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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Idealkonstruerade offer och gärningsmän i en verklig värld : En analys av fyra omskrivna sexualbrottsfall i svensk rikstäckande dagspress under 2000-talet med fokus på genus, etnicitet och social bakgrund / Ideal victims and sex offenders in a real world : An analysis of four well known sex crimes in the Swedish national daily newspapers in the 2000s with a focus on gender, ethnicity and social background

Vlajkovic, Sandra, Salmijärvi, Mea January 2011 (has links)
We have chosen to analyze how four well known sex crimes were presented in the Swedish national daily newspapers in the 2000s. We chose this topic because sex crimes are considered one of the most terrible crimes. Sex crimes involve the media and upset the society. Our purpose was to analyze if we could identify stereotypes and prejudices about sex crimes in the press reports. The four sex crimes were: Rissne case in 2000, Tumba case in 2003, Hagamannen case in 2006 and the Stureplan case in 2007. We have read all the news stories from the Swedish national daily newspapers Svenska dagbladet and Expressen about our four cases. We analyzed a total of 40 articles, five articles from Svenska dagbladet and five articles from Expressen to each case. It was a strategic choice that resulted in ten articles per case from two national daily newspapers. We had three discourses in focus: gender, ethnicity and social background, when we analyzed the sex crimes. The method we used was a qualitative text analysis. Our purpose was to analyze how sex offenders and their victims were presented in the national Swedish daily newspapers. The main question was how gender, ethnicity and social background affect the presentation of the perpetrators and their victims. We have concluded that sex crimes are permeated by myths and that Helen Benedict´s eleven rape myths regarding the reporting about sex crimes in the United States several years ago are constantly reproduced in Swedish newspapers in the 2000s. These prejudices are a problem on an individual, national and global level.

Normkritisk undervisning hos lärare i Idrott och Hälsa : En kvalitativ studie om påverkansfaktorerna klass, kön och etnicitet / Physical education teachers and norm critical teaching : A qualitative study about social class, gender and ethnicity

