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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acompanhamento terapêutico como dispositivo da reforma psiquiátrica : considerações sobre o setting

Cabral, Károl Veiga January 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho estuda uma modalidade de atenção em saúde denominada acompanhamento terapêutico, que é importante ferramenta para o tratamento de sujeitos psicóticos e útil para a Reforma Psiquiátrica. Estuda-se o setting do AT, a fim de estabelecer uma relação possível entre os conceitos psicanalíticos e as singularidades que esta modalidade propõe, problematizando-as através dos seguintes conceitos: dispositivo, acaso/acontecimento e cidade. Busca-se algumas respostas às seguintes questões: Como se estabelece uma relação que propicie o surgimento de um encontro entre acompanhante e acompanhado? No acompanhamento terapêutico como poderíamos pensar um início de tratamento? O que de fato ocorre ou precisa acontecer? O que significa isto do ponto de vista da psicanálise e considerando que estamos trabalhando com sujeitos psicóticos? Qual o espaço de trabalho, ou melhor dizendo, o setting do AT? Que conceitos estão em jogo nesse setting. Podemos nos apoiar nas descobertas freudianas ainda que o setting seja sabidamente diferente? Que problemas isso acarreta desde o ponto de vista técnico? A metodologia é o estudo de caso único. Utiliza-se como fonte os registros de um atendimento, entrevistas e o material escrito produzido pelo próprio sujeito acompanhado. Escolheu-se cenas ilustrativas do caso atendido vinculando-as à teorização apresentada. Entende-se o acompanhamento terapêutico como importante dispositivo clínico e político do processo da Reforma Psiquiátrica. O acompanhante terapêutico é um agente que transita entre os espaços de tratamento (o dentro) e os demais espaços sociais (o fora) com uma visão desinstitucionalizante e com o objetivo de auxiliar os sujeitos a ressignificarem seu lugar social.

Expressão da ciência nas políticas públicas relativas à obesogenicidade nos Estados Unidos da América

