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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Of Time and Judicial Behavior : Time Series Analyses of United States Supreme Court Agenda Setting and Decision-making, 1888-1989

Lanier, Drew Noble 12 1900 (has links)
This study examines the agenda setting and decision-making behavior of the United States Supreme Court from 1888 to 1989.

Stereotypisering av en förort : En fallstudie om Tenstas gestaltning i Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet under 2019

Frans, Josephine, Mezher, Salim January 2020 (has links)
Problemformulering & Syfte: Tensta klassas som ett särskilt utsatt förortsområde och medieforskare har länge pekat på att kommunikationen om förorten i media genomsyras av stereotypisering genom gestaltningsprocesser. För många människor är medier den viktigaste källan till information. Det media kommunicerar bidrar till skapandet av föreställningar som påverkar både allmänhetens uppfattning om verkligheten i förorten och de som bor i dessa områdens syn på sig själva och sin hemort. Att kommunicera är att gestalta, varje gång vi kommunicerar med någon gestaltar vi verkligheten på något särskilt sätt och eftersom människan alltid strävar efter att skapa mening i tillvaron är gestaltningsprocesser ofrånkomliga. Med detta i åtanke har studien i syfte att undersöka hur förorten Tensta gestaltas i de svenska nyhetstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet under perioden 1 januari 2019 till 31 december 2019.

Brottsligheten – en het potatis : En kritisk diskursanalys av en svensk partiledardebatt om lag och ordning

Svedberg, Erik, Almqvist, Albin January 2022 (has links)
During the year before the 2022 Swedish parliament election, law and order is one of the most debated topics. To discuss their views on the subject, the leaders of the eight parliament parties participate in a broadcasted debate hosted by the Swedish TV channel TV4. The party leader debates are viewed as one of the most important platforms for the party leaders' communication with the voters, and the participating journalists have an important role in deciding what will be discussed, and which questions are asked.  This thesis examines how the topic of law and order is constructed by the partaking party leaders and moderating journalists during the debate. This by the use of Norman Fairclough's model for critical discourse analysis, and with the theoretical approaches of Wodak, Giddens and ‘agenda setting theory’ to examine the debate on different analytical levels. The study finds that the topic of ‘law and order’ is constructed by including the debate of immigration, which makes immigrants the group most clearly connected to the debate. We could also derive that a certain amount of ‘rhetoric of fear’ was being used during the debate, where party leaders exemplified how the viewer could be subject to crime. Lastly, a recurring construction of the topic that could be found is that tougher penalties is described as a necessary measure to fight the criminality in Sweden from both the opposition parties and the government.

"Stopp! Springer gör vi utomhus" : Barns behov och rörelsemöjligheter i förskolans inomhusmiljö

Karlsson, Johanna, Wikström, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Barn ska få möjligheter till rörelse och fysisk aktivitet samt att uppleva rörelseglädje. Förskolan har ett uppdrag att se till att barnen får möjlighet att utveckla en uppfattning om hur rörelse och en näringsrik kost kan bidra till en hälsosam livsstil. Vi vill med denna studie synliggöra pedagogers makt och förhållningssätt gällande barns rörelsemöjligheter, rörelselekar och fysiska aktivitet i förskolans inomhusmiljöer. Studien genomfördes på en förskola i norra Sverige och har en posthumanistisk och en kvalitativ utgångspunkt. Den genomfördes med hjälp av observationer i verksamheten i kombination med ett fokusgruppssamtal med tre pedagoger. Vi gjorde en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och resultatet tyder på att pedagoger med enkla medel kan stödja barns rörelsebehov. Den aktuella förskolans miljöer och pedagogernas uttalanden tyder också på att de anpassar miljön efter barns behov i relation till deras ålder. Resultatet visar även att pedagogerna på den aktuella förskolan har en avsikt att skapa goda rörelsemöjligheter och en medvetenhet om hur stor makt de har när det gäller miljöns utformning. Slutligen synliggjordes även en önskan om att skapa en tillåtande miljö, där pedagogerna försöker att undvika negationer och tillsägelser samt uppmuntra barnens motoriska utmaningar.

Uppföljning av kommunala avfallsplaner : - Ett steg mot en hållbar utveckling?

Nordmar, Malin January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how successful the goal and follow-up measures of the municipal waste plans are, but also how the follow-up measures can contribute to achieving environmentally sustainable development in accordance with the national environmental diversity goals. Methods used were a literature study and a questionnaire, which was sent to people responsible for the follow-up of the waste plans. The results of this study showed that a large part of the follow-ups worked well. The national environmental diversity goals were integrated through various activities in the waste plans, for example information efforts regarding minimizing plastic use. It was not possible to see any statistical differences between follow-up frequency and municipality size. However, the common aspect was that an improved structure would improve the goal and measures fulfilment. A part of the survey was to investigate the need for a structured digital system for monitoring the waste plan. In order to function and be adequate, it was important that the digital system was integrated into the company's own operations. A structured digital system for monitoring the waste plan can increase recycling rates. It can contribute to increase the chances of achieving the national environmental diversity goals and reach circular economy.