Alvring, Simon, Jansson, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med studien var att undersöka om och hur lärare i ämnet idrott och hälsa, utbildade vid GIH arbetar normkritiskt utifrån faktorerna klass, kön och etnicitet. Vidare har ett syfte varit att undersöka vilka pedagogiska verktyg som de har fått från GIH för att förbereda dem att arbeta med dessa faktorer. Frågeställningar: Hur arbetar lärarna normkritiskt i sin undervisning utifrån klass, kön och etnicitet? Hur har lärarutbildningen vid GIH förberett lärarna att arbeta normkritiskt med dessa faktorer? Metod Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ utgångspunkt där djupintervjuer användes som metod. Urvalet bestod av fem idrottslärare som undervisar i gymnasieskolan. Samtliga respondenter har gått lärarprogrammet på GIH och arbetat maximalt tre år som idrottslärare. En intervjuguide utformades utifrån syftet och Lindströms modell av Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). Vilken även användes vid analys av resultatet. Resultat Resultatet visar att de intervjuade lärarna till viss del arbetar normkritiskt när det gäller genus genom att ge utrymme för diskussion och genus-uppgifter. Resultatet visar även att lärarna i studien uppvisar pedagogiska ämneskunskaper när det gäller normer kring genus, något som saknas när det gäller normer kring klass och etnicitet. Vidare visar resultatet att alla respondenter fått en teoretisk utbildning från GIH när det gäller normer kring genus och en del praktiska kunskaper för tillämpning i undervisningen. När det kommer till teoretiska kunskaper gällande normer kring både klass och etnicitet delger alla respondenter att dessa kunskaper har ingått minimalt i undervisningen på GIH. De didaktiska kunskaperna kring samma normer menar alla intervjuade lärare att det saknades helt eller endast diskuterade vid ett fåtal tillfällen. Slutsats   Lärarna uppvisar liknande arbetssätt när det handlar om normkritisk pedagogik. Lärarna arbetar inte normkritiskt enligt Lindströms pedagogiska ämneskunskaps modell. Dock arbetar de normkritiskt till viss del då det handlar om genus, men detta arbete saknas när det kommer till faktorerna klass och etnicitet. Lärarna arbetar snarare aktivt med de normer och den värdegrund som styrdokumenten anger samt låter eleverna arbeta med genus på ett uppgiftsorienterat sätt. Att det ser ut på detta sätt kan kopplas till GIH:s lärarutbildning då den lägger fokus på genus medan de andra faktorerna hamnar i skymundan. / Aim The aim of the study was to investigate if and how Physical Education (PE) teachers, with an education from the Swedish school of sports and health science (GIH) and a maximum work experience of 3 years work with norm critical teaching according to the study factors social class, gender and ethnicity. Moreover, an aim has been to investigate what kind of pedagogical tools the interviewed teachers have received from GIH to prepare them how to teach with these factors in mind. Research questions: How do the teachers work norm critical in their teaching according to social class, gender and ethnicity? How has the teacher education at GIH prepared the teachers to work norm critical with these factors? Method The study was carried out in a qualitative perspective and in-depth interviews were used as research method. One PE teacher teaching in the Swedish compulsory school participated in the pilot interview and five PE teachers teaching at Swedish high schools participated in the study. All respondents in the study have finished a teacher program at GIH and a maximum of 3 years’ working experience as a PE teacher. An interview guide was created according to Lindström’s model of PCK. Results The Result shows that the interviewed teachers work in a norm critic way to some degree when it come to gender through discussions and gender tasks. Furthermore the result shows that the respondents show some sort of Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) when it comes to norms regarding gender, something that they do not have when it comes to norms regarding social background and ethnicity. Moreover the result shows that the respondents have acquired a theoretical knowledge and some practical knowledge about gender norms from GIH. When it comes to theoretical knowledge concerning social background and ethnicity norms all the respondents agree that this knowledge have been included minimally in their education. The didactical knowledge about these norms was not included in their education or was discussed at very few occasions. Conclusions The teachers of the study show similar working methods regarding norm critical pedagogy. According to Lindström’s PCK model, the teachers do not work norm critical. Though, they do in some extent work norm critical regarding gender, but this work does not exist regarding the factors social class and ethnicity. The teachers under study rather work actively with the norms and value principle stated by curriculum. Furthermore they work with gender in a task oriented way. The reason for this can be linked to GIH’s teacher program since the education focus on gender, the other factors, social class and ethnicity only is emphasized briefly during the education.

Entre líderes partidários e trajetórias individuais: as implicações do background em saúde sobre o comportamento parlamentar / Between the party leader and the individual trajectory: the implications of health background on parliamentary behavior

Borges, Barbara Salatiel 14 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-10-18T18:10:22Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Barbara Salatiel Borges - 2016.pdf: 2105651 bytes, checksum: c858adfeb6ff85a7a7392a349c63245d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2016-10-18T18:10:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Barbara Salatiel Borges - 2016.pdf: 2105651 bytes, checksum: c858adfeb6ff85a7a7392a349c63245d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-18T18:10:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Barbara Salatiel Borges - 2016.pdf: 2105651 bytes, checksum: c858adfeb6ff85a7a7392a349c63245d (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-06-14 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás - FAPEG / The aim of this study is to investigate to what extent Brazilian federal deputies’ backgrounds influences their behavior in the legislative arena, more specifically, the variation in their conduct in the nominal voting in the Chamber of Deputies during the period that corresponds to the 54th legislature. Beyond this, owing to a methodological choice and given the limitation of this research, the social background that interests us is that which, and according to selected criteria, would be connected to the health sector. The result of the tabular analysis between the variables shows that the health background is not a predictor of behavior of political actors. / O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar em que medida o background do deputado federal brasileiro influencia o seu comportamento na arena legislativa, mais especificamente, a variação em sua atuação nas votações nominais na Câmara dos Deputados no período que corresponde a 54º Legislatura (2011-2015). Ademais, por uma escolha metodológica e dada a limitação deste trabalho, o background social que nos interessa é aquele que, de acordo com critérios selecionados, esteja vinculado ao setor da saúde. O resultado da análise tabular entre as variáveis demonstra que o background em saúde não é um preditor do comportamento parlamentar no Plenário.

