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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differential effects of goal setting and value reappraisal on college women's motivation and achievement in statistics

Acee, Taylor Wayne 26 May 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the differential effects of goal setting and value reappraisal on female students’ self-efficacy beliefs, value perceptions, exam performance and continued interest in statistics. It was hypothesized that the Enhanced Goal Setting Intervention (GS-E) would positively impact students’ self-efficacy beliefs and exam performance, whereas the Enhanced Value-Reappraisal (VR-E) was expected to positively affect students’ value perceptions and continued interest in learning statistics. A total of 88 female undergraduate students enrolled in two sections of an introductory statistics course completed the entire study. Students were primarily Caucasian, upper division, and traditionally aged. Students were stratified on course section and year in school and randomly assigned to one of three groups: Control Group (n=30); GS-E Group (n=27); and VR-E (n=31). GS-E asked students to both set and self-evaluate eight goals focused on reaching learning objectives for their upcoming statistics exam. VR-E presented students with messages about why learning statistics could be important for them and guided them in processing these messages. The Control Condition asked students to complete three Texas Information Literacy Tutorial modules and answer reflective questions. Findings from this dissertation partially supported the hypotheses related to VR-E, but no support was found for the hypotheses related to GS-E. The VR-E Intervention was found to positively impact measures of students’ value perceptions and continued interest. Immediate effects of VR-E were observed on: 1) the overall value students placed on learning statistics; 2) students’ interest and enjoyment of statistics; 3) the importance students placed on developing statistical knowledge and skills for the attainment of their future goals; and 4) students’ intentions to continue learning statistics on their own. However, relatively stronger and longer-lasting effects were observed on the later two variables. Also, students in the VR-E Group outperformed students in the GS-E Group on their post-intervention exam; however, neither group was significantly different from the Control Group. Findings from this research help to address the growing economic and social needs for the development and evaluation of theory-based educational interventions that target the improvement of college students’ achievement and continued interest in math and science education. / text

Managers' Goal-Setting Strategies : Focus on Small Businesses

Stark, Fredrik, Purohit, Nisha January 2007 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Background:</p><p>Goals and goal-setting are two aspects that occur everyday in business life however little is known about the effect of strategic goal-setting. To a cer-tain extent, this affects all of us either directly or indirectly, everyday through strategic decisions that are made by business managers all around the world. A company’s performance of a company can be measured in many ways. A firm’s performance can be financially successful if the com-pany’s strategy is well planned. Strategic planning consists of developing goal-strategies, which aim at contributing to the firm’s performance.</p><p>Problem:</p><p>A small business manager’s view on the goals-setting strategies is important since the manager in a small company can influence the business more than compared to a manager in a larger firm. As the personality differs among managers, the level of planning and proactiveness would differ as well. Sev-eral studies have focused on the relationship between goal-setting and per-formance but the level of proactiveness has not been has not been consid-ered to a larger extent.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate managers’ goal-setting strategies, focusing on goal-specificy, planning, proactiveness, and financial perform-ance in small businesses in the Jönköping region, Sweden.</p><p>Method:</p><p>To fulfill the purpose of this thesis both qualitative and quantitative re-search approaches have been used. As 173 interviews were already carried out in an earlier study, we created a strategy on how to use the collected in-terview data. Theories from different research areas were combined with hypotheses to create a framework for this paper. The theories and the hy-potheses were analyzed in light of the empirical evidence, the interview and we used the SPSS to test our hypotheses.</p><p>Result:</p><p>The results from the first three hypotheses were not found to be too unex-pected as we assumed that planning, the level of goal-specificy and proac-tiveness to a large extent, depend on a managers’ strategies and ambitions. The final two hypotheses have helped us discover new patterns and add to previous theories. We have made two main contributions by conducting this master thesis. The first one is that a high degree of planning does not imply a higher level of financial performance. The second one is that family businesses do not show a lesser degree of planning compared to non-family businesses.</p>

Favorite Food Show Guide

Tessman, Darcy 07 1900 (has links)
30 pp. / The Favorite Food Show Guide provides basic information for 4-H youth and adults to better prepare for this event. Multiple illustrations make this guide very user friendly and information could be used as lessons for 4-H meetings.