Finocchio, Caroline Pauletto Spanhol January 2014 (has links)
A obesidade decorre de um processo multifatorial que envolve aspectos biológicos, comportamentais e ambientais. Atualmente, o tema, por sua dimensão e universalidade, tem despertado o interesse coletivo, sobretudo da ciência, dos governos e da mídia. Um visível esforço está sendo empreendido com vistas ao controle dessa pandemia, com chamamento à responsabilidade de todos os stakeholders, entre eles os atores do Agronegócio mundial. Com o propósito de evidenciar os fundamentos científicos dessas iniciativas e as interrelações entre os agentes envolvidos, buscou-se identificar as dimensões disciplinares presentes nas publicações da FAO/WHO, do governo e da mídia dos Estados Unidos sobre obesogenicidade. Para tanto, foi realizada a análise documental das publicações divulgadas em meio eletrônico por cada um dos agentes, utilizando a mineração de texto. Para a construção dos argumentos que norteiam a pesquisa foram utilizadas as Teorias do Agendamento, do Enquadramento e Priming. Para a construção da estrutura analítica utilizada na mineração de texto foram utilizados 4.648 artigos científicos disponíveis no Portal Web of Science que abordam o tema. Além disso, para caracterizar a dimensão Agronegócio foram coletados todos os artigos publicados no Agribusiness International Journal e no International Food and Agribusiness Management Review no período de 2003-2013. Após a coleta, foram construídos os dicionários de palavras representativos de cada dimensão disciplinar e do Agronegócio, utilizados no escaneamento dos documentos. A base de dados foi composta por 3.342 políticas introduzidas ou promulgadas pelos estados norte-americanos, 1.168 artigos jornalísticos publicados no The New York Times e no The Washington Post e 67 publicações da FAO/WHO publicados no período de 2003-2013. Os resultados indicaram que a mídia tem enquadrado frequentemente a temática sob a perspectiva das Ciências da Saúde, seguida da Multidisciplinar e Agronegócio. Já para o governo, as dimensões disciplinares mais frequentes são Multidisciplinar, Agronegócio e as Ciências da Saúde. Na FAO/WHO as Ciências da Saúde, Multidisciplinar e Agronegócio são as mais frequentes. Mesmo considerando as diferenças quanto ao enquadramento do tema pelos stakeholders, nota-se a existência de alguma semelhança entre esses enquadramentos, evidenciada pela similaridade entre as Ciências da Saúde, Multidisciplinar e as Ciências da Vida. Destaca-se ainda que a participação do Agronegócio é expressiva nos instrumentos políticos dos Estados Unidos, sugerindo o seu papel no crescimento da obesidade coletiva e na sua responsabilidade frente à desejada reversão dessa tendência mundial. / Obesity results from a multifactorial process involving biological, behavioral, and environmental aspects. Today, the scale and universality of obesity has attracted widespread interest, especially among the scientific community, the government, and the media. A visible effort is being made to control this pandemic, with a call for responsibility by all stakeholders, including the leaders of the global agribusiness industry. Aiming to highlight the scientific foundations of these initiatives, and the interrelationships between those involved, we sought to identify the disciplinary dimensions regarding an obesogenic environment in the publications by the FAO/WHO, government, and media in the United States. Therefore, a documentary analysis of publications disseminated electronically by individual agents was conducted, using text mining. Agenda-setting theory, framing, and priming were used to construct the arguments that guide this research. To build the analytical framework used in text mining, 4.648 scientific articles available on the Web of Science portal addressing the issue were used. Furthermore, to characterize the scale of the situation, agribusiness articles published in the International Agribusiness Journal and the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review from 2003-2013 were also used. Subsequently, dictionaries of words representative of each disciplinary dimension and agribusiness were constructed and used while scanning the documents. The database comprised 3.342 introduced or promulgated policies by the North American states, 1.168 media articles published in The New York Times and The Washington Post, and 67 publications by the FAO/WHO, published during this period. The results indicated that the media has often framed the issue from the perspective of health sciences, followed by multidisciplinary and agribusiness. As for the government, the most frequent disciplinary dimensions are multidisciplinary area, agribusiness and health sciences. In the FAO/WHO, health sciences, multidisciplinary area and agribusiness are the most frequent. Even considering the differences in the framing of the issue by stakeholders, it is to be noted that there is some similarity between these frameworks, with a joint occurrence of the health sciences, life sciences, and multidisciplinary area. Note also that the participation of the agribusiness industry is significant in political instruments of the United States, suggesting its role in the growth of obesity and collective responsibility to be taken for the desired reversal of this global trend.

As intervenções técnicas em áreas de reforma agrária no Estado de Sergipe : possibilidades e desafios

