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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Корпоративная социальная ответственность как инструмент повышения уровня конкурентоспособности предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса : магистерская диссертация / Corporate social responsibility as a tool to improve the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses

Осинцев, С. И., Osintsev, S. I. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация выполнена на 135 листах. Количество таблиц 24 (без приложений), рисунков 11 (без приложений), формул 10 (без приложений), источников 79, приложений 3. Цель исследования состоит в развитии методических основ исследования корпоративной социальной ответственности в качестве инструмента повышения уровня конкурентоспособности предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса. Задачи исследования: - изучить теоретические и методические вопросы формирования конкурентоспособности предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса; - исследовать специфические особенности реализации корпоративной социальной ответственности на предприятиях малого и среднего бизнеса и охарактеризовать такие практики в качестве инструмента повышения уровня конкурентоспособности; - разработать методику оценки влияния практик корпоративной социальной ответственности предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса на уровень их конкурентоспособности; - апробировать разработанную методику и определить направления ее возможного совершенствования. Новизна исследования состоит в следующих аспектах: - разработан концептуальный подход к исследованию корпоративной социальной ответственности как инструмента повышения конкурентоспособности предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса, включающий в себя: выделение наиболее значимых субъектов конкурентоспособности, на которых могут быть направлены практики корпоративной социальной ответственности; формирование набора экономико-статистических индикаторов, позволяющих оценивать влияние практик корпоративной социальной ответственности на конкурентоспособность предприятия в разрезе каждого выделенного субъекта; описание механизма (способа) воздействия практик корпоративной социальной ответственности на каждого выделенного субъекта конкурентоспособности; определение перечня возможных положительных эффектов, возникающих вследствие воздействия практик корпоративной социальной ответственности на каждого субъекта конкурентоспособности; формализацию процесса оценки положительных эффектов на базе статистических методов, что развивает инструментально-методические основы исследования конкурентоспособности и положения теории управления предприятием; - предложена методика исследования влияния практик корпоративной социальной ответственности, реализуемых в отношении сотрудников предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса, на уровень их конкурентоспособности, предполагающая выделение и систематизацию показателей, способов и эффектов от влияния таких практик на уровень конкурентоспособности; разработку инструментария исследования на основе анкетного опроса сотрудников; определение этапов и организационных параметров исследования, что позволяет получать количественные (статистические) оценки влияния таких практик на уровень конкурентоспособности и формировать информационно-аналитический базис обоснования необходимости более широкого внедрения корпоративной социальной ответственности на предприятиях малого и среднего бизнеса. Практическая значимость состоит в возможности применения разработанной методики предприятиями малого и среднего бизнеса для оценки степени влияния практик корпоративной социальной ответственности на уровень конкурентоспособности бизнеса, что создает информационно-аналитическую основу для принятия более эффективных управленческих решений и выработки эффективных стратегий и тактик дальнейшего развития предприятия. / The master's thesis is made on 132 sheets. The number of tables 23 (without appendices), figures 11 (without appendices), formulas 10 (without appendices), sources 79, appendices 3. The purpose of the study is to develop the methodological foundations of the study of corporate social responsibility as a tool for improving the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses. Objectives of the study: - to study the theoretical and methodological issues of forming the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses; - to study the specific features of the implementation of corporate social responsibility in small and medium-sized businesses and to characterize such practices as a tool for improving the level of competitiveness; - develop a methodology for assessing the impact of corporate social responsibility practices of small and medium-sized businesses on their competitiveness; - to test the developed methodology and determine the directions of its possible improvement. The novelty of the research consists in the following aspects: - developed a conceptual approach to the study of corporate social responsibility as a tool to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses, including: selection of the most important subjects of competitiveness, which can be directed to the practices of corporate social responsibility; the formation of a set of economic and statistical indicators to assess the impact of CSR practices on company competitiveness in the context of each selected entity; the description of the mechanism (ways) the impact of CSR practices on each selected entity competitiveness; the determination of the list of possible positive effects arising from the impact of CSR practices on every subject of competitiveness; the formalisation of the process of assessing the positive effects on the basis of statistical methods that develops instrumental and methodological basis of the study of competitiveness and the theory of enterprise management; - a methodology for studying the impact of corporate social responsibility practices implemented in relation to employees of small and medium-sized businesses on the level of their competitiveness is proposed, which involves the identification and systematization of indicators, methods and effects of the impact of such practices on the level of competitiveness; the development of research tools based on a questionnaire survey of employees; determination of the stages and organizational parameters of the study, which allows us to obtain quantitative (statistical) assessments of the impact of such practices on the level of competitiveness and to form an information and analytical basis for justifying the need for a broader introduction of corporate social responsibility in small and medium-sized businesses. The practical significance lies in the possibility of using the developed methodology by small and medium-sized businesses to assess the degree of influence of corporate social responsibility practices on the level of business competitiveness, which creates an information and analytical basis for making more effective management decisions and developing effective strategies and tactics for further development of the enterprise.