Smoking Cessation : Treatment Intensity and Outcome in Randomized Clinical Trials

Nohlert, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The primary aim was to compare the effectiveness of smoking cessation interventions of different intensities in a clinical dental and a telephone setting in Sweden. Methods: A total of 300 smokers were randomized to High or Low Intensity Treatment (HIT or LIT) at the Public Dental Service, County Council of Västmanland. Effectiveness (abstinence rate) was measured after 1yr (paper I) and 5-8yrs (paper III). A cost-effectiveness analysis was conducted, based on intervention costs, number of abstinent participants after 1yr, and a Markov modelling of future costs and health (in QALYs) consequences (paper II). In paper IV, 586 callers to the Swedish National Tobacco Quitline (SNTQ) were randomized to high-intensity proactive or low-intensity reactive service, and effectiveness was measured after 1 yr. Effectiveness measures were self-reported point prevalence, 6-month continuous abstinence, and sustained abstinence. Results: Absolute quit rates were 7% higher with HIT than with LIT on all measures and increased by 8% from 1yr to 5-8yrs. Point prevalence was 23% vs. 16% (p=.11) after 1yr and 31% vs. 24% (p=.16) after 5-8yrs. Six-month continuous abstinence was 18% vs. 9% (p =.02) after 1yr and 26% vs.19% (p=.18) after 5-8yrs. Sustained abstinence was 12% vs. 5% (p =.03) after 5-8yrs. Nicotine dependence was a strong predictor for abstinence at 1yr and achieved abstinence at 1yr was a strong predictor for abstinence at long-term follow-up. The cost-effectiveness analysis showed that both HIT and LIT were cost-effective, and LIT was even cost-saving compared with doing nothing. HIT was more costly and more effective than LIT, and the cost of each extra QALY gained by HIT was 100,000SEK, which is considered very cost-effective in Sweden. Proactice and reactive services were equally effective at the SNTQ. Point prevalence was 27% and 6-month continuous abstinence was 21% after 1yr. Being smoke-free at baseline was the strongest predictor for abstinence at 1yr. Conclusion: Support at high as well as low intensity in a clinical dental setting in Sweden and at the SNTQ was effective in achieving smoking cessation. Both high- and low-intensity interventions were very cost-effective in a clinical dental setting.

Organizational Identity in Practice? : -How theoretical concepts of Organizational Identity are perceived in the empirical setting of Arla Foods

Maritz, Louise, Jarne, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
An organization’s internal processes of identity management is argued to influence its communication, which in turn influence the perceived reputation of the organization. The aim of this study is to investigate how the organizational identity is reflected upon and perceived integrated in employees’ daily work. This is done through applying the internal factors of a theoretical model, comprising of identity, culture and image, at an empirical setting. Literature on organizational identity in relation to organizational culture and organizational image is reviewed followed by conducting 12 semi structured interviews with managers from the marketing and human resource departments at Arla Foods in Sweden. The findings suggest that although employees reflect on the identity, there is a gap between reflection and action, meaning that the identity is not necessarily integrated in practice in the daily work due to different understandings of the organizational culture. In relation to the model, it is suggested that culture may not be so clearly connected to identity, whereas image and identity are very closely related. Also, the context in which the employees conduct their work is shown through the empirical setting, to be important for how employees reflect upon the identity.

Lietuvių emigracijos tema žiniasklaidoje: dienotvarkės nustatymo požiūris / Lithuanian emigration issue in the media: agenda setting approach

Steponavičiūtė, Birutė 25 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamojo magistro darbo objektas – emigracijos tema Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje bei politniuose pranešimuose. Semestrinio darbo tikslas – nustatyti emigracijos temos atskleidimą žiniasklaidoje dienotvarkės nustatymo požiūriu. Darbo uždaviniai: aptarti emigracijos reiškinį Lietuvoje ikisovietiniu laikotarpiu ir po 1990 m. Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo iki 2010 m.; nurodyti pagrindinius dienotvarkės nustatymo teorijos teiginius; apžvelgti tyrimus, taikančius dienotvarkės nustatymo teoriją emigracijos temos kontekste; aptarti emigracijos temą pasaulio ir Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje; atlikti emigracijos temos Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje turinio analizę; atlikti emigracijos temos politiniuose tekstuose turinio analizę. Analizuojant, sisteminant bei apibendrinant mokslinę literatūrą, prieita prie išvadų, jog emigracija moksliniuose šaltiniuose dažnai apibūdinama kaip lietuvių tautos bruožas, o patys lietuviai – diasporos tauta. Ikisovietinių laikotarpių emigracijos mastai, priežastys nėra itin plačiai nagrinėtos, o apie pasėkmes apskritai nėra kalbama. Tyrimas atskleidė, jog emigracijos temos dinamika politinėje ir žiniasklaidos dienotvarkėse sutampa. Dienotvarkės nustatymo požiūriu, emigracija Lietuvos žiniasklaidoje nagrinėjama atsižvelgiant i politinę dienotvarkę. Išryškėjo dienotvarkės nustatymo ypatumai spausdintinės žiniasklaidos atveju - kuo mažiau apie emigraciją kalbėjo politikai, tuo daugiau straipsnių šia tema buvo spausdinama, tačiau kai politiniai šaltiniai imti cituoti dažniau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Final Master's thesis - emigration and Lithuanian media reports and policy reports. The aim of the terminal - the theme of emigration disclosure in the media agenda setting approach. Job tasks: to discuss the phenomenon of emigration during the pre-Soviet Lithuania, and after 1990 Restoration of Independence until 2010; the main agenda setting theory arguments, to review studies using the theory of agenda setting, theme in the context of immigration, emigration to discuss the topic in the media world and Lithuanian, a Lithuanian theme of emigration in the media content analysis of the themes of emigration for political content analysis of texts. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific literature and came to the conclusion that the emigration of scientific sources, is often described as a feature of the Lithuanian people, and most Lithuanians - Diaspora people. Pre-Soviet periods, the magnitude of emigration, the reasons are not very well considered, and the consequences of not being spoken. Today Lithuanian emigration is nothing new or unexpected event. Scientific and journalistic sources often associated with globalization is defined as a dynamic process, but solid and consistent research on this topic, however, missing. Following the work of the scientific research analysis showed that the political forces, through agenda-setting mechanisms, is able to reach the public and influence their opinion so that it would be advantageous or disadvantageous to a... [to full text]