Martins, Ana Karina Santana 24 February 2011 (has links)
The settlement as a space for living and production not only represents the fulfillment of a dream, but the construction of a new identity for the former landless farmer now seated, which should be able to turn what was once unproductive in one sustainable unit of production. The development of sustainable farming requires the farmer to become familiar with the cycles of nature and understanding of what happens with the components of the production system (soil, vegetation, water resources and social relations) in order to find intervention strategies more compatible with reality in partnership with technical assistance. The focus of this study was to analyze the relationship between technical assistance and development of sustainable productive activities in the settlement of Victoria Roque, Cristinápolis SE. The methodology is anchored on a qualitative approach, with the completion of semi-structured interviews with settlers and technicians in that settlement. In this sense, the lack of service or loss of continuity was appointed as a highly relevant factor for the success of the environmental and productive agrarian reform settlements nevertheless the inconstancy of technical services to the settlement contributed significantly to the failure of Productive activities in the settlements, especially in the initial phase. Currently, services are rendered with greater regularity, but still far from an educational process, being essentially an information overload as the activities of those professionals hinders the planning and execution of team activities in the settlement, the absence of time limits monitoring individual lots to productive, professional training is still off, but admittedly important because universities and agricultural schools do not prepare for the reality of family farming and agrarian reform. On the positive side, there is the realization of meetings in which professionals from different areas and representatives of the settlements can discuss and develop a more comprehensive analysis of the problems that affect the settlements. Moreover, there is also a clear change in the posture of the professional who has tried to respect the knowledge produced empirically, trying to reconcile it with scientific knowledge to the extent that there is an important step forward in relation to interdisciplinary work and dialogue. However, is necessary to ensure a greater coordination between educational institutions and research, and INCRA technicians to ensure service quality and continuity. / O assentamento como espaço de vida e de produção representa não só a concretização de um sonho, mas a construção de uma nova identidade para o ex sem terra. Enquanto agricultor assentado deverá ser capaz de transformar o que era antes improdutivo em uma unidade produtiva sustentável. O desenvolvimento de atividades agrícolas sustentáveis requer do agricultor a familiarização com os ciclos da natureza e a compreensão do que ocorre com os componentes do sistema produtivo (solo, vegetação, recursos hídricos e relações sociais) de modo a encontrar estratégias de intervenção mais compatíveis com a realidade em parceria com a assistência técnica. O foco deste estudo foi analisar a relação entre a assessoria técnica e o desenvolvimento de atividades produtivas sustentáveis no assentamento Vitória de São Roque, Cristinápolis SE. A metodologia utilizada ancora-se na abordagem qualitativa, com a realização de entrevista semi-estruturada com assentados e técnicos no referido assentamento. Neste sentido, a ausência de assistência técnica ou perda de sua continuidade foi apontada como um fator de grande relevância para o êxito produtivo e ambiental dos assentamentos de Reforma Agrária de modo que a inconstância da prestação de serviços técnicos ao assentamento contribuiu significativamente para o insucesso de atividades produtivas desenvolvidas no assentamento, principalmente na fase inicial. Atualmente, os serviços são prestados com maior regularidade, mas ainda distante de um processo educativo, sendo essencialmente informativo uma vez que a sobrecarga de atividades dos referidos profissionais dificulta o planejamento e execução de atividades em equipe no assentamento; a ausência de tempo limita o acompanhamento individualizado aos lotes produtivos; a capacitação do profissional ainda é pontual, mas reconhecidamente importante porque as universidades e escolas agrícolas não preparam para a realidade de agricultura familiar e reforma agrária. Quanto aos aspectos positivos, destaca-se a realização das reuniões, nas quais os profissionais de áreas distintas e representantes dos assentamentos discutem e podem elaborar análises mais abrangentes acerca dos problemas que afetam os assentamentos. Além disto, há também uma nítida modificação da postura do profissional que tem procurado respeitar o conhecimento empiricamente produzido, tentando conciliá-lo com conhecimento científico na medida em que há um importante avanço em relação ao trabalho interdisciplinar e dialógico. Mas, ainda é necessário avançar no sentido de garantir uma maior articulação entre as instituições de ensino e pesquisa, técnicos e o INCRA para garantir a prestação de serviços com qualidade e continuidade.

Psicoterapia psicanalítica da fobia: o uso de imagens em um estudo de caso / Psychoanalytic psychotherapy of phobias: the use of images in a case study

