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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring the effects of green certification labeling in online grocery shopping platform in China

Wang, Yifei January 2022 (has links)
The global pandemic has impacted daily life significantly, particularly in China. Fears of the virus, in addition to stay-at-home policies made more and more people choose to shop online instead of going to a brick-and-mortar store. Existing research shows that online shopping can reduce energy consumption and positively affect the eco-environment and sustainable development compared with traditional shopping. In this study, minor redesigns involving green certification are implemented to the Hema Fresh, an online grocery shopping application under Alibaba. An interactive prototype was created on Figma and evaluated with regular users of the application, based in Shanghai. The purpose is to study how design considerations related to green certification labeling influence consumers in online grocery shopping platform in China. The results indicate that a majorty of consumers respond positively to green certifications but not from a sustainability aspect, but rather from a health aspect. Chinese consumers’ understanding and cognition of green product labels are influenced by social advocacy and cultural background, and there are some similarities and differences with the cognition in Western society. / Sedan pandemin började har människors dagliga liv förändrats avsevärt. Av rädsla för viruset och policyer för att stanna hemma väljer fler och fler människor att handla online istället för att gå till en fysisk butik. Befintlig forskning visar att näthandel kan minska energiförbrukningen och positivt påverka miljön och hållbar utveckling jämfört med traditionell shopping. I den här studien genomfördes gränssnittsdesignen för Hema Fresh, en onlineapplikation för matkonsumtion som ägs av Alibaba, och en prototyp gjordes i Figma. Hema Fresh-användare som bor i Shanghai bjöds in att genomföra ett semistrukturerat användarupplevelsetest. Syftet är att studera vilken diskussion som rör hållbarhet och andra aspekter som kan inspireras av kinesiska konsumenter av onlinematinköpsplattformar med införandet av grön certifiering. Resultaten tyder på att sex av åtta deltagare köper produkter med gröna livsmedelsmärkningar, vilket visar att hushållskonsumenter som bor i storsstäder och med goda ekonomiska förutsättningar tenderar att köpa produkter med gröna märkningar. Kinesiska konsumenters förståelse och insikt om gröna produktetiketter påverkas av social påverkan och kulturell bakgrund, och det finns vissa likheter och skillnader med kognitionen i det västerländska samhället.

Omnikanal : Att skapa en sömlös upplevelse för sina kunder

Avdijaj, Sabrije, Shabanaj, Tony January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa en förståelse för hur svenska företag kan använda sig av omnikanal för att skapa en sömlös shoppingupplevelse för sina kunder genom att analysera hur företag kan integrera traditionella och digitala försäljningskanaler, vilka fördelar och nackdelar som integrationen medför, samt hur företag kan använda sig av innehållsmarknadsföring i sitt omnikanalsarbete för att förmedla personliga budskap till sina konsumenter. Med koppling till syftet har vi valt följande forskningsfråga: Hur kan företag inom detaljhandeln använda sig av omnikanal för att skapa en sömlös shoppingupplevelse för sina kunder? Denna uppsats är baserad på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod då vi ville skapa en djupare förståelse kring ämnet omnikanal. Under uppsatsen gång har vi arbetat parallellt med teori och empiri, vilket innebär att vi har haft ett växelspel mellan induktion och deduktion. Informationsinsamlingen har skett genom primärdata och sekundärdata där det empiriska materialet samlades in genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Genom uppsatsens gång har vi insett att digitaliseringen av detaljhandeln är ett obestridligt fenomen. Dock får man inte glömma bort den fysiska butikens viktiga roll, i synnerhet som en marknadsföringskanal för dagens detaljhandlare. Konsumenter har blivit allt mer pålästa och förväntar sig idag en enhetlig shoppingupplevelse som rör sig genom samtliga försäljningskanaler. För att skapa förutsättningar för omnikanaler behöver företag ta till en kundcentrerad strategi där de satsar tid och resurser på strukturella förändringar och tekniska investeringar. Vi ser vidare att företag som inte väljer att anpassa sig till den moderna konsumenten och inte kan erbjuda en sömlös shoppingupplevelse riskerar att hamna på efterkälken. / The purpose of this study has been to create a deeper understanding of how Swedish companies can use omnichannel to create a seamless shopping experience for their customers by analyzing the integration between traditional and digital sales channels, the advantages and disadvantages the integration induce, as well as how companies can use content marketing when working with omnichannel to convey personalized messages to their consumers. In relation to the purpose, we have chosen the following research question: How can companies within retail use omnichannel to create a seamless shopping experience for their customers? This study has a qualitative research methodology due to the fact that we wanted to create a deeper understanding of the subject omnichannel. We have during the process of the study worked in parallel with our theoretical and empirical information, which has led to interplay between induction and deduction. The information has been collected through primary and secondary sources and the empirical material has been collected by conducting five semi-structured interviews. We have, in our analysis, pointed out that while the digitalization of the retail industry is an indisputable phenomenon, there is a need to emphasize that physical stores still play an important role for retailers today, particularly in acting as a marketing channel for their brand. Customers are getting smarter with more access to information and the modern customer expects a seamless shopping experience across all sale channels. To create conditions for an omnichannel outlook, companies need to take on a customer-centric strategy where they invest time and resources in structural changes and technical investments. We also emphasize that companies risk falling behind if they choose not to adapt to the modern customer and are unable to offer a seamless shopping experience.

