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Avaliação da integridade de córregos a partir das características da paisagem: teste do protocolo WHEBIP para uma região tropicalPires, Adriana Helena Catojo 29 August 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-08-29 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / Lotic systems are highly influenced by the landscape through which they flow, and changes in the landscape are the main threat to their ecological integrity. Evaluating the ecological "health" of lotic systems is essential and of great importance to the management of water resources worldwide. In this study, we evaluated the integrity of streams in southeastern Brazil using the protocol WHEBIP (Watershed Habitat Evaluation and Biotic Integrity Protocol), which combines information about the coverage of riparian vegetation, geomorphology, land cover and human activities to assess the physical characteristics of the sub-basin and to evaluate the integrity of streams. We compared this protocol with the protocol RCE (Riparian, Channel and Environmental), already widely used in tropical regions, to directly assess stream physical condition. As a measure of the functional integrity of streams, we estimated leaf breakdown rates, an important process in lotic systems. Furthermore, we sorted and identified the macroinvertebrates that colonized leaves in the 2nd and 28th days of the decomposition experiment and calculated environmental quality metrics related to these communities to test their relationship with WHEBIP. The protocols WHEBIP and RCE were significantly correlated to each other, with greater differentiation among streams especially when RCE was high. Possibly, the WHEBIP, by incorporating spatial variables on a large scale in the landscape, best differentiates these streams. None of the protocols tested were correlated with leaf breakdown rates. However, when calculating variation of decay rates (standard error), we observed a positive relationship with the protocol WHEBIP. Thus, we grouped the metrics of the protocol WHEBIP in a Principal Component Analysis (PCA), noting the trend to a significant correlation between changes in leaf breakdown rates and the first axis of the PCA, which indicates that the increase of forest cover in the microbasin could reduce variation in leaf breakdown rates in streams. The WHEBIP and RCE showed no correlation with the environmental quality metrics related to macroinvertebrate communities. But we tested the hypothesis that higher values of WHEBIP decreases the variation in leaf breakdown rates due to higher stability of macoinvertebrate communities, we found a significant correlation to withdraw one of the streams of the analysis. This stream differed greatly from the rest, because even getting down in value in WHEBIP, showed a differentiation between communities, due to the dominance of certain taxa in the days analyzed. This is the first study in the tropics that relates the variation in leaf breakdown rates in streams and forest cover of the microbasin within they are inserted. Our results suggest that WHEBIP protocol can be used to assess the integrity of streams in tropical regions. This protocol showed significant relationships with the variation in leaf breakdown rates, which may prove to be an interesting metric for use in monitoring, and the stability of the macroinvertebrate community, which is greater in less impacted streams, as suggested by other studies. / Os sistemas lóticos são extremamente influenciados pela paisagem através da qual fluem, e as transformações na paisagem são a principal ameaça à sua integridade ecológica. Avaliar a saúde ecológica dos sistemas lóticos é fundamental e de grande importância para o manejo dos recursos hídricos em todo o mundo. Neste estudo, avaliamos a integridade de córregos no sudeste brasileiro utilizando o protocolo WHEBIP (Watershed Habitat Evaluation and Biotic Integrity Protocol), que combina informações sobre a cobertura de vegetação ripária, geomorfologia, cobertura da terra e atividades humanas para avaliar as características físicas da sub-bacia e estimar a integridade de córregos. Comparamos esse protocolo com o protocolo RCE (Riparian, Channel and Environmental), já bastante utilizado em regiões tropicais, para avaliação física direta dos córregos. Como medida da integridade funcional dos córregos, estimamos a taxa de decomposição foliar, importante processo nos sistemas lóticos. Além disso, triamos e identificamos os macroinvertebrados que colonizaram as folhas referentes ao 2º e ao 28º dias do experimento de decomposição e calculamos métricas de qualidade ambiental relacionadas às comunidades desses organismos, para testar sua relação com o WHEBIP. Os protocolos WHEBIP e RCE foram significativamente correlacionados entre si, havendo maior diferenciação entre os córregos principalmente quando o RCE foi alto. Possivelmente o WHEBIP, por incorporar variáveis espaciais em uma escala maior na paisagem, diferencia melhor esses córregos. Nenhum dos protocolos testados apresentou correlação com as taxas de decomposição. No entanto, ao calcularmos a variação das taxas de decomposição (erro padrão), observamos uma relação positiva com o protocolo WHEBIP. Assim, agrupamos as métricas do protocolo WHEBIP em uma Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA), observando tendência a uma correlação significativa entre a variação das taxas de decomposição e o primeiro Eixo da PCA, o que indica que o aumento da cobertura florestal na microbacia poderia reduzir a variação nas taxas de decomposição foliar nos córregos. O WHEBIP e o RCE não apresentaram correlações com as métricas de qualidade ambiental relacionadas às comunidades de macroinvertebrados. Mas ao testarmos a hipótese de que os maiores valores do WHEBIP diminuiriam a variação das taxas de decomposição devido a maior estabilidade das comunidades de macroinvertebrados, encontramos uma correlação significativa ao retirarmos um dos córregos das análises. Esse córrego diferenciava-se bastante do restante, pois mesmo obtendo baixo valor no protocolo WHEBIP, apresentou uma baixa diferenciação entre as comunidades, devido à dominância de alguns táxons nos dias analisados. Este é o primeiro trabalho para os trópicos que relaciona a variação nas taxas de decomposição foliar nos córregos e a cobertura florestal das microbacias em que estão inseridos. Nossos resultados sugerem que o protocolo WHEBIP pode ser utilizado para avaliar a integridade de córregos em regiões tropicais. Esse protocolo apresentou relações significativas com a variação nas taxas de decomposição, que pode vir a ser uma métrica interessante para o uso em monitoramento, e com a estabilidade da comunidade de macroinvertebrados, que é maior em córregos menos impactados, conforme sugerido por outros estudos.
