med studie av förbättringsarbetet: Att undersöka och analysera medarbetares gemensamma erfarenheter. Metod: Förbättringsarbetet genomfördes med stöd av Nolans förbättringsmodell. Studien av förbättringsarbetet genomfördes med en fallstudie med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Förbättringsarbetet resulterade i ett jämnt inflöde av remisser och kortare anslutningstid till ASIH. Patientens upplevelse av trygghet skattades i en enkät till 76%. Möjlighet till återanslutning till ASIH fick 7 patienter mellan 1-7 gånger under förbättringsprojektet. Studien av förbättringsarbetet sammanfattades i temat: ”Villkor för samverkan mot det gemensamma målet” då ett tydligt mönster framkom i fokusgruppsintervjuerna. Följande villkor sågs som betydelsefulla: kontinuitet, lärande, samarbete och kommunikation.. Diskussion: ASIH är en alternativ vårdform som kan bidra till att skapa trygghet och underlätta övergången till hemmet för gruppen multisjuka äldre. I bästa fall också minska behov av vård på akutsjukhus vid försämring. För att möjliggöra denna vård krävs återkoppling som skapar lärande genom tydliga mål och mätbara resultat. / Introduction: Patients with multiple illnesses are individuals with complex needs of care. For this group of patients, continuity of care and their sense of security is is of great importance. Improvement work objective: To create secure and accessible ASIH for elders with multiple illnesses by¨develop ways of working to enable re-admittance and secure discharges for this group of patients. Case study objective: To Investigate and analyze team members’ common experiences. Method: Implementation using Nolan’s improvement model. A case study using qualitative contents analysis. Result: The improvement work resulted in an even flow of referrals and shortened admission times to ASIH. Patients’ sense of security were rated to 76%. Seven Seven patients had the possibility towere be re-admitted 1-7 times 1-7 times during the project. Casestudy summary: ”Conditions for cooperationfor a common goal”. A clear pattern with the following significant conditions emerged from the focusgroups interviews: continuity, learning, cooperation, and communication. Discussion: ASIH can be an option to facilitate the transition home for elderly patients with multiple illnesses. ASIH provides a sense of security and may prevent re-hospitalization. This model of cooperation requires clear, common goals and opportunities for feedback to enable learning contributes to measurable results.
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A mudança organizacional em um estabelecimento de saúde: um estudo da preparação para acreditação / The organizacional change in hospital assistance: learning accreditationCledenir Formiga Casimiro 29 June 2005 (has links)
Esse estudo teve por objetivo analisar as dinâmicas de mudanças organizacionais transcorridas em um estabelecimento de saúde. Conduzido através metodologia de estudo de caso descritivo, teve como campo de pesquisa o Instituto de Hematologia do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Buscando conhecer o papel da preparação para acreditação na dinâmica da mudança em uma organização de saúde essa pesquisa foi assim estruturada: abordagem dos problemas encontrados nas mudanças organizacionais em estabelecimentos de saúde; quadro teórico
estruturado com uma revisão de literatura; embasamento da metodologia aplicada, com definição de instrumentos de coletas de dados, de material e atores implicados no levantamento para realização da análise qualitativa. O estudo analisou as seguintes variáveis: a natureza da mudança focalizando a extensão, ritmo e trajetória; as estratégias de ação, contemplando as situações de adesões e resistência e a concepção, verificando se as mudanças foram indutivas ou dedutivas. O resultado demonstrou que a preparação para acreditação naquele hospital, proporcionou mudanças com movimentos lentos, mas com continuidade em todos os setores do estabelecimento. Foi identificada participação mais ativa de um grupo de profissionais identificados como facilitadores, funcionando como multiplicadores. A abrangência das estratégias aplicadas foram desde as reuniões em assembléias gerais, á formação de grupos de estudo por setores para entendimento do manual de padrões de acreditação. Foram realizados processos internos de auto-avaliação com base no manual de acreditação. Em relação á concepção, o processo de mudança foi motivado pela determinação da direção do hospital para obtenção do certificado de acreditação internacional. Quanto á resistência e adesão, o estudo demonstrou que a participação de uma grande maioria dos profissionais foi motivada pelo desejo de aprender e desenvolver novas práticas que proporcionasse a melhoria da qualidade da assistência. A análise de dados aponta certa
resistência da categoria médica no início do processo. Do ponto de vista organizacional, foram criadas novas estruturas. A conclusão do estudo: O processo de preparação para acreditação na unidade de saúde estudada demonstrou ser um instrumento capaz de promover mudanças em organizações de saúde. / This study it had objective to analyze the dynamic ones of which elapsed organizational changes in a health establishment. Lead through methodology study of descriptive case, the Institute of Hematology of the State of Rio de Janeiro had as research field. Searching this research to know the paper of the preparation for accreditation in the dynamics of the change in a health organization thus was structured: boarding of the problems found in the organizational changes in health establishments; structured theoretical picture with a literature revision; basement of the applied methodology, with definition of instruments of collections of data, material and actors implied in the survey for accomplishment of the qualitative analysis. The study it analyzed the changeable following: the nature of the change focusing the extension, rhythm and trajectory; the action strategies, contemplating the situations of adhesions and resistance and the conception, verifying if the changes were inductive or deductive. The result demonstrated that the preparation for accreditation in that hospital, provided changes with slow movements, but with continuity in all the sectors of the establishment. It was identified to more active participation of a group of identified professionals as providers, functioning as multiplying. They comprehensives, was applied strategies was since the meetings in general meetings, the training of groups of study for sectors for agreement of the manual of accreditation standards. Internal processes of autoevaluation on the basis of the accreditation manual were accomplished. In respect to conception, the change process was motivated by the determination of the direction of the hospital for attainment of the certificate of international accreditation. How much the resistance and adhesion, the study demonstrated that the participation of a great majority of the professionals was motivated by the desire to learn and to develop new practices that the improvement of the quality of the assistance provided. The analysis of data points certain at the beginning resistance of the medical category of the process. Of the point of view
organizational, structures were new servants. The conclusion of the study: The process of preparation for accreditation in the unit of studied health demonstrated to be an instrument capable to promote changes in health organizations.