En internt segregerad skola : En kvalitativ studie utifrån elevernas egna upplevelser på Klaraskolan i Halmstad / An internally segregated school

Andersson, Bertil, Svedlind, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
This qualitative essay has been performed on the secondary school Klaraskolan in Halmstad. The school has two defined groups that derive from two separate, different and homogenous schools. The aim of the essay is to identify the pupil’s experiences, thoughts and opinions about the social environment on Klaraskolan in relation to their different backgrounds. The primary focus for the essay is to examine differences between the groups that contribute to an internally segregated school. Conclusions will be made from how the power is distributed between the groups and how that affects the social cohesion. The main theory for the essay is Pierre Bourdieus field theory with two supportive theories which is Michel Foucaults conceptof disciplinary power and Ove Sernhedes concept of territorial stigmatization. The empiricism is collected by two group interviews, four individual interviews and three observations. The result proved that there are significant differences in how the pupil’s experienced their schooling, how they chose to interact with their friends and how they experience their treatment by their teachers and surroundings. The conclusions made by this was that language and residential area is of big importance regarding how they defined themselves and how they interpreted the opposite group. Regarding power between the two groups they dominated different social spaces at school. These conclusions combined generated the final conclusion that Klaraskolan can be defined as an internally segregated school.

Frazeologie na 1. stupni základní školy / Phraseology at Primary School

Vancová, Klára January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on primary school pupils, specifically on the pupils of the second educational period, whose knowledge and understanding of folk phrasal idioms are examined. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the definition of important terms in the field of phraseology, such as the definition and characteristics of a phrasal idiom, its function, possible ways of phrasal idoms classification and various variants and updates of phrasal idioms. Furthermore, the thesis explores the influence of the social background, from which a pupil comes, on the knowledge of phrasal idioms. The thesis also addresses possible ways how a primary school can influence pupil's knowledge of folk phrasal idioms and understanding them. The practical part of the thesis includes the main survey, where the research method is quantitative. The survey is conducted through open-ended questionnaires. The total number of respondents, who participated in the main survey, is 301. Respondents attend both municipal schools, which are in Prague as well as in other cities, and smaller schools in villages. Based on the analysis of textbooks, it is assumed that pupils have a greater opportunity to encounter folk phrasal idioms than cultural phrasal idioms. For this reason, the practical part of the thesis focuses only on...

Reproduktionen – Validering av reell kompetens och högskolans rådande ordning

Strandberg, Per Anders January 2005 (has links)
This thesis examines the relationship between recognition of prior learning and the aim to increase social and ethnical diversity in higher education. Recognition of prior learning is a result of educational politics aiming to broaden social and ethnical recruitment to higher education. By examining if recognition of prior learning rather can, and shall, be seen as part of what Pierre Bourdieu calls educational social reproduction I try to question whether it fulfils education policy goals or not. My results show that persons responsible for recognition of prior learning rather recognise knowledge from prior educational institutions than knowledge gained outside the educational system. Considering this, recognition of prior learning does not quite live up to the aims. But if evaluated and developed it might become a useful tool to broaden recruitment to higher education. / Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka relationen mellan validering av reell kompetens och målet att öka den sociala och etniska mångfalden i högskolan. Validering av reell kompetens är resultatet av en politisk högskolereform som syftar till breddad rekrytering men jag försöker lyfta frågan om validering snarare kan, och skall, ses som en del av vad Pierre Bourdieu kallar den sociala reproduktionen i högskolan. Mina resultat visar att de som gör bedömningar av reell kompetens är mer benägna att värdera tidigare utbildningserfarenhet än kunskaper hämtade från andra områden. Detta gör att vi i dagsläget kan tala om att validering av reell kompetens inte riktigt lever upp till sitt mål, men att det, om det används på rätt sätt, kan vara ett bra redskap för att bredda rekryteringen.

Soziale Lage und Gesundheit: Gesundheitsrisiken und Perspektiven von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Kokot, Andre 17 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Eine Untersuchung über den Zusammenhang zwischen sozialer Lage und dem Gesundheitsstatus bei Kindern und Jugendlichen.