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Aplicação de geotecnologias e do modelo EUPS como subsídio ao planejamento do uso da terra: estudo de caso no alto curso da microbacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Cachoeirinha, Iracemápolis, SPOliveira, Antonio Marcos Machado de [UNESP] 11 January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
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oliveira_amm_dr_rcla.pdf: 1862780 bytes, checksum: 5441bb2143b3b5b71d10296938000e3d (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O trabalho apresenta uma aplicação das geotecnologias (Sensoriamento Remoto e SIG) na seção do alto curso da bacia hidrográfica do Ribeirão Cachoeirinha, à montante da cidade de Iracemápolis, S.P.. O objetivo foi indicar a importância da aplicação daquelas técnicas, com o suporte do modelo EUPS, como subsídio ao planejamento sustentável do uso das terras, com ênfase na ocupação agrícola. Apresenta-se, também, neste estudo, uma discussão referente à inserção destas técnicas no âmbito dos estudos geográficos, bem como suas limitações. A partir da análise dos dados, foram geradas cartas de síntese referentes aos indicadores da erosão hídrica do solo: potencial natural de erosão (PNE), riscos e expectativa de erosão em relação à ocupação agrícola das terras. Além disso, a série de fotos, obtidas através do trabalho de campo, possibilitaram avaliar as limitações do modelo EUPS em determinadas situações e tecer algumas considerações reflexivas a partir dos resultados obtidos. / This paper shows na application of the geotecnologies (Remote Sensing and GIS) in the section, of the high course of the basin of the River Cachoeirinha, above the town of Iracemápolis, S.P. The objective was to indicate the importance of the application of those techniques, with the support the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) model, as a subside to the sustainable planning of the land use emphasizing the agricultural occupation. It is also shown, in this study, a discussion referring to the insertion of the techniques in the scope of geographic studies, as well as their limitations. From the analysis of the data syntheses maps were produced refering to the indicators of hidric erosion of the soil: natural potential of erosion (NPE), risksand expectancy of erosion in relation to the agricultural occupation of the lands. More over, the series of photos, obtained though the field work, made it possible to evaluate the limitations of the USLE model in some situations and made some reflexive considerations from the results.
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Un modèle de simulation pour une infrastructure logistique dédiée à la fourniture de services mobiles sensibles au contexte : application au tourisme / A model simulation for trip planning recommendation system in TourismSukhbaatar, Uyanga 07 October 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche vise à étudier les plusieurs variantes de problèmes de planification de voyage et de développer la technique efficace pour résoudre ce problème d'optimisation. Afin de modéliser ce genre de problème le problème d'orientation est devenu le point de départ prometteur. Par conséquent, ce modèle de base est étendue à plusieurs variantes pour permettre des fonctionnalités de séjour supplémentaires. Basé sur l'algorithme qui est appliquée avec succès à l'certaine version du problème, nous avons proposé la Itéré locale algorithme de recherche pour lutter contre dépendant du temps multi contrainte équipe Orientation un problème de temps Windows. Le MCTOPTW simple, prend en compte la limitation du budget de l'argent que de multiples contraintes, en plus de fenêtre de temps et le score de satisfaction associée tandis que le TDMCTOPTW considère l'intégration de réseau de transport public urbain dans la MCTOPTW. / This research work aims to investigate the several variants of trip planning problems and develop efficient technique to solve that optimization problem. In order to model this kind of problem the Orienteering Problem became the promising starting point. Therefore, this basic model is extended to several variants in order to enable additional tourist functionalities. Based on the algorithm that is successfully applied to the certain version of problem, we proposed the Iterated Local Search Algorithm to tackle the Time Dependent Multi Constraint Team Orienteering Problem with Time Windows. The simple MCTOPTW takes into account money budget limitation as multiple constraints in addition to time window and associated satisfaction score while the TDMCTOPTW considers the integration of urban public transportation network into the MCTOPTW.
