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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Os santuários nas apoikias do Ocidente: organização física e inserção de estruturas de culto no espaço / Sanctuaries in Western apoikias: physical organization and insertion of cult structures in space

Regina Helena Rezende Bechelli 07 June 2013 (has links)
Realizamos um levantamento e um estudo dos vestígios de santuários construídos nas apoikias do Ocidente, analisando aspectos referentes à sua organização física e inserção no espaço urbano e no território ligado a ele para, a partir daí, procurar entender a relação do culto religioso com esse espaço construído. O período estudado compreende o intervalo entre os séculos VII e III a.C., quando identificamos movimentos de expansão e retração na frequentação das áreas sacras estudadas. A compreensão em profundidade da dinâmica de instalação e uso desses santuários nos proporcionou um melhor entendimento de como a sociedade grega estruturava a religião no espaço e como esses lugares serviam como mecanismos políticos de posse e controle do território, usados pelos gregos para se estabelecerem nessas novas áreas já ocupadas por populações autóctones ou por gregos provenientes de outras regiões. / We conducted a research of the remains of sanctuaries in the Western apoikias, analyzing aspects related to their physical organization and insertion into the urban space and the territory attached to it, in order to understand the relationship of the religious worship to this constructed space. The chronological scope of the study is from VII to III centuries BC, a time frame when we identify movements of expansion and contraction in the utilization of the sacred areas studied. The deep understanding of the dynamics of installation and use of these sanctuaries gave us a better understanding of how Greek society structured religion in space and how these places served as mechanisms of political control and possession of territory, used by the Greeks to settle in these new areas already occupied by indigenous communities or by Greeks from other regions.


RODRIGO TAVARES PAIVA 23 October 2006 (has links)
[pt] O processo de conteinerização e o desenvolvimento de redes de transporte intermodal têm provocado crescente competição no setor portuário e vêm interferindo nas zonas de influência dos portos (hinterland) do mundo inteiro, principalmente nos países desenvolvidos. Estas hinterlands estão deixando de ser cativas de um determinado porto para serem de múltipla influência de dois ou mais portos. Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo cujo objetivo é caracterizar a dinâmica portuária à luz da conteinerização, mapear a discussão acerca do conceito de hinterlands, identificando suas definições e sua validade, além de apresentar metodologias para sua delimitação, essenciais para permitir o correto planejamento do desenvolvimento portuário por parte de Autoridades Portuárias e Terminais Privativos num cenário de crescente competição. Essa contextualização conceitual e metodológica permitirá a aplicação de uma metodologia para o caso do porto de Rio Grande, localizado no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, especializado na movimentação de contêineres, utilizando-se para tanto de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG). / [en] The containerization process and the development of intermodal transport networks have lead to a competitive scenario in the port sector and have modified the ports hinterlands all over the world, specially on developed countries. These hinterlands are no more captive areas of one port but competitive areas of two or more ports. This dissertation presents a study whose objective is to characterize port development due to the containerization process, to map the discussion on port hinterlands concept, identifying its definitions and its validity, and to present methodologies for its delimitation, important to allow a correct port planning and development by Port Authorities or private terminals in a competitive scenario. This conceptual and methodological context will allow the application of a methodology using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) in the case study that embraces the port of Rio Grande, located at State of Rio Grande do Sul, specialized on containers handling.

Datorskrivandets påverkan på handstilen : En kvantitativ undersökning om skillnader i bokstavsformandet mellan en traditionellt handskrivande klass och en klass med ASL som inlärningsmetod

Klockarås, Karin, Forsberg, Sandra January 2017 (has links)
I denna studie söker vi svar på frågorna om formandet av bokstäver samt förmågan att använda gemener, versaler och punkt skiljer sig mellan elever som arbetat med skrivinlärning genom ett traditionellt arbetssätt jämfört med dem som arbetat med ASL som arbetssätt. För att få svar på dessa frågeställningar tillämpades en kvantitativ metod där vi undersökte insamlade elevtexter från två kommuner med olika arbetssätt. Elevernas formande av bokstäver samt förmåga att använda gemener, versaler och punkt undersöktes, dokumenterades och till sist jämfördes. Vissa forskningsresultat pekar på att ASL gynnar elevers skrivinlärning och att elever lär sig att forma bokstäverna genom att se dem på dataskärmen. Resultatet av denna studie visar att formandet av bokstäver är bättre bland eleverna som arbetat med traditionell bokstavsinlärning, medan förmågan att använda gemener, versaler och punkt är relativt lika mellan handskrivningsklass och ASL-klass. Utifrån studiens resultat kan vi dra slutsatsen att det fortfarande är viktigt att skriva med penna. I dagens digitaliserade värld kan det dock vara lämpligt att använda sig av både dator och att skriva för hand i skrivinlärningen.