Laura Carmilo Granado 13 April 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de descrever o atendimento de uma paciente utilizando imagens relacionadas à sua fobia no contexto clínico. É uma proposta de um enquadre diferenciado em psicoterapia psicanalítica com o fundamento na teoria de objetos e fenômenos transicionais de Winnicott, a qual se refere a uma área para a qual contribuem tanto realidade interna, subjetiva, quanto externa, objetiva, constituindo a área do brincar. A teoria freudiana sobre a angústia é revisada desde o início, em que a fobia era considerada um sintoma o qual podia aparecer em diversas afecções psíquicas. A denominação histeria de angústia foi proposta por Freud em 1909, para descrever a entidade nosológica em que a fobia é a questão central e cujo mecanismo é semelhante ao da histeria. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir do método clínico com a apresentação do estudo aprofundado de um caso. A paciente, de 37 anos, buscou atendimento para aracnofobia. No psicodiagnóstico, foi aplicado o Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias de Walter Trinca. Para a psicoterapia, realizada em 19 atendimentos, foram compostas, junto com a paciente, duas pastas, uma com fotos que lembram aranha e outra com fotos de aranhas e de teias. O caso foi compreendido como histeria de angústia, tendo ocorrido um rápido e intenso processo psicoterapêutico. Discute-se que o imagético instaurou uma linguagem onírica nas sessões, e o onírico, assim como o brincar, é campo de simbolização. As associações a partir das imagens foram eminentemente em torno da temática da aranha, sendo tais associações comparadas ao papel que as fantasias presentes no trabalho do sonho realizado pela consciência vígil têm com relação ao conteúdo latente do sonho. Discute-se que a transicionalidade propiciada pelo imagético permitiu um trabalho de figurabilidade e, ao mesmo tempo, teria permitido a constituição de um pensar por imagens, sendo as imagens associadas a palavras ao longo do processo. A paciente conseguiu uma transformação interna, uma recriação de si em que a pulsão sexual de morte (na concepção de Laplanche) foi transformada, a partir da função objetalizante (Green), em pulsão sexual de vida, com seus processos de integração, síntese e permitindo a constituição de unidades e vínculos. Pode-se considerar que houve cura, no sentido proposto por Herrmann. Conclui-se que o presente estudo de caso evidenciou a potencialidade do uso de imagens em favorecer a simbolização e as elaborações na psicoterapia psicanalítica da fobia. Novas investigações nessa área poderão responder quanto à questão das possibilidades de generalização desta experiência / This paper aims to describe the attendance of a patient by using images related to her phobia in the clinical context. It is a proposal for a differentiated framing in psychoanalytic psychotherapy based on the theory of objects and transitional phenomena by Winnicott, which refers to an area where realities, both internal subjective and external objective contribute and constitute the area of play. The Freudian theory about anguish is reviewed from the very beginning when the phobia was considered a symptom which could appear in diverse mental disorders. The term anguish hysteria was proposed by Freud in 1909 to describe the nosological entity in which the phobia is the central question and whose mechanism is similar to that of hysteria. This work was developed by using the clinical method and a presentation of a detailed case study. A 37-year-old female patient sought treatment for arachnophobia. In her psychodiagnosis, the Drawing-and-Story Procedure by Walter Trinca was applied. Her psychotherapy was conducted in 19 attendances, for which two folders were arranged with the help of the patient, one with photographs that reminded of spiders and another with pictures of real spiders and webs. The case was understood as anguish hysteria and treated in a rapid and intense psychotherapeutic process. It is discussed that the imagery established an oniric language in the sessions and the oniric context is a field of symbolization, just like the area of play. The associations made with the use of images were predominantly around the spider theme; such associations were compared to the role played by fantasies in the dreaming activity, which is carried out by the waking consciousness, in relation to the latent content of dreams. It is discussed that the transitionality provided by the imagery allowed an activity of figurability and at the same time it would have allowed a process of thinkingby images, having images associated with words all along the way. The patient achieved her inner transformation, a re-creation of herself in which her sexual pulsion of death (in Laplanche\'s conception) was transformed from an objectalizing function (Green) into a sexual pulsion of life, with its processes of integration and synthesis, enabling the constitution of units and links. It can be considered that healing did take place, as proposed by Herrmann. It is concluded that the presentcase study demonstrated the potentiality of using images to favor symbolizations and elaborations within the psychoanalytic psychotherapy of phobias. Further investigations in this area may respond to the question of possibilities towards generalizing the experience reported herein

Percepção de competência e aprendizagem motora / Perceived competence and motor learning