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Du texte à la carte : contribution de la géographie à la traduction spatiale de la loi Littoral : application en Bretagne / From Law to the map : contribution of geography to the spatial translation of the Coastal Law (Loi Littoral) : application in BrittanyEymery, Céline 26 November 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une contribution de la géographie à la traduction spatiale de la loi Littoral. Depuis de nombreuses années, le littoral est devenu un espace sous pression. La loi no 86-2 du 03 janvier 1986 relative à l’aménagement, la protection et la mise en valeur du littoral est venue encadrer les usages du sol en bord de mer en autorisant le développement d’une urbanisation raisonnée tout en protégeant des espaces naturels. Afin de réglementer l’usage des espaces littoraux, par nature variés, cette « loi-cadre » a été volontairement conçue et rédigée avec des notions imprécises (l’agglomération, les espaces proches du rivage, les coupures d’urbanisation, etc.). Cette imprécision a fait et fait toujours l’objet de problèmes d’interprétation par les différents acteurs (les élus, les services de l’État, les propriétaires privés, etc.). L’esprit de la « loi Littoral » encourage à tenir compte des spécificités des territoires pour interpréter les notions de cette loi et les traduire dans les documents d’urbanisme. Dans ce contexte, la question de l’apport de la géographie dans l’interprétation de cette loi, notamment par la spatialisation de ces notions, se pose donc avec intérêt. L’hypothèse selon laquelle l’interprétation de la loi Littoral peut être éclairée par la « géographie juridique » est formulée. La thèse cherche à démontrer par des approches théoriques et méthodologiques que la géographie, au moyen de l’analyse spatiale et de la cartographie, permet d’apprécier ces notions en fonction des spécificités locales et des choix faits pour développer et préserver chaque territoire. Ainsi, l’utilisation de critères géographiques peut guider les acteurs vers une interprétation en adéquation avec la réalité des territoires. Dans cette optique, des outils et des méthodes de traitement de l’information spatiale sont utilisés à l’aide d’un système d'information géographique (SIG) pour cartographier des critères de géographie et tester différents seuils. La démonstration, mise en application sur des communes littorales bretonnes, met en avant que le choix des critères et des seuils dépend indéniablement du projet de territoire. / This thesis proposes a contribution of geography to the spatial translation of the Coastal Law (Loi Littoral). For many years, the coast has become a space under pressure. Law No 86-2 of 3 January 1986 relating to coastal development, protection and enhancement was developed to regulate land uses on the seaside, thus allowing the development of a rational urbanisation while protecting natural areas. In order to regulate the usage of coastal areas, diverse in nature, this "framework law" was deliberately designed and written with imprecise notions (urban clusters, near-shore areas, gaps in urbanisation, etc.). This imprecision was and still is leading to problems of interpretation by different players (politicians, State services, private landowners, etc.). The spirit of the Coastal Law is to encourage the consideration of local specificities when interpreting the notions of this law and translating it into spatial planning documents. In this context, the question of the relevance of geography in the interpretation of the Coastal Law, including the spatial distribution of these notions, is therefore of interest.The assumption that the interpretation of the Coastal Law can be deepened by "legal geography" is thus formulated. The thesis seeks to demonstrate by theoretical and methodological approaches that geography, by means of spatial analysis and mapping, allows us to appreciate these notions on the basis of local conditions as well as the choices made to develop and preserve every land. Thus, the use of geographical criteria can guide stakeholders towards an interpretation in line with the reality of the territories. In this context, tools and methods for spatial information are used with the help of a geographic information system (GIS) to map the different criteria and test different thresholds. The demonstration, implemented on Breton coastal communities, highlights that the choice of criteria and thresholds is undeniably dependent of the territory's project.