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Percepção de idosos atendidos em uma unidade de estratégia saúde da família: abordagem etnográfica / Elderly percepton assisted in a Family Health Strategy Unit: ethnographic approachJeane Roza Quintans 30 May 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A atual mudança do perfil etário da população brasileira tem afetado a dinâmica dos sistemas de saúde, sociais, econômicos e políticos existentes, indicando a necessidade da articulação entre esses setores e o fortalecimento de políticas que proporcionem situação de independência aos idosos. Assim, a atenção primária vem sendo considerada uma importante estratégia, devendo apresentar acessibilidade e adaptação às necessidades dos idosos. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção de idosos atendidos em uma Unidade de Estratégia de Saúde da Família, do Município de São Paulo, acerca do processo de envelhecimento e conhecer as necessidades de saúde autorreferidas por esse grupo social. Percurso metodológico: Estudo qualitativo de abordagem etnográfica, cujo cenário cultural foi uma Unidade de Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Os participantes foram dez idosos atendidos na referida ESF. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas e da observação participante, no período de junho de 2015 a janeiro de 2016. Os achados foram apresentados na forma de narrativa e analisados segundo Minayo e à luz do referencial teórico da Resiliência e do Envelhecimento Ativo. Resultados: Das narrativas emergiram cinco categorias culturais, a saber: a percepção do envelhecimento e da velhice; a violência ao idoso; o ostracismo social; o acesso aos serviços de saúde e social: fatores dificultadores; a avaliação da ESF. A percepção do envelhecimento esteve associada à diminuição da capacidade funcional e às limitações físicas e cognitivas. Esse processo remeteu aos idosos a consciência da finitude e do luto antecipado, que afetou a perspectiva de vida desestimulando a realização de ações que proporcionassem bem-estar. Os discursos apresentaram, ainda, a problemática da violência por meio de abuso financeiro e abandono de familiares e dos setores formais, favorecendo o sentimento de solidão e de improdutividade. Esses componentes destacaram os fatores de riscos que interferiram no processo de resiliência, como a falta de acesso aos recursos necessários para o suprimento das necessidades sociais e de saúde, impossibilitando a continuidade de cuidado e a piora do quadro clínico. Considerações finais: O estudo permitiu identificar a percepção e as necessidades sociais e de saúde dos idosos. A falta de acesso aos serviços afetou a dinâmica social e familiar, a saúde e o bem-estar dos participantes. Assim, os serviços de atenção aos idosos precisam atuar diretamente sobre os determinantes que favorecem o Envelhecimento Ativo, por meio de ações que potencializem o bem-estar físico, social e mental ao longo de toda a vida. / Introduction: The change of population age profile in Brazil influences the dynamics of existing systems such as health, social, economic and political, suggesting the need for articulation between services and strengthening of policies that provide independence of the elderly. The primary health care is an important resource and must present accessibility and adaptation to the elder`s needs. Objective: Understanding the perception of aging process, of elderly treated in Family Health Strategy Service of São Paulo city and to know the health needs self-reported by this social group. Methods: Qualitative study using an ethnographic approach, focusing on the cultural scenario of the Family Health Strategy Unit (FHS). The participants in this study were ten elders treated in FHS. The data collection were done from June 2015 to January 2016. Was taken from narratives and analyzed according to Minayo, resilience theory and Active Aging. Findings: The following five cultural categories emerged from the narratives: perception about aging and oldness; the health and social services accessibility: difficulty factors; the elder abuse; the social ostracism; health and social services accessibility; FHS assessment. The perception of aging was associated with decreased functional capacity and physical and cognitive limitations. This process referred the elderly to awareness of finitude and anticipated mourning, which affected the prospect of life discouraging the realization of actions that provided welfare. The narrative presented the problem of violence through financial abuse, family neglect and formal sectors, favoring the feeling of abandonment, of loneliness and lack of productivity. These components highlighted the risk factors that interfere with the resilience process, such as lack of accessibility to the resources needed for the supply of social and health needs, preventing the continuity of care and the worsening of clinical symptoms. Final considerations: This study provided the perception, the social and health needs of the elderly. Lack of accessibility to services affected the social and family dynamics, health and welfare of participants. Care services for the elderly needs to act directly on the determinants that promote Active Aging, through actions that enhance the physical, social and mental well-being throughout life.