Tidsrum och processtankar; strategier för att hantera och förhålla sig till tid : - En uppsats om tidens påverkan på individer samt organisationer utifrån ett samhällsvetenskapligt perspektiv / Time rooms and process approaches; strategies to manage time : - A paper about times impact on individuals andorganizations from a social science perspective

Fortuna, Pedro, Olsson, Linnéa January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tiden har blivit en av de viktigaste resurserna i världen. Tidspressen har ökat och drabbar alltfler arbetare och ledare med ohälsa i arbetslivet. Risken är stor att organisationer missar en del av sitt lärande och sinprestanda då det blivit allt svårare att hantera tidsproblematiken. Syfte: Attundersöka vad som begränsar tid, men också vad som frigör den hos chefer ochinom organisationer samt hur dessa aktivt arbetar med tidsproblematiken och dess upplevelser. Design/metod/tillvägagångssätt: Uppsatsen inspireras av socialkonstruktivism och grundad teori. Det ingår i chefernasarbete att hantera flera tidsdimensioner samt gränser. På så sätt har de benägenhet att utveckla nya strategier för att både kunna hantera och optimera tid. Resultat: Påfrestningen av att alltid vara tillgänglig, hantera en stor mängd information samt svårigheten att prioritera informationen beskrivs som tidskrävande. Cheferna ansåg att tiden kan optimeras genom att vara tydliga gentemot sina anställda och våga delegera uppgifter. Dessutom kan tidsproblematiken hanteras genom att utveckla tidsrum och ställa om till ett mer processorienterat förhållningssätt. Praktiska konsekvenser: Uppsatsen medför en djupare förståelse i hur ledare förhåller sig samt hanterar tid. Ledarens egna tidsstrategier kan vara organisations framtida strategier. Det finns indikationer på att nya informationspolicy är nödvändiga och håller på att utvecklas med syfte att minska tidspressen som orsakas av informationsmängd. / Background: Time is becoming one of the most important resources in the world. The pressures of time are becoming stronger and more common affecting workers and leader’s work life and health. Organizations can right now be losing some of their potential learning and performance by not dealing with time pressures.      Purpose: To find out what constrains organizational time, but also what enables it, how leaders and their organizations manage time.  Design/methodology/approach: This paper takes inspiration from social constructivism and ground theory.  It is a part of manager’s work to understand and manage a broader time dimension and boundaries. In doing so, they tend to develop and construct strategies to manage and optimize time.  Results: The pressure of always being accessible, dealing with a big amount of information and the difficulty of prioritize information where pointed out to be time consuming. Leaders believed that time can be improved by being clear to their employees, delegating tasks. Also by creating new improvement and set-up unscheduled time such as time rooms, to readjusting a more process-orientated attitude towards time.      Practical implications: This paper offers a contribution to understand how leader’s approaches, strategies and methods in time management can be used as organizational strategies for managing time. There are indications that a new set of information policies are at moment being developed in order to deal with overload of information.

