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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factores asociados a la compra de pasajes low cost en hombres y mujeres de 20 a 50 años de Lima Metropolitana / Factors associated with the purchase of low cost tickets for men and women between the ages of 20 and 50 in Metropolitan Lima

Arciniega Giurcovich, Fadia 09 July 2020 (has links)
El formato de pasajes low cost es una tendencia que ha ido estableciéndose en el mercado peruano. No obstante, no han logrado tener la acogida esperada por parte de los consumidores peruanos, debido a diferentes aspectos. Por ello, en la presente investigación se analizarán factores asociados a la compra de pasajes low cost en hombres y mujeres de 20 a 50 años. De esta manera, se han seleccionado las variables valor hedónico, valor utilitario, influencia social, precio, promociones, página web, experiencia de compra y riesgo percibido. Con la finalidad de poder comprobar las hipótesis se ha desarrollado una investigación mixta. Por un lado, en el estudio cualitativo se realizaron dos focus groups al público objetivo y tres encuestas a profundidad a expertos en el sector. Por otro lado, para el estudio cuantitativo se aplicó un cuestionario a 355 personas. Cabe mencionar que se hizo un estudio de regresión lineal múltiple. De esta manera, se obtuvo que las variables valor hedónico, página web y experiencia de compra fueron que las que presentaron una relación con la intención de compra. Finalmente, es importante mencionar que la presente investigación es una de las pocas investigaciones realizadas sobre los factores que pueden presentar una relación sobre compra de pasajes low cost en el mercado peruano. / The low-cost ticket format is a trend that has been establishing itself in the Peruvian market. However, due to different aspects the low-cost airlines have not managed to achieve the expected reception by Peruvian consumers. For this reason, this research will analyze factors associated with the purchase of low-cost tickets for men and women between 20 and 50 years of age in Lima. In this way, we select the variables hedonic value, utility value, social influence, price, promotions, website, purchase experience and perceived risk. In order to be able to evaluate the hypotheses, a mixed investigation has been developed. On the one hand, the qualitative study will analyze two focus groups on the target audience and three in-depth surveys of experts in the sector. On the other hand, for the quantitative study, a questionnaire was applied to 355 people. It should be noted that a multiple linear regression study was done. In this way, it was obtained the variables hedonic value, website and purchase experience had a relationship with the purchase intention. Finally, it is important that this investigation be one of the few investigations carried out on the factors that may present a relationship on the purchase of low-cost tickets in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación

Factores relevantes para lograr la lealtad de los clientes en las comunidades de marca / Relevant factors to achieve customer loyalty in brand communities

Ayala Gavidia, Ricardo Pablo, Cabezas Gibaja, César Augusto 09 April 2020 (has links)
Consolidar la lealtad del cliente es importante para las marcas. En los mercados modernos donde la competencia es feroz y los clientes sucumben fácilmente a la tentación de cambiar de una marca a otra, la consolidación de la lealtad del cliente es un objetivo clave de marketing. El objetivo del presente trabajo es estudiar los factores relevantes para lograr la lealtad de los clientes en las comunidades de marca, a través del método de investigación documental. Se aplicó como técnica de recolección de datos, la observación bibliográfica, con dos instrumentos de apoyo: registro de artículo científico y matriz general de la información. Una vez revisado y analizado cada uno de los artículos, se constató que las organizaciones empresariales tienen a su alcance diversos factores que le permiten logar la lealtad de sus clientes como: calidad de servicio, valor de marca, experiencia de compra, fidelización y precio. Concluyendo que, todos estos factores generan confianza en los clientes, de donde surge también su satisfacción, elevando el valor de la marca, sus atributos y por ende su imagen corporativa. Un cliente feliz es un cliente satisfecho, y por lo tanto será un cliente fiel y leal, impactando directa y positivamente sobre la rentabilidad de las organizaciones empresariales. / Strengthening customer loyalty is important for brands. In modern markets where competition is fierce and customers easily succumb to the temptation to switch from one brand to another, consolidating customer loyalty is a key marketing objective. The objective of this paper is to study the relevant factors to achieve customer loyalty in brand communities, through the method of documentary research. The bibliographic observation was applied as a data collection technique, with two supporting instruments: scientific article registration and general information matrix. Once each of the articles was reviewed and analyzed, it was found that business organizations have at their disposal various factors that allow them to achieve customer loyalty such as: quality of service, brand value, shopping experience, loyalty and price. Concluding that, all these factors generate trust in customers, where their satisfaction also arises, raising the value of the brand, its attributes and therefore its corporate image. A happy customer is a satisfied customer, and therefore will be a loyal and loyal customer, directly and positively impacting the profitability of business organizations. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Personalized Shopping Experience for Social Impact

Song, Minkyu 10 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Uma análise da e-satisfação a partir das experiências de compra online e do envolvimento individual durante as compras. / An analysis of e-satisfaction based on online shopping experiences and individual involvement.