La importancia del diseño en el desarrollo de productos con valor agregado para su internacionalización, en el sector manufacturero - alimentos y bebidas - de la Zona 9 del distrito metropolitano de Quito (Ecuador)

Bravo Donoso, Dely 06 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] La participación de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas (MiPymes), es vital para el crecimiento y desarrollo sostenido de la economía de un país, en el Ecuador representan el 99,51% del total de empresas, por lo que se busca entender y difundir la importancia que tiene la integración del diseño en la estructura empresarial ecuatoriana para generar productos con valor agregado, que puedan llegar a mercados internacionales, ya que, a pesar de ser una actividad reconocida por muchas Pyme, todavía existe desconocimiento de lo que es, significa y aporta realmente el diseño ya que constituye un campo poco explorado y difundido en el contexto ecuatoriano. La investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo. Los datos secundarios corresponden a un análisis bibliográfico referente al Diseño, la Gestión y la Innovación. Mientras que, los datos primarios se recolectaron en primera instancia a través de una encuesta realizada a 14 MiPymes del sector manufacturero de alimentos y bebidas de la Zona 9 - Distrito Metropolitano de Quito, que se encuentran exportando en la actualidad entre una y cuatro líneas de productos de manera permanente, con el objetivo de entender la perspectiva de la empresa frente al diseño y su nivel de integración; posterior a ello se hizo un acercamiento mediante una entrevista en profundidad que permitió conocer datos particulares respecto de las líneas de productos que se desarrollan, los productos que se exportan y las modificaciones que se implementan a fin de llegar a los diferentes lugares de destino. De igual manera se contó con la colaboración de la Subsecretaría de MiPymes y Artesanías del Ministerio de Producción Comercio Exterior Inversiones y Pesca, quienes asesoran a las MiPymes en su proceso de internacionalización y facilitaron datos técnicos respecto a las normativas alimentarias vigentes es los diferentes países. La presente tesis propone una lista de factores que se consideran idóneos para implementarse en los productos alimenticios que buscan ser exportados, a fin de generar valor agregado y favorecer la competitividad en el mercado. Es vital el conocimiento y aplicación de las normativas de etiquetado, así como la vinculación permanente del diseño en la estructura de la empresa ya que en la actualidad no se considera una actividad primordial dentro de la organización, y sólo se emplea al final del proceso productivo para la resolución de la parte estética del producto. / [CA] La participació de les micro, petites i mitjanes empreses (MiPymes), és vital per al creixement i desenvolupament sostingut de l'economia d'un país, a l'Equador representen el 99,51% del total d'empreses, per la qual cosa es busca entendre i difondre la importància que té la integració del disseny en l'estructura empresarial equatoriana per a generar productes amb valor agregat, que puguen arribar a mercats internacionals, ja que, malgrat ser una activitat reconeguda per moltes Pime, encara existeix desconeixement del que és, significa i aporta realment el disseny ja que constitueix un camp poc explorat i difós en el context equatorià. La investigació té un enfocament qualitatiu. Les dades secundàries corresponen a una anàlisi bibliogràfica referent al Disseny, la Gestió i la Innovació. Mentre que, les dades primàries es van recol·lectar en primera instància a través d'una enquesta realitzada a 14 MiPymes del sector manufacturer d'aliments i begudes de la Zona 9 - Districte Metropolità de Quito, que es troben exportant en l'actualitat entre una i quatre línies de productes de manera permanent, amb l'objectiu d'entendre la perspectiva de l'empresa enfront del disseny i el seu nivell d'integració; posterior a això es va fer un acostament mitjançant una entrevista en profunditat que va permetre conéixer dades particulars respecte de les línies de productes que es desenvolupen, els productes que s'exporten i les modificacions que s'implementen a fi d'arribar als diferents llocs de destinació. D'igual manera es va comptar amb la col·laboració de la Sotssecretaria de MiPymes i Artesanies del Ministeri de Producció Comerç Exterior Inversions i Pesca, els qui assessoren les MiPymes en el seu procés d'internacionalització i van facilitar dades tècniques respecte a les normatives alimentàries vigents és els diferents països. La present tesi proposa una llista de factors que es consideren idonis per a implementar-se en els productes alimentosos que busquen ser exportats, a fi de generar valor agregat i afavorir la competitivitat en el mercat. És vital el coneixement i aplicació de les normatives d'etiquetatge, així com la vinculació permanent del disseny en l'estructura de l'empresa ja que en l'actualitat no es considera una activitat primordial dins de l'organització, i només s'empra al final del procés productiu per a la resolució de la part estètica del producte. / [EN] The participation of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) is vital for the sustained growth and development of a country's economy. In Ecuador they represent 99.51% of the total number of companies, so we seek to understand and disseminate the importance of integrating design in the Ecuadorian business structure to generate value-added products, Despite being an activity recognized by many SMEs, there is still a lack of knowledge about what design is, what it means and what it really contributes, since it is a field that has been little explored and disseminated in the Ecuadorian context. The research has a qualitative approach. The secondary data corresponds to a bibliographic analysis on Design, Management and Innovation. While, the primary data were collected in the first instance through a survey of 14 MSMEs in the food and beverage manufacturing sector of Zone 9 - Metropolitan District of Quito, which are currently exporting between one and four product lines on a permanent basis, in order to understand the company's perspective on design and its level of integration; after that, an in-depth interview was carried out in order to know particular data regarding the product lines that are developed, the products that are exported and the modifications that are implemented in order to reach the different destinations. The Undersecretariat of MSMEs and Handicrafts of the Ministry of Production, Foreign Trade, Investment and Fishing also collaborated with the company, advising MSMEs in their internationalization process and providing technical data on the food regulations in force in the different countries. This thesis proposes a list of factors that are considered ideal to be implemented in food products that seek to be exported, in order to generate added value and promote competitiveness in the market. It is vital the knowledge and application of labeling regulations, as well as the permanent linking of design in the structure of the company since at present it is not considered a primary activity within the organization, and it is only used at the final of the productive process for the resolution of the aesthetic part of the product. / Bravo Donoso, D. (2022). La importancia del diseño en el desarrollo de productos con valor agregado para su internacionalización, en el sector manufacturero - alimentos y bebidas - de la Zona 9 del distrito metropolitano de Quito (Ecuador) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186302 / TESIS

