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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sociální podnikání a jeho potenciál při začleňování znevýhodněných skupin na trh práce. Dopady zaměstnání osob se zdravotním znevýhodněním v sociální firmě Modrý domeček na jejich rodiny / Social enterpreneurship and its potential for inclusion of marginalized groups at labour market. The employment impacts of persons with health disadvantages in social firm "Modrý domeček" on their families

Vrbová, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with social entrepreneurship and its potential for integration of marginalized social groups to the labour market. Social economy and its subjects - social enterprises - participate in the market not only to obtain profit but also in order to fulfill socially beneficial objectives. The topic of social economy and supporting its subjects is currently topical in the whole European Union. It presents an alternative way of fulfilling the needs of the society which flexibly complements the instruments of public redistribution as well as private sector. Also in the Czech Republic social economy is a real phenomenon which has recently attracted many practical as well as theoretical activities. The thesis focuses on social firms as one of the types of social enterprises that create jobs for persons that are somehow disadvantaged on the labour market with the objective of their social and economic integration. In the practical part the thesis presents results of a qualitative research aimed on the impacts of the employment in the social firm "Modrý domeček" in Řevnice of a family member with a health disadvantage on his/her family. The research was conducted with members of the disadvantaged employees' families.

Sociální firma a její význam v oblasti sociální integrace osob s duševním onemocněním / The Importance of Social Firm in Social Integration of Persons with Mental Diseases

Nováková, Barbora January 2011 (has links)
The dissertation look into the question what social firm has a impact on the social integration of people with mental diseases. It is divided into theoretical part, profiles of surveyed organizations and practical part. In theoretical parts are offered definitions of the various authors about social integration, social firms, persons with mental illness. Definition of approaching the issue. There are also published theories, which were subsequently verified in the empirical work. Brief profiles of organizations includes two social firms and one sheltered workshop. In empirical part was a qualitative research aimed at answering research questions. They were directed to full the objectives of the work. The main method in this case were semi-structured interviews. Work leads to knowledge, some of which support the theoretical ssumptions about the importance of social integration firm. However, some theoretical knowledge about the importance of social integration, were not confirmed by the results of empirical research. Key words Social integration Social Economy Social firm A person with mental diseases


