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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevd risk och upplevd krisberedskap inom barnomsorgen: betydelse av person- och arbetsrelaterade faktorer.

Jansson, Annika, Ericson, Emmelie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Risk- och beredskapsfrågor är idag mycket aktuella inom olika verksamheter. Studien undersökte hur barnomsorgspersonal i Örebro betraktade risk och beredskap i arbetet samt hur känslan av sammanhang (KASAM) samt arbetsrelaterade faktorer som krav, kontroll och stöd påverkade dessa upplevelser. Studien baserades på enkäter byggda på frågeformulären QPS-Nordic 34+, 13 frågors KASAM samt egna frågor. 53 personer deltog. Resultatet visade att den upplevda beredskapen var god i förhållande till den upplevda risken. Krav, kontroll, stöd och KASAM vara alla signifikant relaterade till beredskapsfaktorerna. Endast KASAM hade samband med riskupplevelser. Personer med hög KASAM och högt stöd i kombination upplevde generellt mindre risk samt bedömde beredskapen som bättre. Höga värden på dessa faktorer bidrar till en tryggare arbetsmiljö och bör således prioriteras.</p> / <p>Risk and preparedness issues are currently of interest for many sectors. This study investigated how staff in Örebro’s childcare viewed risk and preparedness and how a sense of coherence (SOC) and requirements, control and support in work influenced these views. The study was based on polls containing items from the questionnaire OPS-nordic 34+, 13 SOC questions and original questions. 53 people participated. The result shows assessed preparedness as high compared to perceived risk. Requirements, control, support and SOC were significantly related to preparedness. Only SOC was related to perceptions of risk. Combined high levels of SOC and support generally make for lower perceived risk and higher assessment of preparedness. This contributes to a safer workplace and should be prioritized.</p>

Känsla av sammanhang : En studie om KASAM i årskurserna 1, 3 och 6 / Sense of coherence : A study about SOC in the grades 1, 3 and 6

Andersson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>Sense of coherence, SOC, is a way to study health and wellbeing in a salutogen perspective. SOC is a theory that Aaron Antonovsky came up with and it involves three elements; comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. These three elements is a objective way to look at our existence. The aim of this study was to examine how high the pupils sense of coherence was in the grades 1, 3 and 6 in a school in Karlstad. And with the result as starting point have a discussion around the pedagogical consequences and which educational work procedures we can use to work with SOC in school. It turned out that the students sense of coherence had a high mean value and that it got even higher through the grades.</p><p> </p><p>The study will underlie for further development in this subject field and work as a foundation for further studies around the theory SOC.</p>

Personality, Stress, and Indoor Environmental Symptomatology

Runeson, Roma January 2005 (has links)
<p>The sick building syndrome (SBS) comprises eye, nose, skin, and throat symptoms, headache and fatigue. Gender, personality aspects, and psychosocial factors at work have lately been at focus in health research. The main aim of this thesis was to investigate the relationships between SBS and personal factors, personality traits, and psychosocial work stress. Two different populations were studied: a cohort of 195 subjects working in suspected “sick buildings” followed 1988-1999, and a random sample of 695 subjects from the Swedish population, 20-65 y. Two personality scales were used; the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) and the Sense of Coherence (SOC). Two stress questionnaires were used: the 3-dimensional demands-control-support model (DCS) and the Assessment of Perceived Psychosocial Work Environment (PPWE). SBS and personal factors were assessed by a postal symptoms questionnaire and a symptom score (SC) was calculated. Personality was assessed by means of two verbal personality scales, the KSP and the SOC. Females in problem buildings had more SBS than men, and females had a lower SOC and more anxiety and aggressivity in the KSP. Females and males in the general working population reported differences in psychosocial work environment. Moreover, the associations between personality traits and SBS, and between DCS and SBS, differed between males and females. Over all, the investigated occupants of suspected sick-buildings were within the normal range for both KSP and SOC norms. However, those with symptoms showed prominent personality vulnerability, especially in anxiety, aggressivity, and lower SOC, compared to those that were not reporting symptoms. Female gender, low age, asthma, and a history of atopy were related to SBS in the general working population. A combination of low social support and either passive, strained, or active work situation, as well as a combination of high social support and active work situation, were associated with SBS. In conclusion, measurements of personality and psychosocial work environment could be of value in future studies on environmental syndromes. Moreover, the demans-control-support model can predict SBS, but in a more complex way than indicated by earlier research. </p>

Service-based Processes : Design for business and technology

Henkel, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The concepts of processes and services can be used to structure both businesses and software systems. From a business perspective, the use of processes promises efficient management of organizations. From a software perspective, executable process descriptions provide a way to structure software systems according to the business process the systems should support. Furthermore, the concept of software services allows systems to be partitioned in a modular fashion, thereby enabling large-scale system integration on a technical level. By combining process descriptions with software services in service-based processes, it is feasible to address both business and more technical software needs. Aligning the business and software perspectives of processes and software services is, however, challenging, since implemented executable processes and software services need to cater for operational and strategic business needs as well as existing legacy software systems. In this thesis, several instruments are presented that aim at aiding the design and evolution of service-based processes. The aligning of operational business and software perspectives on process descriptions is addressed by the introduction of business and technical process model levels. These levels can be aligned by the use of a set of model transformations and associated transformation rules. Furthermore, the aligning is aided by introducing means for achieving flexibility on both the business and technical model levels. The development of service-based processes from a strategic business point of view is aided by the introduction of novel models and methods for goal-based design of software services. Taken together, the instruments can be used for the design and evolution of service-based processes. / QC 20100810 / REMS / Serviam

Kvinnors möjlighet till återhämtning på fritiden.