Using the S-o-r Model to Understand the Impact of Website Attributes on the Online Shopping Experience

Zimmerman, Jonelle 08 1900 (has links)
Using Mehrabian and Russell’s (1974) stimulus (S) - organism (O) - response (R) model, this study developed online shopping experience framework that explains consumer behavioral responses toward online and offline stores. The results of the examined hypothesized relationships in this study reveal website attributes that create positive affective and attitudinal states and behavioral responses toward the retailers and retailers’ websites. Among website attributes, interface design is the strongest predictor of all behavioral responses, while website attributes relating to shopping services and security/privacy affect long term behavioral responses, such as purchase intention and brand loyalty. This study is imperative to practitioners and researchers, as they will help further develop online store environments and online shopping experience.

Influencia del merchandising utilizado en las tiendas de conveniencia de la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana en la satisfacción del cliente, el ticket de compra y la recompra según 4 tipos de clientes / Influence of merchandising used in convenience stores in zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima in customer satisfaction, purchase ticket and repurchase according to 4 types of customers

Chávarry García, Karol Nohely, Pereyra Villanueva, Jenny Patricia 16 May 2019 (has links)
La presente tesis plantea que el merchandising utilizado en las tiendas de conveniencia de la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana contribuye positivamente en la satisfacción de los clientes, el ticket de compra y la probabilidad de recompra según 4 tipos de clientes, lo cual se ha comprobado mediante la validación de 4 hipótesis específicas. Luego de haber realizado el análisis se obtuvo que, dichas hipótesis fueron aceptadas. En cuanto a la primera fue aprobada mediante un análisis factorial y se encontraron cuatro tipos de clientes: Premium, visuales, buscadores de ofertas y oportunistas. De la segunda hipótesis se obtuvo que de los shoppers que habían tenido una opinión positiva en cuanto al merchandising, el 90% de ellos estaba de acuerdo con que tuvieron una experiencia de compra agradable. En la tercera hipótesis, mediante un análisis descriptivo de la valoración de las técnicas de merchandising; es decir, que los shoppers hayan notado la presencia de dichas técnicas al momento de su ingreso y recorrido por la tienda, se obtuvo que: el incremento promedio del ticket de compra fue de 52% en clientes Premium, 65% en clientes Visuales, 46% en clientes Buscadores de ofertas y 51% en clientes Oportunistas. Por último, en la cuarta hipótesis se pudo comprobar que los shoppers que habían adquirido alguna oferta en la tienda de conveniencia, regresaban en mayor número de veces en comparación con los shoppers que no adquirían ofertas. / This thesis states that the merchandising used in convenience stores in zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima contributes positively in customer satisfaction, the purchase ticket and the likelihood of repurchase according to 4 types of customers, which has been proven through the validation of 4 specific hypotheses. After having made the analysis, it was found that these hypotheses were accepted. As for the first one, it was approved through a factorial analysis and four types of clients were found: Premium, visuals, offer finders and opportunists. From the second hypothesis, it was found that of the shoppers who had a positive opinion regarding merchandising, 90% of them agreed that they had a pleasant shopping experience. In the third hypothesis, through a descriptive analysis of the valuation of merchandising techniques; that is, that the shoppers had noticed the presence of such techniques at the time of their entry and tour of the store, it was found that: the average increase in the purchase ticket was 52% in Premium clients, 65% in Visual clients, 46 % in customers Search engines and 51% in Opportunistic customers. Finally, in the fourth hypothesis it was found that the shoppers who had purchased some offer in the convenience store, returned in greater number of times compared to the shoppers who did not acquire offers. / Tesis