鄭勝分, Cheng, Sheng-fen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選擇公共行政研究的新興議題,即歐美非營利組織發展新趨勢-「社會企業」(social enterprises)作為研究主題。 第一章緒論,首先闡述受到志願失靈的影響,促使社會企業的興起,然而,此種歐美非營利組織發展的新趨勢,則遭受到許多質疑與挑戰,包含:認同困境、認知困境、合法性困境,及實踐困境。首先,社會企業在型態上呈現兩種發展趨勢,既包含非營利組織師法企業,也包含企業師法非營利組織,應該採取何種趨勢,亦或兼採兩種趨勢,目前似乎尚無定論,這也造成社會企業研究的「認同困境」;其次,歐美各國社會企業的組織類型與法律地位差異性甚大,故研究議題遲未定調,造成社會企業內涵相當模糊,缺乏一致性概念,而造成社會企業研究的「認知困境」;第三,社會企業雖然可以挹注非營利組織財源,或解決高失業等社會問題,但社會企業所採取的商業行為,依然潛藏許多風險,而遭受到「合法性困境」的挑戰;第四,台灣社會企業發展尚屬萌芽階段,未來是否一定要師法此一趨勢,目前似乎仍有疑慮,而造成「實踐困境」。這四項困境,前三者受到學術研究領域的關注,而第四者則較受實務界的關心,而這四項困境,也促發本論文之研究動機。緣此,本研究之目的在於從歐美各國發展經驗,析探台灣社會企業的發展現況,並據以建構適合台灣社會企業的類型與研究建議。 第二章文獻探討與分析架構,就學術界或實務界而言,「社會企業」一詞仍處於發展階段,故對其內涵尚未達成一致性的共識,類似的名詞屢見,而造成研究上的混淆,然對於新興議題的研究,文獻探討必須聚焦於核心概念,方得以觀其全貌,避免失焦。基此,本研究首先檢閱國內外以社會企業(social enterprise)為研究主題的代表性文獻;其次,則依據問題意識,檢視相關文獻的重要著作及研究焦點,最後,則檢視相關文獻的解釋力,並據以建構本研究之分析架構。 對於歐美社會企業的發展,目前分析架構並無法充分解釋,且鑑於社會企業係屬非營利組織研究的新興課題,在缺乏堅實理論支持下,實難採取假設演繹法加以驗證,爰針對歐美社會企業所面臨的認同困境、認知困境,及合法性困境,依據文獻歸納出三大困境的共同特質,並據以建構分析架構,將最契合歐美社會企業發展的現況。緣此,本研究即採取歸納法方式,依據問題意識梳釐歐美社會企業的共同特質,據以建構社會企業的分析架構。 社會企業的認同困境關注重點在於,歐美社會企業為何浮現?認知困境關注重點在於,歐美社會企業的組織特質為何?合法性困境關注重點在於,歐美社會企業有何貢獻與限制?而從Hansmann論點可以發現,認同困境與合法性困境,相當契合非營利組織角色理論的內涵,而認知困境則相當契合非營利組織行為理論的內涵。故本研究援引Hansmann的論點,並依據歐美社會企業三大困境的實際內涵,將探討歐美社會企業興起的認同困境,其分析架構面向定義為「環境」,而將研究歐美社會企業組織特質的認知困境其分析架構面向定義為「結構」,最後,則是將探討歐美社會企業有何貢獻與限制的合法性困境,其分析架構面向定義為「功能」,在此三個面向基礎下,依據「金字塔」概念建構本研究分析架構,以全面檢視歐美社會企業的發展現況,並驗證社會企業在台灣應用之可行性。 第三章歐洲社會企業之發展,主要依據分析架構,從環境、結構,及功能三個面向加以分析。環境面向分析重點在於探討歐洲社會企業興起的背景及其解釋理論;結構面向分析重點在於歐洲各國社會企業的現況、比較各國發展的差異,並說明歐洲社會企業的組織特徵;功能面向分析重點在於歐洲社會企業所採取的發展策略及新趨勢,並析探這些策略所產生的貢獻與限制。 第四章美國社會企業之發展,則同樣依據分析架構,從環境、結構,及功能三個面向加以分析。環境面向分析重點在於探討美國社會企業興起的背景及其解釋理論;結構面向分析重點在於美國社會企業的現況,並說明其組織特徵;功能面向分析重點在於美國社會企業所採取的發展策略及新趨勢,並析探這些策略所產生的貢獻與限制。 第五章台灣社會企業之探究,本章首先提出研究設計,包含深度訪談法的過程與樣本選取,並據以提出本研究之編碼類別表;其次分別從從環境、結構,及功能三個面向,逐一檢索深度訪談法所選取四個樣本的發展經驗,並論述這些經驗與歐美社會企業發展的契合程度。 由於本論文係屬探索性研究,故採取質化研究方法較為適當,是以,本研究採取深度訪談法,據以析探台灣社會企業的發展現況。質化研究樣本選取重點在於其代表性,而非數量多寡,故在樣本數方面,主要採取「立意取樣法」,選取具代表性個案作為訪談對象;至於樣本選取主要依據三個指標,包含:個案的知名度,是否有顯著的商業活動,及必須契合本研究之問題意識,並依此選取喜憨兒基金會、伊甸基金會、陽光基金會,及彭婉如基金會作為訪談樣本。 在資料分析方面,本研究採取質的編碼方式及比較分析法,針對四個訪談個案的訪談資料,分別進行反覆及深入的分析,從環境、結構、及功能三個面向,析探台灣社會企業的發展現況與應用性。 第六章結論與建議,本章首先比較歐美社會企業的發展經驗,以資台灣社會企業類型建構之依據,而從歐美社會企業發展經驗可以發現,對於社會企業所面臨之「認同困境」、「認知困境」,及「合法性困境」,至今仍舊缺乏完整性的分析架構,故本研究依據歐美社會企業三大發展困境,從環境、結構,及功能三個面向,建構分析歐美社會企業的分析架構,試圖釐清歐美社會企業的內涵。而對於社會企業在台灣應用所面臨的「實踐困境」,則可在此分析架構下,透過歐美發展經驗的比較,檢視社會企業在台灣應用的可行性。依據深度訪談資料顯示,本研究所選取以基金會為主體的社會企業,相當契合歐美社會企業的發展軌跡,且成效相當顯著。緣此,本研究擬依據深度訪談資料,提出台灣社會企業發展的學術與實務建議,學術建議部分在於透過深度訪談個案,建構契合台灣社會企業發展的類型,以資後續研究參考;實務建議部分則關注社會企業在台灣應用所可以面臨的風險提出建議,除引為殷鑑外,亦可達知識管理之效。在學術研究方面,本研究依據訪談資料,分別將之命名為「責任中心型」、「許可協議型」、「就業中心型」,及「政策倡議型」,並據以建構適合台灣社會企業的類型;其次,從非營利組織本身、政府協力關係,及企業協力關係三個角度,提出實務建議。對於非營利組織本身可能造成使命漂移、公益形象,與管理層面等三方面的風險,分別提出「案主權益優先原則」、「建構第三部門的社會資本」,及「應用組織發展技術」等三項建議;對於政府協力關係可能會產生自主性與政策倡議兩方面的風險,分別提出「自律為主,他律為輔」及「利益迴避原則」二項建議;對於企業協力關係可能會出現文化與價值衝突與不公平競爭兩方面的風險,分別提出「強化募款能力」及「建立聯盟」二項建議。

