Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ônus"" "subject:"onus""
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Det vita snuset - förpackningens design och förekomst i socialmedia.Algerstam, Frida, Lundsten, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Tobaksfritt snus har lite olika namn, bland annat nikotin påsar och ifolkmun brukar man ofta säga vitt snus. Det vita snuset har under2022 blivit en av de mest sålda snuset och i undersökningar visardet att ungdomars användande ökar. I den här studien undersökervi den grafiska designen på förpackningens lock.I uppsatsen har vi gjort en kvantitativ innehållsanalys för attanalysera viktiga designelement som bygger uppförpackningsdesignen. Vi har samlat in data från 24 stycken olikaprodukter från 12 varumärken, där har vi undersökt färger,typografi och hierarki. Utöver undersökningen av förpackningen såhar vi också gjort en kvalitativ semiotisk bildanalys för att studerahur det vita snuset kommuniceras visuellt på sociala medier, detsociala mediet vi valde i denna studie var Instagram.Under denna studie har vi kommit fram till att vi kunde setydliga designelement som alltid var närvarande i designen ochviktiga informativa delar som bygger upp förpackningsdesignen.När vi studerade vitt snus på Instagram kunde vi även där setydliga mönster på hur varumärken valde att hantera varningstextensom medföljer produkter innehållande nikotin.
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Tjejsnuset är det nya! : En kvalitativ studie om hur bilden av vitt snus konstrueras i samspel mellan media och unga vuxna, samt hur vitt snus kodas som manligt respektive kvinnligt.Widenström Findell, Elsa, Jóhannsdóttir, Silja January 2024 (has links)
The study aims to examine the construction of the image of white snus, specifically focusing on the growing trend of female snus use. The analysis will shed light on overall perceptions and attitudes towards white snus, along with its social construction among young adults. The research questions addressed by the study is: How is the image of white snus constructed in the interaction between media and young adults? How is white snus coded as masculine and feminine? The theoretical framework, comprising decoding of advertisements, the gender system, corporate branding, and femvertising will be applied to answer the questions. Situated within the qualitative research tradition, the study employs a reception analysis through two distinct methods: a semiotic image analysis of snus advertisements and focus group interviews to explore audience interpretations. The results indicate an evolving perception of white snus over time, now integrated into daily life, influenced by changing gender norms and strategic maneuvers within snus advertising. Diverse media channels and advertising play a central role in shaping these norms and influence how individuals perceive themselves and others. The study establishes a close connection between snus consumption and gender identity, including both subconscious behavioral patterns and more explicit statements and behaviors related to white snus. From a scientific standpoint, the results contribute to the understanding of societal shifts in the perception of white snus, shedding light on the complex interplay between evolving gender norms, advertising strategies and individual behavior.
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Utveckling av produktförslag för insamling av snusdosor / Development of product proposal for the collection of snus boxesCan, Cemil January 2022 (has links)
Idén för en insamlingsprodukt för snusdosor uppstod när studenten såg behovet av en produkt som kan användas för insamling av snusdosor så att de inte hamnar på fel platser som på gatorna eller i naturen. Snusdosor är gjorda av återvinningsbara material, med hjälp av en insamlingsprodukt för snusdosor på platser som får många besökare kan snusdosor samlas in, sorteras rätt och kan i sin tur lämnas in på återvinningsstationer för återvinning. Tidigt i projektet gjordes en marknadsanalys och patentsökning för att ta reda på vilka produkter som finns på marknaden. En undersökning gjordes även för att ta reda på hur snusdosor sorteras på rätt sätt och återvinns. För att ta fram olika produktförslag för insamling av snusdosor användes några metoder som tankekarta, funktionsanalys, moodboard och brainstorming. För val av produktförslag och utvärdering användes metoderna Pugh matris, QFD och FMEA analys. Totalt har fem olika produktförslag tagits fram i form av 3D modeller med programvaran Creo Parametric 4.0. Av de fem olika produktförslagen valdes ett att jobba vidare med. Det valda produktförslaget vidareutvecklades efter identifiering av potentiella risker med en FMEA analys. Efter vidareutveckling valdes komponenter och material för det valda produktförslaget. Resultatet av projektet blev ett produktförslag för insamling av snusdosor, där snusare kan lämna in sina snusdosor för återvinning. Produktförslaget är tänkt att användas i inomhusmiljöer som får många besökare, exempelvis gallerier, tunnelbanor, flygplatser caféer med mera. Enligt målbeskrivningen har projektmålet uppfyllts då ett produktförslag för insamling av snusdosor har tagits fram i form av en 3D modell. / The idea for a collection product for snus boxes arose when the student saw the need for a product that can be used to collect snus boxes so that they do not end up in the wrong places such as on the streets or in nature. Snus boxes are made of recyclable materials, with the help of a collection product for snus boxes in places that receive a lot of visitors, snus boxes can be collected, sorted correctly, and can eventually be handed in to recycling