Det praktiska arbetet med ASL : Hur lärare och deras elever arbetar praktiskt med läs- och skrivmetoden att skriva sig till läsning / The practice of WTR : The ways in which teachers and their pupils practice the reading and writing method writing through reading

Tånneryd, Therese January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete behandlar läs- och skrivmetoden ASL (Att Skriva sig till Läsning). Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur ASL kan tillämpas i årskurs ett och två. Detta syfte besvaras genom forskningsfrågorna: På vilka sätt arbetar lärare och elever med läs- och skrivmetoden ASL? Hur anser lärarna att elevernas lärande påverkas av dessa arbetssätt? Examensarbetet har utförts med ett sociokulturellt perspektiv som teoretisk grund. Metoden var av kvalitativ karaktär och utfördes med en induktiv ansats genom intervjuer av lärare och observationer av elever. Resultatet visade att lärarna hade olika arbetssätt och olika hjälpmedel. Några använde sig av surfplattor och andra av bärbara datorer. Både enskilt arbete och pararbete förekom. Elevernas klassrum skiljde sig gällande möblering, tillgängliga verktyg och även lärarnas syn på hur deras arbetssätt påverkade deras elever varierade. / This thesis discusses the reading and writing method WTR (Writing Through Reading). The aim of the study is to research how WTR can be utilized in first and second grade. This aim is answered by the research questions: In what way are the teachers and pupils practicing the reading and writing method WTR? In what way do the teachers believe the learning of the pupils is affected by these methods? The thesis has been conducted with a sociocultural perspective as a theoretical foundation. The method was a quality research executed with an inductive approach. This was accomplished through interviews with teachers and observations of pupils. The result of the thesis showed that the teachers practiced WTR differently and used varied devices. Some used tablets and others used laptops. The pupils practiced both individual work and in pairs. In addition, the results show variation in the classroom context and in the teachers’ attitude to how their teaching affected their pupils.

Dynamique spatiale et dégâts de carpocapse dans la basse vallée de la Durance / Spatial dynamics and damage of codling moth in the low Durance valley

Ricci, Benoît 04 September 2009 (has links)
L’étude de la dynamique spatiale des bioagresseurs doit permettre, à terme, de prendre en compte le paysage afin de concevoir une gestion plus efficace en intégrant à la fois l’organisation spatiale des pratiques de lutte et des aménagements paysagers défavorables aux ravageurs. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la dynamique spatiale du carpocapse (Cydia pomonella), le principal insecte ravageur des vergers de pommiers et poiriers dans le sud-est de la France. Nous avons recherché, par une approche exploratoire à l’échelle du bassin de production, quels étaient les effets du paysage sur les densités de ce ravageur. Nous avons développé une approche de modélisation théorique pour approfondir la compréhension des mécanismes de la dynamique spatiale. Nous avons également analysé la répartition spatiale des larves de carpocapse à l’échelle du verger pour appréhender d’autres processus plus locaux. Il est apparu des effets significatifs du paysage à l’échelle du bassin de production comme à l’échelle du verger. Les effectifs de carpocapse étaient influencés négativement par la densité de vergers conventionnels dans l’environnement. Nous avons montré que cette relation pouvait être liée à une différence de dynamique locale des populations entre vergers en agriculture biologique et verger en agriculture conventionnelles, associée à des évènements de migration. Les effectifs étaient également plus faibles dans les zones protégées du vent. Au sein de certains vergers, nous avons détecté une hétérogénéité dans la répartition spatiale des larves de carpocapse. Dans ces vergers particuliers, les effectifs tendaient à être plus faibles à proximité d’une haie, effet en partie lié à la diversité floristique de la haie. Enfin, nous avons modélisé les dégâts sur fruit en fonction de la dynamique temporelle du ravageur. Les dégâts étaient positivement et significativement reliés aux captures d’adultes ; mais cette relation était influencée par des facteurs locaux (phytoprotection) et paysagers. / Studying pest spatial dynamics should help developing efficient integrated management including organization of spatial distribution of crop protection strategies at the landscape scale, and selection of landscape structures unfavorable for pest. In this thesis, we focused on spatial dynamics of the codling moth (Cydia pomonella), the main insect pest of apple and pear orchards in southeastern France. We studied the landscape effects on the densities of this pest using a correlative approach at the scale of a fruit growing area. We developed a theoretical model of spatial dynamics in order to infer ecological mechanisms from correlative patterns. We also analyzed the spatial distribution of larvae at the orchard scale and studied local landscape effects. Codling moth densities were significantly related to landscape characteristics both at large and local scales. The number of codling moth was negatively correlated to the proportion of conventional host orchards in the surroundings. We showed that this relation may be a result of landscape heterogeneity and dispersal of the pest. The number of codling moth was also lower in those areas protected from the dominant wind. In some orchards, codling moth larvae were significantly aggregated and tended to be fewer in the proximity of the hedgerows with a potential effect of the flora diversity in the nearest hedgerow. Finally, we modeled fruit damage as a function of adult codling moth temporal dynamics. Damages were positively related to the number of trapped adults but this relation depended on local (crop protection) and landscape factors.