An Evaluation of Technological, Organizational and Environmental Determinants of Emerging Technologies Adoption Driving SMEs’ Competitive Advantage

Dobre, Marius January 2022 (has links)
This research evaluates the technological, organizational, and environmental determinants of emerging technologies adoption represented by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) driving SMEs’ competitive advantage within a resource-based view (RBV) theoretical approach supported by the technological-organizational-environmental (TOE)-framework setting. Current literature on SMEs competitive advantage as outcome of emerging technologies in the technological, organisational, and environmental contexts presents models focused on these contexts individual components. There are no models in the literature to represent the TOE framework as an integrated structure with gradual levels of complexity, allowing for incremental evaluation of the business context in support of decision making towards emerging technologies adoption supporting the firm competitive advantage. This research gap is addressed with the introduction of a new concept, the IT resource-based renewal, underpinned by the RBV, and supported by the TOE framework for providing a holistic understanding of the SMEs strategic renewal decision through information technology. This is achieved through a complex measurement model with four level constructs, leading into a parsimonious structural model that evaluates the relationships between IT resource-based renewal, and emerging technologies adoption driving SMEs competitive advantage. The model confirms the positive association between the IT resource-based renewal and emerging technologies adoption, and between the IT resource-based renewal and SME competitive advantage for the SMEs managers model, with the SME owners model outcomes are found not being supportive towards emerging technologies adoption driving SME competitive advantage. As methodology, PLS-SEM is used for its capabilities of assessing complex paths among model variables. Analysis is done on three models, one for the full sample, with two subsequent ones for owners and managers, respectively, as SME decision makers, with data collected using a web-based survey in Canada, the UK, and the US, that has provided 510 usable answers. This research has a theoretical contribution represented by the introduction of the IT resource-based renewal concept, that integrates the RBV perspective and the TOE framework for supporting organization’s decision on emerging technologies adoption driving SMEs competitive advantage. As practical implications, this thesis provides SMEs with a reference framework on adopting emerging technologies, offering SME managers and owners a comprehensive model of hierarchical factors contributing to SMEs competitive advantage acquired as outcome of AI and IoT adoption. This research makes an original contribution to the enterprise management, information systems adoption, and SME competitive advantage literature, with an empirical approach that verifies a model of emerging technologies adoption determinants driving SMEs competitive advantage.