stations for recycling. Early in the project, a market analysis and patent search were carried out to find out which products are on the market. An investigation was also carried out to find out how snus boxes are sorted correctly and recycled. In order to come up with different product proposals for collecting snus boxes, various methods were used such as mind map, function analysis, mood board and brainstorming. For the selection of product proposals and evaluation, the methods Pugh matrix, QFD and FMEA analysis were used. A total of five different product proposals have been developed in the form of 3D models with the software Creo Parametric 4.0. Of the five different product proposals, one was chosen to continue to work with. The selected product proposal was further developed after identification of potential risks with an FMEA analysis. After further development, components and materials were chosen for the selected product proposal. The result of the project was a product proposal for the collection of snus boxes, where snus users can hand in their snus boxes for recycling. The product proposal is intended to be used in indoor environments that receive many visitors, for example shopping malls, subways, airports, cafes and more. According to the goal description, the project goal has been met as a product proposal for collecting snus boxes has been developed in the form of a 3D model.
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"Det vita snuset och marknadsföringsruset” : En kvalitativ studie om det vita tobaksfria snusets marknadsföring riktat mot unga. / “The white snuff and the marketing intoxication” : A qualitative study on the marketing of white tobacco-free snuff on young people.Sandberg, Fanny, Ålstam, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Between 2018 and 2021, the amount of young snuff users increased drastically. The same year, 2018, Velo, a tobacco free nicotine snuff, was launched on the Swedish market. They made themselves known through organizing big events and by engaging in influencer marketing. Due to Velos product being tobacco-free, the company is not covered by the Swedish Tobacco Act. As a result of this, they are able to engage in different marketing strategies than its peers that sell snuff containing tobacco. This new possibility of marketing is unique and gives the company a competitive edge and broadens its marketing possibilities. A loophole in the legislation enables new and effective communication strategies for the addictive "All White" snuff. Through this, Velo can market its products on social media and use influencers to entice their followers to start consuming the highly addictive product The purpose of this study was to investigate which visual resources Velo chooses to present and which group belonging this creates. Since images carries signs, this makes the images a central part of the exchange of meaning between sender (Velo) and receiver (young target group). It is therefore essential to look more deeply at how visual resources are used to possibly attract a young target group. The essay aims to answer the two research questions: "What visual resources are used in Velo's Instagram feed to attract and influence a young target group?" and "How does Velo use visual resources to create a sense of group identity for its target audience?" The theoretical frameworks on which the thesis was based were primarily semiotics and social semiotics. Additionally, the semiotic concepts denotation and connotation were used to identify the underlying meaning of the signs in Velos images. To be able to answer the research questions, theories such as Goffman's self representation theory and Bourdieu's take on social fields and capital were used. Previous studies regarding the identity shaping of young adults and teenagers, communities and its creation of groups belonging online as well as influencers persuasion on social media was applied. By using denotation,connotation, theoretical frameworks and previous research we were able to unravel repeated patterns, similarities and themes in Velos images. The study was conducted using a qualitative semiotic content analysis where 143 photos from Velo's Instagram account were selected between a certain time frame. The material was demarcated and resulted in 41 images. From the remaining pictures, three themes were found which were "Accessory", "Image of person" and "Social context". Then nine posts from each 4theme were randomized, which resulted in a total of nine images that became our final analysis objects. After analyzing the nine analysis objects based on denotation and connotation, the theoretical frameworks were applied to the analysis. The result showed that the analysis object contained various symbols for a certain social and cultural capital that could be interpreted as a desirable habitus for the target group. The capital that Velo presented could be seen as common interests and a contributing factor to create a sense of group belonging. The interests could be seen as requirements for identifying with the group affiliation. Group belonging is important for the formation of identity of young people. Influencers as opinion leaders with characteristics as reliable and authentic contributed to a natural recommendation of the brand. Influencer's associations were naturally transferred to Velo. In summary Velo uses signs to build an attractive lifestyle which it invites people to be a part of. The result concluded that visual resources such as influencers, signs of social context, high cultural and social capital and the transfer of positive associations were contributing factors to an attractive group identity to target a young audience.