Att skriva sig till läsning : Datoranvändning i den tidiga läs- och skrivutvecklingen för elever i årskurs F-3 som har svenska som andraspråk

Baudin Persson, Sandra January 2016 (has links)
Att skriva sig till läsning (ASL) innebär att man vänder på läs- och skrivutvecklingen och istället ägnar sig åt skriv- och läsutveckling med hjälp av datorer. Syftet med den här intervjustudien har varit att titta på hur lärare arbetar med ASL med elever som har svenska som andraspråk samt vilka fördelar och nackdelar de ser med arbetssättet för elever som har svenska som andraspråk. Fyra lärare har intervjuats för att hitta svar på dessa frågor. Dessa intervjuer har jämförts med den knapphändiga forskningen som finns om ASL. Resultatet av studien visar att alla fyra lärare arbetar på olika sätt men ändå kallar sitt arbetssätt för ASL och att tre av dem kombinerar metoden med andra metoder vid skriv- och läsundervisning. Tre av fyra intervjuade lärare anser att metoden ASL hjälper deras elever med svenska som andraspråk med bland annat uttal, stavning och att sammankoppla bokstävers utseende med dess ljud medan den fjärde inte vill påstå att hennes elevers positiva läs- och skrivutveckling beror endast på ASL. En av lärarna ser inga nackdelar med ASL för elever med svenska som andraspråk medan de tre andra menar att det är svårt när tekniken inte är på deras sida. En av fyra lärare menar också att hon inte skulle kunna använda metoden med elever som inte kan någon svenska alls. ASL verkar vara en metod som fungerar för många elever med svenska som andraspråk, men eftersom alla elever är individer bör lärare vara öppna för att kombinera olika metoder för att nå så många elever som möjligt.

La Zone et les zoniers de Paris, approches spatiales d'une marge urbaine (1912-1946) / Paris Zone and Zoniers, Spatial Analysis of an Urban Margin (1912-1946)