Makten av agendasättning och den kulturjournalistiskainramningen av woke -En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om förekomsten och inramningen av woke i svenskkulturjournalistik

Huzell, Linda, Lemoine, Majken January 2021 (has links)
This paper studies how the new phenomenon of being woke is framed in cultural journalistic articles inswedish newspaper media from January 2017 to May 2021 (present day). Although the subject ofwokeness is rarely explored in academic articles, this study provides a basic knowledge about how thephenomenon is talked about in the Swedish context. With a qualitative content analysis connected totheories of framing, agenda-setting and cultural journalism, it provides new knowledge in the field.Results show how the use of the word and, in that respect, the agenda setting of the word started in 2019and increased during 2020. Also, the results in 2021 could indicate further increase during the rest ofthe present year. Mostly, cultural articles mentioning woke held a neutral approach, although therelatively high number of negatively approached articles could also be connected to frames of woke asleft political spheres, censur, identity politics, radicality and as destroyers of good quality art. Positiveframing of woke often tends to use the term as “something you should be” and the neutral frames oftenmention woke with an acceptance by mentioning it in passing or with a describing frame.

Regional Dispersions : Wages and Institutions in the Interwar Period

Skoglund, William January 2021 (has links)
In this thesis I analyze regional labor markets in the interwar period using a firm-level wagedatabase. Using wages for both men, women, and minors I show that previous studiesunderestimate regional inequalities. Wages for all workers converged slightly between 1922and 1930 but male wages diverged. The thesis also shows that wages were positively correlatedwith local union density levels and negatively correlated with unemployment. Wages weremore responsive towards unemployment in 1922 as compared to 1930. The findings in thisthesis point towards a new understanding of regional development during the interwar periodand sheds new light on the dawn of the Swedish model.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av vård vid patienters dödsfall : En kvalitativ litteraturöversikt / Registered nurses’ experiences of the care of dying patients : A qualitative literature review

Davidsson, Elin, Svensson, Isabelle, Söderblom, Madelene January 2021 (has links)
Background: Death can be viewed and understood through different perspectives and occurs in different ways after different trajectories. Death can occur in the hospital setting where the registered nurse has a leading role in the nursing of dying patients. It is the registered nurses’ responsibility that the given care has dignity and is respectful of the patient’s integrity. Registered nurses need an awareness of the feelings they may experience when patients die and apply different coping strategies in order to cope with the pressure that encounters with death can result in. Purpose: Was to describe registered nurses’ experiences of caring for patients who die in hospitals. Method: This literature review used scientific articles with qualitative method that were analysed in five steps according to Friberg (2017a) and was formed with an inductive approach. Result: After analysis of 12 scientific articles two main categories were presented: Emotional impact and The importance of personal and professional development with a total of five subcategories. Conclusion: Registered nurses experienced difficulties and challenges when caring for dying patients in the hospital setting and experienced emotional and professional effects as well as effects on their everyday life. Limitations within oneself and outer circumstances was perceived to limit the registered nurses from providing good care. Coping strategies could be applied in order to cope with these difficulties. / Bakgrund: Döden kan ses och förstås genom olika perspektiv och inträffar på olika sätt efter varierande förlopp. Dödsfall kan inträffa på sjukhus där sjuksköterskor har en ledande roll i omvårdnaden av patienter som avlider. Sjuksköterskor ansvarar för att given omvårdnad sker med värdighet och att patienters integritet respekteras. Sjuksköterskor behöver vara uppmärksamma på de egna känslor som kan uppkomma vid patienters dödsfall och tillämpa olika copingstrategier för att kunna hantera den belastning som möten med döden kan innebära. Syfte: Var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att vårda patienter som avlider på sjukhus. Metod: I litteraturöversikten användes vetenskapliga artiklar av kvalitativ metod som analyserades i fem steg enligt Friberg (2017a) och utformades med ett induktivt förhållningssätt. Resultat: Efter analys av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar presenterades två huvudkategorier: Emotionell påverkan och Betydelsen av personlig och professionell utveckling med totalt fem subkategorier. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor upplevde svårigheter och utmaningar kring att vårda patienter som avlider på sjukhus och upplevde känslomässig, vardaglig och professionell påverkan. Inre begränsningar och yttre omständigheter upplevdes hindra sjuksköterskor från att ge god vård till patienter som avlider. Sjuksköterskor kunde tillämpa olika copingstrategier för att kunna hantera de svåra situationerna.