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My Snus Handbook : Rethinking the lifestyle related to nicotine pouches / Min Snushandbok : Reflektera över livsstilen kring vitt snusHuhtala, Heikki January 2023 (has links)
The use of modern oral nicotine products (colloquially known as white snus or nicotine pouches) is increasing fast among youth and young women in Sweden. Due to aggressive marketing on social media, the colourful snus cans that contain nicotine pouches have become accessories that could be compared with lifestyle products (such as branded clothing, jewellery, or cosmetics). This collaborative design project aims to explore alternative approaches to education against modern nicotine products and to create a small-scale countermovement for the increasing white snus trend. During the project, we have used methods of human-centred design and visual communication in order to facilitate female snus users in reflecting on their own habits and rethinking the lifestyle around nicotine pouches. The project is done in collaboration with female university students who use white snus and two local tobacco control workers in the Region Kalmar län (Region Kalmar County).
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Epidemiological studies of asthma and allergic diseases in teenagers methodological aspects and tobacco use /Hedman, Linnea, January 2010 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2010.
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Knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards snus by its users in Finland, Norway and SwedenHietanen, Jessi January 2018 (has links)
This study sets out to identify the knowledge base of snus users from Finland, Norway and Sweden on using snus and its effect on health, and also explores their existing attitudes and behaviour towards snus use. The purpose of the study is to broaden views on the knowledge base of snus users, their attitudes towards use of snus and to understand their snus behaviour. This research used the quantitative method. The data was collected by an online questionnaire in two periods. The first data collection period was carried out between 13th of April and 22nd of April and the another one from the 29th of April to 8th of May. Participants were made up from snus users in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Virtual snowball sampling method helped to collect data. Quantitative analysis and SPSS analyzing programme were used in the current research. The analysis was descriptive in establishing existing trends of the knowledge base, attitudes and behaviour by snus users from Finland, Norway and Sweden. The research consisted of 142 participants with an age range from 15 to 60 years old. The survey included both genders. The results indicated that the participants’ knowledge about health effects of snus were relatively high. Negative health effects of snus did not impact on the use of snus, according to the attitude of majority of the participants. The research revealed that use of snus was a widespread popular lifestyle in Norway, Finland and Sweden. Almost 88 % of the research participants have six or more friends who use snus as well. The findings of this study illustrate that snus use is an addictive habit. The attitude towards the use of snus and behaviour among snus users in Finland, Norway and Sweden are careless regarding to health. Snus users’ knowledge, attitude and behaviour are inconsistent, and there is uncertainty about the way snus influences the Nordic people’s well-being and health. The results of this study show that the health promotion, education and future research are needed to give precise information.
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The Swedish Experience - : En kvalitativ studie i kommunikation på en reglerad marknadOlsson, Daniel, Sjöblom, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
Problemformulering och syfte: Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur aktörer på den svenska snusmarknaden planerar sin marknadskommunikation samt att studera om det skett någon förändring sedan implementeringen av EUs tobaksproduktdirektiv 2016. Detta sker mot bakgrund av marknadsföringslagen som utgör en reglerad marknad på vilken aktörerna är verksamma.