Åkergren, Cecilia January 2009 (has links)
Att ha möjlighet till återhämtning är viktigt för hälsan. I denna studie är det återhämtning från arbetet efter arbetstidens slut som står i fokus, det vill säga den som företrädesvis sker på fritiden. Med fritid avser jag i denna intervjustudie den tid vi inte ägnar åt lönearbete. Fritidsintressen, föreningsliv, olika engagemang är aktiviteter som konkurrerar om vår tid. Det kan ibland vara ren återhämtning men ibland åtaganden som ökar stressen. Om utrymmet för återhämtning är ringa eller inte existerar finns en ökad risk för bland annat stressrelaterade besvär. Faktorer som är avgörande för vår återhämtning och fritid finns på individnivå, i vårt arbete, i vår psykosociala miljö och på samhällsnivå. Dagens folkhälsopolitik fokuserar på bestämningsfaktorer vilket är "faktorer i samhällsorganisationen och människors livsvillkor och levnadsvanor som bidrar till hälsa eller ohälsa". Människor verkar inom olika ramar, har olika resurser och reagerar olika på stressorer vi ställs inför. Enligt Aaron Antonovskys så har individer olika motståndskraft, vissa förblir friska, klarar sig bra trots stora påfrestningar vilket hänger samman hur de hanterar sina motgångar och sin förmåga att göra tillvaron sammanhängande (KASAM, Känsla Av SAMmanhang). Syftet har varit att undersöka hur (dubbel)arbetande kvinnor upplever och skapar sina återhämtningsmöjligheter på fritiden. Vidare för att belysa och skapa reflektion kring situationer som, kanske till stor del i det dolda kan ge ohälsosamma effekter. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av intervjuer i semistrukturerad form. Analysen visade att kvinnorna hade en medvetenhet om återhämtningens betydelse. Att kunna göra egna val och prioritera var viktigt för återhämtningen och gav dem en känsla av meningsfullhet och att de hade kontroll. Det som främst konkurrerade om utrymmet för återhämtning var arbetet och familjelivet, även om det sistnämnda också gav återhämtning. Det som upplevdes som återhämtande varierade och kunde vara allt från att vila till fysisk aktivitet. / To have a possibility to recover is important for a person's health. Here the focus is on the recovery from work after the working hours, in effect the one that generally happens at our time of leisure. With leisure I anticipate in this context the time that we don't spend working within payed labour. Leisure interests, association commitments, engagements and so forth are activities that compete for our time. It can sometimes be pure recovery but sometimes commitments that increase stress. If room for regeneration is poor or nonexistent there is an increased risk for among other things, stress related troubles. Factors that are decisive for how our recovery and our time of leisure will look, exists on an individual level, in our psychosocial and on a communal level. Today's public health politics focus on decision factors which are "factors in the organization of society and humans living concurrences and living habits that has an impact on good health or poor health". We have different frames to operate in, different resources and we meet and react differently to all kinds of stress factors. According to Aaron Antonovskys, individuals have different levels of resistance. Some remain healthy and manage themselves well, in spite of great demands which have to do with how we handle our obstacles and our ability to give our way of life continuity (SOC, sense of coherence).   The focus on this work is on the recovery and leisure of women, i.e the experience and management of the individual recovery abilities during the leisure time. The purpose with the assignment has been to clarify how (dual) working women experience and manage their recovery opportunities. This to illuminate and create reflection about life situations that maybe to large degree concealed can produce unhealthy outcomes.

Det ideella arbetets betydelse för arbetslösa personer

Lindh, Lena, Olofsson, Helene January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie var att undersöka på vilket sätt ideellt arbete upplevs av arbetslösa personer. Vi valde att göra studien på den ideella musikföreningen Pipeline. En kvalitativ metod användes för att kunna ta del av intervjupersonernas upplevelser gällande ideellt arbete. Studien bestod av fem intervjuer med personer som hade eller haft praktik på Pipeline. Praktiken var arbetspraktik för arbetslösa eller praktik för ungdomar på individuella programmet. Resultatet visade att personerna upplevde gemenskap, bra ledarskap, motivation och en känsla av sammanhang i det ideella arbetet. / The purpose of our study was to see in which way unemployed person´s life was affected by working in a voluntary organization. The study was made on the music organization Pipeline. We choose to make the study in a quality method, to be able to take part in the people´s own experiences with voluntary work. The study was made by interviewing five persons who had work related practice for unemployed or for youths at the individual program. The results showed that the people experienced fellowship, good leadership, motivation, a sense of coherence in voluntary work.