Mediehysterin kring Swedbank : En studie i framing och kriskommunikation / The media circus regarding Swedbank : A study in framing and crisis communication

Strandberg, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
This essay will look into the relationship between an organization’s external crisis communication, in this case Swedbank’s communication, and the media’s use of for example agenda setting. The chosen organization is Swedbank because they have long been a target of the Swedish media. This relates to allegations that Swedbank was involved in money laundering. Two press releases on two different topics were used in the study. The topics will be discussed further down in the abstract.  Some of the media channels used in this essay were Aftonbladet and Expressen, which have a wide spread in the Swedish society and are known for publishing scandalous content. Other media channels that were examined are Dagens industri, Affärsvärlden and Realtid, which are more of business papers than newspapers. Despite the fact that Dagens industri occasionally publishes articles that are similar to those published by Aftonbladet and Expressen. SVT nyheter and Dagens nyheter were selected to represent a more typical newsreader.  The following questions are investigated in the essay: What are the differences between the information that the organization, in this case Swedbank, sends out versus what the different media channels report in their articles? What aspects of the organization’s crisis communication will the media focus on? The analysis investigated two different topics that had been covered in various ways by the media. The first topic was about how Swedbank admits that they had a flaw in their approach to dealing with risks of money laundering. The second topic was about Swedbank’s decision not to press charges against their former CEO. Overall the analysis found that the more business oriented media channels, Affärsvärlden, Realtid and Dagens industri, published nearly indentical information about the first topic as Swedbank. Although Realtid and Dagens industri were more critical of the second topic in their articles. Because Aftonbladet and Expressen wrote a large part about Swedbank’s former CEO, it can be seen as they wrote scandalously about the first topic. Expressen did not publish an article on the second topic, but Aftonbladet did and they focused on a more scandalous angle on the topic. Both Dagens nyheter and SVT nyheter reported information that was nearly identical to Swedbank’s press release. The conclusion of this essay is that the media will use an organization’s crisis communication if it’s interesting for their readers. Otherwise, the media channel will write what they believe will be most interesting to their readers.

Tshekatsheko ya diteng le poloto ya Go ša Baori ka D.P.S. Monyaise

Shiburi, Piet Thapedi 23 July 2008 (has links)
A representative example of Monyaise’s work is his novel Go ša Baori, published in 1970. A survey of the literature reveals that this novel has already been investigated, by Malope R.M and (1986), Shole J. S.S (1988) who analysed only the dream found in this novel. The chief aim of this investigation is thus to critically analyse the structure of the novel Go ša Baori at the level of content and plot, using two research methods, namely definition and interpretation, within the context of an adapted narratological model. This model conceives of a text according to three levels, namely content, plot and style, and focuses on the topic of the content, the theme of the plot and the atmosphere of the style. Thus this research study differs from the two previous investigations of Go ša Baori because it focuses on the content level of the text by examining the topic, and the plot level by analysing the theme. The content of a text is coordinated by the topic to form a unified entity. The topic of the novel we are investigating is reflected in its title, namely Go ša Baori. The topic is thus of vital importance, and determines the arrangement and presentation of four important elements of content, namely character, time, place and events. These four elements are examined in more detail. The characters of the novel can be grouped into two categories, namely kind-hearted person (Olebile) and quarrelsome person (Wapeipi). These two content characters are investigated using the concepts of intention, patronage, resistance, assistance and success. Time and place together fall under setting. Setting can be defined as the natural and artificial environment in which characters in literature live and move (Roberts 1982:1).Time is then the period in which the events of the plot happen, and the order in which they happen. This can be expressed in various units, for example a day, month or year. Place denotes the geographical and topological position in which the characters in the story are situated and the events of the plot take place. Bal (1985: 8) regards the place within which the characters find themselves as the ‘frame’. The last of the four elements, the events, together make up the plot of the drama, which Strachan (1988: 20) and Magapa (1997: 11) describe as the second level of the text. Here theme is the key. The theme of the novel Go ša Baori centres on jealousy and competitive spirit. The plot is examined by focusing on the special functions in the plot of the protagonist Olebile and the antagonist Wapeipi, and the events related to them are classified as representing either good or evil. This study of Go ša Baori not only reveals how Monyaise creates his characters but also how he selects and shapes them for the purpose of dramatizing human life with all its varied manifestations. The actions that take place reveal essential character traits of the various characters, as do the words of the author as he describes Wapeipi as someone who makes up his mind at once and he is prepared to be hurt emotionally. While on the other hand, Olebile is a soft spoken man and very loving who shows his love to his fiancée by buying her a big diamond ring. The plot is then examined according to the conflicts that occur in its various stages, namely the exposition, the development, the climax and the denouement. There are twelve distinct conflicts that can be identified occurring between characters in the events of the plot. Monyaise using three techniques, namely repetition, elision and motif, presents the events of the exposition, which form the first conflict that sets the plot going. In the development, several other techniques are used to show the conflicting forces of character and events and to emphasize the message of the novel. The other conflicts, which are between other characters like the helpers, can be described as medium, and are not examined in great detail, though they are vital for creating suspense. In the climax phase the techniques of focus, idioms and motif are examined, particularly in the conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist, which leads to the death of the protagonist caused by emotions and complications. The conflict in the denouement phase is characterised by a very important technique, shadow to strengthen the theme of Go ša Baori. Here Monyaise uses this important technique, to strengthen the presentation of the theme of Go ša Baori. Overall, the most frequently used techniques are repetition, motif, idioms, elision, focus, rhetorical questions and foreshadowing. This novel can be classified as a tragic novel, because at the end, the antagonist dies. Using this tragic ending, Monyaise tries to caution his audience against jealousy and a competitive spirit. Thus it is the theme that holds the audience to the end of the novel. / Dissertation (MA (African Languages))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / African Languages / MA (African Languages) / unrestricted

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