Le microcrédit social : un "argent secours" en perspective historique : le cas du prêt sur-gages au crédit municipal de Bordeaux depuis 1801 / Social microcredit : aid-cash in historical perspective : the case of pawnbroking activities at the Bordeaux “Crédit Municipal” since 1801.

Pastureau, Guillaume 08 July 2013 (has links)
Créé dans les villes marchandes d'Italie du Nord au XVe siècle pour lutter contre l'usure, le Mont-de-Piété est devenu incontestablement un acteur fondamental de l'aide sociale à travers le prêt sur gages. Promoteur d'une économie sociale de bienfaisance, il met au cœur des préoccupations le rôle de l'argent comme une forme d'outil d'intégration économique et sociale à la société en voie de modernisation. Il agit comme une institution protectrice d'un salariat soumis au paupérisme et aux aléas sociaux de leur existence. En apportant des capacités financières, il permet au salariat de compléter ses revenus, quand les salaires sont précaires aléatoires. L'émergence de la Protection sociale, venant garantir et stabiliser les revenus, concurrencerait la finance sociale issue du Mont-de-Piété. Ainsi, l'action sociale institutionnalisée retourne les conceptions de l'aide, l'aide privée, individualisée, et marchande du XIXe siècle est remplacée par une aide publique, collective et non marchande. L'activité du prêt sur gages devient progressivement insignifiante, le Crédit municipal s'intègrera dans une logique bancaire. Mais la fin du XXe siècle voit renaître l'institution, le microcrédit social prend une nouvelle place. Sous l'effet de l'évolution de l'intensité de la Protection sociale, de l'apparition d'une nouvelle pauvreté, et de l'expression d'un nouveau risque lié à l'exclusion bancaire et financière, le prêt sur gages en consacrant un « argent secours » (re)introduit une forme de protection sociétale spécifique. / The first pawnshop, or "Mont-de-Piété," was created in 15th-century Italy to fight usury. The Mont-de-Piété and its pawn loan unquestionably became a fundamental pillar of social care. It promotes a charitable social economy and regards money as being at the center of all concerns for social and economical integration within a modernising society. It plays the role of a protective institution for wage earners subjected to pauperism and the social hazards of existence. The Mont-de-Piété allows wage earners to supplement their incomes by providing financial capacities when wages are low or uncertain. However the emergence of Social Welfare which stabilised incomes soon competed with the social financing provided by the Mont-de-piété. Thus institutionalised social policies brought a new light on the concept of social aid. 19th-century private and individualised social aid was gradulally replaced by public and global social welfare. Pawnbroking activities decreased significantly and soon the Crédit Municipal will assimilate the logic of banking institutions. However, toward the end of the 20th century the Mont-de-Piété institution comes up again and social microcredit progressively rises up in importance. Since the end of the 20th century, consequences of the liberal economic organization - such as social exclusion and banking exclusion - the Crédit Municipal activity has (re)developped and evolved. Nowadays, the Crédit Municipal is, just like the Mont-de-Piété used to be, an institution which allows for or facilitates social inclusion. In fact, the Crédit Municipal and its pawnbroking activities are re-establishing a new form of specific social protection.