South Asian ethnic minority small and medium enterprises in the UK: a review and research agenda.

Haq, Muhibul January 2015 (has links)
Yes / It is argued in this paper that: ethnic minority population and their enterprises, predominated by South Asians, are growing faster than their mainstream counterparts in the UK; past research paid more attention to either South Asian ethnic minority SMEs based in and around London only or owned by Indian entrepreneurs only than South Asian ethnic minority SMEs elsewhere in the UK or owned by Pakistani and Bangladeshi entrepreneurs. Further, scholarly investigation is needed to explain: the relationship between educational levels and entrepreneurial orientation; and intra-ethnic minority entrepreneurial differences between South Asian ethnic minority entrepreneurs in the UK by expanding the research scope both geographically and contextually.

Hållbarhetsstyrning med CSR inom tillverkningsbranschen : Hur jobbar SMEs med CSR i relation till sina kunder jämfört med större företag inom tillverkningsbranschen? / Sustainability management with CSR : How do SMEs approach CSR in relation totheir customers compared to larger manufacturing companies?

Truelsen, William, Nguyen, Viet, Hansson, Carl-gordon January 2024 (has links)
Inledning: Corporate Social Responsibility är ett väletablerat begrepp som handlar om hur företag tar ansvar ur ett miljöperspektiv, socialt perspektiv och ett ekonomiskt perspektiv. När det gäller att implementera CSR och hållbarhetsarbete inom en verksamhet så har kunden en roll i detta. Kunden ställer allt fler krav på att företag ska arbeta hållbart och genom dessa krav kan företag styra mot en mer hållbar verksamhet. Däremot ställer kunden olika krav på om det är ett SME eller ett stort företag. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och analysera hur SME arbetar jämfört med större bolag inom tillverkningsbranschen med CSR i relation till sina kunder. Metod: För att uppnå studiens syfte så har vi utgått ifrån en deduktiv ansats, där vi först undersökte och analyserade teori. Sedan samlades empirin in genom intervjuer med tre små och medelstora företag samt intervjuer med tre stora företag. Slutsats: Hur ett företag arbetar med CSR skiljer sig i om det är ett SME eller ett stort företag. Själva CSR arbetet drivs främst av kunden eftersom kunden sätter krav på att företaget ska implementera detta i verksamheten. Däremot skiljer sig kundens krav på SME jämfört med de större. / Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility is a well established concept that deals with how companies take responsibility from an environmental, social and economic perspective.When it comes to implementing CSR and sustainability work within a business, the customer has a role in this. Customers are making more and more demands on companies to work sustainably, and through these demands companies can steer towards more sustainable operations. However the customer makes different demands depending on whether it is an SME or a large company. Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze the role of the customer in implementing CSR in SME companies compared to large companies in the manufacturing sector. Method: In order to achieve the purpose of the study, we have taken a deductive approach, where we first examined and analyzed theory. Then, empirical data was collected through interviews with three SMEs and interviews with three large companies. Conclusion: The way a company works with CSR differs if it is an SME or a large company. The CSR work itself is mainly driven by the customer, as the customer requires the company to implement this in its operations. However, the customer’s requirements för SMEs differ from those of larger companies.

Samarbete vid implementering av affärssystem i SME-företag : En studie över hur aktörer samarbetar under affärssystemsimplementering för att uppfylla SME-företags värden.