Känsla av sammanhang : En studie om KASAM i årskurserna 1, 3 och 6 / Sense of coherence : A study about SOC in the grades 1, 3 and 6

Andersson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
Sense of coherence, SOC, is a way to study health and wellbeing in a salutogen perspective. SOC is a theory that Aaron Antonovsky came up with and it involves three elements; comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. These three elements is a objective way to look at our existence. The aim of this study was to examine how high the pupils sense of coherence was in the grades 1, 3 and 6 in a school in Karlstad. And with the result as starting point have a discussion around the pedagogical consequences and which educational work procedures we can use to work with SOC in school. It turned out that the students sense of coherence had a high mean value and that it got even higher through the grades.   The study will underlie for further development in this subject field and work as a foundation for further studies around the theory SOC.

Stress och KASAM : en studie i hur patienter med olika diagnoser inom stressrelaterad ohälsa ser på sin känsla av sammanhang

Pettersson Drevstam, Malin January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att beskriva hur patienter under utredning för stressrelaterad ohälsa ser på sin känsla av sammanhang totalt och uppdelat på komponenterna begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. För att kunna göra detta användes ett kvantitativt material i form av patientdata som samlats in av forskarna vid Centrum för miljörelaterad ohälsa och stress (CEOS) i Uppsala. Det är 155 patienter som har svarat på frågor rörande deras känsla av sammanhang i ett av Aaron Antonovsky utformat frågeformulär. Vidare har patienternas basvariabler som kön, ålder, civilstånd med mera beskrivits och analyserats tillsammans med svaren på KASAM-formuläret. Det framkom att patienterna har en lägre känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) än studier som gjorts på friska människor. Framträdande var bland annat att kön och en upplevd trygg ekonomi har stora samband med patienternas känsla av sammanhang. En kortare variant av frågeformuläret har testats och visat sig kunna ersätta den längre varianten utan att det påverkar slutresultatet.

Upplevd risk och upplevd krisberedskap inom barnomsorgen: betydelse av person- och arbetsrelaterade faktorer.

Jansson, Annika, Ericson, Emmelie January 2007 (has links)
Risk- och beredskapsfrågor är idag mycket aktuella inom olika verksamheter. Studien undersökte hur barnomsorgspersonal i Örebro betraktade risk och beredskap i arbetet samt hur känslan av sammanhang (KASAM) samt arbetsrelaterade faktorer som krav, kontroll och stöd påverkade dessa upplevelser. Studien baserades på enkäter byggda på frågeformulären QPS-Nordic 34+, 13 frågors KASAM samt egna frågor. 53 personer deltog. Resultatet visade att den upplevda beredskapen var god i förhållande till den upplevda risken. Krav, kontroll, stöd och KASAM vara alla signifikant relaterade till beredskapsfaktorerna. Endast KASAM hade samband med riskupplevelser. Personer med hög KASAM och högt stöd i kombination upplevde generellt mindre risk samt bedömde beredskapen som bättre. Höga värden på dessa faktorer bidrar till en tryggare arbetsmiljö och bör således prioriteras. / Risk and preparedness issues are currently of interest for many sectors. This study investigated how staff in Örebro’s childcare viewed risk and preparedness and how a sense of coherence (SOC) and requirements, control and support in work influenced these views. The study was based on polls containing items from the questionnaire OPS-nordic 34+, 13 SOC questions and original questions. 53 people participated. The result shows assessed preparedness as high compared to perceived risk. Requirements, control, support and SOC were significantly related to preparedness. Only SOC was related to perceptions of risk. Combined high levels of SOC and support generally make for lower perceived risk and higher assessment of preparedness. This contributes to a safer workplace and should be prioritized.

Motgångens möjligheter : en studie av ungdomars upplevelse av häktessituationen

Ericsson, Janna, Wennerstad, Cathrine January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to look into how detained swedish juveniles, in the ages between 15 an 20, experience time in custody. The primary questions are; To what exctent do juveniles understand their situation? To what exctent can juveniles handle their situation? Do the juveniles find meaning in their situation and if so, what aspects of the detention is considered meaningful? The study is based on seven qualitative interviews with young men detained at a youth custody ward at Kronobergshäktet in Stockholm. The theory used to analyze the interview results is Antonovskys theory of sence of coherence (SOC). A salient feature in the young mens experiences was that all of them had the ability to regard some of the aspects of the detention as meaningful. These positive aspects includes time for reflection and a possibility to break destructive patterns. Further more, it was evident that most of the respondents experienced that their lives contained elements of importance, such as family, education and future goals. Nevertheless, isolation, lack of contact with family and friends, powerlessness and worries about the future, were aspects of the detention that had a negative influence on all of the respondents in variyng degrees.

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