Granier, Anne 07 December 2017 (has links)
La zone de Paris est une zone de servitude militaire de 250 m courant sur environ 35 km, grevée par une servitude non aedificandi qui, dès 1850, n’est pas respectée. En 1912, deux conventions sont signées entre l'Etat et Paris. La loi du 19 avril 1919 prononce le déclassement de l'enceinte, sa cession à Paris et le maintien d'une servitude non aedificandi dite d'hygiène sur la zone. Paris doit alors se lancer dans l'expropriation de la zone. La thèse étudie cette appropriation parisienne grâce à des sources variées (plans, dénombrements, photographies aériennes etc.), le plus souvent rentrées dans un système d'information géographique (SIG). Elle revient sur l'argumentaire du déclassement et l'histoire de la construction et étudie les textes et procédures d'expropriation. Loin du fantasme d'espace neutre qui parcourait l'administration parisienne, l'expropriation discrimine entre morceaux de zone. La zone ne présente pas un visage uniforme et les usages qui l'affectent (habitation en dur ou précaire, industrie, zones de stockage, jardins potagers) sont variés. La thèse cherche à déterminer des logiques d'organisation, en lien avec la banlieue, et souligne aussi, à une échelle plus fine, les critères qui orientent vers une destinée parcellaire. L'attractivité de la zone pour ses habitants est particulièrement étudiée : elle permettait, pour un moindre coût, d'avoir accès à la propriété des constructions et à une forme d'espace en plus. Zone et zoniers sont construits pour être en marge, le processus même de l'expropriation entraîne une précarisation des statuts et une dégradation accélérée du bâti et des conditions de vie, notamment dans les mois qui précèdent l'évacuation. Si cette disqualification à la ville est originelle du fait de la servitude et de l'obligation de précarité, tant matérielle que temporelle, elle s'accentue pendant l'entre-deux-guerres. En effet, la population zonière change. Les « nouveaux » venus ne motivent pas les mêmes discours de protection que les « petits zoniers » du début du siècle. Par ailleurs, la construction d'une urbanité normale et normée, celle des HBM des fortifications, permet, par contraste, la disqualification des zoniers et de leur mode de vie, jugé non-urbain ou mal-urbain. Ainsi, presque toute politique de relogement des habitants, une problématique centrale dans la résorption des taudis urbains, est abandonnée du fait de cette prétendue inadéquation à la ville et à ses valeurs, mais aussi d'un coût jugé excessif. / The Paris Zone was a 250m wide piece of land surrounding the capital where no one could live. Almost since 1850, this interdiction was not respected. In 1912, two agreements between Paris and the French State were signed. A law followed on the 19 april 1919 which proclaimed the reclassification of the zone, its transfer to Paris and the maintenance of an interdiction to build (« servitude non aedificandi ») because of health. Paris had to expropriate the zone. This thesis studies the history of the parisian ownership of the zone with the help of various materials (maps, census, aerial photographs etc.), most often studied in a geographical information system (GIS). The reclassification argument and the history of the zone construction are studied first, then the expropriation texts and procedures are considered. Far from the dream of a neutral space which ran through the Parisian administration, the expropriation process discriminated between people and places. The zone was not monotonous and its uses were varied (though or precarious building, industries, storage zones, vegetable gardens etc.). If the thesis aims to find some great logics of organization, often linked with the « banlieue » urbanization, other criterions can explain the destiny of a piece of land. The attractivity of the zone for its inhabitants is especially studied since the zone enabled very modest people to become owner of their house and to gain access to a form of spaciousness. Zone and Zoniers were necessarily on the margins, the very expropriation process leading to great insecurity and an accelerated decay of the constructions, especially during the few months before the evacuation. If this disqualification was original because of the interdiction to build and implied a forced precariousness, both material and temporal, it grew during the interwar. Indeed, the population changed. « Newcomers » did not motivate the same discourses of protection than the « petits zoniers », at the beginning of the century. Besides, the development nearby, in the HBM of the fortification, of a planned and controled urbanity, contrasted deeply with the zoniers' way of life, judged non-urban or mis-urban. Thus, almost every rehousing policy, an essential problematic in the slums resorption, was abandonned because of the so-called inadequation of the zoniers to the city and to urban values, but also because of the financial cost.

Att skriva sig till läsning : En effektiv forskningsbaserad läsinlärningsmetod för elever i avkodningssvårigheter / Writing to read : an effective research-based method for teaching pupils with decoding difficulties?