Metod och material: För att genomföra studien har personliga intervjuer genomförts med beslutsfattande inom kommunikationen på snusföretagen Skruf Snus AB och Swedish Match, samt en informantintervju med Bengt Wiberg - upphovsman och patentinnehavare till Sting Free Snus.
Huvudresultat: Studien kommer fram till att det råder olika meningar om tobaksproduktdirektivets påverkan på marknadskommunikationen inom branschen. Marknadskommunikationen är oftast långsiktigt planerad inom branschen och Swedish Match anser att direktivet inte påverkade deras kommunikation alls. Skruf Snus AB anser att det medförde stora förändringar i bland annat hur de placerar snusdosor i reklam. Studien drar även slutsatsen att den reglerade marknaden missgynnar konkurrensen, och att en mer öppen kommunikation skulle öppna upp för mer medvetna konsumenter, fler aktörer på marknaden, samt att fler rökare skulle kunna gå över till snus.
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Vad är det som lockar med snus? : En kvantitativ studie om gymnasieelevers användning och anledningar till att använda snus. / What is appealing about snus? : A quantitative study on high school students usage and reasons for using snusGransten, Oscar, Olsson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
Background: The use of snus among Swedish youth has increased, posing a potential risk of long-term consequences in adulthood. Objective & Research Questions: The aim of the study is to analyze snus usage among high school students and identify influencing factors as well as reasons for quitting. The research questions investigate the prevalence of snus use, differences based on gender and socioeconomic background, disparities in self-esteem between snus users and non-users, and factors motivating students to quit snus. Method: The study adopts a cross-sectional design and employs a survey to collect data from respondents. The method involves convenience sampling from four high schools, and the survey's validity was established through a pilot study. A total of 112 high school students participated in the survey, and the analyses included t-tests and chi-square tests. Results: The results reveal that the majority of high school students, 65.2%, have used snus primarily due to influence from friends. No significant differences were observed in terms of ethnicity, self-esteem, or gender-related snus habits, except for a higher percentage of boys citing friends outside of school as a reason compared to girls. Respondents considering quitting mention economic and health-related reasons as motivations. Conclusion: Elevated snus use among high school students highlights the need for preventive interventions, which may need to be tailored differently. The study's limitations, including overrepresentation of high socioeconomic status, require cautious interpretation. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the importance of continued research to promote a healthy lifestyle among youth. / Bakgrund: Snusanvändningen hos svenska ungdomar har ökat. Det är något som har risk att ge långvariga konsekvenser i vuxenlivet. Syfte & frågeställning: Studiens syfte är att analysera snusanvändning bland gymnasieelever och identifierapåverkande faktorer samt orsaker till att sluta. Frågeställningarna undersöker prevalensen av snusanvändning, skillnader baserat på kön och socioekonomisk bakgrund, skillnader i självkänsla mellan snusare och icke-snusare samt faktorer som motiverar elever att sluta snusa. Metod: Studiens är av en tvärsnittsdesign och har använt enkätundersökning för att samla in data frånr espondenterna. Metoden inkluderade bekvämlighetsurval från fyra gymnasieskolor och enkäten validerades genom en pilotstudie. Totalt deltog 112 gymnasielever i enkäten och analyserna omfattade t-test och chi-tvåtest. Resultat: Resultaten visar att majoriteten av gymnasieeleverna har snusat 65,2% främst på grund avpåverkan från vänner. Inga signifikanta skillnader kunde observeras mellan etnicitet, självkänsla eller könsskillnader och snusvanor. Förutom att en större andel killar angav vänner utanför skolan som en anledning jämfört med tjejer. Respondenter som överväger att sluta nämner ekonomiska och hälsomässiga skäl som motiveringar. Slutsats: Hög snusanvändning bland gymnasieelever pekar på behovet av preventiva insatser och att dessa insatser kan behövas varieras beroende på elevgrupp. Studiens begränsningar, inklusive överrepresentation av hög socioekonomi, kräver försiktig tolkning. Avslutningsvis betonar studien vikten av fortsatt forskning för att främja en hälsosam livsstil bland ungdomar.
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The Role of Tobacco Use in the Etiology of Acoustic NeuromaPalmisano, Sadie Taylor 26 September 2011 (has links)
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