Isufi, Alberina, Kabil, Elma January 2024 (has links)
Implementering av affärssystem är avgörande för organisationers framgång i dagens affärsvärld, vilket möjliggör förbättring av verksamheten och skapande av konkurrensfördelar. Samarbetet mellan olika aktörer under implementeringsprocessen är av central betydelse för att uppnå värdeskapande för SME-företag. Därför är syftet med denna studie att få kunskap om samarbetet mellan aktörer under implementeringen av affärssystem samt de uppfyllda SME-företagens värden, för att kunna svara på frågeställningen: Hur samarbetar aktörer under implementeringsprocessen av affärssystem för att uppfylla SME-företags värden?     Genom en kvalitativ forskningsansats samlades data in från både konsulter och SME-anställda som deltagande respondenter. Resultaten av de semistrukturerade intervjuerna visar att samarbetet är avgörande för en framgångsrik implementering. Kontinuerlig dialog, nära relationer och regelbundna möten säkerställer att behoven uppfylls. Värden som skapas av implementeringen är utifrån resultatet exempelvis tidsbesparing. Analysen bidrar med ett flödesschema som illustrerar implementeringsprocessens struktur och sammanhang utifrån empirin. Även diskussionen bidrar med ett flödesschema som fokuserar på vart och hur samarbete sker uppdelad i faser som kommer från forskningen baserat på litteraturen och empirin. Studien tar i diskussionen hänsyn till samband, olikheter och olika uppfattade värde. Studiens slutsats bidrar med ökad förståelse genom att visa samarbetets avgörande betydelse under implementeringen, med aktiviteter som utbildningar, möten och dialog. Affärssystemet ger värdefulla fördelar som tidsbesparing, ökad lönsamhet och bättre kundrelationer. / The implementation of enterprise systems is crucial for the succes of organizations in today's business world, enabling operational improvement and the creation of competitive advantages. Collaboration among different stakeholders during the implementation process is central to achieving value creation for SMEs. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to gain knowledge about the collaboration between stakeholders during the implementation of enterprise systems and the values realized by SMEs, in order to address the research question: How do stakeholders collaborate during the implementation process of business systems to fulfill SME-enterprises values?     Through a qualitative research approach, data was collected from both consultants and SME employees as participating respondents. The results of the semi-structured interviews indicate the collaboration is crucial for successful implementation. Continuous dialogue, close relationships, and regular meetings ensure that needs are met. Value created by the implementation are, for example time savings. The analysis contributes with a flowchart illustrating the structure and context of the implementation process based on the empirical data. The discussion also contributes with a flowchart focusing on where and how collaboration occurs, divided into phases derived from research based on literature and empirical data. The study considers relationships, differences and perceived value in the discussion. The conclusion of the study enhances understanding by demonstrating the crucial importance of collaboration during implementation, with activities such as training, meetings, and dialogue. The enterprise system provides valuable benefits such as time savings, increased profitability, and better customer relations.

Sustainable change management within SMEs : Elucidating how to successfully manage a sustainable transformation within manufacturing SMEs

Eriksson, Klara January 2024 (has links)
Background: Sustainable organizational change has become one of the greatest challenges facing contemporary businesses. The metal manufacturing industry is important in the transition, due to its impact on global GDP and the climate. SMEs covers a large portion of the metal manufacturing industry, where their transformation is crucial as well. Problem: Despite the importance of sustainable change, there is limited research on how manufacturing SMEs can effectively manage a sustainable transformation. This gap necessitates elucidating the context of SMEs in sustainability, and exploring methods for sustainable change management within these organizations.  Purpose: The aim of this research is to explore sustainability and organizational change in the context of manufacturing SMEs, to provide a deeper understanding on how manufacturing SMEs can sustainably transform their business activities through adequate methods and processes. Method: This research takes on the philosophical position of critical realism and utilizes a qualitative, explorative, and inductive approach. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten managers from manufacturing SMEs. A thematic analysis was also adopted to extend the previous research.  Conclusion: Manufacturing SMEs adopt various sustainability activities, in line with the triple bottom line. They are also going towards a more formal approach for sustainability. Economic performance and sustainability go together for manufacturing SMEs, whereas more knowledge is connected to higher altruistic motivations and clear sustainability strategies. A combination of continuous incremental and transformational change is evident. This research found a six-step process for SMEs sustainable change management, elucidating their more flexible and adaptive culture alongside specific advantages and challenges. Their capabilities of learning and an informal culture facilitates fast decision-making and the continuous improvement of their practices, facilitating economic performance and sustainable change.

Le management interculturel en Roumanie : le cas des investissements directs étrangers des PME étrangères / Cross-cultural management in Romania : the case of foreign direct investments of SMEs