Andersson-Lund, Carina, Nilsson, Kristina January 2017 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] O estado do Rio de Janeiro, a segunda maior economia do Brasil, exerce forte influência na Região Sudeste nas atividades de exportação e importação, principalmente por sua estrutura portuária privilegiada. Bilhões de dólares em mercadorias são exportadas e importadas anualmente através de terminais portuários no estado. Para auxiliar o planejamento dos sistemas de transporte do estado, torna-se necessário um diagnóstico das operações de comércio exterior, assim como o uso de um sistema de informação para apoio a decisões, devido ao grande volume de dados e da complexidade do problema. Essa dissertação aborda a proposta, os testes e a implementação de um modelo de sistema de informações para o armazenamento e análise de dados referentes a operações de exportação que envolvem o estado do Rio de Janeiro e seu entorno, juntamente com um modelo de interface de consultas que possibilite o diagnóstico dessas operações. A dissertação também aborda o uso de um Sistema de Informações Geográficas para a visualização dos resultados das consultas e auxílio ao diagnóstico. O principal resultado deste trabalho é tornar disponível um sistema de informações para diagnósticos logísticos. Entre diversas constatações feitas com o uso desta ferramenta, extraídas de dados entre os anos de 1999 e 2002, estão a confirmação da necessidade de um anel rodoviário circundando a cidade do Rio de Janeiro, que o importador principal são os Estados Unidos com 18% do total exportado e que a maior parte das exportações está ligada aos produtos da indústria de petróleo. / [en] Rio de Janeiro has the second strongest state economic movement in Brazil, as a consequence it has great influence over the Brazilian southeastern region in international trade operations, based on a privileged harbor infrastructure. Over the years, goods and products worth billions of dollars have been imported and exported through harbors located in Rio. A diagnostics of these operations is a necessary tool for the transportation systems planning in the state, as well as the use of information systems to support decision-making, since there`s a large amount of data to be handled and the ensuing complexity of the problem. This dissertation proposes, develops, tests and implements an information system model for storage and analysis of data concerning the international trade operations involving the state of Rio de Janeiro and its outskirts together with a query interface model for computer aided human diagnostics of these operations. This work also includes the use of Geographic Information Systems for visualization of query results and diagnostic assistance. The main result of this work is to make available a useful information systems tool for diagnostics in Logistics. Among various sample conclusions of a prototypical use of the tool with data in the range 1999- 2002 were: the confirmation of the need for a surrounding expressway, that the main foreign client is the US with 18% of the total and that the majority of the products belong to the Oil industry.

Modélisation de structures habitées à partir d'une approche de graphe / A graph-based model for the representation of land spaces

Domingo, Mathieu 14 December 2016 (has links)
Appréhender l’organisation spatiale d’un territoire urbain ou périurbain génère un vaste champ de questionnements concernant la distribution et les propriétés du bâti, du parcellaire et des voies de circulation, et les interrelations de cet ensemble d’objets géographiques avec les usages de la cité. Cette thèse a pour objectif de proposer un modèle de représentation et de quantifier la structuration d’un tel espace afin de mieux en appréhender les usages. Cette démarche de modélisation repose sur la caractérisation des relations spatiales existantes entre les éléments remarquables identifiés. Afin de prendre en compte les entités d’un tel territoire et les relations spatiales qui les caractérisent, nous caractérisons un modèle de graphe où les noeuds représentent respectivement les bâtiments, les parcelles, et les routes, et les arcs correspondent aux relations topologiques de connexion, adjacence ou intersection, de ces éléments. Afin de quantifier les propriétés d’un territoire, une mesure de centralité du bâti, une mesure de connectivité locale du bâti, une mesure de densité du bâti et une mesure de la compacité du réseau de circulation sont proposées et formalisées. Ces mesures sont adaptables aux contextes ruraux, périurbains et urbains grâce aux paramètres permettant d’ajuster l’échelle d’observation et d’analyse. Le modèle et les mesures proposés sont implémentés dans le Système de Gestion de Bases de Données relationnel PostgreSQL avec prise en compte de l’extension spatiale PostGIS pour des applications grand public. L’application sur un cas d’étude, la commune de Guissény, tend à rendre opérationnel le modèle de graphe proposé et permet d’examiner les capacités d’analyse de la structuration spatiale de chaque mesure identifiée. / Understanding the spatial organization of a given territory generates a wide range of urban planning and research issues such as the distribution and properties of buildings, parcels and roads, and the relevance of it in terms of uses. The research developed by this thesis model the structuring of space, this being one of the first steps towards a better characterization, study, interpretation and simulation of the evolution of such objects.The structuring of space relies on the characterization of the spatial relationships between remarkable elements: buildings, parcels and road networks. Since existing models do not combine these elements, this thesis proposes a graph model that integrates all of them. The nodes represent buildings, parcels, and roads respectively, and the arcs correspond to the topological connection relationships, adjacency or intersection, of these elements.In order to quantify the properties that emerges from a given territory, a building centrality measure, a building local connectivity measure, a building density measure and a road network compactness measure have been proposed and formalized. These measures adapt to the rural, peri-urban and urban contexts thanks to the parameters that allow to adjust, scale of observation, and analysis. The model and measures proposed are implemented in the relational database management system PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension. The application on a case study, the village of Guisseny, makes the proposed graph model operational and allows to examine the spatial structuring analytical capacities of each measure.

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