Importance des facteurs d'accès dans l'expérience d'immersion et de présence dans un nouvel environnement commercial en ligne / Factors in the immersion and presence experience in a new online business environment

Bettaieb, Ghada 02 October 2018 (has links)
S’inscrivant à l’intersection des champs du marketing expérientiel et des théories des systèmes d’information et d’interaction homme-machine, ce travail de recherche doctorale étudie les spécificités de l’expérience de shopping dans un environnement commercial en 3D enrichi de dispositifs de réalité virtuelle. Particulièrement, il étudie les facteurs d’accès à l’expérience d’immersion et de présence dans cet environnement et ses conséquences sur les intentions comportementales. La revue de la littérature et la phase qualitative triangulée ont permis de mettre en évidence l’importance de trois facteurs clés d’accès à l’expérience et à son enrichissement ainsi que le rôle central du processus immersion – présence. Une expérimentation mise en oeuvre dans un « véritable » environnement commercial en 3D nous a permis d’étudier de manière concomitante les effets des différents facteurs à savoir : la navigabilité du site web (par le biais d’une manipulation liée à la présence/l’absence d’un map interactif), la richesse sensorielle de l’environnementcommercial (par le biais de la manipulation des couleurs et de la musique diffusée) et la sociabilité (par le biais de la manipulation de la présence/l’absence d’un vendeur virtuel) sur l’immersion sensorielle et la présence. Les conséquences sur les intentions comportementales ont également été investiguées. Les contributions théoriques, méthodologiques et managériales sont nombreuses. / As part of the intersection of the fields of experiential marketing and the theories of information systems and human-computer interaction, this doctoral research work investigates the specificities of the shopping experience in a 3D commercial environment enriched with virtual reality devices. In particular, it studies the factors of access to the immersion and presence experience in thisenvironment and its consequences on behavioral intentions. The review of the literature and the triangulated qualitative phase made it possible to highlight the importance of three key factors of access to the experience and its enrichment as well as the central role of the immersion - presence process. An experiment implemented in a "real" commercial environment in 3D allowed us to studyconcomitantly the effects of the various factors namely: the navigability of the website (through a manipulation related to the presence / l lack of an interactive map), the sensory wealth of the commercial environment (through the manipulation of colors and diffused music) and sociability (through the manipulation of the presence / absence of 'a virtual seller) on sensory immersion and presence. The consequences on behavioral intentions have also been investigated. Theoretical,methodological and managerial contributions are numerous.