La contribution d’Henri Desroche à l’éducation des adultes : de la recherche de la “communauté” à la recherche “compagnonnique” : un modèle d’apprentissage permanent / The contribution of Henri Desroche to adult education : the search for the "community" looking "Compagnonnique" : a model for lifelong learning

Lago, Davide 03 December 2009 (has links)
Dans l’œuvre très vaste d’Henri Desroche (Roanne 1914-Paris 1994), cette recherche vise à discerner la contribution de l’auteur à l’éducation des adultes. En particulier, après avoir relevé les mots-clés de communauté et de compagnonnage dans son œuvre, on analyse les contextes qui ont permis la création du Collège Coopératif de Paris (en 1958), du DHEPS (Diplôme des Hautes Études des Pratiques Sociales) et de l’Université Coopérative Internationale (UCI), ainsi que les modalités de leur essor. On essayera ensuite, en guise de conclusion, d’esquisser les conditions de transposabilité de ces institutions et de ces procédures de formation permanente en Italie. Il s’agit d’une recherche historique concernant les institutions éducatives. La méthodologie suivie consiste en l’analyse a priori des ouvrages éducationnels d’Henri Desroche, en l’analyse d’autres ouvrages sur l’auteur, permettant de reconstruire le climat culturel de l’époque, et en la réalisation d’entretiens avec les compagnons d’Henri Desroche et avec les continuateurs de son œuvre. Théoricien et praticien, Henri Desroche s’est occupé des études marxologiques, de sociologie des religions et d’économie sociale, avec une attention particulière aux formes de coopération dans les domaines religieux, économique et éducatif / This research aims at identifying the contribution of Henri Desroche (Roanne 1914-Paris 1994) to adult education, within his extensive scientific work. In particular, after focusing on keywords such as community and companionship in his work, the contexts which led to the creation (1958) and the development of Collège Coopératif of Paris, of DHEPS (Diplôme des Hautes Etudes des Pratiques Sociales) and of the Université Cooperative Internationale (UCI) have been analyzed. In conclusion, the possibilities of transferability in Italy of Desrochian intuitions have been outlined. This study is a part of the history of educational institutions. The adopted methodology consisted in the analysis of the most “educational” works of Henri Desroche (as well as his early work, which proved to be very illuminating) and of the author’s literature. It also includes interviews with Desroche’s colleagues and the researchers that continued his work. Theoretical and practitioner at the same time, Henri Desroche studied Marxism, the sociology of religions and social economy, with a particular attention to the various forms of cooperation in the religious, economical and educational fields

SOCIÁLNÍ EKONOMIKA V ČESKÉ REPUBLICE, JEJÍ KOŘENY A DALŠÍ MOŽNÝ VÝVOJ / Social economy in the Czech Republic, its origins and possible future development

Leznarová, Linda January 2011 (has links)
The Diploma thesis examines social economy area, social entrepreneurship in particular, with focus on integration of disadvantaged groups on Czech Republic labor market. The main objective of the thesis is to identify strengths and weaknesses of the social entrepreneurship and work integration concept with emphasis on legislation, financing and historical and cultural influence as well as suitability of the environment for further progress. Particular attention is given to evaluation of purposiveness of creating work opportunities for disadvantaged groups by social enterprise. The thesis also examines social entrepreneurship environment in selected European countries to find inspiration for improvement or to identify areas to be aware of and avoid them. The analytical part of the theses is focused on Czech Republic, using information data gathered form subject matter experts, or based on information provided by social enterprise representatives. The thesis is concluded with a SWOT analysis delivering complex overview of Czech social enterprise and its prospective opportunities or potential impediments.