Mateescu, Veronica 24 October 2008 (has links)
This thesis, dedicated to the analysis of the cross-cultural management, presents in its first part a literature review in order to comprehend the actual stage of the cross-cultural management research. From this point of view we will approach general aspects of the human resources management and of the organizational culture, perceived as managerial instruments for the management of the cultural differences into an organization (chapter 1). In the following chapters (2 & 3), the analysis concerned the discourse on cultural difference and the post-socialist work ethic, perceived as the major cultural difference that impacts the crosscultural interactions in the foreign enterprises from Romania. These aspects will be developed from an applied perspective in the second part of our thesis. The chapters of the second part of the thesis are dedicated, on one hand, to the analysis of cultural differences management in the foreign SMEs from Romania, and, on the other hand, to a methodological proposition regarding the study of the cross-cultural management in Romania. These analyses and propositions are based on the identification of the main crosscultural management practices in the multinational corporations in Romania, through the analysis of the interviews, from the Romanian economic press, with employees and managers of the multinational corporations and on three case studies on SME with Italian participation on social capital, from textiles and wood industries / Cette thèse, consacrée à l’analyse du management interculturel, présente dans la première partie une revue de la littérature afin d’appréhender l’état actuel des recherches dans le domaine du management interculturel. Dans cette perspective, nous abordons les aspects généraux de la gestion des ressources humaines et de la culture d’entreprise, entendus comme des instruments managériaux de gestion des différences culturelles dans une organisation (chapitre 2). Dans les chapitres suivants (3 & 4), l’analyse a porté sur le discours relatif à la différence culturelle et sur l’éthique postsocialiste du travail, entendue comme la principale différence culturelle qui affecte les interactions interculturelles dans les entreprises étrangères en Roumanie. Ces aspects seront davantage développés de manière appliquée dans la deuxième partie. Les chapitres de la deuxième partie de la thèse sont consacrés, d’une part, à l’analyse de la gestion de la différence culturelle dans des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) implantées en Roumanie et, d’autre part, à une proposition d’ordre méthodologique en vue de l’étude du management interculturel en Roumanie. Ces analyses et ces propositions prennent appui sur l’identification des principales pratiques de management interculturel dans les entreprises multinationales (EMN) actives en Roumanie relevées chez les managers et employés des EMN et sur trois études de cas réalisées sur des PME de l’industrie du textile et du bois avec participation italienne au caprftital social

Podpora malého a středního podnikání v ČR z národních programů a z fondů EU / Support for small and medium sized enterprises in the Czech Republic from national programs and EU funds

Kracík, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The essence of the first part of this work (chapters 1, 2 and 3) lies in the brief introduction to the support for small and medium sized enterprises. After that follows presentation of key institutions (ministries, agencies, etc.) helpful during the process of obtaining support from national programmes. Except of basic services performed by given institutions, useful web links are also included. In the same way, particular European support programmes are presented. In the framework of second part (chapters 4, 5 and 6), backward bases are exemplified on the practical example of the company Strojírny Podzimek, Ltd. and their experiences. That case shows, what does the making use of the national support programmes mean practically. Likewise, business support from EU funds is described, namely on the case of company Frýdlantské strojírny Rasl a syn, Inc. Third part of this thesis (chapters 7 and 8) is making us familiar with resuming statistics about the amount of subsidies drawn from national programmes and from the EU funds. In both cases, brief forecasts of future development and approximate amounts of unused funds are stated.

Metodika vývoje a nasazování Business Intelligence v malých a středních podnicích / Methodology of development and deployment of Business Intelligence solutions in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Rydzi, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
Dissertation thesis deals with development and implementation of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) in the Czech Republic. This thesis represents climax of author's up to now effort that has been put into completing a methodological model for development of this kind of applications for SMEs using self-owned skills and minimum of external resources and costs. This thesis can be divided into five major parts. First part that describes used technologies is divided into two chapters. First chapter describes contemporary state of Business Intelligence concept and it also contains original taxonomy of Business Intelligence solutions. Second chapter describes two Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) techniques that were used for building those BI solutions that are introduced in case studies. Second part describes the area of Czech SMEs, which is an environment where the thesis was written and which it is meant to contribute to. This environment is represented by one chapter that defines the differences of SMEs against large corporations. Furthermore, there are author's reasons why he is personally focusing on this area explained. Third major part introduces the results of survey that was conducted among Czech SMEs with support of Department of Information Technologies of Faculty of Informatics and Statistics of University of Economics in Prague. This survey had three objectives. First one was to map the readiness of Czech SMEs for BI solutions development and deployment. Second was to determine major problems and consequent decisions of Czech SMEs that could be supported by BI solutions and the third objective was to determine top factors preventing SMEs from developing and deploying BI solutions. Fourth part of the thesis is also the core one. In two chapters there is the original Methodology for development and deployment of BI solutions by SMEs described as well as other methodologies that were studied. Original methodology is partly based on famous CRISP-DM methodology. Finally, last part describes particular company that has become a testing ground for author's theories and that supports his research. In further chapters it introduces case-studies of development and deployment of those BI solutions in this company, that were build using contemporary BI and KDD techniques with respect to original methodology. In that sense, these case-studies verified theoretical methodology in real use.

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