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Roma, quartiere Appio-Latino (VII Municipio) : archeologia del paesaggio urbano dalle origini alla tarda antichità / Rome, quartier Appio-Latino (Municipio VII) : archéologie du paysage urbain depuis les origines jusqu’à la fin de l’Antiquité / Rome, Appio-Latino district (Municipio VII) : urban landscape archaeology since the origins to Late AntiquityDe Palma, Giulia 21 November 2015 (has links)
Le travail s’inscrit dans le cadre de la problématique historique de l’étude des zones suburbaines dans le monde ancien, en proposant l’analyse systématique d’un secteur bien circonscrit du proche suburbium de Rome, le territoire extraurbain compris entre les portes Latina et San Giovanni, entre les murailles d’Aurélien et la distance d’environ un mille de ces dernières. Le territoire ainsi défini, d’une extension d’environ 270 hectares, constitue l’un des quartiers les plus densément édifiés de la ville, le quartier Appio-Latino (Municipio VII). En conséquence des profondes transformations intervenues au fil des siècles, notamment suite à l’urbanisation moderne, commencée à partir des dernières décennies du XIXè siècle, cette partie de la ville ne garde aujourd’hui que de très rares traces, fragmentaires et décontextualisées, des établissements anciens. Malgré cette pénurie de vestiges archéologiques, ce territoire revêtait néanmoins une très grande importance dans l’Antiquité. Situé aux marges de l’espace urbain, il constituait une véritable « zone tampon » entre la ville (l’urbs) et le territoire environnant (l’ager). Avant la réalisation des murailles d’Aurélien qui, à la fin du IIIè siècle ap. J.C., ont définitivement séparé ce territoire du reste de la ville, celui-ci a rempli une multiplicité de fonctions : les communications avec l’extérieur, assurées par un réseau routier qui s’est mis en place très précocement, tout en se configurant comme l’élément organisateur de l’espace, la production, orientée vers l’agriculture mais aussi, dans une moindre mesure, vers les activités artisanales, les nécropoles, que les coutumes anciennes relèguent systématiquement à l’extérieur de l’espace habité. L’étude propose une restitution de l’histoire du quartier articulée en 6 périodes chronologiques appuyée sur l’ensemble des données archéologiques, accompagnée par un apparat cartographique réalisé à l’aide d’’un SIG (Système d’Information Géographique). / This research sets against the background of the historical problem of roman ancient suburb by the analysis of the extra urban area between the Latina and San Giovanni gates, between the walls of Aurelian and the distance of about a mile from them. The territory thus defined (a 270 hectares area) is one of the most densely built up areas of the city, the Appio-Latino district. Accordingly profound transformations over the centuries, particularly following the modern urbanization, which started at the end of the nineteenth century, this part of the city keeps today very few ancient remains, fragmented and decontextualized. Despite this lack of archaeological remains, nevertheless, this territory was of great importance in antiquity. Located on the edges of the urban space, it is a real "buffer zone" between the city (the urbs) and the surrounding territory (ager). Before the construction of the Aurelian walls, which in the late third century AD definitively separated the suburb from the rest of the city, this area has filled a multiplicity of functions: communications with the outside territories and cities, provided by a efficient road network that set up very early; production, oriented towards agriculture and craft activities; necropolis, that ancient customs used to relegate systematically outside the urban spaces.This research proposes a reconstruction of the history of the district articulated in 6 chronological periods relied on archaeological data, accompanied by a cartographical apparatus produced using a GIS (Geographic Information System).
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Toward a customized privacy preservation method in mobile tourism applications / Vers une méthode personnalisée de préservation de la vie privée dans les applications du tourisme mobileMou, Lei 07 October 2016 (has links)
Le développement rapide des TIC (Information and Communication Technology) a un impact énorme à toutes les industries. Internet Mobile, Web 2.0, la technologie de positionnement sont déployées dans le monde largement, qui a initialisé la demande intérieure des nouvelles technologies dans le domaine du tourisme. En profitant de la commodité apportée par les nouvelles technologies, de plus en plus d'utilisateurs de commencer à se concentrer sur les questions de confidentialité.Comme on le sait, il y a une contradiction entre la qualité des services et la vie privée recommandés basés sur la localisation. profil de l'utilisateur détaillé et informations de localisation précises sont nécessaires pour fournir un service basé sur la localisation avec une grande efficacité et de qualité, tandis que la préservation de la vie privée exige cacher le profil et l'emplacement de l'utilisateur. De nombreuses recherches récentes vise à trouver un équilibre entre eux, pour obtenir la meilleure qualité de la LBS dans le contexte du contenu du profil de l'utilisateur et les informations de localisation moins exposée.Dans cette thèse, l'auteur a porté principalement sur la vie privée de profil de l'utilisateur mobile, qui couvre à la fois les caractéristiques personnelles et les informations de localisation.1, sur mesure modèle de confidentialité des utilisateurs considérant à la fois les qualités personnelles et la localisation spatiale et temporelle est définie pour l'utilisateur mobile.Dans cette recherche, nous avons proposé le modèle de confidentialité personnalisé pour chaque utilisateur de définir, son / sa propre signification de la vie privée. Avec ce modèle, à des fins de Voyage différents, ou même pour le temps et un autre emplacement, ils peuvent avoir des définitions différentes pour leur vie privée.2, Minimiser les données à stocker sur le serveur.Les profils sont stockés de deux façons différentes, le profil complet est stocké sur le côté client, et seules les valeurs des attributs qui sont en mesure pour les utilisateurs de partager sont stockés sur le côté serveur, ainsi minimisé les données à stocker sur le serveur.3, les niveaux personnalisés de granularité de la divulgation de l'emplacement et l'heure sont réglables pour les utilisateurs.Pour changer fréquemment des attributs tels que l'emplacement et l'heure, l'utilisateur peut les divulguer avec une granularité appropriée, afin d'obtenir le service attendu par les fournisseurs de services.Mots-clés: vie privée, l'emplacement, le profil de l'utilisateur, mobile, tourisme / The rapid development of ICT(Information and Communication Technology) brought huge impact to all industries. Mobile internet, Web 2.0, positioning technology are deployed world-widely, that initialized inner request