Sousa, Aline dos Santos 16 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by admin tede (tede@pucgoias.edu.br) on 2017-02-23T18:47:34Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ALINE DOS SANTOS SOUSA.pdf: 2866512 bytes, checksum: 531443fe8a1253d5d5dc0ff0b9eb7801 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-23T18:47:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ALINE DOS SANTOS SOUSA.pdf: 2866512 bytes, checksum: 531443fe8a1253d5d5dc0ff0b9eb7801 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-11-16 / The solidarity economy is seen as a catalyst local development strategy, assigning to economic developments in solidarity the ability to generate employment and income, performing economic activities based on the principles of self-management, solidarity and cooperation. This research is a study on social economy developed in micro-Iporá, in order to identify the main obstacles encountered by solidary economic enterprises existing in the studied area. Initially, the text presents a conceptual discussion about solidarity economy, desconstructing the concept of solidarity economy, as a phenomenon that will overcome the capitalist system, revealing the design of a hybrid economy, able to interact with the different economic principles, doing the same in text, a reflection on the role of State on these projects. Subsequently it performs a socioeconomic characterization of micro-Iporá to understand the scenario in which these developments emerge. The third part of the dissertation discusses about the experiences, bottlenecks and challenges faced by economic enterprises in solidarity micro-Iporá, in particular, two projects of production and marketing of products of family farming. The research conducted for the preparation of this section is delineated by a qualitative research method known as PRA* (Participatory Rapid Appraisal) for better present approach conditions to the subject matter under discussion and its actors. It was noticed that solidary economic enterprises of micro-Iporá even indicated as a tool for material and immaterial reproduction of territories face problems caused by internal conditions, which are magnified by dependence and influence of agents and external variables. This study presents some suggestions and actions to the identified bottlenecks be overcome for the supportive economic enterprises of micro-Iporá. / A economia solidária é apontada como uma estratégia catalisadora desenvolvimento local, atribuindo aos empreendimentos econômicos solidários a capacidade de gerar emprego e renda, executando atividades econômicas fundamentadas nos princípios da autogestão, solidariedade e cooperação. Esta dissertação consiste em um estudo sobre economia solidária desenvolvido na microrregião de Iporá, com o objetivo de identificar os principais gargalos enfrentados pelos empreendimentos econômicos solidários existentes na área estudada. Inicialmente, o texto traz uma discussão conceitual sobre economia solidária, descontruindo a concepção da economia solidária, como um fenômeno que irá superar o sistema capitalista, revelando a concepção de uma economia híbrida, capaz de interagir com os diferentes princípios econômicos, fazendo no mesmo texto, uma reflexão sobre o papel do Estado diante desses empreendimentos. Posteriormente se realiza uma caracterização socioeconômica da microrregião de Iporá para compreender o cenário em que estes empreendimentos emergem. A terceira parte da dissertação discorre sobre as experiências, gargalos e desafios enfrentados pelos empreendimentos econômicos solidários na microrregião de Iporá, em especial, dois empreendimentos de produção e comercialização de produtos da agricultura familiar. A pesquisa realizada para a elaboração desta secção é delineada pelo método de pesquisa qualitativa conhecido como DRP - Diagnóstico Rápido Participativo, por melhor apresentar condições de aproximação com o objeto de estudo em discussão e com seus atores. Percebeu-se que os empreendimentos econômicos solidários da microrregião de Iporá, mesmo indicados como um instrumento para a reprodução material e imaterial dos territórios, enfrentam problemas provocados por condições internas, cujo são ampliados pela dependência e a influência de agentes e variáveis externas. Este estudo apresenta algumas sugestões e ações para que os gargalos identificados sejam superados pelos empreendimentos econômicos solidários da microrregião de Iporá.