Ceribeli, Harrison Bachion 14 October 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os elementos associados às experiências de compra online que influenciam a satisfação dos e-consumidores em compras de alto e baixo envolvimento no comércio eletrônico. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi realizado um levantamento de campo, cuja amostra foi composta por 720 e-consumidores. Adotou-se o processo de amostragem por cotas, utilizando-se como critério para composição dos estratos da amostra a distribuição etária da população do estudo. Para análise dos dados referentes a compras de alto envolvimento, utilizou-se a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Por outro lado, para análise dos dados referentes a compras de baixo envolvimento, utilizaram-se a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e a Análise de Regressão Múltipla. A partir da análise estatística dos dados referentes a compras de alto envolvimento, constatou-se que existem alguns atributos das experiências de compra online que influenciam diretamente a esatisfação (conveniência associada ao website, políticas de trocas e devoluções da empresa e qualidade do serviço de entrega), enquanto outros influenciam o estado de fluxo online (inovação percebida no website, preços e estética do website), que, por sua vez, influencia a esatisfação. Adicionalmente, foram identificados dois atributos que influenciam tanto o fluxo online quanto a e-satisfação (confiabilidade atribuída ao website e variedade de produtos disponíveis para venda no website). Complementarmente, a partir da análise estatística dos dados referentes a compras de baixo envolvimento, constatou-se que três atributos das experiências de compra online influenciam positivamente a e-satisfação, sendo eles a qualidade do serviço de entrega, as informações disponíveis no website e a estrutura de atendimento ao cliente do website. Constatou-se também que a inovação associada ao website influencia negativamente a e-satisfação em compras de baixo envolvimento. / This research aims to identify and analyze the factors associated with online shopping experiences that influence e-satisfaction in high and low involvement purchases. To reach that goal, we conducted a field survey, whose sample consisted of 720 e- consumers. We adopted quotas sampling, using as criteria for the composition of the sample strata age distribution of the study population. To analyze the data for high-involvement purchases, we used the Structural Equation Modeling. On the other hand, for the analysis of data for purchases of low involvement, we used the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. From the statistical analysis of the data for high-involvement purchases, it was found that there are some attributes of online shopping experiences that directly influence the satisfaction (convenience associated with the website, exchanges and returns policies of the company and quality of service delivery), while others influence the state of flow online (perceived innovation on the website, price and aesthetics of the website), which, in turn, influences e-satisfaction. Additionally, we identified two attributes that influence both flow online and e-satisfaction (reliability attributed to the website and variety of products available for sale on the website). In addition, from the statistical analysis of data for purchases of low involvement, it was found that three attributes of online shopping experiences positively influence e-satisfaction: quality of service delivery, information available on the website and website structure of customer attendance. It was also found that innovation associated with the website negatively influences e-satisfaction in purchases of low involvement.

Det visuella ordets kraft på kunders känselbeteende : En kvantitativ studie om kunders beslutsfattande i detaljhandelsbranschen

Lindahl, Caroline, Stark, Malin January 2013 (has links)
Syfte:                     Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva, analysera samt tillhandahålla rekommendationer om huruvida stimulans av sinnena, leder till att kundernas beslutsfattande förändras genom taktil beröring. Vi vill med hjälp av en empirisk studie klargöra om kunder ändrar sitt känselbeteende efter att sinnet syn blivit påverkat.   Metod:                   Uppsats är baserad på en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Arbetet kretsar kring de experiment som utförts med tillhörande kundintervjuer på heminredningsavdelningen på Åhléns i Kalmar. Hypoteser har formats ur instuderad teori, som sedan har testats under experimenten på Åhléns.   Slutsats:        Genom stimulans av sinnena syn och känsel, har författarna med hjälp av experiment kunnat registrera ett förändrat beteende gällande kunders beslutsfattande. Resultatet tyder på att företag kan använda sig av sinnesstimuli för att skapa kontakt med sina kunder. Det har även framkommit att stimulans av synen och känseln har påverkat den tid kunderna känner på produkterna, och då också tagit dem ett steg längre i deras beslutsfattande i köpprocessen.