Carolina Komiyama de Almeida Carvalhais 20 October 2015 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi verificar a mútua relação entre percepção de competência e aprendizagem motora. Para isso, 60 indivíduos entre 18 e 35 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, inexperientes na habilidade forehand open space do tênis de campo foram divididos em três grupos de acordo com o preenchimento do questionário PSPP de percepção de competência: (1) alta percepção, (2) média percepção e (3) baixa percepção. Ainda, cada grupo foi subdividido de acordo com a possibilidade de controlar ou não uma determinada variável que afeta a aprendizagem motora, o estabelecimento de meta. Desta forma, os três grupos foram subdivididos em grupo escolha (auto-estabelecimento de meta) e grupo espelho (meta estabelecida pelo instrutor). A tarefa consistiu no forehand do tênis de campo com o objetivo de acertar um alvo redondo posicionado na quadra adversária. Foram três blocos de 20 tentativas durante três dias de aquisição e um teste de transferência, alterando a velocidade da bolinha, aplicado 10 minutos após o último bloco de tentativas da fase de aquisição. Os indivíduos preencheram o PSPP, todos os dias antes da prática e, no último dia antes e após a prática. Os resultados mostraram que a percepção de competência influenciou a aprendizagem motora de maneira que, indivíduos com alta percepção de competência aprenderam melhor que indivíduos de baixa percepção de competência. E, que o inverso não ocorreu, isto é, a aprendizagem motora não afetou a percepção de competência. Além disso, verificou-se que os grupos espelho obtiveram melhores desempenhos e superiores percepções de competência quando comparados aos grupos escolha / The aim of this study was to verify the mutual relationship between perceived competence and motor learning. For this purpose, 60 individuals between 18 and 35 years of age, of both sexes, inexperienced in the forehand open space skill of the tennis were divided into three groups according to the questionnaire PSPP of perceived competence: (1) high perception, (2) average perception and (3) low perception. Still, each group was subdivided by considering the possibility to control or not a particular variable that affects motor learning, the goal setting. Thus, they were divided into choice group (target of self-establishment) and yoked group (target set by the instructor). The task consisted in the forehand of the tennis field in order to hit a target positioned round the opponent\'s court. There were three blocks of 20 trials over three days of acquisition and a transfer test by changing the speed of the ball. This test was applied 10 minutes after the last block of trials of the acquisition phase. The participants answered the PSPP every day before the practice, and on the last day before and after practice. Results showed that the perception of competence influenced the motor learning so that individuals with high level of perceived competence learned better than those individuals with low levels of perceived competence. And, the inverse did not occur, i.e., motor learning did not affect the perception of competence. Furthermore, it was found that the yoked groups had better performances and higher levels of perceptions when compared to choice groups

Effect of Mineral and Chemical Admixtures on Durability of Cementitious Systems

Tran, Victor 05 November 2015 (has links)
Mineral and chemical admixtures are used today in almost all concrete mixtures to improve concrete fresh and hardened properties, and to enhance concrete durability. In this study, four mineral and four chemical admixtures were investigated: namely, metakaolin (MK), silica fume (SF), Class F fly ash (FA), blast-furnace slag (BFS), two high-range water reducers (SP), water reducer/retarder (WRD), and air-entrainer (AEA). The objective of this study is to assess the effects of commonly used mineral and chemical admixtures on the durability of the cementitious system. Two durability issues were addressed in this study: the potential of the cementitious system to generate heat, and sulfate durability. The properties studied here included heat of hydration (HOH) measurements using isothermal calorimetry, setting properties, compressive strength, and expansion on exposure to a sodium sulfate solution. X-ray diffraction was used to characterize the as-received materials and explain failure trends. The findings of this study indicate that silica fume inclusion sustains superior durability in comparison to the other mineral admixtures considered here. Replacement levels as low as 10% outperformed the other admixtures studied. Fly ash showed improvement in the workability of the mixes, but had the lowest compressive strength results and might pose challenges when the rate of strength gain is critical. However, Class F fly ash mixtures showed better performance than unblended mixtures when exposed to a sulfate source. Metakaolin mixes showed higher heat evolution among all the mixtures studied here. This can potentially lead to durability concerns, especially when temperature rise is a design concern. Blast-furnace slag also improved the workability of the mixes and the later compressive strength, but had mixed performances when examined for sulfate durability.