O direito concursal das sociedades cooperativas e a lei de recuperação de empresas e falência / Cooperative bankrupty system and the Brazilian bankruptcy law

Maffioletti, Emanuelle Urbano 25 May 2010 (has links)
A tese parte da análise jurídica do concurso das sociedades cooperativas para abordar as disciplinas concursais de insolvência civil, recuperação de empresas e falência, bem como as normas de liquidação aplicáveis às cooperativas no direito brasileiro e comparado. O direito concursal hodierno dispõe de mecanismos recuperativos em caso de crise financeira, e liquidatórios, com normas que primam pela eficiência dos institutos do direito concursal e pela continuação da atividade produtiva, com o fim de beneficiar o credor, devedor e a coletividade. Tende-se a adotar o princípio de unidade legal, de sistema e de disciplina, com pressuposto subjetivo unificado, abrangendo todos os devedores, inclusive as sociedades cooperativas, que quando organizadas como empresas são empresárias de economia social, com natureza jurídica e estrutura que beneficiam a coletividade. O Brasil não adota o princípio da unidade, nem reconhece as sociedades cooperativas como empresas, com a exclusão das cooperativas da lei de recuperação e falências, o que fere as orientações internacionais de incentivo e de tratamento não discriminatório às sociedades cooperativas e surge como mais um obstáculo ao seu desenvolvimento no Brasil. Este estudo teórico-descritivo subdivide-se em três capítulos: o primeiro aborda a doutrina e a normativa do direito concursal com enfoque na sociedade cooperativa, analisando a evolução do direito concursal, os pressupostos subjetivos e os institutos do direito concursal brasileiro, inclusive os aplicáveis às sociedades cooperativas; o segundo aprofunda o estudo da sociedade cooperativa como empresa de economia social para demonstrar a sua realidade econômica empresarial e as suas características estruturais, além de as orientações internacionais sobre a promoção da cooperativa; e o terceiro avalia a adequação do direito concursal das cooperativas no Brasil e formula proposições sobre a matéria. A relação teoria e prática tem como base as decisões judiciais existentes sobre a matéria. / The thesis begins with the legal analysis of the bankruptcy of cooperative societies to address the legal types of bankruptcy non-commercial entities insolvency system (insolvência civil), companies recovery system and bankruptcy and the liquidation rules applicable to cooperatives under Brazilian law and comparative law. The bankruptcy law nowadays has recovery mechanisms in cases of financial crisis and liquidation. It presents rules that aim at efficiency and at the continuity of the production, in order to benefit creditors, debtors and the community. There is a tendency to adopt the legal unit principle, the system principle and the discipline principle, with a unified subjective premise that covers all debtors, including cooperative societies. When organized as companies, these societies are social economy entrepreneurs, whose juridical nature and structure benefit the community. Brazil does not adopt the legal unit principle and does not recognize cooperative societies as companies, with the exception of the cooperatives covered by the recovery and bankruptcy law. This fact constitutes a disagreement in relation to international orientations of promotion and non-discriminatory treatment to cooperative societies and arises as an obstacle to the development of these societies in the country. The theoretical-descriptive study is divided into three chapters: the first one presents the doctrine and the rules related to bankruptcy law focusing the aspects of cooperative societies and analyzing the evolution, the subjective premises and the institutes of bankruptcy law, including those applicable to cooperative societies; the second chapter analyses the cooperative society as a social economy company and demonstrates its entrepreneurs economic reality, its structural characteristics and adds international orientations on the promotion of cooperatives; the third chapter evaluates the appropriateness of bankruptcy law related to cooperatives in Brazil and formulates propositions on the issue. The relation between theory and practice is demonstrated with judicial decisions on the matter.