Nu är det mål igen : En studie om målsättning hos innebandyspelare i herrlandslaget

Håård, Johan, Axelsson, Malcolm January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation was to identify how knowledge about goal-setting is developed and applied in practice of male players in the Swedish national floorball team, by using a qualitative methodology. Participants were 6 players playing for the Swedish national team. They were asked to respond to the interview questions in relation to their perception of setting goals for a successful outcome in sports, how their goal- setting process has developed and how they deal with goal setbacks and goal attainment. Results revealed that Swedish national players in floorball employed goal setting often for both individual and team goals in practice and competition. In addition, many interesting findings regarding the process of goal setting emerged in the result. The players are aware of their goal-setting process as well the importance of using a combination of both long term and short term goals on a individual and team level. Most of the players do not write down their goals. Their goal commitments were mostly related to winning. The players also experienced that their goal-setting process was efficient but believed that the national team lacked in evaluation, feedback and a dialogue, especially on an individual level. The player’s perception was that they have the right skills to deal with setbacks. When the players reach a goal they are strict with taking the goal to the next level. These findings are discussed in relation to the empirical/ theoretical goal-setting literature and suggestions for best practice by goal setting research are offered.

Priority Setting and Policy Advocacy for Community Environmental Health: A Comparative Case Study of Three Canadian Nursing Associations

MacDonald, Jo-Anne Thérèse 18 October 2012 (has links)
This thesis examined factors that influence three Canadian Nursing Associations’ priority setting and policy advocacy for community environmental health (CEH). The research questions that guided the study were: (a) how do the nature and scope of nursing organizations’ engagement for CEH policies differ according to provincial and federal contexts? and (b) how do nursing organizational factors and external system factors influence the priority-setting and policy advocacy choices for CEH policy? To answer these questions I undertook a qualitative comparative case study. The research was guided by epistemological and methodological principles of interpretative description and informed by whole-systems socio-ecological theory and institutional theory. Data were collected through participant interviews (n=41) and document review. Guided by framework analysis and the use of descriptive and conceptually-oriented matrices, cases were analyzed using an iterative and inductive approach to identify case patterns. These case patterns were then compared to identify cross-cutting factors that influence the Nursing Associations’ priority setting and policy advocacy for CEH. Key findings are represented in an integrated conceptual framework. Nursing Associations’ priority setting and policy advocacy are embedded in a dynamic policy field whereby structures and institutional pressure both create opportunities and narrow the Nursing Associations’ options for engaged CEH advocacy. The findings lead to recommendations for practice, policy, and research that have relevance for the profession, nursing associations, and policy decision-makers.

Die dekking van MIV/vigs in die Sunday Times, Rapport en Sunday Sun : 'n etiese beoordeling / T. Swanepoel

Swanepoel, Thalyta January 2005 (has links)
The media has an important role to play in providing information to form the perceptions of media users on HIV/Aids. Furthermore, the media has an agenda setting function through which it determines what news consumers think about, and how they think about these topics they are presented with. Extensive media coverage has been given to the subject of HIV/Aids since the start of the pandemic. The nature of the coverage has, however, been widely criticised, mainly by interest groups actively involved in the fight against the disease. Few formal guidelines exist to guide journalists in this field. Moreover, the existing guidelines that originated mainly from the gaps interest groups identified in the coverage on HIV/Aids, are fairly fragmented. Many newspapers follow the general guidelines set by the media industry for ethical news reporting. These guidelines, such as the ethical code of the Press Ombudsman, are a result of self regulation, which is intrinsic to the social responsibility model that is seen as ideal for South Africa. There are several existing codes offering guidance regarding professional standards and general conduct. Only one - that of the now inactive South African Union of Journalists - includes criteria on HIV/Aids reporting. Through formulating guidelines, interest groups have an agenda setting function and a subsequent potential influence on the media and the public agenda. This paper endeavours to analyse and systematically summarise criteria set by the interest groups for ethically acceptable and accountable HIV/Aids reporting against the background of the agenda setting theory and the social responsibility model. In addition, HIV/Aids reporting in three Sunday papers (the Sunday Times, Sunday Sun and Rapport) is verified against these interest group criteria to ascertain how it measures up, and to determine whether a separate interest group code of ethics is desirable. It was found that the Sunday Times views HIV/Aids as a news priority, while the topic does not feature very high on the agenda of the other two papers. The analysis of news items created the impression that journalists have a basic knowledge of HIV/Aids. However, there is little evidence of deeper insight into the potential impact the media could have on the public's perception of the epidemic. Existing ethics codes compare well to interest group guidelines where general professional standards and ethical aspects are concerned. The interest group guidelines, however, focus on specific problems associated with the epidemic, such as stigma and a tendency to focus on the negative. It is within this applied context that such criteria could be useful. / Thesis (M.A. (Communication Studies))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

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