of new technologies in the field of tourism as well. By enjoying the convenience brought by new technologies, more and more users starting to focus on privacy issues.As known, there is a contradiction between the quality of recommended location-based services and privacy. Detailed user profile and precise location information are needed for providing location-based service with high efficiency and quality, while privacy preservation requires hiding user's profile and location. Many recent researches aims to seek a balance between them, to obtain the best quality of the LBS in the context of the least exposed user profile content and location information.In this thesis, the author focused mainly on the privacy of mobile user profile, which covers both personal characteristics and location information.1, Customized user privacy model considering both personal attributes and spatial and temporal location is defined for mobile user.In this research, we proposed customized privacy model for every user to define, his/her own meaning of privacy. With this model, for different travel purpose, or even for different time and location, they can have different definitions for their privacy.2, Minimized the data to be stored on server.Profiles are stored in two different ways, complete profile is stored on the client side, and only the values of the attributes that are able for the users to share are stored on the server side, thus minimized the data to be stored on server.3, Customized levels of granularity of disclosure of location and time are adjustable for users.For frequently changing attributes such as location and time, user can disclose them with suitable granularity, in order to obtain expected service from the service providers.Keywords: privacy, location, user profile, mobile, tourism
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Análise da Paisagem e Dinâmica Socioeconômica e Ambiental na Região da Área de Proteção Ambiental da Barra do Rio Mamanguape – PB / Landscape Analysis and Socioeconomic and Environmental Dynamics in the Region of the Environmental Protection Area of the Barra do Rio Mamanguape – PBAssis, Hugo Yuri Elias Gomes de 10 August 2017 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2017-08-10 / Este trabalho teve como foco identificar e espacializar a área de influência hidrológica direta dos
manguezais, sua dinâmica de paisagem e os aspectos socioeconômicos da Área de Proteção Ambiental da
Barra do Rio Mamanguape, no período de quinze anos (2001 – 2016). Com este objetivo o trabalho
identificou a área de influência hidrológica (AIH) direta nos manguezais da APA, assim como as principais
linhas de drenagem que formam a rede de escoamento de seu manguezal; analisou alguns parâmetros
morfométricos e da Ecologia da Paisagem para identificar as fragilidades ambientais das bacias
identificadas; análise da dinâmica do uso e ocupação da terra em escala temporal de 15 anos por meio de
técnicas e métricas de análise da paisagem; e analisou a dinâmica socioeconômica em escala temporal de
10 anos (censos 2000 e 2010). Após a realização da pesquisa, constatou-se que, dentre as bacias analisadas,
a bacia do Mamanguape possui parâmetros morfométricos e usos da terra que ameaçam a homeorrese dos
ecossistemas naturais. Também foi observada uma redução significativa (7.529 ha) dos Ecossistemas
Naturais durante o período. A falta de planejamento, fiscalização, oportunidades de auferir renda pelas
comunidades, além das situações de risco sociais contribuíram neste sentido. Também houve forte dinâmica
nos parâmetros socioeconômicos analisados em todos os seis municípios inseridos na AIH. O corte de
verbas do Governo Federal junto ao ICMBio que administra a UC influencia nas ações preventivas e de
educação ambiental. A privação de liberdades substantivas influencia negativamente nas relações
socioambientais por meio do uso extrativista dos recursos naturais não planejados. Faz-se necessário ações
conjuntas entre sociedade civil organizada e o poder público em todas as esferas a fim de fortalecer o
desenvolvimento local sustentável com gestão participativa. Foram geradas informações sólidas para o
planejamento de ações de mitigação de impactos negativos e para conservação dos recursos naturais e
fiscalização pelos órgãos responsáveis. Levando em consideração a dinâmica socioeconômica por meio da
avaliação de dados dos censos realizados pelo IBGE é conclusivo que foram identificadas as fragilidades
nas diferentes comunidades. Assim, foram gerados dados importantes para o Estado e outras instituições
na busca de soluções para problemas socioeconômicos que interferem diretamente na conservação dos
recursos naturais. / This work aimed to identify and spatialize the area of direct hydrological influence of mangroves,
its landscape dynamics and the socioeconomic aspects of the Environmental Protection Area of the Barra
do Rio Mamanguape, during the period of fifteen years (2001-2016). With this objective the work identified
the area of direct hydrological influence (AIH) in the EPA mangroves, as well as the main drainage lines
that form the outflow network of its mangrove; analyzed some morphometric parameters and Landscape
Ecology to identify environmental fragilities of the identified basins; analyzed the dynamics of the use and
occupation of land in timescale of 15 years through technical and metrics of landscape analysis; and
analyzed the socioeconomic dynamics on a 10-year time scale (censuses 2000 and 2010). After the research,
it was verified that, among the analyzed basins, the Mamanguape basin has morphometric parameters and
land uses that threaten the homeorresis of the natural ecosystems. A significant reduction (7,529 ha) of the
Natural Ecosystems during the period was also observed. The lack of planning, supervision, opportunities
to earn income from the communities, in addition to social risk situations contributed to this. There was
also some strong dynamics in the socioeconomic parameters analyzed in all six municipalities inserted in
the AIH. The funds cutting by the Federal Government for ICMBio which manages the protected area
influences the preventive and environmental education. The deprivation of substantive liberties negatively
influences social-environmental relations through the extractive use of unplanned natural resources. Joint
actions between organized civil society and public power at all levels are needed to strengthen sustainable
local development with participatory management. Solid information was generated for planning actions
to mitigate negative impacts and for conserving natural resources and for the responsible agencies
supervision. Considering the socioeconomic dynamics through the evaluation of census data carried out by
IBGE, it is conclusive that the fragilities in the different communities were identified. Thus, important data
were generated for the State and other institutions in the search for solutions to socioeconomic problems
that directly interfere in the conservation of natural resources.