Apport expérimental à l'analyse poroviscoélastique des déformations endogènes dans un ciment pétrolier / Experimental contribution to the poroviscoelastic analysis of autogenous deformations in oilwell cements

Blanc, Adrien 08 July 2014 (has links)
La cimentation est une étape cruciale de la construction d'un puits de pétrole, qui vise à garantir l'isolation des différentes zones du puits. La couche protectrice de ciment s'hydrate dans des conditions extérieures de température et de pression qui peuvent varier largement selon les cas, et une mauvaise maîtrise de cette hydratation peut provoquer des déformations internes qui compromettent l'efficacité de la cimentation. On s'intéresse ici à un modèle industriel prédictif de l'évolution d'un annulaire de ciment, qui combine un système d'équations retranscrivant l'hydratation du matériau d'un point de vue thermochimique et un algorithme de calcul viscoélastique vieillissant faisant appel à la poromécanique pour décrire les contraintes et les déformations internes selon un mécanisme de pression capillaire. Ce modèle fait un certain nombre d'hypothèses simplificatrices, nécessaires au vu de la myriade de paramètres importants dans la modélisation du retrait d'hydratation. On s'interroge ici quant aux domaines de validité de ces hypothèses ainsi qu'à la pertinence des jeux de paramètres choisis. Pour ce faire, il a été décidé de comparer des résultats de simulation obtenus avec notre algorithme dérivé du modèle initial et des résultats expérimentaux de mesures d'hydratation et de déformations avec et sans contraintes extérieures. La réaction d'hydratation a été étudiée par des mesures standard comme la calorimétrie ainsi que par résonnance magnétique nucléaire. Cette méthode est relativement récente dans le domaine des matériaux cimentaires en comparaison des autres et possède des avantages pour les suivis d'hydratation à long terme ainsi que pour une détection précise de la prise du matériau sans recours à une sonde mécanique. Les mesures mécaniques ont permis d'étudier le matériau à plusieurs âges et avec plusieurs températures de cure afin de mesurer les courbes d'évolution des modules mécaniques avec le degré d'hydratation. Ces essais regroupent des tests statiques utilisant une presse, permettant de mesurer les propriétés élastiques, ainsi que des essais de fluage et des mesures par un analyseur visco-dynamique afin de mesurer le comportement viscoélastique. Enfin, une analyse critique de certains des choix faits dans le travail de modélisation a été proposée avec des pistes pour améliorer la précision des résultats au jeune âge, à la fois en termes de degré d'hydratation comme de fluage à court terme / Cementing is a crucial step of the construction phase of an oil well, which aims at ensuring zonal isolation between the different parts of the well and the environment. The protective cement annulus hydrates in external conditions of temperature and pressure that can vary widely from one job to another, and poor control of the hydration phase can lead to autogenous shrinkage that reduces the effectiveness of the cementing. In this work, we investigate an industrial predictive model for the evolution of a cement annulus, which combines a thermochemical system describing the cement hydration at the macroscopic scale and an aging viscoelastic system including poromechanics to describe the stress and strain resulting of a capillary pressure mechanism. This model makes a number of simplifying hypotheses that are necessary considering the large amount of important parameters used in the modeling of hydration shrinkage. The range of validity of these assumptions has been investigated, as well as the relevance of the selected parameters used in the model. In this scope, it has been decided to compare simulation results obtained with our algorithm derived from the original model with experimental results of hydration and of deformations obtained with external loading or caused by internal stresses. The hydration reaction was studied by standard calorimetric measurements as well as by nuclear magnetic resonance. This method is relatively new in the field of cementitious materials in comparison with other methods and offers several benefits for following long-term hydration as well as for accurate detection of the setting time of the material without requiring mechanical probing. The mechanical measurements were used to examine the material at various ages and with various curing temperatures to measure the evolution curves of mechanical modules with degree of hydration. These tests include tests using a static press, to measure the elastic properties and creep tests as well as dynamic mechanical analyzer tests to measure viscoelastic behavior. Finally, a critical analysis of some of the choices made in the modeling work has been proposed with suggestions to improve the accuracy of simulations at early age, both in terms of degree of hydration as of short-term creep strains