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Patientens upplevelse av ett cancerbesked / Patient's experience of receiving a cancer diagnosisNielsen, Isabell, Werner, Hanna January 2010 (has links)
Varje år diagnostiseras över 50 000 individer med cancer i Sverige. Ett cancerbesked väcker blandade känslor och associeras ofta med lidande och död. Ett svårt besked kan leda till en förändrad livssituation och kan även ses som början på en lång och mödosam resa. En vetenskaplig litteraturstudie baserad på 15 originalartiklar genomfördes med syftet att belysa patientens upplevelse av ett cancerbesked och därmed öka sjuksköterskans förståelse för patientens situation samt fördjupa kunskaperna inom ämnet. Genom litteraturgranskningen identifierades tre teman: information, emotionella reaktioner samt psykosocialt stöd. Patienten upplever att det är viktigt att informationen ges på ett öppet och ärligt sätt. Vidare framkom det betydelsefullt att uppmärksamma patientens emotionella reaktioner i samband med beskedet. Eftersom upplevelsen av ett cancerbesked påverkar patientens fortsatta upplevelse av sin sjukdom, har sjuksköterskan en viktig roll att fylla genom att erbjuda psykosocialt stöd i de olika tänkbara situationer som kan uppkomma i samband med ett livsavgörande besked. Fortsatt forskning behövs för att jämföra hur de rekommendationer som finns angående delgivandet av ett svårt besked överensstämmer med patienternas egna upplevelser och önskemål. / Every year, over 50 000 individuals in Sweden are diagnosed with cancer. The disclosure of the cancer diagnosis arouses emotions and is often associated with suffering and death. Receiving bad news may lead to changes in life and can also be seen as the beginning of a long and difficult journey. A scientific study based on 15 original articles was carried out with the purpose to identify the patient’s experience of receiving a cancer diagnosis and therefore increase the nurse’s understanding for the patient’s situation and deepen the knowledge of the subject. When examining the articles three themes were identified: information, emotional reactions and psychosocial support. The patient experience that it is important that the information is given in an open and honest manner. Patients also find it important that their emotional reaction is being observed as receiving the diagnosis. As the disclosure of the cancer diagnosis affects the patient’s further perception of the disease the nurse has an important role providing psychosocial support in various situations that may arise in connection with the disclosure. Continued research is needed to compare how guidelines for giving bad news to a patient correspond with the patient’s own experiences and preferences.
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KANBAN Implementation from a Change Management Perspective : A Case Study of Volvo ITAmin, Mahgol, Kubo, Tomomi January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the implementation process of KANBAN, a lean technique, into a section of Volvo IT (i.e. BEAT). The KANBAN implementation into BEAT when ‘resistance for change’ and ‘forces for change’ arise is also analyzed. This implementation of KANBAN is equivalent to change taking place in the Volvo IT’s operational process. The thesis follows theories and literature on change management and lean principles in order to support the research investigation. How has KANBAN, with respect to change management, been implemented into an IT organization for its service production? How has KANBAN changed the operational process of the organization? The research conducted in the thesis is based on qualitative case study. Focused and in-depth interviews, combined with observations, are carried out to obtain the primary data for the case study. The collected primary and secondary data stems from the literature reviewed, which covers the lean principles, KANBAN, and change management. Moreover, the thesis adopts an abductive approach that goes back-and-forth between the theory and the empirical findings in order to develop a model. Due to various factors already existing in the BEAT, minimal resistance to change implementation was found to be present in Volvo IT. This finding indicates that change initiatives found a way to implementation because the predominance of the ‘forces for change’, as compared to, the ‘resistance to change’ is higher in BEAT. The KANBAN implementation into the IT service production is identified to be aligned with Volvo IT’s change implementation objectives. The visualization of the ‘intangible service’ workflow on the Kanban board contributes to identify the source of bottlenecks, which has been removed through effective communication in the BEAT team and better linkages between tasks. The KANBAN effectively deals with change implementation by modifying the way team members work.
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