Reproduktionen – Validering av reell kompetens och högskolans rådande ordning

Strandberg, Per Anders January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the relationship between recognition of prior learning and the aim to increase social and ethnical diversity in higher education. Recognition of prior learning is a result of educational politics aiming to broaden social and ethnical recruitment to higher education. By examining if recognition of prior learning rather can, and shall, be seen as part of what Pierre Bourdieu calls educational social reproduction I try to question whether it fulfils education policy goals or not. My results show that persons responsible for recognition of prior learning rather recognise knowledge from prior educational institutions than knowledge gained outside the educational system. Considering this, recognition of prior learning does not quite live up to the aims. But if evaluated and developed it might become a useful tool to broaden recruitment to higher education.</p> / <p>Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka relationen mellan validering av reell kompetens och målet att öka den sociala och etniska mångfalden i högskolan. Validering av reell kompetens är resultatet av en politisk högskolereform som syftar till breddad rekrytering men jag försöker lyfta frågan om validering snarare kan, och skall, ses som en del av vad Pierre Bourdieu kallar den sociala reproduktionen i högskolan. Mina resultat visar att de som gör bedömningar av reell kompetens är mer benägna att värdera tidigare utbildningserfarenhet än kunskaper hämtade från andra områden. Detta gör att vi i dagsläget kan tala om att validering av reell kompetens inte riktigt lever upp till sitt mål, men att det, om det används på rätt sätt, kan vara ett bra redskap för att bredda rekryteringen.</p>

Multidimensional Intergenerational Inequality: Resource and Gender Specificity : Intergenerational transmission of inequality in education, social class, and income attainment using a sibling correlations approach

Thaning, Max January 2018 (has links)
This study focuses on intergenerational transmission of socioeconomic resources in multiple dimensions and decomposes the influence of parents’ education, social class, and income in relation to the same outcomes for children as well as the unique impact of mothers and fathers on sons and daughters. In order to minimize measurement error in parental characteristics and life course bias for children, high quality Swedish administrative register data (spanning over 40 years) is utilized. A sibling correlation approach is employed to establish the net influence of each parental resource, both in general and by parents’ and children’s gender. The results show that intergenerational inequality is subject to resource specificity. First, same resource transmission implies that the same parental resource as the child outcome matter most in transmission of advantage. In this sense, educational elites foster educational elites, while economic advantage favor children’s own economic status. Second, the intermediate and overlapping socioeconomic field resource, parental social class, explains most of children´s outcomes in education and income suggesting that there is a same field transmission. Parental resources explain little variation in its field opposite (i.e. parental education on child income and parental income on child education). Finally, whether or not intergenerational inequality is subject to gender specificity is ambiguous, it ranges from negligible to substantial contributions. Mothers’ and fathers’ resources do matter independently over all outcomes, where especially fathers’ income dominate and drives the total influence of parental income. However, the result for the same gender transmission is mixed. The conclusion is that gender and, especially, resource specificity cannot be neglected without biasing results, confusing time trends, and underestimating the true rate of intergenerational inequality. Intergenerational processes of inequality will be misrepresented in a unidimensional conceptualization of socioeconomic transmission, which will also affect both theoretical understanding and the prospects of policy intervention.

Subjektivní hodnocení celkového zdravotního stavu pacienta na konci redukční fáze léčby lymfedému / The Subjective Evaluation of a Patient´s Overall Health State at the End of the Reduction Phase of Lymphedema Treatment

PLACATKOVÁ, Petra January 2007 (has links)
The graduation thesis is focused on Lymphedema patientś problems. It addresses how the patient values his or her own health state. The differences between a patientś health state before therapy and after finishing its reduction phase have been compared. The following aspect have been valued: limited movement, pain and mental stress. All of them were improved after the reduction phase. Thus Hypothesis 1 has been confirmed: "At the end of the Reduction Phase of Lymphedema therapy the overal health state of the patient is improved." Out of above meditioned three aspect, the mental stress improved at a lowest rate. Differences between patients with and without good social background were demonstrated. Patients with bad social background valued mental stress caused by Lymphedema before and after the therapy as significantly higher then patients with good social background. Thus Hypothesis 2 was also confirmed: "Patients with good social background cope with their disease in a better way." In order to test the hypotheses the quantitative research was done. The technique was standardised integration.

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