Vnitrostátní rozhodčí řízení v České republice se zaměřením na institut zrušení rozhodčího nálezu soudem / Domestic Arbitration Proceedings in the Czech Republic with a Focus on the Court Setting Aside an Arbitral Award

Müllerová, Zuzana January 2016 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is domestic arbitration proceedings in the Czech Republic with a focus on the court setting aside an arbitral award. Following a short introduction to the history and presence of the arbitration proceedings in Bohemia in the Chapter 1, the thesis focuses mainly on court setting aside an arbitral award as regulated in Article 30 of Act. No. 216/1994 Coll., about arbitration proceedings and enforcement of arbitral awards, as amended, with respect to the order of the provision. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the reasons for setting aside an arbitral award on the basis of analysis of legal literature and judicial decisions. Because certain reasons for setting aside an arbitral award by the court reveal questions that are controversial, such controversial questions are introduced. The solutions and authoresses distinctive views to such questions are presented. After a brief introduction of court setting aside an arbitral award in the Chapter 2, attention is paid to the lack of arbitrability as a reason for setting aside an arbitral award. The distinction between objective and subjective arbitrability is made. The objective arbitrability, which shows the scope of subject matters that can be solved in arbitration proceedings, is discussed in a separate subchapter. The...

Algorithm for inserting a single train in an existing timetable

Ljunggren, Fredrik, Persson, Kristian January 2017 (has links)
The purpose with this report is to develop a network based insertion algorithm and evaluate it on a real-case timetable. The aim of the algorithm is to minimize the effect that that train implementation cause on the other, already scheduled traffic. We meet this purpose by choosing an objective function that maximizes the minimum distance to a conflicting train path. This ensures that the inserted train receives the best possible bottleneck robustness. We construct a graph problem, which solve with a modified version of Dijkstra’s algorithm. The complexity of the algorithm is Ο(s^2 t log⁡(s^2 t). We applied the algorithm on a Swedish timetable, containing 76 stations. The algorithm performs well and manage to obtain the optimal solution for a range of scenarios, which we have evaluated in various experiments. Increased congestion seemed to reduce the problem size. The case also show that a solution’s robustness decreases with increasing total number of departures. One disadvantage with the algorithm is that it cannot detect the best solution among those using the same bottleneck. We propose a solution to this that we hope can be implemented in further studies.

Indigenous health equity as a priority in British Columbia's public health system: a pilot case study

Kent, Alexandra 30 August 2017 (has links)
For her MPH thesis research, Alex Kent conducted secondary analysis of data from the Equity Lens in Public Health (ELPH) research program to explore whether and how Indigenous health equity is prioritized within one regional health authority [HA100] in British Columbia’s public health system. Her thesis addresses the question: How has Indigenous health equity been identified and prioritized within HA100 as reflected in core documents and plans as well as interviews with key decision makers in the health authority? Using the Xpey’ Relational Environments Framework, a theoretical framework designed by Drs. Charlotte Loppie and Jeannine Carriere, Alex identifies and discusses the physical and theoretical settings where Indigenous health equity is and is not manifested in the public health system. Her findings highlight a number of examples of how HA100 has implemented successful strategies aimed at enhancing Indigenous health equity as well as several areas for improvement across the relational environments. Alex concludes that improving Indigenous health equity through human, non-human and symbolic interactions in institution, system and community settings appears to be a current priority for HA100; whereas reconciling historical relationships and creating equitable social, cultural and political conditions that promote optimal health and wellbeing for Indigenous peoples is positioned as a long-term and indirect goal. / Graduate

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