« Lorsque le point de vente distribue une expérience identitaire... » : apport du concept d’identité à la compréhension de l’expérience de magasinage du consommateur issu de l’immigration maghrébine / « Experiencing identitiy in the store... » : a better understanding of Maghrebean immigrant’s shopping experience through the concept of identity

Hadj Hmida, Manel 05 December 2015 (has links)
Au cours de son existence, le consommateur, est amené à vivre des incidents qui génèrent des tensions identitaires. Il est engagé dans un processus de construction identitaire. Cette recherche montre que le point de vente accompagne le consommateur dans son projet identitaire. Il agit comme une ressource qui permet de gérer des dynamiques et tensions identitaires. Parmi ces tensions, nous identifions le rapport au corps, les distorsions avec le soi (avec ses composantes de l’image de soi et l’estime de soi) et les négociations en matière d’identité ethnique. Selon une approche psychologique, cette recherche montre que le magasin devient une ressource de (re)construction identitaire aux bienfaits thérapeutiques. Le consommateur, à travers ce qu’il vit dans le magasin, affronte ses fragilités et prend conscience de son état. L’intervention du magasin dans la gestion des dynamiques et tensions identitaires devient alors une expérience identitaire. Cette recherche montre que lorsque la visite au point de vente devient une démarche identitaire, elle s’apparente alors à une expérience offrant des ressources. L’approche phénoménologique que nous adoptons permet de mettre en évidence le processus d’engagement du consommateur dans l’expérience identitaire. Elle renseigne alors sur son contenu et ses caractéristiques, et éclaire sur le concept d’expérience de magasinage. / It happens that the consumer has to deal with life issues related to identity matters. He is engaged in a process of identity construction. This research shows that the store supports the consumer in his identity project. It acts as a resource allowing him to deal with all the idenity conflicts, like body issues, distortions with the self, self esteem issues and ethnic identity issues. According to a psychological approach, this research shows that the store becomes aresource for (re)constructing the self and provides the consumer with therapeutic benefits. Through what he lives in the store, the consumer will be confronting its weaknesses and become aware of his self. The way the store helps the consumer with these conflictual identity issues makes him experiencing his self.In this research, we use a phenomenological approach that helps to highlight the consumer engagement in the process of his identity experience. Then, it offers a better understanding of the shopping experience concept.

Le seuil du lieu marchand : liminarité et rites de passage de l’expérience de magasinage / The store entrance : liminality and rites of passage of the shopping experience

Scordel, Maggie 10 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde l’entrée dans l’espace de vente d’un point de vue spatial et expérientiel. En mettant en perspective les champs de la psychosociologie de l’espace et du marketing expérientiel nous étudions l’entrée dans l’espace marchand et dans la consommation suivant des pratiques d’appropriation de l’espace et un processus de liminarité qui se traduit par des rites de passage. Nous mobilisons des méthodologies qualitatives pour répondre à notre problématique: Comment les clôtures commerciales d’un espace de vente participent-elles à la création d’une expérience de magasinage ? À la suite d’une étude exploratoire, notre seconde étude réalisée en collaboration avec Guerlain nous permet d’analyser l’expérience de magasinage dans le contexte d’une enseigne dont les points de vente aux designs d’espace différents sont implantés dans divers environnements commerciaux. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que la création de l’expérience de magasinage est une co-production résultant de l’interaction entre les types d’espaces intermédiaires délimitant le magasin, la ritualisation de l’expérience et les pratiques d’appropriation des visiteurs. / This thesis studies the store entrance in a spatial and experiential way. Using both the conceptual framework of environmental psychological sociology and experiential marketing, we study the entrance into the market place and consumption through space appropriation strategies and a process of liminality which results in rites of passage. Combining qualitative methodologies we answer to our research issue: How retail space fences are involved in creating a shopping experience? After an exploratory study, our second study made with Guerlain allows us to analyze the shopping experience in the context of many stores designs located in various commercial environments. Our results show that the creation of the shopping experience is a co-production resulting from the interaction between the types of intermediate spaces delimiting the store, the ritualization of experience and the appropriation process of consumers.