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Pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade em prol da APA do Alto do MucuriPereira, Janaina Mendon?a 18 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Raniere Barreto (raniere.barros@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-04-13T18:54:46Z
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Previous issue date: 2016 / A ?rea de Prote??o Ambiental (APA) do Alto do Mucuri apresenta consider?veis remanescentes florestais de Mata Atl?ntica e tem sofrido intensa press?o antr?pica, principalmente por desmatamentos e queimadas. Esse conflito florestal poder? ser equacionado e atender aos interesses da sociedade atrav?s da implementa??o de eficientes pol?ticas p?blicas. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se sistematizar informa??es ambientais e correlacionar as mesmas com as pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade. No estudo foram considerados para an?lise multicrit?rio o uso e cobertura do solo, a declividade, a densidade de drenagem, o tamanho de fragmentos florestais, dist?ncia dos corpos d??gua e crit?rios hidrogeol?gicos, que foram analisados atrav?s da metodologia de combina??o linear ponderada. Os crit?rios foram correlacionados com as pol?ticas p?blicas florestal e de prote??o ? biodiversidade propostas pela lei estadual, associadas ? restaura??o ecol?gica, conserva??o e prote??o ? biodiversidade, e produ??o sustent?vel. A utiliza??o de crit?rios hidrogeol?gicos no presente estudo ? uma inova??o em an?lises multicrit?rios para defini??o de ?reas priorit?rias para a conserva??o e recupera??o ambiental. A an?lise multicrit?rio realizada no presente estudo, atrav?s do m?todo de combina??o linear ponderada, permitiu a integra??o de diferentes crit?rios, que em conjunto, podem ajudar na tomada de decis?o de institui??es relacionadas ao ordenamento desse territ?rio. Muitos desses crit?rios se analisados de forma isolada, podem levar a a??es e pol?ticas que n?o correspondem a complexidade da regi?o e consequentemente podem n?o ser t?o efetivas quanto o necess?rio. Constatou-se que a regi?o possui alta sensibilidade ambiental quanto aos recursos h?dricos, por apresentar ?reas com altas declividades e alta densidade de drenagem, distribu?das em todo o territ?rio. Al?m disso, apresenta ?reas com ?guas e pacotes sedimentares superficiais que necessitam de cobertura florestal para manuten??o da estabilidade. Em conjunto, esses fatores indicam baixa capacidade de infiltra??o da ?gua e favorecimento ao escoamento superficial, prejudicando o balan?o h?drico da bacia hidrogr?fica. Desta forma, conclui-se que a regi?o possui alta depend?ncia de vegeta??o nativa e, portanto, demanda a??es que potencializem o aumento da cobertura florestal e a produ??o sustent?vel. Atrav?s da implementa??o de pol?ticas p?blicas adequadas ? realidade deste territ?rio, com plena participa??o social, ser? poss?vel proporcionar uma chance de real concilia??o entre a conserva??o das esp?cies, habitats e servi?os ecossist?micos, e o desenvolvimento econ?mico e social, numa das regi?es mais fr?geis do Estado de Minas Gerais. As estrat?gias de conserva??o e restaura??o ecol?gica, bem como de produ??o e uso sustent?vel, devem buscar abordagens integradoras, atrav?s da articula??o de iniciativas j? existentes, assim como do desenvolvimento de novas solu??es, adaptadas ? realidade local e regional, sobretudo com vistas ? prote??o dos recursos naturais e produ??o sustent?vel na APA do Alto do Mucuri. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Tecnologia, Sa?de e Sociedade, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016. / The Environmental Protection Area (APA) of Higth Mucuri River presents considerable forest remnants of the Atlantic Forest, and has suffered intense anthropic pressure, mainly by deforestation and fires. This forest conflict can be equated and serve the interests of society through the implementation of efficient public policies. In this work, the objective was to systematize environmental information and correlate them with forest public policies and biodiversity protection. In the study, the use and coverage of soil, declivity, drainage density, size of forest fragments, distance of water bodies and hydrogeological criteria were analyzed using a weighted linear combination methodology. The criteria were correlated with the forest public policies and biodiversity protection proposed by state law, associated with ecological restoration, conservation and protection of biodiversity, and sustainable production. The use of hydrogeological criteria in the present study is an innovation in multicriteria analyzes to define priority areas for conservation and environmental recovery. The multicriteria analysis performed in the present study, using the weighted linear combination method, allowed the integration