Enhancing consumers' purchase intention by augmented reality : The relationship between augmented reality and Swedish millennials’ online purchase intention of shopping goods

Dybdal Andersen, Anne, Schreck, Leonie January 2018 (has links)
Aim The aim of the study is to test the relationship between augmented reality and the Swedish millennials’ purchase intention of shopping goods. Methods A survey was distributed online to Swedish millennials (born between the years of 1982 and 2000). Non-probability sampling was conducted in order to collect primary data by making use of convenience and snowball sampling. A total amount of 408 valid responses were collected which were analysed by correlation, linear regression and moderation regression analyses. Results The variables related to augmented reality (product perception, risk perception, augmented reality experience, hedonic experience and utilitarian experience) were found to be significantly related to the consumers’ purchase intention. The relationship between product perception and purchase intention was found to be moderated by the online experience with augmented reality. However, no proof was found that perceived risk when shopping online is moderated by using augmented reality. Conclusion Augmented reality can be used as a tool to enhance the consumers’ perception of the offered product and therewith raise the online purchase intention of Swedish millennials for shopping goods. The efficiency and informative aspects that augmented reality can provide are especially appreciated. Therefore, this study can recommend online retailers to introduce an augmented reality strategy in order to raise Swedish millennials’ purchase intention of shopping goods and therewith increase the sales numbers.


PRESTINI, STEFANO 28 March 2018 (has links)
La tesi include tre studi indipendenti che hanno come tema comune la Consumer Ambivalence nella Shopping Experience. Il punto di partenza è che la Consumer Ambivalence è sempre stata percepita come un qualcosa da evitare in quanto impatta negativamente sul comportamento del consumatore (es. soddisfazione e fedeltà). La letteratura però evidenzia come in alcune service experience questo costrutto risulti banalizzato. L’obiettivo della ricerca è quindi esplorare il ruolo della Consumer Ambivalence in diverse shopping experience attraverso le percezioni, i discorsi, le emozioni e le esperienze sia degli shopper sia del personale di contatto. Ho scelto due contesti di analisi: le esperienze di shopping di lusso e di shopping etico. Entrambi i settori sono in continua crescita nonostante il periodo di crisi economica e le emozioni negative (e positive) vissute dagli shopper e riconosciute dalla letteratura. Attraverso un approccio costruttivista i miei risultati principali dimostrano come la Consumer Ambivalence non sia sempre uno stato emotivo da rifuggire ma qualcosa a cui tendere e sfruttare. Concludo affermando come questo stato emozionale multiplo sia spesso inevitabile e parte intrinseca nelle esperienze di shopping ad elevata connotazione emotiva. / My thesis is composed by three papers that have a common theme: Consumer Ambivalence in Shopping Experience. The general starting point is that Consumer Ambivalence has always been perceived as something to avoid because it decreases relevant consumer outcomes (e.g. satisfaction and loyalty). However, some evidences in literature suggest that, particularly in some service experiences, this construct is trivialized. The main research goal is to explore the role of Consumer Ambivalence in different shopping experiences, investigating how this construct can impact on shopping behaviors, considering perceptions, discourses, emotions and experiences of both shoppers and company personnel. I chose two settings of investigation which are favorable contexts to identify different mixed emotions: luxury shopping experience and ethical shopping experience. Both industries are particular relevant because their consumer market value is still increasing despite the current period of economic crisis and literature evidences of negative (and positive) emotions felt by shoppers. Through a constructivist epistemological approach, my main findings elicit that Consumer Ambivalence can be an emotional state which has not to be rejected, but rather be something to aim for. Moreover, I argue that this mixed emotional state is essentially unavoidable and is intrinsically part of high affect shopping experiences.

Uma análise da e-satisfação a partir das experiências de compra online e do envolvimento individual durante as compras. / An analysis of e-satisfaction based on online shopping experiences and individual involvement.