L’expérience de magasinage sous l’influence du smartphone : une application au secteur de la chaussure / The shopping experience under the influence of the smartphone : an application to the shoe retail

Thévenet-Deparis, Martine 13 November 2017 (has links)
La place prise par le smartphone dans la vie des consommateurs ne cesse d’augmenter avec des usages en mobilité qui s’installent durablement au quotidien. Doté de ce pouvoir technologique et décisionnaire, le consommateur modifie son comportement d’achat. L’objectif de notre recherche est d’analyser l’impact des usages du smartphone sur les comportements de magasinage afin de comprendre quels sont les déterminants de la mobilité et de l’usage de la technologie qui jouent un rôle sur les parcours d’achat. La problématique est centrée sur l’analyse du processus d’achat dans sa globalité tout en gardant une approche moins monolithique. Notre recherche est empirique, fondée sur une double étude qualitative : une première étude où nous interrogeons les consommateurs sur leurs pratiques quotidiennes du smartphone et sur leurs expériences d’achats hybrides influencées par cet outil technologique ; une seconde étude où nous interrogeons des clientes juste après une expérience d’achat vécue dans un point de vente d’une enseigne multicanal de la chaussure. Un premier palier de résultats apporte une meilleure compréhension des usages du smartphone (sur les critères de fréquence et d’intensité d’usage) qui s’inscrivent définitivement dans la continuité du changement « mobiquitaire » des usagers. Un second palier de résultats montre le lien entre ces pratiques et la praxéologie du processus d’achat qui sous l’influence du smartphone devient plus rationnel et plus efficace. Néanmoins, l’expérience d’achat vécue en point de vente, telle que nous l’avons étudiée pour un produit particulier, atteste que le magasin doit garder sa singularité. Il doit remplir des fonctions multimodales : des fonctions de commercialité traditionnelles en lien avec un processus d’achat initié sur internet et des fonctions sensorielles et émotionnelles qui renforcent une expérience favorisant les achats d’impulsion et évitant une logique trop rationnelle. Nous proposons aux managers des enseignes des pistes d’amélioration pour adapter leur modèle de distribution et revisiter le rôle alloué à leurs points de vente physiques. / The role of the smartphone in consumers’ life is constantly developing with their increasing mobility. Endowed with this technological and decision-making power, consumers modify their buying behavior. The objective of our research is to analyze the impact of smartphone uses on shopping behavior in order to understand the determinants of mobility and the use of technology that play a role in shopping trips. The problem focuses on an analysis of the shopping process as a whole while keeping a less monolithic. Our research is empirical, based on a two qualitative studies: in a first study, we question consumers on their daily smartphone practices and on their hybrid shopping experiences influenced by this technological device; in a second study, we interview clients after a shopping experience in a shoe store of a multichannel retail chain. A first level of results brings a better understanding of smartphone uses (based on the criteria of frequency and intensity of use) that definitely fit in the continuity of “mobiquity”. A second level of results shows the link between these practices and the praxeology of the shopping process that becomes more rational and efficient under smartphone influence. Nevertheless, the shopping experience at the point of sale, studied here for a particular product, attests that the store must keep its singularity. It has to fulfill multimodal functions: traditional commercial functions in connection with a process initiated on the internet and sensory and emotional functions that reinforce impulse buying and avoid too rational logic. We propose to the retail managers to adapt their retail model and to revisit the role allocated to their physical points of sale.

The influence of human variables on consumers' shopping experience in FMCG retail stores in Ekurhuleni