of different criteria, which together can help in the decision making of institutions related to the planning of that territory. Many of these criteria, if analyzed in isolation, can lead to actions and policies that do not correspond to the complexity of the region and therefore may not be as effective as necessary. It was verified that the region has high environmental sensitivity regarding water resources, since it presents areas with high slopes and high density of drainage, distributed throughout the territory. In addition, it presents areas with water and surface sedimentary packages that need forest cover to maintain stability. Taken together, these factors indicate low water infiltration capacity and favoring surface runoff, damaging the water balance of the watershed. In this way, we conclude that the region has high dependence on native vegetation and, therefore, demands actions that increase the forest cover and sustainable production. Through the implementation of public policies appropriate to the reality of this territory, with full social participation, it will be possible to provide a real reconciliation between the conservation of species, habitats and ecosystem services and economic and social development in one of the most fragile regions of the State of Minas Gerais. Ecological conservation and restoration strategies, as well as production and sustainable use, should seek integrative approaches, through the articulation of existing initiatives, as well as the development of new solutions, adapted to the local and regional reality, especially with a view to protecting the Natural resources and sustainable production in The Environmental Protection Area of Higth Mucuri River.
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[pt] A crescente urbanização vem gerando grandes e médias cidades, que sem o devido planejamento urbano, enfrentam problemas cotidianos. Dentre esses problemas podem-se destacar aqueles ligados a mobilidade, que mostram que o atual modelo de circulação é caro e impactante. Torna-se assim evidente a necessidade de repensar a mobilidade urbana, incentivando a utilização e evolução de meios de transporte coletivos de qualidade e ambientalmente sustentáveis, contribuindo dessa forma para o desenvolvimento das cidades e para a qualidade de vida de sua população. Uma opção para melhorar a mobilidade é o VLT (Veículo Leve sobre Trilhos) que opera por força da eletricidade, induz a renovação urbana, e atrai usuários de outros transportes coletivos e do transporte individual, contribuindo desta forma para a implantação de uma mobilidade urbana mais sustentável e inclusiva. Deste modo, em 2014 foi iniciado o projeto de implantação de VLT na região central do Rio de Janeiro, e neste trabalho é apresentada a ferramenta de monitoramento de obras criada e utilizada em sua execução. Após análises da ferramenta é possível concluir que este modelo atendeu bem a seus propósitos, principalmente na etapa de planejamento, apresentando um meio de medir o progresso de construção de fácil compreensão, com amplo alcance dentre os gerentes do projeto e online, necessidades crescentes na indústria da construção. Sendo assim, este estudo demonstra um caráter atual, ao tentar desenvolver uma ferramenta que atende a uma demanda na indústria da construção, e inovador já que poucos estudos neste tema foram realizados na construção do VLT. / [en] The increasing urbanization has generated large and medium cities, which without proper urban planning, face daily problems. Among these problems can be detach those linked to mobility, which shows that the current circulation model is expensive and impactful. Becomes evident the need to rethink the urban mobility, encouraging the use and evolution of quality and sustainable means of transportation, thus contributing to the cities development and to the population life quality. An option to improve the mobility is the tramway that operates by electricity force, induces urban renewal, and attracts other collective transportation modes and individual transportation users, thus contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive urban mobility implantation. In this way, in 2014 was started the tramway implantation project in the central zone of Rio de Janeiro, and in this work it is presented a construction work monitoring tool created and used in your execution. After the tool analyses it is possible to conclude that this model served its purposes, mainly in the planning stage, presenting a way to measure the construction progress easy to understand, with wide reach between the project managers and online, construction industry growing needs. Therefore, this study demonstrate itself current, when try to develop a tool that meets a construction industry demand, and innovative since few studies in this theme were realized in the tramway construction.