Harrison Bachion Ceribeli 14 October 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo identificar e analisar os elementos associados às experiências de compra online que influenciam a satisfação dos e-consumidores em compras de alto e baixo envolvimento no comércio eletrônico. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, foi realizado um levantamento de campo, cuja amostra foi composta por 720 e-consumidores. Adotou-se o processo de amostragem por cotas, utilizando-se como critério para composição dos estratos da amostra a distribuição etária da população do estudo. Para análise dos dados referentes a compras de alto envolvimento, utilizou-se a Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. Por outro lado, para análise dos dados referentes a compras de baixo envolvimento, utilizaram-se a Análise Fatorial Exploratória e a Análise de Regressão Múltipla. A partir da análise estatística dos dados referentes a compras de alto envolvimento, constatou-se que existem alguns atributos das experiências de compra online que influenciam diretamente a esatisfação (conveniência associada ao website, políticas de trocas e devoluções da empresa e qualidade do serviço de entrega), enquanto outros influenciam o estado de fluxo online (inovação percebida no website, preços e estética do website), que, por sua vez, influencia a esatisfação. Adicionalmente, foram identificados dois atributos que influenciam tanto o fluxo online quanto a e-satisfação (confiabilidade atribuída ao website e variedade de produtos disponíveis para venda no website). Complementarmente, a partir da análise estatística dos dados referentes a compras de baixo envolvimento, constatou-se que três atributos das experiências de compra online influenciam positivamente a e-satisfação, sendo eles a qualidade do serviço de entrega, as informações disponíveis no website e a estrutura de atendimento ao cliente do website. Constatou-se também que a inovação associada ao website influencia negativamente a e-satisfação em compras de baixo envolvimento. / This research aims to identify and analyze the factors associated with online shopping experiences that influence e-satisfaction in high and low involvement purchases. To reach that goal, we conducted a field survey, whose sample consisted of 720 e- consumers. We adopted quotas sampling, using as criteria for the composition of the sample strata age distribution of the study population. To analyze the data for high-involvement purchases, we used the Structural Equation Modeling. On the other hand, for the analysis of data for purchases of low involvement, we used the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis. From the statistical analysis of the data for high-involvement purchases, it was found that there are some attributes of online shopping experiences that directly influence the satisfaction (convenience associated with the website, exchanges and returns policies of the company and quality of service delivery), while others influence the state of flow online (perceived innovation on the website, price and aesthetics of the website), which, in turn, influences e-satisfaction. Additionally, we identified two attributes that influence both flow online and e-satisfaction (reliability attributed to the website and variety of products available for sale on the website). In addition, from the statistical analysis of data for purchases of low involvement, it was found that three attributes of online shopping experiences positively influence e-satisfaction: quality of service delivery, information available on the website and website structure of customer attendance. It was also found that innovation associated with the website negatively influences e-satisfaction in purchases of low involvement.

La mesure du capital-marque du distributeur / Retailer brand equity measure

Troiville, Julien 29 November 2013 (has links)
Les distributeurs se caractérisent désormais comme de véritables marques qui cherchent à construire leur capital pour délivrer davantage de valeur aux consommateurs et ainsi tenter de les satisfaire, de les fidéliser et finalement d'améliorer leur performance. Si de nombreuses recherches académiques et managériales insistent sur la pertinence pour les entreprises de développer leur capital-marque, d'autres investigations rappellent la complexité dune telle tâche et les nombreuses difficultés afférentes à la mesure. Le distributeur n'échappe pas à cette complexité, pis encore, les spécificités de la distribution et les comportements des consommateurs dans ce secteur requièrent davantage de précaution dans l'application du concept aux firmes de distribution. L'objectif de ce travail porte donc sur la définition, la conceptualisation et la mesure du capital-marque du distributeur. Pour ce faire, une analyse qualitative exploratoire est tout d'abord menée afin de compléter la revue de littérature, d'explorer les perceptions et comportements des consommateurs et de faire émerger les variables d'action du distributeur grâce auxquelles il peut générer de la valeur. Afin de pallier aux insuffisances théoriques et de proposer un outil opérationnel aux managers, un cadre conceptuel du capital-marque adapté au distributeur est ensuite construit sur la complémentarité des apports de la littérature et de l'étude exploratoire. Puis le test empirique de ce modèle, par l'usage d'un questionnaire administré auprès de 313 consommateurs et d'une analyse avec l'approche PLS, permet de confirmer le cadre conceptuel défini. Enfin, la discussion des résultats suggèrent que les distributeurs peuvent construire leur marque sur huit dimensions distinctes qu'elles soient relatives aux produits vendus, aux points de vente ou aux expériences de magasinage des consommateurs. Plus spécifiquement, l'apparence du magasin et la qualité des produits contribuent le plus fortement à la création de valeur / Nowadays, retailers must be considered as real and unique brands that wish to build their equity. By enhancing the value offered to consumers, they can retain and attract them and consequently, increase their own performance. However, the brand equity measure is complex and many specificities arise from the retail area that clearly call for a specific conceptualization. The aim of this research is to define, conceptualize and measure the equity of the retailer as a brand. In that respect, an exploratory qualitative research is conducted to firstly, obtain a better understanding of consumers' perceptions and behaviors and secondly, to identify the variables the retailer can leverage to build its equity. Then, a new conceptual framework is established. It includes eight variables related to the product assortment, the outlet or the consumer experience. The model is estimated by using a survey based upon 313 consumer responses and the PLS path modeling approach. The results provide evidence that retailers can build their equity on these eight dimensions. More specifically, the outlet interior appearance and the product quality are the two main drivers of retailer brand equity