Obtenção e uso de mutantes com alterações no balanço auxina/citocinina no estudo da competência organogênica em micro-tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum cv Micro-Tom). / Generation and utilization of mutants with altered auxin/cytokinin ratio in the study of organogenic competence in micro-tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum CV Micro-Tom).

Pino-Nunes, Lilian Ellen 14 April 2005 (has links)
Uma das abordagens mais utilizadas atualmente para se estudar o metabolismo e a transdução de sinais hormonais é o uso de mutantes com alterações nos genes que codificam os principais componentes desses processos. A cultivar miniatura de tomateiro (Lycopersicon esculentum) denominada Micro-Tom (MT) possui porte reduzido (8 cm) e ciclo de apenas 75 dias, constituindo-se em um excelente modelo para uma abordagem genética de estudos fisiológicos. Mutantes com alterações no balanço auxina/citocinina, ou na capacidade de resposta a esse balanço, podem ser utilizados para desvendar o papel da interação entre esses hormônios no controle do desenvolvimento, inclusive no que se refere à capacidade de regeneração in vitro. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo criar um modelo para se estudar o papel do balanço auxina/citocinina endógeno na competência para regeneração in vitro, através da incorporação das mutações dgt, brt, gf, lutescent, ls e bu, as quais sugerem alterações no metabolismo e/ou sensibilidade hormonal, na cultivar MT. Essas mutações foram caracterizadas quanto à sensibilidade à auxina e citocinina através da obtenção de curvas de dose-resposta, utilizando-se diferentes concentrações de AIA (0; 0.1; 1; 10 e 100 µM) e TDZ (0; 0.01; 0.1; 1; 10 e 100 µM), em segmentos de pecíolo e plântulas germinadas em gerbox, respectivamente. As mutações caracterizadas para auxina e citocinina, bem como o controle MT, foram testadas in vitro, quanto à sua capacidade de regeneração, em meio de cultura MS, suplementado com 5µM de BAP (explantes cotiledonares e segmentos de hipocótilo) e 4,5 µM de Zeatina (segmentos de raiz). Os mutantes lutescent, gf e bu, apesar de possuírem fenótipo bastante interessante, não parecem ser relacionados à sensibilidade à auxina e citocinina, bem como ao etileno. Já os mutantes dgt e brt apresentaram respostas típicas de mutantes com pouca sensibilidade à auxina e citocinina, respectivamente. Dessa forma, a resposta ao balanço AIA/Cks é alterado nesses mutantes, afetando o processo de regeneração. Nos segmentos de hipocótilo, houve formação de calos em todos os explantes, entretanto, poucos explantes formaram gemas adventícias, sendo que o mutante dgt foi o que apresentou menor taxa de regeneração. Nos explantes cotiledonares, a taxa de regeneração foi menor ainda no MT e no mutante dgt, e ausente no mutante brt. Não houve regeneração em nenhum dos genótipos em segmentos de raiz. Esses resultados sugerem que, embora a competência para regeneração in vitro possa ser dependente do balanço AIA/Cks, ou da resposta a esse balanço, existem interações mais complexas entre esses hormônios e seus efeitos na regeneração. A exemplo disso, era de se esperar uma maior formação de gemas caulinares em dgt, já que sua capacidade de resposta ao balanço está voltada para Cks. Um estudo mais aprofundado para a correta interpretação dessa interação deve levar em conta que a sensibilidade à auxina é necessária também no processo de desdiferenciação. Além disso, auxinas e citocininas não só atuam na diferenciação, mas também podem interferir na regeneração, independente do balanço AIA/Cks, já que são necessárias para a expansão e divisão celular. / To date, one of approaches more used to study the metabolism and transduction of hormone signals are the mutants with alterations in genes which encode the principal components of this process. The miniature cultivar of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) named Micro-Tom (MT) possesses reduced size (8 cm) and a life cycle of just 75 days, constituting an excellent model for a genetic approach of physiology studies. Mutants with altered auxin/cytokinin ratio, or in the response capacity to this ratio, can be used to clear up the role of interactions between these hormones in the control of development, including those concerning the in vitro regeneration capacity. The current work aimed to produce a model to study the role of endogenous auxin/cytokinins ratio in the competence for in vitro regeneration, through incorporation of the dgt, brt, gf, lutescent, ls and bu mutations, which concern altered hormone metabolism and/or sensibility, in the MT cultivar. These mutations were tested for the hypothesis of being related to auxin and cytokinin sensibility by means of dose-response curves, using different concentrations of IAA (0; 0.1; 1; 10 e 100 µM) and TDZ (0; 0.01; 0.1; 1; 10 e 100 µM), in petiole segments and gerbox-germinated seedlings, respectively. The mutations confirmed to be auxin and cytokinin related, as well the MT control, were tested in vitro for regeneration capacity, in MS culture media, with either 5µM de BAP (cotyledon explants and hypocotyl segments) or 4,5 µM Zeatin (root segments). The luescent, gf and bu mutants, despite showing an interesting phenotype, do not seem to be related to auxin and cytokinin sensibility, as well as to ethylene. However, the dgt and brt mutants showed typical responses of reduced auxin and cytokinin sensibility, respectively. Thus, the response to auxin/cytokinin is altered in these mutants, affecting the regeneration process. Calli were observed in all hypocotyl segments, however few explants formed adventitious buds, with the dgt mutant presenting the least regeneration ratio. In the cotyledon explants, the regeneration ratio was even less than in MT and in dgt, and absent in the brt mutant. There was no regeneration whatsoever from root segments in any genotype. These results suggest that, although the competence for in vitro regeneration might be dependent on the IAA/Cks ratio, or the response to this ratio, interactions far more complex exist between these hormones and their effects on regeneration. For instance, a greater adventitious buds formation was expected in dgt, because its response ability is biased toward Cks. A deeper study for the correct interpretation of these data should consider that the sensibility to auxin is also necessary in the process of undifferentiation. Besides, both auxins and cytokinins have roles not only in differentiation, but also can interfere with regeneration independent of the IAA/Cks ratio, as they are required for cell division and expansion.