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Habitação de interesse social em Viçosa, MG: identificação de possíveis áreas de ocupação e diretrizes para a política habitacional no município e para adequação aos programas de financiamento da Caixa e COHAB-MG / House of social interest in Viçosa, MG: identification of possible areas of occupation and guidelines for the habitational politics in the city and to adequation for programs of financing of the Caixa and COHAB-MGAlves, Patrícia Layne 04 August 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-08-04 / The habitational subjects are directly related to the stability and social justice, public health and to the incentive to the economical growth. Thus, the solving of the habitational problem of the population of low income demand a group of political strategies, techniques, social and territorial, whose face should be assumed by the State. Technological innovations presents in the contemporary society, such as the nets of communications have been providing a deep transformation in the production of the urban spaces and they put the challenge to adopt methods and techniques to guide the space organization of the cities. In this context, the main goal of this work is to identify the offer and availability of soil urbanized favorable to the occupation for house, starting from the parameters established locacionais for the Caixa Econômica Federal and the Companhia de Habitação do Estado de Minas Gerais (COHAB - MG) to financing of destined enterprises the house of social interest promoted by the municipal public power, in order to identify susceptible to areas to compose the Zonas Especiais de Interesse Social (ZEIS) and to define guidelines for the habitational politics in the city of Viçosa MG and their adequation for programs of financing of the Caixa and COHAB-MG. GIS - Geographical Information System was used as instrument for the treatment and analysis of the base of data of the city, and the Multicriteria Decision Analysis with the purpose of joining the parameters locacionais demanded by the announcements of financing of the Caixa and the COHAB-MG. Were performed place four sceneries for the Caixa's parameters and four for the COHAB's-MG, these sceneries were elaborated from the application of one analysis WLC and of three analyses OWA (OWA 1 - high risk and medium-high compensation; OWA 2 - medium risk and medium compensation and OWA 3 - low risk and low compensation). The scenarios were obtained from the aggregation of constraints and factors, which, after elected, and standardized, were included in the multicriteria decision analysis. For the current analysis was chosen to medium risk and medium compensation as the best answer to the problem proposed, resulting in nine areas with suitability intermediate. The method was complemented by field research in order to characterize each of the xvi areas. The analysis indicated that none of these areas are fully conformed to all criteria defined by Caixa and by COHAB-MG. However, as the government intends to address the politics issues that are inherent in housing issues and to acquire land or improved urbanize those indicated as possible ZEIS, you have options for construction of projects intended for house of social interest in the area of study. / As questões habitacionais estão diretamente relacionadas à estabilidade e justiça social, saúde pública e ao estímulo ao crescimento econômico. Dessa forma, o equacionamento do problema habitacional da população de menor renda demanda um conjunto de estratégias políticas, técnicas, sociais e territoriais, cujo enfrentamento deve ser assumido pelo Estado. As inovações tecnológicas presentes na sociedade contemporânea, como as redes de comunicações, têm proporcionado uma profunda transformação na produção dos espaços urbanos e colocam o desafio de se adotarem métodos e técnicas que orientem a organização espacial das cidades. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo identificar a oferta e disponibilidade de solo urbanizado propício à ocupação por habitação, a partir dos parâmetros locacionais estabelecidos pela Caixa Econômica Federal e pela Companhia de Habitação do Estado de Minas Gerais (COHAB - MG) para financiamento de empreendimentos destinados a habitação de interesse social promovidos pelo poder público municipal, a fim de identificar áreas passíveis de compor as Zonas Especiais de Interesse Social (ZEIS) e definir diretrizes para a política habitacional no município de Viçosa-MG e para sua adequação aos programas de financiamento da Caixa e da COHAB-MG. Utilizou-se o SIG Sistema de Informações Geográficas como instrumento para o tratamento e análise da base de dados do município, e a análise multicritério com a finalidade de agregar os parâmetros locacionais exigidos pelos editais de financiamento da Caixa e da COHAB-MG. Realizaram-se quatro cenários para os parâmetros da Caixa e quatro para os da COHAB-MG, elaborados a partir da aplicação de uma análise WLC e de três análises OWA (OWA 1- risco alto e compensação média a alta; OWA 2 risco médio e compensação média e OWA 3 risco baixo e compensação baixa). Os cenários foram obtidos a partir da agregação das restrições e dos fatores, que, depois de eleitos e padronizados, foram inseridos na análise multicritério. Das análises empreendidas elegeu-se a de risco médio e adequabilidade média como a melhor resposta para o problema proposto, resultando em nove áreas com adequabilidades intermediárias. O método foi complementado através de pesquisa in loco objetivando caracterizar cada uma das áreas. A análise indicou que nenhuma destas áreas adequou-se plenamente a todos os critérios definidos pela Caixa e pela COHAB-MG. Porém, à medida que o poder público se propuser a enfrentar as questões políticas que são intrínsecas às questões habitacionais e adquirir terrenos urbanizados ou urbanizar aqueles indicados como possíveis ZEIS, terá opções para implantação de empreendimentos destinados à habitação de interesse social na localidade em estudo.
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