Malope, Henry Shitisang 01 March 2019 (has links)
In today’s constantly changing, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) retail market environment, it is imperative that retailers should focus on creating a pleasant shopping experience to differentiate their stores in order to achieve a competitive advantage. One of the strategies to achieve competitive advantage can be human variables. This study focused on the influence of human variables on consumers’ shopping experience in FMCG retail stores in Ekurhuleni. Therefore, this study expands the existing knowledge of human variables in the FMCG retail environment. Human variables in the context of this study comprise other customers and sales associates. Each of these human variables is made up of sub-variables. The sub-variables of other customers include crowding and social relations. On the other hand, the sub-variables of sales associates are sales associates’ availability, physical attributes of sales associates and behavioural attributes of sales associates. This empirical study was conducted with 400 FMCG retail stores consumers of the ages between 18 and 60 who reside in Ekurhuleni. The study followed a descriptive research design and quantitative approach in order to address the research objectives. A convenience sampling method and a mall-intercept survey by means of self-administered questionnaires were used to collect data. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was conducted in which the Likert scale statements in question 2 - 6 (see Appendix B) measuring different sub-variables of other customers and sales associates were subjected to a Principal Axis Factoring with Oblimin rotation. The results of the final EFA involved 13 Likert scale items. The test were conducted to validate the measures of human variables. The Principal Axis Factoring revealed five factors. These factors were social relations, behavioural attributes, crowding, physical attributes and sales associates’ availability. Therefore, reliability tests were conducted on the final items measuring the human variables. The results of this research study indicate that social relations, sales associates’ availability, physical attributes of sales associates and behavioural attributes of sales associates influence consumers’ shopping experience in FMCG retail stores in Ekurhuleni. However, the consumers felt neutral with regard to crowding. The test results of a chi-square for equal proportion revealed that all the five hypotheses (H1, H2, H3, H4, and H5) were supported as the proportions of consumers with regard to the influence of these sub-variables on their shopping experience were statistically different. Furthermore, ANOVA and F-test results for testing whether there were differences between demographics indicated that H1a, H2b and H5c were supported because there were statistically significant differences between genders with regard to the influence of crowding, between age groups regarding social relations, as well as between racial groups with regard to the influence of behavioural attributes of sales associates on consumers’ shopping experience. / Business Management / M. Com (Business Management)

Efectos en la experiencia de compra frente a la no entrega de bolsas de plásticos, a causa de la Ley Nº 30884: Una exploración cualitativa desde el estudio de las actitudes

Quino Martínez, Fiorella Victoria 12 April 2020 (has links)
A causa del excesivo uso de plásticos, específicamente bolsas de plástico, han aumentado los niveles de contaminación ambiental, agotando la capacidad para procesarlos, ya que eliminarlos por completo no es una opción debido a sus componentes. Para tratar de mitigar sus efectos, el Gobierno Peruano, promulgó en diciembre 2018 la Ley Nº 30884 Ley de Plásticos de un solo uso, la cual afecta directamente a los consumidores, quienes hacen uso de las bolsas y a los comercios que incluyen bolsas de plástico como parte de la venta final. Entre estas empresas se encuentran supermercados y tiendas por departamento, las cuales han sido seleccionadas para la presente investigación. A raíz de la nula información de los efectos de la ley, nace el interés por resolver cuáles son los efectos en las actitudes de mujeres y hombres entre 25 a 40 años del NSE A y B de Lima metropolitana en su experiencia de compra en supermercados y tiendas por departamento frente a la no entrega de bolsas plásticas debido a la Ley de Plásticos de un solo uso. La metodología será una investigación interpretativa naturalista con enfoque cualitativo. De esa manera, se aplicarán entrevistas individuales a los especialistas y entrevistas grupales semi estructuradas. Es decir, focus group siguiendo la estructura académica de la guía de indagación. / Due to the excessive use of plastics, specifically plastic bags, they have increased the levels of environmental contamination, exhausting the capacity to process them, since eliminating them completely is not an option due to their components. To try to mitigate its effects, the Peruvian Government enacted in December 2018 Law No. 30884 Single-use Plastics Law, which directly affects consumers, who use the bags and businesses that include plastic bags such as part of the final sale. These companies include supermarkets and department stores, which have been selected for this research. As a result of the lack of information on the effects of the law, the interest in solving the effects on the attitudes of women and men between 25 and 40 years of the NSE A and B of metropolitan Lima in their shopping experience in supermarkets and department stores versus non-delivery of plastic bags due to the Single Use Plastics Act. The methodology will be a naturalistic interpretive research with a qualitative approach. In this way, individual interviews with specialists and semi-structured group interviews will be applied. That is, focus group following the academic structure of the inquiry guide. / Trabajo de investigación

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