Les conditions d'élaboration et d'énonciation d'une doctrine politico-stratégique dans les organisations pluralistes / Conducting deliberate political and strategic transformation of pluralistic organizations

Sambugaro, Jonathan 28 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse en stratégie vise à comprendre comment les organisations pluralistes, qui combinent une pluralité de logiques d’action, peuvent conduire la transformation délibérée de leurs doctrines. Elle développe une approche originale du travail politico-stratégique dans les organisations pluralistes, approche qui s’appuie sur les théories pragmatistes de la rationalité et des institutions. Les résultats qu’elle présente sont issus d’une recherche de terrain (ethnographie et intervention) réalisée au sein d’une grande mutuelle d’assurance française, la Macif, qui est un acteur référent dans le champ de l’économie sociale. Le premier volet de la recherche a permis d’identifier et d’analyser les obstacles que rencontrent les organisations pluralistes lorsqu’elles cherchent à transformer leurs doctrines. Le second volet a permis de conceptualiser et d’expérimenter les modalités sous lesquelles elles peuvent parvenir à opérer la transformation souhaitée. La thèse présente pour finir un certain nombre de propositions visant à guider l’élaboration de la stratégie des organisations pluralistes / This doctoral research aims at understanding how pluralistic organizations that combine multiple institutional logics can engage in their deliberate transformation. It draws on pragmatist theories of rationality and of institutions to develop a novel perspective on strategy practices and processes in pluralistic organizations. Its results rely on fieldwork (ethnography and research-action) conducted within a French mutual insurance company, Macif, which is a key actor in the field of social economy. Firstly, this research identifies and analyzes the major obstacles that prevent pluralistic organizations from conducting such a transformation. Secondly, it conceptualizes and experiments ways to do so. Finally, this research suggests some methods for strategizing and organizing in pluralistic contexts

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