Productivité du consommateur dans son magasinage et technologies mobiles / Consumer shopping productivity and mobile technologies

Voropanova, Ekaterina 03 July 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la productivité du consommateur dans le cadre de son magasinage sous l’influence de la technologie mobile. Dans un premier temps, une revue de littérature pluridisciplinaire a mis en exergue la polysémie du concept de productivité et les particularités de la définition de la productivité dans le secteur tertiaire. Une analyse comparative des travaux sur la productivité du consommateur a par la suite permis de pointer la diversité des définitions et des méthodes de mesure de ce concept et de justifier la pertinence de revisiter ce concept au niveau d’une expérience de magasinage dans le contexte digitalisé en prenant en compte les caractéristiques des technologies mobiles. À cet effet, une étude qualitative à partir de 31 entretiens semi-directifs a été réalisée. L’analyse des verbatim assistée du logiciel NVivo a débouché sur une conceptualisation élargie de la productivité du consommateur, comprenant l’efficience temporelle, l’efficience monétaire, et l’efficacité. Les résultats des entretiens et de la revue de littérature ont servi à construire un modèle conceptuel de productivité du consommateur sous l’influence du smartphone, explicitant les antécédents des dimensions de la productivité du consommateur et leurs effets sur la satisfaction. Enfin, un échantillon de 300 individus a permis de tester ce modèle par équations structurelles dans le cadre de magasinage vestimentaire. Les données ont été analysées et modélisées par équations structurelles à l’aide du logiciel Smart PLS. Les résultats de l’étude quantitative attestent d’un effet positif significatif des dimensions de la productivité du consommateur sur la satisfaction. Les relations entre l’efficacité et l’efficience temporelle, d’une part, et la satisfaction, d’autre part, sont modérées par la fréquence d’utilisation du smartphone pour le magasinage vestimentaire. Les résultats ont également permis d’identifier les antécédents des dimensions de la productivité du consommateur : la polychronicité, la conscience temporelle, la conscience de prix, l’implication, l’attitude envers les technologies mobiles et le choix des canaux marketing dans le parcours d’achat. Au vu des résultats des deux études, nous discutons la pertinence pour les distributeurs d’adopter la démarche de management de productivité du consommateur appuyée sur les possibilités offertes par la technologie mobile. / This PhD dissertation explores consumer shopping productivity under the influence of mobile technology. First, a multidisciplinary review of productivity literature emphasized the polysemy of productivity concept and some specific features of its definition in service industry. A comparative analysis of consumer productivity literature highlights the diversity of approaches to the analysis of consumer productivity and of its measures, and the relevance to revisit this concept in the digital world, taking into account the specific features of mobile technology.To do so, we realized a qualitative study by 31 semi-structured interviews. The verbatim analysis by means of NVivo software resulted in an extended conceptualization of consumer productivity, including temporal efficiency, monetary efficiency, and efficacy. Based on the literature review and the qualitative study results, we proposed a conceptual model of consumer productivity under the influence of mobile technologies, presenting the antecedents of consumer productivity dimensions and their impact on consumer satisfaction.Finally, a sample of 300 individuals was used to test this model in the context of apparel shopping. The data were analyzed by the structural equations modelling partial least squares with Smart PLS software. The results of the quantitative study confirm the positive impact of consumer productivity on satisfaction. The relations between efficacy and temporal efficiency were moderated by the frequency of the use of smartphone in apparel shopping. The results allowed us to identify the antecedents of consumer productivity: polychronic orientation, time consciousness, price consciousness, implication, attitude towards mobile technologies, and the choice of marketing channels in shopping trips. In the light of the results of the two studies, we argue for the relevance of consumer productivity management approach for retailers exploiting the vast opportunities offered by mobile technologies.

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